The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-27, Page 6Sze
rho Huron Hews -Record ILEA.
Boa Year -0.2e In Advance.
Utiaesd.iY. Cob. 2-7t1s, 1889
Tho late Dr. Bethune, of Phila-
delphia, was' "a brother of the
angle." With old Izaalf Walton he
thought, "God never did make a
more calm, quiet, innocent recrea-
tion than angling." No more cheer-
ful companion could bo found than
be with whom to "whip" a trout -
:stream, His humor bubbled over,
his wit flashed, and the longest
'sujouru in the woods failed to
exhaust his stook of good stories.
On one occasion, however, he
found himself an unwelcome guest,
and was coldly received by the
wan wh wad accustomed to enter-
tain visitors. ite had gone to a
noted trout -stream in the interior
of •Pennysivania, and sought lodg-
ings with a man who had long
served as a guide to strangers.
"Khat do you like me for 1"
asked the doctor.
"Well doe, Pll tell you. We've
buee out ta',nost all day ; we haven't
caught reueh, you fell in and got
wet ; and i haven't heard you
swear once."
• ' Tfie -doctor •smiled inwardly at
this dubious compliment, but said•
nothing to betray his profession.
After supper, as he was sittiug
outside the cottage, the man came
to hint and said, with a little hesi-
tation. "floc, since I jined the
church, I've had prayers every
night. We are going to have them
now, and maybe you wouldn't object
to come in."
Dr. Bethune heartily accepted
the, invitation. 1 -Ie" listened atten-
tively to the stammering reading of
a chapter in the Bible, and -joined
lustily in au old-fashioned Metho•
i ., son The host watched him
eln,-•l.•. , ;ud then said in a, doubtful
tour."ML•aybe you wonldu't mind
'n•, ling ea in prayer f"
S,ptne tine ago au elderly marri-
ed couple, who had spent the greater
part of their lives in a village in
Derbyshire, made up their minds
to take a journey to London. They
received plenty of advice frolic
their neighbors about how tp lair
care of treluselves, and especially
to be careful of the Loudon sharp -
ere. •
To save expense they decided to
go by oue of the cheap trips that
started from a neighboring town.
They got safely off, and all went
well till the train reached Bed-
ford, at which place it stuppcd a
few minutes. The old man, think-
ing he had plenty of time, went to
the refreshment bar to get a glass of
bear, and was so flustered by the
crowd .that he did the very thing
he was afraid of -got left -behind.
An express train being due, how-
ever, in a few iniuutes, the station
master kindly allowed him to go
by it, and he was thus enabled- to
reach London twenty minutes be-
fore his wife. Ile• was eagerly on
the lookout when the train arrived,
and, seeing his wife, hi rushed up
to her shouting : s
" Ili, Betty, l' ui glad to see ye
agean, I thought we wor parted for-
Betty looked at hiui indignantly;
cud, remembering the advice of
her country neighbors, said :
"Away wi' ye, man. Don't be
corrin' yer Lunnun tricks wi' roe.
I left my owd man at t'othor station.
If yer duan't be ufl' at once I'll call
a bobby cud hae yer locked up."
The doctor prayed in the simple
seri evilest manner which those
'.rith him will never forget,
and then went out again to the
porch and solitude.
nil„ ;, st, soon joined him, and
looking him steadily in the face,
said, -
"Doc, I suspicion you."
"What do you suspect me of'1
oiling bad, I hope.",
'Oh no, nothing bad. Maybe
a : ung, but I kind 'o suspect
you are a minister." .fCo
ui+ilces you,sthiukjI'rn a
min cats, 1" •
"Well, I'll tell you.„ I haven't
heard you swear onto. since you
came. 'Then you joined us in the
hymn as though you liked it. ..Then
t.;e-• ,;'ay von prayed made me most
Q111, y ui'Iw a minister,"
Ie.. Bethune • laughed heartily
al tb,, man's simple earnestness,
tool cal:leased that he had been
fosrs" Ent and was a minister.
They had good times together, and
both of them enjoyed tolling the
story in later years.
NESS. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup des-
troys and expels all kinds of worms
quickly and surely.
-In the aunual report on peni-
tentiaries just out Inspector Moylan
calls attention to a coueiderable
dooroase in the penitentiary popula-
tion of late years, a decreaso which.
ho holds to be an indication of the
more prosperous condition of the
country. The increase of the dis-
charges over the commitments has
been such that a number of con-
templated additions, which were ex-
pected to cost about $200,000, may
now be definitely abandoned.
