The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-20, Page 2r w k e► IF 1, t1�WS9 _ _ _ _ -` � _ ._ .. _ __._ ._._ __ �-- _� - _ - - - - - -- - . _ -- __ VAN HORNE A MIND READER. .1, ,I ,', was a umsio the age of foto• years the father had eom- DOMIIvION PARLIAMENT. 6t etnatextnuded the juriddiot+.>not mnntrrs' A BRISK DEBATE AT LAST education, to Itis bright little (laughter. Ili 183:3tirefamily removed to Montreal, where K her aystenlatit) musical training began. Af- ter she hull ucyuirel a fair degree of skill, find mated' certificated to the \Vest Indies and her father put liar talent to practical use, byy The Presldeut of Ike 1..1•.11. Possessed rat raving concerts in the villages near Montreal. Tupper, High Commissioner for Canada, has Lhe Island of 5t. Pierre et Miquelon. The ,lust received from Lieut. Governor Schultz Wonder[ml Power. of Manitoba, that gentleman says - DEBATE ON MR. JAMIESON'S PROHP (at'it"r ant provides for the branding of barrels on bar staves of u» alta heads MR. MEREDITH JOINS ISSUE WITH W. C. Van Horne, the president of the � <I BITION RESOLUTION. Dr. Lauderkin cullgd up his resolution with kin cal , ., m RTHE PREMIER.. a :v = -TA Canadian Pacific , is undoubtedly a wonder- by the Hudson's Bay ComparIT's boats, and by the genius soon found recognition and support -••+,a ref«reuce to the robfite allowed distillers on � ful man. He seems to be able to du any , r n rl»irt v',ilu h•Im1 the n�tlns!liI ( n' r ; I clusion that there may possibly be future 0uru imported for use du the manufacture of T;Ia Proseoatlon of tke Ulty of London for thing lie foals inclined to. He knows mus now regarded as conparutivel'y useless. The Jel.ull,i Coilates Act -Government Con• spirits for expose, and setting forth that the Contatminating the Thnmes lu.Clonsed about atl department of railroading than have ..• `" -_ - a trol of Teirgrapars-Tire 11irdt Ulvis/oc salve should br allowed farmers slid stock exception, breeding grounds for away}sty of ninety•nine out of a hundred men who salmon known as "Heartless" salmon, lit rho Sesstum• raisers who import corn to feed cattle for ex- In the Legislature. made it a specialty ; he is better• posted fit _ OmrAWA, Feb. 1S. -'Phis afternoon and 'to , port, but coil«Ir the 13prakrr left til. chair at 8 ToaONTo, Feb. 14. -The session of yester• the history of the world than any college west coast salmon. Then, again, the fresh• night i» aha linnet u[ Command was deOMded• u cluck the Doctor had jurat begun presenting IrrThuefe day wax lively and interesting. Uur local down to hard work. The professor in the country ; he gets nut better desiggns '. ly baiseelluueoUN Ili fact there "us u little of everythi.ag irr parlia mentary routine and poli' turre of the evenin 's sittin was the g R Orst division of the 4e,slon. it wits Ml Mr. rulers have settled first battle was well fought on at uu u)rtant O for car ornamentatibn than must of the desi ners can ; he can ive his colored g Ia tial processes, and " shipped" in the frozen tied. The event ,of Lilly duy'd sittings was ex• I Aluluck's motion to admit artificial fertilizers of metier by tion til, m tion of 1)the servant "Jim" points on nooking, and he Amina, in SouuramLula. Her suwuss was I petted to beth. Jamieson prohibition reselo- debate haviwg I fr.•r u[ duty. Thu mutter wan debated with cion, regarding til, tiurk, wateraoftheRivar Thautesnud chn prud.eutiop eau play more games of cards, and play better, sturgeon -in other words. the caviare- pro- tion, the uu which pro0endra , was uflexpoctedly vigor by hath sides uu till the hour of all• „f Lhe may of Loudon fur the offeacH by the them than any fifty ordinary pro - I to certain etaoi quite dr0;;pnd nut of sight and stands fur hrrthr► juurun,enc ted the loutiol was cited duwfl by Attormy-General. fessionals. Hero to another thing about him if :, Albaatli returns to hur nativu land after an a straight party vote of 101 to 71 : The debato which occurred brought to light that nut absolutely true can be safely n� a guurent. The pnaliiteitiwr nrrtubers lit' brach psrtiet ni YEAH. lit»uy ina;instant foots. It showed that no0 taken at usmall discount. We quote from are just us easy of access from the ports of n to the tower room with held o ctt,shibitio n Amyot. Armstrong. Halo \Vent). only the city -of London was liable to prosecu• the Minneapolis Tribune : COLLATED FOR FARMER. aha ax atic-tti of nuncio to surer under• N g Batrror. llochard" Bern er. eat Lion, blit Hutt many oth,•r towns iu Ontario Att.,ruoy Speaking of the psychological influence of ., etundiug with r«f«rents to tiP rnatiufl that Br c Bards t. Okints ell 1ir10n, llurdutt. C•,uuubetl. were at the utt,roy cot the .Geuaral• It brougift tU notice ala, great difficulties elle lltillfl Over aanother, so uzzling and Mn rp land caunut les made too rich. . M any broo is of ctc•inL deggenertate because Mr. Jann4esuu had bUU1CL•d, About twesity members land senators were present, and Air. i h'1'twrig t(Sr [t). Casey. GnHgratin. Charhun, l'ho(lucite. Cook. teles our towns Maya iu getting olenr of their saw• expliainable to the most coldly skeptical un the auhjrrt, rho power whtatever It is, is A ;C' r ` Jamies0u huusalF irutl iu the shun•. the I Cuuluru. Day us. I)o st.0uorgea Itdgrr. a,to without coutaminatin to a dangerous the contPrs which flow by therm , riot confined to seedy 'lprofeasora" who give day requires no Inure care than 'ono that rneetiug broke up without arriving let a her• Edwa rds loth . 