The Huron News-Record, 1889-12-11, Page 2444 11, etlMl I-44lioper'Mho* rS1:*s•init4Ytt tiro 1A'.00,1 N1)$#;fN .444 27.11,,44VGi'�"r NNPV.0 L J!N 02141160 • ipTTPL.41TIRON. COUNTY,. r w re , e oval, arnouucing my Removal to 4. (% Detior di 02'8 814. and wallet known stand .. on ,tho corner of North Street, I would call atten- tion to any large stock of General and Ship HARDWARE, a stook that 'for extensiveness in range and reasonableness in price, can-, not be excelled' in ,Huron. T also take this opportur='•.y of thanking my many friends for the patronage that has nee:::.•- tated a removal to more commo- dious premises, and 'request a continuance -of the same at the new stand. -JAMES YATES. •GODERIOII,.Oct. 21st, 1889. Moral C arltitoptuadtrnre Godes :et - The examination of the Model School students is now iu progress.. Mr. S. Davis, ut .Clint su, was in the circular town this week. Miss 'Danuey bits been severely indisposed the past few weeks. The weather ou Monday was nearly like that of a May day. M.r. 'Toe. Rutson hats been suffer- ing from indisposition the past two weeks. • Mr. Bonmer, of the post office, spent a couple of days at home the past week. A water heater for the water works will shortly be placed in position. • The Public School Board held its regular monthly meeting last week. The Town Council met on Friday, evening and traus:•,ted a large amount of business. Regular meeting of Huron Chap- ter No. 30, R A.M., next Tuesday even ing. A boy about 16 fell down in a fit near the post office on Monday after- noon. Mr. Willian0 Marlton, our well known boatf ilder, will shortly J make a start d . a r nets tug. b The statutory December meeting of the town council Will be held on Monday evening. The water works engineer has been around the past few days with a view of assessing the users of the t wn water. The splendidly dressed windows of many of our merchants is evi- dence that Christmas is again near- ing us. A court for the revision of the West Riding of Huron voters' list was held last Saturday, His Honor Judge Doyle presiding. The serine and a large quantity of the machinery for the organ fac- tory arrived last week, and is being placed in position. The annual meeting of the West Riding Conservative association was held at Smith's Hill yesterday after- noon. Ater -the usual service this even- ing at St. George's the annual meeting of the Church Woman's Guild will take place. The Chautauqua orchestra con - cart company, of Toronto, wer P welcomed in tee Grand Opera Hou last Friday evening by a good au ence:• The entertainment presented by the company was an excellent one. At the regular meeting of the high school literary society rlaet Thursday evening the usual nq'min- ations to office were made, rafter which an excellent programtn# was presented. The elections will' take piece at the next regular meeting. Mr. William Watson, w 'o' re- cently returned from Dakotii, lost two of his three children by;r diph therirt last week. Mr. an& Mre. Watson have the sympathy of every resident in their cad boroavettient. The only daughter of Mr. Magnus Swanson was interred in Miri g nd cemetery last week. Tho d .ceased, a bright eyed little fairy, hac isuffer- ed two weeks from ulcerated sore throat, and just when it was cor- sidered she had passed the britieal period, died rather suddenly; M. lord Mrs. Swanson have uuiiversal sympathy in.theic sore aftlict4ou. " The following is a comptote list of the vessels wintering in Gt'tderioh harbor :-Schre, Sophie, Githrair, Jane McLeod, Todman, O;ntsrio, G'roldhuntor, J. G. Kolfage,'uPinit- fo're, Mary S. Gordon and "(l'ey- hound; tuge- 7. It. Jones, Trt1deau, Oreadia, W. It. Seibold and 14tyrtie, the dredge Challenge and her • at 'tenant darts. K 44oic0Q Ovrt> posocuct. .coder*c! • . NorttpatrWDt fqr Office et the vegan 1t.r tt'ettl,'ng of Huron ledge No,. b2,, WO. l`,to•ii oirrow evening. These wap a J'uge atteadauce on at $t,. Agti'rewe supper Friday evedtng: week et the British. Mv, Cameron, .chief of the Caledonian society,. preeid.eo, end lex-chief Mr. M. Hu;oldson occupied the vice chair. Speeches' and sung ntiogl'ed with the bagpipeestraius Made the e-veeing a merry and pleasant one, While the excellent supper prepared, by -mine host wee a plsiesant incentive to the evenings enjoyment. The annual meeting of the. town Conservative assoeiatiou was held in Daevion and Johustou's officeou •Satua' y evening, for the purpose of ei3'eting officers, Messrs. Camp- bell and F. W. Johnston haviug given, notice that they would retire from the positions held by them. The office of president was filled by the election of Mt', R. Radcliffe, and that of secretary by the election of M. R: C.• Hays. The usual number of delegates having been appointed .for the Ridiug canyon - tion, the meeting adjourned. • - A meeting of 'the Busy Bees, in connection with the Sueiety of Christian Endeavor, wet oil Mon- day evening and preseuted the tui-. to:.•iog programme. Chorus, the• Members; reading, Mr. Juo. Elliott; eelo, Mr. Walter Hyslop; grart.It'e, the irlicses Hennings sod Messrs. Morrish and vivane; ,.jading Mr. Cram; duet, -Misses Hamlin and A. Hennings ; recitation, Miss B. Resit; address, Rev. Mr. 11 utton; chorus, the Members. Although the pro. gramme wan exceedingly well car- ried out, the duet by Misses Ham- lin and Pennioge, and the recita- tion by MieaRusk must be special- ly mentioned. PURELY PEttSONAL. Mra.. E. C. Russell, of Walker- ville, is visiting in town. Mr. E. E. Wade, barrister of Brussels, was in town las week. Mr. Stanley flayelt barrister of Brussels, was in town this week. ' Mr. H. Secord is in Manitoba visiting his farm in• that province. Miss Minnie Cooke has, returned from Lucau. Mr. Jobe Davison, our well- known barrister, has been appoint- ed a Q. C. Mr. Juo. Gentles, of Kincardine, spent a few ' days in the circular town the past week. Inspector Malloch spent the greater part of last week in the county town. Mr. Ed. VanEvery has returned from the.North shore of Lake Sup- erior. - Mr. Et1. Doyle strived from Chi- cago ou Saturday, and is now at the parental residence, Church street. Mr. S. Malcomson has been ap- pointed deputy regist•ar of the Maritime Court of Ontario, vice Hy. Macdermott, deceased. Mies Croe,ofClinton, who lays had charge of the C. P. 'R. Telegraph ofnce the past two weeks during Mies Bat"- tbsence, returned to her beide on Monday. Bay field. The members of the O• Y. B. lodge of this place, held the regular monthly meeting on Saturday the 7th of Dec., in the.Orange hall. As usual the attendance was good. The weather though unfavorable, hindered not the loyal brethren from coming the distance of eight or nine miles, showing that they are true observers of their obligation. This. -being the last meeting of 1889 the following officers were elected and installed for 1890 : W. M., Thos. E. Parker; D. M., E. Falconer; Rec. Seo., W. E. John- ston ; Fin. Sec:, W. Weston; Treas., W. Howard; Chap., ` "Jemond; Dir. of C., A. Erwin; 4 •bmittee, J. Cowan, G. Weston, ;) Harri- so . Darrah, 11. Coiled, y. Aw- ing TB the untiring efforts of the past Master, W. Howard, the lodge has attained a high standing, and we trust that the members will assist the present Master (as they did the past) in his efforts to make this lodge second to none in the Dominion. Suitable remarks were made, the chairman saying that he was proud to occupy the high position to which the brethren saw fit to elect him. And we might add well might he feel proud, for no master ever presided over a better class of boys than the members of the 0. Y. B. Lodge No. 31, Bay- field. ''" 11V`iitl '4httT gtstre-up-eterr`-Wents per bushel in Manitoba. • goal C orrtelairoltd.cltta, WRITELy t TODD, Pubttuus, : U CO, h Tot SI' p. Albs. Eobi,n Whitely hes rented her farm uu the 5th to Mr, G. Juhnatou, Mr. Eli Bateman