The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-06, Page 8D IN NEA
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y` L1y . sa ,I �rp�
wine merchant who had made
#'o tune by his business, sold it,
when bis son had reached an
when he could baro stepped
.) bis father's place.
A friend said in his surprise,
"Is it true that you hare sold
your business ?"
"Quite true."
"I thought," said his fvieud,
"you would have put your son
into it."
"No; I have sold it mainly to
keep my son out of it."
"Why Sol"
"I don't wish hint to be exposed
to So much temptation."
"But," said his friend, "you
hare been all your life in it your-
self, and have always kept
The merchant looked at his
friend for a few moments in si-
lence, and then said with a serious
i•I hare kept straight, 11 Ir
David, in spite of temptations
that would have carried me to
the bad long ago, if I had not
stood firmly against them. It was
desperate . work. I sometimes
wonder tint I got through ; and
I tell you frankly, I would never
put into that business anyone I
eared for. I would n't•expose my
boyto the same temptations,no,not
for all the looney', twice over,
that I ]lave made in it." iT
"i hats Elie iTi nk" Paid' u yoi-
man recently; '"t hate and curse
it every day," "Why ? " "I'll
tel you wh .. When I was ,l
little boy my fatlior toeli'MY'jac-
kot off my back and. y .shoes ofl'.i
my 'feet; he left 'me without ••a
particle of clothing, and went and,
pawned the things and spent the
money. 1 had no education. I
short had no home. 1 was flung
out into the world. And I hate
the drink from my very heart! "
So do L Don't you. Yes, a
tltousat,ti times yes. Christain
brethren,—if we could gather on
some vast plain the myriads who
have been cursed by drink, nut
the victims only but the sufferers,
what would we behold ? Hus-
band and wife, brother and sister,
There is positive danger to health and life in neglecting a case of Cold in the Heal or Catarrh,and
at this season with its changeable weather. unusual moisture and sudden changes from heat to cold,
there is peculiar liability to cold in the head. A neglected case of Cold in the Head rapidly dere.
lops into Catarrh, and neglected Catarrh, just as certainly develops into Consumption cu -leads to
premature Death. Medical testimony proves conclusively that a large poi ceutsge of all the deaths
occurring from Consumption had their origin in a neglected Cold, which by gradual stages, deve-
loped into Catarrh, and then into Consumption that dread with which medical science is as yet un-
able to cope auccessfullf. If you are suffering from Cold in the head, or from any of the numerous
symptoms of Catarrh, such as bad breath, dull oppressive headaches, droppings from the head into
the throat, hawking and spitting, copious disobarges from the nostrits,losing sense of smell, or taste
becoming dull, hacking cough, or a general feeling of debility, husky voice, a wheezing or crack-
ing sound In your chest when breathing a feeling of dizziness, particularly when stooping, a feeling
of tireduess and indisposition to exertion, a feeling of nausea in the morning when attempting to
dislodge accumulations in the throat. Do not negMet them. These are but a few of the manyl6ymp-
toms of Catarrh, and if you experience any, BNS WARNED IN TIMR. Do not permit them to
run under the mistaken impression that the disease will eventually wear away, It will not, but on
the contrary will wear you away as it has thousands before. PI neuro at oneo a bottle of NASAL
BALM, the only ttcertain and speedy cure ever offered the public for Cold in the Head and Cat-
arrh. This is no idle assertion, but an ungestionable fact, which is verified by the thousands of
testimonials in our possession telling of smarvelluus cures. These testimonials we have received
from all parts of the Dominion, and we append a few, selected at random, as a fair sample of the
whole :-.
