The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-06, Page 7runton '.esu 'A'fII ,X,OE141•;l3BII 6, 1689.1 LOCAL NOTICES. ",1:'we VIM Keys Lost. Finder will •colkfer a. favor by leaviug them at tb ollge, you will find the nicest assortment of Fancy China Goods for useful Xmaa ltrmats at D1CIISON'e. For Bear, Goat and Buffalo Robes, Reese Blankets, &o., go to JAMESTWITO$ELL, Clinton. Miss Murray bas resumed, her glasses at her new rooms in Perrin's Block. A few vacancies. Xeres numbers of theleading English, American and Canadian papers are now for sale at Diokson'sBookstore. Over 5,000 Rolla of WALL 1Peraa, lat- est designs, just received at Dickson's Book Store. Look out for bargains. Xmas Globe, Star, Graphic and London News at Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. Price 50 cents Go to JOHNSTON & ARMOUR, Harness Makers, Clinton, if you want rood cheap Robes, Horse Clothing and •.nything in the harness line. Christmas will be.here. Make your seleotione early. Picks out what you .want and we will put it away for yon till Xis eve ,if,you wish. -C. Irrcesox Clinton. RAPHAEI, TrcE & Sos's artistic Christ- mas Cards and Novelties have arrived from London, England. They are the nicest in the world and the prices are very low this year. For sale only at DicitsoNs. 'W. H. Simpson having bought out the grocery business of Cuc.ning- ham and McMurray, will continue the same. He will enlarge the stock and J "'asks for a share of public patronage. VTelixpeot ri a few (Thaikbont• 5101r0 - worth of Miscellaneous Books. These are a direct shipment from Geo. Rout- ledge & Sons, London, Eng., and left Liverpool on Nov. 17, by the steamship "Parisian" of the Allan Line. CIIRrs. - ;Decrtso*i, -Clinton; • Christmas Goods -- New and carefully selected and bought, come and see. Albums, Mirrors, Booklets,Cards, hilclren's Picture Books, Toys and ovelties of all kinds. Xmas Plates, Cups and Saucers, good and cheap. Tickets and Cards for Sunday School classes -a good assortment,prices great- ly reduced. Worthington's Book Store, Z1Jwn ' ralrx�s. DISLOCATED-OOWednesday morn ing Mrs James Brown, of the Huron Road,had the misfortune to slip down and dislocate her shoulder blade. DIED, -News has been received in this town of the death of Mr Hiram Pryor, at Leamington nn Saturday. Mr Pryor was a former well-known re- sident of Clinton. elle erected the building now occupiecl by the NEW ERA, and Imre carried on a tinsmith- ing and general hardtyate business for a number of years, with'a fir Paulin, as his partner. • Rouen TRrtP- Mr \WSmithsen left ,rl Clinton a week ago last Monday for lr Woodstock, with i.ome 25 wheelbar- rows fled a single weg;;on. The storm �ti• overtook him and he was de'layed,and had -to.,e aluad ou the way several time's; he arrived at Woodstock on Friday, and will likely arrive at home this. week. -.News Record. [We are authorized by Mr Smithson to say 'that this is. incorrect. He did not have to unload, except on a train,nor was he delayed, as he arrived there on Wednesday, and was not in the snow. storm at all. STILL CL.IJtitis --- At the recent meeting of the Gananoque Board of Education Mr Linklater, of the Mo- del School, (formerly of Clinton) was voted an increase of salary of $50 for next year. This fact, considering that ,the additional sum was given. without being asked for, shows that our former townsman is steadily ris- ing high in public favor. At the Y. M.C.A. convention held last week in Brockville, a paper on "How can we aid our various churches?" by Mr ; Linklater, was well received by the convention and visiting ministers,- / The Gananoque Journal says that it drew forth a good deal of instructive discussion, l'AXES.-How nice it is to have good streets and sidewalks and how enjoyable they are until that some- what disliked individual, the tax col - p --.:lector, steps along with his bill and urges that the first of October is far past and that the municipality owes the bank a considerable balance, Then the streets become muddy, the w gale.- loeteipavemlezrtt4'+ -P•=aassel-4••pPpg-.itr-veet-ireather••erutl-•th-s' other sidewalks are so narrow that a "fellow really cannot pass another." All the visions of comfort take wings to themselves while the problem most vexing is. "Whore in the world am Ijto get money to pay these blamed !