The Huron News-Record, 1889-06-05, Page 1HF HU..1 EWSliEC011D.
TERMS:—$1•50 per Annum $1.25 In Advnnee.•
WHITELY 4 TODD, Publlsbe,►
lt•ILOLErULi. AND ILE .1.11,
The Best and Largest Stock III the
C ty.
xocnl Xarregponllence
There was an entertainment in
the Teinperance hall last evening
under the auspices of the W.C.T.U.
Knox church choir gave a concert
JUST RECEIVED:in the lecture room of the church
ou Monday evening.
LABATT'S Ale and Porter, Y o
ONTARIO BREWING CO'S Ate and Porter. Men are now employed on an ex-
COSGIAVE'S Ale and Porter. tension of the waterworks sy"ktem
COPELAND•S Ale and Porter.
UAILLINC:'S Ale and Porter.along Trafalgar street. •
:ref' The Finest Old NativeWinne, French His Honor Judge 'Doyle held
Brandies and Holland (Gins In the world, at Division Court in this town on
FOSTER .i. RI'I'Elt'S. Saturday.
• There will be the usual week
;Coal l�orv'eopottden.C. night service in St. George's school
room this evening.
The old landmark used for so
The energy and public spirit des many 'years by the late Mr. J. S.
played by Mayor Butler during the McDougall as Division Court
visit of the Orangemen last week, Office, has been pulled down.
was the subject of general discus-
sion by the members of that frater-
nity. From numerous conversations
held with delegates from different
parts of the Dominion we can safely
say that our Mayor is the most popu
lar chief magistrate in the country
among the Sovereign Grand Lodge
An Indian named Brant, a lineal
' descendant of the great chief, was
arrested near Lucknow on Saturday
on a charge of horse stealing, was
brought to Goderich and placed in
the county jail.• The prisoner was
• baken to Brant on Monday in charge
of county constable Harvey, where
he will be charged with stealing
a horse, wagon and harness. A day
or two since Brant traded the stolen
horse with a gypsy in the township
of Colborne.
ILtRBOR NOTES.—Tho Str. Cant-
pana of the Beatty line made her
usual call last Wednesday, and bo-
• sides landing and taking on passon•
gers and freight, gave a two hours
trip on the lake to the members of
the Orange Sovereign Grand Lodge,
and about 500 invited guests.—The
Schr. 1I, S. Gordon with lumbar
from Johnstou's harbor arrived in
port on Thursday afternoon.—The
Schr, Pinafore with a cargo of
lumber for this port arrived during
the storm on Thursday.=The Str,
Ovited Ernliir'g arrived at Lee's dock
early on Saturday: After taking
on passengers and a large quantity
of freight she loft for lake Superior.
—A number of foreign emigrants
arrived by the morning train last
Wednesday to tale passage on the
Cavlpana.—The Schr. Carter on
her last trip to this port passed the
Scltr, Jane McLeod of this place
when in the storm. Tho 11IcLeod
seems to have had very rough
weather, and had lost a portion of
her deck load,—Tho Sdhr. Aurora,
light, sailed ou Friday for Blind
river.—The Schr. Guldh.ructer sailed
light, for French river ou Friday.—
The Schr. J. G. Kolfage loft,
light, for Johnston's harbor during
Friday.—Tho Schr, Diary S. Gurdon,
light, left last weak for Johnston's
harbor.—Our fishing boats could
not leave the harbor three days last
week on account of stormy weather.
The fishing off this port so far this
season has been fairly good.—The
government tug 2'ruilearr when
steering for her dock on Saturday
evening grounded on the bar
es immediately east of the old wrecked
Norris, and had to use her full
steam powor to get off. Tho bar on
which the Trurleau struck runs
from the west end of the island to
the G. T. dock, and there is ques-
tion, but the old wreck helps con-
siderably to its formation. The
Trudeau draws between eight and
nine feet of water,and was uninjured.
—The Schr, Carter arrived at her
dock on Saturday morning from
Thessal.ln with a cargo of lumber
for Dyment & Co,, Captain Mac-
leod reports having had a stormy
time, the gale of Thursday being a
severe ono. During the voyage
about eight thousand feet of lumbar
was washed or blown overboard,
and the articles in the cabin con-
siderably shaken up. Tho Carter
herself was injured and left yester-
day light, for the north.—Pickerel
fishing which was becoming very
good had to be suspended the past
few days on account of the rapid
current in the river,—Tho Schr.