'I •, ]Oidenhut r N. lis. tides ads ll. , extent . , s rah. On e oI Mr, Aleredivi rend., a It pa xhibtti ua in muse m runt mita 4 u s. A g Y A Boy Emperor. mullions• conclusion. Mr. Jarsuied„,,'H (Cull.) Illution, which he i F18et. Flynu. Gaul --0 t l;illmor. (luny. tbtic• Il uhu prineipnl Rnnuuls of hi4 cu:uplaint wits ponplu Have it in a high degree who maks tlo huying of fresh cows of raising grad - The breed is im- uffertal tin+, ufteruoon, reads: I Hollow. Lutes• Kirk, that by tit« GoVOrolllent'd policy the city of if display of their ifts in that dtreution and boy, ane who likes fun as well as tiny boy 0 of this F_ouee it le ax o• That in tlL1,O� uphil n lip Landerki". Lauaf, l'olgl-r(Mont) 1,ongollorigno. Laurier• Idtvorgne, London wits debarred fruit aupculing, lie- cessar to the Iii ghost court of Like realm, the Y. 6 wbu would nut for the world make a allow of themselves. One would hard! ex ect to 1%n;leav6r, However, to have the whole heap dlonL to tarufublt Lbw manufacture, hflpgrtaLion and still. of inioxientbrg liquors except for saeamuutnl, nredlciurtl, ticiefltlfio and tu00hau1. l.islor. Ltvlugston, Luvilt• hilied'Id(iL)u•1. '":11 oro. McAlil'n(IAtr) hill pricy Cuunel• Thu unie had been broyRbt b.•f::ra Nan ores• y p find a raiHottd president itt Lhr cat Logue, but it is a fact that \1 allium Van Horne, here found a coolie with a dirty handker- cal purp(o»es; that ilia enforcement of extols p ortnllOQ Mcltullun. Allis (130th) Mitchell, III it . Nuruo. alit Chief Jaddo. of tine Qtte«n'a bench Divi- Air. AL«redieL considered president of the Canadian Pacific, has an pt•nil»ce as -well' •at. a few strong and stocky Probibitluurmd8uubuuuulf+tollno,tm nndsal0 nit nary bo allowed shall bu by the Patterson Ilirli ll I'crry. i'hut, Ituah•ul. Itobertoon. Itowand, son, cvhu4.• clews were rat6or extrewe of the question of sari• oxtruorlitlar kneeled a of knowhi what Y g is p Aominion Goverflmeut, through specialty 510. Alnrlo. Semple. Somorvtpe. Lary haw, The uusa esus prednnted iu a two going un in other people's minds. During _ uppuiuted officars, Ale. Fisher (Lib.) was the eec(onder. Then Sillhor(nuid• Trow•. Tureot. t►atson. woldul)(SL•J'u) Welsh. fold uap,•ct w tire jury. First, it was amlied that tie' deteud,urts were uuilty "f a nuisance the recent trip over the Soo road Air. Van Hot•ne formed one of the art Fred P' Y- . , r..\\ cud CmM ltrockvdle, and 11r. Hick- _,. .. .r. 5...,. (. ,.,) .. ...___ , . lN►ltlogjlagl. ,Ino -71. ,- ._ • .._ .-._... eitfut t of .t4v4r noLion was to.readrr leas_ .. viderwoofl, o,.road, brought up the uftha-?e• T..,,..... ;.._ . ey (C.ofl.) („IlowOd up ,vi'di flus 7a11tllydmeliC. �- _ __iftlle NAYS. fit fur dale«4tiL tows Lhe watpris of Nae river, or sub out of wind reading and gave au account J 6 b Recentl lar ge quantities of black bass gBell's `That nPlur aha word "p»rpoao8" be inserted s " when the remanent se the cuuulry is Audetr'd, llaill pi a Ha led. .LudoG Hutu lanai), Haled. that the , arryiuK of the sewage into thaxiver of the Caanadiun president's exploits. - s•, publlo rlpu fur uhf: roucntior Mind unfurcowent of such I it„isovert. Dowell. Doyle. eo uollut�d Lie stream u+ to rend«r it dangehe Eur ta,ae• twin m Lhr neighborhood. T +"1'hat'a all nunsnnse," said Gen. Wash " shipped enst. It is thOlight tlutt the Lass a mofur 0 of prohibition." AIr. Ta lar C'Un.) cud AIr. Ruoma (Con.) y ( B -own, Bryson. Burns. tin 1 Cur ill. Carlin . t:um r c . K g nus jury foranit the defeiids,,ts gulltv,but upon be- 1 burn, it's one of your stories, Under. woud.n .: at unee starting lilt lltuendine"t to LIIn anrtand• ". t`ur,rallur. (:rug n (SIP A►, Chisholm, 1 r�' rano. CoOkburn, Chuow, Ina ,tslced h aha laururd ChirF Juatlo8 the • ac ouud lit their deeidion their all- f1 Well, let's make a test," said Under- ', meut, fitter the word " purposes Cor Colby. Corby. Coetitrnn l , ) art.iwilar .IVPs con+ that the action of defendants re idar- wand. be selected; anal the tax required for road It it bo found, on a voto of the quraliffod eloo• tors of the Dominion having first been taken, Gou"hlin. Uoulonibe. Duly. Ihicm, Davis. Dawson, ed Lilt, water Moore noth fair duwestic pur• s It wits agreed, and Ale. A an Horne, sit• AIr. Franks, a widnw. Each party has been that a majority is Ili favor of a piohibitlon law Duuisou, ' Duw'doey, Dickey, In"Ie" ting at out, Load of the car, asked Gen. Wash - ,John by to be "bald byy which shall also make full provision fur 00111• Dickinson. Dupont. Nurguson(non) ,"It IH," the Leader of the .Opposition burn lit the other to think of something Or marriLd coiiptO tit chniee nperatie selections pensation to those engaged ll. the nlanufucLure F'o4ter. 'Feeunlfm. Gignulr, said, "lei ,lot of gross iuju4ticr fill the part of write sourethingand he would tell him what If the fruit trees are .plit by frust a ��od of Anch liquor. Giroutu•d. . Gurdon. GrIuldbuls' til.• ALLprney•Goneral chat he should have. had wt•isite Gen. drew s' visit t" hi', Muldund estfitcs he Wont round This is of course the tilt] proposition of talc- uuili,i. Ilaggart. Hail. Hudson. Ilickev. Hudspeth• ) es4ed thk indiettueut Iagltlllnt the city of 4,,,udu 1°ap of the site of the proposed new union in ropos d n 'it. lug a plebiscit.. AL. Jamueaoi adcfrr88Pd the House lit loogth fumteson, loner iflir). Landry. LltrivierN 1. I call upon the Attorn•,v-General tlilsu n,a4euutiuua to exeretla Lha leatudt g • 'leput, which Mr. Van Horne immediately l iu support of the main motion. H« said that + l.auriu. Lanal'Vin(Sh•1.), Lupiuu, Ai'cdoualdISlrJ) tilncd0wall.� Int ! ellre." ru nuduued, without chin gun g his seat or a 1 g stotilooll of a Single truly insectivorou,. nerd prohibition was one of the greatest quo otfola 'MuChllla. Alel.)unuld(Vic). At D�nrgald(Pe) 1 n roh11.au"n Of the charsco4 made by Mr. word liuviug been said. I)uko? -'--"____ `._ - " that this Parliaunent and future Aarhunlelrte AieDainhryll(C 1[1J1eRay. Ateicven• Merrdah, tie• AttorneV-GOnHro d said there "Y,ttt you have left Washington avenue ' would have to deal with. It was thegreaU• 11'�tilh,ox(-"pllcN.111• Aladin. w«r., nutrly proceedings or a qua41•eriminal out of your map,"said Gen. WZ41iburn. :,� I•fitun0rul c lrrutiol of the ,respntda . He would I 1 Y .tura. ALrrdhull, Ata.,ann• Alflln Anu Atuffut, Muuo•ietP chnnivier in which it was most neeisssar ro• y p " l cs, illlld y611 IIaYe left it out of yoiirs, selection never snake a be quttr prepnrnd to uoltribute ilia share lit . Monitihdatc. O'Brien. Patterson (10'x) vvi-dings shunld be instituted in order to too," said another cif the party, looking cunnpe,,sating the loan %ho wevP in the liquor Parley. Portor. Putuaur. ,euure Liu reoedy the low way provide. It liver Gen. Wusllburn's shoulder. budifleds fur their luno if they were able there Itiopel, 12001110. 