_ taxes?" Its all very well to ask for improvements, but their cost always appears on that tax account. r. C. I. L. S. -On Tuesday last the weekly meeting of the C.LL S. was Fheld in the Assembly Hall of the ' Collegiate Institute. As usual there was a large number of listeners, and from their attentive manner showed 'that they were an attentive audience. Many were up from the town. Mr - George Stanbury read a humorous piece entitled "The indigestible goat," and kept the speetators in roars of laughter; Mise Curtis read a splendid piece, and was warmly applauded, The editor's selections were, as usual, interesting, Editor Hartley also read- ing a selection from Diokens' Nicho- las Nickleby. Pleaoant and eloquent impro •ntus were given by Messrs Styles d Sloan, the former speak• ing iks, while Mr Sloan told us all teaching. In the musical line-.-..,.,ae Minnie and Hattie Rum - ball upheld their laurels very success- fully; these young ladies are, how - Ver, too well known to Clinton audi- ences to need any introduction. .A quartette, called "Come home," was nicely rendered by Misses Murch, Frazer, Pollock and Curtis, while the male quartette club of the school, Messrs McCallum, Gray, Bartley and Whitmore, covered tberuselves with glory, singing "Tramp, tramp," and i "The bulldog." After the critic got trouggh his criticism the meeting °lased. On Tuesday 17th, the meeting of 1889 will be held, at a very excellent program will en. It will consist of debates, es, recitations, readiegs and The friends fro the town 'ally invited to - 10, �r. LAM) Local Items. Dors R. Stevens has gone on a visit to Wortasteek. Mr Fred. Davis returned from Manitoba yesterday'. Miss Doherty has returned trout a visit at \Woodstock. An umbrella has been left at this office, awaiting an owner. Mr Thomas Shipley moved his fa- mily to Goderich ou,Wednesday, Mayor Whitehead, bas been in Ottawa on private business for several days. Some internal improvements and changes are being made in the Com• mercial Hotel. Mr Searle has returned from Wood- stock, where he has completing the erection of a building. Mr Geo F. Emerson, who has been speculating in apples down in Essex county, is home on a visit. The Gun Club wishes to get all the pigeons it can before the 20th, to be delivered at Milne's hotel. Mr John Rumball, of Barrie, late of Clinton, has moved to Owen Sound, where he has secured a better place. Mr D. A. Forrester is limping about with the aid of a walking atiek, the result of having accidentally cut his knee. Tho average attendance of Clinton Public School for November was 439, an increase on the same period of the previous year. Miss Howell, daughter of Rev Mr Howell, of Berlin, late of Seaforth, has been visiting her friend, Miss Katie Williams. The sleighing of Saturday last gave quite an impetus to business, and merchants would have been pleased to see it continue. The foot ball club of the Collegiate Instrtiufe purpose entering th est= ern Foot Ball Association next spring, to play for the "Hough Cup." Messes Thos. Matheson, and John Hdssack, of Stanley, left hereon Tues- day, for Victoria, B.0.', being booked through by A. 0. Pattison. ' Wo have received from Mr Chris Dickson, a copy of the -Canadian Al- manac for 1890, containing the usual information, and finely bound. Mr Vert Shaw hes gone to Peter- boro where ho has secured a eituation as manager of the dress goods depart- ment in a large dry goods house there. Tho Public School closes for the Christmas holidays on the 20th, on the evening of which an entertain- ment will be given in the Town Hall. Why can'tGorrie have a bras's band? We have the instruments and the tal- ent. What more is needed?