The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-06, Page 6• The Huron New -Record 60 a Year -81.25 In Advance. Wednesday. Feb. Rth, 1889 DOINGS IN THE CANADIAN WORLD. —Canadian Pacific circles expect the past year's working to yield a surplus of $200,000 or $300,000 over interest charges. —Wentworth County Council yesterday endorsed the proposal to petition the Governer General in Council fur prohibituty legi8llttiou. —There have been nine supposed incendiary fires in Listowel) since Sept. 16, 1888. The council has offered a reward of $500 for the conviction of the incendiary. —A Ere Broke ont iu Colbert's brewery night of Jauy 24 about 10:30 o'clock'. The brewing house, together with the ice house was totally destroyed, itud the store- house considerably damaged. Loss covered by insurance. —Some young men in Gananoque, imitating the White Caps of the Western States, on Wednesday night art.ased an alleged wife-ber.ter from his bed and ordered kiln out of town. Ile has not since been seen. _. `.._... —As returns 'come in froul Provencher, Lariviere's, Conserv- ative , majority increasee. llis ulajciit,y over Sichard, is 169, the vote beiuo, Larivier•e 580, Richard 40.1, Clarke 227, The latter loses his deposit.. —The Toronto TVorld announces that Hon. John Haggart, Post- master -general, has recommended to his colleagues the adoption of a two cent letter postage, and that this recommendation is to be em- bodied in a government measure to be brought down early in the ses- sion. —Sir Wm. Buell Richards, ex Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, diel at O'tawa last Saturday. After a singularly active life of severity -four years death came to summon hint to another sphere. Sir William has not been himself for over a year past. His malady eventually because diabetes, which finally Carliet1 hint oil'. —I'rul'. Kaufman, a well-kno.w'u and popular nrlsiciau and dealer in musical instruments, of Brock vide, is in jail on a charge of forgery. Kaufman has two stores there. For several fears ho has carried ou nn extensive trade in musical publications, instrumeut.s ct"d fancy goods, and was looked upon as an onergotic, conscientious and successful business lean. His arrest was a general surprise. The Charges preferred against hila are.said to amount to $30,000. —St. Thomas Times :—Another reruiucl. r of the battle of Lundy's Lane, which was fought in the year 1811, his just come to light in the i-hapo of a bay chef, which was dis- (•vvclel in the heart of an old apple tree. The bsyonet is almost intact, and is in the possession of Mr. J. A. Orchard, who is cullecting trophies in connection with this battle for the purpose of placing then in the monument when such is erected ou the battle grounds. The apple tree was upwards of 100 years old. —A remarkable case of the growth of hair after burial came to light at the disinterrnent of the body of Mr. Samuel Bowlby, who died in •Southwold in May, 1887, and was buried in the Talbotville ceme- tery. When Mr. ]3owlby died his beard was about lour incees long, and the hair upon his head was the usual length worn during life. When the coffin was taken up by his son-iu-law. Mr. J. Leon), for re- burial in Mapleton cemetery, it w s discovered that the beard had grown to the length of eighteen inches, —While Mike Cline, his son and another nlau, named O'Neil, wero crossing from Sault island, to Dickinson's Landing, Stormont .county;. in attempting to round -a point where the water Wan vet)/ 'swift by some mismanage stent of the sail the boat swung around, striking a stone and filling three parts full of water, then swinging again struck another stone, sinking immediately, bow downwards. At this Mr. O'Neil jumper] into the water and swam ashore. Mr Cline. attenpted to follow with a paddle in his hand, hut was drowned. It is supposed his son clung to thio boat and \\eat to the bottom also. Mr. Cline leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn his loss. --J 11illgstoil despatch says : On Saturday mottling, Michael Calle- ton, \v110 lives on Allumette Island, l "ie F low Chapeau, ('endgut to the barn yard to feed his cattle and cio the meriting chores. Not returning at his usual hour, his wife, who was getting uneasy at his pro- longed absence, (vent out to son dotaining her husband and she was llorilfied to find that, the hors were eating her husband's body and had actually eaten his Rend oil'. The poor woman kept away the pigs, while one of the children ran and got assistance from n neighbor about a mild off, Mr Culloton had been subject to apopic,:tit, fits aohl 11 e pias being hungry at the time made their meal oft' the unfortunate wan. The de- ceased was 54 year of age and leaves behind him a large family. —South Australia's wheat field averages four bushels to the acre. —Eighty persons were wounded in the ,riot at Carrick-on.Suir, Ire- lanJ. —A bill has been introduced in the Minnesota Legislature to make prize fighting, or the making or ac- ceptance of challenges,aa penal