The Huron News-Record, 1889-06-05, Page 81 AKl POWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder nv eo l avec. A u>urvul of purity, strenthan theth and lt ordinar�i.'inde, and r.ulore iw(>tet>usold in competition witl, the multitude of low test, short weight alum nr pin>sph its powders. Sold nluincans. 1{01 AI. I1AHInn POW Milt Co., 100 Wall St., N. Y. The Huron News -Record rjMo. Geo. 1VIoT000are returned to Morrisburg last Friday, after spending a vacation iu Cliuton. Miss OLIVER was in the circular to'vu last week on a short visit to her mother who ie temporarily re- siding there. '1'rn CLINTON GUN Ci.UD went to Goderioh on Monday to have a "shoot" with the Goderioh Club. There was some excellent firing done and the result was close. Clin- ton wiuuing by a score of 59 to 57. $1.50 u Vcar 61.25 In Advance. ar The man dues not do .justice to his business who spends Less in aduettisiter than he docs in rent.-- A T. Sinew.Anr, the millionaire merchant o,/ New York. • FVednesthLY:. June 5th, 18S9 Los•r.—On Friday, a purse containing seventeen tlulLtisand twenty three cents. The purse bears name nt' owner. Finder will be suitably !awarded by leaving same at—EtoBEI:l's!) i 1 c.ui?.tT C.Asu STORE, CLI N'iuN. Don't buy Blaby Carriages or `'fail Paper until you have seen the magnificent NEW STOCK at DICKSON'S fln,k Store,_ Clinton. GIB!, \VANrED—Gan oral house- work , small family. Apply to MRs. A. M. 'Porn, Princess Street, Clinton. -Boy \1'ANTED—To learn the art of printing. Apply at Ibis office. THE NEWS RECORD extends the band of sympathy to•our old friend Mr. Peter Cantelou, Sr., on his bereavement by death of the wife with whom ho has travelled through life for so many years. THE FitoST of last Tuesday night and Wednesday morning cut down the tender vegetables and nipped the budding fruit severely. Fortu- nately cereals were not far enough advanced to have any harps done them. WE had a call on Saturday from our old friend, Mr. Jatnes Gallagher, -of Goderieb. Ileowas uu pall bearers at the funeral of the late Mrs. Tewsley, which sad event took place from Goderich to Clin- ton. The gentleman looks hearty. A FALSE REPORT CORRECTED.— Some maliciously inclined individu- al has circulated the report that Mr. James Foster, of Varna, wrote the nameless effusion which appeared in an Exeter print a few weeks ago. Mr. Foster is a gentleman and too conscientious a man to descend to wash the dirty linen of any person. If he has anything to say he is not ashamed to put his name to it. We have known Mr. Foster for some years, and as far as we know are the hbst of friends. Wo have never charged any resident of Stan- ley with being the.author, and do not now do so. Stanley is made op of loyal citizens, and they do nd't indulge in such buncombe. C;a.1:Lt1i► Par'il"ic Railway and Steamship Line. Ti.d<.:ts issued by W hitrly awl Todd, Newt. -.Record opine, Cli,ttni, to. ,j11 puiLty iu Yz :rtit(,ba anal Nortirive.st; "wand-: 1K9' ? isl: C, snit Yokohama and lluuw;h..ug. lapssof Manitoba and the Can.sibi t Northwest, with descriptive natter and where to obtain 11 0 grants and pre.captions fur- nished on al>nlirntinu to w'E3ITEI.I' & '1'ODr) Agents at Clinton. WILL PPER ANO BE3QRRTIQN81 Prices Much Lower than Last Year BABY CARRIAGES. Twelve different kinds in stock. We also have a fine frtock of LOCAL NEWS. In and ,around! the "Hub." FOOL OR MADMAN.—Some crude storiea„aro told abort a real live ghost waylaying ladies who may be obi the loss frequented streets on dark nights. He grabs hold of them with what must • be presumed anything but a good purpose. . He is dressed in white and walks as though he wears slippers. If he contiunes his antics his white gar- ment will bo his shroud. Tho women are arming themselves and some of them be practical fool killers if this asinine or loony "ghost" dons not voluntarily lay himself. And if men get hold of him they will give him but a short shrift. onwri 11ll;. '11108. J.ttKSON, Sit., announces in another column that he has bought the tailoring busiuess and. stock of C. C. Rance. The veteran- will. con• tiune the, business. °on. MR. TODD was called to Woodstock ou Montlay, owing to the serious illness of his brother Robert, It is hoped "Rob" may yet pull through. He was resting &little easier Monday. Cunui.r:s U istttsoN, eldest son of \\rat llartison, auctioneer, Bayfield, is reported to have been murdered at Ashland, Wis., a few days ago. He wastliomo a year ago last winter. Supposed'io have had $1,400 on his person. Socir;'rr \ oTES.