11688, ons necL4snry to lase the ua ino of the At• •]'ho two diagrams were as nearly identical • t.,v to Hecure the blessings (of prohibition. t tuall. Smith (Ont). Sproule. ,,uru4.Y-Generwt lir Llan Crown in (order to get us Ir usty drawing could make them. -Rail• 6 r- However, tits iroper time to consider the Stevenson. Taylor. 7etnpl . t1n, Luudiderutiml which the case deserved. ` gnestion was wlfell n weadure for the sup- Therion. , Thompson(SIrJ). Timdalc. Tuppper, 1'yrivhttt. Vanssae, All that Lb« attornrv(iunerul toad Lo Qu W0.a Vt'aLy' Life. . )ressiol of the li nor traffic cons beforr the 1 q \VIR..) \Nhlte (Card). White !Ron). to eugnire as carefully ad. pusMIWO coils. -char -_ tiuose. Ali-. Fisher, lid seconder of the motion, Wilmot. Wilson (Arg►. \Nilson (Lon), \Hood (Drock). \Hood (West). -IOL the cats0 wua nue which should be brought be• fore the uourts iu the way cousidertd beat. SHORT SMILES. _ wild he was a thorough prohibitionist, but hH divined in the conduct of Alr. .fnmiesan AIr. Lepifle, the Lutalr rnPmber from AfOn- Mr. Alert)►itt had acknowledged that the seivage of Loudon had been eal'tfed iutn the If a marriage is a success, a divorce is a and AIr. Wood a desire to shirk the main trent, toted with the Government. The sof ui aha a thR were Dr, strraat. 'Phut showed there should bo surae successor. question. Mr. Fisher al4o a oke of the wa p y lion• llurs mi duuuld 0f Hnrou. Air. Snaith of Olitarin, Hon. PI "'i rel 'oppoard The nuln tc ho n0vet fur gets people's riaines lir w Inch politics had nlwi►ya blcooked Lhe pro Joint Carling, AG•. Alulouk, AIr. Porter, Air• Lion by Hun. Aleatlto rho tuutiun tuna o is well xtp in know••men-c ature. ' grecs of tie prohibition movement.. \ir. Ti%3-lur iruse to reply, btat he wits dy fleet le and Alr. Madsen. I I ardy, A. M. R Las and Fruaar un the same the PrP. and Ateaars, Mo- Suns men never like to be alone. Be- clared to be nut of order because he haft al- Itpwaa arranged to start tho debate on Sir Richard Cartwright's treaty resolution un p1:oiklllls nit 6tat�er, L,!oIghliu, Gibson. Hurons followed ,suit, cause a nuai .is judged by his company, you ready made fi speoch moving lits amendine»t, Aiondny muuediatnly uftar routine, and it was A.H.8rs. Ilnllnntyne. Snider cud Waters, Gov• know. :. To rrlirir. lytta from Chid tmbarrnt ofrnt Mr. Aiitehell waved the adicaunmant of aha de- made Old, first order of the day fur that date. Uov.rrouteu' supporters, declared them- selves struugty in favor of the motion ot• 'The pet dug has four legs and haste, and Alr. Taylor proceeded to Speak. Ha Tire Hunan udjunrned at 10.40 \d 1, \L•r«dint. From the Olsi usition benches iagl f his deVotns two morn to the cairia c of his :__I-. declared 'L}ntt the Dominion Alliance Moore• BUSY WITH DEPUTATIONS. Mr. yL•re(lith wu4 supported by:.lasers. body ly had -1116 prohtbitiuu re8ulution InLrudueed '1'l.„ley, Craig, Ci atcy and O4truin. - The A Wichita mean hauled Shu cart loads of 'very vear hath the Iloilo of injuring Lhe Do- Tartu• Grievances lUisid Before the '1Domin. (ifNow' i showed 3.) in favor of tile tnution slid dirt in nae month, and the imam editor of u;;ni0n Guct�rument Ha also said that the reason the Scutt Act wets not a sucrOss in the tom Hlolsten 41; ngnindt it. Two uslymbers bf thn Oppusi• a..ni ensu sly+pat-\la4srx. Fl F. Clarke and the Journal published it as 800 tranafere counties where it had'been panned was be• OTTAWA, Feb. 13.-T•he Ministers of Fi• IIIs):al. Tutu absenLOes on brae Government of'read estate fur the month." -Kansas City Caltse the ufflclale of the. Outarlo Government wince mud Cudtoo,s were busy this wornhig .rd,• w.•re Messrs. lh•vdrsa Rubillurd• Pardee, Star. • 'did riot enforce it, receiving deputations who had journeyed to Lmy-4 stud Uhldhuiw A little boy complained that his sister ompl The House, while it paid very little Matters- drhute, wan aectingg ready to vote the frozen C.tuital to lay, their tariff grievances bury. Air. leoster and Air. Buwall will no THE PROVI , .I:,,_ BUDGET. hall lir user hila, which she de• F F Y P - thou to the on aheamendment, but t!ao Speatker merely uuition by Alr. • Afitchell to adjoyrn doubt be kept going with deputations of var lona kilndx »p, t0 ;he date Of the Bufiaet -- '[sit Aanutrct4 4►arsrio hill Require for naevi. Fier father, taking her aside, said "Naw, Abbie, don't tin o Sunda school Y � Y- , put!!►P tilt+ debaw, which 'was declared carried. The apeti:h, which i8 -probably a couple of weeks Mile t'urrout Year. v»} don't they teach you t rat it, is.wrong, to 1 ruhibition motion therefore gues to 'the but• - off yet. The nmst wealthy and extensive Tar: I -,TO, F81). 1�4.-The provincial esti• gull lira'!" "We haven't gut so far as thut,'L R. u<,»i of Lhr, paper mud it may be .several days dtputacico,, .Pru here Chia srxalcou were'Ihe boot mates for rhes y unr et('ling Doo. 31., 1889, situ interrnpte(}." before It is heard of again. and oboe manufacturers who saw the relate were subinitted yesterday. The amount "I don't kriow'Ivbw it is,"'said the ex - Considerable int«rest was centeied in the ter4 t(t•duy. They cattle from Montreal. Tu- asked to le voted is $:3,311,918, The cur. ,ressnntan, "but ever since our town went no questions which AIr. Blirron had part on N10 rauuto, Clnebec still Hamilton, representing rent expuuditure is estimated at $2,6.28,51'5; Ila:,onse, more'n half any packages fire paperon Feb. 8 with reference to the Jesuits many willions of capital and rmpI1,y11ng n 1!f,000 Jarnra C(Hlmer, `V. B. oil L!tl)itaai account $55#,845 and refund nuake(l, "Glass, handle With care." I'm i tr, Rut. The flrdaitnta run av tollotva: F,at« 4 Has the act SOL bona before the Govern- uitul of men. Hamilton and J. 1). King tante frena Torun- fiucourt $_'5,037. getting sink of it. I can't ]cud or unload in 1. maa4.3 to, nn/l .J. R, McPherson from Hamilton. Fun cu;Rlo,INT EXPRI,oiruna. twice the time I used to." 2. 