The Huron News-Record, 1889-12-11, Page 8ttAmtle P1WD Absolutely Pure. This itowdorelever varies. A marvel of purl.y, strength and wholesomeness. More economies.' than,the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In c)mpetition with the multitude of low test, retort weight alum or phosphate powders. .' ' l• c dy in cads. rooms BAs Na "owees. Co. LI Wall St.1 N. Y. The Huron News -Record 81:60 a Year -$1.25 in Advance. a'3Z' The rn.so does not Flu justice to his business ho speeds tease in a•tuestisi,y, than he does io rent. -h T. STewanT, the ,nillionnire vn rant of New Yo„ k. Wed+resiP,y, • Dcr, lltlt 1889 de" You will find the nicest assort- ment of Fancy China Goods for use- ful Xmas presents at DICKSON'S. PARLOR CO •)L S•rove for sale, at a big barga•n. Apply at Tom Nlstvs-REcoitu office. WE F. canoe in a few days about $1000,00 worth of Miscellaneous Books. These are a direct Shipment iron) Geo. Routledge & Sons of London,England, and left Liverpool on the 17th inst by the Steamship "Parisian" of the Allan Li ie. CHRIS DICK:401C, Clinton. Boy Wanted. To learn the Art of Ptinting. Must be truthful and honest and have a fair edu- cation. One whose parents reside in town preferred. A good opening for the right Foy. Apply at THE NEWS•RECORD OFFICE I3'AN elegant lot of New Plush Goole received this week at DICK SON'S Bookstore. 1. PROF. Lo a1'rE', "'NNWSvwrzst,ti's creating greater interest than ever its 11. parts of the country, and persons )vi,I1ing to improve their uowory should send 1'n• his prospectus tree as advertised hi another column. 579-4t - ORANOF, CHART, with glass and frame, for sale at •a very low: figure. Apply at Tiii NEws•T:ccur:i, office. OVER 5,000 RoLL.S OF WALL PAPER, latest designs, just received at Dickson's Rook Store. Look out for bargains. • PrtvA. , no, : , •r,.-Thrrs or fot • young men wino may w'ab to teal a arraag - ments fo. the ne:.t Colleg.ate 'Institute term can secure boa.•1 at a private Loose. Apply at the News -E,•. o office • TEE C int• n Gun Cluh want a large number of live pigeons, to be delivered at the Queen's hotel on or before the 1901. A match will take place in Clinton on the 20th. ear Xates nu'obers of ti'e leading English, American and Canadian papers are now for sale at DJ ,•,isON'S Bookstore. A Canuv SOCIAL : ml este.ia•'•'ment will be given on Monday the 160 fast 'n St. Paul's au ch Schoolroom, by ire Women's At' -ilia, v, admission 10 cents, candies extra. A11 cordially :vitt . Rost::t's,uv's Great Gift Sale comunen•1ep to -mors ow. 415r CHRISTMAS will soon 120 hone. Make your selections early. Pick out what you want and we will put it away for you till lases eve, if you wish. -C. DICKSON, Clinton. •Go to Jotts,;•,o l and ARMOR, Albert street, for bargains in Robes, Ho'•se Cloth- ing, Mat nes4, etc. etc. Trt.r, LEI , r HHE of lion. Will Cuarb •c}:, ex. Lieut. -Gov. of Indiana, to he deliver- ed under the auspices ot the Mechanics Institute promises to be an elltertaiilment of no ovtlinary•metit. Gov. A. G. Porter sreaks of'Alr. Cumback in the following tattering.terms a-"t1ov. Will Curnback is en.lmred with st (king ori•;inality of thought, asel a rare gift of humor. Ilia humor is Rover allowed to dero1erate into drollery, but is skillrul'y used as an aid to sust in the 4nterest in his theme. Ilia style is pure and concise and his voice admirable. Town hall, Cliutc.i, Doer 19. ter RAPHAEL TUCK & SON'S wefts- •'^ Christmas Cards and Novelties have arrived from London, England. They are the nicest in the world and the prices are very low this year. For sale only'at 1)u I eoN's Bookstores, Clinton. LOCAL NEWS. i rt and Around. the "flub.' Iowa A. MR. CEO. HAS,.EY has been laid up with an affection of the bo•uchial tubes, but is getting better. EXTRA servicts have been held during the week in the Ontario St. Methodist church, some o7 them commencing et 5 o'clock iu the morning, 3f,, 1Hn. COMBE has purchased the Race)? residence, HOLY COMMUNION at St. Paul's chuioh next Sunday mot niog at y o'clock. MRS. A. J. COURVOE Of Clinton is visiting tree maw/ thtende at Dun- baroon.