of- fence. —Considerable difficulty is ex• perieneed in securing a jury in the Cleary " boodle " trial iu New York. So far 231 talosmen have been examined without a single juryman having been secured. - —Mrs. Clara Decker Young, one of the numerous widows of the late Brigham Young, died at Salt Lake City a week age last Sunday. She was sealed to the late prophet in 1843 at Nauvoo, I11.,and was one of the three pioneer women of the Utah pilgrimage. She first saw Salt Lake Valley ou July 24, 1847. . —At Tiptonville, Tenu., some weeks ago a young man married the daughter of Mrs. J. F. Atchison, a widow. The young man's father, learning that his sun's mother in- law possessliil.,-40Q,., roof rytctl ...it,. plan by which he and his son and the young wife were to muider the old lady for the purpose of robbery. The plan was agreed to, and the crime committed. The neighbors learned of the crime, fixed the guilt upon the trio and lynched Them. A PRoFESSIONA L OPINION. Rev. F. Gunner, M. D., of L's- towell, Out., says regarding B. B. B., "1 have used your excellent Burdock Compound in practice and in my family since:1884, and hold it No. 1 on my list of sanative remedies. Your three busy B's never sting, weaken or worry." —The trial of the Halton Domin- ion election petition was resumed lash week when the petitioner's counsel asked for an a':I,j0urnnleut on the ground that i[r and Mrs. Edge, two material witnesses who had been subpoenaed, had not ap- peared. This is regarded as being practically the end of, the case, al, th.,ughthe adjournment was grant- ed. The case wall be resumed on July 3. A BOON AND 1. BLESSING. A boon and a blessing to mankind is Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, the great pain destroyer and healing remedy for external and internal use, Yellow Oil cures all aches and pains. rheumatism lame 'back, sore throat, croup, deafness, cramps, con- tracted cords and lameness. .Procure it of your druggist.' —The York comity council pass ed the.follo\wiug resolution : " That in the opinion of this council it is desirable at this crisis in the history of Canada to strengthen that spirit of loyalty which has ever been the leading characteristic of our people and to make it evident to the world that the inhabitants of this Domin- ion are, if possible., more determin- ed than ever to maintain their con- nection. with that empire of which it is our greatest pride that we form a' most important part." DR. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP is a delightful shampoo. It cleanses the scaly and darkens grey cair. —The Ohio senate has passed a bill providing that executions here- after Shall be by electricity. The bill will undoubtedly Bass the house. It is the same as the New York law except that reports of ex- ecutions are not forbidden. IF SUFFERERS FROM CON- SUMPTION, Scrofula and General Debility will try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, they wiil find immediate relief and a perman- ent benefit. Dr. II. V. Mott, Brent. wood, Cal., writes : "1 have used Scott's Emulsion'withgreat advents age in cases of Phthisis, Scrofula and Wasting D1reases. It is very palat- able." Sold by Druggists, at 51)c. and $160. —The Kansas Senate has Passed unanimously 0 bill to restrict the ownership of real estate to American citizens and those who have lawful- ly declared their intention to be- come such, and to limit the area of land which corporations may hold or own to one section or less. Lt )OK OUT FOR I'1'. If you are troubled with a cold or cough, however light the attack, look out for it, do not allow it to settle on the lungs : break up the -cough by loosening the throat phlegm with lfagyot'd's Pectoral Balsam. —Rev. Jlr. Brooks, an-Euglish missionary, and sixteen of his fol- lowers have beenmassacred at Saad;uli, in Zanzibar. JI IRA CU LOU S. "My Miraculous Cure ;was that I had suffered from kidney disease for about twenty two years, was off work all that time. A friend told me of 11. B. B., I tried it, and am happy to say that I was curet by two bottles." Wm, Tier, St. Marys, Ont. A 131.O STRIKI. A big strike was make when Powell Ji Davis issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock. It bee fast with groat success, and it must, for it is the moat powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. Itis used with the greatest success a all diseases arising Eft/111 a debilitate •1 condition of the syetem, nod everynne needsand should use a bottle or two at this seas° t of the year, of Powell'( bx- 1* �i11I'IxiZI's7t'T3' ii41f: L1':1HIG V ITAINA$Y.OP CIFIi S For Horses, Ca tlo, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 1'A G E ]IOO$ onT'reat- =cnt of Animals and Chart Seat Free. ;,�s-hotera (:onae.tionr, 1 namnlation, A.A.-µplant ltlenlarltir, Milk Fever. H.R.-Strains, 4nnlenear libenntathon. C. C.-ilistomper,1�1 4tra111?fecbnrges. -llpteort,7rnbs Wortnr. ).1). E. '-Congbe, Beaver, Pneuraonia. leets( of Sarsaparilla and Burd•eck. Bear yr, F.