11a'v0 they reported. thereon to the Gov The &piltation wit, intruduced by .)lir. U. Ci -11 Governmout .......................$212,115 12o,0x! flue city editor wrr�te nn article and head - ernor-General l 1 If au, did they report in fnvor of allowing . \Nilson, At. 1'. for Lennox, and they energet- tally oppo4ed any increase ill the tariff un fine, LegkinI lou .. •.... ......... ... Adiniiii-Intliun lit ju8llve .............. 30.5.316 e•ll it 1)oour of the bustle" Then hfewent 0rc1[8nlluwing rho bill t 4. Ills the Government communicated the ILu urdivar fad gulp lrnlh"rR, nn adkrd for recent- y Mduu.(uain ......, , b88,872 l•unllclltslltt11.iuri'f.uuauiun,rico.....,,, a68,OW ant of the strect, turtle observations of tl'no r,rrsa,'s ,vvor by tie ladies ant shopping, ' p4. .of Lhc rrpurL w the'GuVernment of Quobfrc t '1f ile, wilco 3 ly by tile tonnern-of that Uomimou. The pre- sant duty, un fine leathers is 20 per cent ; sole hu;,o_r,ultwa ............................. 6.850 .1grwult urn .................. „ 113,287 I u Lal Lack to the 0tl}ce, and substituted a la ` 5. W.hr+u does the tinge in ordinary course ex- leather 15 pt•r cent. and teat per pound. Phe L'u,pl'utd 1u1s ehnrittcs .................. 1'tu.528 Govern- L' fol' uhu "I)"• in the first word in tilt Aire 'up to which disallowance at the bill manufacturers think that is quite n,,0ugh 3i,",,1u:uurou afld ruprtirs lit 84.it0 title of hi.s hustle article. • fnl6ht take phtee 3 when it is uunsidered that the duty uu bouts nwo,L and ucparunellUd Hmldiugs.. 1'ubi;a'. bui,diug4 relntirs.......1.II..... 31.100 ',irs. !fayseed (in hotel dining.room)- � Tlae Alinieterof Justice made rho fullowinR it : and tlhoin is Ifo: 25 ser cent. Tliey temarlcrd that the would ba it r cL satisfied with NIP. 1'obinc warps rup,orti .................. 11.(](10 101,stfit \Chat, u bright light those lamps give I Ale, `A - '1, rP p• tbt+rntu The bill land burn before the Government find it had boyoirepurled to tb0 Governor-General Y duty till buote and shoes provided Ihs lead wa dUllP.a ware IIUE incrrnsrd. Itta not lilkely tn0 1'h,ugos on crown lands ................ ' it ifwnl ilctoullL .......................... . "' salute c:,ns,lid.urun.....•............... 1,000 ]f yi wed (4iispf•rincg)--Say gas jets, Alarier; yMrs. I aL seed loud! tfnu.0 ain't ltampR• Y ( Y) " . ,in Jan. 16, Inst.. The report was to the effect Ihat this act, with Ill others passed by the Leg- Guverunuont colli change the rant, R uu �lik-el4uneu»n expontllture.......I...... 76.641 L .foresu.:o itud unprod-lod............ 50,000 _ 1 cs, its I w'aas saLying, what it bright light tllu they're fresh trim- lslntxtreo142uehnc, should be loft to thufr dpera• Tither IOatther oc blotti find shoes at present. 41ti CnittrAr. AcOouNT. gas•Jutd give ; guess tion. l`he report -w as unproved Jan. l9, 1889, A dP nftaeiuu rr. Ireauntin uhf lar o saw t 1 K R $4 4U nand. and the reaxtlt woe comnuniCILled to the Gov• wsoufacturers of the Dominion waitrA ou the Public buildings... •................... .530 10,139 erflumntufQuebeeatonce. The not was re- MinisterHandasked relief from the working Public iturics...........•...........•••.• l'u,uulz Ilius ran.ls.. 98,150 celved by alta Secretary of Stato from Quebec of, the to riff. What they want is s' apecifiL .................. lflnts to liouselirepers. oft Aug, 8 dr%eL instead of esu nd valorem duty. At predeut ('It'll, GOVI:YtNI�IENT. 1JB9 • (lumttyl BREAP+ (Ily request.] -To a Tito urdivary time that the Government hatl to diaalluw nn oust. of a 'provincial lrgtHla- they are vety'nluch rat the Mnerey of trick) Anlrric)ul nndcera, v,l Scud sates i-tbto Csnufu 188s, (;ovvrnuu-nt Rause............ •,(I 1950 $ 1850 ,:':,aril lviwl of bread sponge put one quart of :lire fa nun your, but the Minister of Justice ,at undervsluntions Had resort t0 u.tlwr device, l,woi.•a:nv,•rnur's oltire........., 180 3930 inilk ,awl water, half of each, one large did' oat make this part 0f his answer to Afr. tort work agni»st Lhl• hunts IflauuGtcture''a Lxucul ivu r'ouaudl and A 1 toruey t.UnurA,fi 1)ellltrillwill....... 16.5m 17.290 rl+g'onful of 111blaLHRCR and one of sugar, ane •"'r' flurron. It is clfiin,ed that ;a specific indt,•f%d of till ad I)opau•tuaunt of Xdor,ai-,n....... 21.400 21,250 snt•Ill teaspoon of sugar, and one to blespoon Sir John Thompson, hu reply to Mr.Roome, vaalorous duty would remedy thin. Crown Uinds.... 49,7w 48.6m of sa,t. Mix this together and stiffen with saaid it wild not the intention of the Govern- A dtl otution consisting of Junips Mnrrav, •• IlukAlL Works.... 18,h1u 19,100 (;,':%lana dolts, it little stil%r thuii cake. Let n,enL to legislate this sea8ion the distribution W, A. S!iepard, i). 11,.40, er., A. \V. Cruil, Treu3lryl)rparUueut............ 19,975 20,300 riga lilt; nthar luut0s and bake. , of tike Scott Act fined, flow accumulated lit , Tohu ArtnutronL, I ra,sldr»t Cril,,nelr of Lhr 'rypogra4pl11eto 1'nu.ac InAitutious............... 91UU lQlSU I)"I"a'tlnuia of AKrleulture..... Wwo •24,SW g CitflivIXU OYSTERS.--\\aah a quart of tbtellandsuf Lin• diPe.rent county treuaurera, Lhe mantel nhtiPa. p Toronto Union alld W. F' Afuclenn. rrpre4r•ntiop till• enit•loyiug ! ••p Ir(lnunt of 11un1rgrati"u..... 160u IOOU o I'ts, -s un(l dr them b s Ireadin g On a y' Y Y I 6 su,u,, K To Mr. Burdett the Aliuister of Pnbl:o printers, Htereutypiug llitel•tBLN, ;)rinU•ra' unn„a, etr.., Pruviia;aul faorLnur)'r, I)upoarL- nluut............ ... ....... 