-PLIberi:eg Newt. MR. JOHN A. PROCTOR, of Holmes - villa, returned the other day from a visit to friends in Michigan. MR. J. H. Comae has taken up Toys, Books., Novelties, Fancy Goods, Notions, .his residence on the Racey property, :&c., &c. We offer a GREAT VARIETY of APPROPRIATE PRE - which he recently purchased. e S'EN'T for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. We can supply a suitable IIOLIDAY :-: PRESENTS � -o 0- 4e We are ready for busiuees with an immense assortment of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. THE NEW, THE NOVEL, AND THE BEAUTIFUL aro all included in our spleudid line of Ex. MAYOR FORRESTER the othee day attempted an amateur anatomi- cal operation but desisted after hack- ing his knee and corning into contact with the bone. COUNCILLOR JOHNSTON atteuded the shouting match, at Mr. Bast 's, just across the Holmesville bridge, on Wednesday last, and brought home four cr five fine birds. MESSRS CHRYSTAL AND BUCK, the well known boiler makers ot'(a'del • ioh, offer to establ',h a 1.• eettine and general r.,paue eht,p 1r Seef•.rth pr..vided they are given a h nee of vti3O; 0. The firm 1•e a reliable one. OFFER AS REQUESTED. -At the unanimous request of the vestry of St. James' Church, St. Mary's, the Bishop of Hugon has offered the appointment of rector of the said church•to Rev. T. W. Magahy, of Seafnith. A. RAILWAY is hooted from Hanril- tuu via Listowel and Blyth to CToder• ich. With the curnpletion of this and the one from Guelph J•.ont.ion via Clinton o some poiut or points on Lake Huron the geed, t'esalted eras v.ifl have beeu tapped petty liberally. MR. ELI BA1'aS.AN, now of Silver Lake, Indiana, is on the old stamp- ing grounds here, fur a time. He hus concluded to dispose of his farm in Goderich township and the im- plements thereon at the Commer- cial Hotel, Clinton, on Saturday Deur. 14. / Mo. D. CooK lost a dollar bill Saturday evening in his store. Mr. §. J. Andrews found it on 'the dem- per or the stove, almcst acceded, and returned it to the owner. Mr. Cook in ietuin seated the crowd to applre, about 18 COS.:Were partak- ing in the feast. Met. Ar'tx Me•-esov, reete of Vaughan township, the place or his i„ 1h, dei there one day '1st o-r••lr. 11 -ceased rO•(A series ag., 1: red In 1.•,'bore() ..•,reship, resent., of .14..••on, a'rd filled the pesstis,n of de- • ,,i.v reeve apal tot• the time he re• aided there. Q. C's..-Ihe Dominion autbo, ities Fare heed ref everting a rs.''n .•: of delete; otic : a •l'dt-ns tut 1 high ten eel Q, .,d.,'s G•,.•••s:1. A bother t1•e neini,ialed when they see she Q. C. t;enkedorsse lar th.t,guntleinen'enames v) is' e••iiclode that it meees Queer Cass deponent with not. WILL SHE 'MIEN SFE WON'T. - Three years ago seven gills in Huron county resolved never to marry. Now they aro all provided with husbands except one arid arrangements are in progress for her marriage at an early date. Verily, when a woman says she won't she will, AUCTIONEER CARLiNG, of Clinton, /has received notification from a New o•k ba ring fire) that there are $150,000,000 of uac'aimed tnoney, in ' Europe awaiting distribution among heirs in Amesic.i; and that if he will send his name wi•h other particplars he will hoar of some - thine to his as;vantage. A syndi- cate is talked of for the purpose ot