The Huron News-Record, 1889-04-10, Page 7.t.
• p toll
. �C ft
Mo1'1.EX to lend do l,rg@ Qr sniw'l.lipnls, a
� t
4A°the 10Nt 0u o mea°r,
Qn. H9 000
-- C1lntop; -
�_ .• " Clinton, Fob. $0, 1861 1Y ,
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra•luatP�I!+tP
of the Toronto Scliool of Dentistry.
NltrouapxldoGaratliuinlsterPdtoethepainless P)t1�AiEFrJN'4 tolEodonTown Nt.d lr.tnt
extraction teeth, P 110 Y pP 7
Optco-Quer ,lacksoa'e ClothingStore, next to(1• RinOUT,
Post O4ca, Clinton. Office,860.>§next NaNs-Rilcotta,(up•atalrs) Albert Et , t
AW Night Bell answered. 402y `
R REEVE. Qt])ee—"Palace" Brick Block,
BANKIN,epn,.ot9 hft
p• in. Incorporated by Act of Parllanleut, Ism
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1•y - ---
CAPITAL, - $2,000,000'
DR. GU N N REST, $1,000,000
W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P.'Edluhurgh L. R. O. Head Office, - MONTREAL.
S. EdlnburgFt Licenclateot the Midwifery, Edin. THOMAS tVQRKDIAN President.,
Olficei corner of Ontario Rndl W{lllam Btu., J H. R. MOLSQN Vice -President.
Clinton. 478•J. F. WQLFE[lWAN'THOPAS, General Manager.
g�jr)l, Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft
issued, Sterling' and ,4tjterican ex-
chauge bought and sold at low -
MANNING & SCOTT, est current rates.
Barriatere, lg C., INTEREST- AT 3 Pan CENT, ALLOWED ,ON DEPOS11e
Money advanced to farmers on their own note
Morley to Loan. with one or nnore endoreers. No mortgage re
quired as security.
February. 1884 CLINTON
T. I. F. HILLIARD, – - --
Office --Cooper's new block (ground floor), yLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. A].
Victoria Street, Clinton. meots every Friday, on or after the cul
Will attend Division Cuurts at Bayfield and Blyth moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited.
LW PRtvATR FUXDs TO LEND at lowest• rates of J. YOUNG, w. It. J. CALLANDER, Sit,
Interest. 613 Clinton, Jan. 14, 1831. 1.
L\DWAi D, NORMAN LEWIS, Barrister, Sol
icitor f" IliKh Court, Conveyancer, Alis., ��' ��•
Goderich and Bayfield. Money -,to loan at five
and one-half por eentontwo•third margin. Bay• a a
field olnce open every Thursday from 0.30 to 4.30 Nu. / �O
in Swartz' hotel bluuk, u o'sL 0. L{te Division Court
Office, 461
S 1•
- EAGER & MORTON, Barrieters,,6o.,J , God- Meets eacotrn Monday of every
erich and Whighain• C. Seager, Jr., Goderich month. Hall, 3id flut, Victoria
J. A. Mortuh Winghane. 1-ly. block. Visiting brethren always
C made welcome.
DAVISON k JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and W. G- SMITIl, W. M.
Conveyancing. ip fice-Went Street, next P. CANTELON, Seo, D. B. CALBiCK, D. M.
door to Poet Office, Goderleh, Ont. 67. _
C. HAYS, Solicitor, hc. . Office, corner of
I IL- Square and West Street, over Butler's Book
Store, Godorich, Ont. 67.
Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest."9
UAHPION, Barrlster,Attorney, Solicitor inE."-,
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. O�Hce over t (n1
Jordan's by Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu Jubilee Preeeptory bot 1611
ted by Judge Doi
4th' Any amount of money to loan at lowest
ratos r
of interest.. 1•ly.
.•._.•.. • . (Blatin. Knights of Ireland)
Meets In the Clinton Ontngo Hall, the second
ilCt10t1f CC 11� Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in -
• the evening, Visiting Sir Knights 'will alw'ay's
— calve a hearty welcome.
H. W. BALL A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor
1 GHOROS HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor
AUCTTONEER'for Huron County. Saler .t- 1% Aw.i:u `. i;GsE, Registrar
tended to in any part of the County. Ad- a p
freseorder,toGonaatonP O. Y•17.
ERAS. HAMILTON, n �Oyal Black PreCeptOry 3U(MM�� I77
t •
iii PPP {
A UCTIONEER, land, loan and {neuranco agent Black Knaghta of Ireland,
('1 Blyth. Sales attended In town and country, �tcete in the Orxnge'Hatl, Blyth, the W'ednes• ' :S
rn reasonable terms. A list o4 farms and village
lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at day after full' moon of every month.
low rates of Interest. Insurance effected on all R p (j —![]
classes of alSed, vi olotoe.and debts collected
!Bank Ile aI Buck PreCe tOr 31b
Goods appraised, ails sold on eommleston. Bank � p if
rapt stocks bought and sold. 1 1
Bivth. Dec. 16, 1RRO
_ Block Knighle of I'r'elc]Iacl,'
Photo�lra hers Meets In the Orange hell, Goderich, the This 'I
y p Monday of every nwnth. 'visiting Einights n)wny
diads. JAMES
`v JAES WELLSLLLhS Preceptor, Salttord E' O
W 11 MURNEV, Registrar, Godcrich P O
7-t C Rooms, third flat, Victoria 14ack. kegulr
Life Size Portraits a SDeeialt 'neethlg evrry Thursday o do %n vat a o'cloe
y. sharp. Visiting Knights n,adu \.cicowe.
uhiluon Idarble'Works HA,9BC1�1T1PSC AN�►1AtT a 1;.
