The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-20, Page 7eeereallonsoolleml the Munn %two Pond is eemasnee. Every Wednesday Morning, —By—. .1,T T11E111 POWER PRESS PRINTING HOUSE, Ontario Street, Clinton. el 50 a Year -41'1.25 in Advance. The proprietorsoi TBE Go D ERIell X Ews, having purchased the business and plant Of THE HURON RECORD, Will in future publish the amalgamated papers in Clinton, under the title of "THE HuRON NEWS - RECORD." Clinton is the most prosperous town in Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable manufacturing, and the centre of the finest agricultural section ia Ontario. The combined circulation of Tiin NEWS - RECORD exceeds that of any paper pub- iahed in the County of Huron. It is, therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising medium. VirRates of advertising liberal, and furnished on application. torParties making contracts for a speci• fled time, who discontinue their advertise- ment, before the expiry of the same, will be charged full rates. Advertisements, whleuut instructions as • to space' and time, will be lett to the julg• 4nent of:the compositor in the pisplay, in• sorted until forbidden, measured by a scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the inch), and charged 10 cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub- sequent insertion. Orders to diseontiuue advertisements must be in writinu. L. Notices set as READING MATTRR, (measured by a scale of solid Nonpariel, 12 lines to the inch) charged at the tate nf 10 cents a line for each insertion. JOB WORK. We have one of the best appointed Job Offices west of Toronto. Our facilities in this department enable us to do all kinds of work -from a calling caul to a mammoth poster, in the best styie known to the waft, and at the lowest possible rates Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address The News -Record, Clinton. Out The Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -81.25 in Advance. WedlleSdaY, Feb. 20th, 1889 WIT IN SPEECH. - -It.tmorag.tbe_clifficult to concoct a pretty speech, but tette gellantry combined with wit is needed in making one which shall contain as much delicacy as flattery. 'You for• got that I am an old woman,' said a lady in response to an admiring allusion iu a neat•speech from one of the old school': 'Madam,' was thereply,'whenmy oyes aro dazzled by, a diamend 11 never occurs to me to ask a inineralogiat for its history.' A Celebrated statesman,when (lilting with a certain duchess ou her eightieth birthday, said, in pro- posing her health : 'May youlive, my lady duchess, nutil you begin to' grow ugly. Her ladyship's teugue was as ready as his own. I thank you, sir,' she replied, 'and may 'you long nontinue your taste for antiq . Goldsmith, iu alluudinoct to 'the ladies" modest custom of excusing themselves in drinking toasts, says : Nor the soy maid, half wilting to be prest. Shall kiss the cep to pass it to the rest. fittly amusing and witty allusions iu giving toasts and applying senti- , iuents are probably thus lost by 1"•-ladiea 'excusing themselves,' as may ' be instanced by t'le following ; Among the 'gifts of a newly married pair was a new broom, sent to the • beide accompanied by this quartain : This trilling gift accept front me,• Its use 1 would rommen4 In sunshine use the brushy part, In storms the other coll. The sentimeuts or another of the gentler SAX were equally humorous - and tersely conveyed when she thus expressed herself regarding matri- mony : 'Get married, young men, and be quick about it. Don't wait for the millennium for tho girls to become angels-. 