Mr Atex, Burns, of Sudbury, Ont., says :- I Miss Maggie M. Martin, Terwood, Pa., says :-
Gents, I may state that 1 have been Affected with Through a friend in Canada 1 became a:quainted
Catarrh for seven or eight years and it was at with your NASAL BALM. 1 have suffered for
tended with consequent syrnptonts auch as foul years with Catarrh, and it is the first remedy
r I' t
breath, constant dropping into the throat, haw -,from which 1 have experienced oto , and '1 feel
ging and 'epritth,g,,partial deah,ess, riuging in' certaiu'itwill cure toe.
theears, and sickening pain in the head directly
over either eye. 1 •have used powders and Mies Minnie McNairn Mille Roches, Out.,
douches, but all to noeffoct,the only result aria- .says :-Your bottle of NASAL BaLM did we
ing from the use of such was tm•porary relief, touch good. The pain in my head disappeared
followed by the usual symptoms in a more fig- t
gravated form. The results arising from the
use of Nasa! Balm are sweet breath, stoppage
of the doppings into the throat(consequently leas
hawking and spitting), clearness of hearirg,and
not once since I began its use have 1 had pain in
the head, In fact It is my opinion that a careful
and persistent use of the "Ballo' will effect a
cure in the worst case of catarrh, ' - •
James H. McLeod, Mink Rivet Road, N, S.•
says :-I have tried other remedies for Catarrh
but received little or no good from them. 'Your
NASAL BALM is certainly tho BEST REME3)Y
I have tried, and' all you claim fdr it, The fact
_ the:( it ia_pterdsttt and convenient to use adds
—greatly to its value, bi i i chief worthllaeiin lie:
Ing a CERTAIN CURE fur that unpleasant dia-
7 came hurrying down the aisle,
and "went fur" the daring ins -
stinger, metaphorically speaking,
"hammer and tongs," crying :
"See here,.young man, don't you
ever try that again 1 Are you a
gentleman, sir1 Don 'tyou know
that I can art -est '• ou for such a
performance as that ?"
The young elan colored, but
laughed nervously ;as ho answered
"No, I don't much belive you can,
1 guess there isn't any American
law against a man kissing his own
sister—is there ?"
It h:ts not . • appeared yet
tv}tcther or not the young woman
learned of her brother's astonish-
ing exhibition cf disrespect, or
whether, if she did, her displea-
sure lossenetl the gratification
deprived from cigars won it) such
a questionable way.
W. Chas. Hanley, postmaster, Spry Bar, N. 8.
says :-t submit the following to the public that
any who may be afflicted may be beneftt0S b
the eaine.remedy, Two bottlesof your NASAL
a four year old child of ours, suffering from
Henrietta Blackwell. well
Parkor Ont.,says :-
Your NASAL BALM is the BEST 1(
have yet need for Catarrh. 1 an breathe more
freely than before and my breath Ilan regained
its aweetneaa, 1 consider NASAL BALM a boon
to the suffering.
before I had used he bottle and 1 find myself ro-
eeiving the greatest benefit. i ain certain
NASAL BALM will cure my Catarrh if its use is
Mr John H, Adams, merchant, Bruntford,Ont,
say. : -I have used NASAL BALM fur Catarrh,
and found it to be a CERTAIN CURE.
W. A. Doyle, Beulah, Man., writes : -As a
family medicine to check Catarrhal affeetiona or
Cold in the Head, NASAL BALM 1IAS NO
EQUAL. We prize It highly, e.
Mr A. Schlenzig, Toronto says ;-Fur a number
of years my wife has been bean badly troubled
with Catarrh. Dr. --here promised-to'eure
her, but after using his remedy for six months
she became worse and weaker than before, and I
found that I had spent PO for mediae' treatment
that did no good. My wife then began to use
yourNASAL BAI,Mand has improved wonderfully
and she is be/ter and ,stronger. than for years.
Your remedy is the beet In the market and you
can use this as testimony,
Emilie Pellitisr, Grenville, says ;-I can soar'
cely find words to tell you how highly r prfzo
BALM. Ila affects in nsr case have been
wended el.
Alpha II, Dates, Tarhert, Ont., writes :-Your
NASAL BALM has ruado a new man of me. 1
have never need a remedy mare suti.faotory.
. Af� (� t 13swnre of imitation , If your dealer has ant NASAL BALM'10 stock
OA U T I O N. do not Ict him peryt ode you to tale any other remedy which he may
say is 351st as good; but stud direct to the undo nlgntd and it will be sent you ou receipt of price --50
its and $1.00 a bottle.
FULFO•ID & CO., Brockvllle,•Ont,
11I•li1SSE1) HER.
