The Huron News-Record, 1889-04-10, Page 6rhe Huron News.Record
5a* Yspr,41.25 In Advance.
Wedtsestiaty, 4tprII lotbs, ISS9
When I entered the village, situ-
ated among the hide of New York,
at 10 o'clock in the morning, all
was peaceful and serene and the
pocket of had
man who walked
the street had ohiuk iu it. When
I left at 4 p. tn. an exciting mob
had possession of -the; mein street,
and every other tnilu was .dead
broke -
About noon a elan arrived from
the north in a buggy, He said he
was a drover, and looking for hogs.
ilo bought halt' a dozen before he
ate dinner, and it was astonishing
how close he guessed at their live
wcigl.t. He was within two pounds
un lour of thein, and only half a
pound ionic ou others. These had
boon an attraction for a crowd of
idlers„ and the general verdict was
that the drover was as sharp as a
barber's razor. Soon atter dilutor
a farmer -looking boy drove a hog
into town, and staked him out in
front of the tavern. As he wanted
to sell and the drover wanted to
buy, they soon came together.
"Might take him on a pinch, b tt
he's only a nubbins," said • the
drover as he sized the porker •up.
"Nubbins ! \Vhy that pig goes
over 200 pounds!" exclaimed the
"Can't stuff me, boy. I've -been
in the business twenty years."
' "No ono wants to stuff. That
hog goes to 210."
"He does, eh?' Wish your father
had come in. I'd like to make a
a bet with hila. Boy, you ought to
have better judgment. That hog
won't phll down 180."
`Guess your off, too," remarked a
stranger who had quietly driven up
in a buggy. "I've raised hogs all
my lite, and that boy hain't five
pounds out of his guess." •
"Ain't he? Raised hogs, have
have you? Ever raise any money?"
"A. little."
"Perhaps you'd like to bet on
that hog?"
,"ILtiee you gut $20 as says he
goes 200?"
"I leave—fifty—a hundred!"
• "Thal let's chalk. Anybody can
It was a chance to snake. a dollar
and the citizens inlproyed it. The
man in the buggy woe an accornoda-
ting chap, and solve• how or other
the farmer boy' managed to fish up
about a hundred dollars from the
hind pocket of his overalls: The
citizens stuck by the drover, having
abundant proof of his judgment,
and when every elan in that town
who had a loose dollar or could
borrow ono had made bis bet the
hog was driven to the scales and
' weighed.
"Gentlemen," said the drover
just L•,.ro the weighing, "I was
never deceived iu my life. • This
ileo won't go to 190 pounds.
"i'll take,even bets that he goes
over 200," replied the man in the
This bluff' raked the last nickel
in the crowd, and the hog was
Niven upon the scales. The record
vas 211 pounds. He was weighed
•:u1 r:.-;t-e'ighed, but the figures
"Well, it's my first error in a hog,'
said the drover, and all bets were
at once handed over. The farmer
'boy slipped out,. and the two hien
drove off in the buggy, and half an
hour had allapsed before a church
de,acun, who had laid his ten with
the drover and lost, suddenly de-
clared that it was a put-up job to
;kin the town.
&ems go Ddovgesp.,-rAre you die'
turbed et night and broken of your reSt
by a.eieit child soffering and crying with
pain of Cutting Teeth? U se• seed at
once and get a bottle of "hiss Wieslow'e
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
Ito value ie incalculable. It will relieve
the poor title attf£erer immediately. De-
pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis-
take about it, It cures Dysentery and
Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind °olio, softens the
Gums, reduces infiammavioa, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Suothing Syrup" for
children teething is pleasant to thetaste
and Is the prescription ofone of the oldest
and beet female phyetcians and nurses in
the United States. and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world. Price
25o. a bottle. Be sure aodaek for "Mrs,
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and lake no
other kind.
—Charles Hutchinson, aged 22,
was murdered early one morning iu
Chicago, by his brother-in-law,
Patrick Reynolds. Hutchinson and
his mother lived iu Reynolds' house,
Hutchinson rose from bed, and en-
teriug. the room where his sister and
her husband were sleeping, deural,d •
.ed .that they close their window.