J. G. Kolfape on her last trip to
this port lost about 12,000 fent of
her cargo of lumber.—The Schr.
Todman with lumber from Blind
river for Mr. Joseph Williams
reached her dock after a long voy-
age on Sunday afternoon. Captain
Lawson who also reports very
stormy weather made Tawas from
which place he left for Goderich.
The Todman had between twenty-
five and thirty thousand feet of her
deck cargo washed or blown over-
board.—Tho captains of the Carter
and Tnrintan report that during the
storm of Thursday lumber on the
weather side of their vessels, was
lifted by the wind and carried
over the vessel into the lake.
Rev. Dr. Uro will lecture in Knox
church on Friday evening, ou His
Recent Visit to the Motherland." A
silver collection will be taken up.
There will be a grand entertain-
ment and a bazaar sale of needle
work under the auspices of the
Mission Band, in the lecture room
of Knox church on Friday, the 21st
To -morrow evening at 8 o'clock
M. W. Bro. J. Ross Robertson, of
Toronto, will deliver a lecture in
the Masonic hall on " Masonry:100
Years Ago in Canada'," All Masons
and visiting bfethreu in the district
are cordially invited to be present.
The meeting called by the Mayor
on Friday evening to consider the
question of fully celebrating Domin-
ion Day was largely attended. His
Worship addressing the audience
on the question pointed out the
necessity of leeping our people at
home, and thus keep the very large
sum, expended on sty>rlr occa-
sions, for circulation in GO:dericit.,
A general discussiou followed dur-
ing which Mr. McGillicuddy men-
tioned the difficulties a committee
fur getting up such a celebration
now labored under, as the hotels.
which used to contribute so largely
now refused, unless the town im-
posed .a license on the churches and
individuals that set up in business
On such' days, and Mr. Wynn
obtained a promise that if there was
a charge of admission to the games
that the children of the town shonld
have free admission tickets. The
following committee having been
appointed •to arrange the proceed-
ings and carry out the games the
meeting adjourned. Mayor Butler,
Reeve Proudfoot, Councillors Hum-
ber, holt and Pridham and Messrs.
D. C. Strachan, C. A. Nairn, Mc-
Gillicuddy and Mitchell.
PERSONAL8.—Mrs. B. L. and Miss
May Doyle are visiting at the
Queen city.—Mr. Perkins, printer,
who arrived in town on Mon-
day to work on the Star left again
ou Saturday for home.—Messrs
W. and R. Vanstoue were in the
circular town last wook visiting old
friends.—Miss Polley leaves today
on a visit to Quebec and the Atlan-
tic coast.—Mr. Attrillieft yesterday
for Toronto.—Rev. Mr. Salton
left for his charge at Waterloo on
Saturday. Mesdames E. Simmons
and Owens, and Mr. J. J. Reid of
Newcastle while in town last week,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Farrow.—DIr. Jas. Imrie was in
town on Saturday. Mr. E. Doherty,,
formerly of Clinton, spent a few
days in town last week.—Mr, S.
Davis, of Clinton, was in town last
Weduesday,--Miss Lottie Vanderlip
left yesterday for Ridgetown on a
visit to her sister, Mrs. Geo. Lowe.—
The regular fortnightly meeting of
Knox church Mission Band was
held iu the lecture room on Satur-
day afternoon.—Mr. Robert Gordon
of Tweed, Hastings Co., was last
week the guest of Mr. Jas. Gordon.
—Holy communion at St. George's
Met Sunday morning.—Express
messenger Rogers has relieved Mr.
Hill who is now on his annual
holiday trip. Mr. Rogers is well
known in Goderich he having some
time since been regularly on the
Goderich and Buffalo route.
BAwnEY.—In Blyth, on April—the wife
of Mr. T. Bawden, of a daughter.
CANTshoN;—In Clinton on Tuesday May
30, Charlotte, wife of Mr. Peter Canto -
Jon, Sr., aged 61 years, 7 months.