Go to A. E. E ANN, FA JIM.iAaLE,
HURON STREET, CLiNTON. ])nl:fu;i;, 2lllxrrafa,t.ul'Nl,.lv::lil' II,ilot
fico. Special attl-utiml (•ivtu t,.
AND CHILDREN'S llairrtrttiun.
I'ohn'annrr HAlr.rrll'l�f: \ "l.rv,
I hl anti facturer of an dealcrin all kiud•;of ----- FOR SALE.
Marble & Granite for Cemeteryl— '
rBilfP: a;Cl't�CltlfiD;l{ otful•p for �'llc f•��. el'„• :Ie
j, 11uil,liuy! I,oty 6•o7itiiig mit Aihrrt Ftr;-O,; ;Ilau
Worl: al fll;nres that rloQ• competition two fronting on Itattl'uhuy either e„
blur or in wrlL,ratc luta, t(I Suit l,ur, i
-- furthrr lvirticahlrr apply lothm render+ign, d. -R,
Clinton. s,
Alio ttuuittl'u'turvf nl'tit( ('I'lrlrr',tred ,pn;x�_Q,-ei�.Qa �.�-s,v-.ecslFlie a
Aa-rurrcl.;l, Srosli lilt' Btfli'liu” 1;111• l�l.ui'b,li'1'1' VON S. LF, Olt
pit.+es :111,1 C"llicti'l-V Work, wllil 11 uuti;t _ 1. 1u<N'r. Ad%vlf; :"s tl P1 lin,! •"r r,
he W'c'u to he t r n'ra'iutefi.-:111 lvorh w :\cvs L'cron;" o11c. of till n„a n,•.:I n• .,
I 1 iu rh•'f••uulty
of 1!1,I w,
R'lU'Panled tU Lgll'e aatl,•:faet1011• '•'I I .V atrt-If e,'ml,l" -'!'hu Inn,`h!e f''n'cnl:I la i•,rI
. _ _ _...--_ ___.._ __ ._ 'Pali:• fn 1 L•nusnud?, hates t:• i,.(\ a:' :,.,, •
Hillop Mutual losuf3AtM�ef_
T. 11EI1.ANS, HA ti1WI, .E' t" y y
OESEnAL AGENT. •'� ,, c A�w ? r I
IsoNted town and village prnpert;', ns wall ns ® M E o =1"`Mama
s •; ;+
Ynrel buildia_s nail sttvac, ulsur,•d. tnsnranccs '� �••' u �• ;'= -
etre.3ed u;;'lin�t Stmel; (hat star ht' kiilcd ht � �� • a• k ' j,,:.M
ligiitniuµ. If gnu wont ivauranccs drop n car,! � `' Fri' �o'�'•, -.,5
h, till: nbn\e ,1•I'ir,_sJ• �`•a5 (f 'Q f: e'ru,t- ""}•;�
502 tf. '•t„o.�'
i... �:.7
Goderich Marble or, � � o Q4��� -
Having boll"Ilt ant .in4rrt'tr \'.1NMI',r11t, r s
in Godctivh win art, not prupnrrd to fur c a �a
wish, On reasnuab s, - -
TT1?,1DST0`�N;• `D 110\li1[h:NTS. gag®h± �y gq(t� 0J1 p;d q
',','c :nw prrpurf"1 to ,all eiteniu•r than tiny
„thlr firm In till- cuuntF• pp S
Panic•; wantilig anytl,iur( in this line will ,� �
find it to tt,t it alt refit to re ervc their
vl Ili l i for us. ` I P
1e01)EIiT>0� "DELL•kl
May lith, 1891). 303,41E A `l' .'
linlnri;: rll site clog-",
--- -f._ Bowels, Kidneys and Js, rrlin
E{lUS D VITALITY! '!lar'afhullly without wtal.etll`;:' v Icm,
Ml the imlmr ties and 6I.11 hu
SCI hl FE, - secreti Ana ; •f' the acme tiwc Cfir'ieCtillg
��I1N: -
thegreat lledreal work Acidity of the Stoma.Ch, rilri'1; EiL.
of tit,,, n4enr, Manhood, Ner- OUSnea`', DySpP,pSia., iio-tuaehcs• Diz'
vousnn(I t'h,l'sh'al Dehilitl, r
I'rolmiture Decline, 1{Heartburn, ziness, eartb urn, Constipation, `w
of Y„lith, ntnl the ,t-J"Ll Dryness of the Skin, Drops.,*, Dfm-
misoricsvons(jifent thrre• Bass of Vision, Jaundice,Salt Ell eum,
on, 30(1 pnµcs 4 \0„ 135 Er si ,las, Scrofula, PlUttel-ing Of
preaxipli,alePnrnlldiarnsos y
uletn, rl,n cot, only 81.00, the Heart, Nervousness and General
by nutil, se,ded. Illustrative memplo tree to all Debility ; all these and many other simi-
young anfl middle ager! melt. Scud now•. Tho lar Complaintssyield to the harpy influence
Gold and .1 welled Medal awarded to the nnthor o(BURDO{7S BLOOD BITTERS.
by the National Medical As•iociat{un. Address
1', 0. ilex 140i, BOiiaryMas, or Dr.. W. 1h Sample Bottles 10c t • Regular size $1.
