The Huron News-Record, 1889-06-19, Page 7The Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year -$1.26 in Advance.
or The man does not do justice to his busiuesr
who spends Less in aduertioi,u,jj than he dues in
rent. -A. T. STEWAaT, the millionaire merchant
of New York.
Weduestlay. June 19th. 18S9
gentleman became so much inter-
ested in their conversation, for the
fellow just mentioned was a notor-
ious robber, and a terror to the
whole province. The Hidalgo,
therefore, felt a natural curiosity to
behold so remarkable a character ;
and peeping down very cautiously
between the leaves, he saw the two
men sitting astride, with their faces
towards each other, ou -the lower-
most bough. They were so inuch
below hint that he could not judge
of their physiognomies ; but of
course the very hair of their heads
seemed, t) his fancy, to vartake of a
very ruffianly expression.
"As fur that matter," returned
Spinelli, "our job to -night is a
trifling one that may be dispatched
in two hours. What frets the more
is to bo obliged to sit thus, cock -
horse, upon fi cursed branch ; for I
have always a misgiving at gettiug
up into a tree, since nothing has
proved so d'atal to several of our
The ether, laughing heartily ,at
these expressions which ho sup-
posed to allude to the gallows,
Gines interrupted him iu a very
grave tone,
"I mean no such matter," said he,
" as you conclude. The gibbet in-
deed has made au end of some of
us.; but the trees I mean, were as
mach growing and Ilunrishing as
this, it wits.ii chestnut, too, that 00131
so (tear to poor Lazarillo . where-
fore, I would rather that this tree
had been a cypress, or a yew even,
or of some other kind,"
For my pail, chestnut or nut,"
said the other, "I feel myself Much
beholden to this good plant : nut -
withstanding, I.should liko'to hear
what happened to Lazarillo, and the
others of the gnu$.,;
limb to relieve }1iinself. In the
meautime, fear caused suc)1 a boil-
ing noise in his ears, as if of the
devil's cauldron at a gallop, that he
could not !Hake out the history of
the other robbers who had perished
by means of the trees. The two
rogues, on the contrary, finding
themselves very mush et their ease,
continued to gossip together with
great coolness, though the bull had
now removed to a considerable dis-
tance. The Hidalgo, at last, resum-
ing the use of his faculties, over-
heard as follows:-
" As
"As for the chestnut trees," said
Gines, " you will see the stumps of
them to -night, for the Hidalgo, did
not choose Co leave a perch for any
more such birds so near his house.
But there aro other ways to know
what goes on within, as well as by
looking through the windows ; and
we shall even see whether the peo-
ple of this random shootor are mule
properly his servants or my own."
At this insinuation, the wretched
person who sat aloft could nut help
uttering a half -stilled groan, which
would have iufallibly betrayed him,
if it bad not passed for the grumbl-
ing of the bull. Notwithstanding,
he had to endure still worse tidings.
to conceive which, suppose Glues to
describe the abominable plot he had
laid for the murder of the Hidalgo
-two of his servants being in the
pay of the banditti, and engaged to
admit them in the middle of the
night. The rogue did not omit,
moreover, to dispose of the two
daughters of the uulortuuate gentle-
man °selhead,; au(1 as their inclina-
tions pointed differently, the one
choosiu; the youugetit, and the
other the elder lady foe a mistress,'
they Soon came to an 8iuieable un-
derataudiug on this part of the de-
tign. Thus the Hidalgo, who had
always intended to match liiS.ehild-
ren as he would, without. quostiuti.
even of the girls themselves, was
obliged to hear them disposed of
beforehand, and without luavivg any
voice whatever in the strait',
The !Hidalgo by this time was
quite as much interested iu the mis-
hap of Lazair'illo : so laying himself
along the bough, and grasping it
with both his arms, he stooped his
head sideways as low as he could,
to listen to the story that Gines was
going to relate.