34,855 25.780 taco ul. Httve the griddlC Ilnt tent] putt a hit war]($ staid he would hate to wait until Lha were' intruduced to Alfrlist••rs Fua,,er soul I'rovotcull!insular lla.rl4w...... 0975 6975 of lgtV•r on it. lout the oysters oil till tae , ally drawitticry.Patin,aLeft were brought down l3uwell by Air. Cockburn, NI, 1', fur Centre Sliscolllulecous..... .............. 10,5u0 10,500 Kl•id lle is full. Turn each oyster covet• as it to find nut if -a sum would be voted to aid in Toronto. this morning. T'hev prtasrutell it $195.815 $212,115 In••m•ne and svi-ve hfit On huttyrud toast. the erveLior of a drill abed iu N-Ileville. Mr. Tnrcot warm toll! by the Postnfnsterd;eu- petition asking fair a re•adjasfroent of the tariff sl. that th0 carious iudustrioh they 'rhe lar go sum of x;471,63(1 is asked for 6 (11.,%N^ yl.tsf;I,. -Nut into a howl !about it Pral, a4 wits the I-folise L•adt fright•. Unit the lepr"euted IruRht, hays n lilt of work than exi,onllittn•O on public bui dings as follows : rat of rleala yulf'tt foot Il lrlu'n ; break 1'% , I 1v4.ipht of 3•cnob lettere would be fncrrased it nota cutues front Lhe iLas;,-'•. T ire n:am.-s to Lhe rrul.11C Btal.Urxa,4, i, O r',4, hPat till yr,llu+, tw ! 1.•vo then iota the jolly, If -aw : fill the from h ounce to•1 uuuce, Inst wus.riot iu- pLllLo:ll reln•f•de ittd m,•I '2,4)10,000 "f capital A.aclum fur the in4auo. Tueonto.........5 !1,370 '!'II'ltutlly tended Lu lessru the parte! pu,iage. Iiivomt A nl T�ronto al'ene. M11111co cnitrcgus ..... I .... .......... 211.ix)4 nnu ; ),itt con the foe nil,! whip t:a near]) • ) Uol, Denkou of Toronto renewed Ws mu- tin,, of Lt�t ses4ion for thn a , ointnipnt of fl I 1 Fearing dust the inland Revenue De cart• rrfeut u,uv curry Cllr Mill; lit. �u,u• .1•+yl,,m fur the in,ur.c, L"ndnn.......... 23.533 " ihunition ....... '21,854 L 'ilia;" ; set it "n ice or in od,l water•, k0up ,, I., itI till nuau•I• cn!d, fust till uwld. Add Y .1 Heieat. couurtittee to a,gnne Into the Out r4tiva iiiiHsiuuer.Modi to (%andraw that privlb.ge of Ki"K8ton........ 4,019 liranrh a.)lunlots. n 20U 4 ,. !ultccut• I;M'Or like(!. df"4ivahiii v of the f'nvernlnrnt nrgnu''uR till lin,• elecari0 telegraph llne•H fm Canada• AIr, mnfpdaotwin vute;;,n ll. »uu,l bw;an••e of K the nlleaed irre.K'alaritlrs. All.. W,l4off 11,a ..:............ A•a)1,un for Idluts, lh illht�............... 83.150 I'l."vin'dui It •fornu11nry', 1 onotaansr lishane 5.530 \•ivf:r,Alt intpi'nVes Ly Ikye,ping, therefnt•e it Denison, as on the coccusion of his renur!.s of. Tor„ to and \fr Cli.tr'tnu rat 1L•un• Ifetnr;u n,.ry fur renuves, Toronto ...... 4,319 i Lust to lay ll. a largo Hupply. i4o, year, uttered n gund aritnnlent ml favor Of iltun, I xteusiv'• ntaondaet'n•ers, sew til.• =1114 I!un'r,l 1', i• o1l 'ibronto......: ........... 5,100 ]'t,11N.w.N ry,Ri6A soup will re:uolve machine his Il.oLl"il. lfe saul treat the nilly countrina tel' this m.,t'rllllh, 31,e 4111,jf•et w•fid disulmwd if•'n(:I all II int!, lnHl ltlllC, lila leYIIIU .... 6,728 ltlfud In,tt,ute, lI-itntfurd•2,050 gl l'a:w fl'nlll \t'71a111tL1L latl ll'ILH. , in Lhe world in which the Government dol not at. length, wid rL ie hoped such arrangeu•e11U4 ............... A;k, Iculfurul Cullugu and Experimental ll,tlu?D n,tntoe4 IIIat4t die Cutely till RnMl as own til,• tI•leuruph iviro+ were Caanadit anal tar• Coln br, urri%ed at l.4 to obviaw tile. noves.ity 1•'nrm, GuLlph............. .. ,.. 2G.780 they tuv) ,our. \\'tun they aro tnkuu from 1:t,iled Stales. Th« Aitnlatpr of F'uhlic Workso"Tnplinlrnted 41f patting iudu fowe any stringent naa.4nfes. It that wail -I tO any ),duealiou Departown. mad Normal and :I•'Ini tii'lloul, oronto7,000 fila uvea they slgmtJtl he put into as napkin AL•. I)ooisu,l on tip ca+o he land !mal(• out, but I,r idler;ed ren mole n, vinec:ar• in:mnhfrtnrtrr., wars• tilt. bora,:i ;({ .............y.., \ rnrlt SCll.,ob, Uttntvn.................. 1.8u0 or towel •toll the Rlun broken sl. ns .n follow he gave the Hiune nndwor' that he did Lrf•)re: 1.11116 g.:4 w'Il I'draw•n. rlu soul IIf lh•uctluU.Science. Turotn.o.. •. 52,0U0 the steal,, Lu escape ; thiH will keep the potu- I'ha, slain has nut yet arrived when the (lay. -- -----------. -_ O.ghoul.• R all," pronto ................... 2,50u to tarn:., If it urold without bri-aki,,� the ernnrent Was Inn a,81Uou to consider the { LIVE TOPICS FROM OTTAWA. Uuvrfrunent house,'Toronto............. 3.050 Algunt,f District 11,000 I<kip it %viii he ttatery anll will have nn gneation, which wn8 ane of KlKuntic pro- __ .............I.......I..... .......... 500 1lot by the retaui Whiec inn purl inns. Col. Denison therefore niblidrew Inn The Craerty In knl,n "I, Art -bar. Lufl:uuair .NI wlr Di4 .. ........ kn Ui4dlrt........................ 500 of off! o w ick li kill. of a kind of juice 1c'hich ]lea next the shin. ttreliun. 111ken hteuu0 I rom'1'hr 19ur1. N„Pry Sound D;dtriet..................... 1.500 Il'o Nipoifha„ D;strlot2500 'ell aril EST tuctrnt-(4If ])reach directs that 1Vhrn A4r. Afnlock arnaa to make a carp of • UrTAwA, Tt-h. 13. -\Ir. ,Tulin A. \lcllurmld ........................ it nay ltivur District .. .................. 1.500 both era be closed with tilt+ fingers, with censure on the Goverulm'ut for refminc to pay of N01n 8e063 %fill Lo•day appu,nt••d tile liiaaullanuons ...................... •.... 