-Gorrie Vidette. Why not raise the wind yourself? On Tuesday evening 0 party of young folk took by storm a well- known residence in Seaforth, (Mrs. F. J Clarke's) where they enjoyed themselves immensely. Sirs J. B. Crossen, of West Toronto Junction, late of Clinton, is suffering from malarlal r'ever, and her. sister, Miss Plewes,of Tuckersmith,has gone down to be with her. Among a large number of lawyers who have been created Queen's Coun- sel by the Government, appear the names of I -I. W. C. Meyer, \Viugham, and J. Davidson, Goderich. Mr Tilley, Model School Inspector, spent Wednesday forenoon in visiting the Model School, and complimented the students on their, apparent profi- ciency, attention and progress. An exchange heads ' an article "They must pay up." \\re have hoped so for some time,but it begins to look as if "they won't puy up." Perhaps a Division Court persuader will help them to do it. The Chatauqua Concert Co,, which has been advertised for some time to give, one of their entertainments in the town hall, on the 5th inst., (Thursday) had all their reserved seats taken up early, and the pro- mise of a big house. Mr Ed, Floody, of this place, is working up the interests of the Or- ange Mutual Benefit Society, accord- ing to the Orange Sentinel, taking 150 applications in Toronto in two months. He intends working all the cities and large towns of the east this winter, The Model examinations commenc- ed at the school here yesterday, and will continue to -day, Messrs Malloch and Toms, Inspectors, presiding. - The written examination takes place next Monday and Tuesday. Mr W R Lough gave the Modelites his vale- dictory on Wednesday. ,sa -- ;boeal-��trel: rimti : Mr Logie,of the Seaforth Collect late Institute, filled the pulpit of Willis church on Sunday last, and did it with an ability that will ensure him a cordial welcome him at any time. A meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the County of Huron Sab- bath School Aesociation, will be held in the lecture room of Rattenbury St. Methodist Church, next Tuesday morning. The union special services of the Methodist Churches are still being continued ; next week they will be held in Rattenbury St, church. On Tuesday night a prayer meeting was announced, to be held in Ontario St. Church at half past five Wednesday morning, and although this proved to be the coldest morning of the season, oyer forty persons showed their fideli- ty to Christian duty by attending at that hour. THE NEW 13APrrST CIITJRCII.-Tire finishing touches aro being given to this building, and it will be all ready for the dedication services on Sab- bath next. It has seating accommo- dation for three hundred people, the semicircular seats being made by Mr Thos McKenzie, and they -are a very comfortable seat. The floor has a fall of about twelve inches toward the platform, so that the occupants of pews farthest from the platform will be able to see better than if they were on the dead level. Frosted win- dows, with a stained glass border - ng, give a nice effect to the snug and cozy interior. The baptistry is, immediately behind the pulpit, which is historic in its connection, being over thirty years old and la done good service in all thos Rev J. W. Stewart, of R rah preach next Sunday, m evening, and Rev A. Ste Willie Church, in tb On Monday evening Rochester, will delive "Chivalry." Town Council. -- Regular meeting was held on Mon- day night. • REPORT OP STREET COMMI'TTEL:. The Committee reported that all the work ordered by tete Council had been finished, and that the hppropria- tion had been overdrawn by about *28, against which the Committee have about $35 worth of lumber ou hand. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The Committee recommended pay- ment of the following accounts :- T. Cottle, street account, etc., $32.11; S. Davis, sundries, $9.60; Copp & Logan, sundries, $6.50; News -Record, printing, etc., $17; Jacob Miller, fire and water account, $40.55; Dr. Worth- ington, $6, (this account was for at- tendance upon the man Wheatley, who attempted to cut his throat, and the council thought that the account should come through the Charity Committee, to whom it was referred back.) D. R. Menzies, sundries, $11; G. E. Pay, fire account, $15 25; Wm, Coats, selecting jurors, $4; \V. W. Ferran, insurance, $46; J. Angus, charity account, $1; Geo, Tedford, charity account, $1,70, property, 45c.; Robt. Holmes, printing, etc., $7,25; Electric Ltght Co., $65. The Coin• mittee recommended that the school estimates and the annual grant to the Mechanics' Institute' he paid over. The receipts of the town hall, etc , for the month, were $15, statute la- bor $10. REPORT OF THE PROPERTY COM- MITTEE. The Committee reported that they had the stage iu the town hall paper- ed, at a cost of $6,50, and were now replacing one of the furnaces. Ow- ing to the fire at Frank Sheppard's it was necessary to have the tanks re- filled, which was done ata cost of $39:751- The" -fie- also"receeellafed the attendance of several firemen at a cost of $15.25. Remission of taxes was applied for by several persons, and the matter •was referred to the Court of Revision, with power to act. A by-law fixing polling places for the municipal election, vas passed, as follows :- - St. Andrew's Ward -Town Hall, L. Trouse, Dep, -Ret, Officer. St. James' Ward-Chidley's Fur- niture warerooms, T. Johnston, Dep. - Ret, Officer. St. John's Ward-Ruinball's car- riage shop, W. if. Cooper, jr., Dep. - Ret, Officer. St. George's Ward -Leslie's car- riage shop, James Ross, Dep.'Ret, Officer. The agreement between the Oakes Organ Co. and the town, for the elec- tric light (10), for a term of five years, 300 nights a year, for the suer of $660 a year, was read and accepted, The Street Committee was instruct- ed to examine the fences on the hill at the north end of the town, and take whatever steps are necessary to prevent a blockade of suow during the winter. A memorial ou the Poor house question, by the county town minis- ters, with other articles, are hurl over till next week. Mr Will Dempsey has rented his farm in Goderich township to Messrs \V & G Hearn, for three years, at a rental of $200 a year. 'Mr. W Perdue, of the Bayfield road, returned from his trip to Michigan last week; we understand that. he was not very favorably impressed. GOOD WVe•.iatrr.-Tyndall Bros,, of the base line, killed a pig the other day, nine and a -half months old, that dressed 291 lbs. Pretty good weight for a spring pig, CORRECTION, -We Understand that the sale of the house lately occupied by Mr Racey was from Mr Tisdall to Mr Combo, not from Mr Farran, the former having purchased jt after the general sale from Mr Ferran. Here is a fact that every one is not aware of, that Christmas and first of May are always on the same day. Wednesday is the day this year, and if you have a little leisure time gather your old calendars together and you will find that both May 1 and Christ- mas have always been on the same day of the week. HORSES. -Mr Davis, of Michigan, the well-known horse buyer, who lately took a load of splendid mares from this place, is again at the Rat- tenbury House, and is picking up some good stock. Messrs Berry and Dardes, the latter from New York State, will bo at the Rattenbury House, on the 9th, to purchase. .A.1MAX W.stir..=:Tlii..a--week":Tackaon. Bros. received a letter from the wife of the Sheriff at Philipsburg, Mon- tana, asking for particulars concern- ing a:sealskin jacket she wished to purchase, having seen the advertise- ment of this well-known firm in the NEW ERA, a copy of which is receiv- ed regularly at the Sheriff's office. Tart; CFIRISTMAS GLOBE, -We have received an advance copy of this issue, and must say that it is elegantly got up, from first to the haat. There are so many Christmas numbers of one sort and another. that it is hard to de- cide which is the best,but that of the Globe is certainly very creditable to Candian enterprise' and talent and will doubtless meet with a large sale. Hon. Dan'l W. Voorhees, United States Senater, bas the following to say of Hon, Will Cumback who lec- tures here, for the Mechanics Teat' tute, on ;the ;19th inst, In voice, manner and personal bearing few men are so attractive and magnetic in tbo presence of an andience as Gov. Cumback. He is a gentleman of re- fine tastes and varied acquirements and I have never known him fail to charm his listeners and rivet their closest attention. Silas Mann, ono of the first settlers of the township of North Gwillimbnry, suddenly dropjfed dead while getting ont of his sleigh on Saturday at New. market. Deceased was about 60 years of age. Mr Mann was one of the lead- ing men of the township, a prominent Reformer, and at all times ready to ad- vance the interests and the welfare of the community. Professional thieves will give the State • Illinois a wide berth in future. Two n have just been sentenced to "irn- .nment for the term of their natur. s in the pen itentiary,"theiroffence •obbery. They had been convict. •e, however, and the sent sod in accordance Witt "riminal Act" pass ( .1 the Legielature P OLIDAY ESENTS X X X We are ready for business with an immense assort- ment of Christmas Gifts, The New, the Novel and the Beautiful aro all included in our, splendid line of TOYS, BOOKS, NOVELTIES, FANCY GOODS, NOTTONs, 0,- - &e: We offer a great variety' of appropriate presents for Ladies Gentlemen and Children. We can supply a suitable gift for old or young, at any snnl you desire to spend. Simc goodalass aoblets for 25 cents. A 25 cent Glass BUTTER DISH for lO cents or 3 for 25 cents. WO 0Z) KN :CE3 Oi GCf?