The Huron News-Record, 1889-01-30, Page 4tlattaktivertiottnevio *to Nag
Our Wind-up-Jacktiou Bros.
Panoramic Exihibition.
Liqusire-Foater & Biter.
piseoutit Sale -J. C. Dotter & Co.
A Dog in the manger -J. Robertson.
Gospel Prophetic Lectures.
Tenders Wanted -W. Coats, Clerk.
The Huron News -Record Year -31.25 is Advance.
WeduesdaY, Jaw,. 30th. 1889
We will merely name those
whom we met of the County Coun-
cil for 1889. The personnel is not
much changed from last year. There
are some notable changes, however.
The absence of Mr. Johnston, of
Goderich, is particularly noticeable.
His face at the county board for the
last ten or twelve years has been so
familiar that oue wonders why such
an industrious and affable repre-
sentative is not present again. His
successor, Mr. Proudfoot, will doubt-
less do as well as any one for the
town except his predecessor. Mr.
A. Smith, who succeeds Mr. M.G.
Cameron, is not a new man at the
board and will strengthen the hands.
of his senior. Mr. Castles, -though
sittiug for the first time as reeve of
.the principality of Bayfield, is an
old hand at the business. Brussels
has Mr. Graham as a worthy suc-
cessor of Mr. McCracken. Our
neighbors iu HuHatt could hardly
have done bettor than by having
Messrs, Britton and Scott. Then
our immediate southern friends in
Stanley have Messrs. Torrance and
Erratt again, both clear-headed mon
and fully alive to the interests of
their constituents. And in passing
we might.refor to the fact that Mr.
Erratt is a native of the town of
Goderich, which may account for
his good qnalities. Howick still
furnishes a Kane to keep the mem-
bers in order and he has two col-
leagues in Dull -nage and Jacques to
do yeoman service along with him.
The calm philosophy of Cox and
the lively vim of Beacom, Goderich
township, are again brought to bear
upon the counsels of the minty.
Colborne should take the lead with
a veteran to Beck on the laggards,
and his colleague is Milloy whose
parents forgot to call him Pat.
McKillop sends worthy Warden
Hays, whose humor is tempered
with wisdom by the assistance of a
I3en lir wise. Exeter sends Dr. Rol-
lins, and as he is the only medical
man at the board, it may be taken
for granted that he has all he can
do to look after the health of his
fellow -members, and hie colleague
Bissett seems to hold that ill -health
should be no excuse for members
nut attending and had a motion
canted that those who did not
attend daily should not get any pay.
Tho stalwart appearance of Griffin
would go considerably toward caus-
ing one to think that with two
other good men Ashfield bad more
than its fair share of representation.
East Wawanosh has its Taylor
member whom we remember at the
hoard years ago. Usborne sends a
Kay and a Kydd, the latter presum-
ably not so called on account of hie
youth, though he is genial and
lively. The Saxon element is re-
presented by ex -warden Ratz and
the Messrs. Either. West Wawan.
osh sends Messrs. Johnston and
Stuart, the former this year being
the only one of that ilk at the board,
and he will be no discredit to the
Dame. Morris with Mooney and
au associate to help hint Howe to
do it has a good representation.
Our own town of Clinton in Mc -
Mumble and Manning has two
members that do honor to even the
"Hub" of the county. Seaforth
has its old time D. D. Wilson and a
very Stroug man to back him. And
last though not least, Blyth sends
the blithe P. Kelly who is probably
tho daddy of thetn all in experience
and legislative ability,
time portended war with Germany,
is abating. The American clemago-
pea will, however, continue to
agitate for the autsexatiou of Can.
ado. Samoa -is evidently too small
6811 to bother about. The Buffalo
Courier rises to explain : Do the
people who are talking uonseose
about Samoa realize that it is a
country of nine volcanic islets, the
biggest of which is but 20 by 40
miles in extent, and the population
of the whole less than 60,000 un -
breeched savages, with no trade
worth mentioning and no market-
able productions but a few c000a,
nuts, while the islands are more
than 4,000 miles from the nearest
'point on our coast? To quarrel
about such a scrap of country, or
to talk of applyiug the American
Monroe doctrine to Oceanica, is an
absurdity so extreme as to be emu
1)r. Bourinot, lecturing iu Con-
vocation Hall of 'I'rinity College,
Toronto, last week, very truly held
that Canadian material progress had
been worthy of our natural advant-
ages, and ad vanced as evidence there-
of the increase of our exports from
825,000,000 to $200,000,000 dur-
ing the present reign, the fact that
upwards of 3,000 factories produce
$320.000,000 worth of goods annu,-
ally in our niidst, and represent a
capital of $170,000,000; and the
marvellous wealth of our fisheries,
which enable us to export" catches"
to the v due of $18,000,000 every
year, besides consuming probably
some $12,000,000 more. While on
this topic of the fisheries, he remind-
ed the audience that the difficulty
aslant the ownership of these bounti-
fnl sea -fields was still unsettled, and
provoked a decorous round of ap-
plause by declaring that we would
never surrender them to any foreign
The case of the 41tail Publishing
Cauipany v. Laflamme was taken
up in the Supreme Court last week.
