The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-06, Page 5LM IN MEXICO, 11� f Fun on a grand scale -a farm i L of no sivall dinieusions- 1 other notes, Written by u Canadian.) � / There are farms and then again there aj are farms. I have travelled from Maine to Texas and from the Missouri jy Riser to Beachville, but never in all these wanderings have I seen such P parr,"' farms as there are in Mexico, and with - f your permission 1 shall, through the columns of your valuable paper give " •e WHAT INIEDI6INES AUE IiIOST the reading public throughout the world CALLED FOIL? is my experience of a week spent at a asked the reporter of an old druggist. Mexican hacioula, A few dayB ago hav- "Dr. Pierce's preparations," he replied. ing received an in'vitatiou to visit one They are sold under a positive guar. of these green garden enclosures and, antee that they will, in every caseglue thinking it a good scheme for getting a eatiafao'too, or the money is promptly re- week's board, I started out III company' funded. His'Favorite Prescription,' for all those chronic weakneases, nervous and other with some fri n , prepared for new ex- derangemeute peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear- disem res. Arriving at the station for ing-down sensations, irregularities and wools disembarkation the were met by a coach nerves common to the sex, and beinq th and five cream horses t,) take as the re- nost perfect of tonic medicines bullda up mainder of the way. They landed us r,nd strengthens the entire system. The de- at the haciertJrc on the deed run, having utand for it is constant, and I urn conversant I with scores of cases cured by it." accomplished tau miles is considerable Returning after a few moments' absence,less that an hour. To us who were not the venerable wielder of the pestle remarked, brought u in the lap of luxury and in the number of sarsaparillas and other, so- g P Iled, • blood medicines' is legion; but Dr, the midst of splendor everything seemed ••rce's Golden hredieat Discovery outsells includingthe in all and it is the onlyblood-purpler out palatial. Everything, mahogany and rosewood furniture, ' the many which I nm obliged to keep upon e y n shelves, that is gsdfaranteed to honest orrlhone with kaleidosc epic brilliancy. re in all cases for which it is recommended, The queen of all thio magufficeuce is •. money paid for it is refunded." In the line of Pills," remarked the old gen- waited upon by no less than eleven ser• u r:eman, • the little Sugar- coated 'Pellets' vants wlio, according to-Cwsar's ideal, I ut up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in come at the beck and nod. The pro. ,mount of sales and the general satisfaction illiouar. Bays, "sour they give my customers." P,later, tubo is a mour servant." Im- COpyrlglit, IBM, by WORLD'S Dis. WED. AWN. mind me, I am y agine me with a servant worth a util• ,• 1i lion or more gild all I }rave ie two dol- 00OFFERED l irs and s xseen cents -b inside pocket I However, 1 threw -back my ears and swelled out my chest with the t,it4 for an' incurable case of ea. appearance of one built that way. I ^ tarrh to the Hoad by thewould recommend tbat kind Of servant proprietors ,.t' Dr. i nge's Catarrh Remedy, by to all visiting Mexico, they are so kind, its mild, sonthfutr and healing properties, it cures the wnr61 c•uses, n0 matter of how long so convenient and make one feel so o 4tanding. 1.3. dru,:gists, w cents. "juke" like, you know, We were show..n • _ _ _- _,_„ to our room,especially prepared for'us, and found on a tabT— - box bf fine cigars, a supply l a bottled lemon- ade and a bottottlee of of ice -water labelled SAL ESMEN champagne. The box of cigars I hit WANTED. for three bases the first time and con - Having done business in Canada for over Coned making 1a3e hits and home runs 90 years, our reputation and responsiblity during our sojourn. As for the ice-wat- is well known, `i'e pay salary and expenses d �d �ilwAtlkee_• lemonade I don't - ----- - t -i -e i' thin i - tisfaeto or - from thea art ! tiny g s as ry. No previs experience is re,lnired. write think it is anybody's business wha4 we us for termous, which are very liberal, before did with them. engaging with any other f1rui. REFERENCE6.—Bradstreet's or Dun Wimarl The "garden" owned by this sbrvant Co'a Commercial Agencies, well known to business men; or Standard Bank, Colborne, of mine conaiete of 47,000 acres and a Ont. stock of 640 horses, 200 mules, 850 bur. CHASE BROTHERS' C0\111A.IIY ros, 1,500 oxen, 2,160 cows, 600 sheep, Nunkirmyxr:N, 800 ; s 10,000 chickens—composed of Colborne, Ont+trio. pigs, -- — hens and roosters—cud 1,500 Indiana who receive daily the munificent Bum of While Bronze Monument coy, 12A cents each in cash r and 3 conte ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, worth of corn. Thy had lots of bulls on the farm too, bu I rues bashful and We have the only factory in the Do• didn't like to ask bow many. Twenty. minion. Our material is pure and fine, one hundred and sixty cows 1 Thinkof and is endorsed by leading scientists as it, Canadians, and no butter. Butter being practically imperishable. It can- apparently iS almost unknown in Mex - not absorb moisture and consequently ico. When it is brought on it is in is not affected by the frost. J. Baker very small quantities, and the quality Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L,, F. C. S., of is too