A big.ltelka w e mak when Powell
do Davie Isoed, their Exteect of nrsap-
or111a and'Burdotlk.: It bas.. met with
great secceee, anii'lt must, for it is the
most powerful blood purifier iu the mar
ket. It is used with the greatest success
u all diseases arisiug from a debilitated
condition of the system, and everyone
needs, and shu0141 eau a bottle or .two at
this season of the year, of Powell's Exe
tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear
Io mind one 50c. bottle contains more
solid medicine than most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember
that it is sold in Oilmen by all druggists,
price'SOc. a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
There is no better remedy for
frost bites, ehtlblains and similar
troubles, than I3agyard's Yellow Oil.
1t also cures rheumatism, lumbago,
sore throat, deafness, and lameness
and pain generally. Yellow Oil is
used internally and externally. ,
-Mrs. F. X. Quiutal, who died
last week in 11fontreel at the
patriarchal ago of 95 years, leaves
an abnormally large family behind
her. She was the mother of 1.1
children, and her extensive family
embraced 118 grendoleildren, 136
great-graut1childred autl 128 groat-
" Last summer I was entirely laid
up with liver complaint. A friend
advised me to use Burdock Blood
Bitters; I did so, and four bot 'es
cured me. I cannot praise this
remedy too much." John H. Rivers,
Orr Lake, On.t.
-Last ' Sabbath in one of the
churches fu- Whitechurch, Bruce
Connty, sleep so overpowered one or
two indivudals, that the pastor
stopped in the middle of his die -
course, and looking at them earnest-
ly :a...moment, exclaimed, ''It ie •not
bedtime, is it ?"
r-ruey-General Webster read
notes made by Pigott of conversa-
tions with Eugene Davis. Accord-
ing to too notes, Davis stated Egan
. took him into his confidence.
Davis knew the I. 1t. B. and the F.
11. vete connected with the League
-one working openly and the other
secretly ; the "B.S., finding men and
the League money. Egan was in
Paris with Parnell, O'Koll, Dillon,
Proun,tti and iIarris in 1881, He
told Davis he had long conferences
with those gentlemen, and all had
agreed that the eituation -rendered
reprisr'.s against England imperative,
ani England's power could be
neutralized only by removing as
many of her leading men as possible,
Walsh, Sheridan and others were
to he sent to Ireland to plan the
murders. immediately after Par-
nell's arrest Egan appealed to the
kenta1h leaders to execute the work
more energetically. Walsh went to
Dublin and fppointed Carey, Mullet
acid Curley as his chief men. Tynan,
Byrne', Colbert and Sheridan wore
tl.o tesociatod " with him. Egan
was invariably consulted regarding
projected outrages and murder.
l; strongly reproved Tynan for
failing to appear at Kingsbridgs in
nal for Forater's
timo to givo'tho sty
r-tu'dcr. Davis was in a cafe in
Paris when 'Tynan related the whole
hist,,iy of' the Plus:nix Park murders.
Tynan took pride in ' having given
dignul for the attack. Egan pro-
fessed to be highly delighted, hut
regretted that Tynan had not com-
menced the work earlier. Egan
gave ilyrne the lettor, a fac-simile
of which was published by the
Ti»r There wos a plot to murder
the I'rince of Wales and Mr. Glad-
stone during the carnival at Cannes.
Byrne and Tynan were within strik-
ing distance, but did not attempt to
parry out the plan.
-In the township of wont Zorra,
near Ingrersoll, op Monday night, n
riotous demonstration took place
over the possession of a cheese
factory. One of the assaulting
party, named Murray, was shot, it
is feared fatally. Two brothers
named Elliott are the disputants.
Pills do not gripe or sicken. They
are mild and effectual.
-The Ontario millers' associa-
tion a few days ago appointed' a de-
putation to wait ou tho government
,and urge the imposition of a duty
of $1 a barrel on imported flour, es
against 50 cents a barrel at the pres-
ent time.
Nov. 25, 1886.
Messrs. T. Milburn es Co.
I wish I bad used B. B. B. sooner,
which would have saved me years of
suffering with erysipelas, from which
I could get no relief until 1 tried B.
B B., which soon cleared away the
itching, burning rash that bad so
distressed me. Mrs Edward Remkey,
Eastern Passage, Halifax, N. S.
n delightful shampoo. it cleanses
the scaly and darkens grey oair.
HI 14 r H R..Eye"
DB. MIXP1041e9$00-
CIQtb &Cnpld, inding
344 Pages, with 000 ltagrar4ip
Addr0. ess.
Lum OP Pa1NCIPAL NOa. 09a=0 PALC1Y.
