The Huron News-Record, 1889-12-18, Page 141 4 TIT E IITJRO N'ENV -R TERAISI—S1.50 per Anruum, Sl.25 lu Ad'weui•e. 1NDEelINDENT IN ALL TILIN(1E, NEUTRAL 1N NOTHING WHITELY & TODD, Publllebea b VOL. XI.—NO. 56. CLINTON-, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1889 Hardwar Removal, In announcing my Removal to J. C. Detlor & Co's old and well- known stand on the corner of North Street, I would gall atten- tion to my large stock of General and Ship HARDWARE, a stook that for extensiveness in range and reasonableness in price oan- not be excelled in Huron. I also take this opportunity of thanking my many friends for the patronage that has necessi- tated a removal to more commo- dious premises, and request a continuance of the same at the new stand. JAMES YATES. GODEI►ICH, Oct. 21st, 1889. Reath (1arresptindence Goderieh. The high school will close at the end of present week. For all kinds of Xmas candies, fruits and biscuits call at Ball's. At the time of writing there is not a case of diphtheria iu Goderich. There will be a Ineoting of the the Board of trade this evening. Early Connnnnion at St. George's last Sunday, Tho exanduetion iu couuoctiou' with the public school is now 'in progress. The Godur•ich\Iodu1 School Students returned to their several homes last \\reduesd+y. A number of our business men have issued neatc,aleudurs as adver- tisements. Dr. Cassaday has moved iuto the house on Colborne street recently occupied by Mrs. Forbes. On account of the absence of the rector the usual service will nut. be held at St. George's this eaening, Zeal l!arreopaudettre Goderich. The ladies of St. George's (net iu the School momou Monday after- noon and made arrangements for decorating the church for the Xmas services. The statement of the receipts and expenditure presented to the Coun- cil on Monday 'even'ing by 'the Mayor and Treasurer, shows receipts $62,000.85 and expenditures $59,- 046.66 and balance ou hand $2,- 962.19. At:the. regular meeting of the Maitland Lodge, •A. F. & A. M., Goderich, on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst.,officers for the corning year were elected as fellows : Bro. H. W. Ball, W. M.; R. Park, S. W.; Jas. Craigie, J. W.; A. Straiton, Chap- lain; S. Sloan. Treasurer; \V. A. Rhynas, Secretary ; T. J. Videsu, Tyler. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION On Thursdpy evening, the 5th instant, Mr. R. Park, principal of the Goderich Model School, was surprised by the students in train- ing assetnbling at his residence and bringiug with them a bountiful sup- ply of good things. After reading the accompanying midterm and pre, senting Mr. Park with a complete and elegant set of Sir Welter Scott's works, the evening was iu a very enjoyable ,tumuner and the party broke up at about twelve o'clock. DEAR TIACIIl l , —I1 i, with feelings uf deepest .tegret that se realize that our p•esent relation as teacher and pupils is about to be severed, and we cannot part without giving tangible expression to the many feelings of respect and esteem which you have awakened within us, since we were so fortunately placed in our present relation. • \\'e clearly pereeivo'that the remarkable interest you have evinced in our welfare has been peornpted by motives and princi- ples higher and nobler than a mere sense of duty, which have been a grand inspir- ation and example, and which have iu1- .planted in all of us the tritest sense of re- spect and affection which a few years will not. efface. Mr. Roht. Park, principal of the central school, ie, presiding at the high school entrance examination at ,Exeter. The aunual sale of books and peri- odicals in cunuection with the Me- chanics Institute took place on Monday evening. At the regular meeting of Huron Encampment No.28, I.O.O.F., next Monday evening, tho Semi Annual election of officers will take place. Thu "Young People's Literary Society," 'in connection with the Presbyterian,chureh met on Thurs- day last. The following programme was presented to a good audieuce : Chores, Choir ; Solo, Miss Ander- son.; Address, "Every man the architect of his own fortune," Rev. .