The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-27, Page 7The Huron News -Record Can & Year -91.26 In Advance. Wednesday. Feb. ','7th, 1889 FOR OUR STORY -READERS. A FORECASTLE YARN. The long hot day was over, and with the setting sun had come a breeze; before which the good ship Bristol waseilently slipping through the oily -looking water. Six bells had just been struck; the saloon was almost deberted,,, and the poop was peopled with weary passengers, revelling in the soft cowl wind and the departure of our enemy the sun. The main deck was alive with mid - ship passengers, and the watch on deck, who, mixing indiscriminately, lounged and chatted and smoked and slept as their inclination moved there. I had come up ou the forecastle - head, to enjoy a quiet cigar and to delight my suul with the wondrous' beauty of the night. Up here, everything was quiet. Thus 1 rested and was at peace, until my reverie was broken by the sound of footsteps asceuding the forecastle ladder. I turned and was face to fade with my cabin compttn- iou,Mr. Ralph Stephenson. 'Glorious eight, isn't it?' he said. 'Magnificent,' I anawered; and then added: `It's not only the present delight that I am thank- ful fur, but for the memory it will bring days to come; fur you know 'a thing of beauty is a joy for ever.' ' 'I don't know about fish,' he rejoined; 'it depends wholly un the circumstances uuder which one has sewn it. Do you know this lovely night has called to my mind one of the moat unpleasant incidents in nu life?' 'Indeed: -what was that?' 'Sit dowu here ou this coil of rope, and if you caro to hear it, 1 will tell it as we smoke,' I gladly acc"pled his offer, and Stephenson began. When I was a young fellow, years ago iu London, I was in the employ of an uucle of mine who was at the head of a large firm of ship owners. i1'Iy health had broken down ow- ing to hard work and a severe sea son, and the doctor ordered me along rest and a sea -voyage. The firm at Once gaveq a me the required, leave and shipped mo off as a sole passen- ger in one at' their beet clippers. Wo had a fine passage, and arrived -safely in the magnificent harbor of "Rio de Janeiro. The port was crowd- ed, and we had to anchor and wait our turn to be berthed. We lay for some days; duriug which ,the heat was intense; when all unaunounced, there buret over the city and.the shippiug'one of those terrible out- breaks of yellow fever that are so common there. The disease spread with fearful rapidity, and soon our ship was among the crowd lying at rho quarantine anchorage and'flying the hateful yellow flag. It was terrible to lie day by day on the glassy sea and watch the doomed city through the haze, and the ships nearer at hand. Constant- ly the yellow nage were fluttering down to half-rnaat, as a signal to the shor'e:hoate to come off' and take away the body for interment. All our crew had deserted at tho first, with the exception of theciptain; the carpenter, a tall thin Scotchinan from the Clyde; and a black cook, named Jacob. These with tnyself formed the whole ship's company. Suddenly the captain was struck dowwu, and by influence we managed to get him taken off to ono of the hos itals ashore. Next da Chi Presently the black cook Jacob came on the quarter-deck, and touch- ing hie cap said: -Please, air, wou't you comp down and have some tea? It has been ready for half an hour.' 'Thanks. Jacob, -But how is Chips?' His black face became grave at once as he replied: 'Please; air, he died nearly two hours ago; but I did not like to disturb you, so I laid him straight and still, tied a hand- kerchief round his poor thin face, and came away softly and shut the door'. I•Iere the poor fellow's voice broke into a sob. 'Make the flag half-mast, Jacob.' 'No good now, sir; they won't come off till daylight.' `Oh yes, you are right; I forgot it was dark,' 'But cone and have .omething to eat, air,' persisted the faithful fellow; you must be ready to drop.' 'All right, Jacob; I will,' I an- swered; nod then, as he turned to go, I said: -`Jacob come aft and have your tea in the saloon. To- night we may as well keep each other's spirits up.' ''Thank you, sir he said and dis- appeared. After a, little while, I went into the saloon; and had the circum- stances been d-?iferent, I would have roared with laughter at the scene which met my -eyes. Jacob had undergone quite a transformation, and huw he managed it in the time,` I was at a loss to guess. He was rigged out iu his best suit, and in all the glory of a dress shirt of start- ling whiteness decorated with dia- mond studs. He had not seated himself until I arrived, and stood contemplating himself and his Sur- roundings in the mirror over the sideboard, his oboe, countenance shining with ineffable satisfaction. All through the