The Huron News-Record, 1889-06-19, Page 6! a f Aron News -Record
40 4 Year -81.23 in,Advance.
4>t3 tint ntµµn does not do jttxtice to his Laxittedx
who. Marcia le8s In alaJttt.tntr than he (toed in
04 -4. T. 6'rrwair, the atilliunaire merchant
Welt? Park.
Wednesday, Jane 19th, ISS9•
Olid Bob Morrison was a steady
and intelligent collier, with a taste
for literature of the thoughtful sort.
For nearly fifty years he had re-
mained in the same district, saving
aa much during the big wages
period as enabled hitn to build the
little cottage in which he latterly
lived, Atnong his younger fellow.
workmen he was soulewhattdisliked
On account Of his 'nt,tpy tongue
and caustis wit. But the older and
more thoughtful men esteemed hilrt
greatly, mournful experience hav-
ing taught them that his judgment
was generally to be reliedou. It
was to him they brought all their
disputes` for settlement, and his
decisions were received' with as
much respect as though he had been
one of the appointed judges of the
•land. But woe'betide those who
came to him with frivolous argu-
ments or senseles quartets. He set
their ears a -tingling.
Being himself a silent man, and
withal of a somewhat crusty temper,
he hated talkative people, especially
`thee bletherin' . bodies whit speak
for etieakiu's sake.' 'A sore' brain
and a lang tongue aro guid graith
for•makin' a noise wi',' he would
tell thern.
,One day he remonstrated with a
young man for talking so much.
'If I talk plenty, perhaps I may
happen to say something worth
through •tinge,' replied the youth,
'Weel, maybe sae,' returned .Bob,
looking squarly into the young
man's face, 'Balaam's ase, after years
o' senseless brayiu', spoke sense
ance, ye ken ; but the like o't hasua
happened ince.'
One cununur evening •while Bob
'was. tilting a stroll along a quiet
country road, he heard n loud con-
fused noise as of then quarreling.
Proceeding a little way, he was
annoyed to liud two colliers of his
aCquaintrnce wrangling fiercely over
a, very paltry questiou. This put
him iu a very grim tnood. To think
that one of his favorite solitudes, as
well as oue of the most beautiful
scenes iu Ltutrlcsltire, should be
made a place fur gtiarreliug about
nothing! His brows contracted
with the intensity of his anger.
What say ye, Bob?' 'What say
ye Bobi' cried first one and then
the. other as he came up and stood
beside them.
•\Neel, what's the Larkin' aboot
atgrily inquired he.
- 'Oh, jist aboot---- ' and immedi-
ately the two men were at it tooth
and nail, each disputing the lairness
of the other's method of stating the
point at issue. For nearly a quar-
ter hour Bob listened quietly,
but with increasing, wrath, till at.
length bath burst nut with
'\Vhat say ye neo, Bob?'
'I sae naothing,' returned Bob
with withering scorn. 'Ye twa hae
said mair than enough for the three
o' us.'
Curiously enough, this answer
was more effectual in setting the
dispute than any two hours' lecture
on the point at issue could have
On another occasion. Bob came
upon two of 'his fellow -workmen
arguing about political matter's. So
fierce had the strife grown that each
of theta was shouting as loudly as if
he were trying to hail someone a
mile away. As Bob approached
• them he noticed that some cows in
an adjoining field, attracted by the
unusnal noise,,, were craning their
necks over the hedge to see what
was going on. \\ralking forward
unnoticed, ho laid his hands on the
shoulders of the two men, and said,
quietly :—
say, lads, We time to stop.
See, the very kye talc' yo for twa
strange bulls rowtin' !'
Not another word was needed.
Bothe walked silently away, each
convinced at least his own foolish-
ness, if not of the soundness of his
opponent's arguments.
Even religious disputes were
sometimes brought to Bob for decis-
ion, so high did his follows rate his
good sense and fairness. In such
cases, however, his judgments were
mostly 'of the Delphic oracle- sort,
which could bo taken either way,
and understood very well neither
Two vary pertinacious and wordy
fellows, one a Calvinist the other a
Universallet, had a dispute which
threatened to last them a life -time,
At length they agreed to refer the
matter to Bob, who at once set
them to argue out the matter he•
ford him.
'Ah wool, then,' said the orthodox
man, summing up, 'if you Universal-
ists hae nae separate place .for evil-
doers, surely there'll be different
degrees in your heaven?'