PAItKFat, grnduntc Of
ilana•II 1ledlcnl C,ellege,
25 years 1wit,ttee In Roston, who may or sale y be cntfsult• For b all dealers.
ed confl( entlally. Sper•lalty, Diseases of Mnn y
OISen No 4 BDlilnch Street 403y T. SIIL13VRN at CO., lProprfetora, Toronto
• .. �.', .-..• ..�,. . ,.- .m, r.:...,:�.. .p'i'e 1 �1.i. _ ,d
...Lo.�....f..,ili.a� �.,r�.•-.... ,. 'y _.�.. '.: .�w� - ^_;:.,...Ia..aatF - --- - ,1L.aa•:..... -�,� - ,• - M, xH.Yt.aarrl'
...w�. ..,.�.._ ...,.,,....r.,.-,i.,�.._• ,.:..,.,-_,,. .- sea
could; atQt' have appe.i>"red, mprfr u> ,and
naeart, dill ils, for'
fi t �r
TAP Q .�it� t� S:II 0.d
�'oi� l �el l '- �'Q, C
iT t
eQn exne,d.
v cit
;t,liew rgA!c 1;: k lnAtl t,ia..,
` was Ye ctrl-
To the laf . v. s n orov.9 of h
wi tee Rios, at ir,sr 'fattt
-^-�--^ -
nut A:In)s, to the right s, paten of
These lruminntious, however loT)g
h '
W044 Y A rll. 1QrU+• 18811
oroido, broad and leathery Qf leaf,
in 'tits telling, di sok in reality
(� ,jr�
_...t4 • li
Sava for a whirr of pheasatats In•the
outlast a tnomept s apace. It was
• ,
distance, and the bun] of insects,
all very clear to hint now, and his
i ing. He contented 'himealf with
the hour was still. Evan thil sea
blood pulsed p quickly.
' 1opk3Af? iusu>2ordinate and trees.
was silent; and had it not been for
�'If you' tell"me so I trust indeed
CC 0, < C
t'My poor boy," she murmured
the odor of strange plants Tancred
ba wrong," he answered.. "And lel'
ei he --pr was it a si h z--8
and d g
could have closed his eyes And fan-'
me add,' he continued, impetuous'
z N
sound that seemed to come less
tied himself in some Now England
ly, "it is a.boou to know it.
F- torr
1 from the heart than the spirit.
intervals, loitering through a
but the
To his face a flush had come, and
4 glAi..
' 'my poor boy. But don't you
summer noon. It needed
his eyes were eager. its had never
know that you are absurd Z I have
toll of a bell to make it seem a
been accounted anything `else than
three brothers ---one of them, by
Sabbath. A mosquito ageon
good-looking but now e was
g g h
o �• r' ORIF m
•the way, is here now ; he went
his hand, and he slaughtered it
attractive as well.
down the coast on Tuesday with
with a slap. Presently he found
"You will But be in haste to go,
, ON T , I? . i
same friends; he will be back
himself in a part of the plantation
he had visited a
then 4"
°C C
though, to -morrow, or the day
which not of
strilit of turf, the background defer
1. "In pasts to go---" His face
after. However, each of my bra-
dad by treat. And there, in the
tom leted tits eeuteuce. "Tell her
t there has fallen in love with a
woman older than himself, and
centro/ waq an object such as he had
from me, he wAs about to say,
when from the girl's looseniu- fin -
each of them has fallen in love
never, seen before. He turned
inquiringly to Liance •her eyes
q Y ' y
o 0
bora the basket fell ; she drooped
I} again and again. I am, believe me,
were on.11ie Qwn.
like a flower, her eyes half closed,
graiteful for your homage. - What
-4f The rafl}esia she lisped and
and lie. had but' the time to hold
you have said is enough to make
��� p
out his stat when sits stu,k ancon
any woman pleased. And were I
scious on it.
Aid, Frankland writes :-"T am
younger—well; then, Rince you will
Aud as lie moved to get a nearer
The aee►rtod an inviting
delighted with your remedy, and I pre.
have it so—were. I free, I ,would
view she caught him by the arm.
couch, and very•gently he lether
dict for [ta large and inereasing►demand.
ask to hear it unci! I knew the
Bcareful, she added, and
front him. "It is the heat,s 110
I have loaned mine to several tof my
friends, and 1 have on doubt it will
words by heart. It would be pleas-
Oh, there might be so
warned him with a glance.
reflected, Etas kneeling at her side,
benefit them, as it did me.
ant, that.
But Tancred was not one to fear
h0 took her small haat! and beat it
Sincere! ours
Y yours,
ver man pleasant things, yet
Y Y P b ,
the immobile ; he moved yet nearer
,,. „
with his dwn. What shall I do ?
G. F. Frankland.
that is one that tun not be.
to it the girl hovered at his side.
lie wondered. Her checks were
A wholesale provision merchant
morrow, the next day, no matter,
you will go ; a week icier
And its he moved there came Eo
colorless, though her lips were ret!
