The Huron News-Record, 1889-05-08, Page 8KIS
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varim,. A marvel of purity,
strength and witolc,iitiletie,g. MOIL, e.eunomieill
than the rd r kinds, and euttnot, lie old in
competition with the noiltitoile of low Met,
Shortiwutght alum !ihosplette po,ttlem Sdd
July tie cam:.lluvk 1. POWDBIL CO., to§
Wall St., N. Y.
The Hiiron News-Reoor
$1.50 a Year—$1.25 In Advanue.
( Mits. H. STot-ENS iH seliously ill
Wet1111441131a. tla y Stil. 1589
• -
Don't buy Roby Carriages or
Wall Paper until you have seen the
magnificent NEW STOCK. at
DICKSON'S Book Store, Clinton,
a roll 1., what Cooper x Co, are
selling 20 and 1 Es. wall paper at. Trimmed "RoY.11., .ADMIRAL," a noted in
free. ported Clydesdale stallion, owns
by Messrs. Churchill Se Wallace, o
seetes sfele'‘.'411
„e‘so•eoece• Hullett, will stand for the improve-
.-- ,
I molt of stock on the farm of Mr. TIIE ONLY ORIGINAL Dave
r , ,
oars eses,,L114Weil. lasYsts...__ _ _ olt
elm B. Churchill during the season of ,Fisher of.Colbof'ne wee in town the
. ''''''.'. -..V77.,. Wi -,WittE .1"r1.1."4— r-, ..r. •-•T 1889. . ' other day. He is all "horse" and
--se ° -- .7"-°' '1' • --eesooeLOss
_see— A pretty near a yard wide. And he
Canada rarifie Railway and DIAMOND STAR, the registereu
Steamship Line. Tiesets issued by trottiug stallion (256), sired by knows a good "hoes" when he sees
him, and when he wants him you
Wee hiirly sTedd, New:344.0nd office, Kentucky Star, will be at the
Clioten, ter ail eeints iu Manitoba Commercial hotel every Wedues-
may depend on't the animile is not
and Northwest; Vaneonver It. C, like the Frenchman's flea, for he is
day night. Ito is owned by Mr.
al Vuliolian.:i int? I long Kong. Maps of thar every time. He recently
Manitehe inel ti ill/In Northwest, J. Armstrong, Crewe, Ashfield town -
bought a fine heavy draught stallion
wiU h ticiplive matter and whore to ship ; foaled May. 1886, 15i• hands
from John Dunn of Stauley and
(diode roe eeeits diel eieeeeptimo filo high, and weighs 1050 pounds.
nished en aeplisarien to He has a splendid pedigree, is well shipped him to Ohio, and the dimi-
zens of the Buckeye State were
proportioned, and a ' successful
forced to admit that something good
prize winner. could come from Canada. This
WEST HURON FARMER'S INSTITUTE horse Was sired by Turner's
.—The next meeting, will be held. Farmers' Glory. But Dave prides
in Clinton on the 5th and 6th of himself op imported Walter Scott
Lk aliii t rialt1141 thC **MI5." June. The Hon. Chas. Drury and III which he will keep at' his OWD
. - _ PrOf. Robertson of 0. A. C. will be stable in Colborne this season, and
pally. All shareholders and others farmers, who will give addresses. better draught stock than any horse
present, and a number of prominent claims that this horse wit _produce
Mr, C. J. S. Naftel, the very effic- in the county and will back this
ient.secretary, will be in town.short- statement up with Money.
ly to arrange for, a musical pro-. ' •,..,
gramme in the eyening. W. 3, F ster, an old Stanley boy,
IF NOT WHY I',TOT 1—" Jas, Mc-
well kilo n to many ot our readers,
. .
ii. 1'41(11 a' ll tile
Ceoestroto ' COM PANY.—A public
meeting will he held in the Cliuton
Council Cheinher, ou Monday, 13th
May et 2, p. iii sharp, for the pur-
pose of orgauising a creamiry cum-
• interests d are requested to attend. Gregor, of Brandon, ,Man., will buy bas been wetIring at the blacksmiths'
Office) s will he appointeding and 2000 young steers in Ontario to trade in•Doetnington, Mich, foe'
\ arrengements completed. 'ship to Calgary." • As this class of about five years. Ile • was married'
animal can scarcely he used for last week at Whitechurch, this
A outbreeding purpoes, the only con.