'You'd look well beside an angel, tvouldn't you, yon wretches !' WHAT TELE FUSS Pi ABOUT. THE TEXT MA THE CHARGES AGAINST THE BISHOP OF LINCOLN. Recently the bishop of Lincoln appeared before tho archbishop of Canterbury, having been cited to appear and answer certain charges of having "offended against the laws uclesiastical in the diocese of Ln - coin and province uf (Janterbury." The charges are brought by three members of the church of England residing in the diocese of Lincoln. There are ten charges in all. Fol- lowing is the text of the tirstsix : By having iu the church of Si. Peter, at Gowts, in the city end dio• cese of Lincoln and province of C Intel:bury, on the morning of I)ec. 4, 1887, when he was officiating as hidlop and principal celebrant in ,eleieo. fur the administration of holy communion in the smite &lurch, used and portnitte.1 to he iiteql lighted cAndles it 11:- com• munion tile, or on A lo.lgo hunt- li •i••:y til'or I. 1111o, ;Ill,' so .1, ! .::•1.,11 f.,11‘, 0011,hi,01 during such service., as a matter of strikingly illustrates the truth of the ceremony and when such lighted following Hues: candles wore not required for the To le ire unknuen do.venik the iieguatded purpose of giving light ; by having, store, wonders heaven directed to Ole poor, at 'each service, caused, pertuitted aud been a party to and taken part In a recent case—that of in the mixing of water with the i Rhodes, known tis the Hounslow sacramental wine intended to IR) Diet --two charities benefitted used in the holy communion, and i largelely by the miner's hoards, also by eubsequently euuseuratiug He died wool. nearly ...C80,0t.), all the said wine and water so mixed,of wli•eh he lett to the Royal free and also by hiwself administering the said wine and water eo mixed to the couitnunicante ; by having in the same service stood, while read- ing the prayer of consecration, be- tween the people and the holy table, with his back to the people in such wise that the commumicants present being then conveniently placed for receiving the holy sacrament wit p u Ito broke the bread and took tlie cup into his hands according to the directions in that hehalf . contained in the arubtic immediately before the prayer of consecration ; by hav- ing at the sante strrVi.:10 CAU8r.1 ur permitted to be said or sung before the reception of the elements and immediately after the reading of the prayer of cunaecration the words or hymn or prayer common- ly known as the Aguus ; by having nt Ilia.same time service, whilst pro- nouncing the absolution, conspicu- ously and cerentoniously, having both his hands elevated, and look• ing towards the congregation, made with his bands the sign of the cross, and also by having in like manner, whilst pronouncing the benediction, made the sign of tho cross, much sign being a ceremony iu addition to and other than a cetemony pre- scribed by the book of common prayer ; by having, at the same ser- vice, immediately after pronouncing the benediction, and without any break in. interval, and as connected With and forming part of the rites and ceremonies of said service, clots cd, precticed, 'permitted and been a party tu and taken a part in the ceremony of ablution, that is to say, of pouring wine and water into the paten and chalice which had been ti -ed for the administration of the holy communion at such service, andby then himself drinking up such wine and water ill OW filet.) 01' the congregation, being a ceremony in additionto and other than a cere-. rnony prescribed by the book of comtnon prayer.. The retnaining four chargea. deal with similar practices of the bishop at a service in the cathedral church of Lincoln on Dec. 18, 1887. Fur these offenses the bishop is " enjoin- ed and commanded " to appear be- fore the archbishop of Lambeth " to a'llmyer t,rtily to certain .articles, heads, positions or interrogations to be objected and administered to hiin touching andconcerning' his soul's health and the lawful cor- re'ction and reformation of his man- . ners and excesses," in the way which is recapitulated above. MISERS' SECRETS: sps SOME QUEER COMBINATIONS OF AVAR- ICE .AND LIRERALITY. It is pretty certain that misers of both sexes existed ages ago, as they do in our day, and the following notes. concerning some notable ex-, amples of this class of monomaniacs may not be uninteresting. Of those who made it a rule of their lives to— • Gather geneby every w:le, the case of M. Osterwalk, who died at Paris, in 1791, is remarkable as showing that the richest man in the city maty :40 be the most miserable one. 11e -/as the son of a poor ministet , p::d began life as clerk in a bent:lie: 'pouse•at Hatuburg, where he acquire.: a small sum, which he augmented hy his speculations in business a.. I his econotnical mode of living. Ile afterwards came to Paris, whete he accumulated his enormous fortune. IIe was a bach