200 pr•:•'-ure, wAlile a few sw•allow•s Of liquid Lire atlowau.ees to lite'kIIt'k anll Hinicoe Battalions Ofivt'rinn,',,t •, hip for (.haat. province nl p!ac.of = --- w•hile on duly iu the lute lPhefhon, Sir John Hou. C. Ii, T,;pf'er, $471,630 t`a••e'11• Ailtudouaw scud the question heal bee,, re• it is untl'• ,- l 0 that !t a lurse elappi,ig anti Ufrdcr this hcaaliub of "miscellaneously Tit .t1AEr: A (I;ll.ftRY•RrALS mix tog ether opened I,y the Gmernnent nn1 he aslopo Lhat other Avctil.ri, It lit ua N!atillf awl front Mr. lhe follmving votes are naked : Allowunoe by stirring( one q»aart of spirits of turpen- • the mldion be allmved to ntntid. Air. A lock Bro%ii a cruelty tonnirrials act, T'he Hpot11'(( to Hun. T. Pardco on his retirement tine, one pint of j+lpat one pound pf \gene• has funght this qur•4tiou very ulaufunv err club, "f Turunto and other cities, thrul,gi' (rani office after 16 ears' s.rvice tinn and ground in nil rand two ounces of dry other (,Lraoions atilt he N itt hoped Ntitt the their hiends Il) Lie Hnu Ie, will of pew, the y 1 $1000 flurther allowance to W. H. IIuI'lled III1diC1'. A )ply w•]tb a llrl1911 tial Preluiel'', !'t•ftlle•st f"I it Billy of tilt• proceedl„I1,4 chilli.' rt•laling to trial, 4h„f,tltll;, w•Ii.C'.1 l I.r •� ; Keay, Venetanguisheno Re- wipe with a clot 1, Finish with Darn court . meal 4 that till(• 0,werikin A 1.4 Konig ill nC• (fPe;Rle :r. lint Bpteel Of Ca•11Pily, U1, ex-Wardeu ll� ,f Hhu11aL and tWO coats of tarnish. cede to th04a jest defe(Hurid of the• lira%'. Ti -d de of Niulfulk will Inn,' if Lhe , • vitt Lwniatory, $100 ; to paay Messrs. Clark sad SAUCE. con. FisH.-Take the of %oluntrNrs of (fill York null Sinicoe, ligaunsn the -)111. Cameron, J. P.'s, towards certui» legdl ex• yolks A,, intvie+ling ,risco-sion took plane nn n ,Isis DVIIIIrtlarn, a. Ala -toe Ilea beo•n n kora p'u,sca, $75,0; grant to Goorqe sluith; iu+ three eggs, line teaspoonful of vineglar, quar• tnution iy Mr. Dawson f.,r a lel urn of 111] W I lit' D-1wrtment (at Apr.eultn•,a ate \+� a,h,oir• for hot ligl,thun•e Iterpere juved while assisting inspector (if Surveys, ter of n pound of hatter•, a little salt. 'tar it I c"ItSCH ga,allLed still nil application" noide for Lull a of Ells, iu the causing muputntion of boor feat, $500; to over Mit slow fire till thickens. licwlar w fish in Lhr inland enters of (hltntin Ihlmndan. Tho Aulytiran (iaitrr.ilnPllL plug covor it.tviufce ma to hevetofur,r to pay niton,) KiI)�asva.---Split the kidneys I nnith rind uorthwe4t of Lakes ]furan find Snprr,nr, Thorp ;has always been a Rao({ fnrvr•4 ilt issue cn'erltsl;s to 014.111 regnestng, them to note aha halos rani lel, luliou4 0I n 1 Iso )rdat!OUR re Jlocor ],cheat 1731 1418 ! ! ( , thrnu L fen gthw lee and ram ori iron slkewe g b ' v a l.li e 1 « tH r lla 11 r1 1)PtWPPII Lh 1 tin tl )t dOul of cl } R Ontario and Lhe Dnminuln ahellt jnrl,rwrtUf .la b,r , , 1( dAy, \TPR4f r. G11❑ 111 nil•i r,nve,l, acting __. s . t I . tt a s It's ! InDne. ll y ) I 1 -mw• Voio Fell. 13.-Ex•Sonfatoe I'It o r lc flat • 1c for fI iglu thetl t, ]ken tt to the 11 F 1 w saki • ivi 1 ( L •n' c• •r a clear fire. 5 rl u t ' nl I doe 1 a butter in these inland enters. The Alinlstrr of Far Mr, Lgtflmm�P In Loll Mit+u .r v 'I'h0 ATail, K, to Woi Ll reporter this ufterno_.t: r({ spltq )lit a hit of Un eae�t aalll ..Cl'YC Marine, however, assured the iloulto thirst as filed wit!I the re,fiatrar of ilia, Sap emf, ('nurt. n I r.tld a On fa lot dish, far us the larger lakes wets enl a•roeil, t;e ro cur -111, to the redurod joda:l(y•nt of k'-i(M0, ! ant %sillin,; ataa;l n4 alit'hol"It r aur th4 i'votessor Cnilier told the Nety Pork agbad never been au n) uw d, -o r•e th, Int I of y' 1 ! 1 Th.• Gr:awl Tnlr.k H'ribi4w Ln i , ;y1Cr 1 to Ito s ttr'll:.,lr t va ,Nit•. 111:0n" h.ta boau u..c.oaj dnirVlul n the nt14Or day that he LOlioved, nR the province• It) Lhe ]).drliflintl ptantir:r t)te I , • tl:P it 61w"y (1,"bl't.t'• .' f,,, 0", .,,.luv,al aif I ,:.d 11 a, ia_c.:j):e1I. t)le Oti1CJ U1 t5'e.:'.•3:ary OI a 11'e f1' I'a Y('d Ili !lir; own a\istenee, that if licenaeaa they Saw fit. I tie p„Iiry l" tonin a s1air unci thtouglr ttlro . "41,Llr. It w.a.1 a:;i,lcd soave tinlo ono l,y f they' w ' d knock in the head mart lntlf Their Two Gnv,rttniml ntyn4wres v.„e c;v n Grst readingli: t1w net an„ 101lit: ilia 4nw n . f 1'h:.tlr,11n. i ' 1t'Ji%.,y t%ol nop...e the applienti an. _. _ . _ 1,.v.s, tt::I I .Innfters of then! tcnuld Le )let, reap"coni; r, 11 I,(.:&!,a I" I... ,•r. """'---'- - . a : I a „'t• ' .1 -h _ ! •`tar oat. it rainy Le thO [)1ofv44nr in tor. rrrlan,rG' ' I,ti; i >ctn TL'',1,,r('P.,^,tu;allyalivorknntt,.•1'Irutmn �nn3f • ,. -, .I. ,. ': , ha en. i+.f„ri,u• t'mV is n prutty pont - I @;'.Ir,rr:;. T. ; e .'.1.1•!' , . , •.. ` f'. 'I hsvr. h ,nu rndnr(.rl to ar,: rip or •,'4.,r. ,. I ..I - ' ! i . , ... ) , , r ti1' l't' LY I 9 ... ' I •_ .,_.-..:.u_,�...w.... .,.......- .:................_..tit.e....•.,.,..._..ex..........._...so-,..,u.:.,:...x,..jjc...w,.uu:v.:..a.-.:.....,.,.,. f.u..,,...�.........r� .._...�..n;,ii:.:,maat+:v_r•3sla.-.:a,rlrrae ..,.. ...,e::..� - _ - - A WILD HUNTING GROUND. � tleicbrnled Canadian. Mud+un.a A!hsui (F:ululu La JLunosso) wY A Ae,11rL•srd holy. bora iu Lha villu;;u of Chunlbly, anus on - THE DISTRICT OF KEEWATIN TEEM trl•,11. 1' '.,.i,t, in 1848. Her father, Joseph L,( teacher•. Even at ING WITH GAME. .1, ,I ,', was a umsio the age of foto• years the father had eom- - nlenced to inlpurt the rudiments of a musical Frenb Witter Fish -Polar near Caribou and education, to Itis bright little (laughter. Ili 183:3tirefamily removed to Montreal, where .flask -Ox -The Lieut. Govertwru[111au1• uabn 1'uL144 Uut u Paradise er "Ife"ad• her aystenlatit) musical training began. Af- ter she hull ucyuirel a fair degree of skill, men, her father put liar talent to practical use, byy In tan interesting letter which Sir Charles raving concerts in the villages near Montreal. Tupper, High Commissioner for Canada, has 'hese concerts were fur the purppose of rais- ,lust received from Lieut. Governor Schultz ttl f money to complete his daughter's musi- of Manitoba, that gentleman says cat adeation. Finding no encouragement he has, since his installation lit Nlrinnipeg, been could be obtained fur a struggling artiste in daughter budding into trying to find out all he can regarding Canada, and his the resources of the district of Keewatin- womanhood, M. La Jeunesse left Canada that is, of the portion not usually traversed and settled tin Albany, N. Y., where her • by the Hudson's Bay ComparIT's boats, and by the genius soon found recognition and support -••+,a winter sleigh routes. Mr. Schultz's � present inquiries have led him to the con. r n rl»irt v',ilu h•Im1 the n�tlns!liI ( n' r ; I clusion that there may possibly be future taill til(' llisl „f i.irhfie t I"! I ser, ••.. I f.,l,on wealthbin that portion of this ro{bgiou which fs „•, !yi,l !I ' now regarded as conparutivel'y useless. yrs / I ' It is quite certain, lie says, that its fisher- r . ; ; ( ies will a of ver great future value. In y ..