The Huron News-Record, 1889-01-30, Page 6The Huron News -Record T--'60 &Yong -411.25 1n Advance, Wednesday. Jan. 30th, 11889' CAUSES FOR DIVORCE IN THE STATES. "Attempt ou life," in Illinois. "Fugitive from justice," iu Vir- ginia. "Ungovernable temper," iu Ken- tucky. "Parties can not live in peace and union," in Utah. "Any gross neglect of duty," in Kansas and "Mental incapacity at time of rnarriage," in Georgia. Wilful desertion fur five years is a pause in two States. "Gross misbehavior or wicked neas," in Rhode Island. • Fraud and fraudulent contract is a cause in nine States. Imprisonment for felony is a cause in all States except ten. "Refusal of wife to remove auto the State," in Tennessee. Absence without being heard from is a cause in several States. Wilful desertion for three years is a caus•e in fourteen States. Physical inability is a cause in all States' and Territories except ten. . Wilful desertion for one year is a cause iu fifteen States and Terri- tories. "°Ilabitual indulgence in violent end ungovernable temper," in Flori- da. Habitual drunkenness is a cause in all States and 'Territories except ten. "Settled aversion which tends to destroy all peace and happiness," in Ken tuck y. "Husband notoriously intraoral before marriage, unknown to wife," in West Virginia. "'flue() years with any religious aOcl ity taint believes the tlrar'riage relation unlawful," in Massachu- setts. "Joining any religious sect that believes mai riage unlawful, and re- fusiug.to col obit six Mouths," in Hampshire. "Such indignities as render life burdensome," iu Missouri, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington Terri- tory anti Wyoming. The violation of the marriage vow is cause for absolute divorce except - in South Carolina and New Mexico, wliicll have nu divorce laws. "Cruel treatment, outrages or excesses such as render their living together insupportable," in Arkan- sas, Kun'tucky, Louisiaua, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas, Cruel and abusive treatment is a cause in all States and' territories except New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Vir- ginia. Failure of a husband to provide, no time specified, is a cause in nine States ; for one year it is a cause in five States, and for two years it is all that is necessary iu two States. --Charles Lumsdaller, was arrest- ed at Port Townsend, W.'1'., charged with murdering his first wife at Fergus Falls, Urian., a year ago. She was poisoned. After her death he married a servant girl with whom he had been intimate, bor- rowed all the money he could, and, with his family, came there. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL AND HYPO• PHOSPII I'I;ES is sold all over the world. It is far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil, 'palatable and easily digested. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury Bucks, London England, says : " I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion, and taken it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and can ''be tolerated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver' oil itself cannot be borne. Soldby all Druggists, 50c. and $1.00 -Rev. Olympia drown, of Wis- consin, at a public meeting fipoke upon Foreign Icule, She asked if, after all, the American people had not been too generous, and had nearly turned themselves out of doors. If, after throwing off the government of the aristocracy of Europe, it would he a striking cout- montaly upon affairs if this country should corse to be 'governed by representatives of the Alums of Euro- pean capitals. \Philo not opposed to foreign immigration, she thought it a mistake to confer upon foreign- ism trtic.tutaocs not given to the native born. Foreigners were al- lowed to vote too soon' after reach- ing thin connh'y-. Speaking of tho public schools, she said that already in one town in Wisconsin they had been dulls away with, and the 88111e was threatened in another town. She predicted that in the near future there would have to be a contest waged in defense of the public school system. BUIll)OCIX PILLS ache by regulating liver and Lowers. VERY VALUAI :fE: "Having 'used B. B. -B fopbilious- ness and torpid livej,°with the very best results 1 would recommend it to all thus troubled. The medicine is worth its weight in gold. Tillie White, Manitowaning, Oot. -The Bismarck, D,►k„ cui cespou• dent of the Pioneer 'Press semis that :, paper a long array of figures and big extracts front financial reports regarding the financial condition of the territory, showing that the gen- oral fund has been overdrawn $37; 000, aud that the bond fund has been used to meet the drafts. Ile further says that the territurial treasury is bankrupt, a recent re- port from the treasurer showing that on Nov. 1 last it was $66,000 worse elf than nothing. DIPHTHERIA. "Last January," says J. N. Teeple, of unwell, Ont., "there appeared diphtheria in our