--Tho members of the Dolierty Co. Mutual Assur- ance Society held their anuual meeting on the 27th ..May and anted for the third terra the following officer.:—President, Chas. Blackstone; Trees,. ,J). C. Carr, Secy. W. II. Manning. TORONTO UNTVEWITY EX .551S.— City papers of yesterday give the .results of examinations at Toronto University. Miss Stork passed in third year. W. 0. Malloch, son of P. S. I., 1). McG, Malloch, of Clinton, second year. R. Stanbury and J. A. Cooper first year, all of Clinton. A SAD 1'isir. -- Mesers. Jarred Cantelou and John Cook, of Toron- to township, were iu town the past few days, being called hither through the serious illness and death of their aunt, Mrs. Peter Cantelon, sr. Mr. Cook is deputy reeve of Toronto township. Mr. Cantelou is a brother-in-law and Mr. Cook a cousin to Mr. David Cook of the flour and feed store. �l , Suitable for Baby Carriages. ---o---o Chris. Dickson, Clinton Representative Orangemen, S. McCall, of St. Thomas, a gentle- - man whose rotund proportions Atuoug the many of the delegates showed a geniality of disposition and visitors at the meeting of the which cousiderablu converse did Grand Lodgo of British America nut dissipate. As for delegate L. Nethery of North Huron County Orange Lodge of which he is either present or past Master, there was fire,_ in his eye and Fermanagh loyalty in his tone that boded no sufferance for Jesuits -or any ogler religious or political body whose actions boded injury to Right, Truth, Honor and LOYALTY. And with him we met an equally sterling compatriot in Robert McMurray. 'Twere long to tell but pleasant to relate of the many local acquaint- ances and newly found friends with whom wo were brought intu contact by this casual visit to the town of Godorich last week. Suftf3 it to say that we did not meet ono within whose veins there did not kindle a patriot's fire as . they talked of the nicotine, of the Most Worshipful the Grand Orange Lodge of British America in Goderich this) year. Mon who were sworn to guard the temples of their sires Ftud who would consider it a boon to sired their blood in reverence of the memory of those who bought our present civil and religious liberty and our territorial patrimony with their blood. A TIE.—Dougherty and' McClay wore candidates for Mitchell mayoralty last January. The vote was close but McClay was declared elected by a majority of ope.: IIis seat was protested and he resigned. A new election last week resulted in a tie but the clerk ruled oDo of McClay's votes out thus, giving Dougherty the spat, .Now comes county Judge Woods, who declares the vote a tio. And the clerk will have to break it. Mr. Dougherty who will likely receive his vote is a brother in-law of Mr. D. A. Forres- ter of this town. In any event there will likely bo another protest and thus the gooii work—for the lawyers—will still go on. which assembled iu Goderich last week whom we met was Mr. Henry Perkins, of Gorrie, a grand Lodge office], and-Paat' County Master. r. Perkins is a solid roan physi- cally, intellectually and morally, and sported a solid ebony cane with a beautifully emboseed solid gold head, presented to him, as the engraved inscription theregn in• forms us, on " June 25th 1885, ? y t7ee Officers and Members of the L. 0. County Lodge of North Huron. Another was Colonel W. J. Park- hill, of Paris, also of splendid physi- que and genial manner coupled with sterling worth, as the following inscription on a maguiflceut gold watch bears almost imperishable testimony to : " Presented to 117. J. Parkhill, Esq., M. P. P., P. P. 0. M. By the R. W: P. Grand Orange Lodge, Ontario West, for long and faithful sert'icea—Toronto Jane, 1880. Then we met Major Van Iugon, of Newcastle, and his appearance so impressed us as also his conversa- tion, that we inwardly ejaculated, "and there are giants even in those days." HIe,s well as the two pro - ceding name goutlewou, and Mr, Stewart Mulvey of Manitoba, ex -1I. P. P., at present Treasurer of the city of Winnipeg, wore all of robust and mouly moutal characteristics as well as of more thou average physi• cal stature and proportions. Though no man can add ono cubit to his stature those gentlemen had evid- ently done their part in their day and generation towards preserving intact these outly portions of the British Empire, All ,loyal sons of. noble sires who believe in the flag that floats triumphant o'er the world, that has never been dishonor- ed by the stain of shame.