The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-20, Page 2a + rtl. Qf 8C" rRt ultiful 4
I'll, 11it xow., � %t "sine little' n u f
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ells.. m neral Win- �Wiu�fxed; hoi' to $e a l
i>� tbt
ii' •. 0 4, . ixialalt' boodipq tis exp. "".... willh l-
a4' het :> . Pett :lla}alel>I ,oCied the JWQ a'it6 ei- $n.r:. that kV tt ..BfQrt11 .aithou h 11 I'avq, anti '' :an rate ir. t
11 11I U F� r x a� . atei alusfolrJ wou,td
1 aW 0 et
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w ore a fk. n b, to In
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ix v t� i IQvd the Sexy, sa+1>}El ,of it, beetuse u.t all iii a sin. Fox a e iiif3 t sb eltgl tq , 04 'fever at r noArjivtl1,
or ?•+ci�a�,lu>r l .
`.la it re e_biq gomewh*t rite one life haiip. ainsfQrtil tuxllt •u deaf 4iTf thea would, only make txoad : Ada eho- stood, stili end oohed
I P11 . ArGAC,X,• XTO. ,
1. at w
1 s t, s c nsq
h i. ei ou a e i h
• r t. s. s ids e t, e for
o ter t oa Q f t 'n e e
- b nq b , , w . d ax l l3u o e . s >a ., m t s >s ro � e •
. x m li _ Q 1l.. ti e, lti, g s u h
Y Y Q e� m s. y, ; �'es, ;the't'a moss no.'
ti ` �^- - 1pess was her WOWS maiden na.we?, of ~veining, The struggle- i .nt on, thyself• fi i 400 suro th$t I Biwa othe 4, Wrnat< ve, she: finest ask QAQ,
. gQ lfiy , W,y a .u•0, The s>lrname should kIa NeitbQx txt,aster ,or alert wOt ,yield; , lenty,. of Sootoh wool in the bPuse, of t. op peoplo, from WbQW she in-,
ads e e
s f t e h fart r
Rt>u. Q h n nd ui w n I m t t e en
.ret to t a. r. i t, q q- a a b d _f
k a rod w th i a s no ll +? sin ', 1
Q G_ y n. t olive shrank, , w s _ k to dire i; he to
, a .
R% s*w that she was pleased; he pretty, I Y o r
saw thetiy whiph flashed into lief Aiargaret !fallen lied by, this playment in other factor e, for tllo ball I find that query skein is Cedarbourne.
11 > a rr,iIlg . wistfulness;he time recovered her composure. trade was brisk in King's inster; gone. Some of the maids must As she moved hurriedly towards
,Vl3.s, 1i.t 1, ,�, ill ., 11 Ay dear," she said, with quiet and others turned their h ds to have been meddling at my stock a small kuoe of men and women
t, saw .how elle rich color tinged the dignity --a dignity which sat some- anything which presented tself- basket for I am sure that the last who stood nearest her, she became
aelie�te chest*; auo "li., too, was what oddly . u on the tin woman- durin the summer and utumn tune I�looked there was lent " aware -that the were watchin her
(leased with her pleasure, . P Y g plenty." y g
�r . « "My dear, Sister Anna prefers being -there was work in plenty( to be "The value of a skein of wool is every movement-cutiously, atten-
Amodsaid something,besaid,
about hat- known by the name she has adopt- found in the gardens and cornfields not great, aunt Miriam; it can be tively watching her. With some-
ing offended thole, he said, present-
ly; "but big inaaner was so confused ed. I ani under no promise to her and orchards. There were others, replaced the first time we send into thing of timidy is her manner she
t1tIIG I failed to nnderstttttd his to conceal her real name; still I feel again, who preferred strolling King's 1linster, approached them..
instinctively that she would prefer the streets and lanes, and along the "Ay-butI want it now. I pro- "I want to go to Cedarbourne,"
` Inceuitrn(. He said sowetltiup about that it was not generally known." high -roads, pipe in worth, and mised Lo send this pair of stockings she said ; but it Feems to me that I
Having fobOtten hiui»elf, The words were spoken so gents 'hands buried dee i in their ern ,tv ' along to Margaret Hallen this even- have taken the wrong
Still more hotly bu, tit Vasllti's l b Y I I i b b' g direction, for
" that Vashti felt it impossible to be pockets, dragging out told support• ing. 'T'hev are for some poor -old I have not the slightest recollection
face, and tha white lids drooped over I
+' the lustrous eyes, null lite long, hurt o• annoyed by them. Then In(; existence upon small stilus obi I creature who needs then( sorely." of this street. Would you kindly
silken friu'rev rc3te,l til ou the trim- there followed a�few moments' si- tained froul their mole industl iwis Then why not send into town at tell toe which way I should take?"