Reynolds ordeted Hutchinson out,
and Hutchinson struck Reynoltia
in the face. Reynolds seized the
water pitcher and struck Hutchin-
son witti it with so much force that
the handle was detached. Hutch-
inson again rushed at Reynolds, and
the latter struck him with the jag
god handle of the pitcher, one of
the edges of which severed Huteh-
inson's jugular vein. He fell, and
as he was bleeding to death Rey-
nolds and his wife went back to bed
and fell asleep. 'Neighbors reported
the matter to the police and the
entire family -was arrested. Airs.
Reynolds made a confession.
"My little girl 4 years old' fright.
ened me one night by a croupy cough,
but I gave her a dose of Hagyard's
Yellow Oil, which relieved her at
once, and she slept,well all night, I
have since used it in several oases of
croup, froat bites, etc., and find it
always reliable. Mrs. Eva Bradley,
Virden, Man.
-Margaret Kinleiu, of Milwaukee
and her three children were burned
to death in their honie, 554 Fifteen-
th street, early yesterday morning.
The house is a small two-stor y
frame building, and Mrs. Kinlein,.
with her children, occupied the
three rooms on the lower floor.. Up
Sults an old man named Lawrence
Jung, lived with his son and two
daughters, and they were awakened
about two o'clock by the smell of
smoke, which seemed to come from
the rooms below. The son got up
and, going outside, saw smoke pour-
ing from the lower floor. He
smashed in a window, but got n�
response, and then turned on a fire
alarm. It was an awful eight that
met the firemen who arrived at the
house soon after two in response to
au alarm.. On the lower floor there
were three rooms, and in the middle
room, the doors.of lvhich had been
tightly closed, the charred bodies of
Mrs. Kinlein and two• sons. John
and George, itged six and four years
respectively, were found. Later the
body of the infant son, Richard,
aged two years, was found in the
basement, a hole having burned
through the floor through which the
body.had fallen. There was every
indication that the mother had de-
liberately burned herself and her
children to death. They had all
occupied the same bed. The smoke
from the fire built beneath it had
smothered them all. Mrs. Kinlein's
body was torrible disfigured. The
clothing and hair had been burned
off, and her two feet were nearly
gone. The children, too, were•
horribly burned. Mrs. Kinlein's
husband, who was a carpenter, died
about ten months ago, and she sup-
ported herself by taking iu washiug.
"We find Burdock Blood Bitters'
excellent for weakness, and equally
so for headache. Father also suffer-
ed Beverly from quinsy, which,
by ite tonic and purifying properties,
completely cured."
—Borne years ago a lady in the
County of A—engaged a domestic
servant friiur the highlands' of Scot -
boat. In the evening the lady
wanted slipper brought 111, so she
rang the bell. Getting 110 answer,
she repeated the summons, but with
the saute result. She then pro•
seeded to the kitchen, where to
her amazement she found b r ser,
vast convulsed with laughter.
When Jennie 811w II Pr n 1181,e8µ she
pointed to the bell and exclaimed :
" As sure's I 1"eve T never touched
it, and it's waggin' yet,"
removed tape worms from 15 to 30
feet long. It also destroys all other
kinds of worms.
An old physician, retired from practice,
baying .had placed to bis hands by an
k'rast ludia tnlasionary; the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the spcedy
and permanent cure of Cepusuoption,
Brfenebitis, Catarrh, Asthana and all
throat alai Lung affectiens, also a positive
and radical cure fur Nervous Debility and
all IllervlksLOniplaints, after having test-
ed its wonderful curative powers in thous-
ands of cases, has felt it his duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actua.
ted by this motive and a desire to relieve'
human suflerlug. I will send free of
charge, to all Who desire it, this recipe, 10
German, •French "or, English, with 'full
directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper. W. A. Neves, 149 Power's
Bloc./c, Roches, et N. Y. 507 eow.