neighborhood. Doctors ran night and day, but I kept right to Hagyard's Yellow Oil and brought my children through all right.'' Yellow Oil cures all painful complaints and injuries. -Frank L. Rubsamen, a retired hanker, of Hoboken, N. J., jumped up from the breakfast table the other morning and, going to a cabi- net, t'oOk out a revolver and shot himself before his family could iu• torfero. .He died instantly. Mr. Rubsameu was one of the promin- ent citizens of Hoboken, and leaves property worth $200,000. He has been ill for sumo time, and was to sail for Bermuda on Thursday for the benefit of his health. B.13 .B STOOD 1'HE TEST. "I tried every known remedy 1 could think of for rheumatism with- out giving mellany relief, unlit I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which remedy I can highly recommend to all afllc- ted as 1 was." Henry Smith, Mil- verton, Ont -Prohibition has proved so in- effective and unpopular in Rhode Island, eller a short trial, that the people who voted it into the con- stitution aro now anxious for an op- portunity to vote it out. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. To THE EDITOR : Please inform your readers tbat I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express and P. 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 499y -Rev. Mr; Lockwood, pastor of the Reformed church at Fairfield, New Jersey, is suffering from acute dementia. Last night his wife and children, owing to his threats to kill then, barricaded themselves in a portion of the house. The mad roan went from room to room, and kindled a .tire in each. As the floors and furniture blazed up, he threatened to brain tho members of his family if they attempted to escape. When the fire was almost upon them, the neighbors secured the maniac and rescued the family. ON THE VERGE OF S'T'ARVATION. "For three mouths I could not eat a full meal or do a day's work. I bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, began using it, and in three days my appetite returned, in a week I felt like a new man. It was won, derful what that one bottle did for me,"writes Arthur Allchin, of Aunts• ville, Muskoka, who suffered from dyspepsia. -Gott Gratkau, a fifty auarehiet, addressed a large audience iu a hall' in Chicago, Sunday. Among other things ho said ; " How did this re- public free itself 1 By blood. How was the slavery question settled ? By .blood. These victories were not won by holding prayermeetiugs and singing hymns. I tell you the lair must be throttled. We trust trample it under our feet until the law of nature fills the work and reigns supremo. We cannot obtain these thiuga by peaceable Means; we must resort to force. '1'he capita- lists are prepared to meet the peo- ple with force, but sorne day wo will go to thorn to say : ' Your time is up; the time has conte.' What hap - pons when two great forces rnootl" ills remarks were loudly cheered. Anvt(:n TO Maritaus.-Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 7 If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. it will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. De- pet.d upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. it cure's Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Rowels, cures Wind colic, softens the Gums, reduces inflammation, end gives tone and energy to the whole sy'stem. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price cure sick head 25ea bottle. Be sere andnsk for "Mrs, the stomach I Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other triad. • A BIG STRIKE. A big ltrike WIAa' make when P9watl $•Dallis issued ,their Extract (fit' ersnp- .arillla slid Bnrdnlck. It bas met with great su00883.'and It mot, for it is the moat powerful blood purifier in the ntar• ket. It is used with the greatest success - n all diseases arising from a debilitated coudit.on of the system, and everyone peedp. and a7hou ld -•use it lipid(} or ism at this ee'suof the yeah of Powell!, Ex tract of'Sareaparills and Jill rd•,ck.• Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar en -called Sarsaparilla and bitters..Also remember (bar it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50e. a bottle: Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y -Martin Cuthra, farmer, au old and much respected resident of the township of Sydonhaln, Grey coun- ty, fell down dead in J. Wright & Sou's feed.sture. ile came it, with a load of grain and appeared to bo iu his usual•guu.l health. II earl, disease is supposed t,, bo U1) cause of his death. 'rIIERE IS Nt): BETTER remedy for worms of any! kind in children or adults than Dr. Low's (Worm, Syrup. -A farmer named John Ott, of \Vaiulleet, Lincoln county, Iiviug six jiniles west of Marsh, committed suicide by throwing himself before the engine of a passenger train. He leaves a wife and five children grown up and iu geed circumstances. He was subject to spells of insanity. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practiac, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat (inti Lung affections, also a positive and tmlieal cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of cases, has telt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all wh) desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Novi.s, 149 Power's Mork, Roches'e,N. Y. 507 cow. -In the breach of promise action of McNinch v. Merritt couusel ad- dressed the jury., and the judge con- cluded his charge, which was a very impartial resume of the evidence. The jury then retired and in a short time returned .with a verdict for plaintiff for $1,000. SKIN DISEASES are most annoy- ing because so noticeable. Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap heals and cleanses the skin. -The Canadian Pacific railway company loaded 200 care with cot- ton goods from the Il:ocholaga cot- ton company's mills at Montreal a few days ago for Victoria, P..C., Consigned to firms in Yokohama, Japan. The first shipment of Can- adian cotton to Japan was Made in 1887. It was only sent on trial in a small lot, but so well wore the Japanese pleased that it is estimated they have received during the past year 900 carloads of Canadian cot- ton, most of which was consigned to firms at Yokohama. • MILBURN'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE is prepared from fresh beef, soluble iron, and pure sherry wine, combined with choice aromatics. -Satprday night the house of Mrs. Minnie Hall, a youug widow with four children, in Missouri, was burned down, and when the neigh- bors arrived there they found the charred remains of its five occupauts. The oldest child was 9 years old and the youngest about 2.. It was discovered that the bodies had been placed under the house and fire set to it. 'Tracks of a man's foot were discovered, and four mien followed them, which resulted in the arrest of a young man named Nowell. He had in his possession an unloaded revolver Public opinion inclines to the theory that after a criminal operation, from which the woman died, he shot the four children and set fire to the house to cover his crime. The prisoner says ho' is innocent and knows nothing about the crime. A BUSINESS LETTER. • T. Milburn & Co., '1'ilsonburb, March 15th, 1887. Sirs, -Please ship at once three dozen B. B. Bitters. Best selling medicine in the shop. Sold seven bottles to day. Yours truly, C. Thompson. The above sample is but one of the hundreds of similar expressiohs regarding B. B. Il, -John McNeil, who -lives on a lonely road in New Jersey, shot and killed hie brother-in-law. James I)ollctt, yesterday morning. The latter attempted to enter the hoose without announcing who lie was. McNeil thought lie was a white °alp. A FATAL ATTACK. A fatal attack of croup is a fre- quent occurrence among children. Every household should be guarded by keeping Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam at hand. It breaks up colds, coughs, oroup, asthma and bronchitis in a remarkable manner. '(( A :�f.i�lt�.H. R 'T* YS M' uppers "voce cloth 4o CQId Riming 141 rags, tdlY 81.,i Is rnladr NAILRI) TI{y$ Andre... P. 0.Ilex 1810,1. T. 'EAT Of raINCtI•AL 008. 000E8 MOIL 1 Lrgvers. congestion, Inflammations...2 2 Worms, Wolin Fever, Worm Collo.... .25 3 Crying Colle orTeethiingofInfante .25 4 Diarrhea. of bhildron or Adnitr- .25 5 Dysentery, Griping,Bilious Colic..., 29 (qi Cholera iiirorbus, ontitinq .25 7 (loughs, Cold, ISronchitia 25 Neuralgia. Toothache Facoache .25 9 Headaches, Sick Heedaelte, Vertigo.25 01111E PATHIC Dyspepsia Bilious stomach 25 8u pressed or Painful Periods• •... 211 Whiles. top Profuse Periods 2 Croup Cough, DidI4ultB eatbing••.25 3M$ Ill - ;Diem. Erysipelas ru tioua. .25 Rheuetat%m. Itheumatfo Pains .25 Fever and Ague Chilla,'Malaria .50 Piles- Blind or Bleeding .50 Catarrh, influenza Cold in the Head .50 Whooping Cough Violent Coughs.. .50 General llebillty,PhyaiealWeaLaeea .50 Neev4usiDebIIIty 1.0000 Urinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.50 Dine atm of the Heart. Palpitation - 1.04k PEC.1 FICS. `sold by Druggiets,.ot•.sent pestWgid OiSXOQe-ptpf price. -.Wells (ft Richardson Co., Agents, e4 Mo. Gill Street Montreal. Is the oldest and 11 l popular scientlfle and mechanical paper put)ixled and hag lite largest circulation of any paper nt' Its class in the world. Fully illustrated. neat class of Wood Engrav- ings. Published a(ekly. Send for specimen eoppv. Price $3 a your. 1- i nr mouths' trial, N. 8. 