areal his look of sulf•satisfied itnportauue aurtlsed mu greatly: but when tea was over, the old feeling of depression returned' with renewed force. King Death reigned over the ship,' and the ma• jesty and terror of his presence were all round, 'Come into my cabin, Jacob,' said I, 'when you -have cleared up, and the will have a smoke together.' He agreed cheerfully, and I left the saloon. My cabin was under the break of the poop, and had a window looking right on the main - 'deck, as well as the usual_ seaward porthole. Before lightine'my lamp 1 looked out at the quiet ship. The full tropical moon had risen while we were at 'our meal, and filled the deck and rigging with her white radiance. About ten yards from the window stood the deck- house•where the dead man was ly- ing,and the moonlight glittered on its window -and the brasstvork on the door. While I looked I won- dered, 'Shall I die,..too, during this visitation?' Then I thought I will just write directions as to what is to be done with my clothes and letters now while I can. I sat down at a small table at the other side of the cabin, kindled the little brass swing -lamp, and began to write. I had hardly begun when Jacob knocked at the door, end When I called, advanced into the room pipe in hand. Asking him to sit down, I told him I would finish soon. He wont over, and sitting at the open window, began to smoke. The night was so utterly still that the scratching of my pen Seemed loud and aggressive. Suddenly I was startled by Jacob's pipe going crash on the flew' of the cabin; and looking at him, I saw that his black face bed become a light gray color and that. his eyes were•starting out of his head. Before I could move or speak 1 heard the squeak of a door -hand l' Softly turned. I cross- ed beside :.' gro, and gazed at the door of the; house which contained the dead 'carpenter. As 1 looked, my heart cr sed to beat and my hair stood up. The door slowly opened, and out intu the bright moonlight camp the tall figure of;the dead man! It seemed to pause and hes- itate for a moment, and then ad• vauced with muffled tread straight to the saloon entrance and my cabin. The moon shone full on the gastly face, bound about with the old red handkerchief, from which the un- closed dead eyes shone as from under a cowl. On it came,, nearer and nearer, while I"remained frozen with horror. We heard the soft footsteps approach the passage "door, and then a heavy fall, and all was still. At thitt moment Jacob gave a fedrful shriek and fainted. This brought me to my senses; and step- ping over the prostrate black, I seized the lamp and hurried out. There lay the gashtly figure across the doorway. I had not been dream - jog, then, and it was no fancy. 1 almost dropped the lamp in my re- newed terror. But I braced myself together,and stooping over the body, turned it on its back. As I diff so a faint sigh came from tlio white lips. I was a man again, and roared 'Jaoob you idiot, come here: the carpenter is not dyad at all,' Well, my story is out. We car- ried hint back to bod, and nursed hire tenderly, and in tha morning the doctor cause; but we said nothing to him of the performance of the night before, The fact was, .Tacob had mistaken the deadly trance of GLRi...JIIWYWi1,4 4.144FG,4RMK trteitsatait the yellow fever for actual death; and I being so broken down with watching, had never questioned his statement. Poor Chips had revived a little, and in the streugth of delirium had wandered vu deck; autl so it all cause about as I have told you. - Would you•believe it? Thatearpon- ter afterwarda recovered, and is alive at the present day. The captain, too, got better, Neither Jacob nor I caught the fever; and not many weeks later we left the accursed place, and were butvliug along for dear old England. A soft still night at sea like this makes Bio think of that adventure, and I do not relish it even yet. 40, WHA1' THEY AGREED TO GIVE UP. A poor woman had lost her hus- band, and was left with five child- ren and nothing to live 'ipuu. A neighboring; family, named Brown, in wh:ah there were several child- ren, felt wnch sympathy with the bereaved wutuan. All tho little Browns were curry when they heard their nmothers's tale of the widow's woe. " Iluw esu we help herr said Janie; the eldest. " We've no money at all." Mrs. ]tiotvu smiled, and said: '" ,No, you h3va. no muuey ; but, if you would Itke to give up scone of your pleasures you can Darn some." " How, mailer 1" "You' 'night give up having sugar iu your tea, sur ono thing." " But it's so nasty without, Mother." " \\r!.11 perhaps you can Think of et) nleythiig else. All of vuu go into the garden fur halt nu hour, and eutue ,111e1 tell toe what you fix upon." Oil- went Janie lural Harry and Sibyl and woe ,Touniu haud iu hand and