The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-13, Page 3IN
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TCIiINfaQIVKEYS. 13 ZyIF., HAD MOVED. .. ,, ;;�: . 3a/ f za ;,
_ Tor Sunday R+e cin
.e.. I II ix ,; �""' i' a[ x',G „, Y 1 J _"y�3raa ''•H.,
post all monkeys which one ¢West side uttoruey, noted foe -'�' i,�ill east .°{t z t c t iI Nti k sy k•� TM� ".1 .°"' y 't it /II
AELLUle N FULL EVERY DAY- p s a y-> lit ' • fr" , �Ma
sees in rti,i United States Come his absentmindodglass, as well as j Ali ` - " ' ;t'lv t t' ,'
(;t,rt,l,uu a little village. for his busine-- :.,lewdness, is in I[ there be any one thingmhieh t' ! � � >lt�w .Fr (� ' n:t i i' °' rlrt"� �yp3,
from t
vyh-oh . oiLt d a short distance the habit of lu.tving the manage- is clearly set forth in the Gospel �' �"�' �y�`t'r v�M w� �' � W' � ��, `xY� �t '•
-e-.. from the Panama Railway. The mentofhis house entirely to his of Christ, it is the very im�Or Itp3 � A I, .4� �°' 1 ;
W , f�" f.:. , :�
inhabitants Of this place are most- wife, in whose ability he bas the tans truth that true religion is a IjI rsi+ G, tet. , .
ly native negroes for no white utmost confidence. He furnishes matter for use every day in the , ;'I,I�'' ' ' (".••
Iaan could stand the climate with i W.t + ° ' 1 `';1„`
her the wherewithal to things week. This Deems to be very ;i' i � r ��-��' • �
out !drinking plenty of whisky and never enquires nor cared simple as•an abstract statement, IIli
and almost continually swallow- about what she does so long as and yet is one of the profoundest i) I! m ' � • r�
jug ' quinine. The whole region his comfort is Provided for. One of all practical truths of the 'Vow I
h The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Par(s. Berlin and Vienna. These cities have immense
is and covered with vege- evening, not long ago, he was Testament, teachings. It appeals ;! hospitals teeming with suffering humanity, Crowdsofstudents throng the wards studying under the Professors in
tion. At ni rht there arises a seen standing on the corner of to the exercise of the stronbe„t il�I,l charge, The mostrenownsd physicians o the world teach and practice here, and the Institutions are storehouses of •
to b
thiels vapor laddn with fever` Grand avenue and �Vaet Water and staunchest faith which aChria- ;111!!,1 lnea:oal knowledge and experience. With a view of myking this experience available to the public the Hospital 1.
which hangs over the woods like street, looking; disconsolate and tian is capable of exercising. It is Ill lI Relr!tcuy Co, at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared the specifics, and although it
r. I a -,irid cost from $25 to $100 to secure the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre- a
a cloud. greatly troubled, a colnparlttl sly Cady th1ll1J” to be 1i1;1 1jil ! �)_J ;.ecrffcs are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim to cure
; , This region of wood is the IlHello,Blank," said an acquain• reli',ious on the Saftbath, espec:- 1
:; Ili s srJ ill from a single bottle. The want always felt for a reliable class ofdomestlu remedies is now filled with per -
paradise of the monkeys. They tanlee, '`what's the matter?" tt ally in those communities where � 1.1 , f:.:t satisfaction. The Hospital Remedies make no unreasonable claims. Tire speeifio for CATARRH cures that and .
i, !, !
travel in groopd around the woods, Dash rt, he responded, 1 m the general neurals are prat`s ,, nvihiag else; so with the specilio for BRONCH/T/sr CONSUMPTIONand LUNG TROUBLES; RHEfIAfAT1SM is cured
'' L: NO 3, while troubles of DIGGE$IION, STOMACH LIVER and KIDNEYS have their own cure. To these is added a
't`"'r led by an older monkey. When in a deuced ball box, and I dou't thoroughly permeated with Chris• ; r '''•
the people receive the Infornla- k now what to do. My wife mov- tian principle and son Urneul, I t : a ::.clfic ffa FEVER and AGUE, one for FEMALE WEAKNESS d y GENERAL TOME and BLOOD -MAKER that makes blood �,
1 �, � r.:; GiI�cS!'GiilB AND �llLNE3>�,o GYPL[✓latfrineornparable remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY.
tion that the "travelling monkey ed to -day, Slie told me this murn• And evon where the average, !
troops" are near the village they ing she was going to move, And morals are. considerably below the . i
�,, repair to the woods in crowds in where tills was going to, bat I'll proper standard, it i.l easy to be I ::j ;- i ++,
r r )t n is be bloweLl if 1 raulember tvhl,re it devout and devutianal on Sunti:',v. ' ' ' �`\ .ti,:,',-`,iF�1/V )) J /
chase of them- .Chea j tti 1,I^� � 1'im.l—CURES', ` rc
very simple. They cut a holo in was: 'I thick it, was .unnewhere It is during the woe amid llau 1 ; ,,,' `� ,; � ty '
r t a lt' 1eXltJt i Uf litlnllle.�L+ Ltnl1 11) 't � A FEY£R,ROSECOLD QCs. %
, . a COCOanut lar(re enough for a in the. Thirteenth Ward. Where p p r 1 Q, `� - {Pp�„��\= CATARRHAL DEAFNESS.—The C• � �
i C10Ae l':)nt':1Ct \Lill! nrU:Ilesr. rhtrl,, l' �..IV ' } ,, onlyauthenticcureemanatrng from �``•.- d0, /
monkey's paw. The nut is then do you think my Nvifu would Jt, -llilt r J'
r . a , scientific sources now before the public, Il '' . (E'�
hollwNed out %Intl a piece Ute SLl,l./�al' torJJIUCe to?" pial Ulta i 1'allr 1012 1H �)lli'tt> tile! � �e-r �- � This is not asnujforoiniment—both are Is- \'f '�,1 L.t r
is )laced in ii, A piece.Of, stri110 the friend could not. hell) flim, stress. There are thoustt.:tln of r%