11ONN .4 00., 1'Ua1.1SD1 l:s, it1 Brundwuy, Y. ARCHITECTS a, BUILDERS+ Edition- of -Scientific American. - A great suucess. Each Issue eontiltns colored lithographic ewes of wenn ry Rud city residen- ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and full plans and sl et:Mentio is for the use of pleb as eontetn plate Un I I ding. I'rha• $2.50 a year. 5Ms. acopy. MUNN SCO., PeaLISI1:aa. ;al may be secur- ed by apply- Co.,lug to MUNN w h o have had over 40 years' experience and have made over 100,000 applications for American and For- eign patents. • Send for Handbook. Cortes- ,ondence scrim ly conimeutiai. TRADE MARKS. In ease your plot is not registered In the Pat - int Office, apply to MUNN & and procure mmedlate protection. Send for Co.handbook. COPYRiCIITS for books. charts, maps, etc., quickly procured. Address I•IUNN da CO., Patent Solicitors. QgNERAL ONPICE: 801 BROADWAY. N. T, FJR SALE OR TO LET. LIi 01:SE ';11) TWO LOTS for sale or to let, situate on Albert street. For particulars apply at T. 0)11'1.01: t SONS 0r"ecry, (.Alum,' May lath, 188). 4911-1) J. C. STEVENSON, Furn'ture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clintou, Ont THE TOWN BESIEGED --By Life - Insurance - Agents ! LOOK AT SAMPLES OF COST iN A HOME COMPANY: t--.� PER Si, Aze 00 l.'�st fur 1885, also 1886. SO vu 3 ' 3:. ,• •, .. 0 5) o 10 •, .. 0 9:3 a:, „ 50 ss5 ..1107 50 • " 60 " it dd di 't Definite Insurance at the above rntes.• See me '.?efore you insure in any company and understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost for $5,000 was abuut; 839 for 1885, also for 1886 See us before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent, FOR SALE. ►7111E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible 1 Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also two fronting on Rattenhury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply tothe undorsipnul.-E. DINSLEY, Clinton. 882 NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the special attention of Post pasters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws :- 1-A postmaster is required to give notice BY LE•r'r'1R (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber dors not take his paper out of the office, and Iti to the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible ti) the publishers for payment. 2 -If any person ort'ers his paper dis- :ontiuucd, lie most pay all arrearages, o the publisher may continue to scuta it until payment is made, and .collect tht whole amount, whether it he taken fron the office or not. There can he no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3 -Any person who takes a paper from the post -officer, whether Olireeted to hit name or another, or whether he has sub• scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4 --If a subscriber orders his paper to 1 t stopped at a certain time, and the publish• er continues to send, it the subscriber 1 bound to pay for it if he takes It out of thi post•office. This proceeds upon the grant that a roan must pay for what he use% es s, A ItSrIti the Division Court in Gotlerich at the November sitting a newspaper put. - llsliel• steed fol' any- of paper. The defon( - ant ohjeeted paying on the ground that he had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinue it. The .fudge held that that wits not a valid defence. The pleinlill, the (present proprietor, had no notice to diseontinne and couselr•ently could enllei•t, although it was not denied that defendant had notified former pro- prietor to dlsemitinue. In any event defeitdnnt was bound to pay- for the time he had reeeived the paper and until he had paid all arrears due for subscription. - OREATLY EXCITED. People are apt to get greatly excl., ted in case of sudden accident and injury. 1 t is well to he prepared for such emergencies. Ifagyard's Yellow Oil is the handiest remedy known for burns, scalds, bruises, lameness, pain and all wounds of the flesh. It is used internally and externally. 0 1 TEIE;HAMA Ykr1LUi PAST, Ilut 1 'ata selling just �J .0HrEAP AS :EV fl Give we a call and you will find that what we say is correct. Thanking the public for past patronage, I hope to merit by close attention to busi, 01.8s a still larger share in future. Cheap for Cash is Our Motto. Geo: Swallow, Clinton SPRING - STYLES HATS AND OAPS! of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also . One Case American Neckwear (very handsome), from 20c. up to 50c. A call respectfully solicited. G -EO_ G -i .S -ow Murray Bfock;Afbert-Street: £Next Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. HOUSE PAINTING, GLAZING AND GRAINING PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAP HSR - IOGING 1)) Kalsornining AND FRESCOING. Next Spo oner's Hotel, Albert Street CLINTON, O T A RIO_ CHAS. T. SPOON ER MONTROSS' PATENT METALLIC SHINGLES �- �3AfVD SIDING FIRE AND STORM PROOF. e S. DAVIS, 0 - CLINTON. The ews-Reeord would be an excellent present to• send to friends -one they would remember the year round. The News -Record makes a specialty of the finest Printing. p 7-k E-H-1�W_ 1 Ott F49 NEW STOCK ! NEW 'STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.,(•. Call at the Now Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, ote., and general Household Furniture, The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JUS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store.