R P '
writes:—"lit reference to your Carbolic
Smoke Ball and Debellator treatment, I
will find some beauty in
great him a heavy, sullen odor, a
o y, ,
and as in his perplexity, he gazed
, P a Y, b
consider thein a boon to suffering hu -
Madras, and if you think of me
like to that of an acid burn-
at thein, he saw them move.
manicy. Yours, etc.
then, it will be but with a smile."
inns and blent with rose,
me," they scuttled to say. Her eyes
James Dickson Co.,
West Market st city:'
She had risen at last, and stood
"The heart is poisonous," the
girl contialied, "don't touch it with-
opened and she smiled.
And still he stared. "Merciful
Nr. G. K. Artist, 81 King st•
now smiling, too. For the life of
out loves."
Heaven !" he thought. "She thinks
have card the or the
Balt, Treatment
Boll Treatment in our family for the
him Tanmod could not imagine
The admonition, however, was
I nm in love with her," and feign•
last year, and consider it a valttnble
anything fairer, more debonair, nor
unnecessary. Tancred was moti"n-
ing that the invitation had passed
remedy for Catarrh.
yet more just than site.
luso with aur rise, Before him
P aprating to his feet..
Yours respectfully,
G. K. Bentley.
"If I vex you," he said, "I will
wits a flower, the petals of such
"Help me," aha munuuredI smil-
Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.: Gentle -
bold my tongue. But at least you
consistency, and of such unploaeant
ing still ; arta as he bent again to
men —
! might stay. I will promise this
hue, that they resembled large slabs'
aid ht, -r, bt•fure flim in the coppice
Everybody working in iron or wood
of uncooked veal. The chalice wits
stood Mrs.• L'eth. Alread the
dost should use Carbolic Smoke Ball.
But whatever the iuten!tlod pro-
deep enough to hold two gallons of
liquid, the pistil was Ted, and the
girl was ou her feet. Whether she
had b'ten aware of her step -mother's
Several men who work In Ourney.s
foundry, and some in Essery .� Co.'s
mise may have been it remained
supporting stein wits gnarled and
l P g 6
approach ,roach who shall sa Q She
1 T y'-
Pinning mill, .have tried the treatment
1-.. unformulated. In the entrance of
the bale-balo Liauce.had suddenly
irruptive with excrescences. In
patted out a rumpled fold of her
Abrough the, and each proclaimed it the
very tiling, they wanted. Yours truly,
appearance it suggested an obese
frock, and picking the basket up,
John Buchanan, 151 Bathurst street.
and giant lily, grown in a night-
glaueed over at her father's choice.
T. J. Spink, General House Furnish -
"It is late,, is it not I" Mrs.
mare and watered with blood. It
"I almost fell," she announced.
iogs, 92 Queen street west, City. writes:
Lyeth for countenance sake, in-
was hideous yet, fascinating, as
"111r.1unever wits gallant enough
I have used your Catarrh Remedy Smoke
monstrosity ever is. And as Tan-
to prevent rue."
Ball and Debellator with. moot excellent
The girl shrugged her shoulders..
cred stared, a page of forgotten
Ili adagio filo all throe then
spines. Respectfully yours, J.
A gong in the distance answered in
[' b
boten turned in his mind and he
returned to tiffin oc the bun, slow.
W. A• Guile, Wholesale and retail
her stead.
"It i� late," Mrs. Lyeth cancan-
remembered that he had read of
P !ant, which Sumatra alone
Provision Merchant St. Lawrence Mar -
ket, writes :—I purchased your tyeat-
ted. Wo had better•go in."
produces, and in whose pistil lurks
ment about three week, ago, and from
She moved from the pavilion,
It poison swifter than theantarello
--The e" le of Ottawa celehrat.
the rapid improvement Ihave expert -
nced by its use, I can unhesitatingly
and presently all three reached the
of the Bor�las, deadlier than the
ed the 38t•la anniversary of the sit•
it. Yours truly, W. .A.
house. The hallway was unlighted,
essences of Locusts.
trance of Sir Hactor Lculgeviu into
a flicker from the dining -room
The odor, more pungent now,
the Privy Council on Saturday by
Office of F. P, Brazill & Co
beyond serving only to make the
drove him back a stop. .At the
presenting hiin with an appropriate
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in
darkness more opaque.
moment itseenled to carry with it a•
address and a $3,000 dinner service.
urines, Liquors and Cigars, King
' "Where is Atcheh 4' she asked'
tvhiiF of that atmos1 ]here of creosote
—Mr. Arch McDonald of Bur-
street east,
1 and called the "boy" by name.
and Loath wash which is peculiar to
ford, Ont., returned the other day
0• S. B. 00,
the dentist's chair. And slaughter-
from Manitoba, whither he went a
My dear air.—In -reference to the
L "There," said Tancred "let me
in another mosquito, he moved! et
short.timd since with a carload of
results of your Carbolic Smoke Ball
try to find a' match."
furthur away.horae'N
. aenR four hundred
and DebelfAtor in my family, I will say
my son was, laid up with a bad attack
- He groped down the corridor to
"What do you think of it ! asked'
hOIRBN were taken into Brandon tide
of bronchitis, which the two physicians
his room and in a moment' or two
week ho was there all(! the demand
I called in seemed unable to relieve to
returned. On the way' back he
he took to be
« It would hardly do fur the
coal not supplied, Farmers Elston h-
1 P S
any extent. In my anxiety for my
child's safety I bought the 'Oarbglic
passed Some one
button -hole would it l" he answer-
out the whole Mennonite reserve
Smoke Ball Treatment. The result from
have"heon sr:eding .and nrc;.pre„tty
the beginning was .everything I ,,cpuld
`-I could' not find one," lie ex-
The girl nodded appreciatively.
hell 0rounb, The frost i4' out Vo
a ..
desire, A number of my friends. trieded it
Z;vidontly she tuna of the dame mind
a depth of five docile,+ avid tile. road,
oa my recommendation with uniform
So wel-I as he was able to make
as -he.
are art dry as ill aunln,er, 1Ir. 11c-
Rood results.