walked solemnly round the gard.''u for ju;t half an hour. When the clock struck they ran iu again helter-skelter, " Well 1" said thu mother. Janie s;tuke : " We've thought of everything all round, mother, and, it you please, we should like to give up our lessons 1" -It is stated that the Dominion Goverumeut will nut bliug down the budget or anuouuce auy.changes in the custom tariff until President Harrison has been installedfin office, at Washington, and has announced his policy. -Eli ,Drouillard, a Sandwich East farmer, brought in a load of beef to the ll,1indsor market on Mon- day. Drouillard was weighed with each quarter of beef, and when the load was delivered and he was asked to step on the scales so that his weight [night be deducted he made an excuse and went out behind a load of t'vood, returning in a few moments. The purchasers, think- ing all was not right, senrchd and found that Drouillard had throwu two bags of shot out of his pocket. He was arrested, and will appear Friday. THIS YEAR'S M E TM E CUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. SEE '11_ az E_ -IN BRONZE ON - EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517•y CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH Market Square,' GODERIOH. WEST OF ENGLAND SUI1- INGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & TROUSERIN'GS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made up in Best Style and Work- snanshiZ, at. Abrah.afn Smith's. Now in stork one of the cheap. and hest store's of WINTER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. A Full Line of GENTS' FUR NISHINGS always in stock, It will pay Ifmt to call on 'ABRAHAM SMITH i The Question .Rnswered • y GENE 5 FORT W ot: t;Y t-- .0 70 m 0 ,•TORIES aAtir DA.. o7:?. C1 THE CATTLE .KING. Ald, Fraaklaod writes :-°t am delighted with your remedy, and I pre- dict for it a large and increasing demand. I have loaned mine to several !of my friends, and 1 have no doubt it 'will benefit there, as it did me. Sincerely yours, G. F. Frankland. A wholesati!' proviaioa merchant writes :-"In reference to your Carbolic `make Ball- and Debellator treatment, I consider them a boon to suffering hu- manity. .Yours, etc. James Dickson k Co., West Market et., city." Mr. G. K. Bently, Artist, 81 King at. East, writes :-We have used the smoke Ball Treatment in our family for the Iasi year, and consider it a valuable remedy for Catarrh, Yours respectfully, G. K. Bentley. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.: Gentle- men, - Everybody working in iron or wood dust should use Carbolic -woke Basi. Several men who work in Gurneys foundry, and some in Essery & Co 's planing mill, have tried the treatment through me, and each proclaimed it the very thing they wanted, Yours truly, John Buchanan, 151 Bathurst street. T. J. Spink, General House Furnish- ings, 92 Queen street west, City. writes 1 bave used your Catarrh Remedy Smoke Ball and Debellator with most excellent esults Respectfully yours," f. J. Spink. W. A. Guile, Wholesale and retail Provision Merchant, St. Lawrence Mar- ket, writes :-I purchased your treat- ment about three weeks ago, and from the rapid improvement I have experi- euced by its nee, 1 can unhesitatingly recommend it. Yours truly, W. A. Guile. Office of F. P, Brazils & Co Importers slat Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars, King street east, C. S. B. Uo. My dear sir. -1-i reference to the results of your Carbolic Smoke Ball and Debellator in my family, I will say my son was laid up with a,„bad attack of bronchitic, which the two physicians I called in seemed unable to relieve to snyextent. In my anxiety for my chiid'a safety 1 bought the Carbolic Smoke Bali Treatment. Tht result from. the beginning was everything I could desire. A number of my friends tried it on my recommendation with uniform good result'. Yours sincerely, F. P. Brazils. Toronto, February 1. 1889. Carbolic Smoke Ball Oo Gentlemen. -It is with great pleasure I can testify to the good effects of the 'Carbolic Smokei3all and Debellator on thyself, and also on my son, who has been troubled with a trouble in the nose and throat, who was at one time given up by three of the beet doctors in this city, but who is now entirely cured. Sincerely yours, A. MacGregor, • 111 Queen et. west. Carbolic Smoke Ball Oo. Gentlemen -Your Carbolic Smoke Ball and Debellator are, indeed, wonder- ful medicines. All my regret is my delaying in purchasing them. My bron- chial troubles are fast improving under their use. Yours truly. James Macdonald. With Messra Mitchell, Miller & Co, City. Torouto. Feb. 8, 1889. Toronto. Feb. 8, 1889. C. S. B. Co. -Gentlemen- After con - totting some of the most prominent physicians in the city for the cure of ()beanie Bronchitis in my family and spending