The appeal is from a decision award
lag the respondent $10,000 damages
for libel, which decision was sus-
tained on nppeal. The action Was
begun in 1885, the plaietiff alleging
that flee 1Ial1 s article had "caused
damages to him in the city of
Alontival and elsewhere in the die-
triet of Montreal." The •article in
question was based upon a para-
graph which appeared in the Napa.
nee Standard, tit sting that certain
politicians, in order to stave off the
election enquiry, had got certain
affidavits forwarded to Toronto
alleging that smallpox was so pre-
valent that the court could ilot sit.
The 11(2/I commenting upon this,
stated that in 1878 Mr. Laflamme,
he then Minister of Justice, had
patented an invention which prom-
ised to meet the denied for a. safe
and reliable method of electing the
party'a candidates, and insinuated
that Mr. Laflamme schemed to get
false bottoms taxed to the ballot
boxes, No decision given yet.
The Now York herald says that
the Democratic members of the
House will not assume any respouei-
bility in regard to affirming the
application of the outrageous and
impertinent, Monroe doctrine to
Central America an d tho comple-
tion of the Panama Canal by the
French Government.
American bluster with regard to
the Sanmen islands, which at one
As announced in our last issue
the County Council of Huron for
1889 met in Goderich Tuesday of
last week and proceeding to business
elected Mr. James Hays of Mc-
Killop, warden for the emitting year
011 a vote of 25 against, 24 for Mr.
Jos. Griffin. of Ashfield.
The new warden briefly thanked
the Council for the honor done him,
which be considered rather recogni.
tion of his long services than of his
special fitness for the position.
A zommuilicittion from tho Coun
ty Council of Perth in reference to
width between sleigh runners was
referred to the Road and Bridge
emn mit,tee,
Dr. Rollins and Messrs. Tort ance,
Keine, Kelly and McMurchie, were
viectea 11 ballot a committee to
strike the standing committee for
the year, and instrueted to have the
list printed ou cards for distribution
to the member:4 of•the Council.
Moved by Mr. Kelly, secon.10.11
by Mr. M.cMurchie, that Peter
A4.144118011 aud A. 11. Mewling be
appointed on the board of criminal
audit for the year 1889.
Moved in amendment that W
Proudfoot and Peter Aclauison be
appointed ou the hoard. The
amendmentwas lost by a majority
of two, and the motion cat rid.
A motion by Messre. Kay and
Kydd that $160 be refunded. to the
township of Ushorne, there being
an errdr to that amount in the
equalization of that municipality
for "the year 1887, was referred to
Finance 00tIlmittee.
Richard Radcliffe, of Goderich,
was nominated as county auditor by
Messrs. Beck and Girvin. W. N.
Watson, of Seaforth, was nominated
by "aesere. Britton and MoMurebie.
• Mr. Radclifle was eleeted by a
majority of three, and the warden
appointed James Patton, of Goderich
township, as the other auditor.
Letter of Sympatliv.
Ou Monday the following was
presented to the widow of the late
Geo. Cantelon, on behalf of the
Goderich District Orange Lodge,
by Bros. John Beacom, County
Treasurer and Recording Secretary
of Gods rich District, Peter Cantelon,
Hullett District Recording Secre-
tary, and A. M. Todd, Deputy
Master of the latter District. The
deceased was in every respect a
worthy Orangeman and rendered
%minable services to the Order.
We, the officers and members of
the Loyal Orange District Lodge of
Goderich, desire to convey words of
sympathy to you in the hour of sad
affliction. It has pleased Almighty
God in his wise Providence to remove+
from us one of our most beloved and
esteemed brothers. During our late
lamented brother's connection with
the Orange Association, exteuding
over a period of many years, he
occupied positions of honor and
trust, which he filled in a manner
which showed him competent for
the tasks assigned h;m, his wise
counsel was always a benefit to ue,
and the Association will always keen-
ly lament our brother's decease, for
those in distress always found him a
true Orangeman, one who would
always 'mist the iunfortnnate and
bind the wounds of the afflicted.
oortation, manufacture and sale of
intoxicating liquors as beverage
in this Dominica*, was referred to
the special committee.
The report of Mr. Tow. P. S. T.,
West Huron, was read and referred
nehool committee,
To the Warden and members of the Munici-
pal Council of the comity of Huron
GENTLEMEN :-1 have the honor
to submit ruy annual report of the
public schools in the Inspectorate of
West Huron.
The usual appropriation of $3,000
for the improvement of boundary
lines was made on motion of Messrs.
Cox and Beck.
Petitions for granting of pedler's
licenses free of charge to the fol-
lowing persons were read and referrs
ed to the Finance committee, viz :
Mr. Johnston, %Vingham; Mr. Reid,
Bayfield; and Mr. Stewart, Grey.
• A circular from the County Coun-
cil of Elgin, and also one from the
Council of Oxford, requesting co-
operation in having the law amend-
ed so that all 'county officerappoint.
ed by the Goverument be elected by
the •people, were .referred to the
Special Committee.
A. circular from the Ontario
Agricultural College in ref