elat:--the expenses of a wife and children being incompatible with his frugal Mode of living. lie had for a servant a poor wretch, whom he never permitted to ester his a pa am en.t., he al ways protniSM that at his death Ito Should be handsome- ly recompensed, and accordingly he left him a pittance of six months' wages and a suit of clothes, but, as he most expressly stated, "not the most now." A few days before his death, aome of his acquaintances, who saw that he was reduced to the last extremity by want of nourish- ment, proposed to have some 00111). "Yes' yea, ' he, replied, "It is easy to talk of soup -but what is to bit - come of the moatl" Thus died one who was reported to be the richest man in Paris, more for the want of care and proper nourislisment than from diattase. Ho is stated to have left, to relations, whom be had pro- bably never seen, the sum of three million sterling. Under his bolster was found eight hundred thousand liTrOS ill riper money. A miser died in Paris in 18.80,1eav • ing property supposed to be worth about E.60. Some time elapsed be- fore the heir presented himeelf, but on his doing, so a search was made itt tle: Intel ipartinent, and 110 slimtu n 1:3•2,000 was ; uovelml 1.1 Tho (C, Er••11, 11 ?hitters hospital and the Lifeboat institu- tion. Thu. miser's nephew:3 and pieced ti tried to upset the will, but it was upheld, the two charities con-- sp•,:ting to puy 10,0(11) guiumis to the next of kin It is said that this inisp.r coulee:peed his say inge by ph:king up eigar ends and other tt 1il),,Ittit(1I tt 11114. II is house. held effects fetched I7s. st'iII tire extreurdi eery e .st16 - that of an Hagfish lady, who died iu I766, trl, luaging-ilultStt Goat tile Broitil way, in 1)tfitt.furtl, at t.i'410 96. Iler name was MAI:). 1411110111e. 1.4'r upw ads of 40 years she lived Itt the,ewielf null Deptluid in the mum, penurious manner, deny ing hersett th» ovitiown uvccd6:tiei of life, S1I. wp.s known not 1.0 lkoe hail any lite c.iudie Itt bpt tpar' 1)1 pltor. I t years prior to her death. She Ir-quently leekged un Iii high roads 11 she on business to to the city. Nutwithstandiug her wretchp•pl wa,v ot life, after her death there were foetid securities in the bank, South sea, East India, mid other stocks to the influent of 000 and upwards, besidp•s jewels and other piecioas stones, plate, china, clothes of evely kind ofthe piehest soit, gloat pleautities of the Iihest silk, linen, velvets, ete., °ie. of gite,t. liesides n huge sloe ul money. To wilum ail this t easurer reverted d pes not tP:vitettr; 11 is :u b. hyped the uti.er's next of loll Collie. III 101' it Shute uI 11. The neighborhood w here Mary Le mit lot (lied setins tu stilt fain oils for its misers.lu 1877 there died. pit Woolwich a Mr, John Clark, aged 86. II, is described as having been it man of educatiou, but a very singular character: although reputed 418 11'11111(.11st:1y wealthy, lie was very miserly in his habits, and lived to the last in a squalid hovel in the poorest part of Woolwich; the greater portion of' his Itte was spent in it accumulation of books, ut' which lie left a large store. It was reported that the front shutters had nut been opened for over thirty years be never took a Neuter meal, nor did he ktiuw the 'taste of wine or spirits. Yet, . notwithstanding that he Ii'ved in such a.den and such pri- vations, he reached an octogenarian age -and died Worth. J.t-'40,000, tv thereabouts. This book -worm, as' well as a miser, seems to have been a .strange combination of aOirice and liberality; for by, his will he left no less than 46,000 to his, floc - tor, itiso £5,000 Lo his housekeeper besides many legacies to 'local ties, and to A number of the poor neighbors by Whom he was sur- rounded. Knowing well he could not take his wealth with him, he tip pears 'to have' tried to make some repatation far a wasted life by dis- posing of his treasures by to liberal hand. What his .next of kin said about the legacy of £9,000 Lo the doctor is not recorded. -Bequests of this nature are a prolific sourse of litigation. An instance of miserable habits in the great and noble is to be found in the case of that renowned eeptain, the Duke of Ma ilburough, of whom it is chronicled that when in the last stage