'Certainly,' assented the Univsal-
ist, adding, `What dee ye say,
'Separate heavens, I wad say,'
returned Bob, dryly, to the astonish-
ment of both, 'for I'm sure there's
nae peaceable body wad care to
live iu the same parish its you Lust,
even iu heaven l'
In Sweden, if you address the
poorest perseu on the street you
Must lift your hat. The salve
courtesy is insisted upon if you
pass a lady ou the stairway. To
outer a' reading room or a bank
with one's hat ou is regarded as a
breach of manners. 1'o place your
hand on the arm of a lady, in Italy,
is a grave and objectionable famiti-
arity. "Never touch the person, it
is sacred," is one of their proverbs.
In Holland a lady is expected to
retire precipitately if she +should
eater a store or restaurant where
then aro congregated. She waits
until they have tr+4nsacted their
business and departed. Ladies
seldom rise in Spain to receive a.
Male visitor, and they rarely ,accom-
pany hint to the door. A. gentle-
man does not offer to shake a
Spanish lady's hand. For hint to
give a lady (even his wife) his arm
when out walking is looked upon
as a decided violation of propriety.
If a Spaniard says, when you retire
after a visit, "This house is entirely
at your disposal, whenever you inay
please to favor it," he wishes you
to know that he regards you as one
of the family—unu de nosotroa
(one of us) as they express it. If
the words are not spoken you •tau
conclude that you aro not welcome
to calf again.
In Persia, among the aristocracy,
a visitor sends notice au hour or
two before c.rlling, and gives a
day's notice, if the visit is oleo of
great importance. He is met by
servants before he reaches the
house, and other considerations are
shown him according to relative
rank. The left, and not the Might,
is considered the position of honor.
No Turk will enter a sitting
room wit dirty The upperier
classes -wear tight -fitting shoes, with
aoloshos over thein. Tho latter,
which receive all the dirt and dust,
aro left outside the door. The
Turk never washes in dirty Water.
Water is poured Over his hands, so
that when polluted it runs away.
In Syria the people never take' oll'
their caps or turbans when enter-
ing the house or visiting a friend,
but they always leave their shoes at
the door. There are no mats or
scrapers outside, and the floors
inside are covered with expensive
rugs, kept very clean in Moslem
louses, and used' to' kneel upon
while saying prayers. In China
grief is associated with a white
dress, in Ethiopia with brown, in
Talkey with violet, in Egypt with
Etiquette require 'in Chinese
conversation that each should com-
pliment the other and dopreeiat.o
himself and all his belongings. It
is aflirtued that the following, is not
an exagg•*ration :—"What is your
honorable name?" "My insignifi-
cent appellation is Chang."
"Where is your magnificent palace?"
"My contetr.ptible hut is at Luellen."
"How many aro your illustrious
children 1" "My vile, worthless
brats are five." "clow is the health
of your distinguished spouse?"
"My mean, good-for-nothing old
woman is well." 'The salutation of
a people to some extent indicate
their national character. "May
God strengthen your morning,"
brings to the fore -ground the Arab's
faith ill destiny. The oriental
"May thy shadow never grow less,"
shows the honor placed in obesity.
The French "How do you carry
yonrself ?" indicates the regard for
forms. The German's habit of
generalizing is seen in "Hots goes
it ?" and the Englishman's practi-
cal mind in "How aro you I"
Farmers from nearly every section
of the Western States are reporting
the appearance of the 17 -year
locusts in great numbers. More or
less superstition is attached to the
advent of the locusts, and many
put full confidence in the belief
that the fate of the country for the
next seventeen years is decided by
whatever letter appears ou the
locust's wing. In proof of this
they cite the fact that in 1855,
when they appeared in greatabun•
dance, the setter "W" could be
plainly seen on their wings, which
signified rear. As war followed in
a few years, the scperstititious idea
gained strength, and is very goner
ally believed in throughout the
In 1872 the next regular period
for their appearance, it is claimed
the letter "P" could be as distinct-
ly seen on their wings as the "W"
of seventeen years before, Peace
and plenty followed their last
appearance, which aatisfies the
credulous that the locust •is a true
prophet. What letter will appear
on their wings this year has not yet
been discovered, but the country
folks are anxiously awaiting an
investigation of the matter.
The ower 0, 0 plau'1 nn
vie., Detroit, stood int h•a 1141.11 ,lour
WI the all)' the other • ,hay w hru a
111 111 with a woo len leg and e crutch
eagle Hieing marl I1a,se•i rho tilts o'
day ant1 finally soh! -
`83y, .1 watt you to ,1') 109 0
favour, I want to !Pay , my les
with you for e Caw utioul,-s,'
'IVlly 1'
`I waut to go arc.uu.l (111 Secowl
avenues and work a house for half a
dollar tit money I've got a pointer
that tate folks are very syiliithetie.