will offer his farm for sale at the Comurerciel hotel. in Clieton next Saturday, also sortie implements. Tile-evideuce developed at the inquiry iutn the cat -..3 of the death of the Into H. J. W'Vhitel•y, of which you gave a full report last week, has been a prolific theme of couvereatioo ever since. Municipal . election tent is. very quiet. Rumor commons Courioillot• Churultitl with aspiriug to the rceveehip as:tl council:or Sturdy to that' of (te, uty. But this may only be the haselass fahric of some ronrancer'a inner coneoioushess. Mr. James McDonald, of Gor.lner, Dakot•t, son of Capt. McDnt'ald, sof Poitets trill (las been to.►uding in this section the past week or so and will t.,a.e for his western ;home in about two a.•ekos., The geutleman also took a trip to Montreal while over here. Conncil'nr.,t at Holmosville De 2nd 1889. M,ttnbers all press t. Minutes of last meeting read ai passed. Ilylawe No. 6 and 7 were read and. paesed. This day's pr ceedinge were principally levo .d to. settling up all unpaid Rocco," •s of the year. The following were paid viz : John Butler stationery $5.88; clerk one year's postage $11:10 ; Samuel Rathwell gravel $l0; James Elliott 5th con. grave $13.00; Hugh Johnston grave $28.02; Thee. K. Johuston grave $2.52; Thos. Murch gravel 66 cents Henry Hastings gravel $20.04; H Hibbs gravel $12.18; James Con- nolly gravel, plank a..d sleeeers $7; Wm. -Gould roadway to gravel pit $4; Samuel Walters Brave' $12; Wm. Crooks gravel p) 4.82; Laur- ence Manning gravel $11.16; Henry Murphy gravel $9; James Mc- Donald gravel110:02; Wm. Mulch gravel $26.76; Wm. Wins gravel $24.60; .Andrew Drysdale gravel '$36.50; Herbert EI'nrd cutlet for drain from' Holwesvillo pa'aonage $2; John Trewartha gravel 90cts.; Wen, McCabe one year's board of Wm. Dunn indigent. $52, annual snit of clothes $13, arrears of suit of clothes for 1885 $10; .Edward Achoeon error in assessment 94cts.; clerk salary $105; Mrs. Po,s gravel $.1.80; Fletcher McCartney gratel $6.73. Linton Signal pciuting $1.76; Wm. Lobb use of scraper 4 days $1; Andrew J. Couriice gravel $5.70; John McClellan balance iu full of contract of Holmesville bridge $63. Council adjourned to meet again on • Monday the 161h inst.-JAMES PATTON, Clerk. Colbot ne. Mr. William Hamilton of this place parsed away on Thursday 5th inst at the ripe age of 80 years ; his romaine were interred in Colborne cemetery on Saturday ; he was one of the first settlors in this section. The members of Zion Methodist church will hold a grand Sabbath school anniversary and tea meeting on Sunday and Monday Jan. -5 and 6, 1890. Funds to be devoted to the Sabbath school. Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Croderich, and speakers from Clinton will be present. Bro. A. Millian of 153 paid a visit to L. 0. L. No 1052, Nile, on Monday night, Dec. 2nd. This lodge is well officered and has a large membership, being oue of the largest lodges in the county. The brethren ere well posted in the degrees and, lectures, and hold special lecture meetings every month. Bro. Richard Morrow, W. M., bas been elected to that position for the fifth time ; he has the reepoct and esteem of all the brethren. Enniskillen L. 0. L. No 153 mat on Friday night Deer 6th. The following officrs were elected and installed for the coming year :- Bros. Andrew Miliian, W. M ; George Currey, D. M. ; William Stevenson, R. S. ; Thos. Koechel, F. S.; Thos. Millian, Trees; William Millian ; Chap. Edwad Millian, D. C. ; William S. Cousins, Loot. Committee :-Robert Leach, Samuel Allen, Thos, Cousins, Miehael Phramer, Wm. J. Fowler. Sick ° committee, A. Millian, G. Currey, T. Cousins, M. Phramer, T. Millian. This lodge has had a large inoreat►e in membership the past year tend the promise of a still further increase tho coming year. L. 0. L. 153 will hold a monster degree. and R. A. P. meeting on their, next regular meeting night, Jativary 31d 1890. A large number of candidates will be advanced. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. ESL4Y, ' DECEMBER 11, 1889 Qit1 (5orroopon4fa6e R11yth. Mra. Kaake' atteuded the funeral of a relative iu Luckuuw this week. Mins Ifatt.ie Ritchie .has returned fromher visit to Tosonto. Niles Meagan leaves here on `Thu••sday fur a visit to friends in Bay City, Mich. The S: S. children of Trinity Chu;ch are praetiziug for their annual Xmas' tree. Some of our local weather pro- pheta.are predicting an open winter, wonder who made them so wise. Miss Lieziu Bachman roturued from her lengthy visitto Goderich ou Thursday. 'filo pupils in the intermediate department of 3ur public school are busy decorating their rootu for the public examination ou Friday. '1'lie magnificent Brass Bend of the Canadian Household 'Troops iu connection with the Salvation Army is to be here on Friday next when a grand time is expected. Ou Tuesday Messrs P. Kelly, F. W. Tanner, John Emig h, F. 13. Cuntuer and Edward Newcome attended as delegates to the Liberal Conservative convention at Smiths hill. ' • Mr. George Jones, one of the em- ployes of the flax mill here met with a serious accident ou Saturday by getting three of his fingers smashed in the brakes. It will be sometime before George is able to yesuiue duty. Saturday resembled a spring fai day bore, farmers from all sections having come iu to be at the sale by auction of MtuRobe cattle at Milue'a 'hotel. Our popular auctioneer, C. Hamilton, soon disposed of theta at good figures. The Presbyterian S. S. entertain- ment was held iu Industry Hall on Friday evening. The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity. The entertainment througLout was all that:could be deeirad. The proceeds amounted to over $40. Constable Davies was instructed to collect up the band instruments ou Monday and take care of them until a reorganization 'of the band takes place which we hope to hear of in the near future. Serenading time is coming on, boys, you want to get together once more. On Monday evening the annual meeting of the Conservative associa- tion of this burg was held he the Orange Hall for the purpose of elec. ting officers for the ensuing year. F- W. Tanner was re-elected Presi- dent, J W. Bell re-elected Secty and Treas. Other businttsa 'haiviug been tr•rnsacted they adjourned to meet again the evening of the 23rd inst. Late ou Saturday night our peace- ful citizene were aroused from their sweet slumber by thr• r of the mem- bers of our defunct baud promenad- ing our princip•tl st nets 'playing martial rnesic. The boys didn't do so bad but woe -betide them if Jimmie cou'.d have laid handy on them ; he would for sate have run them into the cooler as public dis- turbers. Mi. -W. J. Martin has retuned from Michigan. Mr. J. P. McCasey, of Cincinnatti, Ohio, is home on a visit. Mi4e Maggie Morrison, of Wing• ham isspending a few days in town. Mr. J. T. Bell leaves this week for Pennsylvania where he intends working in a factory. The September and October cheese were sold last week to Mr. A. Atchison, of Listowel. Mr. W. Wray, of. Morris, -is mak- ing preparations for the erection of a brick residence in our village next spring. Miss Bella Wighttnan returned fr; m Manitoba on Thursday, hav- ing spent the summer with frienee in the " Prairie Province." Miss Ella Winters, of Preston, has been visiting at Mr. Finlay Andaisou's and Mrs. T. Deans, of Wingham, at Mr. John Anderson's, East Wawanosh. Mies Christie Halliday intends having an entertainment in her school, 3/. miles south of here on Monday evening December 16th I it will be an evening of music, diva• loguee, readings, recitations. etc. and a capital time is anticipated. A grand concert under the aus- p'ioes of Belgt•avo Lodge •I. 0. G. T. takes place on Tuespay evening, December 10th in the Forester's hall. Mies Bell Smith, of Stratford, and M.. T. W. Crawford? of Lon- don, elocution'-tr, will assist in the programme, also the Wingham Orchestra, • besides a good share of local talent. goal (Jiorrappondestet Mtn. Mr. and Miss Love of Hillegreen apept a few days visiting their ister Mrs. A. W. Young. Sleighing was very good fur a while last week but the Tate thaw as taken nearly all the snow away. Mr. John Pentland and daughter have returned home from their trip to Gorrie. Mr. Pentland is still gaining slowly. 