of life ante very in- firtn,.he would walk from the public coom in Bath to his lodgings on a rot& dark night to savesix'pences in chair hire. Ile died worth :E1,500- 000. It is recorded of a Sir Jattlett r that, :liter changing A piece of silver in George's coffee house, and paying two pence for his dish of coffee, lie WAS het Ped into his chariot (he wes then very, lame and n firm) and went house. Some time after he returned to the'saine coffee house on purpose to acquaint the woman who kept it that she had given him a bad halfpenny, and d emended [mother in exchange for it. Sir ;lames is stated to have then had about $4.0,000 per annum coming in, and was at a loss whom to appoint his hejr. Sir. Thomas Colby, au official high in office,shortened this existence by his passion for his world's goods as tippers by the following anecdote: "Ile rose iu the middle of the night when he was in a very profuse per- spiration, and walked down stairs to to look for the key of his cellar which he had intdveittntly It f on the table in the parlor; he was apprehensive that his servants might seize the key and robhitii of a bottle of port wine, instead of which he himeelf was seized with a chill, and dieil intestate!, leaving $200,000 itt the flIt3(1S,Wilialt was shared by five or six, day laborers who were his next. of kin." Marvellous good luck for his poor relations. WORMS CAI"SE -t1Ul 0 'S SICK- NESS. 1)r. Low's Worm Syrup des- troys and expelll kinds of %%mus quickly and surely. eet.e...- \‘' 1, 1 CV 1 0 . •• •1. • if blo V n. . .1 1. •, •.... ARE YOU IN DEBT? We tisk the question ,rimisly, On our houks010 a large number of small a...saints that aggregate a bowl many dullurst. li you owe Tun NEWS, REconti $1.25 er 1110re, We invite a prompt settlement It' yon have not received your 111V01111t, ask for 11; it' you have received it, we ask an ..arly response. Doling the last fyw w..eks u large num- ber of tumuunts have been sent out, and during the next few :weeks we will send out molly more. E NEW.i•Rticuitir it 110W better wet t 62 a year Oulu $1.25 when the pres- ent proprietors took possession of it over six years ago, and still the p. ice remains ut $1.25 in advance. We dislike dunning, but automats that have remained open tor two years or more must he settled. To those who pay tip, and a year in ode:Ince, lin lining this 11101101, $1.25 a year -the tel velum mire- a ill 011)y he charged;• otherwise SLeu will he eleirged and col- lected. Diu tog our newspaper experience of many years we have never had' to sue any aeon. patrons, tool we do not desire to increase ttecuunts with Court costs. To those in arrears we say -and say it cantlidly---pay 1111and save Costs. 111'111'1,EL:1( & T11111)11, Publishers. Tfie QuestioriPinswereri 144 ?f. 1.8.4 Nr?, VI ED TitVE B:A:11111:11alf:1:' ° fyiNr4.. 4. *V ,ate„ APR(1911187. CO) GENER 17.1, FORT hp. el= l•}3 i a \ t( 4, ,Fiq, SttkOA,cm TORIES MINION OF\ „AN" DA, ONT , ONT. 0 A C ‘\' Do ' m • Carbolic Smoke Ball DEBELLATOR. TREATMENT. CATARRH- -Cured iti from three to six montbs--warranted. COLDS- Fresh colds In the head or chest cured Int a few applications. ' ASTIIMA-N rly , every (se cured -always relieved. BM/NCH ITN -Cured oi every"ease where the lungs are not involved. .• 1.055 OF VOICE When caused by inflatuma tion, cured, ' • 11 AY FEVEli-Cured when used in time ; always relieved. twra tcH A 1. I iEAFN ESS.-Curyyl in from. thr t to sP: 'tomtits. EY ES-Granultted Isis, 1 catarrhal intfaninia• Cons, sore eyes, etc., cured within three months. NIX RADII &rind HE.' 13AC If E. ,Stopreal tIter the third appliention. 'PHROAT TII,GU,BLE• Quinsy quickly relieved and t;,Iro,l, as are eaten) 1 ealis and ulcerated; throat. 