—The northern section of this
county has I,ad food for gossip by
the shabby and uncalled for actions
of ayou lig man named Adam Silence,
who has resided near Newbridge,
[-Lowick township, for years. tie is
a well-to-do farmer and along with
his relatives were highly respected.
Souse time ago be courted and won
the affections of i4,ss Wilkins, of
Minto ,township, a 'highly esteemed
young lady. lit due course the wed•
ding day was named, viz., the 18th
of March,1889. The guests were
invited (a barge number) the wr,l,1-
ing cake ordered and bridal presents
purtslltiied, when to tie- surprise of
everybody 'Mr. Spence took French
leave four slays before the wedding
and ham not shown up siuc0. It is
reported that he wrote to his mother
from \'Viughani. It is not likely
the came will rest here, nor should it,
for this bridal Jonah Fhnuld be
taught a lesson that lie can not
trifle with a young lady in this man-
ner without suffering the consequen
"Duni my buttons if it hain't 1"
yelled two hundred men in chorus,
but it was too late. The town had
been skinhed, and the trio had
escaped. All the mob could do was
to t•n-n loose and wreck an old vine-
gar raetory and piss a resolution to
.e' t 7ect. that liberty was a sham
lain a delusion.
__Tho Belleville Police Magis-
1-at.0 sentenced Joseph Douglas, the
fig,.„li•it, to two years in the Toni-
'Douglas was married to
1 ur women, all of whom aro living. PIMPLES, BLOT.
71"T'1i, TAN, nnrl all itching humors
-4 '1 a akin are removed by using
Sulphur Soap.
—.f ire sailors of an American
lid.'e been nlu rimed by
L.rti, ('s of the Queen Charlotte Is-
land;;. B. C.
t,Tn1Tnr •
,,' , r• inform your rraflera that 1
1.00.ive remedy for the above
narnll disease. lay its timely use
tiry..Ito Is of hopeless cases havo'been
permanently cured. I shall be glad
,,,d two bottles of Illy remedy
... i.3 any 1:f } our readers who have
unll.t;rm if they't•ill ren'l. the
thea- Express and P. 0, address
11", Imetfully, Dr, A. T. fiLOCiTv,
"For three years I was unable to
work, suffering from ulcerated stool.
ash. • Medical aid having failed, I was
told to try Burdock Blood Bitters, of
which 7 bottles made' a permanent
cure. This was two years ago, and I
feel that I have to thank B. B. B. for
being alive and well to -day." Mrs.
Rose Ann McCloskey, Marmora, Ont.
& WON•P ilFIJL FTA Sk PIto'.
This is the title given to ,Scott'a
F,ntuesion of Cod Liver Oil, by many
thousands who havetaken it. It not
only gives fleeb and strength by vir-
tue of its own nutritious propertied,
but creates an appetite for food.
Use it, and try year weight. Scott's
Emulsion is perfectly palatable. Sold
by all Druggists, at 50e. and 111.00
—Utah is nothing but a tm ?l 110 y,
but if there iN any State more clever
rd t0 Union than Utah its name lia8,
slipped our •rnl-nit'ry. 'I'biie is a
surplus of u,ouev in Utah, tut it'
Lnatrinlouy, and so don't cuul-t.
tive tonin and wild stimulant is
Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine.
—Up to date \Vl llIj3•t 13ulJe-
100131 dealers have said 3111,, ing Mai itoha 2,140 a1"'1 t,•le Lied 2,4.25
het, of hell'oe's, the tend lame Pant-
ing up to over two hundred thous-
and dollars.
readers may not bo acquainted with
the procedure of a shadow social we
will endeavor to explain. All the
gentlemen present enter into a room
by themselves, across the door of
which a sheet is drawn. A light is
placed in such a position that it will
cast shadows on the sheet. The
ladies then come forward singly.
and the gentlemen bid accordingly
as they feel disposed, the highest
bidder taking the lady whose shadow
he has purchased, for his partner
for the evening.
That painful complaint esti be
cured by the right remedy. Miss
Mary Jane Gould, of Stoney Creek,•
Ont.. says : "I was troubled with
lumbago,. and could not get relief un •
til 1 used Hagyard's Yellow Oil, one
bottle of which cured me entirely."