Yours sincerely,
out, 'Mrs. Lyeth had not moved.
«, „
!herd few them herd,
Donald sayR there Its,, been a great
F. P. Brazill.
To hiss eech she answered nothing
Speech 0'
site continued. "Thin is. the Only
demand for farm hawis at $25 to
Toronto, February 1. 1880•
He advanced a little neater and
our in .>aik, but back there, ,nil
$10 I,er month.
Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
tried t,�11 take her hand again, but it
Anil in an elFu'rt to
she pointed t0 the 11101Intaius, they
Gentlemen. —it is with great pleasure
I can testify to -the good effects of the
------ �--- -- —
possess himself of it he approached
} pp'
and plontiful. When a Malay pre
( S
THIS YEAl�1'1.)
Carbolic Smoke Ball and Debellator on
neavor stili. Her face seemed to
pares fur war he slashes the pistil
with his kris,. The wound that
I -_l
= � �
❑,yaelf, and naso on my son, who hits
been troubled wish a trotlble"• n the
be in tho way, for one
la'iss ulakes is death.
-E'' '•�"
nose and throat, w'ho was at ono time
second his lips rested on it, then a
given up by three of the best doctors in
llo'ise of hour.,; must have allured
''I-I'til," mused Tancrad with all
this city, but who is now entirely cured.
hiin, for Ice wheoled like a rat sur-
uncomfortable Shrug, "if I happened
to fall a 11a}a}'—
�r,� ry p �j m, r:• � rJ�j�'
- Sincerely yours,
A. iltact.regor,
t)tised. presently, after h
out with
111 Qneen St. west.
had roaches his room again, he
Catholic traits Hall Co.
hear(} Mrs' Lyeth welcoming; her
l`}1C monosyllable fell front her
r'Ir��g �,,� -�°- r r� r,
. u�a
Gentlemen —Your Carbolic Smoke
futlli'tl husband oil tile torch.15V
like r stone:
Ball and Debellator are, indeed, wonder -
"I sill do my best," lie said.
I fol tiiedicinas. All my regret is my
I (r ht .n parchasing th('m. My bron-
I"rora his window the next morn'
She t !110(1 abrin and lell 111:11
back ti.• 'n(gh the coupicu. lhtl
1 I
clu.l 1 „i,:•" , ore fast improving under
t,":r r,s".
Illg� �i'anered caught a glimpse of
air waa' :-t.ior than over, heavy
, • '>.r7• -•
i unt'9 tC1111',
MIs. l,yeth entoriug the pavilion
with fry:;: :;o and onervatiug with
1BRONZ1. oN--
•James Jiaadu ler '
ijit!, Jlc.;.•r Jiilchell, 1lillct• & t o,
beyond. Ifo loft the house at once
h.tsteped to join hell; but
forebodii:• of -a storm. find now,
Liance must have preceded him.
as the gl.t I"'ecoded him, her stop
.517 y
Toronto. Feb. R, 1889.
When he reached the pavilion she
8ee11led ht •^ listless thrin belure.
,1 iv ho These
Toronto. Feb. S,
C, S. B. Co,—(}eutlelir•n-• After .con -
---- ---- -- - -
was already, there. On her head
was a hat unribboned and broad of
ti; '1 reflected.
nacos are 1' -vice.
aultk•ra some of the most prominent.
ph.,00inns in the r,i,v i,,, the cure of
bl'llil, 111 list llalld it baHl{ct. Sllu
"You ata t0 be with us soilln
Chronic Bronchitis in my family and
struck Tancred its being Inore rest-
till"', rye you not 4" Liauee askokl.
spending a Brea• dc,tt of money—wilh-
out benefit—res ]e bt.;r resource 1 tried
less thou usual, but Elia tvi(luty Wal
a clay or ttvU at the roost.
your Carbolic :smoke Ball and Debella-
tlilol'uwdily at wiaio. Apparently
Whetl the next Rte•llller goes, RU
tor, which hall given entire satisfaction.
lite olikodo in the hallway had nut
uutat I."
in feet its effects are everything that
•disturbo(1 he.r ill the leiist. For a
(:o1),1d volt not stay longer 2"t'a
��. , • s ri •�-
can be desired- •
5 Etats truly,
Eric nlumenta there waa .t cannon
She stopped and loukell at him, the
=�'F, b
J'p �
9 �Ciliiltw licnnett.,
inti 11In-, lice iI] ti1U:;o arlllable. plati-
little 1) nskot swaying to and fro,
Market Square,
152 Sully street, Uity.
tud . of which the morning
"I would like, to, really I woui(1
Stratford Jan. 5, 1 8.