'TIE 1111(1, 1,IDN'T WAKE UP, BUT
"I'd (-(IVC 25 rents for permis-
sion to kips that girl," remarked
- an insipid looking youth on an
Albany -bound train last alight, in-
dicating with a motion of his hand
an unusually handsome young
woman in a' seat near by. The
young. man was one of a group
t 't
standing in the rear of the uo ti l
ed car. Another young Iran said:
"You have my permission, sir,
"Frail! she wouldn't tegat d it as
cit," Isughed the first.
n'1 kiow,'rel,lied the other;
ave a great influence with
-looking (;itis—I'll tell you
t I'il-do; i'll stet you a- good
r 1 cin lei her without
king., her.•°'
"Done!" cried the insipid youth.
I'll give you at cigar if you do it
flyway, and two more if' she
don't woke u1•,."
"It''s a gin," :
The dative yqung- man stepped
up to tlio (.eat' whole the pretty
girl slept, leaned over softly and
kissed ht's squarely and audibly
upon hoe mouth, She stirred,
smiled a little, but slid not wake.
The group of Wren had watched
the proceeding in breathless sus•
gent's, and a long; and simultan-
eous sigh broke from thorn as
young Impudence straightened i
up after the ope•stioe and re--
joinedthegroup,sereral passengers
who had seen the audacious per-
formance spring irng at him in aaton-
ment. "BY Jere ! that was ele-
gant!" the fellow et insipid as-
pect exclaimed as he handed the
successful hisser his three cigars.
But there' wps another reckon•
Jtrinv.rd's Liniment Cur, (L•andrv-il
Yes, he lover you now, 'tis true,
Lase with eyes of violet blur.
Lips as sweet as honey -dew,
Bonny little bride !
Will he love you as today,
When your bloom has fled array,
When your golden locks are grey, --
Will his love ahitle? ^
Yes, if' it•is the trite hind it will
survive all the inevitable wastes
and changes of 11 !e. I3ut, it is
every woman s desire anti duty to
retain, as long as she can, the at-
tractions that mace, her charming
and beloved in youth. No one
can keep her youthful bloom or
equable temper if weighed down
and suffering from female weak-
ness and disorders. 1)r. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is a remedy
for these trilbies. Sold by drug.
"Years ago" sink' ut,e of the
well-known members of the Louis -
vide bar, "I was called on to de- parents and children—ten thous -
fend a man who was accused of and thousand sufferers ? If I
having stabbed a man in 0 clear- could 1 would make the Christian
church walk in procession right
through the serried ranks that
their hearts might be wrung by
the tears and cries by anguish.
The Church, too, is often be
reaved by strong dm -ink. God's
heritage, redeemed by the proc-
ious blood of Christ, i, assailed.
Think of the awful fact that 20-
000 people are lost to the Chris-
tian 'church every year through
drink! • •
JBirrard's Liniimer°t Gores •Durus, cte
rel on the street. Imagine my
uston.ishlnent. when at tits first
consultation he told me these
tact~ : 'Yesterday afternoon,'
said he, 'about dusk, my brother,
who rt,semhied me somewhat,
was crossing the street. when he
(net a stranger coming the other
way. The crossing was muddy
the stranger ' jostled him, and a
quarrel ensued that developed
into a fight, in which, nay brother
who had his penknife in his hand,
stabbed his opponelit'se •eras time
and then ran away as a policeman
and neve] :ti Citizens' came up.
After we were :,11 in ..bed last
flight, 'the' officers carne to the
house.'ttfter • the assailant, and
much to nay surprise the warrant
was made out agairist me. My
brother it: n mon of dissipated
habits, who has several tirnee
beat itt trouble,_ and if this case
is pressed against kiln I ant afraid
he will be sent to the penitentiary
On the- other hand, I tint :► law
abiding, citizen, and can prove an
excellent chataete'', Now, what
1 propose to do is to stand trial
on this charge, plead not guilty,
prove an alibi, as I can, prove
my character, and take the con-
sequence. If I am e•Onricted, I
may get off with a tine, and'iI ani
willing to pay that to ]seep my
brother out of prison.