eoroee PAPER SATs:— county, to Miss Mery, second
"Dots% eat Ingersoll cheese. What elusion that can be. arrived at is daughter of :Vie Alex, Henry, The
mi,glit have born a serious that they will be fattened in the happy event took place at the
sunit,g cam!, hail it not linen pre- M
Northwest and shipped back either residence of the bride's father, Rev.
poi , happened Tiles- to Outario or through the Province r. Davison officiatinei. Mr. and
pink attended tolied iee of reameel
for Great Britain. If it will pay a Mrs. Foster spent a short tone in
day. The f31s. Burton Wm.w
Northwest Territory cattle dealer to Clinton, the guests of Mr. and 3Irs
Creightou, Gee Clark,,
and Mrs Mt:Dim:lel, who reside in buy Ontario steers and fatten them Ford. Mr. Foster, e ate
the east end, were the victims. All m'and dispose of them iu this way, pleased to know, is doing well in
, why could not the Ontario farmer his new hoe and Toe NEWS Re -
had parttlsen of some cheese, whico or feeder fit them up here and save emus wishes the newly-wed couple
must have contained something
poisonous. e the cost of double transit i a pleasant journeyn
ad con-
Thcheese wits menu- tinued prosperity. They left
factured at en Ingersoll factory. It i C. O. F. INstaLLATrox.—The °Ili- for their home on Friday morning.
was fresh and palateble, aid so far kers of Maple Loaf No, 16, C. 0. F.. Like a good Canadian, Mr. Foster
as appearance•went was of first-class installed at the last meeting, by subscribed for Tire News Recono.
quality." The above was brough Bro. Oliver Johnston, P. C. R.,
to mind the other day when we satassisted by Bro. John Smith, P. C. Tows Couseire—Met Monday.
Mr. Gordon:Young, of Colborne, i R., and If. M., were :—C. R., H. night. April accounts for streets,
town last Frillny delivering cheer Stevens ; V. C. Re S. Wilson ; F. cemetery, salaties,stationery,charity,
of his own make. Mr. Your.: S., W. Jones ; R. S., J. C. Cole ; printing, electric light, and lumber
started to make cheese long before Treas., D. Dickinson ; S. W., Geo, amounting to about $230.00 were
there were any factories in the cool Trowhill ; J. W., H. Stanbury ; S. 'passed. Receipts from Hall $13.-
ty. He has been makieg it cuu, II., A. Twitchell ; Chap., I. Dodds. 00, cedar $8.03, weigh scales
tinuously, and tis it is the I'mdiliA'l John Smith aud II. Stevens were $14.00, Office $5.00 Treattur's.
of hi• own farm and made ureter l'i'"It elected delegates to the High Court, report for April showed balauco
owe personal supervision there is ' which meets at London the second on hand $1,837.85. Street report
no (huger of aceidents Iruni its use lweek in Juue. This ie the fourth :embodied various improvements.
as in ilea of the Ingersoll factory time Bro. Smith has been elected to, Mrs. Jacob Sloman's claim for $10
make above 'entered to. He Rolls the High Court. to pay doctor's foes on account of
considerable of it in town, injuries sustained by her owing to
BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE.— defective sidewalk, was referred to
MAITLAND PlitillYTERY.—At a A person signing himself "Agent" committee, as was request of Oakes
meeting of this ecclesiastical court writes us: "In last week's NEWS- Organ Co. for aid, and petition from
held at Brantford, recently, whilst lts;corto reference is made to a tree nearly 200 ratepayers for electric
the synod of Hamiltou was in setts- agent who grossly insulted a lady light, and the request of the Baptists
ion, a call was molested in from in town and then she gave her order for use of town hall to conduct
Fusee, of Bet:field, signed by 108 TIIII1 NEWS -RECORD said nothing of services in pending the erection of
Duff's church, Walton, to Rev. Mr. etc." Mr. Agent is totally wrong.
their new church. $100 was granted
adherents. Tho stipend promised, the kind; did not refer to a free
the Huron Central Exhibition.