• `" -_ - a the first place, all the rivers which flow into I-Tudson' s 13u n fr ni v e til 't i o Y e wast ha a wi 1 la •..B lJ.. j '- �.,�,+,rt,• to � ! ;( � '�� �.�' _a -1 sy; ". L w._ ._ � exception, breeding grounds for away}sty of r�_ salmon known as "Heartless" salmon, �� ='T: -' which differs slightly from the salmon of , ' both the east and the west coast, though HER BIRTH PLACE CHAMBLY, gold resembling the former in that it will rise to The Bishop of Albanyy appointed liar organist the fly, a peculiarity not possessed by the acid soprano of St. Joseph's Church in that west coast salmon. Then, again, the fresh• city, which was crowded every Sunday to water fisheries may become an important . heat• the wonderful young singer. After a source of supply to those who tare not con- I few yeaars' residence in Albfany, Al. Lit Jen• 1 ten t with s ell, fill}. White Fish are now Ti'irefight"$00 miles io the moiitTi'of the'Wi T lrt:ssii wns.n,tJltatx�ble,itq.�ltltt3 ).lis ,.liaug]ltglr . _......_.. - tet Europe,, whore silo w•as placed under the ! River, frozen in the summer time by artifi- eaicbrated master, Laulperti of Ahilun, Italy. tial processes, and " shipped" in the frozen After several of Study with hitll, Em - state as far south as St. Louis, a distance years' mal Albani made hot- debut at Messina as probably of 1,500 miles. To assist in meet Amina, in SouuramLula. Her suwuss was I ing this demand for fresh -water• fish (i.e., UlstarltaLlleoug, antl front that (Illy to this the white fish, salmon -trout, and true lief• citiver hats been tan unbroken series of , sturgeon -in other words. the caviare- pro- 'triturlphs. Aludume Albani's voice is w rich clueing sturgeon), the nearest point from sopriuuy eouuuandiug at compass of two " which a supply could be obtained front the ovtaves, extending up tar I'. flat. In private Keewatin district would Le the lakes in the life she is Abs. 1ilriaLst Gye, and is as much Laurentian country, which forms the west J•esperted a woman us till artist, Aludume shore of Rudson's Bay. These lakes are ex- Albaatli returns to hur nativu land after an tensive and numerous -•-are said, in fact, to absence of sevum yens. cover no less than 33 per cent of the surface. ])tiring her visit to QuebeL last week . Their waters teem with white -fish of the eh:(: wits Tuitlored by the whole city. \'hila invest quality, and with lake,trout frequent- ly of from 30 lbs. to 40 .lbs. weight, and in Ottawa a.hu is to -hu. the guest of Sir John . uml Lady Votedonal.]i], are just us easy of access from the ports of (xileat i3ritain us Lake St. John in Quebec "fHE would he, were a trade to arise. COLLATED FOR FARMER. Besides the fishifig mentioned, there is a Add a little boiling Witter to the hog- prospect of meeting with the polur bear, swill sl. as to take thu shill off and there would be the certainty of shoot- feeler, the ing tt number of caribou (tile Noi;th Amert- Thu eurn pl ant is a gloss and can reindeer), with the possibility of bring- back land caunut les made too rich. . M any broo is of ctc•inL deggenertate because ing some of the young, and of cuilitaring tho,•sow's are user! fur breeding the musk-ox, which is declared Ly thu purposes Arctic vaya(geurs who come fn contact with before they fare as year old. it to be as tfangerous an animal, owing to The cow that gives ten quarts of milk per itt; nimbleness,, ferocity, and strength, as day requires no Inure care than 'ono that many that sure to be met with in the jungles produced one half that quantity. • l of India. . Clover ha cho NNud fine ane! scalded is an food forpllegs, If cut as short A Boy Emperor. excellent as half an inch it is excellent also for poultry. Tho Emperor of China is now seventeen The point Where the, dairymen lose is the ! instead years old.' He is a slender, yellow•faced, huying of fresh cows of raising grad - The breed is im- almond -eyed, black -queued, young Tartar, ed cows of their own. an who has all the instincts of the ordinary portant factor. boy, ane who likes fun as well as tiny boy Pitt your finest and bgst manure in the auu,ng his sitbjeots. - A few 'days ' ago --he• farduu• - Use -lite coarse - manure_sla coin, ..._ .- -_ went out t(1 visit same small steam launches, 1%n;leav6r, However, to have the whole heap and to the horror of his eunuchs, rushed past well rotted befiu•e using. them and down into •the engine -room. He Don`t be afro}d to cut out the canes from here found a coolie with a dirty handker- raspF,crries, liberally, and cut them low chief tied round his head, oiling the nil%- down, Too ¢many canes in a hill will not chiuery,. He asked him -his nationality and pt•nil»ce as -well' •at. a few strong and stocky the coolie replied that he was a Chinaman, a ones. � reply which was very pleasingg to the Eni• The general sentiment, as•expressed by peror. It is said that His Mfajesty is not a Iowa breeders, is that the steer should be very good student and that lie has a ruttier made to weigh 1400 to 1500 pounds at 24 to • petulant disposition. He is varihble in his 30 inontlis old, tastes, and it a .be on this account that the Empresa R .till holds the Untler ordinary circumstances 20 feet is I ent position a0 royal adviser. He will have, however, close enough to plant. trees around the )rouse. If tall growing varieties are select - unlimited power in a short time, and it de- ed they will'afford considerable protection ' pends upon him whether China shall follow against liaghtuing. ? Japan in the march of Asiatic civilization or Butter at 40 cants a to not. pays goad profit the producer, but there 'Is a wide range be• Farmers Ilarvestinng Bass, tw sen 16 cents for• poor