,;,;,.+ sten choul's; '',lit sho told Olit the lel'Ce. glad,"
riel);hh0r's, ' 011<;r, and lI)atCl1 the w'00!1 You '-'-- TO BE ('O:vTINUED.
n said at ,u , hs Phdi , 1 a w t' le tr
-t ry of Mans .11urstua's luxe-,nak- 1 tun bled, 11Tiss Idella For soulcl o t l a u,� olid still �_ able to keep your,
te. length, with thoughtful earnestne6s, forth patiently awaited their return. promise." ]dinzrrl's Liniment Cares _andru�
,fir.._: ill ;• hr,Avaly. It was listened to in "I ani more • lad than I eQ,n ex press The loss of kee ,tn-, the factor clos- Huth thee knows about it
y t/ "
l.;;' • +' , ,.+, f„ a iicnce-a siloilce whiell b 1 '
,;; 1 to see how much attached you have ed was a very heavy one. But that cried Miriam Itaiusforth, "John To Our Subscribers..
until l Mshri ,•,isnot her et-cs, she --
i:,,,•v' n,)t I1GW t0 llttr; l' )tit t. 1 hen becollio to Sister Alma. dill Ilot annoy hint so ijiuch as the has take0 the horses to be shod and" 1)T,r-� y� CIAL ANNDUNCD7MEJJ' Which ap-
ts „ '. ihnt soruethiu•rlill the story "I could not help it," Vashti lir- obstinacy tit' the operatives - and clipped, and, with dinner to be pre- pearck il' our columns some time since
y i)fied, looking into tile. kind eyes.- that they should be go opposed to paired tot• tLy father and Amog at,s ,tinting a special arrangmeat with
h , i :-•:• �etsed het• fatber. Dr. B. J. KEND.u.L Co., of Enosburgh
I i .,t Burinis('d at three trek- `-It is Wonderful how much I have the introduction of a thin(; which Marston, thele is no sparing eftner Falls, Vt., p 'skiers of "A Treatise on
loved her ever since the first day T i ,would result in great good for them- of the maids.. Didst thee know the Horse anis Diseases," whereby
ill r,ll' I o'order tit Amos," saw h r." selves puzzled and perplexed him that Amos Marston was to dine our subscribers were enabled to obtain
L,: Haiti ,:t 'at. "'These things cannot be account• sot a little, But be grew wearied with us to -day, Vashti?" a copy of that valuable work r•nEE by
:•!!r, •..., It+i ,f,nth coning in just ed for dear but our love comforts with Their obstinacy and stupidity "No. Could I not match your sending their address to B. J. I{ExDwL
tiwti, i•ut .in ,' tJ to any further ' Y Y 1 Y y' Co. (and enclosing a two -cent stamp for
C; uvE r:•;( 1.'u nl„_,,: rho subject. Not Sister Anna greatly, I may tell at length, and, when some of the wool- aunt Miriam?"mailing same)is renewed for a limited
you that," leaves were beginning to turn sere "Very likely that -when thy period. We trust all will avail them-
{ ben, May :Trois time, did i ;: and yellow upon the branches, and father hath expressed his desire that selves of the opportunity of obtaining'
t!l:rt' 1",'y ltr•.,r „' the passionate At rue intorvuis PhilipRains this valuable work: To every lover of
the sickles of the reapers gleamed rhes shall not walk through the the Horse it is indis]ensable,asit treats
, kitties 1b,„•; Al• I't-toil had bestowed forth received letters from Cuthbert l
'u yon It'�r tri,•,;,• i,�• t;,,•(•,• in the oar- y i and flashed smolder the golden grain, streets while these stupid people in a simple manner all the diseases
i i , ” Somerset from different parts of the he obtained a body of skilled tvo'k. are Bo incense((, against him." which afflict this noble animal. Its
dart• i,ha ici,>.,..,t :7' 11:11.4 she had' _Ucintineut.-_�Ie never.wS oke of b.ig. - henominal sale throughoutthe.Un-ited
p rtnetr £Pohl a clista'1lt"'towl; ancT rho But T do n thitfk that be would
so iieAft*,-'t-rc,;,i-•,�i ,.;. ` great loss, of his deep, sorrow; of the i rrIYhirr! \Vhirr! «'hirr!" cif ma- object 'to my goinh under the'cir- totes and Canada, make it standard
rind ill V,�sht l s ,i,•r•,riva-that night sense of isolation whicr. )ossessr:d - Ill
authority. Mention this paper when
tilt) lD+•:u•.,, v tit' rhf,.; ' !; i,;-c,y, at:d of I chiuety once more sounded through- cu t'fnd if I walked brisk- sending for "Treatise."
and followed him wherever he went; out Philip Rainsfotth's factory. ly, I should be back before the dusk Nov, 0. 1888, 13t.