'rhe Good Templars will have an entertainment on the 20th. They have secured the cervices of Mr. Shane of Blyth and uo doubt they will have a good time. The Nile Sabbath school will hare their Christmas tree on Ntnas eve. The Rev. Mr. Edge of Clin- ton will preach the anniversary sermons on Sunday the 22nd. Miss Williams preached in the Nile church on Sunday morning from Jeremiah, 12 chap. 6 verse. Miss Williams is a fine speaker and hods her audience with the greatest ease. Rev. Mr. Richardson, of Goder- ie preached a missionary sermon SiInday evening froni lstCorinthians, 3 chap. 6 verse-. He gave a good desctiption of the work to he done in the mission fields. Oti Dec. 4th at- the residence of lVIr. Gordon Young, Mr Duncan A cPhee of N. Wawanosh was n cited in the holy bonds of mstri- mony to Miss Ann Young, by the Rev. 14[r. Cameron of Dungannon. Many valuable and useful presents were given by the guests. A very enjoyable evening was spent. We wish them long life and prosperity and all their troubles to be little ones. The members of Nile L. 0. L. 1052, held their regular December meeting on Monday evening, Deer. 2nd. After the other business was gone through with, the following officers for ensuing year were elected and installed :-W. M. Bro. Richard Morrow ; D. M. Bro. Robert.;Mcllwain ; Rec. Sec., Bro. Thomas G. Sheppard; Fin. Sec. Bro. Thomas Polley ; Trete, ,$tc;, Wm. Morrow ; Chap , Bro. �,vie#* Mcll•wain ; D. of C., - Bro. 'Sitar Winters ; Lecturer, Bro. Wm. Mc-. Ilwai' . Committeemen :-1 Bro. H. Finiga.n ; 2, Bro. James Elliott; 3, Bro. John MoNevin, Jr ; 4, Bro. John G. McQuoid ; 5, Bro. Chas. Elliott. Hullett Council neat at Londesborot Novy 30th, 1839. Members all present. Minute, of the last meet- ing read and confirmed. The report of Mr. John Britton, chairman of the local Board of health, made is accorda:roe with the Public Health Act of the Pro- vince of Ontario, was submitted to the °council, road and accepted. The report shows that there were a few cases of thyphoid fever:during the year and one death f.om the same, also three ca es of diphtheria and one death flour this cause, this disease having been contracted by the family while visiting in another township. The medical Health Officer of the Local Board attended tho..e cases and used every means necessary to prevent their spread. The report also shows that the Municipality is at present free from all infectious diseases. The fdllowing accounts were passed by the Council, viz :-Row- sell and Hutchison far Juror's Lints 91c. ; members of Local Board of Health $17.00; Medical Health officer services in 1889 $6.00; George Snell, rep. scrapers &c $3.45 ; Thomas Cole, opening gravel pit $3.00; A. Hughill, for damages teaming gravel $1.25 ; Isaac Laurence, do. $3.00: Benja- min Morritt do. for 88 and 89 $4.00; John Deer, do. $1.0O3 -Jas. Wal- kinshaw, gravel for contract and damages $7.00; Henry Ransford, hemlock for road $4.00 ; John Thompson, McKillop, for gravel $3.22 ; William Wren, do. $b.18 ; F. Fowler, do. $2.56 ; Alex. Reid, do. 56e ; Robert Te ertson, open- ing new gravel pit and damages grain, $5.00 ; Ed. Sibbous, balance duo on gravel in 1888 $1.80 ; Wil- liam Sanderson, for gravel, opening pit and damages in teaming gravel $35.00; Wm. Stewart was refund- ed $1.00 dog tax wrongfully assess- ed ; George ltuddell, Secy. 'I reasn.•• or School section No 4. was ordered to be paid $1.56, being the differ- ence in the school rate between Nos 4. and 5. on pt. lot 23, con. 10, Hullett, the said lot being wrong- fully assessed in S. section 5. Council adjourned to meet again on Monday 16th Docr, 1889. JAMES CAMPBELL, Township Clerk. WHOLE. No''. 