$750 with manse. The call was agent or any one else insulting a
First meeting of Court of Revision
suatained. Bev Mr. 'McLennan re- lady. What we said was in no way
to he held on 30th May.
ported that he had moderated a a reflection upon egents; quite the
call from Si. 'tutees and Ashfielil reverse, if anything of an invidious
to Rev. J. S. G. Anderson, signed nature could be made out of our
by 169 members and 185 adherents. item. The gist of our item was as
The salary is '$800 including a to whether a husband was respell-
raonth'e vacation yearly. Of this Bible for purchases of flowering
St. Helen's pays $525 aud Ashfield shrubs made by his wife. We said
$275. Rev. Messrs Henderson, of thie was a nice point of law, and
Attwood, Anderson, of Goderich, not being it lawyer we refrained from
and McMillan of Manchester, sat as expressing an opinion as to whether
corresponding members. Rev. J. the husband was responsible or not.
McNabb, also reported having mod- We believe the law holds that a
erated a call to Rev. R. S. G. Ander- husband is responsible for debts Oon•
son from Whitechurch and Calvin tracted by his wife for necessaries; In
chureli, Etat Waw inosh.'"Tt was the case referred to the purchase by
signed by 180 tnembere and 225 ad• the wife was rose, shrubs. To litany
herents, promising a stipend of women flowers are a necessary )part
$900 with manse and glebe. The of their existence; just as much as
call was supported by Messers. H. aro raiment and food, in fact in
I). Heradertion and Robert Seidel. some cases more so. And when
ltev. Mr. Andisrean in addressing such purchases are limited in
the court, accepted the call to St. amount we believe the court would
Helens and East Ashfield. A spe• hold the husband responsible. If
cial meeting of Presbytery will ho "Agent" wants to correct any one
held at St. Helens on Monday, May for invidious remarks about agents
13th, for the ordination end induc- he might turn his attention to the
tion of Mr, Anderson. New Era,
D. B. KENNEDY, we t•egret to l•
letup, ie, seriously ill, •
Mu. Roomer BLI,L, of the Prince
of Wales hotel. is fast recovetiug,
fvou his recent injuries.
R. B. P, No. 161 meets thie
(Wednesday) evening, aud L. 0, L.
710 next Monday eveuing.
MR. Rolston' WALKER, We regret
to learn, is seriously ill with in-
flammation of the lungs.
Toe courtly reception committee
to the R. W. Grand Orange Lodge
meets in the Cliuton Orauge hall
on Friday, 10th, at 2 p.
Mn ,SOONER, formerly of the Cen-
tral,has now become domiciled iu the
Royal which lie will conduct as n
boarding house.
MR. Tiios. WALKER crushed oue
of his feet with a heavy stone on
Saturday. He is able tu lInvigate
with the assistance of a cane and
will be all right in a few days.
ELM TIMBER.—Mr. I). MeCititig
of this towu the other day complet-
ed a shipment of seventy carloads
of elm timber secured iu this section
during the past winter. The timber
was shipped to Point Levis.
Mn. T. C. DOHERTY has leased the
brick building, on Albert. St. oppo-
site Fair's mill, formerly Cantelou's
canine factory, which he has
stocked with a complete outfit of
hotses, carriages, aud the usual
equipment of a first class livery es
Pricc•-; titan 1 zlst Year. -1"---t`
Twelve different kinds in stock. NVe also have aline
stock of
Suitable for by Carriages.
Chris. Dickson; Clinton
-r- AMIN
THE wife of 1dr. Treasurer Cante- , THE FIRE lletwans were out for
lon, of Goderich township, by mit:- 'vractice Monday (wooing.
take took a solution of sett petri, end ,
MoNDAY wth
as e hottest day this
was brought to town fur medical
1 MR. Eemotto BuTT,while di•iving Me. 1). It MENZIES is visiting isr-
,,, Jativee in Halton county,
•twith its father in „
a buggy 1 .
taken suddenly il and the result THE Prince of Wales hotel stables
rehows the ailment to be of,a primly- re being enlarged and iniproved.
tit nature.
CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCUBSIONS to is somewhat better.
Deloraine, Glenhoro, Salt Coats,
Moosonsin and Calgary, leave On• Mayon WorTenean has boon ill
tario OD June 4th, llth and 18th, recently, though not dangerously
Rates low. Tickets on sale at TILE SO.