- .Solis or Griper Bellyache. is mind one 500. bottle contains more t t:. G.-Aliecarriage,ilernorrhater. H. H. -p rioary and )MiensY peoral. solid medicine than moat dollar so-called I, i,,-Srapttto Diroarer Dlanso. Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Oliuton by all druggists, price 500 a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 443ily —Vile regular Republican e t ini- date for pro )ate judge of l;cauiutt county, S. (11, was defeated by the colored Republican. The election was contested and the colored 101111 sustained. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. TO THE EDITOR : Please inform) your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been pertnanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE•to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express and P. 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 499y -John M. Clayton, brother of Powell Clayton, and a prominent Republican leader in the Southwest, was assassinated at Plunune•villo, Arkansas, by an unknown nlan. It is supposed to be a political murder. Thele is great excitement. ADVICE TO MOTHERS —Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teet)? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fur Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. it will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarnccea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the elude system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chilnren teething i3 pleasant to the taste and is the pre-cription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout, the world. Price 25c. a bottle. 110 sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Svrnp," and take no other kind. —Tho European Catholic move- ment in favor of the restoration of the temporal power of the Pope is extending. Meetings :tt truck, Salzhurg, Innspruck, and other places. have adopted resolutions cor.dnmuling the restrictions imposed by the Italian ;Government • upon the Holy See. Catholics, the reso- lutions declare, must not test until the supremacy of the Church is recognized. CONSUMPTION CURED. Au old physician, retired from practice, having hall played in his hands icy an East milia missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy anti permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Net vons Debility anti all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of eases, has felt it his duty- to make it knew)) to his saffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing aIl11 using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NoYRs, 149 Power's I11ork, Roches'e,N Y. t107 eow. —Archduke Rudolf, the Austrian Crown Prince and heir apparent to the throne, died suddenly Jany 30, at Mierling, near Baden. His death is supposed to have been caused by apoplexy. PALE, WEAK WOMEN need a tonic, strength giving, flesh building medicine like Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. —The egg business 111 the village of Creditou and town of Strathroy, belonging to the estate of the late David Hill, was sold by public auc- tion recently. The bidding was spirited, outside parties particularly evincing a desire to purchnar.. It was knocked down to 1). D.\Vilson, of Seaforth, for $14,000. IN BE'rrER HUMOUR NOW. "My -son aged eleven, was cured of an eruptive humour that covered his head and face with sores,, by two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and Pills," testifies Mrs. Mary Fulford, of Port (lope, Ont. —Mrs. Ruth \Voodge•, an aged member of the thin street Metho- dist church, in Mitchell, died sud- denly just before the service com- menced last Sunday. She left her home in gout] spirits and in her usual health and walked to the church. She shook hands with the holy who sat next to her, who in- quired a1)0111 her health. 1ler re- ply was : "I feel pretty well, but a little tired." Within ten minutes after uttering these words she was dead. She died sitting tip in her seat. --- WORMS CAUSE Si;RI1ll'S Slc'K- N ESS. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup des, tro3s and expels all kinds of worms 1 quickly and surely. . Imo.-Direalms of Ligestlon. Stablo Care. with @peonies, Manual, N itch Hazel 0)1 and medicates., 87.00 frier, Slagle I3otUe(Over 60dosoet - .00 Sold by Drnggrstel or sent Prepaid on Reeelpt of Price.. Wells & Richardson Co., Agents, 84 Metall 01., Montreal, IIIMPEBETS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. 