The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-20, Page 6-t- 1 .. y1PIIKOSAN ixtitin..aYi:.w4M..0M+ru.14.,01.I p 41:0,0W6 W• • I Duron News -Record 60 a Year—$1.25 to Advance. lesday, Feb. trOth, 1S$9 ,'l'Ultl' OF IRISH LIFE. —The great car drivers strike iu New York cost tho city over half a million dollars ; 6,5.00 wen lost $78,000 wages ; the railroad' cum - ponied lost $203,100; the theaters, $60,000; the stores in the shoppiug districts, $150,000—and yot it was a failure. The question n•iturnlly arisoa : 1)o strikes pay, ted if so, A • Irish lady relates a story' how much? w i,., n gives 0 favorable Siris of Irish —There is a strike in the Turouto chi :tel'. She writeo :—Ina cabiu I jail. A score of the prisoners have -emu ou -e hillside overlooking the refused to do hard labor. Now, if 134) .n Dublin dwelt a luiddle-aged they know their business they will brother and sister. The wan was a go a step further. Why not refuse to wear prison clothing, and have resolutiuud of sympathy passed touching the brutal treatment to which they are subjected ? Here is a grand opportuuity to g•tin glory. helpless cripple, entirely depend- ent upuu his sister's exertions; and ou her death a car was sent from the peer -house to bring hiw thither for shelter. The poor wretch cluug to the only home he had ever. known, and utterly refused to le we it, (Jiliug that he would die if de- prived of his' day air and shut up within prison walls.' Itis loud lauteutatious had brought the priest and sumo of the neighbors to his side, and one of the latter, Maggie U'Flyuu, felt, a, deep „impullse of pity towards the uufurtuuate wan. She was u siuglu woinau of about fifty five, of weather-beaten and certainly nut attractive appearance. She acted as herd on the estate of a gentleman close by, to whom her services were invaluable. ' 1[ould hard,' she said to the work -house officials ; it's nut Maggie O'Flynu that 'ull see a poor craythur taken to the poor -house when she can give him a shelter. It's a corner and a welcome -in -we . owu-.cabin rtIicl: Uustlloe shall have.' But hero his reverence interpo.ed, and vowed he would allow nu such scandal iu the parish as an unmarried mau and woman sharing the same dwelling, cripple or no cripple. ' Shure. Maggie, you won't go bank on your word?' implored pour Mick. Mag- gie apgie hesitated a moment, then. turn- ing to the priest, said, ' If there's no ether way to save him from .the house,' your rivereuce, I'll marry him, an' sorra a haporth will any one be able to say agin it thin.' It was in vain that his reverence pointed out the terrible burden Maggie was taking Upon Herself. It's for the love of God I'ni marry - in' him, rut'. not to plase meself,' was the•auswer she returned ; ' au ' ahure the Blessed Virgin will niver let me want for the bite an' the sup when she sees me sharia' it with the crayl.hur that has n•tythur. The marriage took place, and, until his death several y',ars later, the 'kind- hearted Maggie O'Flynn carefully tended and supported the poor helpless cripple in her owu cabin. —05t. fumes Gazette. .. DO AS (L NN, OK.-_ATIII':NS, Citizen Gann, of Athens; Oa., the head 'of one-of'the leading1irlirs there, recently gave a reporter a brief �iistnry of a life remarkable in some respects. " Forty years age • this last Christoutts,V said \L•. Gaily, I got on a sprue. I decided it should be my last, and it was. But I didn't quit drinking. One day in the June following 1 went into a bar -room. I didn't have but $15 to my 11am0. I called for a *drink, gave the boy who was tending the bar a $5 gold piece to get 5 cents out of it, and he accused me of wanting to beat hint out of a drink, but finally changed the money. My horse was standing about twenty steps from the door, and between the barroom and horse 1 made a resolve to never drink another drop. I got on the horse, came on by where my sweetheart lived, stele her, came on towards Athens, mar- ried her at a small church near Princeton, spent tiny remaining $15 for sumo clothes for Iter, for the old �• folks would 'tut let her have any• thing, and commenced life without anything 'We both went to' work with the intention to have some of this world's goods, and