- Tho flag that never fell and never will fall while such representatives as they, and their colleagues who visited, Goderich in the year of grace 1859 have .British Canadian blood to nerve British Canadian hearts, t • SUMME'i' aA of CLOTHING And as for Major Stewart Mul- vey—it is a red letter remark for Orangemen that so many in their ranks belong to tho Canadian volunteers either as officers or pri- vates—We found this gentleman to be of somewhat spare and angular form with a leonine cast of coun- tenance thut would do no discredit to "Christopher North," barring that he lacked the hisruto covering that gave much of a courageous LAW,--Gonerally we do not take aspect to Prof. Wilson. It is said much stock iu lawyers. But Noe that if you would but scratch a suppose that like editors they aro a Russiau you will find the original necessary evil. As will be seen by Tartar beneath. Major Mulvey not another column Clinton bat now being a Russian, nor even a Scotch• added to the profession by having man, we did not scratch bin). Re- located in our midst Messrs Owens cause even with the startlingly and Johnston. Their office is in unfavorable mention we liavp made the Grand Union Block. Mr. of him we found ham to be over - Owens will reside here while Mr. flowing with the "milk of Johnson will attend to the husi- of human kindness." Possibly ness of the firm at Blyth. Mr. bis kindly manner to the Owens appears to be a gentleman writer was somewhat iutensi well up in the profession and one find by his having:had a near rehi- who does not want "the whole tive of ours as a valued constituent earth." We have no doubt that in Manitoba for many years of his one of his liberal views will in time representative life. However this build up a paying practice here -rnay be wo were much charmed while honorably attending to the with the frank'and nervously vigor - interests of his clients. And unless ous manner and clear cut intelli- we are at fault in our estimate of genoe of Major Stewart Mulvey. human nature, Mr. Owens rs an honorable man as well as compe- tent in his profession. -> Lengthy as this is it world be en uupardouablo omission did we not refer to the °courtesy of Mayor Butler to the delegates. Without exception every individual wo mot with, those above named 'and'huu- drods of others, were hearty in their praises of him. And all the more so that he did not ostentatiously parade his offers of kind services whether iu his capacity 'as Mayor or in that of a private citizen of one of the prettiest towns by one of the great unsalted seas of this loyal I4om- iniou of ours. HUNT II1M+ DOWN'.—For some evenings all individual in town has frightened and chased women and young gide on tho back streets, 'prowled ai•onnd the residence of private citizens, And indulged in other unseemly actions, A terns in prison or a severe lashing would be a just reward for this "Jack the Ripper." , The Chief should get on his track and bring him within the clutches of the law. The town should at once ho rid of the nuis- ance. --Coil, Ecostcrr,Y.—A lady of Goderich township wad driving to market the other day with sixty-five dozen of eggs. Tho horse, from some reason, got hoyojid the lady's control—fora time. The buggy was rolled along at a speed that would have made the head of the driver of the fastest trotter in the county swim. Not so our matronly lady driver, though she was in the swim her head didn't swim, nor did the eggs swim in their own mucous lusciousness, not to any appreciable extent, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Out of the sixty dozen of eggs, with all the cavorting and so•callod runaway and smashing of hen fruit, only fourteen eggs wore broken, As this lady took second prize in a driving competi- tion at the Clinton Agricultural Show, the incident we refer to shows that the judges were not pos- sessed of partiality