a great deal of money -with- out benefit -as a last resource 1 tried your Carbolic Smoke Ball and Debella - tor, which has given entire satisfaction. in fact its effects are everything that can be desired Yours truly, William Bennett, 152 Sully street, City. Stratford, Jan. 5, 1888. Carbolic Smoke Ball Go., Toronto, Out: - Gentlemen. -For some time I have been troubled with Chronic Catarrh, which hoe cost me a great deal of trouble and expense. I have tried numerous so-called remedies and differ- ent physicians but all to no avail, until i got your Carbolic Smoke Ball Treat- ment -which as soon as i began its use made its beneficial effects felt at once. I can most cheerfully recommend it to all who are in any way troubled with Catarrh in any of its forms. Yours trnly, T. J. Day Toronto, Feb. I, 1889. Carbolic Smoke Hall Co :- Gontlemen.-i suffered three years since from a severe attack of Diphtheria. My throat gave me trouble periodically since. T consulted several physicians and was treated by them with indiffer- ent results. I was induced to get the Carbolic Smoke Ball Treatment, and am happy to s'ty that since its use my throat troubles have left me and I am frilly converted to the fact that it is a wonderful and efficacious remedy. Mrs M. E. Mahany, 330 Parliament street, City. Price, tall teen talent. $3. For sale by ail Druggists, By mail 8c extra. BUSiNESS DIRECTORY genttot*'J. O. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Maur Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered tor the painless extraction teeth. Olaue-Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Post Office, Clinton. Or Night Bell answered. 492y C•, {'edtcaI. DR REEVE. Office -"Palace" Brick Block, Itattenbury Street, Residence opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. Ott' hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p. Clinton, Jan.14, 1881. 1-y DR. GUNN W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licenclatoof the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on corner of Ontario and3Wiliiam Stn., Clinton. 478-y. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. II. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. T. I. F. HILLIARD, BAitltIS'ieEli, SOLICITOR, &c. Office --Cooper's new Klock (ground floor), Victoria Street, Clinton. . Will attend Division Courts at Bay field and Blyth dar Pritvar s Fuson TO LENo at lowest rates of interest. 513 DW ARD NORMAN LEWIS, Barrister, Sol f;J icitor In 111511 Court, Conveyancer, &e., Goderieh and Bayfield. Money to loon at ave and one-half per cent un two•third margin. Ilay• field u lice open every Thursday from 9.30 to 4.30 in Swartz' hotel blv,:k, opposite Division Court Office. 4601f �-v EAGER & MORTON, Barristers, d -e.,.5 , yd• (Derich and Wiughaut. C. Seager, Jr., God Mth .1, A. Morton wuighaon. 1-ly. I)AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chaneery,and iJ Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderieh, Ont. 57. Lit C. HAYS, Solicitor. &c. Office, corner of t• Square aril West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderieh, Ont. 67. ,tom'!loony to lend at lowest rates of interest. 41 CAMPION, I(arrister,Attorney, Solicitor iu J. Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. (ace over Jsrdnn'e Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu pied by Judge Doyley IC9 Any amount of money to loan at lowest, rates of interest. 1-ly. Muctlonteetn '. 11. W. BALL, UCTEONEER for Iluron County. Saki's at. f tended Co in any part of the County. Ad - i roes orders to Gonaatctt P 0. V-17. , CHAS. HAMILTON. UCTIONEER, land, loan -and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended In town and country, >n reasonable terms. A list of farms and village lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. Insurance effected on all glasses of property. Notes and debts collected. Hoods appraised, and sold on commienion. Bank• rapt stocks bought and sold. Blyth, Dec. 10, 1880' Photographers Worn CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty, Clinton Marble Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON. W. H. COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer of an dealer in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery work at figures that defy competition Also manufacturer of the Celebrated Att'rIFICIAI. STONE ler Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must he seen to be appreciated. -All work warranted to [rive satisfaction. Mckillop Mutual Insurance Co, T NEILANS,'HARLOCK GENERAL AGENT.' Isolated town and village property, as well no Win buildings and stock, insured. Insnrancos effected against stock that may 10 killed by lightning. if you want insurances drop a card to the above address. 