Chat out: et,cvr, t"ll"ll r,' ,pr:• f -1"L1 '', but lie told of his travels, Of the Then the excitement and indig came on." --- -----
lil,s ul,ou he', 1'.)r Ii -i.11, ;uiu h,l sights lie had seen, of the bouts he i nation grew high and strong in Miss Rainsforth maintained a 1890'
strat:ot'ly' t!evO:ed to the pursuits, of his old King's Minster; but, when it 6ecarue thoughtful silence for sone fe•vv rein- H#Il'fl)L`fi''Y011ll� �'eo��fle•
_ C%ii :\1' i'lilt � ,l �. _ t •.., s_ -art and literature.. liar h,o known that, satisfied -Anil plessed utes., She re4y. desire(( to lea AN-,ILLUSTRA:TED WEEKLY,
klltlltttll .•.l , ,l,Zl_.-,,.,to ,vin•el. -- 1101, rt' added that be turned to -these i with the success of the new intro- her promise to Jlargaret IIallen,and --
lVinter :'ave+ 1, rr• , > ,,', i:, ;t1, i Ili'r,uit, so eagerly in the vain hope (suction in Philip Itainsfortl,'s fac• she could not see that any unplea- The Eleventh Volume of IIARPEIts'
�. ' , th rt tLc v would fill the em tineas of Yoosa PEoi,r.E, which begins with the
lien. balmy krl;.,tu :uul bil,1,1l 11� t.r:" S I p thing tpry, other masters lead also decidod sant regsult could aris0 from Vashti .�y-umber for November 5, 18857, presents
aro1 ho !,r�, :;nti frtr r;ult 11 ,tit,;;; his lilt', and the craving, a n I to adolrt it, in due time the ander walking alone into the town. rpt attractive programme. It will offer
' shootill it,, tbron'lr i lir• (kik. earth j 11oid in his htatrt which the death of ! and bitter feelings of resentment "I think thee shall go," she said to its readers at least four serials of the
.1t f4rLulrrnnr ihrt tinge ),ager) "Litt;u Clla(ldnss" had left, i of the operatives knew no bounds, at length. "I really do want to usual length, and others in two or three
1 tion crimes 'Mrs Somerset carne to Tho appearance of.Phili tial s! rtl finish these stockings parts, namely, "The Itrsd Mustang," by
cw iluietlyau,l ui0nutuucni�avE'nou i,. Pl p ri 0 1 5 $tit d0 not WILLIAM O. STODDARD! "Phill and the
C'otion uc,urne;sometimes, though not in the streets was anxiously waited tarry by the way, I shall be fidg- Baby," by Lucy C. LiLLIE; "Prince
V,tSII ', life ',VMS (lull irel,ei,(1 for ;t r
Volt:, "it 1. The dealt \ very frequently, Vashti visited that for; children were incited b their sty until thee are at home again." Tommy," by JOHN RUSSELL ConYELL;
.1 c•t .l,t,y Y b
Someis t fled left a gap, Mn .:chin<r lady tit het• own home; but the visit parents to follow him, booting and Vashti wassoon ready. She was and "Mother's Way," by MARGARET E.
never brought Ler much happiness. groaning. Mothers would bold glad of. the excuse for a walk which SANcsTER; two short serials by HJAL\i,1R
se.u.(, til' loneliness ill h: r 6'(art, HJORTH BOYESEN. Two series of Fairy
Toe lady had again taken til) the -old their babies aloft in their arms, and the errand presented. The day, for Talcs will attractthe attention of lovers
Which I1+,thiug around or :tbont herr in loud big' -
serves 'to till till(' satisfy. There, disconteilt. � , b' pitched voices -Voices a wonder, was fine, the air soft and of the wonder- world, namely, the quaint
"I think it extremely unkind ;,nd , intended to reach big ear -were balmy. Her spirits ,were of the tales told by HOWARD Prrx, and so
eagle lrrl `o few visitors to Cedar- P admirablyIllustrated b him, and an -
bourne, acid these few were stiff selfish of Cuthbert to CO away so , corrimanded to "look west at the brightest as she startmd; she forgot y
other in a different vein by FRANK M.
1.formal, ii.d precise. Vashti. could fill-, and with no settled or definite ' ,pan, who, by intrgducing new -fan- for the time her anxiety respecting BICKNELL. There will be short stories
ireturning,"she asst ted
intention Of led machiner and stran 0 work- the disagreement between her b W. D. HOWELLB, TlIO9IAs NELSON
show them every respect, and even6 Y g g Y
Vr � r:12RY
again and again. And 'oat no PAGE DIARY E. WILKIN6 Not2.I P
'• E b J t men into their midst was toabin� father and themill-hands which + � ' '
llkt) some Ua th.em With a mild. I ' ' HARRIET PPMBOOTT SPOFFORD,DAXrD KER,
negative kinri of likin • but thr, too, woven he might have thought ' their parents, and taking the bit of now always seemed to weigh HEZEKIAH BUTTERWORTII, Soriar SWIM,
young heart craved more con;;Anial how terribly' the dd,aths of Mr Bar- bread out Of their innocent mouths." heavily ,_upon her mind. She RICHARD MALCOLrd JOHxs•rox, etc.
