The Huron News-Record, 1889-06-05, Page 7The ,Huron News -Record uneasiness, but the rain was alreadly 4.50 a Year -U.26 la Advano . t$' The man does nut du justice Co his boldness who rpend6 ices in advertieiru than he does in rent.—A. T. ST$WART, the rat eru:tire in: dint of New York. Wednesday. June 5th, 188a for the efficient manner in which they have disoharged their duties for this Association. To the teachers and pu- pils of the Model School, to Messrs T. and J. Jackson, Sibley and Shearer ank Misses Sibley, Gregg, Jackson and Andrews, and the Brass Quartette Club, fur their able assistauce at the evening entertainment, and those who so kindly assisted before and after the entertait - ment. To the Collegiate Institute Board, for the use of the Assembly Room. To the G.T.R., for the special rates allowed to teachers on this occa- sion. Resolved, that the Seoretary be in- structed to Convey the foregoing resolu- tions to those for whom they are spe- cially intended. This meeting has been in most ways the best that has been held for years. The addresses by Inspeotoa Deerness were of a practical nature and much good must result from them, The As.' soeiation was fortunate iu securing the er-vises-et s+,eb-a.-.,,lana--Fer--a number of years he was editor of the only Ed- ucational journal published in the province and those who had the pleas- ure of reading it will remember the valuable school -work it furnished in each number. As a Public School teacher he rankedlwell,and as Inspector of schools bis ability for the work is shown by the high state of eflioieney of the East Middlesex schools. As a De. parttnental Examiner his papers have always heed characterised by fairness, and his services -to the Educational De- partment were such a kind as to show Isis jndgmont on important geestions was considered of real weight. Fully abreasii of the times in Educational problems and with the training of an all -aroused scholar, his servloes have beeu in requisition at Teacher's T'ti- tutes throughout Western Ontario. His visit here will be remembered \vtt•h pleasure. FOR OUR STORY -READER'. A POSITIVE LITTLE WOMAN. Misr. Priutile stood in front of the pierglass trying on a new bonnet, She was a plump little woman with a fair, baby like face, and no one could blame her for gazing at hers - self with some complacency, for the dainty bit of millinery perched over the curly brown bangs was ex- ceedingly becoming. "There'll be uothiug like it iH IIutehiuville," she said to herself, with a thrill of pride, and her fingers meanwhile fluttered like humming -birds among the triin- Ininge, touching here a flower and i acres loop. She was going to Ilutclrinville the next week, for..the first time since her marriage, to spend a few days with her another, and the bon- net had been selected from Madame Le Grande's latest importation's with a view to dazzling her rural frieuds. "I ouly hope nothing will happen to it before I get there," was her thought, as she turned at last from the mirror. She even denied herself the plea- sure of wearing it to church the next day, fearing a shower, for the skies were lowering. To face her city acquaintances for ono more Sunday in the bonnet that she had already worn a whole season requir- ed far less strength of mind than to take her seat in the little IIutchin- villa church conscious that her bon- net, robbed of its pristine freshness, was being pounced upon by every eye iu the congregation; but she could not resist putting in on to let Jack see how he lilted it. "It's pretty well up in the world," said Jack, viewing it critically, with his hands behiud him ; "but that seems to bo the fashion in hoad-goar nowadaya. And really, on your head, my dear, it looks remarkably welt." Mrs. Prindle preened for a mo- ment before the glass. She was al- most tempted to wear 14, after all, but a warning plash on the •tvindow kept her from yielding. "I won't risk it," she said ; and putting the bonnet back in its nest, site stood on tiptoes and pushed the bandbox in place on the upper shelf of the wardrobia, Hutchinville was a night's journey by boat, and the next day proving stormy, Mrs. Prindle, in terror of sea -sickness, decided to defer her • trip; but with the waning of the afternoon the wind suddenly shifted, the elollds parted, and the sun burst forth