I tried to persuade my client
out of such a romantic proceed-
ing," continued the lawyer, 'but
he was determined, and in order
to do him justice in the defence' I
obtained assistance from another
laNey ,, h_ did
not knoow the
tic s, inctirtiTtlinftr
defeneeas if otit• client were guilty.
Well, the apse 'came up. My
client was identified by the man
who had been stabbed and by the*
policeman and the other disinter-
ested parties who had witnessed
An old physican, retired from prac-
Cce, having -had placed in )lie hands by
an East India missionary the forumla
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanentcnre ofconsump•
tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a
positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and Nervous Complaints, after
having tested itk wonderful curative
powers in thousands of cases, has felt
it his duty to stake it known to his suf-
fering fellows. Actuated by this mot-
ive and a desire to relieve human suf.
Tering, I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it, this receipt, in German,
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and using. Sent by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. NOTES, 149 Power's Block,
Rochester, N. Y. 13012.y.e.o,w.
STI\ moods everything.
The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These cities haue immense
Ilnscitals teeming tt,itil suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng they. wards studying under the Professors in •, .^;r
°hams. The most renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and the institutions are storehouses of
,rt•el,., 01 knowltuc;e and experience. With a view of making this experience available to the he public the Hospital : •;
1 1R.en't:.y Co. at gieat expense secured the prescriptions of these hospita/s, prepared the specifics, and although it's,
ii,:i ty vii' cost from $=-!i to $100 to secure the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre- -
„1I,li pit,, a/.t'c j.,: s are cj'ered at the price of the quack patent medicines that ood the market and absurdly claim to cure
•;•;,, ec,-•y ell r, t,in a single bottle. The want always felt for a reliable class of`�domestio remedies is now filled with per-
nathis yfc7 a^llon. The so w th the speoi cRemedies
BRONCHITIS CONSUMPTIIt t an. The TROro for CATARRH cures that and
i,iI!„ forr ON and LUNG TROUBLES; RHEUMATISM is oared .. :
I' by Na. d, shale troubles of DIGESTION, STOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEYS have their own cure, e. To these is added
iI!,', speciji:�or FEVER and AGUE, one for FEMALE WEAKNESS—a GENERAL TUNIC and BLOOD -MAKER that mates blood "
i�l;, cmld 0i ES FORM AND FULNESS; and an incomparable remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY.
,I1,• \ 1 / ;
!• - tt� CATARRHAL DEAfNfSS.—The ilii T
I^,I —.7. _, only authentic mire emanating from
l•It'• scientific sources now before the public. �\ '
l Ijl� This /s nota snuff or ointment -both are ells- j
' Lli ' •Y, 1 / carded aill:
jurlous.$1.00.t' �,N0.2-COSr COLDS,BRON0/1/7/S, ASTHMA, 00N- \t\ tl f yi,i ° ,� _EUMPT/ON-Aoonrparableremedy ; does not enerel sto 1( l acough, buteroates the disease and strep lungs p 1'
restores wasted tissues $1.00. strengthens the and \ �lr . 1• .
"iO.3—RHEUMATISM AND GOUT --A distinguished and well-
known speciallat In this disease 1n Paris, who treats nothing else, .! i , V, r
bulli his repatatlon on this remedy. $1.O0 /
Nt).4-L/VER AND KfDNEY8, OYSP£PSIA AND /ND/QEST/ON, fc'k`, +�) �►,4!r'
i : NSTIPATION and BRIIIHT'S DISEASE—A favorite slaughter Iie/d \• t -�'''.
fw• t ,c quack who has ruined more stomachs than alcohol Ilse a 1 �� �' '.a •fi '
Tar dy sanotloned /n high places. $1.U0. , '
' 0. s5 -FEVER AND AQU£; DUMB AGUf s! \ `I v . ,- . - /'v' •� •
=Few know -what grave damage thea- nes the system; it is treat- \ `,\ a
Bit to break It for a time Use a remedy that Brad/cafes it. $1.
women are broken down because they neglect these diseases ' (' t' •'
until.. chronic and seated. Use No. 6 and regain health and / f."
strength, $1,00.
NO. 7 -HEALTH; FORM"AND FULNESS depend on good blood aird ! i Fg ,t
lots'of 11. if
weak(' is poor, if scrawny, use this perfect -` / •" ''
tonic. '$1.00.