cont palliouship, nearer and ■dearer, ton and poor dear \Tart' have upset I Thebatt]ewaeed,foreeandstrong! walked 'along rapidly• Through --
sympatltt 1e, Ile ought to have gone to , Philip Rainsfoth regrettrrl that the hedges -bare now, but giving A Subscription to H:(RP,:R'B YOL'Y6
O;casionally she visite,l at Gray . �'roadlands; I and sore I would will- his people's stupidity and obstinacy proutise of soon decking themselves PEOPLE secures a juvenile library.
higly have given nil my own home I should have forced him. to.talt a such with soft green leaves-sbe could There is useful BostonknowleAdge, also plenty..
stone IIuus�, and there, ill the, pia- , g of amusement. -Boston AclvertiBer
iji to'e C11 -V t,f .:.:i. unci 1r Ok after Inrlrure5-sorry for the poverty see the meadows, and catch glimpses
seats of Sister antis, th overt'°w things there," 1 wLich he. saw 'ula,chinti toward of the river, high and swollen from Tr:n�is: Postage Prepaid. •5200 Per Year
ering St;use of loneliness !eft her.- b I"ol. YI. brr ins 1'nre,ni„•e 13S`7.
The strong botiil'of Mutual Ittttac kid, if Mny' one ventured to r+, ( then, with giant utrides. But he the heavy rants. She was scrry _
tion grew stronger and deA )rr as mark that- in constant change of was not the man lo ,relinquish it when site reached R ing's llinste,- ,
b ” 1 scene and the bustle and excite• I p, ri,,,r•n. Cop? .,Pull o)t ,melt t of a Iwo -
time rulle.l on, and dhrin-Y the win- ' scheme whirl] he know to be good, shi, e,ijo.yed her walk,so much. ent .stamp.
t' merit of travel, Cuthbert Somerset find he pulslled undeviatinnly 'the The wool wag readily matched, SIN'I:r.E NC>[ar s, Five Certs each.
ter p]olths Vigshti .bad found her I Post-
. sooner learn to fo'get the course be hall -marked nut for Lim- Ler purchase made and she left the Remittancesnshould be made by lost"
• her chief hnpl+inesi; in the Society � 1 office Money Order or Draft, to avoid
of the gad white f,iced Sister Anna, sorrow which bad fallen upon hien self. shop and began to retrace her steps 'chance of loss.
And the white, face hid growl) than in the quietness and 'retire. 1 CHAPTER. ?CL. I home -ward. But the brightness of Addresw HAnpimit,B1ZOTnl`,JN,'NewYo'k
I still wbitet, and the slight, graceful meat of Broadlands, his mother I It was a wrr;tched winter ill �l,e' shottlived moister day had all
`' 4 form hrld br?t)oiu"o thin to orient a- Lad an suet' •ready"rel,ly• ,. f v, nished. (groat, dense clouds had �7rfi l'SSYtttlll! all(i dtilfr �FICIi i
1\inti S Itirlstef—un(: long, rernelll
1 ., "Ile has no sorrow to bear but darkened the sky, presaging the _
riot molten the pure snow drops bored by its ittbabitantg. Tracie'ANtiIN(.� & SCOT'T
decked rho meadow grass and the `vLat ho has brought upon himself. l which Lad been so brisk throughout coming storm; the light was dins ,
b I ril,t ays warned hint against mar- the sonmer�iuontbs s a and uncertain. She hurried on, do.
crocuses uplifted their pretty faces , suddenly droll- , '
Ie Ccing Mary -she was weak and ail- ed off • there was no outdoor ens- sirous Of causing her aunt Miriam arrlStC'rS Solicitors
to receiv( the kisses of the pi1.e, P , , ,
ing from a baby, poor thing; but lie ]lo meat to be obtained, The sea- no anxiety. In the sbope' and
sickly stullJ;:a1n5; but the hopeless f Y
Icpression kind all vanished, and would persistin following his own son, too, was unusually miserable streets the gas wits being lighted, uUNeEYAxE,ERs, tC.,
ZUIrICthlnu inclination, ant'. now he ]s reaping btlt itis teal )a fE W and fel' i)etween cunni+vnnold for r)upn'iO;und aLnutnha
,, Of th(i restfulness of the and depressin„ rendered so by the 1 ' Otlll vr7Xr t7,0l' r., yr=.w EnA, MIlt•rr,N i
Iilissw Hullen shone out from the
the result, T always thought it incessant rains. Rain fell day after served rather to confuse than assist - . _ -_ , - • _
blue oyes. •• rather selfish of poor glary to be- I day --cold, unbealthy rain. •Then {let'' IXONFY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES
come his wife when she must have Bought. Privat:e,F'uuds. C ttinOUT,
It grieved th,, t •vol "Everts tigtet's just at the opening O£ the New Year She was strangely igno tint Of the orrice over J Jackson's store, Clinton,
c known that she inherited her mo• ---- ---.- -----_.-,___.__ -____ __.