+"Mr. Anderson ; Month -organ duet; Messrs Beacham aud Story ; Quar- tette, Messrs J. Thompson, Mc- Donald, Currie and Cameron ; Reading, Mr. Currie ; Solo, Miss L. Bailey ; Reading, Miss Blair; Solo, Mrs. Anderson ; Recitation, Miss Sands; Mouth -organ duet, Messrs Beacham and Story. Messrs J. J. Russell and Korr of lowa have been in town the past few days shelving a patent fruit barrel, and wo understand the first named gentleman has Fold the right to manufacture in this district to Mr. J. Williams. The now barrel allows plenty of ventilation; there being a vacancy between each stave; it (ray the usual heading, and is held together by a hoop at each end, one inside in the centre, and wire binding outside, The barrel is some five pounds lighter by the alteration and it is claimed they(can 1)0 used for fine goods, such as meal &e, by the use of an oiled paper inside. The regular meeting of the High School Literary Society was held on Friday last and was well attend- ed. The election of officers for the ensuing term took place resulting as follows :—President, Mr. \riving; let Vice, Miss I[utton ; 2nd Vice, Miss Mc('orrnac ; Secretary, Miss Parsons ; Sec, of Committee, Miss Rusk ; Treasnrer, Mr. Lineham ; Editress, Miss Florrie Doyle; Librarian, Mise N. Strachan ; Councillors, Misses Ausebrooko and Sillors and •Mr. Tiffin, The business for the evening being over, the following programme was given sand was well revolved :—Chorea, (:leo Club; Recitation, Miss (1. Johnston ; Reading, Mr. Lloyd ; Solo, Mica N. Crabb ; Erlitress Selections, Miss Halls ; Dialogue( Misses U, .folinston, E. A usebrooke F. Robertson, and L. Robertson ; ('horns by the gentlemen of the Rebar,(; Ilecitetiun, Miss N. Strach- an ; Reading, \t iss �f. Frazer ; Jetting, 1115v 1,. Graham : Qaes- tfon Drawer, If, f, Strang, B. A, ; (.;horns, members. oral (narrcopautleute. Gcdorich Mr. J. J. L'rowu of the Inland Revenue department has been promoted to the position of Assist- ant Collector at Sarnia, anti will shortly leave fur that town. We are sorry to lose so courteous a gentle- man, though much pleased at his udvancemiut. Mr. Andrew Williamvon has re- turned to town for the winter his ship having been put iu winter quarters. We understand that',our old frieud Captain J. W. Green will not return home this winter his duties uneoisit.ating his constant attendance on his vessel. We understand that Mr. F. 1•I. Spence of the Inland Revenue department will relieve Mr. J. J. Brown. As the gentleman, who was formerly stationed in Goderich, has one of Goderich's charming daugh- ters as a partner, it is likely the transfer will lie as acceptable to him- self as it is to his many friends. \'ou have labored constantly to create within us a love for our work, a true sense of the important position for which von have spared neither time nor pains to lit us, and by your kindness, sympathy and willingness to assist us, you have given us a true estimate of the importance of the work upon which wo are soon to enter. \Vo shall evur be able to look back to the few mouths we have spent with you, with cheerful and pleasant recollections, and now, as we are about to part we ask you to accept this as a token of our respect and esteem, au.l tiro high appreciation which we hold of your earnest endeavors on our behalf. We earnestly hope that you and your family may be long spared in your lives of usefulness, and that kind friends and prosperity may lie yours under the blessing of !leaven, which maketh rich but athleth no sorrow. Signed on behalf of the school students, E)II IN. AnnrsON, ELEANolt \V:1T•UN, R. N. HAYS, '1'. F. I'Al rElrsoN. Ooderich, Dec. ;,th, 1889. Mr. Park made a suitable reply and commended the students for the zeal, earnestness and caro .each had given to the work of the ses- sion.' PURELY PERSONAL. RIyt11. Mr. Geo. King is l,nsy taking the. school ee08u8 Mr, Thos, Jones is on the sink list these days. A special meeting of our town fathers was held in Iud'Istry hall ou Monday evening. Capt Wm, McLean returned to town last week. Captain A. M. Sheppard returned home lee: rveek. Mr., el- Malcomson arrived home ou ,Saturdat Nr. R ,',ort Porter M. 1'. loft