")iron are aware," said Spinello,
"that when we have no affair of
a..oneit upon our hands which re-
quires us to go in company, it is
usaal for some of the cleverest,
amongst us to go abroad singly, ou
little adventures of their own. Thus
it befell Lazarillo to take it in his
head to pay a visit to a certain
Hidalgo who resides not a long way
from this spot. There was a clump
of chestnut trees in front of the
house, all of them of wonderful
bulk, having stood there a great
many years, and it was the season
when they were in full leaf. Laza-
rillo, coming a little too soon, and
seeing a great many lights in the
windows, clambered up into the
greatest of these trees which stood
nearest the house, in order to hide
himself till dark, as well as to
observe what was going on within
the house. The boughs being very
broad and smooth, he found his
nest comfortable enough ; and, be-
sides, he was very well diverted to
watch the motions of the servants,
for some of the branches grew
against the chamber windows, so
that he could even see how the
people bestowed the plate and valu-
ables against the night. Whilst he
was amusing hintself in this way,
tho I•Iidailgo,who had been sporting,
cane homewards with his fowling -
piece iu his hand ; when just at this
nick there flew up some large kind
of bird, and made off directly for
the tree."
! "Well, wherefore do you stop 1"
asked the other rogue very eagerly.
for at these words Gines had made
a tolerable long pause,
"I was- thinking," said Gines,
"that I Iteatd a rustling overhead;
but it was only iiotne breeze among
the leaves. I suppose the Hidalgo
was willing. to discharge his gun
before lie entered the house, for
it was loaded with very large shot
which was never used to kill birds
with; however, he fired after the
fowl into the very middle of the
leaves, and the devil guiding the
lead, some of it went into the body
of poor Lazarillo who tumbled in a
trice to the ground. If the shot
had not killed him, the fall would
have broken bis neck, so he ws
stone dead n.pon the spot : howev tr
to make sure of that matter, of r
our governors made a point of hang•
ing him afterwards upou another
tree." ••
Herewith Gines vented a thous-
and horrible imprecations against
the unfortunate sportsman ; who
had the evil luck to be sitting at
that very moment above his head.
The unhappy Hidalgo, though he
was miserably terrified, dared not
even to quake -the least motion
causing a rustling atnongst the
leaves, or a creaking of the bough ;
and getting cramped, as any one
tnust, to ride so long on a wooden
chestnut horse, without a saddle, yet
he could not venture to stretch a
'Che encroaching dusk closing
round, iu the mean time, till the
horizon was confined within a very
narrow circle, the two villains at
last dismounted from the bough,
and proceeded on their way without
any interruption from the ball, who
was now scarcely visible, amid the
distant shadows. As 6000 as the
rogues were out of sight, the Hidalgo
scrambled (luwn the trunk, to the
iufluito relief of Itis limbs, which
from long confinement to the sante
posture had grown as rigid and al-
most as crooked as the boughs they
had embraced: however. the thought
of what was to take place at home
soon enforced at suppleness' in his
joints, and he departed with a brisk
shuffling pace, from what had been
to him such a very bitter tree of
The dreadful fear which had late-
ly possessed his boson), turning,
now that Ile was in safety, to the
most revengeful feelings, he vowed
as he went along, that Gines and
his gang should suffer in retalia-
tion by the anost exquisite torments.
In this furious mood, with clerlsbed
hands and teeth, and terribly em-
phatic steps, he entered his own
house,aud repaired straight into the
apartment of his daughters ; who,
seein the flaming beacons of wrath
in uutenance, were ready to
swoon with dismay. It alarmed
them the more, that they had not
expected him to return for the
night, and. being ignorant of the
true occasion, they were led, by
certain misgivings of their own
hearts, to impute his anger to' a very
diiferen; cause, wherefore coming
togetho: with clasped hands, to
kneel ,l_ n -n at his feet, they be
sought h; a with many tears to be
more ca1u, . td temperate.