---Lauri( anti �,Iilr"'at'('t Mallen --•-t0 , " typhus level broke Out. Famine town of King's Alinster-this young
ther s disease. and disease brld high revel then in girl, two years of Whose life bad 11t nndurnlgned ar the Library Rooli,s•
sec hog' morn!•; ;L% brut ltecome, to Vashti Rainsforth, ranked high 1 b been s pent in its suburbs and whose JAMES SCOTT, Clinton.
j,ear the rlreli bol,ow congL .) bleb t}le tOW71 Of Tillln 3 1Iinstrr, 1
9ometiwes l.eht ist r rinnu awake ill lfrs Soluersets esteem ; her Much was done by the mill-oivu- father was the -proprietor of its /l �Itut:uai Lluris,I 51SsUEu BY'rrlF:
be uty excited ]ler admiration her luL m,dot:,i,•no,t,,.c roai t,:,,eo or drug store.
;:he stillness of tin nigllr, thronal, , ! els to try to alleviate the distress, ' largest and handsomest factory. It .1tR5 A. wog; r1•tt:;r,TOs,
"If sho would only havo some 'tie Of calm, gracious dignity charmed , Subscriptions were raised, coals and µ'kg true she bad often driven there �IONI-,Y TO I,p;ND Iv LAR(JE OR
advice - her. The girl was ever eagerly when accompanyingg her aunt Miri StaterutmflonReest.W"JLr,e, urtty,
Dilly• allrSC hel'Self up a ht- , , fools were distributed. Philip moderatr+r,tteuYinterest. H HALI:,Clintou
t117 �q welcomed by ,lutbberts mother. Rainsforth gave largely and frees i am upon shopping expeditions; oc-
Q� ,lllU'Kalr,t r1P]llen said, t1p0i1 1 o g Y y, R APPLH'TON-OFFICE-AT RESi-
„ o Argos Marston came le fie but the knowledge that he did so cassionally, too, she bad walked D Dr..NCE oil Ontario street. Clinton, op -
one Of Vashti s visit;. Lot no ; quently to Cedarbourne than form- through fts principal thoroughfares posits English Church. Entrance by side
she, who so sorely lh eds rest herself, did not serve to soften the hearts of b 1 l b gaw,
erly, and Vashti began to hope that with her father; but of its by -ways
must watch night after night by the unemployed operatives towa4�s , 1; 1VALKN,R, vc ERINARY SURGEON
he was forgetting his love for herself , its narrow, crooked lanes scarce( J Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col -
Th were g , ,
him. e e e near, 9
e •_ starving, those fever -stricken children, of Y Y bt lege. Telegraphic maflflagoa prctnptly at
- -that love which could never meet lheriting the name of streets she
Arlan] s in rho Closes -one of the their friends were dying around • a 3onded to. OtBce -Londesborough, Out.
with any response from her. ' therh• and all these evils they knew nothing whatever. - ----------
worst neighborhoods in King's Min- , , he de- g RS WHI'C'P-TEACHER OF bIUSIC-
Neither be nor Philip Rainsforth Suddeni however, a ,nn this M afember of the Canadian society of
ster, my dear, when either Laura or tided, had been brought upon throb y t 1 Musicians. Piano and Organ for the use of
grew afore, popular with the mill b him. Scarcity of orders h winter 'da which bad • grown ao Opposite
I would have been glad to take her Y Y adness Yt b pupils. Residence, ifr S Hartt's, o l tosite
hands. Philip Rainsfortb once ' rapidly dusk she round herself in a air Nrintebead's,Albert Street, Clinton
.1 Iplace, and could h lull '.one judt as of `,rade generally were acconnt'ed P Y
More turned big attention to the ,)s nothing. All was due to Philipdark,' narrow street, every other R REEVE, -OFFICE, RATTENBURY
well. Sho will kill herself, I often g D St, Murray Broelt, two doors east of
new Machinery, which i knew Rainsforth-Phili Rainsfortb and house of which seemed t0 be a re- Hoclgens' entranco. Residence opposite e,
tell Ler; but she only smiles with P
would so greatly benefit him in the his new machiner cepfacle for decaying fruit, verge- d rmy Barracks, to Huron at, Clinton. Otllco
her sweet, rare smilo; and tells me Y• hours, a a m to e p m.