for home on I'uursday. Captain A. Chambers returned to town last Saturday. Mr. II. Secord has returned from his visit to Manitoba. The Warden of the County was in town on Saturday, Mrs. Jordan and children left on Friday on a visit to Montreal, Mr. R. H. Collins barrister of Exeter was in town last week. Rev. Mr. Racey of Blyth was in the circular town on Monday. Mr. L. Rightmeyer of Kincardine was in town two days last week. Mr..J. II. Johnston of Blyth was in the Circular town ou Saturday. Mr. C. R. Rutledge of Bayfield last week visited the county town. /'-'•fl..,; [olmstead barrister of Sea - forth was in the circular town Last week. Mr. Ed Doyle was able to bo out for an airing several times the past week. Captain Jno. McLean having laid his ship up has returned home. Mr. William Kay has been con- fined to the ,house the past week by i11 1181101) tion. Mr. A, Straiton, G. T. R. Agent, mot with a mishap last week, by which his ankle was injured. Mr. \\'tit. .Jessup of Chicago formerly of (;udorich w ill spend 8 few weeks in town. Jossup came to town with Mr. Ed Doyle. • On Saturday Mrs; i\fcElroy mot with a scvelu loss in the licttli of a v.alu:tble cow by iutivuulatiun, Mr. Alex. Snaith dripped it couple of carloads of dressed hogs from this station on Friday to Moatroal. A largo number of citizens at - tondo(' our public school examina- tions ou Friday. Mr. 'L'hos. l'utler returned front his trip to the -Northwest ou Friday. He speaks highly of that portion of our great Dominion. M \\'ill flovir r, aur old time resident,( piped at this station on D[ond ty from 'Manitoba, t,n a visit for a short ti-.. 4n,ung,et old friends. ova (R..orreopoutlettre. Port Albert. John Borden and wife, of Sarnia, are paying a visit to Cuulmo- dore Husteu. Juhu is an qld .resi- dent of this place. Capt. McDonald and au assistant are on the warpath huntiug up logs and luuiber along the lake shore. "Beach-coulbers" had better keep their weather eye open ,or they may get into the "sant(." Miss 'Bui'rows, who has been teaching- our school for the past three years, has been re engage&for the ensuiug year, This is a platy good •record for the young lady as a school teacher. . Municipal agitatiou,is dull, vary little :talk or excitement about it. I presume the old ones will go in by acclamation, and its just as well and prepare, for a big- fight next Juue when Mowat, "trust go." Wingham railway stock is some- • what below par just uow. The bulls and bears are speculating a little on the Ilatnilton bru,ueh and trust the man of physic ainat figures will keep the rolling stuck in a healthy condition. The contractor for Che new church and his Wren have . not been at work at the church during- the past three weeks. \Vhets up Don ald? The committee will be after you with a hot stick. New Year's opouing will, I tear, bo .loft out in the cold But you are °aiming anyway and will get throrigh before spring. 1 roust uow conclude, and super- intend the foediug of our big turkey fors xuu►s dinner ; permit ore, Mr.Editor, to invite you to partake of a (rind quarter with us at 6 o'clock, sharp, on the evening of the 25th. [Won't promise. But if we had the' ono time mooted railway exten• sion from Woodstock via St. Marys and Clinton to Port Albert, wo would eurelp lied our way to Tutkey.]—Editor. 1 dila ` News-Jrecord. Mr. W,,tsan, a former editor of the Slaur,lru'rl, 'bet uow of fort Elgin, spent two or three days here this week amongst old acquaintances. Our auctioneer, C. Hamilton, has no loss than seven sake to attend to this week. Charley can't. be beat at wielding the mallet. Illytli's popular comic vocalist Mr. W. Shane has been engaged to make his appearance at a eotleart at the Nile on Friday evening. The committee 1s to be congratulated on s a !ring the services of Will, as he is h whole concert in himself. Tho Christmas entertaiuniot iu connection with 'Trinity Church Sunday School of this village will take place in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening 20th , Doct:. Doors open at 7, to commence at 8, admission as usual, Excellent pro- gramme. There will be service at Trinity church ou