at•e lrrulific, and then Linuco Stood
like to very touch,' Le roplied•
.,-., �-•
'�; v"-- " Q.►'j
Swol;r Blll Co., Toronto,
f are to tho Coppice,
The o risodo with Mrs, ryoth was
I y
" 1IL -
Oat. -
GeuUoubled For some Limn i have
you going
take 11 t. Lunovur," .lits. I,y'eth
olaprrssing ltittt, and i❑ ailslvuf to
tho Upprt'a91011 he added aloud,
WI+:,i'.0 O -r' EN(,'LAND SUI1-
bt'en troubled 'vi•th Chronic
which hits cast Ills n great deal of
suggested. o loops bored to
"hitt mrba c it is hotter I should
1 p
IN(rS R 'CIaUU51'aaINGS,
trouble and expense. I have tried
so-called rentrdies and difrer-
"('r'Itainly I will," the girl
`"11'h}' ? ' 9hr a ,kal.
& ort t yoijinna htllnll CO tioke !Ball until
i Kot your Carbolic Smuko• Bn11 Treat
"IlenaU C--lcell,burause I !eel lul
r, , ,
ment-which :t+ anus ua 1 beKau its nae
Her voice was cordial and her
FR,b;NCI[ A1tI) l;N(.LIST[ 11rOP-
made its beneficial ctr,ets felt at once.
can most cheerfully rec(mmend it to all
eyeR and mouth seeme(l to invite.I
,You are wrong, so wrong."
5'I'F,1 (r1,(yr I18,
who are in tiny wry troubled with
Tancred, however, dill not on that
aecunnt experionee any notable dd-
Anil than, curiously enough, as
Mule ftlr in Bvst Style tenni Work-
Catnr,h in any of its forms.
Yours trnly,
sire to accompany hur. On the con-
such thing:+ hkppen, Tanorod—who
vlt,ctr.Ylril, ul Al,rrthrtnt Sm'ith's.
• T, J. Day
trary, he infinitely proferred to
was nota flit stupider than the rest
Toronto, Feb. 1, 1.80,
renr,Iiu where ho was, Taut tlfero
of wi—felt an oracln within hits,—
CRrbolic Smoke Ball Co :—
wa:3 no help for }rim, Dot even an
It runt Ettore titan probable, lie told
Gentlemvn.—T snfrered three years
cxonse, iie had his choicn betwevn
himt;rif, that willow and tnatill,
Noty in nh,rk one of the rhrrrl,c-
since tient it al,vere attack of Diphllreria
' gohig au,l being downright tulle
brill;; nearly of an agr, had, ill their
Cool hr1 t xlorlex of
My throat gave ni- trouble periodically
i cunsnited Several
Aee(lydingly lit; Rlltlie(1, bot inward-
15unrattan ifllonf"sn, br.coann the Gast-
f,ienfla and N, once with
INTEt1b � �,. `�MING
since. physte-as
and wits treated by thI'm with iodifrer-
i fuss iudncc•d U, the
j}, }in Swore.
I est, of ;
eat rnsnits. get
4'h(u him the rafllf'sia," 1TIR.
that logic which is peculiar to those
Carbolic Smoke Ball Treatment, and am
Lyeth :trifled.
final, love, ilo dociilerl that, beings+
,AND � ��®���'
happy to sl,y that since its nae my
throat troubles have left ma and [ am
`'Trite what I"
i friends, they roust be confidants as
well, nod he conolnrled that two
A Full Line of GENTS'FUR
fully eo til fin ri to rho far that it is a
wonderful and i `. remedy,
"You shall vee it, come."
fair haatls had Couto together rod
Mrs M.c
Nre M. R. Jlahnny,
I•faulco turned and led the wily,
rletermitterl oto should rrnutill,
always In stock.
380 Pnrliitment etrrrt, City.
antl as Tancre(I followcld he Tll'll'-
Tb -it woman Is variable, Was A 90DO'+
It,Tvill�)ay llotr to rill. on
B'rie4`,ball/1•ratftlent,Ma. rot'
velleil at the widows attitude. If
he know t uy heart, and lie also know
salts by all litring.trists, aey 1lrail
he had not kissed her tit all she
I that woninn is apt to do one thing
81-, "trap
• p toll
. �C ft
Mo1'1.EX to lend do l,rg@ Qr sniw'l.lipnls, a
� t
4A°the 10Nt 0u o mea°r,
Qn. H9 000
-- C1lntop; -
�_ .• " Clinton, Fob. $0, 1861 1Y ,
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra•luatP�I!+tP
of the Toronto Scliool of Dentistry.
NltrouapxldoGaratliuinlsterPdtoethepainless P)t1�AiEFrJN'4 tolEodonTown Nt.d lr.tnt
extraction teeth, P 110 Y pP 7
Optco-Quer ,lacksoa'e ClothingStore, next to(1• RinOUT,
Post O4ca, Clinton. Office,860.>§next NaNs-Rilcotta,(up•atalrs) Albert Et , t
AW Night Bell answered. 402y `
R REEVE. Qt])ee—"Palace" Brick Block,
BANKIN,epn,.ot9 hft
p• in. Incorporated by Act of Parllanleut, Ism
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1•y - ---
CAPITAL, - $2,000,000'
DR. GU N N REST, $1,000,000
W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P.'Edluhurgh L. R. O. Head Office, - MONTREAL.