Please inform your readers that I
have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its;timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy
FREE to any of your readers who have
consumption 'if they will send. me
their Express and P. 0. address
Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM,
37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, 499y
-In1878 one of the tellers of a
Loudon, Ont., monetary institution
received for deposit a very suspie
hose looking $50 bill. He ,marked
the name of tho individual
depositing the same on the face of
the bill, and after having it proved
to his satisfaction that the bill was
good, it was again put in circulation.
.Imaging his surprise when 11 years
afterward the same indentical bill,
torn and defaced so that the narne
on it was barely discernible, was
preeented to hire for deposit.
tonic, strength giving, flesh building
medicine like Milburn's Beef, Iron
and Wine.
-Mr. Ed Culver, of St. Thomas,
purchased some chlorate of potash
tablets for sora throat on Saturday,
putting them in a pocket with some
matches. He went out for a sleigh
ride, and while out the matches
caused the tablets to take fire, and
his clothing, the robe and- a portion
of the lady's clothes who .accom-
panied Ilial were•burnod.
ifYore, Oongostiou, Inflammations...
2 R onus, Worm Fever, Worm Celia-...
3 DtrnrrheCelle.
,, of Children orAduitsput0.
5 Dysentery Griping, Bilious Cone....
6• Cholera silo bus. Yolnning
Coughs, Cold Bronchitis
Neuralgia, Toothache Faccache
Headaches. Sick Heartache, Vertigo
Djiove la Brlidua Stomach.:........ .2x5
Suppressed or Painful Periods• . • •.
Wi, tea, too Profuse Periods - .2
Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.... .25
salt Rhenrtt. F, aipela, Bruption�2ri
Rheumattaru, Ittueumatfo Paine .25
Reece and Ague Chills, Malaria.50
Piles, Blind or Bleeding .50
Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .50
Whooping Cough Violent0oug8ha..50
Gqenerui llobllity.'Phyeical Weatnes9 .500
Kidney Disease 1.00
Nervous Debility
Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.50
Mee : sea of the Heart. PalpitationL00
P E C J F I C S,
Sold by Druggist', or eeet pestered ottreeeipt of
p .-. w ns s: oai Richardson Co., Agents, 64 Mo.
Ia the oldest and most [sinner scientific and
mechanical papor published and hike the largest
circulation of any paper of its class In the world.
Fully Illustrated. Best ulnas of Wood Engrav-
ings. Published weekly. Send for specimen
copy. Price 53 a year. Four months' trial, 51.
MU11N & CO., PUBLISHEttS, 361 Broadway, N.Y.
Edition of Scientific American.
A great success..•Each issue -contains colored'
lithographic plates of country and city resides-'
roes or public buildings. Numerous engravings
and full plans and specifications for the use of
mob ascontemplate building. Price 52.56 a year,
25 cis. a copy. MUNN & CO., PuniatinEnS.
-The original. estimate of the
new 'parliantent.buildings at Toron-
to was $500,000• Already. about
half that sum has been expen•'e 1,
and Architect Waite declares that
the buildings cannot be completed
for less than $2.000,000, or four
times the original estimate.
An old physician, retired front practice,
having had placed in his hands by an
East India missionary the formula of a
simple vegetabic remedy for the speedy
and permanent etre of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all
throat and Lung affections, also a positive
and radical cure forNervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having test-
ed its wonderful curative powers in thous-
ands of cases, has felt it Ills duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actua-
ted by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering. I will send free of
charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in
German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper. W. A. Noyes, 149 Power's
Block, Roches,erN. Y. 507 eow.
Artizans, mechanics and laboring
men are liable. to; sudden accidents
and injuries, as well as painful cords,
still joints and lameness. 'l'o all thus
troubled we would recommend Ilag-
yard's Yellow Oil, the handy and re-
liable pain"cure for outward or inter-
nal use.
-Two ladies have lately been
elected to the Board of Directors of
the West Zorra end Embro Agri•
culturalSociety-Mrs. Munro and
Mies Mathiesom.
-Tho third daughter of the lata
Zion. Thos. White was' married iu
Ottawa hat Tuesday to Major John
Cotton, of the N. W. Mounted Police
at Regina.
maybe aeenr-
od by apply-
ing to,MlNN
k Co, who
have had over
40 years' experience and have made over
MAO applications for American and For-
eign patents. Send for I.landbook. Correa-
,'IondOnee strictly confidential.
In ease your mark is not reg6istered in the Pat -
int Office, apply to MUNN & Co., and procure
mmodiate protection. Send for handbook.
COPYRR.IGIITS for books, charts, maps.
11o., quickly procured. Address
DIUNN eS1 CO., Patent Sollcitors.4
GENERAL 081I08: 361 BROADWAY, N. 'T.