602•tf. Goderieh-Marble Works Having bought out JOSEPH VANSTONII, in Godcrtch, 'we aro now prepared to fur nish, en reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS, GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We are prepared to sell cheaper than any other firm in the county. Parties wanting anything in this lino will find it to their interest to reserve their orders for us. ROBERTSON'& BELL. May 17th, 1886. 392-3m EXHAUSTED VITALITY! TILE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nor. von, and physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent there- on, 300 pagan 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for all diseases Cloth, full gift,. only 81.00, by mall, sealed. illustrative sample free to all voting and middle•aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the anthor by the National Medical Association. Address P, 0. Box 1805, Boston, blase, or Dr. W. H. PARK ER, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 26 years ractice in Boston, who may he consent. ed'confidentially. Spoelalty, Diseases of Man Office No 4 Bulfinch Street 408y YR' • one,n to Wend. MONEY to lend in largo or small sums, o good mortgages or personal security, a the loWesst current rates. H. HALB, Iluron•s Clinton, Clinton, Feb. 25,1881 ly ,QN;FY. PRIVATE FUNDS to lend on Toe u and tat to 1 property. Aplcdy to- e. R;iDOUT, Office, next Nave-RacQan (upstairs) Albert -St 359.8m MONEY TO LEND on l,o,d 0 (14 le person al reeutit3' at lett rcir et rate interest. 51. 6:c'1'AGCART Clhiton,tFeb. 28th,i1888. 456tt 1111141110. THE MUIISDIJS EAK. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18b5 CAPITAL, - $2,000,006 • REST, - - :i1,000,uuu Head Office, - MONTREAL. 'THOMAS WORKMAN, President.B J. H. It. MOLSON, Vice•President. F. WOLFEItSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at low- est current rates. INTEREST AT 3 PER CENT. ALLOWED ,ON DEIT:ITu FARMERS_ Money advanced to farmers on their c•.vn note with fine or mare endorser,. No mortgage re' quired as aucurity. B. C. BREWER, fda! eer, Febretary, 1884 CtINTON $I11$ol1t(. (`tLiNTON Lodge, No. 54, A. l''. & A. Df. t j meets every Friday, on or alter tl.e tel moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. ' J. YOUNG, w. if. J, CALLANDER, Sir Clinton, Jan. 14, 1b81. 1- (1'31'ange. L. 0.14 No. 110 9 Meets allegro Morntny of every mond!. • (hill, 3.,: fiat, Vietc'r!a block. Visiting brethren always nude welcome. , C."TW'EEFY, W. M, W.S. SWAFFI TLD, Sec. H. S. COOPER, D. 11 Jubilee Preceptory No, i611 (DIac7 of Ireland) Meets lit the Clinton. Orange Hall, the sum, Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will alwu;i .ave a hearty w•eloome. • A. M. 'Pone, Worshipful Preceptor 0eu,ton IIANLEY, Deputy Preceptor. WILLIAM MCORE, Registrar Hopi Black Preceptory 3911. Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange flail, Blyth, the Weders. day after full moon of every month. Royal Black. Preceptory 3I5 Blacl Knights of Ireland, Sleets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Th:5 Monday of every month. Visiting Knights alvpy made welcome. JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, saltford P 0 W 11 MU1tNEY, Registrar, Goderieh P 0 "Ai 11=1.1.i SAIIMAIIMISIZI. ('lLINTON, 1CNIGHTS OF .LABOR J Rooms, third Tint, Victoria block. Itvgnir meeting every 'Thursday evening at 8 o'cloc sharp. Visiting Knights made aeleetne. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAiRCUTTINC •AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EV'ANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEws-Ranonn of- fice. Special attention given to T,.tn1101 AND CHILIIRRN's Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY, v'n THE KEY TO HEALTi : Unlocks all the clogee„ ::n, I•F I i (,td Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. c:.rlying off gradually without weakening int- sy•, em, all the impurities and foul humors r f the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz, ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Erysipelas, Scrofula, rluttering of Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision,Jaundice,. Salt Rheum. the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOOK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample -Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. MIILBETRN at.CO., Proprietors. Tot -mita tri'F.1. VPyii „-0z gem aav; E�--0 ! Rexo rt.,; R10.1 O ngapMlj iGp- i ogyam31 $1 m'r C Z jam!u.� �p�e'nog��s sH;o= „r se.:(�a•sLJ'rm:'M-e 11 :1'5: - s7.qiI.:: • P g o 1 p v � 3 L 9 tZ+ • � a clr r'At� .5 yn• 3 id as: , is j DROPERTY FOR SAT,I? OR aoi.t; 4, RENT. -Advertisers will and "The t:9 News-rlecord" one ot the host nw,lhnns 10 the County- of Huron. Ad, artist i•. "The Nows•Reeord"-The Pb,hle Clroulation Tilks to Thousands. (fates as ipw',as ary. 4 4