forwarding Mr. Carling's inquiries. BLOOD W'LL TELL. -That Cana- dian blood will tell in all the posi- tions of life, among the many, in- stances of it in Chicago, and more especially just now when that city is booming for a World's Fair there in L892 at a cost of $10,000,000, we find, among the other liberal sub- scribers to the fund, Rnnj. Allen, formerly 'of Goderich, down for $2,500. Mr. Allen is a brother of ;.In. Aut.souy Allen of Colborne and Mrs. Georges Cox and Mrs. Abra ham Smith of the circular town. 111n.C; •a,l' .rt,e ccnddeputy- lnrva r•1' S,eph•:I,, bus dec's od hes •lenti,.u) sJ Irsign :'.-e office fur ,.tee el i,,o yea _N.. •e( Ti,. see ti r0 41 f.•'li ha,.,e that this ;once t fe ore .,ell roe's des!. All Either is ono of t"o hast ,,nsted, niolth IUiet'i• wee, e•4i 1•'ue si mem'oere ot' Our s•,,, ei 1. it;.e1'..•rent.•e„Shonld it teen eel, lu 1.0 c. act, Stems llu•r,n eo,•'e1 rot r'•' better than so seed Mr. El'hor i r'stern:ent Chet eou- sl itu.,',cy ;n tie Unia'e'u A85eml.l r, Ile w-,,r•'ri 013 e edit :e its'^., . auto 1.• r•, Ile is eye "g aed of cun,:Jr, 1.10 f..esin of r',.. ;eerie, and 1,4 00 •'Ut ••''-'0 n •y dlso, rieey to the B • :•t A .eh. 1.s9hn,.. who now rot, filo t'.irling, when we soy that A};.r.i't•e. .,. 1e1 b- an irnt•iovo- meet on Il'''•r,.,, We do nut rig re with ties l:. l• ,;:l;'•n of Gode-ioh that Al r, Ell -'I0.1 is ueily an "Rid fit n.e," 11.•1 it he Inas seen hie i,eht ftsy, • d it wo..1.1 he an act ore^.0:ni,•i; .0 him to tett •e vulnutari- ly .sheer ho deposed. Gift for OLD or YOUNG, at any sum ynu desire to spend. Chris. Dickson, Linton. MISS E>1MA LkIRD, of Toronto, e visiting Mrs. Jus. Reith. MR. W. M. KNIGHT, of Code. "oh township, gave 'Test NEwa-Reeoau a frieudly call yesterday. INOPECFOIt Tom, of Goderioh, was in town Friday and Saturday and iu connection with Inspector Mal- loch examined the students attend- iugsthe Model School here. Satur- day afteinoou inspector 'I'olu pro- ceeded to Seaforth on the saute hugi. ness, and was similarly engaged at Goderich on Mobday. IF our readers should see any- thing exeeediogly funny in this weeks News-RE:olro blame it 00 Grip's Culnical Almanac for 1890. We have received two copies of that interesting annual. One of thein from W. Cooper and Co's bookstore aull the other from the publishers, with the •coo plimenie of both firma. TURN we now from gay to grave. We have 'received from Chris. Dick- son, bookseller, a complimentary copy of the Canadian Almnuac for 1890, a valuable compendium o' useful information. A work almcet indispensable to every business man and farmer. It contains the Dames of all the post offices iu the Domin- ion, the Canadian tariff of Cnstonis etc, els. - ,.,• .. MR. JAHES POTTER whose farm adjoins Blyth shipped to Alont:ua, short time ego, a.'thoro' bred Cots• weld ram, for breeding purposes on a ranch ;bele. It was shipped by express, the charges amounting to 80.00. It goes witboalt•sayiug that the "beagle" must have been an ex- cellentoue to justify such a large out- lay for transporration charges, and Mr Potter received a correspond- ingly good Fgure for it. ' SAID To- TFr•.TI1E- . TIE -sr .-•The folln,.ing;oin iy was d;see.e''1 in Crernrren' s said 1r) be 1. y a,• ; rl ha best kr,. ,s1 :--At the hist indication of dil,ht.he•ia in the 11, ,at of a child mal a the seem c• -•.-e; tee.' i'lr -, a tin tap feed pour lets) it a qu'ait',ty Pt '• and terpeetine, eq"i,l ports. Thou held else ( •n (,t,v his li e so eq 1J 1-111 ;'.16 iu•im )1 ii.h 1...1.,r. ' I'he le patir,it, 'n- ..rtielg t:1e r...'ws will e.,uoh up ,,.d spit ...,t all the menlbravonq wetter; sod the diph- theria will pelta off, The f,• ties of the ter and tu•pentiue 1,;•,es.n the matter in the threat and thus PT..