when they gave her second prize. The query is how would the obtainer of the first prize have come out under the eggs- ceptionelly trying circumstances? Oft Of course most of our readers have heard of Mr. Robert Birming- ham of Toronto. Some of our friends have called him "Bob." \Vo will not presume to take that familiarity with hire, though ho did have the frigidity of facial expansion to ask if Dr. Whitely was a son of ours. Wo found Mr. Birmingham a mild mannered gentleman, one whom we, fancied would feel more at tomo in a cottage snug and neat upon the lop of many-fountained Ide whore ho could greet the bright - gowned morning tripping up its side, instead of being bored near to death at room No, 7 until the gold- en footed couriers of the sun appear- ed in tho morning, distancing the aforesaid blight -gowned goddess. To The Hon. McKenzie Rowell we had offers of introduction, but we eschewed the opportunity, as between Grand Lodge business, and a gang of office seekers who hung on to his cart tails wo thought his time would be taken up sufficiently without his having to put up with the "everlasting" newspaper in- terviewer. r. Nor must wo forget delegate N. . 1111 e WE SHOW ALL THE LATEST GOODS IN Surges and Flannels ox— HOT WEATHER SUITS and now is the time to mike a 'selection while the stock is full. inBoy's Boy's 3 -pieced Suits, made from BLUE SERGE; s 3 i3tt• This Suit is the best value ever offered and is a Bargain worth looking after. HALIFAX TWEED PANTS, our own make, „2.00, worth 83,50 if' they are worth a cent. JACKSON BROTHERS, Town Parliament. itegular Mooting of town council Monday night. Mayor in fire chair. At the board were the reeve and deputy • and councillors Cantelon, Johnston, Couch, Foster, Searle, Overbury, Walker. Circular from Mayor Erratt of Ottawa re tax exemptions way referred as was also the matter of a uniform for the Chief Constable. An exhaustive report from acting chairman \Ic- Murchio of the street committee was read clause by clause and pass- ed, Considerable new work will bo done. Messrs. W. Cooper, J. Twitchell and T. Jackson, .Jr., waited on the council with a view to having sidewalk from Couch's corner raised up about six inches. The matter was left with street com., with power to act, though the reeve said that hitherto they could not be gloved in this any more than a fly could be switched by a bob -tailed " toss." Chairman Manning presented a detailed- financial statement for May :—Stroot account $13,20, pro- perty $25.18, charity $9, Harland Bros., nails etc., $22, Rentgen $65., drains $38.99, assessors salary $60, street watering $25, Milne lumber $93.02, Whitely & Todd $5.75. Receipts, hall $20, office $5, drains $2. 90, weigh scales$19. Manning also read Treasurers statement. Tenders are to be invited for designs and cost of new roof for town hall. Chief Pay of Fire Dept, asked for five more men and 200 foot more hose. 100 feet of hose to be order- ed and property corns to consult Chief about the men. .Searle and Cantelon referred to street lamps not being lit., and the reeve took a hand in and gave Tweeter Tedford a hauling over the coals, and the Mayor fanned the little breeze by saying, in reply to the Inspector, that ho did not know the lamps were rusted out and useless and said he would see that they were repotted at once, Searle also called attention to the Inspector's laxity of duty in the matter of nuisances. As a paid officer of the town no one could blame him for doing his duty. Ily-laws were passed appointing D. A. Forrester town engineer with fall statutory powers and emolu- ments; fixing 4 feet the lawful height of fences; and granting remission of taxes on vacant premises after six mouths, in the proportion of one- third the taxes on same and ono per cant per month. A big, tree that was cut down on Rattenbury street., by order of street commit- tee, was, metaphorically speaking, THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. brought into the council chamber to the good old days over forty' by Searle who brandished limbs years ago—recalling many couuten- from it in all directions, now`hittiug ances and happy events up to the the reeve there councillor Cantelon present time. We cannot name there or Johnston. After quite a little all, but suffice it to say that we met. good-natured brush, the remains of patrons and friends from all parts the defunct tree were removed, the of the co'ruty, the various provinces, inquest, so to speak,. resulting in and the whole Dominion. Tat•. the verdict, "Killed at the ago of NEws-REcoiI has a warm place iu 25 by a greater than George Wash- the affections of the people aril is ington, because the slayer wielded rocoguized as ono of the leading an axe, whereas G. 