like a monarch newly crowned. If it was going to be a fair night, it would be too bad to dissapoint her mother, who sho know would bo looking for her the next morning, and ordering a carriage at the last motnont, sho hastily gathered up her baggage and departed. She was a methodical Tittle woman and even for the short tinlo that she was to occupy her state room Rho wanted "a place for every ,thing and everything in its place" ; but on boarding the boat she snot an invalid friend who detained her for h-t1.f an hour or more in the ladies' cabin, and before sho could, arrange her belongings in her state -room the capricious wind had veered again. She stood for a moment at the window trying to persuade her- self that there was no cense for driving against till deck, and the iu- creaeing roughness soon compelled her to take refuge in her berth. To all those on board who were predisposed to sea -sickness it was a night of woe, and when the next morning Mrs. Prindle took the stage for Hutoltinville, the -little village being about three miles inland, she was ton exhausted to give a thought `o her baggage, even the precious bonnet had for the moment drifted out of mind, and it was not until she alighted at her mother's door that the discovery wae wade that ' the bandbox was missing. With hasty greetings and equally hasty directions as to where to find the box, her brother Torn was des- patched on horseback to the boat, and in a disturbed state of temper and nerves Mrs. Prindle seated her- self at the breakfast -table. "I wouldn't worry about it, Phebe," said her tuuther ; " it'll be all right if you left it in your state- room." But Tom shortly came galloping back with the information that the state -room had been searched in vain ; nota box of an kir be found. "`('hen that guard Must have taken it," Mrs. Prindle declared, "She had to go rummaging among my things last night for my bottle of salts, and I dare say the bandbox took her eye." "More likely it slipped overboard when they were bringing your traps ashore," remarked 'Tom, with a boy's repugnance to having people sus- pected. But \Ira. Prindle, convinced that the bandbox was in the waiting. maid's possession, insisted on going herself to soo the captain. The captain, who had just risen from freak fast when the carry -ail topped at the gate, listeued to Mrs. Prindle'e story with courteous patience. Mrs. Bates had been on ho boat for thirteen years, he said, nd he had never had cause to sue- pect her honesty ; but lie was more han willing to investigate the neat- er, It was possible that Mrs. Prates lad taken the box to her owu room imply for safe -keeping, he suggest - d. But Mrs. Bates, who had just nishod putting in order the state• oonl Mrs. Prindle lead occupied, onied all knowledge of the band ox, and was so indignant over Wire, rindle's implied suspicion that he captain had some difficulty in roventing a scene. "It's very strange," said Mrs. riudle, st•ifHy,as the captain helped er over the gang -plank. "A box Ice that couldn't have, gone off ithout hands. Somebody must now something about it, and if it n't the maid it must bo some of e passengers." But all the passengers had loft o boat, and Mrs. Prindle herself d to admit that to send a search - arrant after them would-be an un- arrantnble proceeding. Beyond estien the bonuot was lost, and e returned to Hutchinvillo feeling at the pleasure of her visit was ready at an end. Even the fact at her travelling hat was a pretty„ tir, and not all out of style, at(loll her a little consolation. II, she could have worn the veiling hat in a more resigned to of mind had the weather been h as to make the other seem a fle iu advance of the season; but in the hour of her arrival until turned her face homeward, rcely a cloud marred the serene re of the skies, . The air was full ubtli' !tints of bursting buds, and in t,t:ngs filled the perfumed ne, while up and down the els flue morning till night the rry chi l'l ren trundled their hoops, higir„n,n,Jve the tree tops soared inovii.l'.le kite ; but to Mrs. ndlo, h• :eft of hor bonnet, these mistable signs of spring served y to intensify her sense of loss, she was scarcely sorry when the o camo for her to return to town. loss, trifling in itself,,took the Sty out of the velvet lefts. s a 8 e fl r d h p 1' h li w s th