•drt ing the relief ih-t bas baffled the skill of phjei^iaus. ' 'ESOPHAGQTOSIY.-The following is takers r• t: The J% s ,'.•e, and the medical ma,, '• ilei .d t, is a Cel- lbo•tsar "bo,'•. 1' .d -f,a Salle. a le ot ng tees, veto,, o• age, residacg ,i the city ':', 1.141 misfortdne to Iv wallow a sat of 'se te.-th on Sen - ay. The rubber s'at.e •'r conne,:- Iv with his tteVht, 41 dee•al anger - Mei at, ek in hie ces.eplr..Jus. -fa pas ie,,t.,d to tb, h. S..il•.1 and the #phYbh•i.es Lille fie•en. it ieeposeible Lo remote th's obet .,•stt.,,1 tts•oroh the mouth. A o1•I seltatlon was hold on the case yenta day, w hen it was de,eided t',at the perfur•i.auca of resop'•.eagr,tomy was the oily menus of r •vieg La Salle's life. Now, ts.-c•ps's gotn"y is :•n ogee etir•n w rich had neve' :sere -0 b:.•.n pf-rf•• as;sd ie the hnr,,•it•tl nr in '1', ode). However, `t)r. Me• 1', hagls he:e.•tied the 1 „il'e and. ilea t, -11,h tare : -ken out s;;:user• 11y. Who sus the iiiir eine ot•'ltelo0ta are not oral,ing pis, s se l ,JULY 12TH 1890. -The committee en the coming coleLration took in- itiatory steps in the matter a short time since, and the result, 83 far, is very satisfactory indeed. Our busi- ness men and citizens in general ale strongly in favor of having a monster celebration in Clinton next 12th July. Liberal assistance, financially, has already boon offered. There is no reason why 15,00) visitors cannot be brought to 'Cline ton on the occasion. Tho commit- tee will shortly call on our people with a subscription list and we believe all will respond liberally. United-rction will bo required, and Clinton can have the largest gather- ing ever witnessed in Western Ontario. It is intended that many attractions, sports, etc., will bo pro- vided, if the funds will permit, so that a great day's enjoyment will be in store for the great multitude. 1' ei thor particulars will be made known in a short time. In the meantime our citizens and businetq men will be asked to unloose their purse strings. ORANGE Ec Fc lee N. -At the annu- al uu:etims of 1.. O. L. 710 ea Mee - day eveeing the following offiue•s were elected and in.. tiled for the es • ant tet m: -W. AI., 13ro. W. Smith; ra-elentod; 1'. M., Bro. John Ford,re-elected; Chaplei o, Bro. Geo. Hanley, ie-a•Iected; Itnuording Sec. reiary, Bro. P. Centelon, re•elected- Financial Secretary, Bro. A. M; Todd, re elected; '1 reasurer, Bro. Wm. Murphy; Dir. of C•r., Bro, W. A. Joss, re eleete I; Lecturer, Bro. W. S. Swaffield; Committee, 1). Cantelou (1st), Wm, N'etker, Honour S. Couper, Chas. Tw,ed,y, '1'h.e. Kea; us; Tylere, tiros. C. Nimmins anal David Steep. PuopuETto.-It will be remem- bered that the menlh.+ra of the High Cowl of Canadian Order of F••,es- tors when in session -last sou)tner• in .Londou presented Rs o. John smith, of Clinton, with a handsome void - heeded wino ay a testimony to his eminent ,forth and unflagging inter - fret as a member and offi••ial. They seemed to ho pruphetiaeD.114=thine donees. For Mr. Smith has had need or t're staff i1) C••118.'11.• -QCs It 00 i,,j,• •y snvteiued. And these de.8when the winked well people can s,ar0e+l,y steed ou the el !tipsy)? pavenl0rlte, Mr. Snaith pu'•snes an up,'ght . tenor armed by bro• therly instinct with an unfailing support in his time of it al. And as be en eases his hand on the almost yielding 18 karat knob of Gold, doubtless ho inu•murs, the ways of a good Forester are pleasant and all his paths are peace. A FRIENDLY SHOOT. -Friday the Cl'ftton Gun Club went down to Exeter to have a friendly shooting match with the Exeter Gun Club, at live pigeons. The contest took place at the Central Hotel, Thos. Atkinson, proprietor, who