1/1st ISES OF CIIILDTIEN--Whooping cotigh cored; croup relievolin live minutes. !Ask your druggist for it, and he sure you get it. hire of tke full treatment, lasting fur months, 53. it. mail, regis crol, sr extra, Send stamp for list. of referenre8 of ';rt' 1., this elty. Free Test nt itnoto C yonge Street Arcade, TOltONTO. °ALOOF() SMOKE BALL CO. etc' None Ceitit1ne a itliont Sii: er Snapper. Ill TOTS YEAR'S M -S2-- fil3I—s8 OUT nd PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. S rii_ &v :B_ N BRONZE ON EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 51.7.Y ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERICH. WEST ON' ENGLAND SUM INGS t'?z• TILOUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & TROUSERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- sTE CLOTI15, Mule up in Best Style. and Work- manship at Abraham Smith's. Nit 0' 40/./ opt. ft/ /he ritettp,.. nt'! best stm•IrsoJ WINTER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY gtittiottj. G. H. COOK, Listentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra .uate uf the Toronto Seltool of Dentists). Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraution teeth. oniee-over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Post Office, Clinton. £,S Night 13011 answered. 41)2y Nedical. Fla REEVE. Otfice-"Palace" Brick Block, Rattenbury Street, Residence opposite the Temperance nail, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. 00 hours from 8 a.w. to ti p. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-y DR. GUNN • • W. Gunn, M. 1)..L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. G. S. Edinburgh Licenciate of the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on corner of Ontario and William Sta., Clinton. 4751. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, l'C., Ql:T's..litiqc.)Ki Money tu Luau. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. T. I. F. HILLIARD, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ..te. Office -Cooper's new block (ground ttoor), Victoria Street, Clinton. A ill attend ItivIsion Courts tit Hayfield and Blyth ear Pineals FUt.ti 10 1,11511 at lowest rates of interest. 513 LI FM A RD NORMAN LEWIS, Barrister. sol Mitor itt 11 i,ili Court, Conveyancer, &c., Omit:rich :old Bay lield. Money to loan at five and ono•half tier '0(011,two.third margin. BtLl Held mho; open every Thuredio from 9.30 to 4,30 lit Sward hetet Moot, opposite Division Court Office.40(1tf _ . • LI EAGER & MORTON, Barristersotc.,& , God- Ourielt and Winghanl. C. Sower, Jr., Goderieh Morton Witigliam. 1-1y. F— riAVISON & JOINSTON,Law, Clatneery,and 1 Conveyarming. (Mice -West Street, next toes tel Post (Mice, Gotlerich, Ont. 57, C. IIAYS, Solicitor, &v. Office, corner of I t..• Square alai West Strict, over Butler's Book Store, Ooderleh, Ont. 07. Ad- Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. 11 CAMPION, Barrister,Attorney, , Solicitor itt 11/,, Chancery, Conveyancer, Au. Office OVer Jordan's Drug Store, the reonis formerly °eon pied by Judge Doyle. ,V5' Any tmount of money to Man at lowest rates of interest. 1.1y. • - ttettoncerloq. • "t, H. W. dALL, A HMO:SEER for Huron bourne. Soles a1. tA tended to in any part of the County. Ad• iresa orders to °MARIO] P 0, V•17. CIIAS. HAMILTON. • A DOTIONEER, land, loan andlnattrantie agent Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, tn reasonable terms. A list of farms and village Iota for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. Insurance effeeted on an classes of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, nod sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and (told, Birth, Dec. 16, MO, Photographers —uLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Sueeialty. Clinton Marble Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON, W. H. COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer Of an dealer In all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work nt figures that defy competition Als0 Dian Ill'aetIllVe of the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL. SroNE lor liuilIiigpur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must 1)11 811C11 to be uppreciated.—All work warranted to vive satisfaction. McKillop Mutual Insurance Co. T. KHANS, HARLOCK GENF:HAI, AGENT. Isolated town iinfl village property, as well as tarn} loiiitlings and stock, insured. Inmirtioves against btock Mut may he killed 1," lightning. If yen want Insurances drop it card to the 'those address. 