If I go with one leg 1'01 sure of
Very w e!i ;.,lust leave your log
hive anal I'll take care of it.'
Phe woo,.loo suhstttute was tato
strapped and Itaiiil I ut•Or, and the
cripple us•ei the ere tell to h,•'tt Itiut•
Self ,town the tt11oy. Fitt, ut nut,'-
tats r he 'nog the (10010(11 of a house
around 1101 avenue, to have it
opened 1.y the u"un he haul stool nt
the barn.
'Wit—wh —what '1' he gas;trd in
'Very svmpathette family lives
here,' quietly replied rho other.
You seem to have root with a sad
loss, and I'm anxious to help you.
Here is a wooden leg which may tit
The log was handed ov r, the
man sat down 011 the steps and
strapped it, 011, and as he ;ot Up 911.1
stumped through the gate, he said
to himself :—
'I've heard of coincidence'i ever
since I. was knee,high to a hop.
toad, but this is the first oiie; that
ever hit me with both feet at once.'
—Advices recently received state
that the 1Vlornious are flocking into
Alberta from Idaho and Utah.
They have purchased large tracts'
from the Alberta Thal way & Coal
Company, • Mr. A. M. Stonehouse,
the British Columbia Legislator who
left that Province to join the
Mormon colony at Alberta, insists
that Loy assoulatH,u
will practice
polygamy if they like, and the
Dominion cannot prevent their
doing so. Conditions and restraints
might be imposed upon the 'Mor-
mons if they purchased their lands
Bout the Government, but they are
buying from subsidised railway
companies. If the llormou•s con-
tinue to Hack into the Northwest
our Federal rulers will soon have a
serious problem on their hands.
of Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine,
which supplies the necessary blood
building material.
—A short time ago Joseph Cov-
yoau,• of Windsor, purchased Charles
1ovyeau's'wife for $1. Since then.
the .latter decided to cancel, the
bargain, and endeavored to get his
wife back, but •Joseph would not
agree to it. A warrant was jostled
for Joseph Covyoau's arrest, hut
the constables have been unable 10
find him.
elegant toilet article, and cleanses
and purifies the skin most effectu-
—A French fisherman who was
reported lost and his property
divided up, returned all right ,after
au absence of two years, but the
French courts hold that he is dead,
and he has got to take a new name
and be somebody else.
cathartic like. Burdock Pills are
necessary to keep the blood pure
and the body healthy.
—Governor Bulkley, of Connecti-
cut, vetoed the Secret Ballot Bill,
but the House passed it over his
veto by 121 to 38. He is about
as OIUcli afraid of an independent
vote of the people as Mr. Mowat
appears to bo.
By proper, healthful exercise, and
the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil and Elypophosphites,
which contain the healing and
strengthening virtues of these two
valuable specifics in their fullest
form. Dr. D. D. McDonald, Petit.
codiac, N. B., says :—"I have been
prescribing Scott's Emulsion with
good results. It is especially useful
in persons of consumptive tendon -
les. ' Sold by Druggists, 30o. and
$ 1.00
—Charles Fox, an Indian, who
had been brought up at Muucey,
Middlesex county, Ont., but of late
years has been around Moravian•
town, died recently of consumption.
It is reported that on his deathbed
lie confessed to having murdered
his wife and several other parties.
He is said to have confessed to tige
murder of Sinnett who was suppos-
ed to have been killed on the rail-
way track there ten years ago, and
poor Anderson, who was thought
to have died on the track by stumb-
ling into the cattle guard. Fox is,
said to have told the Indian preach-
er of these things, and also to have
implicated in the murder of Siunot
two other parties.
TIONS of worms, but Dr. Low's -
Worm Syrup meets them in every
case successfully.
An (.;,1 physician, retired from elle: lee,
having had placed its hda hand, by 011
East India mfsaiut,ary the formula of a
simple vegetable weedy for the speedy
cud perutaucnit rune ul' Con.>an teflon,
lirwtcltills, Ctt(ull, Asthma and all
thrtLIC and /mug, .rfl'ertiota, also a positive
and 'milted cute fur Nett oUs Dehtlity ;tort
all Nervous Complaints, atter having lost •
ed its wonderful curative posers is thuns-
attls of cues, 1,6 lull it Lia duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actua-
1 by this, motive and tt desire to orgies°
human suffering.1 will send Ilce ul'
hargc, to all w•h, desire it, Ibis recipe, fu
('e1l(taut, )'(cn'•h or English, with full
ditectiou, furl ;elution;, and usitlg. Scut
by mail l,t a•iiiressmg with stamp. naming
this paper. tf. A. t'nvE,, 141) P(wer•'s
Dlo I, Iloches'e)A'. 3'. 5117 vow.