When suffering from a trouble
some cold, a backlog cough' hoarse
nese, asthma, bronchitis, or other
forms of throat or lung troubles,
use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam to
loosen the phlegm and soothe and
heal the inflamed mucous surfaces.
It cures where others fail.
—Anticipations of an innoiga-
tion of from' thirty to fifty thous-
and this season are indulged in by
sanguine Manitobans and it is not.
improbable that it will at least
rcach the forwer figure.
changes made in the statutes affect-
ing Division Court practice at the
last session of the Ontario Legisla-
ture, the ,following are of 'special in-
teretit:—The whole amount of wages
due 'to an Unmarried man having no
family to support are now liable to
garnishment, the exemption of $26
boing,no longer applicable to such
cases. Suits which have boon • en-
tered in the wrong Division may
be transferred to the proper Division
for trial without the production of an
'Affidavit that they were so entered
"by mistake or inadvertence," which
was formerly required. Judgment
may be entered against defendants
residing in a "distant county” five
days sooner than formerly, Service
of summons no longer requires to be
personal on the defendant, except
when' the claim exceeds $15. The
qualification of Division Court jur-
ors will hereafter be the same as in
the Superior Courts.
1--1''nriner \\';l1 ins, who lives
hear Marshall, Texas, two weeks
ago was called away fruln home.
In Ilia absence his employe, Wesley
Sutton, and Atr.A. \\'ilkins eloped.
Wilkins pura'3(l the• fngiliveq; and
IDctled them i3 nr '1'nxarkana. 1ln
called at the 1,cns0, 303(1 learned
that Mrs. Wilkins hal rrtiui• ted to
Marshall but that Stilton was .there,
\\'ilkins rushed in, and with a huge
knife cut Sutton nearly to pieces,
slashing his throat from ear to ear,
disemboweling him and inflicting
six other wounds, either of which
37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 499y wits fatal. \Vilk ins escaped.
And on its purity largely depends
the general health. No one is free
from danger. No remedy has
such a wide range of curative power
RS. has Burdock Blood Bitters -that
best of all blood purifiers and tonics.
--`3What does cleave mean, papa?
" It lrlea08 to stick together." "Does
John stick worn) together when he
cleaves 0,1" '• Hem ! 1t means to
separate." " Well then pa, does a
man separate fr.oul his ife wbun
lie cleaves to her 1" " D,l.t ask
foolish questions. chilli."
—William DaIVSOO,fCar-
berry, Man., full oil' a load ofitrmer, hay,
and died from the effects of his in-
—A market gardner named G-
H. Warburton went to a residence
in Loudon to deliver a bag of pota-
toes. He carried the potatoes down
in the cellar and stayed so long that
the servant went to see what was
the matter with him. She found
him lying dead in the bin, where he
had fallen on top of the potatoes,
A doctor was called in and pro-
nounced. the 'cause of .deo. apo4i .f
—One evening after his return
home from a few weeks absence in
the country the late Rev. Dr. Ro-
bertson, of Irvine, was visited by
an aged prisoner in great distress of
mind. The cause of his trouble
was 80011 revealed to his minister,
Some time before, in Baying his
evening prayer, he had omitted to
take off his nightcap, and the'irre-
verent omission had so weighed on
his conscience that he could find no
peace or comfort. The doctor saw it
was a case that required to be treat-
ed delicately, so he reminded the
old man that there were two ways of
exprdssing reverence. Moses was
hidden to take ori' his shoes, for the'
place whereon he stood was 'holy
ground, but nut a word was said tl•
bout taking ort' his cap. Both Ind.
tions Meant the sante thing. `Now,'
said the dotter, `if your feet were
baro there was no need that you
should u -cover your head, and I
presume you had not on your shoes
at the time 1"011, no,' said the old
man, rising up with a deep sigh of.rer
lief ; 'no, uor my stockings neither.'
'Then,' said the minister it is all
right.' 'Oh, sir,' was the reply, ,I
am sae glad. I was quite sure that
when you cam' home ye wad be able
to pit it a'richt some Wey.