th ha u sh th al th fn for Sti tra sta sac tri fro she sea azu of rob daw stye me and the Pri un ons and Urn The beat Jack, like the dutiful spouse that he had always proved himself to be, was at the lending to moot her the next morning, and on the way home she poured into his sympathetic ears tho story of the missing bonnet. "You aro sure you took it with you?" he asked, when the recitat was ended. "Jack 1 Of course I'rn sure ! You don't suppose I'd have gone off without it, after buying it on par• pose to went' it when at home?" "Hardly ; but never mind, dear; all you have to do is to go to Madame Lo Grando's and duplicate it," said Jack, eager to comfort her, "I may go to Madame Le Grande's and order another, but I shall not duplicate, it," said Mrs. Prindle, with much dignity. "I've no wish to have my bonnet a compan- ion piece to Mrs. I3ate's, That woman ought to he brought to justice, and as soon as we're through breakfast, Jack, [ want you to take a descrip- tion of the bonnet to some detec- tive and put him on the watch for her." Jack barely succeeded in suppres- sing a whistle. Wouldn't it be better!----" he began , but the stopping of the street car iu front of thud door served to change the a "I feel like a famished hunter, said Jack, as ho turned the latch- key. Mrs. Prindle too wua lung' when Jack had deposited parcele elle asked him to toll get to put breakfast ou the to once. "I'lI be down in a Moment," sho added, as she pulled out her hat- pins. Jock started to obey, but before he was half way down the stairs a cry from Mrs. Prindle caused him to face about, and on regaining their room he found her standing iu front of the wardrube gazing in a dazed \hay at the upper shelf. r own —Tho Iiritla, uu►u of•wei .Sur• 81JS/N(RSQ/RECTORY r011rr�i t0 VIII' ubjeet. y, and her Brid- ble at "Jack," she whispered, huskily, "is that a bandbox up there V' Jack himself seemed a little dazed. "It looks very much like one, my dear," ho said, slowly ; "but of course it is not the one you took away with you." "I'm—oh, 1'•. afraid it is, Jack!" gasped Pllebe, as Jack took down the box ; "or rather I'ni afraid I didn't take it, after all. 1 remember now o , -1"t with the other things in the carriage—she had my bag and umbrella its, her hand at the time—and just then the doorbell rang, so I told her to go on and 1'd bring the box, but I didn't thiuk of it again till I was at the gate, and then Bridget cause running out with it, or at lout with something that I supposed to he it, and stowed it into the carriage ; hut now I think of it, it must have been the much box. Oh, Jack, what a goose I've been 1" "Moral," said Jack, taking the bonnet from the bandbox and perching it o)t his owu heed "Please don't, Jack," entreated Phehe. ' "(fell, then, let's h tve.breakfa@@t," said Jack, hungry enougif tome glad et' a truce. But though the subject was not alluded to again that day, whenever Mrs. Prindle shows a disposition tor be a little over -positive, Jack, with a masculine memory for feminine shortcomings, mildly reminds her of the Just bonnet. 1'IIE GI'ILEI' MAN. '1 would like to soil you a gim- let,' said a careworn looking man, as he walked into the ogee the othor day. 'We have no use for one here,' replied the cashier. r3"ut you should always to into the misty future,' wont on t fiend, detuurely. 'Next winter y will want to make holes in yo hoot heels so you can get your ska ou.' 'I always use club skates— straps .required.' 'You may want to screti' so boards together some time. 'L' old fashioned method of drivi screws iu with a hammer is peso clothscio, as it deteriorates the touuei of the taiga of the screws, as were.' `Nothing to -day, sir.' ole he ou ur tee AO me he ng ty it The gimlet also acts as a cork- scrow�' I do not want it.' 'It has an eraser, pen, an inkstand, a table for computing compound interest and a lunchbox attach- ment.' - 'I can't help it ; I don't want it.' 'I know you don't. You're ono of those moan mon that won't buy a gimlet unless it has a restaurant, a trip to Europe and an Italian opera company attached. You are the !rind of a loan who would live near an electric light to save a gas bill.' And the pedlar walked out with his mental plunge on the perpen- dicular.