At entailer time, this strange
conduct tvuuld have astonished the
Ilidalgo, '• hereas, having other
cone rns i a his mind, he did not
stop to sitt out the mystery, but,
iu as few words as he could, ex-
plained the danger that was hang-
ing over their heads. The two
terrified maidens, at this horrible
report, instantly forgot all other
fears, for the mere words conjured
up tho figures of the banditti upon
the vacant air: but when the Hidalgo
came to speak of the design of the
robber and his comrade, how they
were to make- mistresses of the two
ladies, they sent up together, as if
from one throat, a shrill involuntary
scream. Anon, running hastily to
different closets, for the greater
danger always swallows up the less
in this manner, they dragged for-
ward a brace of young comely gal-
lants, who, on their part, seemed
ready enough to protect them from
Gines and his associates.
The two champions, as well as
the Hidalgo, were somewhat dis-
concerted by this abrupt introduc-
tion to each other, and the pale lily
of fear that had blown on the
cheeks of tho damsels, was burned
up by a deep crimson blush. At
last one of the cavaliers, address-
ing himself to the Hidalgo, began
to speak for both after this man
net :-
^" Sir, I know that you cannot
behold ns with any welcome ; and
yet, for my own part, I am heartily
thankful that we are here. Not-
withstanding the ungracious method
of our introduction, we beg so much
favor of you, as to be considered
gontlelneu fur the present, and re-
specters of good wauuers-; who de-
sire rlothiug„ better than to make
amends, by, our timely services, for
an untimely iutrusiuu. By your good
leave, therefore, we will help to
defend these ladies against the
robbers, -and as we are men of
honor, it shall be left to your own
discretion, whether you will bestow
them upon us hereafter."
to their owu bedchamber ; but the
three gentlemen sat up together,
for security,'during the remainder
of the eight.
Ou the Morrow the criminals
were delivered to the proper
authorities, and the process with G. H. COOK,
such atrocious offenders being very
summary, they were executed, be-
fore sunset, iu divers places about
the province. For the most part,
As the young gentleman spoke they were suspoudel on lofty
this with au air of great modesty wooden gibbets ; but the body of sor Night Boil answered. 492y
and sincerity, the Hidalgo thought Spinello, in. order to snake the s,
fit to accept of tho assistance that greater impression was hung up on tedieal.
was offered ; whereupon they be- the very same Chestnut Tree that
grin to consult together ou the steps had led to his defeat
which should be adopted in such --
au extremity. Accordingly, it was METHODISTS AND SIA'I'1tI-
concerted t, send fur the two MONY.
traitorous s. rv•tuls,uuo by one, into
the chamber, where, as soon as they An iuteresting question was die -
entered, thy -y were seized, and cussed at a recent district meeting
of Methodists in the Niaea is Con-
ference. It had a ministerial and
matrimonial side, and became a
subject of debate iu this way : At
the last meeting of the Conference
in Norwich, a clergyman resigned
his ministerial functions and with-
drew from the body. Su far as
was known to the district meeting
in question, he had not rejoined
the church, Dither as an ordinary
member, a local preacher or a regu-
larly ordained minister. Yet it
was reported at the meeting that
he net only occupies Methodist
pulpits, but sule'mnizes matrimony.
The question arose, has he the
I iglit to du those things 'G It
was contended that ' he might
occupy a pulpit on the responsi-
bility of the regular pastor, but,
according to the discipline, being
outside the communion by his own
notion ifs resigning his position in
the Church, it was held that he
could nut legally solemnize marriage,
a' all events until such time as• he
is :restored !o til_ stapdi'ng of a
preacher. It is a nice point,' which
those specially interested eau study
up for themselves. If it is well
taken, the couples who have been
'wedded would find themselves in ati
awkward position. The district
meeting took the ground that, as
the ex -member of Conference re-
ferred to was Outside its jurisdiction,
it Has not called upon to interfere
in the matter, though several
tnernbers strongly questioned the
legality of marriages so celebrated.
However, if the parties immediately,
concerned are satisfied, it. is nut
likely that any outside parties will
take steps looking to an untying of
the knot.
geuti tr,j.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery honor Graduate
of the Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gag administered for the painless
extraction teeth.