IIINnitAM.—In Clinton, at the residence
of Mr, George Glasgow, on Tuesday,
June 4, 1889, Addie, daughter of Mr.
William Bingham, of Hullctt, aged 30
years and 10 months. The funeral will
take place from the residence of Mr.
Goo. Glasgow, High Street, at 2.30 p.
in., on Thursday, ,lune 6th," and pro-
ceed to Clinton Cemetery.
—Last Wednesday a cyclone
passed over Kansas. Capt. Brown
and his daughter were killed and
hie wife seriously injured, It is re-
ported that e1x or seven other per-
sons were killed,
Wtycal Tart'egllondeltce
Our bawl is talking of paying
Uncle Sam's territory a visit ou the
fourth July.
Our village daddies held their
regular meeting on Monday eveniug
Industry hall.
Dir. 1;. Sherritt and his men have
commenced the brick work ou the
new Methodist church.
Messrs. Ross & King are shippiug
a carload of their celebrated knife
sharpeuere this week to Manitoba.
Mr. Jabez Walker has moved into
the nice residence which has recent-
ly been erected by Mr. T. McElroy.
Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Sup•
per was administered in St.Andrew's
Presbyterian church on Sunday
Tho members of the Masonic
Lodge here intend to have a sermon
preached to them shortly by Rev. H.
A. Thomas.
Mr. R. Howard finished his con-
tract of the brick work of the Ethel
cheese factor, on Monday last,
Bob's a hustler.
Mr, Edwin A. hall, a student of
Huron College, officiated in Trinity
church on Sunday, preaching very
acceptable discourses.
Messrs. Watson & Freeman ship-
ped two carloads of fine cattle from
this station to Montreal on Monday,
also one to -day, Wednesday.
• Our •fire company is making pre-
parations for a grand concert on the
19tH inst, Savo up your loose
chink and encourage the boys,
Messrs. Slater & Sims are busy
pulling down klreir old blacksmith
shop to be replIsbed by a largo brick
block which is to bo commenced at
Our• horse milliner, J. T. Carter,
is shipping this week several .(note
sets of single and double light silver
mounted harness to Portage La
At the mooting of the 1'. 0.F. on
Tuesday „last 1I1. John .lohn.,ton
was appointed delegate to the High
Court to be held in London on the
llth inst.
Mr. W. McNally, blacksmith, has
disposed of his business hero to Mr.
G, Hackett, from the neighborhood
of Dungannon, who took possession
on Monday.
A large number of the brethren
of L. 0, L. 963 attended the Grand
Lodge meeting on Wednesday last
at Goderich. They report it to have
been a grand affair,
A number of our citizens met in
the Orange hall for the purpose of
Making arrangements for holding a
mass meeting on the Jesuit Estate
Bill. It came off on Tuesday even-
ing in Industry hall. Particulars
next week.
P1; Livingston
and family left here for Baden on
Thursday.—Mr, Alex. Taylor, black-
smith, left here on Tuesday for Gay -
lard, Mich., whore he has secured a
sit. Success Alex.—Dr, W. J.
Milne visited Toronto this week on
business,—Mr. John Gorman left
here on Friday for Galt to be pre-
sent at the funeral of his wife's
father,—Mrs. P. Taylor, having
been visiting amongst friends for
some time past, returned to her
home in Dakota on Tuesday.—Mrs.
Service; of Ingersoll, having been
vissting her brother, Mr. J. Emigh,
for a short time, returned to her
home on Tuesday,—Mrs. Emigh
was visiting friends in Brussels on
Monday.—Mr. G. Phillips who left
here recently for Bracebridge whore
he had obtained a situation, 're-
turned home on Monday on the
sick list.