Christmas day, at 11 a.m. Special tnusical service is being prepared. Celebration -of Holy Com- munion after the service. Tho church has been i .i..lsomoly aud appropriately decorated. Tho Canadian IIousehold troops band ot'the Salvation army invaded our town on Friday eftornoon and played some very fine music on the, streets. In the evening a mooting was hold by then( in the Temper- ance hall which was well attended, the price of admission being small. A meeting of the Liberal Con- servative Association is to bo bold in the Orange hall ou Thursday at 8 p. m. for the purpose of •organiz- ing and other business. The fol- lowing gentlemen will ho present and deliver addresses, Pros. Jos. Bock, F. W. Johnston of Crodorich, A. M. Todd of Clinton and others. A full attendance is requested, Early on Saturday morning the barn on the Moore Lloyd farm and contents, also reaper and waggon, wore consumed by fire. This is the second building that has been do- voured by the fiery elements since the property has belonged to air. Andrew Sloan. Incendiarism is supposcd'to be the cause of this one. Much sympathy is felt hero for Mr, Sloan in his losses. HCIATave. There will bo sorvico in Trinity church hero on Christmas day at 2.30 p. m. Celebration of the Iloly (iommtin ion afterward, Christmas; untolt.aiunmtit fu cue- nectiou tvitll Trinity church S. S. of this place will ho held in the Forester's hall on Monday 23rd Deer. Deere open at 7, to tom• 11)01100 at 7,30. p, m. A good pro• gramme m,tv lin nxprefNI, 'Phase desiring of giving presents trill govern themselves nor•,oralingly. Admission 111 and 15 rents. goal Q O1Tt paufience Sumulerhill. Mr. George Hill has sold a large brown mare to American buyers. We do not know the price, but are sure from the appearance of the animal he sold that it was " away up." Mr. Hill has been very sec ceseful this season iu. his deal's in horseflesh. • There will be a public examiva-' tion at which prizes will bye given on Thursday, 19th inst., to which every resident of the section and all otters interested in education are invited. A number of teachers are expected to assist in 'the examina- tion. There was a dancing party at Mr John McLaughlan'e on the evening of Wednesday, llth inst. There" was it large number present, amongst who were residents uf Belgrave, Blyth and Stanley. Ail enjoyed themselves immensely and uuly separated whou the clock gave three strokes and was threatening them with four. The folloiviug is the atauding of the public school here for the year 1889, based on punctuality, dili- gence and cunduct,duling the year : Sr. 4th—\Vabd.'on Laith'eaite, Ber- tie Murphy, Robt. Thompson. Jr. 4t11—Geo. W. Hill, Chas. H. Johnaton, Robt. \Vatkins. Sr. 3rd—Sara Nesbitt, Lionel Laithwaite, Amelia Mason. Jr, 3rd—Dora Sprung, Eerily Jordan, John 'Wright. Sr. 2nd—Minnie Thompson, So - dine Watkins, Lizzie Lowery. Jr. 211d—Rosa Wright, Ethelbert Dlcllveen, Annie Tyner. II. Part—Ethel May Jordan, ata - bol Sheppard, Arthur Huck. I. Pant—Eva Johustou, Vinio Woodyard, Stewart Hill. Dt;AR Sia,—'Chore is a saying that murder will out. The same may be said of treachery. No doubt you will remember the Railway meeting at Dungannon, oa Novr. 7 called by the Mayor of(oderich, at which cer- tain people broke faith with our village, and passed a resolution that Dungannon should go in with Godes•- ich ial getting" a, charter from the latter town by way of Dungannon to Wingham. No one believed that any one in Dungannon was capable of treating person, village' or town- ship with such base treachery as has been meted out to this village and to Ashfield township by certain self- ish leeches residing in our sister village. The following are facts and may serve to open the, eyes of those whom the hook is already baited to catch. Mr. Willie Stewart has sold his farm 1 And who to ? The Dun- gannon correspondent of the Goder- ich Signal says to Messrs. G. W. Berry of Lucknow, J. B. Crawford of Dungannon and a Goderich gentle- man. herein, Mr. Editor, is the secret of the betrayal of Port Albert. I hear from the neighbors that the plotting grabbers have platted the farm out in town