Office -Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to
Post Orrice, Clinton.
hound Laud and foot before they
could think of any resistance. The
wretched men, finding themselves iu
this dreary plight, and that tlf4'ir
lives were at command, began readi-
ly to confess alt they knew ut' the
plot ; adding several partieulais
which had nut been touched upc,n
by Spinello. Aulougst other news,
it cause out that the banditti had
deposited their arms in readiness in
a certain hollow oak, which stood in
the rear of the house ; whereupon
the Hidalgo made a volt, inwardly.
to cut down !hut dangerous true, as
he had dune htfoie by the chest-
nuts. .
It was towards uti,luight. wheu
Spinello, with his comrades, ap-
proached for the execution of t'.reir
design. l'lte uight Witi very boist-
erous., with frequent gusts of wind
that drovethe low black clouds
with great rapidity across the sky.
'Chu.: et pry now Hud then there was
a short bright glance of the union,
followed, at a low tniuutes interval .
b1' the Most profound eha,lon•s ; and'
by the help of those snatches of,
light, tho desperate Gines led ou
his fellow.,, who were about half a
duz•'•1 iu all, towards the hollow
Noir it hupp,+Wird, just as 11i canto
up, that a fresh cloud carne overthe
face of the noon, so that the mark
lie aimed ;tt was all.ite swallowed up
in the gluons. Groping his way,
therefore, with his lrarnls, he began
to feel about the ragged steel for
the entry to the Magazine ; but he
had no sooner thrust his arms. into
the opening, than they were seized
by some person who was concealed
within the hollow truck.
I know nut whether Cines recal-
led, at this moment, his supersti-
tion about a tree, but he set up a
loud ,yell of display. The Hidalgo,
who lily close by in ambush, tvith
his party, instantly discharged a
well aimed volley at the rest of the
banditti., whp • finding themselves
betrayed,; and without • arms, took
at once to their heels, leaving. two,
that were miserably wounded, upon
the grass. By this time, Spinello,
recovering' his courage, trade a des-
perate struggle to get away ; but,
before he could disengage his arms,
the Hidalgo came up with his assist-
ants, and the robber was quickly
overcome and secured. Of the
other two men, one was already
dead, the bullet having lodged in
his breast : as for the second, his
leg -bone was broken by a ball just
above the ankle joint, and it
happened that this was the very
same rogue who had gossipped with
Gines upon the chestnut -bough.
It was a dreadful sight to
behold the countenance of the
latter, when he was dragged into
the smber•, and how he foamed
and gnashed his ,teeth at the two
desponding varlets, who had been
double traitors, he supposed, to both
masters. Although he was so
securely bound, those wretched
men could not look upon him with-
out an extreme trembling ;however,
when }ie was iufo'med of the true
cause of the discovery, he raved no
more, remarking only, to the other
robber, that his misgiving about
the chestnut tree had been justified
by the event.
The Hidalgo repairing afterwards,
with the two young gentlemen, into
the presence of his two daughters,
there ensued many compliments
between them, and joyful congrega-
on the conclusion of the danger.
At last, the Hidalgo growing more
and more pleased with the graceful.
manners and conversation of hie
guests, his heart warmed towards
them- and he began to wish that
they were all but hie eons.
"Gentlemen," he said, "a late
welcome is better than none at all,
and especially when it comas natur-
ally from the heart. fray accept of
this apology for my tardiness, and
for your great services I will try to
snake amends to you on the spot.
Your gallantry and agreeable bear-
ing persuade me that you are truly
the honorable young persons that
you have named to me ; and I
rejoice, therefore, for my own sake
as well as yours, that my daughters
remain at my disposal. If you are
willing then, to accept of each
other, I foresee no difficulties, -that
is to say, provided you can both
agree in your election, as readily as
my other two robbers."