every Christ- ' Inas t'uund us with mule and more. I chewed tobacco fur twenty years, and one Morning laid a piece ou the mantel, with the determination to quit, and for over thirty years hags never tasted the sitar. .1 never bought a cigar in my life and never played a game of eards in my life. Twelve years ago I quit cursing. I was most profane, and one night my wife told me that I ought to quit it. 1 told her not to say an- other word about it, and from that day to this an oath has never passed my lips." —Richard Benedict, 20 years of age, living with his mother in Crow - land township, about two mites from Welland, lost, his reason, and about 3 o'clock one morning got out of his bed, stripped himself naked ; entered his mother's bed- room, and hammered and choked leer nearly to death. Ile then left the bonen and tin three-quarters of a toile without a stitch of clothing to a neighbor's named henry Buch- ner, a blacksmith, woke him out of his sleep and made a deadly attack on him, using hint up so badly that he is note conlfined t', his heti and may no1 recover. Neighbors were immediately notified by Mr.-;ucic- ner's fancily and promptly came to fh. r,a•u,.. .11ter a hal 11 struggle twit 1 1110 111,1.1 DISE they Su0ccedcd in lat•teil,i1i hila ,lawn ttitll ropes. FOR FROST BITES There is no better remedy for frost bites, chi•Iblains and similar troubles, than ilagyard's Yellow Oil It also cures rheumatisrn, lumbago, sore throat, deatniss, and lameness and pain gen. rally. fellow Oil is used internaay and externally. —Silvester Sal lsberry, jr., was practising shoutilet in :Mitchell. when the barrel of the gun burst, a piece of the luck striking him in the forehead, tearing oil' a portion of the scalp and blinding both eyes. '1'he result miry prove fatal. PALE, WEAK WOMEN need a tonic, strength giving, flesh building medicine like liilburn's Beef, Iron • —When Alfred Walker, of Yar- mouth, went to his barn in the morning he found his brother IIar- old sitting bolt upright in his' cutter dead. The deceased had driven home from a neighbor's on the previous night and was stricken down by'heart disease as be was driving to the barn. The reins were still in his hands. CONSU311"110N CURED. An ol,1 pltysictate, 1ttired from practice, having hail places' in his hands by an East India missionary -the lin•niula of a simple vegetable remedy fur the speedy and permanent surf ('t Cousuniptiun, Itrohehitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Long all'ectinns, also a positive and radical curette. Net yetis Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful enrative powers in thous- ands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellow,. Aetua- t d by tlibernOtive and a desire to relieve human suffering. i will send free 0f charge, to all Who desire it, this recipe, fu German, 1 rencli ur English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by aiidrei-sing with stamp, naming this paper. \V. A. No ns, 149 Power's Blork, RocheaIef N. 1: 507 eow. --Mr_ J. I'. Wright, druggist, of Toronto, formerly of Kincardine, died very suddenly. The facts are as follows :—On Wednesday morn- ing last•lllr. Wright., who had been up several times during' the night to wait ou customers, went down to his shop at seven o'clock, and a few minutes afterwards called upstairs for his sun, Charlie, to whom Mr. Wright . explained hurriedly that he had token golsetnnriuul fl; . alis. take for ginger, and sent hire for Dr, Tyrell, who lived a few doors distant . Dr. 'Tyrell was at the shop in a few Minutes, and shortly afterwards Dr. Campbell also arriv- ed, but nothing could be done for the sufferer, and he died about half an hour. after taking the dose: • Gel- semnlium is a poison for which there is no autiitoto. The deceased had been in the habit of taking ginger as a stimulant, and the ginger and gelsenlmium bottles stood together. on the satire shelf, which fact as counts for the fatal mistake. Mr, Wright was 43 years of age and a druggist of many years' experience. DR. LOW'S •SULPLfUR SOAP is a delightful shampoo. It cleanses the scaly and darkens grey cair. —Somebody r•'calls that it is twenty-one year's since tho assassina- tion of Thomas 1)'A1'cv McGee in one of the streets of Ottawa. The trial of his murderer, Patrick J. Whelan, took place in the old Court (louse, since destroyed by lire in the precincts of which the body of the assassin now ,les. Whelan was defended by two of the ablest counsel of the day, 1, Hillyard Cameron and :tTr. (after- wards Sir) :Matthew G. Cameron, and the prosecution fur the Crown WAS conducted by J[r. James 0'- Roilly, Q. C., of Kingston, all et whom have pas..oed away. The death of Sir William Il. Richards, pre- siding judge, removes the last of the principal actors in that memor- able trial. .