NEWS RECORD office. Dn. J. W. COOK, V. S., and wife,
• DEPUTY ItEEVE MANNING, of of Daugaunon, were in town a cou-
Clinton, is spoken of es a possible 'pie of days last week.
candidate 'in the interest of the
Reform party in West Huron,when L. 0. L. 189, Holmesvillc, will
Hon. A. M. Roes steps down and hold a lioyal Ara degree meeting
out. Good enough. / in their hall next Monday evening.
Rev. JOHN Goals, of Kincardine,
wasamong TEE News•Iteconn callers
last week.'
witiTKIN &Tom)
Agents at Clieten.
Seoteh Tweed
18, 820, 822, TO ORDER.
NiVe show the most complete assortment of' Scotch Tweed
uiting,s in the county, and buyers who appreciate nice
.00ds should come and give us their orders. We are
extremely busy making up Scotch Tweed Suits and
never before haye we had suoh a good sale.
Me. J. L. DonERTY is OE MS
way home from the other side with
a standard bred Wilkes horse.
Mn. J. HICKS left town yesterday
for Brandon, Mau. Ho bought his
ticket from THE .13,TEWS-RECORD C.
P. R. agency.
smt, of Luckuow,!' are visiting
friends and relatives:in Stanley and
Goderich toworshipe. •
GODERICH is bound to have an
organ and furniture factory. A
number of Clinton citizeus are in-
terested in the project.
in the school room Monday even-
iteer. The Vestry was adjourned,
until pest Monday evening.
Ex-Msosin Fortes:area will have
under cultivation this year about
400 acres of flex. 'This is rather
above his average acreage....
Mono", SisItoote—The meeting of
the Literary Society room No. 1
met on Thursday flay 2nd with
Vice Pres. Mary Paisley in the
chair. The following programme
was rendered Song by school ; Sec.
report—Amy Cantelon ; reading—
Ennui° Tipling ; reading—Jennie
Hamner • song by choir ; reading—
Lucy Shepherd ; recitation—Win-
nie ; reading—Mr. Lough ;
duet—Hattie and Linnio Irwin ;
reading --Birdie Haywood ; song
Quartette club ; reading—Geo.
Hodgens ; reading—Russell Hill
duet—Minnie Couch and Hattie
Irwin ;:reading—Eddie Cantelon ;
song by olhoirrreading—May Big-
g (tit; song by Russell Hill, Eddie
Cantelon, Geo, Hodgens, Earliest
Cooper Committee—Dottie Fair,
Hattie Irwin, and Robert Menzies.
Song " God Savo Our Queen." The
mooting adjourned to meet agaita
next Friday, May loth at usual
Tho following is a report of the
standing of the pupils ire the Senior
department of Manchester public
school for the month of April, the
names being given in the order of
merit ;
Senior IV—Susan Walpole Janet
Dobie aol May Dyer, Harold
— Robert Mackenzie, secretary
Junior IV --Edward Pfeffer,
Annie Ferguson, Rama Dobie, and treasurer of the South Welling
Dora Erratt. ton agriculturel society, has distils. —At 'Mountain Home, Bennsyl•
Third—G. Cowan, Hattie Fergu- peered. Rumor says that he has vania, Jeffery Harrison and Sophia
son, Lily Wilson, Kato Dyer. gone to the States. The. books of Everette, each eleven years of age,
the society show a shortage of $10- got angry while playing at the borne
Ilerone, you buy your tickets for
200. o
— The Western dietriet lacrosse I room, locking the door. Jeffrey got
f the former. Sophia ran into a
Manitoba or the Northwest, call on
association will comprise the his father's shot -gun, and bursting
or write 'DIE NEwsdi.Ecortn for
following clubs this; season :—Strats open the door fired at Sophia, kill
particulars. Tickets issued at very
ford, Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich ing her.
low rates and all information given.
and St, Marys. Mr. James A. —In Texas a neighbor complained
to Mr. Rice that the latter's boy had
been lighting the neighbor's son in
an unprovoked manner. Bice
—Building operations in Woods promised to chastise the boy. Mrs.