5$I Racal Qorrolluledence ItuHott. Mr. John ()Verson has gone on a visit to Woods at Whittimore,- Mich., Cisclo county. He has die. posed of his six months old filly to Mr. Henry Culclough, of Kinbuin, kr the sour of $80. The colt was a good one, sired by the jealous horse "Kinel Woreh." He has also sold another yearling filly for the stela of $125, aired by the same horse. It pays to raise good stock. Sum merit tt1. Mr. Henry MoVtttie left una• Thursday the 5th inst 'for Parry'. Sound district where he intends to work for the winter. We wish hint success and a sate return. Mr. John, Sprung of the 'ease line north of here,_ had a tine horse gored by a bull one day last week. The hotse had to be killed. This is quite a loss to Mr. Sprung. Miss Vinnie Manning is again under the parental roof alter a pro- tracted, ro•tracted• sojourn with friends near Sheppardtou' The standing of the pupils of public school here for the month of November, based on diligence, punctuality and conduct, is as fol- lows :- 4th Class :-Chas. 11. Johnston Geo. W. Hill, Wm. Mason. Sr. 3rd :-Liouel Laithwaite, Sara Nesbitt, Amelia Mason. Jr. 3rd :-Dora ,Sprung, Emily Jordan, Louis Tebbutt. Sr. 2nd :-Sediva Watkina, \Vin• nie Thompson, Lizzie Lowery, Jr. 2nd :-Rosa 'Wright, Annie Tyner, Wm. Mair. II Part :-Ethel Jordan, Ji'iuenie Bingham, Arthur Huck. I Part :-Eva. Johnston, John Mair, Annie Wright. Average attendance 45, number on the roll 53. Winthrop. L. 0.L. No. 813, McKillop, hell their regular meeting on Wednes- day night,Dec. 4th, when the folluw- ing officers were installed for the ermine, year: John Scarlett, W. M.; James Hornet, D. M.; Anthony Boyd, Meas.; Wtlli amDines,Chap.; Robert Scarlett, Sec.; Willi m Bul- lard, D. of C.; William Hornet and John Bullard, Lectuers; William Harney and J. C. Godkin, Anditors. *Committeemen: A. (Robbie et, It: Brotherson, D. McCutcheon, F. Robbisan, J. E. Godkiu, in the order given. The brethren of this lodge will have a teameeting on the 18th of December in the church adjoining the Orange hall, cvhen they expect to have a good time. Health and weather permittivg they also expect to have Bro. A. M. Todd of THE NEws-REcon»,CIin: on, to deliver a discou-se .on " Or•ange- ism." This will be very interest- ing as Bro. Toed is an able speaker.' They also expect a few other able speakera. Tea to commence at six o'clock. This lodge is situated on the 9th eon. McKillop, 1 j• miles east of the village of Winthrop. Auburn. There will be no s ice in the English church here on Chri'tmas day. Rev. Mr. Racey will lht•.e the Clirietmas service and sermon on December 22nd. Service at 6.30 p. m. INVESTIGATING. THE REMAINS OF THE LATE II. J. WIIITELY RAISED. Acting under instructions frotn the at,theriiies, the• remains of the - late H. J. Whitely were' yesterday raised and brought to Clinton. At two o'clock a jury consisting of John Ransford, foreman, and D. A. Forreater, Alex McKenzie, D. McCorvie, Wen. Keys. I. Taylor, .Geo. Hanley, Geo. Swallow, Alex Ewings, John McMurray, Thos. Cottle, Henry Steep, James Ka.te, •Roby.. Fitzeimone, Wm. Ale*ander, David Cantolon, H. R. Waller, Curtis Stnveneon, were en'palneled and a rn in and the iugnest, coron -tree paesiding, proceed- ed w Tho cemetery caretaker, Benj. Webb, and other witnesses were examined to prove identification of deceased. ' An adjournment tock place at'. 5 o'clock to allow a poet tnorf ' to to bo held. The inquest will be re- sumed next Tuesday, 17tb, at 2.30. The remains will be forwarded to the Government analyst at Toronto for analysis. Auction Sale Rel.lster. At the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, on Saturday, Deer. 14,of valuable farm on the 8th con. and implemnts. 'Unreserved Salo. Eli Bateman, proprietor; T. M. Carling, auctioneer. N•