NO. f3—NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER—A quack Cure- ` r+'+ Zl,9
ridden public will hall a genuine remedy for an unfortunate con- J \• l ti
ditlon. No.+6Is golden, which one trial will prove. Bewa•e of : I ppp `^'lr
ignorant quacks who charge high prices for cheap and worthless %
rugs and pills, Inc properties of which they are utterly
igno'-- 1 i
ant, and who expose you by telling your eonfrdentiat letters { II �, r'u::
to others in the some nefarious business. Use N. 8 and rr u
lice again. $1.'Jo. .. `... S jry ,',
tans lion wl A • ' wiu� • . -'"
th,�o high•c W a au,wutu [coat salaam -4e tri itis teeroc5, /•
, uud thw I,n ding y�uc hh. I� % ru F '
i -- J► rt_,kt4
rtl II IJi l I lllidl• cs /
.,'. '"'," •entlnNi isiii ;'sti .r�@ .f:\R %Si'�tu. �'�::tin r
If your Diuggist doe. not kuc there reined es rerdt price to u•, sial we wit n61r toy ou
l�mt �t I rake no otliuc rowed , dcs..wnuwm yw,ck cure-all ute,hCwes utd
Send Stama for
Circular to
Hospital Remedy Coe wr '
Gl1 Canada an.i United Stat
triesr!, a a f r�dtr
�' � M a r. - lr vet wa.� N?M
_a.'•�arw,Apl�.it� �[!fI +rtryJ'y��B 'F 11 �t�+7d -��a�"���S `�`a:II, �lI
Jhp" V",i! r �_ inial" -� r? •I: I.,{;��al, �u I
\ S:
IS'e ft5gr q.ql,•'�I
•� .:
�4����,�i�`�"`rl'� •9�'�yt�T
l�tur= l
Alga: taa[t i
Sailing: bit AT G OS 1.'
h t undersigned 1cd vIll sell off his Well assorted stock of Wall Pape
tend Decorations at cost •for cash on delivery. This salo-will probabl
continue without change; until the whole stock is sold..
.111 who are 1hirlhil'z of
Fresh New VALENCIA RAISINS -- c per ib '
Stove,Lainp,Axe rosscut Saw Fresh New PATRAS CURRANTS c per lb
LOWEST CUT PRICES -13 lbs. Best Granulated White till ;ltr,for•$1
Oil- ANYTHING IN TIIE • cash. 17 lbs. Bright Coffee or Raw Sugar for yl costa. Fowls,"'.,-But-
't,wla;i But-
ter and Eggs taken as cash. -
Hardware or Tinware Line
The New York Pust some time
ago Clad a number of communica-
tions bearing upon the singular
transformationss which the names
of French Canadians undergo in -
this country, and a number of
were given. To that list, says
the 13ostoh Courtier, . may be
added ono related by a priest in'
Connectieut,in whose parish are a
number of French Canadians.
One day a man came to him to
.the fight in the scrrli•darkncss arrange for his approaching mar -
were sure of their man, as t'iage, and the priest, who 'did not
they thought. My client sworn rt'eog;nise him, asked his name.
he did not commit the assault, ',' replied the
but that he has at home at the man with every appearance of
time when It occurred, and his good faith,
family swore to that tact. 'I'htiil 'S r''lr name,1 said,' he repeated.
several leading. mc•rnln'15 of the 'What i'1 your mole
church testified as 1', t:.:- ;;,,iuf '3ly'•uilnry'-IT•111Lrht.' the ratan
charaeter. ' 13uthe jury 11 mad *51i11 h;;tltn.
hint guilty and tine'i him :••tfi(i. ' all can't L"\ ;:' h it name as
Ile paid it wlit
it 0111rmu1, Hutt,' the priest ani'! ; 'somebody
and the record of his conviction has translated it wrongly' for you.
stands in tho order of the court. Wilot ]:t it iu french?'
All through -trial my client's ' t1lglntle Bent it,' the non
guilty brother sat by his side in
court and heard the testimony
without flinching. I asked him
what he would have done if' his
self-sacrificing brother had been
sentenced to the penitentiary.