Miss Addie, daughter of Mr. W. Bayfield
Bingham, died at the residence of The River House has hired a new
Mr. Geo. Glasgow in Clinton yes- nurse girl, Nell says she likes to
terday. Funeral from Mr. Glasgow's nurse babies especially when they Council met as Court of Revision
at 2:30, Thursday. are namesakes.—..Nell and the at Holmesville May 27th 1889,
A new Sunday School has just Dutchie continue their evening members qualified; court opened.
been organized at Ebenezer, with walks.—Nell says she is bound to The assessment of J Ressler was
Mr. E. Townsend as Superintend- reduced $100 as askeded ofor by hire.
ent. This will be- a great con- get a paper hangar but Dan says Moved by John Beacom, Seed
Ire don't know about that, .Jack says by
venionce to the children in this they would need one around that Thomas Churchill, that the appeal
neighborhood. coruer,—flag says that red print is of Walter F. I•Iick having been
Hev. Mr. Rogers who has supplied to be all the style this season.—Of assessed for part of lot 12, cou. 6,
at Ebenzer for the past 2 years has all the towns around I think Hen- should have been assessed for part
intimated to his congregation his salt sends out the most spongers.— of lot 99, Maitland con: carrion,
pube pornnitted asking
to theremautve horities
— placed ner wore
T. J. got a split nose the other day Ge000n tlleand droll under ward kthe Man
that that will straighten his game le
charge. The announcement was re- Lena and Lill have quite a time over hood Franchise Act. Several dogs
eeived with regret, for by his genial Johnnie. Lill says Lena is real were struck off the roll having died
manner and faithful hearing he has mean she might leave hew with her or been Milled since assessment,
endeared himself to malty. Duringfor he is the only fellow she ever Che Court of Revision closed. The
these two years the congregationminutes of last meeting of Council
had and he is the prettiest fellow in
have, on an average, been wore than to�9n.--Quite a sensation wascaKtsod were read and passed when ordi-
twice as largess's formerly, and the one evening last week b a traveller
finances have increased about one- MryGeo Cos,' Sews,wasdheardltin
and shop girl,—Tho lrobbler is
third. It is unknown ts'lro his sue learning to speak the German favor of a petition h.i presented.
cessor may be. No doubt a goodlan ua e I asking the council to reduce the
man will be sent, and it is'hoped Ire g g ' number of days statute labor to be
will be allowed to go on with his wrought by farmers' sons, laborers
work without so much evil Speaking —Several places in England and &c,, from two days to one day, A
as we have been accustomed to France felt the earthquake of Thurs..motion was passed granting the
hoar day. I prayer of the petition, and the clerk
Xoral Qtrarreopondence.
Port Albert.
David Mahaffy who keeps a flour
=gocrtl (orreoponticuce loot l'al'rcapottdcltc
Londesboro'. Goderich Township.
Mr. W. Lanlci) talks of returning
and feed store at Kiucardiuo was to his place near Grantou.
paying his parents a visit last ltev. E. Medd has beeu "doing"
week.—Albert Mahally and 'Pena the town during the past week. e
Hawkins, who were hdwe for holi-
days, have returned to. the high lieu. ASlIl�t,ill preached acccept-
School at Guderich.—Win. Smith, ably last Sunday in the Methodist
of, Loudon, whose parents live at church.
Long Point, Lake Erie, were visit Mrs. Ashley, of Kingston, lately
ing last wook his grand -parents, Mr. I bereft of her husband, is at the
and Mrs. Huston,—Ed. Martin; who 1 home of her father, Mr. S. Millens.
is sailing on the schooner Ontario Mr. John Lawson has been laid
with Capt. Bogie, was home for a up for some days with a sprained
few hours last week.—quite a num- leg, and Mr. Oliver with a lame
ber of our citizens paid the circular hand.
town a visit last Wednesday to see Mr. James Braithwaite is ap-
the lion and wild kangaroo,—Fish- pointed to attend some meeting of
ing continues good in the river and his church to be held in St. Marys
harbor, and a large cumber of peo- this month.
pie come from away back and take The recent concert was not so
pretty good hauls home. Some
mean sneak made a raid on Com- satisfactory as was expected. Some
thought more local talent should
modore Huston's " fish pen" and
stole a lut of find pike and speckled have been employed.