lots, and Dungannon is now said to be nearly double the size it was two months ago, without any additional population, The pur- ,•liasers get credit for the increase, (silt credit will not pay for the farm. They want cash. \VIII they get it out of these town lots? They will, as all the fools are not dead yet, and fools are ever ready to risk their money in lots in any village that agitates a railway, whether it comes or not. And the sellers, with good money in their pockets, will laugh at their dupes. I dope, no Port Albert or Ashfield man will be caught by uncertain railway promises. Men of Port Albert and Ashfield, leave Dungannon lots alone. Let Ooderleh, Dungannon, Wingham and Lucknow people bite, if they wish. '('here will be plenty of lots for us to nibble at after the rails are laid in Dungannon. Railroads are not built in a day. The chatter is not renewed; the bonuses are not voted; getting them is very doubtful. Ashfield won't give any. Widngham, I am told, does not want the road to pass them, consequently no bonus there. "Goderich," the Mayor said at Dungannon, " cannot build the roads." Is Colborne and the Wawa - noshes ready to do it all? I trow not. The folloving poetic and prophetic lines were found op the road between Lucknow and Dungannon: rr Before the weather is warm 13 winks, and says to C, The lots in Stewart's farm Will raise money for you and me." I an, Dear Mr. Editor, your occasion- al correspondent, HONESTY. Port Albert Deer lfith 1889, ,Auburn. Next Sunday Rev, Mr. Macey of Myth will have Christmas sorvico hero in the evening at (i 3!1, instead of on Christmas clay, Mr. l'loughtnan, who has been living on the Pinker f+n•tn for some gongs, has rented the McCabe farm end will remove (bore about the first of March, saissessessehsesses WHOLE 11 T0: 582 goal tarmpengtoee Benmiller. The standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Colborne, for the month of November ie as below ; based on diligence, punctuality and general conduct. Average attend:: auce 3'3, number on roll 48. Part L—Rachael Million, Minnie Malloy, Kathleen Armstrong. Part II.—Louiee Alliu, Wm. Henry McClure, Amanda Maedel. 2ud.—Lillie Malloy, John Col- linson, Richard Mitchell. Jr. 3rd.—Bertie Sobartte, A lex. Malloy.. Sr. 3rd.—Thomas Johns, Emma Holzhousen, Rebecca McClure. Jr. 4th.—Jennet Million, Mar- garet Malloy. Sr. 4th.—Nelson Malloy, Claud Mitchell, Jane Blake. A public school exa►uination will be bold in the above named school on Monday the 21stinst. The rate- payers of the section are earnestly requested -'to be present. All are made welcome.—A. D. Scott, teach- er. A Christmas tree will be held in the German Church, 2nd concession of Colborne, on Christmas night, a gopd time is expected. Godertch 'township. Mr. Geo. Sheppard has been engaged for another year to teach at Tayl`or's sellout house. Mr. George McCnitney of the 16th con., is at preeeut very ill with an overflow of blood to the brain. Wo hope soon to be ab.e to announce his resturatiou to health. Mr. T. D. Tichbor•ne and others in his vicinity are doing their fall or spring ploughiug. It seemed rather late for the one and rather early for the other. Prof. L. S. Lochebd, president of the phonographic department, Taylor's College, New York State, is at present visiting hie brother-in-law, Mr, S. L. Scott of this township About as week ago there was a suc- cessful toameeting at Taylor's corner church at which Messrs Rev. Camp- bell of llolntesvillo, IIutton of Geld - oriels, and a number of sweet singers from the latter place wore present. Tho Sunday School was benefitted by the good time. aA • ilillsgrecu. Mr, W. S. Swafiield, of the Oakes Organ company, was hero on Tues- day evening of last .week. At the regular mooting of Loyal Orange Lodge, 308, the following officers wore elected for the year : W. M., John Cousit ; D: M., John Gorby ; Chap:, John Maxwell ; Treas., James Keys ; Fin. Sec., Geo. Parker ; Recording Sec., \V m. C011. Sit ; D. of C , Andrew Wiley ; lst Com., John Wilson. The Methodists of this place have purchased one of the Oakes Organ Company's excellent organs for the use of the Sabbath Schpol, and