—Texas Sftints. —George R. Sims, tho author and journalist, has summoned the Duke of Cambridge and Inspector Robin- son, of London, for assault. —A Michigan Central conductor, who will be called Smith; was injured some years ago, and was offered as a settlement hither a certain amount in cash or a life job on the road. Wisely he choose the life job. All went smoothly until Mr. H. B. Ledyard assumed the management, when, something going wrong, he gave Smith notice that be needn't take his train out the next morning, in fact, that his services were no longer needed. Smith said nothing, but at the end of the month stepped into the treasurer's office, and giving his name said they could send his check up to his house, as he did not care to come down after it. "But wo don't owe you anything," said the ofTicer; "you were lairs off last month, \yeren't you?" "Well, I guess not," retorted Snlitll. "if you take the trouble to look over the records, you will see that there aro some things abopt the lbfighigan Central you don't know yet. You will See that I have a life job on this road, and, while thanking you for tho vacation you have given me, I would most respectfully ask that my chock be sent to my readonco to -morrow." Tho chock was son t,• Toledo Commercial. prise, which went ashure at the Is- land of Syracuse, after .culling with another tweet, has beeh floated off. —The Austrian Government has been officially warned by' Germany that German socialists aro agitating Licentiate of Dental Surgery Honor Graduate 'among the Austrian miners, of the Toronto School o{ Dentistry. 1enti,try. ONE to lend In luny,, or li good mortgagee or pereew,l the lowest current rates. 11. ti A1.1 Clinton. C. H. COOK, i Clinton, Feb. 25, 1861 D f Ri YApropeTEy. I'"JNDSAppt} Lu (0 ltnd us IGH l a l , 1,,, 1 rt Ofl(meen, next News-Roaa, IDO(I p�.l O 8b0.3J,) Albcrt.St .. _-- _._— _ -- — __ —A vagrant named John Howard Thomas died at Stratford gaol the other day at the ripe age of 80 years and 5 Months. Dammed was a baker by trade. Death wae attributed to heart disease. —The municipal authorities of Prague have fined tho 'tramway Company £1.000 for the cessation of traffic caused by the strike, and have threatened to withdraw the company's charter if business is longer suspended. -1131.-- -- Our Weekly Round Up —The En flub 4ytt+lleate is said to have bought all the hr-weri,'s at St. Paul, Minn,, for $•1,000,000. —One hundred persons are re, pouted JCL Lir ye p-'rihe.l.---iu--Ilre Austrian Hoods. —Three hundred toile", of railway 'will lie Luilt in the province of 111anitoha this summer, awl laboring men are in great demand, $28 a month and board being offered. —Di4patehus from the interior of Wiseoneill indicate that garden truck awl the tender shoots of early cern were severely nipped by frost ThuToday night [ce from one, eighth to a quarter of an inch thick formed in pools, and bre ereun't wan froZ9n still'. [c is feared that the 4trawiiorry crop, which lin-indeed to be target' that any et et- !before in 8r, (Croix ami Pierce c,,110(1ee, is a total lose, —The la teat reports front the flooded tlIs'riot 4 of Annuls show that the lose of life, i4 much greater than was Supposed. The r1 Vet 01 81111 greatly swollen. In many plu0e4 the bursting of /tykes has Hooded the eurroundin o territory and utterly destroy+ d crops. Bally narrow li capes Truro death aro re, ported. The deepest distress pre, veils; throughout the submerged due• tricts, and steps are being taken to relieve the immediate wants of the s u ffer-rs. • —Word has bean received et Winnipeg of a ferocious tight which took plack near !/'ort• 'McLeod last week, between a band of Blood Indians on one side and a force composed of s(.ildiere, cowboys and Oros Veitreis on the other, The Bloods have lately been stealing horses front the 0m -o8 Ventres, and the latter, assisted by cow boys, Made an effort to recover the Stolen ani- mals. A4 usual, the stories as to the number of killed are conflicting, but it iv certain that a large nuln'tier were slain. Test of the bodies were carried away by friends of- the fallen, but three or four were die. covered on the field, minus scalps. The Bloods tippler to have gotten the worst of the encounter. THIS YEAR'S - � TJLE GUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. SEE l - az 13_ iS !IRONER ON_ EACH PLUG and PACKAGE, 517.3, CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERICH. WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT. INGS & TROUSEItINGS, SCOTCII TWEED SITITINGS & TRO USER[NGS, FItb:NCH ANI) ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, ((lade ftp its Beet Style and Work. mans/rip at Abraham Smith's. Now in stock one of the cheape- and best stocks of WINTER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. A Full Line of GENTS' FUR NISH•INGS always in stock. It frill ),alt you to r(3Il on ABRAHAM SMITH tiY. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the patnleee extraction teeth. OOlce-Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Post Office, Clinton. tri' Night Bell nunweredd. 492y p. m. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-1 DR. GUNN . W. Gunn, M. D. L. It. C. P'Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Liceneiateof the Midwifery, Ellin. Office, on corner of Ontario andsWillfam Ste., Clinton. 478-y. snidest. §auitia.R. It 1tEEVE, Of1n—"PRhteo" Brisk niook, .U Rattenhnry Street,' Residence upponitc theronperanu, HailHuron Stet. CoronerfurtheTJLE 1llhJL$DhlICounty of Huron, Olfi bourn front 8 a,m, to 6 iJ AK - k-ANNIN & SCOTT, Barristers, 4 c., ELLIOTT'S BLCCK, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS, SCOTT. T. I. F. HILLiARD, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ate. Office- .Cooper's new block (ground floor), Victoria Street, Clinton. Will "Rend Division Courts at Bayfield and lily()) t IP'RIVATe Fuses to LEND at ]uwesr rates of interest. 513 ri'1Dwslil sosainN LEWIS, Barrister, Sol Ed leiter in high Court, Conveyancer, alae., Goderich and hayfield. Money to loan at Ilse and Wru•h,tlt pdr ceutuntx•u-third nnarg(n. Bay- field ogle., ogee every Thursday from 9.30 to 4.30 in Swartz' hotel block, opposite Division Court Olfiee. 46011 ( 1 EAGER & 1101tTON, Barristers, L,c,,J, , God. t7Erirlt loud Winghanh, C. Seager, Jr., Goderich J. A. Morton Wii gham• 1-1y. UAV,SON & JOHNSTON. Office -, Law, Chancery,aod door toC.OIVCPoet Office, Goderich, OnWest. Street57next C. HAYS, Solicitor, ,le. Office,coreerof • Square aid West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont, 67. VT Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. ij p CA\IPl0N, Parrister,Attorney, Solicitor in ELI. Chancery, Conveyancer, 4c. Of1ce over Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu pied by Judge Doyle, 111x' Any amount of money t0 loan at lowest eaten of interest. 1.1 y. Ilrtlonrerittg. H. W. BALL, AL'CTTONEER for Huron County, Sales at• tended to in any part of the County. Ad. dress orders to Cit int .leu P 0. x•.17, CJIAS. HAMILTON, A t'CTIONF.El1, land, lo:•n and inen.•.'noe agent 131}1h. Sales tun and )n reasonable tonne. listof far ns n d villacontrge lot, for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. insurance effected on all alaescs of property. Notes and debts collected. Goode appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold, Myth, Dec. 16, 18,40 Photographers CYD pi 113 'I CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. Clinton garble Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON, W. H. COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer of an dealer In all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at figures that defy competition Also manufacturer of the Celebrated ARTimtcraL STONE for Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must he seen to be appreciated.—All work warranted to Dive satisfaction, McKillop Mutual Insurance Co. T. NEII.ANS, HARLOCK tl ENERAL AG ENT. tl Isplated town and village property, as well as tam buildings and stock, Insured. Inenrancos effected against stock that may be killed by lightning. If you want Insurances drop a card to the above address, 602-tt. Goderich Jfarble Works Having bought out Josr.Pn VANS't'oCI, in Goderich, we are now prepared to fur nish, on reasonable tern's, HIEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. GRANITE A SPECIALTY.. We are prepared to sell cheaper then any other firm in the county. Parties wanting anything in this lino will find it to their interest to reserve their orders for us. ROBERTSON Re:BELL. May 17th, 1886. 