produce of the factory, but which This bitterness displayed toward tables, ,and herrings, while from
._ ` that it 1s better to wear ont than- `--- Y ._ —_ .._
„ I heti been received with such markedman a wlndOw' awUt]g a board DR Sdical Department
rust out. her father filled Vashti with the � Medical Department of Victoria tint -
disapprobation by the operatives greatest indignation, even while her bearing upon it, in dim, almost in- versity, Toronto, formerly of tileHo9pitale
"Have you kn .,r : 'ter toast" S g , v$nd nt9,
early in the last autumn. In all deci hera,,}e characters the le end 1 n9ar➢o9, Now ork, Coroner for
Vashti asked impr i• ; , "I mean, woman's heart ached for the sorrow I P , g , the CounTy of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
Lig schemes Amos Marston was his "Good Accommodation for travel
before she came with you and suffering the people had par- W. WILLIAMS, B. A. BI. D., GRADU-
co-operator. Philip Rainsforth had tial( brought upon themselves. She leis. R ATH of Toronto Univerelty ; mernberof
hors at Grays a ., set hisrhe»r: uh+n being the first to Y b P If she held sudden( found berself the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
There came a ski to bloc- had attended carefully when PhiAip Y Out. OFFICE & Rs tile
the hOn90 fOr-
adont this machtticry in King's upon the great Sahara or on the
serer Haller's bright, r•+sfful face, Rainsforth had explained to her the P g , P merry #)coupled by Dr Reeve, Albert Street
-Minster, and the young man ,roved steppes o£ Russia she would have Clinton.
' •t when she replied it was wit•+ � working of the machinery set up in PP I
hesitation. a faithful and valuable ally; an one his factory, the great saying of timJ felt as much at' home as she did u
evening, when the earl summer b C. BRUCE, L.D.S., DENTIST„gradu-
b Y and labor it effected, the advidabilihere, in a street and locality of T. ate Royal College of Dental SuRgoona
�• But flowers made fragrant the sloping of introducing it into the mills which she knew nothing, and which of Ontario. An olterattonsof'pnoaern den -
le history garden of Cedarbourne, Phili , g tistry carefully performed. Ariitethetics ad
ad one. f Kings Minster. As the montwas, yet close to Cedarbourne. ministered for the painless extraction of
Rainsforth returned home a little Vashti Rainsforth was brave b tooth., Office - Keeter'R old stand, Conte'
wly,with rolled ow Vasbti learnt to esteeY Block, 01int6n. Will visit Blytb profession -
later than was his wont, with the nature, but she 'awoke to the know. ally every Monday, at Mason's Hotel.
h every intelligence that the new machinery, her father more and more. led a that she bad lost her way with DR WORTHINGTON, - PHYSICIAN,
,Ilsidered. he was not by nature; as well as 9
with all its complicated workings, a little feelin of diems Men and Surgeon, A sician er, LicentiateSurgeons
of the
repeated, training, demonstrative. she yet g Y• College of Pllgeiciane, and surgeons of
a manner had'been that day set up in his fac- knew him to possess -bidden from women were thele in plenty gatber- Lower Canada. and Provincial Licentiato
tory, and that the mill -hands from ed in little runs talking eagerly,and Coroner for the County of Huron. or -
hen Anna careless eyes though they might be g P , g tieeandresidence,-The bulldinR tortlierly
the youngest to the oldest, both or leaning over the half=doors of occupied b9 bir"wattes, HuronStreet.
tivited her -feelings deep, true, and tender. b Clinton,Jan.10,i871_.
mato and female had struck. She honored ' his honf-st upright their dwellings with arms idly fold- -
she came. ' 1 b ed brit something in their faces - v
The news filled Miss Rainsforth HARLES F. M. McGIt urged VETER-
her name character; she looked beyond his � g C [NARY Phyaieiart slid Surgeon: Honor-
e of our with dismay. • As old age crept on, formal reserve of marine, and felt made the girl shrink from question- ary Member of Ontario Veterinary Medical
Y the strong net ve and self-asserting in them. Society. Treats all diseases of domesticated
at convinced that for herself he enter- g animals. Veterinary dentistry a specialty -
will which had of yore characterized Charges moderate. Office, one door oast of
A adopted her had began to fail. She remeed tained an earnest and abiding love.- She stood still a moment in the News -Record Printing office, Clinton
rid atltl Abd the thought brought her haps thoughtful indecision, And then tarn- BLACKALL VETERINARY SUR.
P Y bared all the horrible tales she had-�L,----
r Anna' piness, great unspeakable happiness. ed back and endeavored to retrace J. orSoN,Honorary Graduate ofthe Ontario
'ar eas ever heard connected with strikes, * * * * , her steps. But there were many Veterinary College, Treats all diseases of
Y and expected no tries than that a ” domesticated animals on tbo most modorn
coli I never knew anything more streets ening from bb's one into and scientific rincipiba. Office- immedf-
P , body of desperate Wren, women and „ stogy went of the Royal Hotel, Ro9idence-
lei„ children, incited by rage, malice, Provokix]g!. which a had strayed, and at the Albert St„ Clinton. Calls night orday at-
fs- and disappointment, would first The exclamation proceeded from end of a nailer of an hour she wise tendeatopromptly.