in- tend holding ,their annual Musical and Literary Entertainment on the evening of December 20. An ex- cellent programme has been pre- pared, and Mr. Oakes, of Clinton, will also assist in making the affair superior to anything before attempt- ed at Hillsgreen. Varna. Varna L. 0. L. 1035 met on Thursday, tiro 5th Dec. Tho fol- lowing officers were elected and in- stalled for the coming year : Bros. \Vin. Rathwoll, \V. M.; Robert Mc- Ilt,eou, I). M.; James Campbell, Chaplain;Rohn Torranco, Rec. Soc.; L. Beatty, Fin. Soc.; Chas Foster, Treas.; Jas. Colwell, Lecturer; John Reid, John ,Johnston, .John Tippet, Rueben Graham, Nichol Harrison, committee; Geo. Beatty, Jas. Camp- bell, Auditors. No. 1035 has been in existence 30 years, the 17th of this month, the warrant first being granted to Bro. \Vm. Jie(lynont. Two of the present officers hull municipal offices. After the elec- tion four members were advanced to the Purple dogree,anal' et the prev- 1011s meeting five wnl'a' exalted to the sane degree. A big it. A. 1'. meeting will be hold some time this winter. The lodge is in a prosperous condition and has a good lot of officers. Hayfield. Thu Methodists will have a Xmas tree entertainment in the town hall Imre on the evening of Monday 23rd Dec. Admission 10 cents. Pleasant timo expected. The pub• lic invited. 'rho pupils 'and teachers of the Church of England S. S., Bayfield, intend holding their annual Xmas entertainment on Thursday evening next, in the town hall. Owing to some difficulty in securing the hall the date has been changed from the 23rd, as'announced, to the 19th,•for which evening the following• noted vocalists have been secured :-- 't1,essrs, Share n+;.l Tanner u:' in their culubtatea"comic aL 1. c:,, c- anter songs which have been eu,ab to crowded houses in all }mite of tho country ; Miss Nicol of Strat ford, Scotch Voc+list ; \f r, Terry, lately from England, will sing sumo of the best English songs. The • Misses Dams of Blake, Mrs. Itodg- ins and Miss Morgan of Bayfield. Mr. McTavish of Varna anti others will contribute to the evenings to — tertain►nent. Good readnugs and recitations, instrumental music on the organ, harmonica and gritar aro also on the programme. Don't fur• `. get the date, 'Thursday 1; ih, our the admission, ouly 15 cent,, lullett Mr. Thos. Archer of the 5th eon., had a sawing bee .o•n Wednesday Dec. 4th getting about 45 cords cut. It wound t.lp very pleasantly and merrily with a dance in the seen - lug, about 25 couples being present. Splendid music was furnished by Mr, Bayley. The kindness and hospitality of tho host and family was a pleasant incentive to the evening's enjoyment and we all went away saying, Tom is a jolly good fellow. J. W. was there but he forgot his satchel, therefoee would not, join in the dancing. Winthrop. The teauieeting and lecture w (tic was to have takou place hero ou the evening of the 18th, under the aus- pices of our Orange lodge, has been postponed until early in January. Tho brethren intend to crake it 0110 of the best ev cuts of the season. I Las Todd, of Ciiutou, has promise 11 to toll us all about au Orangeunau's obligation. THE JURY'S VOICE. At het silence is broken. rester day the jury in the notorious Cronin case brought in a verdict, of "not guilty" as regards T:.'z a "guilty of manslaughter in the case of Kunzo and fix his punishment at three years in the penitentiary" : "guilty of murder in the case of Coughlin, Burke and 11',-:x: lie 1. and fix their punishment '.r. in • prisonment in the poniteuti:ary fe: the terms of their natural lives." In Illinois the jury fix the punish• hent. Thus for the time lila toiled one of the most dastardly cnnspirc- cies, by which one 1)r. Cronin was decoyed from his home in Chicago in May laht, brntally murderer( end his body thrown into a matt hole in one of the sewers. Cronin's oftener) Aas that he attempted to shoe' how seem:11 hundred thousand dollars slrbselilted to "free Ireland" had Iter a embezzled by the 0tlicers of 1lie 11ih++rniau, Clan•ne-(lael or tIher so ailed :\tnerican Irish 5001,•11.•-. A new trial has. been aeloel for by counsel for the convict- ed. 1