\N 1)PI:N![.E'1"rER. Nov. 25, 1886. Messrs. T. Milburn & Co. I wish 1 had used B. B. B. sooner, which would have saved me years of suffering with erysipelas, from which I could get no relief until 1 tried B. B. B., which soon cleared away the itching, burning rash that had 80 flistrt.•ased me. Mrs Edward Itemkey, Eastern Passage, ifalifax, N. S. —W. B. \Vilson, ex -chief of police, was sued by the Ingersoll town fur $100, and the other day, at Stratford, the •judge gave him twenty days for contempt of court, 1 In has served a notice to stay pro- ceedings, and is coaling to Inger- soll to efiedt 11 ,ntlloment. A BIG STRIKE. • A big strike was mak., when Powell lk Davis issued their Extract of areap- grille and Burdock. 1t has met with great success, and it must, for it [s the must powerful blood purifier iu the mar ket. It. is used with the greatest success n all diseases arising from a debilitated condition of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two t t this wase.' of the year, of Powell's Es tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind ore 500. bottle coutains more Solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bluets. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311 y —Port Arthur Council has re- duced the number of Hotel licenses from 19 to 10 and int:veneer' the license fee. PRAISEWult'I'11Y. " Last summer I was entirely laid up with liver complaint. •1 friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters ; 1 did so, and four bottles cured me. 1 oIsnnot praise this remedy ton mulch." ,1uhn 1[. Rivers, Orr Lake, Ont. -,'There is in \Vindsur a culius- ity iu the shape of a baby a year old weighing only three , pu'ntds. The child weighed only 1 pouutl at birth, and was considered the small- est human being alive as there is no child living that did not weigh at least 21- pounds when it was born. .SMALL SUG.l,.R:CQATED Bllrlb)ek.. Pills do not gripe or sicken. They are mild and effectual. —Two. Ingersoll servant gills had a fight hast week, lwheu one neatly brained the other with a saucepan, CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. 'TO THE EDITOR : Please inform your readers that I •have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless eases have been permanently cured: I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express and P. 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. '1'. SLOCUM", 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 4.01)y —The l'ust Office Department will issue shortly a new postal card, which will have the groat rtllvuu- tag') of privacy. The card will Ile similar to the one now in vogue, except that it will have folds of paper on the back, which can he lapped over to cover the writing. The card weighs less than halt' an Ounce. IJMI'ORTANT TO WORK ENO MEN. Artizans, mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and injuries, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. To all thus troubled we would reco.rnment1 Hag - yard's Yellow Oil, the handy and -re- liable pain cure for outward or Inter- nal use. —A young lad'of \\'yotning, t)nt;, eight years Of age, son of (ieol•ge Steangt r, was kiiled by falling ruder a sleigh loaded with wood, Oil which lie had jumped to have a ride. TIIE TRIUMPHANT TiIREE. " During three years' suffering with dyspepsia I tried almost every known remedy but kept getting worse until 1 tried B. B. B. I' had only used it three days when 1 felt better ; t'i'ers bottles completely cured me." W. N ichols, of liendal, Ont. —Tuesday night John James, who lives about half a toile from Sarnia town limits, was burned to death in his owu house, the 130080 being consumed. ,Tan1('s was a bachelor of about 55, was a cripple and lived alone Aovic-s TO 11o•rHEtts -Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a hottle of "Sirs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor icicle sufferer immediately. 