and 40 cents for good butter, when it takes as Much cream °t Recentl lar ge quantities of black bass gBell's to make one as the other•. were found on Point at the head o3 The man Who foods ground oats, bran and Wolfe Island. The farmers ggathered them corn -meal in equal quantities will get a good feeding in waggon loads find took thein to Cape' Inany pm• rent. nearer a oorrect Vincent and sold them. The fish were then method than is usually reached, taking our shipped enst. It is thOlight tlutt the Lass dairynitnl and farmers as a class. went to that place to feed on the schooner A Western breeder states that if farmers Preston'a came of grain :red that the resent will devote their £attention to the mutton bit, blow drove then on the shore. The breeds of sheep they cult clear larger profits, nif air allows that there is any quantity of Lvuu if the wool from such Sheol) is burned, black bass in this vicinity -Kingston News. , _ - their from sheep that ,tirre'kept principally fur the profit expected from wool. MnrrlrA for.thc Fourth Tlme. L, ui, fang»tor is interested iii good I'OAIl.. \aria Itit oxpuriunaed road uversuers should An interestin g and uncommon event took b be selected; anal the tax required for road pplace on ,AVedifesdtay at \Gest Lorne, when to repair, if property applied, is stoney well 11L•, Ryokinan u widower, wa.4 married inve,ted. Good roads save vfiluoli'o hone AIr. Franks, a widnw. Each party has been and avoid lo. ; of time by the farmer. s married three times previously, ands this Gould says that farmers may as well make a the forth tine each has led an own ,John by to be "bald byy true love " to the altar. The boys tool( ad st anal each other as at1" If they will 'Visa." tall joal- ,antuge of"th0 necnaiun and treated the well Mia 4l,eunluten. ou8t08 unit work each for the interest of all, marriLd coiiptO tit chniee nperatie selections there is rcaaoi coil the mat not rL,eive on tinplat)x, coWbella and Musketry salutes. uo all the benefit of a go -op Cativo dreanrory. Brussels Budget. __--. _---r--• If the fruit trees are .plit by frust a ��od A 8irlpM 1►og. plan is to h ,,,, grafting avax, Spread it , ger a paste of uinalin ural place over the woi:nd, when the Dul:c of A- paid his first tying( iu placL with strips of the �ione visit t" hi', Muldund estfitcs he Wont round u.'LL•1'lfal wrapped around the trues. Thu the fir};ns. ria till approauhe,l (fie of thy, strip covered with Wax should be snub !Lut- f ki-Ill otist" an old drag same nut all,] harked, ly large to entirely cove• true wounil. srru led, uiid hit at him. The farmer henrin(; In an examination of the,stnnrtclh of Meer the noise, (41m1O r.ui., `• Call Oil' yon• d(I., 500 En;,li4!I snarrow•s, according tot lot:'rsnr shnnn'd the T)nk,-. " I nun thy Dulke of Itil y, only tA.�hty-two were found t, :nn• A__._," " Fit 1; cried the farmor, I- ingg Ltiu ally it*Lx•t roulaius at tall, while the fo•WILI'd in;rent n?aura,, "nee ye til(' lhtko't stotilooll of a Single truly insectivorou,. nerd Mon. Dln,eld," he s,Lid. tilruing to the do•„ lanai `230 web w•o•ma. 'Phis bird would a.ive „ •; r'ry a stupid dog, -(till ye uo' ken the • giVen more told to the orchardist than any I)uko? -'--"____ `._ - " lariny of the I1Rel"', spnl•I•(l,i•H• That the ftrmyr tu.y establiall a (loick• rurally .1111.4. grnwin�, becfy kind upon his farm. hr is ! .1411111 -a' The illetu• of Snsa s's aslkill' John only rO'lnired to oic •-u •c grow"by ,.'�Cci- f(, William's funeral, after tine %vay '(-'at 1,( nC1l. -ound feeder.; -of broods nut .,:.in, he yav••d ? I shouldn't (el•tainly Over dr(^pli cd oils] he Win Rtridaht.w•ay obtfain w•h.it IL is largely tum Ortiving iu of utl,ilt"int t,- wars?• rle•sires. Ilarhv -" \•hat ! Thcn a)] I ran say is, new blood that tells upon a herd, a wise flailing to I.tter- I ,h,.u!d he very Much olleuded if yon selection never snake a di,1,,'t :,: anent. A Ae,11rL•srd holy. A ITllty Bishop. Tl -c • Ilisho Liehfield wits ret: . \', ! „ ,II I'• ' • ( Ili. I k••.1 .,'. Low, lit- witt y 1 1 of hUl1.C, tilt• l acral 1.1'1i; , a•.n,,.t wi� <ud, •,1L la..,l t,,.' ly•st,lyingat n r^rtriltl' „wnL which had a nfanut for Rtuffed birds a cams.!' Feasts the hall and the P it: bnn,l- " Ell ? \:shat ?" which enriched like thr.t of s ` ]t'a awful to he Min of';!(• tfnl I 1 ;1(i vr»I8 great staircase Will a perfume first-class menagerie. choicest 1.'. •,:Ills, P, a- IIILVVII't lull toal,%'R „ I)nn't thank, my lord," Paial he to Ilit•tnle kn.,vii fol' a week.' yon his guest, ' til,t this stairca�se Reelns to be Rrrtat,•lutble 1:11'••...1•, orn I.Mmird. rather weak'.'" ,a \Cell, 1 don't knnw," replied tho 13i-liop; A rruth:I .sti ntt�u al'.liotion Ili,pl;euell to a as It certainly tsl lolls pretty stronbbt :" �liunr=ata I'r n}de coils• H g' O I.rl;:h ri'liu.1 Through the l,nt-st of laughter droit. follow• The }anal., 11"Ill" 1;_I,( ear null the 1'trly a ed, ft harsh dissuutielt voice suddel,y w„do left rill' wr,0 fr,,.UI), whin• the(.1.11vt two itself heard. were riot roll', rat all. Wh y, tall ft'ut cars " i coll'1 nsk the Bishop a gmyaC(ol that teem not fr, •ted i, a pl "hl(1n w Hieb Iuva would ],»zzle him, clever as lac thin?w li(In• been submitt,.,l to the i)ikh sulit,ol Clads, ill self " 1l 'RIOI 8y P y a OI' lt. , al(1 R"ell sir , nrrii•'S •Our tum f y �_ ' r n rl»irt v',ilu h•Im1 the n�tlns!liI ( n' r ; I I R'hil0 all etc intpurtivat and 11ee•s,lry, i taill til(' llisl „f i.irhfie t I"! I ser, ••.. I f.,l,on aYul Rdd n' L rely Lr illy t, i1., I,IIL Illy .all s,%a;;gC(cl Se011led ?,, 11 . ,Ili. "I.N. a sk,11, " ,•••d. pprill'allll'e 411 Lhl• r! IIT, lel„ , �Lldell, tile IluWta•s, tilt -.m.111 trait. the• t!:l I, 1,It -11 sell it:A ',n, tun •_.%u lir• rap?'lin dir011': ,I !, w ;••I;et the o1rho-1 ell•selr,rnt." I',!I.I 1r+n!t4rat 1 1 0 ' ,II I lir rill t, it ',„ ' 1', • ,,Ili,! Iliv Ili,:hnp I 1st rhe a leas r. .t •1 ,.,I: „ .:. I , f, ti,,ht, i wwr's me glaiwn t •sail t. • . work I., C , ,: , .p, I . . . ', i