50111. Goderich Marble Works Having bought out JOsEPH VAN81.0541, in Godertch, we aro now prepared to fur nish, on reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We are iwcpared to sell cheaper than any .other firm in the enmity. Parties wanting anything It 11111) line will foul it to their interest to reserve their srdets for WI. R011ERTSON k.11ELL. May 1701, 1886. ••••• 892.31.1 EXHAUSTED VITALITY! rri I F. MillENCE 01/ Lipp, 1 the great Slediyal Work of the moon Manhood, Ner• ants and l'hysical Prematmre Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent on, 1100 pastes 8 nt, 1211 .. pr. seri plin.forall di., Cloth, hill 0it, nit "1 to, .A. Full Line of GI NTS' FUR.A1,, d ,t,,t. In ist.rithe ...min c free, to ell \ oong anini,tli,, w.:1•11 Well, 800 now, 'no, NTSI-Il_NGS always in stook. . (1,1(1 1,1,1 .1pa .1)4,1 '11.9111 a A Ar.1.11 tO the Wit Imr 1,:, 111,. Nat 114,11 ”.•111,11 ,k.,,,.;,111.11i. A,I.Ircs• II, 11, P. \ 1,..1,. 1'0.4 ot. M i•••1 or Dr. A. li. P 11(10.1f, ..,r (dolt, of l'i.,: ,t..I NI, tli,•01. Coll,•..,,,, I,''' .." ' • ," on,..r.:....1.1,. ,•:. i -,. , s. i ,11. 0 1, , .1 , I' 1 1 . p. .". k , i,, • of N' ot FAY SMITH ":!'.. :-, 1"n', 11 'f'''` t teay Vlotteg to putt. ONEY to lend In large er small I. 1 good mortgages or peissiad the lowest current rates. H. liALE, b Clinton, Chnton, Feb. 25, lSbl MONEY. • 13RIVATE 1"NDS to lend tot Tovti, 1, property. Apply to li I DO UT, Office, next Nitwit -Brawn( (up stuns)/ 359•31u 1/11 ONEY TO LEND itt gust in personal steurit3 at ltuest (1, 11 Interest. NI. Clinton, Feb. 25tit, 1888. AMIMSIOMONI• - — . — Nanking. THE MOM Ufa. incorporated by Act of I•sriiati.elit, REST, - $1, 000,101 CAPITAL, - • $2,000,0e0 Head Office, - MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, Presitlent.'t J. 11, It, MOLSON, VIve President, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, (Ionertil Manager Notes discounted, Colleetions made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex• INTbRIS8T AT 3 Part CHNT. ALLOMEll ids 1 411(...119 b".A..n,l/LERES- Motie admit:04 to farmers nti their ()wit Ha. with Otto or more endorsors, No mortgage re ((aired aieecurity. H. C. IlltF.WER, Manager, FultrUstrV, 1884 11LINTON 01:0,1,,•.,:p.wmaiieyamoilmiaiSitiornsaitippanitalsznam. 411aoonir. CILIN'rON Lepage, No. 84, A: & A M. meets every Friday, on or after the ful moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. YOUNG, w. N. .1. CALLANDEP, Hz Clinton, Jen. 14, 1881. 1- dilL,1101.0..121.1•1311116•11•,•.14, Orange. L. 0. L. No. 710, .1N^I-CPN, Meets tIltC(IND Monday of every month. Hall, 3tii flat, Victoria block. Visititig brethren always 6" made WelcOnie• isprastaa.-- C. TWEEDY, W. M. W. S. SlYA FFIELD, Sec. 11. 8. coOPER, D. M Jubilee Preceptory No. 16,, (BIaeZ Knights of Ireland) • Meets in the Cliotto. Orange Ilatt,the seennd A'ednesdar of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening., Visiting Sir Knights will Quays r-vewe a hearty welcome. A. M. T01.11, Worshipful' Preceptor, Gamuts HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor • 5VtI.r.iit Nt-C188, Registrar 'loyal Black Preceptory 3971 Black Knights of ketone!, 5leets in the Orange 11511, Myth, the Wednes- day after full (noon of 01 til) - • Royal Black Preceptory 3151 131.aeli Aniglels of Ireland, Sleets in the .0range hall, Coder! the This Monday of every month. Visiting linIglitSillWay 111114.1 JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Naltford 1' 0 W 11 AI URNE V, RegiStrite, iithiatikil is (1 rILINTON KNICIFfS (IF I.,A1301i k..) Rooms, third tlat, Victoria Hoek. Regulr meeting every Thursday evening tlt 8 o'cloc sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome. -"'•••••' • •••••."'"'-'7.,..--.1 }'OR IRS I CLASS, HAIRCUTTINC AND SHAVINC. Co to A. E. EVANS, FAsHIONARLE BARRER, 2 doors cast tif NEWs•lincOlID of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND Cint.Ditex's Haircutting. Pomeanore 11 A 1 ltuVri't Nti A 81•1(c1ALTY. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSI,4, , DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HeART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising_ frog, disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN & CO.. Pr°Prirsz.NTO. sq: Fgrf • 20a el; :Z••:. • x•.:• rFr: F.' q zh-4 ""?'t: e tri grspad 1•8.*.a.0 zEr' I 2 17;4..,10 ez..7 4 g q).617.II_ I °I ggVi:43 lfl z-z.:137i. 0 1-244. ;J E,70I10.t F. El • j )1“)PE It'll. PI '11 s•\ (111 t pp ENT. Ad: rl r. fliul "1), I I .1 Moil 1111,• ▪ , , •I'i ' • '.. 1., i • I ttio atoll t,,, ,t• ,..• eft'. '(0