A big strike was make when Powell
dr Davis issued their Extract of areap-
ariila and Burdock. It has met with
great success, and it must, for it is the
moat powerful,blood purifier in the mar-
ket. Itis used with the greatest success
n all diseases arising from a debilitated
condition of the system,and everyone
needs, and should use a bottle or two at
this season of the year, of Powell's Ex-
tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear
in mind one 50c. bottle contains more
solid medicine than most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember
that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists,
price 50c. a bottle, Sold by all drug-
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the Now Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Mattrasses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very
beat manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store.
—I board a rattling good story
that occurred in one of the best
!mown hat establish 11)(11101 of New
York.. Enter a well-known man
about, town, who hands his hat Lo
an attenllent In 1,o 130)0'1, \\'kilo
vlamding bnrehe'drrl at the emit ter
in comes Bishop Putter. The lutti r•
lni'taking the einholen for one of
the shopwalkers, giv,•s him his ha',
kith the inquiry " Have you ,t
hat lii3'1, this 1" 1'he clubman i31
the coolest possible manner takes
the hat, thrnv it neer, r'xllntine3 it
r,inxrly, 111(1138 at it inside 11'd not ;
f h• ,� i11 81,70 a11'1 I1,1'nsurt tl (obi's
remarks: "No, i have t,ot," and
I hn asitia rellectiveiy : " if i had, 1 j tigEilAd. DIRECTOR.
nen (la 111'd' if I would wear it.''
Cloth &Cold Binding
144 1'aaen, nab Stool Eu rsvlo5,
Addrrn., P. O. box 181e, ILL •
1revere. (.'ongoetioo, Inllm
amatlone... .215
ttors. Worm Veva, Worm flot)o.... .25s
3 ('r';:ng CAlic, or'i'eelhing ofln antb. .25
411Dlnrrlien, of Obildroa or Adulls;..1.. .25
5.11y4::ntery Griping, Bilious Colic.... .2:5
G4latolera : iorbnq, t• mnit305 .257'1:oaghn, Ould lironchitin .25
fi 1'eurnlala. Rtootharho 1;ncuacho2b
0 lkadaehes. Birk 3lra 1arltn, Vrrtho.26
11Qr'EofspepRln l3(1(aus 5tmm�r•h...s . 8IS
11, 1u1,preened or 1 "ittl',ti Parlode :b
12 IA 113308. too Prnfn w Periods' .�•y
1:3;sCrnup , Oooch, D,Aei 11 ilrr•athinrt..*•S
118nit F.iletoe, P.yntpolan. F,mptiuue.25
15 Itbrnnmtlern, nheu,tatw Veins .25
Ili F'es•rr and Ague Uhd1s, hl,d:ula .....;Ry
17 P11ee, 11th 'r mending .11/11
10 t3e,,;rrh, Inflnenzn. Onld inthgIlcat>t .Sly
20: t1'hc"plug (2nnah Violent l'ohs'.,. 0
21j401311,,! I1chillty,l'bynical n •Weakness .50
27illldn"Y ttiernec •PI)
ti 4arvouR e13
80RiAnus\'\D1,'binitn6RR.,tY\Vrt'In; nrrr1:$79
2 ['Islears of 1111110 'kart.Palpitation,11.05)
D"'11,1;13t.1, Of hent o•1 2aid "n rosea .or
prier. \t e11n R•. Riohardaon Co., Agents, n6 Mto•
Gill Street Montreal.
uxof twolterord,
Loathllg:: Conservatwe :: Paper
Best Equipped Job Rooms
Furniture DDealei , itc.
THE lEr':VIG 1elUi TP,Ks: AND
hay fa 1,I ill,
Tidy happens to be a true story.
i"1' 13. 1,10
— . _
pe Fiest Job PrirjEillfl!
would do welt to call on THE NEWS RECORD before placing their
orders for
Route Bill§, PdjgPees
+� 1
The UouIe CircuIat!o
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vertise in The NowsReoord