392.3111 EXHAUSTED VITALITY! r IIE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the Great Medical work of the ago on Manhood, Ner- vousafl(I Physical nalrtlit}, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent there- on, 300 pages 8 vo., 125 proscriptions fora", diseases Cloth, full gilt, only 81.00, by nail, sealed, Illustrative sample tree to all young end middle-aged men. Send now. The Gobi and Jewelled Medal awarded to the antbor by the National Medical Association. Address P. 0. Bow 1805, Boston, Mass, or Dr, W. 11. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 26 years practice in Boston, who may be commit - ed confidentially. Speriafty,'Piscases of Man Office No 4 Bulilnch Street 493y • ifte rpurated b} Act el Purnatueist, 1855 CA PITAL, - $2,000,000 - - 41,000,000 Read Office, - MONTREAL. T1IOMAS WORKMAN, President..' F. WULFE RSTAN'TIIOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collection5nlade, Draft issued, Sterling and Anneriean ex- change -bought aid sold at low- est current rates. INTr.Rr.AT AT 3 Pee MT. ALLOWiD,ON DRPOAITi ='.A.RIVI333RS_ Money advanced to fanners on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re quired as neeurity. IL C. BREWER, Mans er, Felrrntr!, 188.3 (UNTO$ viatztiritautuFmaNtasonir. (}LINTON Lodgee,• No. 84, A. F. st A. M. U meets every Friday, on or atter the ful moon. Visiting brethren cordially Invited, J. YOUNG, a', m. .1, CALLANDER, Se Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1, (',mulls. -L. Q. L No. 710, C73 .li 1V'TO Meets semen Monday of every mouth. Hall, Sad itat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always 0 made welcome. P. CAN'rELON, See, W 1 1t, CAlucid, ll. M. Jubilee Precopiory No. 161, (BI(tc( Iini fhta , f Ir land) :Suets in the Clinton Orange II:01, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 n elock in the evening, Visiting Sir Knights will always -O'.ci)e a hearty welcome. A. 51. Tnen, Wer•ahipful.Preeeptur i.e. inti, ANLEi, Depot} t'ruccptur \VILLIAM M001,11, Registrar Royal Clack Preceptory 3l► Black Kniylil; (if Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Myth, the Wednes- day after toll moor, of every month, • Royal black Precepy for 0151 - Black Itniyl(fs of Ireland, Meats in the Orange 11•nll, Goderich, the This Mon du} of Visithaul:uit;htsn:way made welcome. JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, tialtford 1' 0 W II MURNEY, Registrar, oo iericll P 0 CLINTON KNIGHTS OF LABOR Rooms, third flat, Virtoria Mock. Rcgulr meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'cloc sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome. - FOR FIRST CLASS, HAiRCUTTINC AND SHAVING. Go to A.. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of N liven-Recoan of- fice: Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HA raCt7"1'I NO A SPEC: LTY. FOR SALE. MIME SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible 1. Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also two fronting on rtatteubury Street; either en bane or in separate Tots, to snit perehasers. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. -E. DiNSLEY, Clinton. 382 amentereetnyzargampoea 1DROPERTY FOIL SALE OR n,^.a . RENT. -Advertisers will Lind "The 0: News -Record" cue of the best mediums tit the County of Intron. Advertise in "'rhe Newe-Record"-'l'he rouble Clrculation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any, J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Deafer, &e..; THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite 'Powe FISH, - Clinton, Ont SALE B11.LS.--The News, Record has un- surpassed facilities for turning out first -Muse work at low rites, A free ndvertisenunt in The News Remit with every set of talc bilis. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks rill the clogged re sin es of lie Bowels, Kidneys and Li Tier. carrying off gfadually without weakening the- ,yctem, all the impurities and foul humets of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Acidity' of the Stomach, curing 131.11. ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz' ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim• nese of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the !Heart, Nervousness and General Debility; alt thad many oihcr simi- lar Cbmptaintse vioeselrl to nthe happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10e; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T.MUM= at Co., Proprietors, Toronts