'tV. used only a provincial journals. little hatchet." 'Thorn was scarcely CORRESPONDENCE.—We oftuu a dry eye in the chamber when the obsequies were over, whether from receive matter for publication with- mi.rth or melancholy we will not out the writer's name. Sometimes say. However, Mr. Searle deserves the items are of a personal character credit for opposing either the and though possibly of Only a murder or tnaiuiug of trees. Tho joking natu re and perfectly harm - interest ho has taken in planting less, yet we must have the real and preserving_ these useful and• name of the writer; which we will pleasing street ornaments entitles not publish without his consent, if him to some consideration at the he is acting in good faith, but, bo it remembered that we hold our correspondents responsible for the correctness etc of their statements. Several times we have received unsigned statements from Bayfield, and not being familiar with the hand writing we could net publish them. Saturday we received an unsigned letter undated except that it bore the Goderioh Post Office mark on the envelope. This writer asks "Why don't the fool killer visit Bayfield and kill the N -R. correspondent there with a stuffed club? You can't imagine how such stuff as he writes looks in print 'to subscribers not acquainted with the locality. If that man don't soon die, write Common sense or stop writing, I and afraid you will loss at least one subscriber !" Now, we won't say that everything that every writer sends us is "common sense"' But where would the best paper in the world be if all of them that con- tained nothirig but "common sense" were strangled, Again, why is not Bayfield just as much entitled to news of interest only to its people as are the p'eople of Gode- rich or Blyth or•even the Hub itself. And news even in larger places:than Bayfield is largely made up of personal references.he one difficulty with personal item is that the writer of them sometimes allows his prejudice or Ms spleen to write of others as be would not that they should do of hint. If our correspondent friends will boar this in mind they will not so often get us or themselves into trouble. hands of the street committee, and wo are sure that the council hoard with regret his statement that he would never ask a Man again to plant a tree in the town. He is an authority on arboriculture and both as a citizen and a councillor .slipuld be consulted ere the ruthless hand of the axe -man be called upon to destroy our shade trees.—Council adjourned. GOING To CAMP.—Tho 33rd (Huron) Battlion will go to camp ou June 18th. Members and officers of No. 4 Company should make a note of the fact and govern themselves accordingly. Those not on the roll and desiring to go should communi- cate with Capt. Todd at once. Souru HuntoN L. 0. L.—The Semi-annual meeting of the South Huron County Loyal Orange Lodge, will be held in the Orange Hall, ,Goderich, on Thursday, June 6th, at 1 p. m, Tho final meeting of the Grand Lodge Reception Com- mittee will be held on the same date and place. A full attendance is 'requested. Ma. JAMES MooRE of town had a letter the other day from Virden, Man. They do not appear to have boon troubled with the baleful ef- fects of frosts there that have done so much harm in Ontario recently, and prospects of coming crop are cheer- ing. Mr. Joslin, our old townsman, Mr. Moore's father-in-law, had his arm broken the other day by a kick from a horse. This will pro, bably keep tho gentleman single - armed for a couple of months. OLD FRIENDS MEET.—While at Goderich last week, THE Nnws- REcoRD reprqsentativos were pleased to meat many old time acquaintan- ces. Our recollections went back ..-.--- -Dr. James B. Lawrence, while attending a Masonic lodge in Kan- sas, dropped dead in taking the third degree. He was ono of the leading physicians of the state.