•trout. These chaps are too lazy to A good butcher now comes r'egu-
fish, but hang round drinking lar'ly from Auburn with good meat,
whiskey, thou go stealing fish at prices reasonable, and courteous
night. The Commodore says he has manner; his business is booming.
theta spotted, and the first time they We are glad to learn that a vile
show up he will very politely intro- report about one of our respectable
duce them to the chief magistrate of young married men is regarded
the village.—The severe frosts of as being utterly without a founda-
last week destroyed the grape vines, tion.
early potatoes, corny henna and gen-
The following pictures the actions
eral gardou stuff. Barley and other
field grains aro not much injured of many of your readers : umb in
along the lake shore. This spring these chilly nights, era slumber's
being remarkably early and fine a chain has bound me, I get up and
great many in this neighborhood hustle for another blanket round
took more interest iu their garden- ale'
ing than usual, and would talk about
what early potatoes, coru,Itc., they
were going to have, but they are
now " iu the soup." The fact is
most of us " got left." (letter luck
next time. Close on the heels of
the frost came a little wore rain
than wo bargained for. As yet the
grain crop has nut suffered to any
great extent. However, tliougll us
farmers never grumble, a little fine
weather would be very acceptable
just now. Anyway most of us must
be of the same opinion as the Irish-
man on board ship during a storm.
He went to the captain and asked
for one of Ayer's almanacs. being
answered that there were none on
board, Pat says, "Bejabors we must
take the weather as it comes."
•-_-- -----
Dnngannon. ' •
Mr. John Nivens is now the
'happy father of a bouncing boy.
\Irs. Durnin who has been ill
for 801110 time we aro p.leased to hear
is recovering.
Mr. Irwin who has occupied Mr.
Black's Hotel we understand will
leave on 'Thursday,
Mrs. Woods who has been i11 for
the past two weeks, is recovering,
we hope to seg Iter• out again short-
Rain has been.very plentiful and
has put a damper on croquet and
baseball playing, and now our boys
have time to work.
Much damage has been done by
the recent hard frosts. Young
vegetables, potatoes, grapes and
fruits' suffering severely.
Some of our young folks attend•
ed the social at the Nile ou the 24th,
They report a good time, rather
chilly. Bert forgot his overcoat.
A very pleasant time was spent
by some of our young folks on
Wednesday evening at Mr, R.
\Vests, tripping the light fantastic.
Mr. Benjamin Crawford is break-
ing in a fine 3 year old filly, by
Kentucky Star,let i)arn by thorough-
bred, 2nd Dam by Ioyal George.
This filly is good gaited and should
go 'vary fast if handled prof erly for
While some are crying hard
times and others are closing down,
one is asking the people to " come
once in a while and help to keep
nae in good humor." Mud throwing
has not proved to be a r,eaynfern
'Anoint to trade,
Mr. Willis lost a colt; inflame -
tory rheumatisnt the cause.—The
wife of Mr. John Lee, jr., presented
him with a son. Jack is now the
happy father of two boys.—Mr,
Thomas Fairservice raised his barn
and is going to put a stone founda-
tion under it. Tom will have a
fairly serviceable building.—Mr.
Patterson lost.a mare and colt on
Weduesday forenoon,—Mr. George
Ruddell lost a very valuable mare
and colt on Wednesday afternoon.—
A, genuine tramp was in this vicin-
ity and called at a farm house and
demanded something to eat. The
Mrs, of the house asked him if he
would have bread and milk. ile
said no, and wanted a cup of waren
tea and pie, etc. He got his choice
though the viands had been re-
served for a special occasion.—Mrs.
Moon lost a mare and colt.—Juhu
can be seen auy day with a bright
smile over his pleasant face. It is
possibly the reflection of a magnetic
mirror which draws John over the
river, nor°trioidy, very often. But
true lova does not always run
smooth, for as he was coming home
one morning lately the rains had Mrs. Goo. Shipley was visiting
swollen the stream, the current was at her fathers Mr. Gregory Mes
vary strong and ho tugged and Gowan—One, of the Westfield dudes
toiled at the oars amidst a blinding paid a flying visit to some people ,
snow storm. He reached the near S. S. No. 10. He took an
southern short of the Maitland iu a early retreat. Go whore you're want -
very much exhausted condition but ed young wan—Mr. Geo. 'McGowan
says he does not regret the hard- lost a valuable warn, also a cow,
last week, both valuable—Messrs
ship he endured. He is contented
with his lot,—Tho early part of James Hatherly, Wm Magill and
Wednesday morning did consider- Wm Love attended the Grand
able damage in this vicinity. It Orange Meeting held in Goderich
killed the grape vines and did other last week—Mr. James Magill has
damage.—Mr. Laidlaw has removed finished moving a barn for Mr. A.