It would be hard to declare
whether the two ladies were most
happy or confused by this unexpec-
ted proposal ; they therefore mado
off with fewer words than blushes,
-Captain J. \\'. Douglass, a
Democratic politician of Daytona,
Fla, bras shut ,ted instantly killed
by J. '1i. Benjamin, editor of the
Deland Neu•:,•. Douglass assaulted
Benjamin, knocking hire off of 11
pier into a marsh, jumping on him
and holding his head under water.
Benjamin 'managed to reach his
revolver and shot Douglass dead. •
" It is gratifying to see that Mr.
Mowat pays vocal defence. to Chris
flan pl'iuci1J48.uut it would be more
gratifying to see Biel put them into
actual practice, ac.;ordiug to his
light."-Ilctuti.ltwt Times, Grit.
rt ft REEVE. Office -"Palace" Brick Block,
jJ Rattenbury Street, Residence opposite the
Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner fur the
County of Buren. 0111 hours from 3 a.m. to
p. in. •
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-y
W. Gunn, 11., D. L. R. 0. 1'. Edinburgh L. It. C.
S. Edinburgh Licenelate of the Midwifery, Odin.
Office, ou corner of Ontario and William Sts.,
Clinton. 478-3.
Barristers, 4e.,
Money to Loan.
BARRISTER, Stii'i,'ICI'POIi, fie.
Office --Cooper's new block (ground floor),
Victoria Street, Clinton.
M ill attend Division Courts at Bayfield and Blyth
Lr.1 l'aivArreFr\ LEN) at loweer rates of
interest. .-- 813__._
j+luWnl:n 1ur(lAN LEWIS, Barrister, Sol
J ieit.,r to 11itrh Court, (louveyuneer, a:e.,
Goderich and flay held. Money to loan at live
and one-half Per rout o on twothird margin. nay•
field odic.: oven every 'Thursday from 9.30 to 4.30
in Swartz' hotel (1,.ca:, opposite Di%ision Court
Oases 466t1
040 011 k MORTON, L'arristerd,4-c.,:eod•
urich and (VI schen. 0. Seager, Jr., (lode, ich
Jr A. \lorton Winkcintnt.
DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law-, Chancery',,u,d
Co, veyancing. (office -West Street, next
door to Post Office, Ooderirh, Out. 57.
1.> C. FLAYS, Solicitor, •0r. Office, corner of
1 \.• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book
Store, Gederieh, Out. 67.
re. Money to lend at lor:cst rates of interest.
ICAMPION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor in /J. Chancery, Conveyancer, 5. Office over
Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly ogee
Pied by Judge Doyle.
,t8J' Any amount of money to loan at lowest
rates of interest. 1•ly.
II-:'. W. BALL,
CCTIONEER for Huron County. Sallee at-
tended to in any part of the County. Ad-
iress6rdereto Gonaalcn I' 0. . V-17.
ACCTIONEF,R, land, loan and insurance agent
Blyth. Sales attended in town and country,
m reasonable terms. A list of farms and village
lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at
low rates of interest. insurance effected on all
classes of property. NOtes and debts collected:
Goods aitpraised, and sold 011 commission, Bank-
rupt stocks
lank-ruptetocks bought and sdld.
Birth. Dec. 16, 1630
Photographer s
Life Size Portraits a Specialty.
T?L E Clinton Marble Works,
Market Square,
Made up in Best Style and Work-
manship at Abraham Smith's.
Now in stock one of the cleeaJ,e-
and beret stocks of
A Full 'Line of GENTS' FII
NISHINGS always in stook.
It will pay you to call on
W. H. COOPER, Jr.,
Manufaettrrer of an dealer in all kinds of
Marble & Granite for Cemetery
Work at figures that defy competition
Vioneg to *pa,
NIONEX to lend in targe or snail soup, on
good mortgages .or personal empty. at,',
the lowtest current rates. 11. HAKE, Ilurfre•(t
Clinton, Feb. 25, 1851 1w
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend on Town and fern,
property. Apply to
Office, next NEWS-RECO1MD (up -stairs) Albert•St
Toa MDLOZ spar
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855
CAPITAL, - • $2,000,000
IteS'C, . - $1,000,000
Head Office, - MONTREAL.