allen, burn the mill to the ground, then Miriam Rainsfortb. She and Vash- no less hopelessly confused- -no
by force, expel Philip Rainsforth, ti were sitting together one day late nearer Cedarbourne than she .had DRS. ELLIOT & GUNN.
said. Vashti, and herself from Cedsr- in,January-a day somewhat bright- been when able first fouild herself in
went; bourne and then deatro wholesale er than i"nany which had preceded that strange locality. The slight R. Elliot M. D., I W. Gunn, M.D., L.R.
y R.C.P., Edinburgh, O.P Edinburgh, L. R.
laid- everything in the house.u.pon which it -both busily saga ed with differ- feeling of dismay, the vague uneafsi- R.C.S.. Edinburgh, I C. 9 Edinburgh, Li-
a is'." out kinds of needs nese deepened now foto actual anxi- centiate ofthe d- cent{ate of the Mid -
they could lap their hands. Ter- ceery, Edinburgr4 . wifery,,on
eon- "What is pro The girl sty. Perhaps her father would Mw at Bruoefield. corner of Ontario and
I William Sts., Clinton..
rand will not lopes its Iaands,QMQ tkpp-r
Arica from generation 'to generation.
know of no other material which
equally capable of combining elegant
of form, beauty of surface and indefinil
Please call on or write to our agent i
Clinton and sea designs and prices b,
forp placing your order.
G. H. 000l14',
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gradu
av soc Clothing te of the Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the
painless extraction of tooth.
011lce o er Jack n' thin Store next
to Post 0140. Clinton,
Ze Night bell answered iv
We enu make.a fow good loans from private
funds at low 'rates and moderate expense.
Terms mritio tosuit borrowers,
MANNING & SCOTT, - Clinton
E. KE -
I 1 1
Ara takiagthe'feaitln ,Fdrlatin ,gnd',04op•
Ping, whIokr will be done at all Ames, on the
shortest notice. CHOPPING} Only 4bents, a
bag, Give us a trial, and you will be con,
vin ed that this is the right place toket your
Gristing done, as everyone gets tt>a Sour '
manufactured from his own wheat. Farm•
ors can depend on getting their stuff home
with them. . ,p
FLOUR AND FEED, -Flour and feed kept �
constantly on hand,
D. B. UcLEAN, Klppen Mills:
Library and Reading R.00ma, Totvu
Hall, r
1 , Town stairs. AboaG 2,000 yolutaee
In the Library and all the Leading NewP
ttable. Membership ticket $1 day on the
01)eu from 2 to 5 p pin., and from tone p.
m. Applications for membershiprecelved
oy the Librarian In the room,
-- .__.- -.------- +---.---_.—.
The aboye drnamental trees and shrubber. •tui II
- -- -
be sold at vary low prices, and those w• '�
�j l�T
S. fl. I U O tI
anything in this connection will save
purchasing stere.
orders sy9ed"tripam `lAtrl��e.41ss,M 111
� 1 , ". Lil.l. , _-Ailu
aepairng of all Idnds promptly attended to
reasonable rates. A. trial 4eli,iited.
•`•-' __
_ _
McKillop InNal Insuran
The Clinton Branolt Bible Society nave for
STORE. AlbertStreot.,attuo assortmeutof
and Testaments.
' B[rs r. L•'B hRo?I 25OtR UP(t'A rt U9,
Isolated town and village property, as wel i•
as farm buildings and stock, insured. Iusur•
ances-effOcted agltiust stock that "lay be
killed by lightnip,g, If you want insurance
drop a card to the above address.
Holds the exclusive right for the county for
—.. _
.. _ . ------
the Hurd process Of administeringchemi-
tally pure Nitrogen Mou.oxide, which is the
safest and best system yet discovered for
he painless extraction of teeth. Charges
The undorsiguoddesires to intimate tot ? $
pcaple of Clinton and vicinity t11at he 1 #�'"'+
moderate, satisfaction euarauteed. Office,
ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor
returned to town, and iut,onds to rem(�'i", f"
here, J'1> '
Shop, HuronStreot;^•llnton.
le , n n
1 na o tly, and is better preps t.'
thau ever to do anything whrttover in
painting or pallor hanging lice. all olid+t :''
entrusted to trim will receive Prompt atir.
the great Medical 4
extroful attention.
. GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton.
Work of the age on Alan-
hood Nervous and Physi-
cal Debility, Premature
Decline, Errors of Youth
and the untold miseries
thereon, 300pages
8 vol., 135 prescrip-
nous for all diseases -
, VI W��MON,
Cloth, full gilt, only SI, by mail, coaled. Il-
]ustrated sample free to 11 •our an raid- a d
1 5 g m
dlo aced men. ' Solid now. The Gold and
Jewelled Modal awarded to the author by
the National Medical Association. Address
P. O. Box 1895, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. 1
PARKER, graduate of Harvard Modica] Col-
loge, 25 in Boston,
��• �1 1'Q�p
. I). J' l
years practice wlio may I
be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Dis-
ease of Man. Otlice, No. 4 Bulfineb St. I
rllh01 0 soils Ban 1-.E
Incorporated by Act of Parlianlent,.1855.