from Morris to Londesboro butter Hoover and'lto is now moving ono
factory. He has the contract of for Mr. Vincent of Morris. James
drawing all i'he cream. is a capital hand at that business
as he understands it thoroughly—A
Godertcll Township meeting was to his '(mid in Mc -
Gowans school last week to discuss
Recently a young roan of the 7th the Jesuit question with addresses
was driving several calves home. by Revs. McLean and Tunge of
He turned back for his rig, possibly Blyth; owing to the very wot night
dropping into a neighbors, and on it Was postponed indefinitely—Tho
his return the calves were missing. severe frost has spoiled the fruit in
It was several days ere the lost were this Section—Services will bo held
found. on the second Sunday in Juno at
the Union church at half past six—
Mr. James Rath lost his young colt
last week, it is quite a loss as it had
every appearance of being a show
colt.. --Mr. Jeff. Quinn is hired with
DIr. 'John Wilson for 3 months,
something will have to go now—
Quite a number of the young folks
of this vicinity attended the Tem-
por•euce meeting in Bolgrave on
Monday evening—Westfield I. 0.
G. T. intend holdinga grand Picnic
ou July 1st in Mr. Fallen'sgrove on
the island. They intend having some
excellent speakers and a grand pro-
gramme. 8 Lodges aro giving their
assistance amd they mean to make
it one of the best Picnics ever held
in these parte.
—Lord Dufferin has been pre•
seated with the freedom of the city.
Afterwards a banquet was given in
his honor at the Mansion house.
The Marquis of Lorne, Sir Charles
Tupper, Lord iosebery and many
other distinguished persons were
was ordered to amend the by-law
accordibgly. Moved by John
Beacon', Sued by Thomas Churchill,
that a grant of one hundred dollars
be given to spend on 14th don. side
line between lots 78 and 79, on
Maitland con., in accordance with a
petition of 46 rata.payers—Cairieyi,
It was agreed that the road
commissioners expend $200 oacb,
and no more, unless iu case of a
sudden broach, or by consent of all
the menthe's. The following accts
were paid 11. h. Proudfoot, P. L.
S., professional services $1 ; tin
box for assessor $1.50 ; Thomas
Mason, culvert on base line $3 ;
W. J. Patton serving notices on
appeal to Court of Revision $1.50 ;
assessor, salary $65. Council ad-
journed to meet again on tltp last.
Saturday in June.
A baso -ball match between the
Irish and Scotch members of the
club took place on Saturday,,and
resulted in a victory for the Scots
the score being 10 to 9.—Consider-
able snow fell in this locality on
Tuesday of last week; the weather
has been unusually cold for the
last week of May; it is feared the
fruit crop has been annihilated by
Tuesday night's frost, --_3 free
entertainment by the I. 0. G. T.
took pikes in the Foresters' gall
on Monday evening of last week.
Although the weather was some-
what unfavorable the hall was
crowded and an excellent pro-
gramme was given, several of the
performers being front Blyth,
Westfield and St. Helens, besides
the always good supply of local
talent. I)r. McDonald DI. P. of
Wingham gave a very interesting
address on temperance. A collec-
tion amounting to $11.50 was taken
up.—Miss Annie Drummond of
Blyth was visiting at Mr. E. Little-
fair's last week.—Mr. ,7. .Ritchie,
insurance agent of Wingham, was
in town on Friday.—Mr. Hum-
phrey, of Staffordville is helping
his brother at the cheese factory.—
Mr. Hugh McLean 'left on Monday
for Joliet, Ill., to see a sinter who is
dangerously ill.—Mr. Basil Coultes
of the Wingham chair factory was
111 town S'utiday,—Hingston Bros.
have started their peddling wagon
so look out for cheap tinware.—
Ilamilton & Tovell have received a
large bankrupt stock of boots and
shoes which they will sell cheaper
than the cheapest.—Miss E. Hing-
ston who has boon working for Mr.
S. Gidley, tailor, Blyth, was home
on Sunday.—Quito a number of
Iielgravians wore present at the
meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge
in Goderich.
East 'Wawanosh.