Mr. Robert Vint sold three fine
stock this year are exceedingly Rice threatened to kill herself it the
steers to Mr. Clegg for $110.00,
brisk. It is estimated that over a boy was whipped. Rice flogged
311'. Robert Hoover has returned quarter of a, milliou will be spent the boy, and Mrs. Rice killed her-
frorn the Northwest. Bob is greatly on buildings, nearly all of which are self with strychnine.
refreshed after his visit. substantial brick ones. Besides —The verdict of twentyfour
'Miss J. Coates intends visiting this there will be the new Court constituencies in Canada recently,
long. blot ing June. This alone will cost majority of 41,307 of the people in
House, the contract for which is to nearly all in Ontaria, irbows a
her brothers in the far West before
Miss Maggie McGowan is visiting from $75,000 to $100,000. favor of repeal of the Scott Act.
her sister Mrs. Shipley of Ailsa —Cupid's darts are dangerous. If no one bat "drunkards" wished
for repeal as some good people say
In a tussle over a love affair laat
Mr. Robert McGowan and family Monday evening at the Frezelle is the case, what a terribly God.
left for their home on the Pacific house, Ingersoll, between the bar-
forsaken lot of people there are in
coast on Wednesday last.
tender and a young man employed
this country
—Miss Barnes, of Coaticook,
Mr. Hugh Ross has purchased at the C. P. R. station, a revolver
Quebec, died sudClenly on Sunday
was discharged, whether by accident
another fine horse from Mr.
night after attending a service of
or design is not known, but un-
Higging,bottum for 'which he paid
a large sumfortunately the landlady who was the Salvation army, where °bespoke
present! received the ball from 'the two or three tiines. The coroner's
Mr. Walter McEwan bought a revolver in her foot. jury found that her death was
grand double buggy from Mr. by heart disease induced by
Rumball (Clinton.) It is the finest
Our Weekly Round .3::rP excitement. She was 25 years of
buggy in this section. age.
Westfield I. 0. G. T. are agitat-
six of the oldest conductors on
the Chicago and Grand Trunk Rail.
ing grand •picnic to be held there
way were discharged last week,
ere long. Grand programme will
be given by eight separate lodges. Ithe letters of dismissal the
company stated that each man
Speakers from Toronto and brass
band from Goderich. A great time would have an opportunity to visit
is anticipated. headquarters in Detroit and ex.
plain away certain charges made
by "spotters." The list of suspen.
ded employes includes Conductors
Holmes, Wilson, Clratton, Gordon,
Sage and Berry, some of the oldest
and most respected men in the
service of the company. Three of
the conductors visited headquarters
the following day and were re-
instated. It is probable that the
others will be.
For a KNOCK- ABOUT SUIT inspect our
§ 1 § § § § § §
§ § §
,They will surprise keen buyers. We make them
THE yotous•
_ .
In And About The County.
.1 —The reeent ernallpox, epidemic
cont the township of Southwold the
sum of $4000.
— A grower of onions near Brant.
ford lost 1500 bushels, .which rotted
in the cellars where stot ed.
— Mrs. Mary Periconthe, mother
of Mr. J. Pencombe, St. Thomas,
died the other day from the effects
of a paralytic stroke. She was 95
years of age. The Yetliailei will he
taken to Exeter for interment.
Quebec, brings 600 tons of gin for
Quehec, and a large qu intity for
Montreal. •
—Night of May 3ril a gaits; of
drunken toughs congregated at a
dance near the Southern Pacitie,
Texas, near Orange. When a
train came along they fired a num,
her of shots into the cars and killed
a brakeman, Lan y Moore,
—At Lindsay on _May 31d. Mrs.
E. 31eGrath was found dead in her
residence. When found she was
lying face downward upon the floor.
The cause was heart disease. She
leaves a husband and two childree,
East Wawanosh. McFadden, of Stratford, has been
appointed the Secretary for this
Mr. Dowdle returned home from
Luthur lest week. district.
—The Dominion Parliament was
prorogued Thursday last.
—Charles Conybeare, M. P., has
been sentenced to three months'
imprisonment for.offences against the
Crimes Act.
—The British House of Commons
on Tueaday carried a motion censur-
ing the Government for fostering
the drinking of spirits in India.
--The tenth colonist party of the
season from Ontario to Manitoba
left Toronto, accompanied by Mr.
A. 0. McMillian, Manitoba Govern-
ment agent. There were about 150
passengers and ten cars of settlers'
effects. Nearly 5,000 settlers have
this year gone upon these special
trains alone and many others in the
regular trains.
—The oldest man in Dundas
county, Ontario, is James Page,
whose age is placed »at 115 years.
He ia an old soldier, and fought
under Neuron at Trafalgar.
—The ship "Bernadotte," from
Rotterdam, now on her way to