" During three years' suffering with
dyspepsia I tried almost every
known remedy bet kept getting
worse until I tried B. B. B. I had
only used it three days when I felt
better ; three bottles completely
cured me." W. Nichols, of Kendal,
-Little Florence's grandfather
was very sick. She had heard her
father and mother and sister pray-
ing for his recovery, but he didn't
•ireorn to grow better. The little
tot was heard offering up a prayer
herself one night : ', Oh, Lord, it'
you don't make g'au'pa well pretty
quick I'll hit my pa over the head
with a stick."
1 v1/4
11 01•.8; AND TWu LOPS for sale or to let,
I 1 airrut,
WIalhr.rt street. For particulars
apply .,t T (:+IM'R.I{ s SON'S (;riu•e0, Cltutnn
NIA,t 13,1,, 1455. 406-- tf
Furniture Dealer, &c.
Opposite Town ]tall, - Clinton, Out
ADVICE TO MOTHERS. -Are you dis-
turbed at night and broken of your rest
by a sick child snfferine and crying with
pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs Witelow's
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething,
4ts value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor Ride enfferer immediately. De-
pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis-
take about it. D. cures Dysentery and
Diarrheas, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the
Gums, reduces inflamma'ion, and gives
tone and energy to the whole eystem.
"Mrs Wine1 w'e Soothing
Syrup" { for
children teething is pleasant to the t.nste
and is the prescription of one of the oldest
and best female physicians and nurses in
the United S'tatee, and is for sale by all
hhout the world. Price
druggiete lt,roe g
25c. a bottle. Be lure and tisk for "Mrs,
inslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind.
Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street
Life - Insurance - Agents !
-.�. P111 3t,000�------
Age :35 Cost for •1385. iniac 1886.. C6 ie
30 ..
35 " „ .. 6 54
8 88
.. 14 97
Scrofula and General Debility will
try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil, with Hypophosphites, they will
find immediate relief and a permrtn
ent benefit. Dr. Ii. V. Mott, Brent•
wood, Cal., writes : "I have used
Scott's Emulsion with great nrlvants
age in canes of Phthisis, Scrofela and
Wasting Disea*ea. It is very polite
able." Sold by Druggists, at roc.
and $100.
would be an excellent present to send to friends -one
they would remember the year round.
tar Definite Insurance at the above rates.
See me t"efore you insure in any e.otepany
and understand our plan. At the age of
40, the cost for x,,000 was abont,'y$35 for
1885, al_•co for 1886,
See us before yoit decide.
Jas. Thompson, Agent.
SUBSCRIBER offers for sale tour eligible
Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also
two fronting 011 Rattenbury Street; either en
bloc or in separate lots, to snit purchasers. For
further particulars apply to the tundersitn,d
DiNSLEY, Clinton. 382
We call the special attention of Post
nasters and subscribers to the following
synopsis of the newspaper laws :-
1-A postmaster is required to give
notice OY LETTER (returning a paper does
rot answer the law) when a subscriber does
aot take his paper out of the office, and
;tate the reason for lie not being taken.
Any neglect to do so slakes the postmaster
responsible to the publishers for payment.
2 -If any person orders his paper dis-
3ontinted, Ito must pay all arrearages, of
the publisher may continue 'to send it payment is made, and collect tit(
whole amount, whether it he taken frorn
the offiee'or not, Thera can be no legal
discontinuance until the payment Vs made,
3 -Any person who takes a paper from:
the post -office, whether directed to sir
uamo or another, or whether he has sub-
scribed or note, is responsible for the pay.
4-1f a subscriber orders his paper to bt
stopped at a certain time, and the pnblisii.
er continues to send, it the subscriber 1
bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the
post -office. This proceeds upon the green;
that a man must pay for what he uses
p In the Division Court in Goderich
at the November sitting a newspaper put -
Maher stied for pay of papas. The defend-
ant objected paying on the ground thnt ho
had ordered a former proprietor of the
paper to discontinue it. The ,Judge held
that that was not a valid defence. The
plaintiff, the present proprietor, ling no
entire to discontinue and coltseeeently
could enlleet, although it was not denied
that defendant had notified former pro-
prietor to discontinue. In any event
defen.lnnt was hound to pay for the time
he had received the paper and until he
hart pnid all arrears due forsnhacription.
Public spealcers and singers aro
often troubled with sore throat and
hoarseness, are liable to severe bron•
chill attacks which might be pre-
vented end cured by the nee of Hag -
yard's Pectoral Balsam -the best
throat and lung remedy in use.
v" v
S s
-Iv THE-
Pw -PL d
The News -Record makes a specialty of the
Finest Printing.
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call'at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Mattrassos, etc,, and general Ilonsehold Furniture. Tho whole Stock is front the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store.