CAPITAL. ' - $2,000,000, j
REST FUND, , 41,000,000
THOMAS wORKS1AN......... President.
J. H. It. MOLSON .... , .. , .... Vice"Pres. "
_•- ----
'- .
The beatEmbalmin �.
is,tzcd, Merlinq and American ex-
r'i•t:?ge bought and .gold at lowest
curre,ttl• rates,
lglll{?t did 11
Interest at 3 per cent allowe,: on deposits.
Iloneyadvanced to farmers On their own notes'
with one or mere endorsers. No mort4age re-
quired as security.
H. C. !ME\VER, Malinger,
Residence over store.
Januar'- 1887. Clinton
Clinton Post Office Tina Table I
� 1
lfa.ils are due for delivery ono clue, fig tle.,patch
Int the Clinton Pest"Office as fonoll'v:--
_------- --- rW,4P-�'TISDA�L
Ifainiltou, •t'„ronto, Strut-,.+
Seaforth, Grind I
ink east and interne-
diatooffices.......... ..7.00a.m. 1.501).in
Toronto, Stratford, S.rri, Sea-'
forth, T. and S. oust.... 1.�5 p:ru. H .it.
�'ill,�I J.03 . 0INT '
Goderich, llohnesville and,
Grand Trunk west .... 1 pan.
Goderich. ................ 8,45 p. m.' 2,40 p.m
+ .
Hamilton, radn,Toronto, ....... .ni. p,nr.,a.m10. . p.m
London, L., I�I, R. B. »oath a, n1. p.m, a. m, p.m
Advances made to farmersontheir own i
and intermediate offices 7.00 4.15 10.357.00
notes, at low rates of interest.
Blyth, Wingham, Mnear-i �
dine, Lucknow,L.,H.&B.i
A JeneralB nkin B
fi g UBih 8 transaCtea I
north and n
intermediate a.m. 1 m. ).m
Inters t allowed oil
Offices ....... , j 0.3010.15'
British mails, Dlonday,wed-
nosda Th s .. I
urdav '. Oam
yy ,. 0 I
Sale Notes bought
Bayfleld,'Varna, Herbison,.
daily ............... i ° 30 p.m.112,45p.1n.
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
Summerhill, Tuesday andl
-- --- - ----
Friday . ................ I 5.30p.m.1 5.30p.m
Sioney Orders issued and Deposits received from
ono dollar upwards,
RICHLY Rowarded are those who read
this and then act; they will find
Otfico hours from 8 a.m, to 7 p.m,
1ton Qrable employment that will not take ,
them from their homes and families.
Savings Bank and Irloney Order 0 lice close
at 8.30,
The ;
profits are large and sure for every industri-
THOatAS FAIR, Postmilgter,
Clinton, April 30, 1880,
ous person, many have made and are now '
severaling month, It.
is for any person toom make $ per day
and upwards, who is willing to Etthe ,
__ • __ _ .—____. .
"' -_-`- . •' - - -
sex,youregorold; eagitaluotneeded,westat•-
Everything new. No
you. special ability
required; you, reader.candoitaswell asany
Lorin & Inveyimelnt Co'y
one. Write to us at once for full particulars
which we mail free. Address Stinson & Co
This Comptlogy ie Loaning Jlfoney olt
-Farm Security at Lowetit Rates o/
Planing Mill
S, 4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed
on Deposits, according to amount I
y g I L N D N, t.
and time left.
-.-. •
OFFICE -Corner of Market3 naroand NorthS
PLRTRD and furnished his new Planing
with machinery of the latest improved pat er
Is now prepared to attend to Rti orders inn
Goderich, Adquat 5th 188e
tine in the.nosopromptandsatisfactorymviner
nd at reas moble rates. He would -also retur-
eyks to all who werebur old out, nded the old now bofore
ter position to execute orders expeditioa$13
r o all.
feels confident he can siva sattetGrt
the Grand Troy
Ira' ayrCli,tton.
Just Arrived
:.__ . _ - __1.
ManLtacturer and Propel for for the best I
Silve r wfut-P. Mild Dog to uso. Ag nt for the sale
appltcation of tho A*Flau la PATaNT A
J . }3IDDLECOMBE, BeILRa C aria ppiled onMow) notiicce cur
._-_----.- ----CLiNTON _..___ _-. ___ Butlers. En betrsnd al} it
A cooK BOOK Meohluer epptslr isl tsdl
an a raiflfh't6b r ...- _
FREE r n- lmplam is ZdAnut clwM
8y (,tall to any lady sending usher post oATet cam an a Pities fumil
address. Wells, ichardson A Coll Montreal.. osition. tins tried tff
rife smodsriV
� 1 , ". Lil.l. , _-Ailu