--A tiro at tieall1e, \\', T., on
1 Thuistl,ty, almost 01 flied the city
i fount thn fact' of the eattlt, occasion-
ing a I. N. 11" ,1 ;11 7:1').11(If1,0110.
ensues TO MoIlissa —Are you dis-
urbed hi, eight .t slwukcu ur}oorrest
1' 0 ;ick child sell•ering and crying with
pain of Curtin. '1'00011? 1f so send at
once and get a home 01 ",tied Wi•ieloe's
Soothiugwrnp" for Children `:ct•thiug.
Its value !i iucaleulabie. It will relieve
the pour 11ltierea',rer immediately. De -
pew' upon it, mothers; there is no mis-
take about it. it cures Dysentery and
Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the
Gums, (reduces inflammation, and gives
tone ane energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup” for
children teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription °lone of the oldest
and best female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world. Price
25c. a bottle. lie sure andask for "Mrs,
t\inslOw'sSoothing Svrup," and take no
other kind.
—The coroner'sjury at Johns-
town has found the members of
the South Fork Fishing Club, who
controlled the big pond, respon-
sible fur the lives and property lost
in the flood.
A big strike was Mak,; when Powell
& Davis issued their Extract of arsap-
arilla and Burdock. It has met with
great success, and it must, tor it is tate
most powerful blood purifier in the mar-
ket. 1t is used with the greatest success
in all diseases arising from a debilitated
conduott of the system, and everyone
,i s ash to
needs,at al , old use earl° or t v art
and t e
this se -sat of the year, of Powell'a Ex-
tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear
in mind one 50e. bottle cootains more
solid medicine than most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember
that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists,
price 50c, it bottle. Sold by ail drug-
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
—A man who resides clear
Belleville, and who is a member
of the Salvation Army, 11•4 a fugitive
on the charge of incest, \1' heir a
constable went to' arrest itim lie
was working at Bridgewater, and
the daughter with ((:horn he is
alleged to have been criminally iu-
Ornate went and informed hilus
lie tookto the (soots to ith a shut
gun. The girl is shout seveute'en
yeors old, and her uul•ttel'ul rula-
tions with her father' are said to
hove co litho tied during !ho last
three years.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs,
GOOPage Book thaaTreatmentt ofAnimals
teas,SFryer,, Congestions, Inflammation.
A.A• ?,Spina/ Meningitis, Milk Fever.
H.R.-•Strains, Lameness, Ithoamatidtn.
C.C.--Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
E.D. --Bots or Grubs, Worms.
E..-Coughs, Beeves, Pneumonia.
F. --Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
R.G.--Mlscarrlage, Hemorrhages.
I.H.--Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
j.I...Eruptive Diseases, Mange.
J.K.--Diseases of Digestion.
jitabte Case, with specifics, Manual,
Witch Hazel Oil and Medicator, ��'.00
Price, Single Dottie (over 50 doses), •Off
Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere
and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. •
Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y.
Katie/30 genre. ?'he onlyeuccessftii remedy for
Nervous Debility, lital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over -work or other canoes:
111per vlsi or 6 vials and large vial powder, for $5
SOLDHY'DBQd0I8TB or sen postpaid on receipt of
prloe.—lwmD�fe' nadlNneCO., 100 Fulton 0G, II. Y.
WELLS tq; it1CHA ILDSON CO., Agents,
• pit k, -
v 09oo 3Msg c`P _�I�
sot: 1 V— LL iall7 lt;�tis-r .
Glazing and Graining,
Plain : and : Decorative
Shop next Kennedy's Hotel,
Albert Street,
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Spring
illattrasses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock its flans the very
beat manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JOS. CIIIDLEY, olio door West of Dickson's Book Stole,
zhe two- trod,
Leathllg:: Conservativ :: Papor
Best Equipped fob Rooms
— — + — = a:..._. + + — — — + — •
4e Fisi Job Printing
rtou'd do well to call On T11E NEWS lll,Cultl) before placing tii,ai-
orders for
Route Bills, -Pedigrees,
Folders, Cards, &e.
The Double C!roulat!on Kg*
031- Talks to Tftousari1s.
kdvertiso in The News-Rocord