'filoMAS WORKMAN, President.-
J. 11. R. MOLSON, Vice -President.
F. WOLFEIiS'FAN THOMAS, General Manager
Also manufacturer of the Celebrated
ARTIFICIAL STONE for Building pur
poses and Cemetery Work, which must
be seeft to be appreciated. -M1 work
warranted to wive satisfaction.
McKillop Mutual Insurance Co.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drat'
issued, Sterling; and American ex-
change bought and sold at low-
est current rates.
INTEREST A'1' 3 Pint CENT. AL1.ew-E), nr DELI tl'is
Money advanced to fanners on their own note
with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re
quired ns securit,
11. C. BREWER,
February. 1884 CLINTON
lsolated town and village property, as well as
harm buildings and stock, insured. Insnrances
effected agsinst stock that may be killed by
lightning. If you want insurances drop a card
to the above address,
602 t1.
(`ILIN'r(,N Lodge, No. 84, A. F. 6t A 51.
L/ meets every Friday, on or after the ful
moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited.
J. YOt'NG, w. n. • .1. ('ALLANDEII, Sa
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. ---� 1-
Goderich Marble Works
Having bought out JOSEPH VANN1OI01,
in Goderich, we are now prepared to fur
nisi', 011 reasonable terms,
We are prepared to sell cheaper than any
other firm in the county.
Parties wanting anything in this line will
find it to their interest to reserve there
orders for us.
May 17th, 1886. 392.3m
the great Medical Work
of the agedn Manhood, Ner-
vous and Physical Debility,
Premature Decline, Errors
of Youth, and the untold
miseries consequent there-
on, 300 pages 8 vo., 126
prescriptions for all diseases
Cloth, full gilt, only 81.00,
by marl, sealed. Illustrative sample tree to all
young and tniddle•aged even. Send now. The
Gold and JewelledMedal awarded to the anther
by the National Medical Association. Address
P. O. Box 1895, Boston, Maes, or Dr. W. H.
PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical College,
26 years practise in Boston, who may be consult-
ed confidentially. Specialty, ,Diseases of Man.
Office No 4 Bulflnch Street 493y
L. O. L No. 710
Meets oeboro Monday of every
month. Ball, 3:14 1111, Victoria
block. Visiting brethren always
090 made ss I,uu,e.
1y.' 0, 8111'1'11• W. M.
P. CANTEL,1N`See. D. 11. CAI.1)ICR, D. M.
Jubilee Preceplory l;o1 I81,
(BIacl Knights of Ireland)
!leets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second
Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in
the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always
r•'ceive a hearty welebu,e.
A. 31. Toon, Worshipful Preceptor
r'„•, • el- NLrr, Deputy Preceptor
Royal Black Preceptor)! 397
Black Aftiphfs Of Ireland, .
Meets in the Orange Hall, .1150, the Wednes-
day after full moon of every month.
Royal Black :Preceptory • 315,
Blael An/gilts of Ireland,
Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the This
Monday 01 every ,,,ontl,. Visiting Knightsalwsy
masse welcome..
JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Saltford I' 0
W 11 MC•RNEY, Registrar, Goderich P 0
Rooms, third flat, Victoria block. Regulr
meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'cloc
sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome.
BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS -RECORD of-
fice. Special attention given' to LADIES
AND CHILDI1E‘t Haircutting. .
r\HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible
Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also
two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en
bloc or in separate lots, to snit purchasers. For
further particulars apply to the undersignd.-E.
DINSLEV, Clinton. 382
RENT. -Advertisers will and "The
G6t News -Record" one of the best mediums
in the County of Huron. Advertise in
"The News -Record"- The Doable Circulation
Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any.
Furniture Dea!er, &c,
Opposite Town Hall, • Clinton, Ont
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Sample Bottles 10c4 Regular size $1.
For sale by all dealers. y,
T. MILBURNt .t Cs., Proprietors, T.,orouto