S. EdlnburgFt Licenclateot the Midwifery, Edin. THOMAS tVQRKDIAN President.,
Olficei corner of Ontario Rndl W{lllam Btu., J H. R. MOLSQN Vice -President.
Clinton. 478•J. F. WQLFE[lWAN'THOPAS, General Manager.
g�jr)l, Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft
issued, Sterling' and ,4tjterican ex-
chauge bought and sold at low -
MANNING & SCOTT, est current rates.
Barriatere, lg C., INTEREST- AT 3 Pan CENT, ALLOWED ,ON DEPOS11e
Money advanced to farmers on their own note
Morley to Loan. with one or nnore endoreers. No mortgage re
quired as security.
February. 1884 CLINTON
T. I. F. HILLIARD, – - --
Office --Cooper's new block (ground floor), yLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. A].
Victoria Street, Clinton. meots every Friday, on or after the cul
Will attend Division Cuurts at Bayfield and Blyth moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited.
LW PRtvATR FUXDs TO LEND at lowest• rates of J. YOUNG, w. It. J. CALLANDER, Sit,
Interest. 613 Clinton, Jan. 14, 1831. 1.
L\DWAi D, NORMAN LEWIS, Barrister, Sol
icitor f" IliKh Court, Conveyancer, Alis., ��' ��•
Goderich and Bayfield. Money -,to loan at five
and one-half por eentontwo•third margin. Bay• a a
field olnce open every Thursday from 0.30 to 4.30 Nu. / �O
in Swartz' hotel bluuk, u o'sL 0. L{te Division Court
Office, 461
S 1•
- EAGER & MORTON, Barrieters,,6o.,J , God- Meets eacotrn Monday of every
erich and Whighain• C. Seager, Jr., Goderich month. Hall, 3id flut, Victoria
J. A. Mortuh Winghane. 1-ly. block. Visiting brethren always
C made welcome.
DAVISON k JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and W. G- SMITIl, W. M.
Conveyancing. ip fice-Went Street, next P. CANTELON, Seo, D. B. CALBiCK, D. M.
door to Poet Office, Goderleh, Ont. 67. _
C. HAYS, Solicitor, hc. . Office, corner of
I IL- Square and West Street, over Butler's Book
Store, Godorich, Ont. 67.
Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest."9
UAHPION, Barrlster,Attorney, Solicitor inE."-,
Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. O�Hce over t (n1
Jordan's by Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu Jubilee Preeeptory bot 1611
ted by Judge Doi
4th' Any amount of money to loan at lowest
ratos r
of interest.. 1•ly.
.•._.•.. • . (Blatin. Knights of Ireland)
Meets In the Clinton Ontngo Hall, the second
ilCt10t1f CC 11� Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in -
• the evening, Visiting Sir Knights 'will alw'ay's
— calve a hearty welcome.
H. W. BALL A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor
1 GHOROS HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor
AUCTTONEER'for Huron County. Saler .t- 1% Aw.i:u `. i;GsE, Registrar
tended to in any part of the County. Ad- a p
freseorder,toGonaatonP O. Y•17.
ERAS. HAMILTON, n �Oyal Black PreCeptOry 3U(MM�� I77
t •
iii PPP {
A UCTIONEER, land, loan and {neuranco agent Black Knaghta of Ireland,
('1 Blyth. Sales attended In town and country, �tcete in the Orxnge'Hatl, Blyth, the W'ednes• ' :S
rn reasonable terms. A list o4 farms and village
lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at day after full' moon of every month.
low rates of Interest. Insurance effected on all R p (j —![]
classes of alSed, vi olotoe.and debts collected
!Bank Ile aI Buck PreCe tOr 31b
Goods appraised, ails sold on eommleston. Bank � p if
rapt stocks bought and sold. 1 1
Bivth. Dec. 16, 1RRO
_ Block Knighle of I'r'elc]Iacl,'
Photo�lra hers Meets In the Orange hell, Goderich, the This 'I
y p Monday of every nwnth. 'visiting Einights n)wny
diads. JAMES
`v JAES WELLSLLLhS Preceptor, Salttord E' O
W 11 MURNEV, Registrar, Godcrich P O
7-t C Rooms, third flat, Victoria 14ack. kegulr
Life Size Portraits a SDeeialt 'neethlg evrry Thursday o do %n vat a o'cloe
y. sharp. Visiting Knights n,adu \.cicowe.
uhiluon Idarble'Works HA,9BC1�1T1PSC AN�►1AtT a 1;.
Go to A. E. E ANN, FA JIM.iAaLE,
HURON STREET, CLiNTON. ])nl:fu;i;, 2lllxrrafa,t.ul'Nl,.lv::lil' II,ilot
fico. Special attl-utiml (•ivtu t,.
AND CHILDREN'S llairrtrttiun.
I'ohn'annrr HAlr.rrll'l�f: \ "l.rv,
I hl anti facturer of an dealcrin all kiud•;of ----- FOR SALE.