1. intended, in that event,' maid
ho,'to getup ill court and acknow-
ledge my own guilt. Tho other
lawyer was thunderstruck after
the trial when I told hien the
facts. Ile refused to believe it,
and sad the evideneo was suffi-
cient to convict any man who
lived. Only the proof' of good
character saved the accused from
a severe sentence to the Stale
'I use Aye's Cherry Pectoral
freely in my practice, and recom-
mend it in cases of Wooping
Cough among children, having
found it more certain to cure that
troublesome disease than any other
medicine 1 know of,'—So ;says
Dr. Bartlett, of Concord, Mass.
It was easy to see how the
extraordinary- combination with
whish the man announced him-
self had been cornu at. The good
people of Connecticut had pro-
nonneed 'Benoit' phonetically,
and translation had bone the rest.
)V114 Cherry Bark, Eiocampnne, llossrhuund
and Senega, These aro the remedioa with which
Dame Nature haseupplied Canada for the cure of
Cslds, Coughs, ('roup, whooping Cough, 1)10),•
chltia and L040 of voice, All these are cont( iTh i
in Wilton's Wild Cherry in their most active form
and with other mediclnte constitute this most re-
ilable euro for all diseases of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs. Wilson's Wild Cherry Is sold by all
Ifiram Lester, now an inmate of the
poor House, at McDonough, Ga,, is
thought to be the oldest man in the
world,his ago is 120 years. Col. 'Stone
' of McDonough,'who is over eighty years
of age, says when lie was a boy, Lester
I was an old man. Lester's teeth are
' perfectly sound and his eyesight and
hearing are good: His skin is wrinkled
' and dry as parchment. He eats and
sleeps well and says be has given
' tt all idea of ever dying, He remembers
' all abort the revolutionary war and
knew Cleo, Washington.
In thanking; you for past custom and soliciting a continuance of the
same, I beg to intimate to the public that 1.have a full stock of D.M.
GRASS SEEDS. Also a large quantity of POTATOES.
A. full case of IBI1tI) CAGES, cheap. My stock of GROCEItIES, GLASS,
GLASSWARE, HARDWAIRE, HARNESS, &c., is full and complete. Large
stock of CROCKERY just arrived direct from the old country. A good
Tea, Set for 441.715, and a better for $2.1()
LARD, HAMS and BACON in tock. A;1 kinds of Produce taken for goods
Rowell's 01(1 1114ej iuilh, Nil p,
Huron Street., Clinton
The undersigned has his new factory thoroughly equipped and fitted up for
the manufacture of
First Class Weal &inti Cistern - Pumps.
There being nothing doing in the building -moving business in the winter time,
I have improved the opportunity by getting out pumps, and am, therefore, pre.
pared to supply them at the lowest possible rate. Those wanting anything in
this line will find it to their advantage to see me. This will be carried on ind=
pendent of the moving of buildings, which business is stilllattended to as here
fore, by the nudersigned,
Cistern Tanks -and i' plied at Lowest
J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse
Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINT( )i,
»'Avi ;nu m9's Cream of Witch -Hazel;
Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthc face an
hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion.
It is an . invaluable application after' shaving. Don't misettake this'suporior pre •
paration for any paints, enamels or injurious oosmeticsbr inferior,comp 'leliio ' .:
l r'� 'r4 r' rgogtt trrVM'tki 'a1HPabt"ssrOngx4a s;'-ratttrVg r'etriiffl3:n r fr a w'
sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind. and cold,. I
short D'AVloxoN's CREAM OF WrTcn-HAZEL is at once a remedy and aprevent atin
for every form of surface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents por h ott1A F
T }p/�Manufactured by
• .A.11 1183 :�'�_ 4 JJ• ILJ40.13J,
Johson &Armour
Having bought the business and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN, we are prepared
to fill all orders in our line at the lowest living prices. We are both practice
workmen, well known tc the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guarantee s
superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will always be found of
the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing, we hope to be
favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line o!
SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be
surpassed. Full stook in all linos. REPAIRING prompliyi,attended to.
Removed at the Late fire, have been replaced and neatly
arranged in the
will now be disposed of at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Call early- and secure a b' 'n.