did everything in his power to forward the sport. Thirty competitors took Dart. There were five prizes offer- ed. First and second prizes went 'o Saunders and I. Hanford, respec- tively, of Exeter, third went to E. Hovey, Clinton ; fourth and fifth prizes were divided among John Johnson and Geo. Ilincbley of Clinton and Jas. Westacoit and P. Curtin of Exeter. There were 300 birds in all, each man had ten birds to shoot at and very few escaped the deadly aim of the " sheotists." Dr. Blackall of Clinton maoe the fourth highest score but not being in the "sweep " took no place. The match was conducted with the greatest impartiality and with dis• patch. The Clinton. Club aro loud iu their praises of the extremely handsome manner in which the Exeter Club treated them. A MODEL ACT. The pupils of the Model School s.aent a very pleesent evening 1r.st Thursday at the residence of our r'ese•vedly popu'ar Model Scheel P iucioal. Iu the cellist) of the evening Mr. Lough was prebented with a fine silver cream and sugar ssaud and the follow,ying ADDRE81! : Dear Teacher, -As rhe session for this •:ar has drawn to a clow', thus te.winat• .,g one cop nectioe as true,••ler and students, we wish is sono way to a :press our apnrcciatio t of your labors which we lope will ho ,• aductivc ref nlrtch good. Please accept this present as a slight tokc., of the Ligl, esteem in which )00 arc field. Mey you end yo:1 •s nle.'t with eve; v soc- cese ' , f'.0 (attire. •s, :ill; sg 'Tod the co • p'1ime Ips of the season We leer ' , (sir ;Jed cn behalf of the h lents).- Misses ids Murch and Jennie Fraser, Messrs. D. McGregor'1nd William Sloan. -Reports from Charlotte, N. C., are to the effect that a cyclone passed over a portion of Buford County Thursday, blowing down houses and unfeeling trees One family, cone aistie of father, mother, and four children, was entirely wit ed out, all being , ,tantly killed -Last week a cousin of Police Justic'',aidlaw came sot)aklandCal., Cal , and the Judge went on a spree with him. 7'ney took pussesaion of a toed huuse and smashed the furnie tufa r d Fret ;;e',tday Judge Lel,l/aw :d in hie Court, and ll's (teat ace . as to publiclr'y accuse himsel?of bug drunk and disorder- ly and to fine hirnaelf $50, He ordered tha fine entered on the res cords. The Judge made a state- ment coofs ssing his sin and promise od to resign should he ever get drunk again. XMAS -:- OFFERINGS I Does this line strike anybody as something suitable for Christmas Offerings ? Men's Fur Collars, - $ 3.50 Men's Fur Gauntlets, - 4.00 Men's Fur Caps, - - - 4.00 Ladies Storm Collars, - 5.00 Ladies Seal Caps, - - - .17.00 Ladies Lamb Caps, - - 10.00 Ladies Lamb Muffs, - - 14.00 O -O We show a New Stock of NECKWEAR, suitable for Christmas Gifts, and the Ladies should made a note of this. Something New in SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. -o-o-o -o-c - JACKSON BROTHERS, HATTERS AND FURRIERS, CLINTON. After The Fire 0 A -:-G REAT-:- BONANZA CLOTHING! o_ , 7,._,,:..m ■ Thece are at least two ways of making people warm -by Fire and by wearing Good Clothing. Although the late fire made things pretty warm for us, we rescued from the flames a few choice rolls of Panhiugs, Suiliugs, OYcrcuatils, &c., and have determined to make A Great slaughter in Prices ON TIHESE GOODS. See the Goods. Ascertain the Prices. Fine Tritamings. Good Workmanship. A combination, at Low Prices, that should make intelli- gent buyers warm for the winter months. 0 NEW GOODS Coming. In a short time an elegant new stock of Goods will placed in our store. In the meantime come art 1 what we can flu for you. F.SHEPHFA THE LEADING TAILOR, Smith's Block, opp. Post CLINTON. '.-t..,..