( PS��VGE Ch ris. Dickson,Clinto n FURNI NI XMAS Offerings. Put on your list the present of a fine TIE to ono of your friends, and make a note that oar establishment carries the largest and finest assortment. If you have a friend who needs something in the way of FURS, consult your pocket and see if you can't offer a fine S.Seal Cap or a FurCoat Fur Mitts, Persian Lamb Muff,StormCollar or some choice article of Fur. If you want to give a nice pair of GLOVES, something choice in the way of a CAP, or anything contained if/ a fine furnishing' store, come and sen us. ckson GEO. E.P Will take place about the first of March next, and in order to make the change the whole of the present DRY GOODS STOCK must be disposed of. It will all be offered at the actual COST price until all is sold. If you doubt the honesty of this advertisement, curve and ate it the prices quote! do not convince you beyond a doubt of what we say is true. Everything Goes. No Reserve TERMS CASH OR TRADE GEO E PAY & CO TIIE LOW PRICr.D. STORE, CLINTON eallalgianaglannalalliala fra ORnkilul 1,;1N(. (;lV1?N AT rgaios Are tho tt.lk of the-cotrntrV', in fact is in the mouth of old' and young. Have you availed yourself of them 0 Just think of it this cold weather. Remember this is bot the f,reta4o of what's to come, Good Grey BLANKETS at 81.65 a pair 51b White BLANKETS for 82,50, Dandies Fancy COVERLETS at 65c FLANNELS at 10c 18c 20c and 30c Gents UNDERCLOTHING at 50c a Suit, 25c for each garment ; all wool at 50c each All oili0l• o a1; egiudly cheap. Give u,; a call early and get more complete quotations.. Obert: o g := Gnat Cai ant CL1NrON BEE LEVC ANNOUNCE THEIR BARCAINs' We fare making things lively in the different departments of our stores, and at the same tima call special attentioh to our well assort- ed stock. Wo place it before tho public, confident that we can be neither undersold nor outdone in variety, quality or style. WO lead the trade in our lino of business and find that the crowd is still with us, yot wo ask for more. Our fall and winter stock is immense, our bargains unlimited. We are satisfied that the ono most worthy of your patronage should receive it without fear or favor, and if the faintest misgiving lingers in your mind that it is possible to buy to better advantage anywhere ciao than from us, we cordially invite your strictest examination of tho styles and qualit of our wares and l37ffi tis—frfa i•esu in the placing of your orders with us, for we • think you cannot fail to be convinced that you man get the most styl- ish goods of the best quality and at the closest prices from ns. Bargains in.14ILLINERY Stock well assorted in all the latest 'styles. Ladies and Children's HATS from 25c up Next is our dssor•tmont of Ladies Ready 1YLadeWhite:Cotton Underwear Correct styles and at prices that would not pay you to make them • .1V up. Seo our new _E 1 ID — 0- I, 0 V E] 8 With Dent's Dainish New Lock Fastener, no button. hook required, and at prices within the reach of all. Other gloves in stock- at 50e., 75c. and $1 and *1.25, no butter value any whore. And don't forgot to tako a look at our Ladios;and Chifdron's WOOL VESTS, FASCI- NATORS, HOODS and Caps.'Soo oar Grey FLANNEL at 18c., and our job lino of DRESS GOODS and HOSIERY. Now a word about showing goods --that is precisely what wo aro hero fo'r',; and wo want you all to come in and soo tho beauty and desira- bility of our many oxclusivo styles, no matter if you do not wish to purchase today, come in and wo wi11 gladly show you somo convin- core that will toll you where to come some other day. BUTTER FAIZEN IN TRADE, ileesley's Great Millinery Emporium. rothers9 iTlic talc lipt[Old TATTERS and FURPTIRS,CLIVTON .