4 In use 30 years. The only enooeasful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over -work or other causes. $1 per vial or 6 vials and large vial powder. for $6. W. SD nY ba000IsTS. or out postpaid on receipt of priev,-.nolla & Richardson Co., Agents, 04 Mo- tlih Street Montreal. Is the oldest and nuat p,.pular scientific and mechanicalpaper published and has the large( circulation of any paper 01 its class in the world. Fully illustrated. heat class of Wood Engrav- ings. - Published necklp. Send forspecimen ropy.: Prlw t3 a your. Fmtr menlha' (ai, 51. MUNN Sc ('0., 1'Uai.IauElts, 84)1 Broadway, N.Y. ARC111TECTS & BUILDERS+ Edition of Scientific. American. A groat success. Each issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and city residen- ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and full plans and specta(•atiuns for the use of ouch us contemplate htiildirm. !'rice 82.511 a year, i5cts.acopy. SIUNN & CO., PUBLISHERS. LATENT may be secur- ed by imply- ing to MOON & Co., w h o have had over 40 years' experience and have made over 100,000 applications for American and For-' Olen patents. Send tor Handbook. Correa- 80ndeneestrietly contidentnd. TRADE MARKS. • In ease your mark 1s not registered In the Pat - tot Office, apply to MUNN & Co., and procure mmedlate protection. Send for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps. tto., quickly procured. Address MUNN it CO., Patent Solicitor,. GENERAL OFFICE: 301 BROADw&Y. N. S, • FOR SALE OR TO LET r7 01"8'.: AND TWO [.018 for sale or to UL sitv.tt,: 0 Albert street. For pu•ticulars apply at T. C' 1)I'E1) ,\s SON'S. (t roeery, 1'Ijnt„n :flay 13t1., 1844. •100-11 • J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town 11al1, - Clinton, Ont TJIE TOWN BESIEGED --1)Y — Life - .Insurance - Agents ! 001i AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A J 11011E COMPANY: PER 8),000.. --_--- Age 25 C.,..4 tar 1355, also 1880..8fi no .. 0 3e " .. 0 54 • .. tt 0;) 7 50 ' 888 " .. 14 07 • 40, • 45 , 30 0,) .. 8,F Definite Insurance at the above rates. See me More you insure in any (olnpahv and understand ant plan. At the age of 40, the cost for $5,000 was about; Nay for 1885, also for 1886 See us before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent. FOR SALE. 11111E SCI:SCRiIIER offers for sale four eligible lluildin!; Lots fronting on Albert Street; also two fronting on Kattenbury Street; either en blue or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersignt.d.-E. UINSLEY, Clinton. 382 NEWSPAPER LAWS • call the special attention of Post nast.ls and subscribers to the following tynepsis of the 110WS tiler IaWS I—A postmaster is required 1p give notice BY LETTER (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and ;tate the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so slakes the postmaster responsible to the publishers f'o'r payment. 2—If any person orders Lis paper dis- xwtinued, he mast pay all arrearagea, nt the pablishe' slay continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taker, Iron the olfire or not. There ran he no leg, discuutiuuauce until the payment is made, 3—Any person who takes a paper from: the post-ollice, whether directed to hie name or another, or whether lie has sub- scrihrd or (tot, is responsible for the Pay. 4—If a subscriber orders his paper to Lt stopped at, a certain time, and the pablis1' er continues to send, if tine subscriber 1 bound to pay for it if he takes it nut of thi post-offi(•e. This prnreeds upon 1110 gl•OUr11 that a man must pay for what he uses s ,F, ;Aar 1n Ow Ilici,inn Court in Gotha-jell- at odricliat. the November sitting a newspaper 11(11 - Ileli siit,l for pay of ip, r. The deli nd- ant objected paying on the ground that he hall ordered a fmalii'r proprietor of the puper to discontinua it. The Judge held that that was mit a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present proprietor, Ball no unthv, to diseontinne and eouse'Ieeutly could collect, although it was not denied that defendant hail notified fernier pro- prietor to discontinue. In any (went defendant ons hound to pay for the titre he had received the paper and until he had paid all arrears due for subscription. A rT1EAT SUFFERtm. That person who is afflicted with rheumatism is a great sufferer and greatly to be pitied if they cannot procure iiageard's Yellow Oil.' 'I'hie remedy is a certain cure, not only for rhoumnti .1n Lot for all external aches and internal pains. THE HUB GROCERY THE HOLIDAlt•S ARE PAST, but I am selling ,just AS CHEAP AS EVER 1 Give me a call sod you will find that what we say is correct. Thanking the public for past patronage, 1 hope to Merit by eiuee attention to busi, lit ria a still larger share in future. Cheap for Cash is Our Motto. Geo. Swallow, Clifton HOUSE PAINTING, GLAZING AND GRAINING PLAIN AHD DECORATIVE PAPER HRNGING. „:*41 IC '^ 1 1 1-- .Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street_ -- C=.INTON, ONTARIQ_ O't` Kalsotiining AND FRESCOING. CHAS. T. SPOONER MONTROSS' PATENT METALLIC SHINGLES -Nc-aAND SIDING FIRE AND STORM PROOF. S. DAVIS, 0 CLINTON.. TheNewReeopd would be an excellent present to send to friends—one they would remember the year round. i TILE— two ro d The News -Record makes a specialty of the inest Printing. CT T z T3 – NEW STOCK ! NEW "STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture! Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc,, and getferal Household F'nruiture. The whole Stork is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLE L one door West of Dickson's Rook Store.