Marble & Granite for Cemeteryl— '
rBilfP: a;Cl't�CltlfiD;l{ otful•p for �'llc f•��. el'„• :Ie
j, 11uil,liuy! I,oty 6•o7itiiig mit Aihrrt Ftr;-O,; ;Ilau
Worl: al fll;nres that rloQ• competition two fronting on Itattl'uhuy either e„
blur or in wrlL,ratc luta, t(I Suit l,ur, i
-- furthrr lvirticahlrr apply lothm render+ign, d. -R,
Clinton. s,
Alio ttuuittl'u'turvf nl'tit( ('I'lrlrr',tred ,pn;x�_Q,-ei�.Qa �.�-s,v-.ecslFlie a
Aa-rurrcl.;l, Srosli lilt' Btfli'liu” 1;111• l�l.ui'b,li'1'1' VON S. LF, Olt
pit.+es :111,1 C"llicti'l-V Work, wllil 11 uuti;t _ 1. 1u<N'r. Ad%vlf; :"s tl P1 lin,! •"r r,
he W'c'u to he t r n'ra'iutefi.-:111 lvorh w :\cvs L'cron;" o11c. of till n„a n,•.:I n• .,
I 1 iu rh•'f••uulty
of 1!1,I w,
R'lU'Panled tU Lgll'e aatl,•:faet1011• '•'I I .V atrt-If e,'ml,l" -'!'hu Inn,`h!e f''n'cnl:I la i•,rI
. _ _ _...--_ ___.._ __ ._ 'Pali:• fn 1 L•nusnud?, hates t:• i,.(\ a:' :,.,, •
Hillop Mutual losuf3AtM�ef_
T. 11EI1.ANS, HA ti1WI, .E' t" y y
OESEnAL AGENT. •'� ,, c A�w ? r I
IsoNted town and village prnpert;', ns wall ns ® M E o =1"`Mama
s •; ;+
Ynrel buildia_s nail sttvac, ulsur,•d. tnsnranccs '� �••' u �• ;'= -
etre.3ed u;;'lin�t Stmel; (hat star ht' kiilcd ht � �� • a• k ' j,,:.M
ligiitniuµ. If gnu wont ivauranccs drop n car,! � `' Fri' �o'�'•, -.,5
h, till: nbn\e ,1•I'ir,_sJ• �`•a5 (f 'Q f: e'ru,t- ""}•;�
502 tf. '•t„o.�'
i... �:.7
Goderich Marble or, � � o Q4��� -
Having boll"Ilt ant .in4rrt'tr \'.1NMI',r11t, r s
in Godctivh win art, not prupnrrd to fur c a �a
wish, On reasnuab s, - -
TT1?,1DST0`�N;• `D 110\li1[h:NTS. gag®h± �y gq(t� 0J1 p;d q
',','c :nw prrpurf"1 to ,all eiteniu•r than tiny
„thlr firm In till- cuuntF• pp S
Panic•; wantilig anytl,iur( in this line will ,� �
find it to tt,t it alt refit to re ervc their
vl Ili l i for us. ` I P
1e01)EIiT>0� "DELL•kl
May lith, 1891). 303,41E A `l' .'
linlnri;: rll site clog-",
--- -f._ Bowels, Kidneys and Js, rrlin
E{lUS D VITALITY! '!lar'afhullly without wtal.etll`;:' v Icm,
Ml the imlmr ties and 6I.11 hu
SCI hl FE, - secreti Ana ; •f' the acme tiwc Cfir'ieCtillg
��I1N: -
thegreat lledreal work Acidity of the Stoma.Ch, rilri'1; EiL.
of tit,,, n4enr, Manhood, Ner- OUSnea`', DySpP,pSia., iio-tuaehcs• Diz'
vousnn(I t'h,l'sh'al Dehilitl, r
I'rolmiture Decline, 1{Heartburn, ziness, eartb urn, Constipation, `w
of Y„lith, ntnl the ,t-J"Ll Dryness of the Skin, Drops.,*, Dfm-
misoricsvons(jifent thrre• Bass of Vision, Jaundice,Salt Ell eum,
on, 30(1 pnµcs 4 \0„ 135 Er si ,las, Scrofula, PlUttel-ing Of
preaxipli,alePnrnlldiarnsos y
uletn, rl,n cot, only 81.00, the Heart, Nervousness and General
by nutil, se,ded. Illustrative memplo tree to all Debility ; all these and many other simi-
young anfl middle ager! melt. Scud now•. Tho lar Complaintssyield to the harpy influence
Gold and .1 welled Medal awarded to the nnthor o(BURDO{7S BLOOD BITTERS.
by the National Medical As•iociat{un. Address
1', 0. ilex 140i, BOiiaryMas, or Dr.. W. 1h Sample Bottles 10c t • Regular size $1.
PAItKFat, grnduntc Of
ilana•II 1ledlcnl C,ellege,
25 years 1wit,ttee In Roston, who may or sale y be cntfsult• For b all dealers.
ed confl( entlally. Sper•lalty, Diseases of Mnn y
OISen No 4 BDlilnch Street 403y T. SIIL13VRN at CO., lProprfetora, Toronto
• .. �.', .-..• ..�,. . ,.- .m, r.:...,:�.. .p'i'e 1 �1.i. _ ,d
...Lo.�....f..,ili.a� �.,r�.•-.... ,. 'y _.�.. '.: .�w� - ^_;:.,...Ia..aatF - --- - ,1L.aa•:..... -�,� - ,• - M, xH.Yt.aarrl'
...w�. ..,.�.._ ...,.,,....r.,.-,i.,�.._• ,.:..,.,-_,,. .- sea