1)e - pend upon it, tnotl:ers; there is lie mis- take about it. 1t cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the Whole system. "Mrs Winslow's soothing `yrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pretcriptidn otone of 'the oldest and hest female, physicians mud nurses in the United Mates, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. ' !rice 25c. a•bottle, 1•e sure andask for "Sirs, Winslow's Soothing Svrop," and take no other kind. —A young man named Dauiels, of Halifax, while returning from a shouting expedition stumbled and fell, Ile threw hie gun from hint as he fell, and when It struck the ground it discharged, the shot strik- ing hint above the ear, (eating the - scalp and inflicting All injury which is expected to prove fatal. could cullcr.f., although it was not denied that defendant. 1!0!1 notified Punier pro- IF'['iIE 51'FFERE1tS FIt0'f Ci IN- pi•iot.n• to rliseontinn!•. In any event SU?II''I'ION, defendant was hound to pay for the tin 0 Scrofula and (leneral i)ebility will (bile had received the paper and iintillio try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver had paid all arrears due ter subscription. oil, with Ifypophnsphites, they %viii find immediate relief anis a perman- ent benefit. Dr. If. V, 2[ott, Brent, wood, ('ai., writes : "I have nse(1 Scott's Emulsirnl with groat advant- age in CARPS of Nit hioio, Scrofula nlld Wasting 1)tsenses. Itis very palat- able." Sold by Druggists, at 5'c. anti w1011, Ui713.'1iiREYS' EoII::C AT::IO va:': Ihrr I 13i'EoIFIO1 For Horses, Pattie, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. C.00a.9GED OKoaTreat. 131ent of Aglinalb and Chart Seat Free. ovm;s—Ewers ('on •aseslie1nr, 1 nn,ntlon. A.A.-3-panel 1Flen�fu,fltIH, Mlilt Jeerer. 11.11.—Strains, I.anrene o ltbeu=atisrn. (1C.—Distemper. Naafi'Dlecbar•Ilea. 1). p. -hots or Grubs, Worms. E. E.-ongbs, 'leaves, Pneumonia. N. F. -(olio or Gripes Ilcllynche. G G. .— IocarriagC.' curorrhages. 11. tl.-Urinary and Kidney Diseases. 1. 1. -Eruptive Diseases Lange. J. K. -Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case with Specifics, Manual, \\ Itch Hazel on and Medlcator, $7.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), .60 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid on Receipt or Price. Wells & Richardson Co., Agents, 61 McGill St., Montreal. .111111SZICIMErir—""-4 FL' E'vi5,9RYS' HOMEOPATIIIC in 8 SPECIFIC No.4 In use 30 years. The only suooessful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from overwork or Other causes. $l per vial. or 6 vials and Inge vial powder. for $5. .Sone By Devouts)'s. urgent uoatpaid on receipt of price.- Wells t ltiehndson Co. ,Agents, 04 ilto- Ial,Strw't Montreal. i , a. . aryto 4' • Ts the oldest and n•.•-1 p"puhir scientific and mechanical ,paner pubil••L d and hula the largest circulation of any paper of Its class in the world. Ful illustrated. nest ,.lass of wood Enrav- ly i Engrav- ings. Published scold)... feud for specimen copy. Price fan year. HMI' months' trial, $1. ' MUNN ,t CO., l'Uui.:su r:us, 9x11 Broadway, N.F. ARCHITECTS & BUILDER Edition of Scientific American. Ig A great success. Each Issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and elty residen- ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and full plaits and speetftutiuna for the use of such as conte,nplat a hand'st,•. 1'rii•e *2.50 a year, 15 eta: a'copy ' -n1UN Y t l:lY„-1't'ulassrElta..-.•- u+ A --- , May by scar - `i ed byappl y-' �: Ing to MUNN " tr .W. Co., w h o ' d have had over 40 yyea�rs' experience and have made ever 181,(81) applications for American and For- eign patents. , Send for handbook. Correa- pOndenee etrtetly confidential. TRADE MARKS. Tn case your nook is not registered In the Pat- ent 01nee, apply to MUNN t Cuand procure =mediate protection. Send for h.,andbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps. uta, quickly procured. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solicitors. GENERAL omelet 001 BROADWAY, N. SALE LET c �AL� OR TO 1101 5I•: ANU'rsvu 1.1)95 for -ale or to Ict, j l� n:t!.!•� nu +',tort .�' veer. 'For 1, !rtii•tt l:u•a� apply at 'f. I',OPP:Il At 81)2.'8 Grocer), Clinton Jia, kith, 1•;5;. 406-0. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, Sac. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite TOW11 Hal!, • Clinton, Ont THE TOWN BESIEGED Life - Insurance - Agents 001( AT SASIPLES OF COST IN A •J 110\IF. COMPANY: PI•:it ;I,0en�-.,_� Age 25 Cast for 1y&5, rtlso 1580.. 60 00 " 30 " ,., " .. 6 30 " ::5'. . e 54 40 •• '.. c 03 .. 7 59 SHS 41i, •. 14 07 " 48 50 " flu AN - Definite Insueante at the a1ovc rates. See Ile 1'efure you insure in any 101(11 any aut understand 0111' plan, At the age of 10, the rust for $5,000 was about; $35 for 1855, also for 1 88(1. Geo 1)0 htd'ore yeti dceide. Jas. Thompson, Agent. FOR SALE. /11111; 01'110(•1111E31 offers for sale tour eligible Building Lots fronting en Albert Street; also C> 0 fronting en Itsttenhnrr Street; either en bion or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersiintd.—E. DINSLIW, Clinton, 352 NE.W PAPER LAWS Wa fall the special attention of Post nesters and subscribers to the following iyttOpwis of the newsl,ap, law!, :..- 1-A postmaster is required to give notion By t,u•erten (returning a pepper.10es ant answer the law) when a snhwer1l er dues fret take his paper out of the office, and State the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do sn makes the pustnlavter responsible to the publishers for payment. 2-41 any ersun orders his paper dis- 3ortinucd, he roust pay all alIeanages, 01 the publisher may cnntinae to send it until payment is made, and cohort the ,chole aninnut, whether it be taken 11)311 the (Aye or not. There can be no legs, i1i84•0ntinnance until the payment is made, 3 -Any person who takes a paper frotr the post -office, whether diverted to hit name or another, or whether lie has sub. scribed or not, is responsible for the pay, 4-11 a subscriber orders his paper to ht stopped at a certain time, and the publish• or cm10111 .3 to wend, it the subscriber 1 hound to pay for it if he takes It out of tin post•ollteo. This proceeds a con the grounr that a man must pay for what lie uses, Sti,2'f'lu the i)ivision Court in (iudorir h at the Nuvemh'r sitting 11 nets,paper pttl • lusher sued fur pot' of paper. The defend- ant objected paying utl the ground that lie had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to di,roltihnu it. Thr Judge held that: that was not A valid rl&rpm's. 'rlie plaint 111", the present proprietor, 1)13,1 no notice to diseuntiune end (onwo'lu'mtl1' von., Vres Mm Atew!PoxrY ..s vw-o...aiux,ntl.=,..mu l:ar •,...,somas ..rm..-..� ON THE J'i.:1'TFt )1t1i. l'ublie speakers and singers are often troubled with sore throat and hnaesenrss, are ljai,le tri severe bran• skis1 attack's %vii 011 uugI 1. to ,pre- MattrasseA etc., and general 1Lnusehol 1 Furniture, The whole Steed: is from the very vented r, and ,tred by the 1100 of ling - best manufacturers, Picture Frames and 31101diugo of every description. yard's I nctnrnl' unless'-thn hest THE HUB GROCERY 1• O THE HOLIDAYS ARE PAST, but 11 ant selling just AS CHEAP AS EVER 1 Give we a call and you will tinct that what we say is correct. Thanking the public for past patronage, I hope to merit by close attention to Wei. nese a still larger share iu future. Cheap for Cash is Our Motto. Geo. Swallow, Clinton HOUSE PAINTING, GLAZING AND GRAINING, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGING. lel Kalsornining AN1) FRES OI.NG. Next Spooner's Rotel, Albert Street CL INTON, ONTARIO. CHAS. T. SPOONER IhNewsReeord would be an excellent present to send- to friends—one they would remember the year round. . •.L x.:Jui!..,s c.1,.. 1.,,�x'•w'✓. ,r.W.. a v. . y.•„).•+� •. ,.•r_ ,.... ID V V R j a T S —1?V' TIIE The News -Record makes a specialty of the finest Printing. NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S LOCK, - . CLINTON. JOSEPH .CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, throat and loris retdetly in use. JOS. CIIIDLET, one 4100'1' West of Dickson's Book Store. 0.