rich for our blood. Hens are a Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ra. good crop in tbis country. They lay bility under all exposure to weathere'ga all the year round, Sundays iaclud- and storm is fully assured by its high ad, and never get their feet frozen. The quality. It is more durable than stone mules are of a tip -up varit tyt The pigs and will not loose its handsome appea• make hogs of themselves, the same as ante from' goneration to generation. in otherwuntrieS. The sheep are ran- finow of no other material which I ed principally for their wool and mut- equally capable of combining elegant ton they•furnish. The burros are small of form, beauty of surface and indefini) and cute. You gat on one atidyho places durability. his face between his front legs and tries Please call on or write to our a„ent f to kick the star.s out of the sky with his Clinton and see designs and prices b bind feet. They are really nice but as fore placing your order. a usual thing you are willing to cutthei-r W. M. GIFFIN, AGENT CLINTON acquaintance after the first interview. The oxen are used for ploughing, In Tar, ST. 1'Tt0]rAS WHITE BRONZE MOND. one field of about 30 acres 11 Sawn o less MENI COMPANY, ST. THOMAS, ONT. than 60 yoke of oxen, 60, men and 60 boys at work at one time. The first afternoon we sat around smoking our servant's cigars, telling what a. great country CSIlada i3 ancr what great poo- p ple.corne from there. .The next morn - for it �� t,; '• th;twi atll htVe( xinttdiati contingent and a I( ,Y." f' r V. @t ' t,-: their s.•rvants, The AlexiCalls are ideal I {' �, �,{� M .n i,'•'"' to horsemen. TIfO tutus we aped up till] aged 15 down dale, over Stone tvalle and irri a- ..� ''' tion d1tChes al ) 7�� I • i ices and rough 1.•t t" "` "' : roads, would make one di: to sae. I ` Vtl,`,�:e°sl;i�`d:r'.;�iF,1 stuck to it ; deter ulnad to Nhow. them T,=ithat a Canadian call sit on a horse's ,(( _171 1':t FYut : c`9 .t ta? • back, but they laughed at me because AKAi l -i :I ti l.7i g a{: rye r c + myself wand saddle. Ias somuch d tried to ht between that this was Canadian style, but they objected on the ground that I was i pounding the horBes• back'ofl. The bun iA' � Fh or'n., xe,' horse continued running and I pounding Clio , �� : �;� ' 7rnap.w ' ) 114.", until I pounded myself all out of shape. Ithe t� a, L'"•+�rtiw•,'t, r;y, l We ri:tnrnod about noon to feed Ithe I ° r•;t xt S, horses. 1 was a total wrec.. I pressed P7aC`'.ctt"wrr"r:'zo ��"d4rrvaarst--1 r.., myself together as bast I scald and dia• MUM EET�IIIu t'i.f;.:L•. , mounted. I tried to walk Bract like the G,_,?1'r s3h L , otbore,but found myself all ont of plumb 1,1; r Y ;7gfw Vin; xA My Pauls wire warped out of agape •nd •t% ve ta.� ,, a3aitr I had an impediment in my Pit- I r F ''ry►, a „r .;>r,�;rs %r tried to Bit down bat even the sofa -bot- tom chair g refused to afford me comfort. 1 Assisted by one of re servants I balm t - i1 ed to m rranf where I applied balm An r sea atw 1,} mv i I \^ h:•r"fi•' ,+�• I A ]arKr'�,I ' vurird prC„rar•1m,- of , tiTr� H.:tr• a 1 arnuvements had been prepared for our ground, while the gentlemen betweenl each dance went to the neighboring pulque shop for another load. One of the Binger, with a eAw-mill voice was repeatedly enoored. The music for the dancing was furnished b� the harpers from London. About 200 couples, oom- ppoBad of both sexes, took part in the dancing. The whcL:busindss fromlfirst to last had the appearance of a railroad smash-up. INVENTIONS OFRTHE 10TH The steamboat, the reaper, the sewing machine, Cars running by night and by day, Houses lighted by gas and heated by steam, Any bright electricity's ray. The telegraph's click speeds like ligbtn- ing released, Theis the telephone comes to excel it, Aud, to put on the finish, the last but least, Is the famed little Purgative Pellet, Last but not least is Dr.Pierce's pleasant Purgative Pellet,bocause it relieves human suffering, adds to Lite sum of human comfort, and enables the relieved sufferer to enjoy all thebles„ings and luxuries Of tl>,e age we lite ill. 10', 1tETRACTED. A Texas editor, having char;'W that tho father of a rival editor had been in the penitentiary, was notified that tie must retract or die. 1I0 retrac ted as follows : "`tie find that we wore mistaken in our statement last w"k that the Bugle oditor's sire had boon in the penitentiary. The efforts of his friends to have hit' sentence commuted tO - i{rrprisonment ...fol• life failed, and he was hanged.”— Texas Siftings. , Jfintvrd's Liniment reUeves•T7eur0,l9ez C. C RICIIARDB & CO. GENT91=l e'- tons -►der MINARD'S LINIMENT the best in the market and cheerfully recommend its use. J. H. HAanis, M. D., Bellevue Hospital. F. U. ANDERSON, M.D., L. R. C. S„ Edinburgh. M. R. C. S., England. II. D. WILSON, M. D., Uni. of Penn DOES GRUMBLING, l'AY. What is this business in which so many work industriously, and in which all the workers fail to make money, Or honor, or fame ? It fe grumbling. The grumblers;' line never did pay in this country. It never brought it man money, it never' gave him influence, it never made him 'usoful, and most assuredly it never made him popular( Or plous- ant. It nover pays In any Shape Or form. Suppoeing,ten able bodied farm - 0118 should meet and grumble in. I dustriously for seven days each i week, bow many weeks would it take to raise the price of wheat to $1 a bushol, working eighteen hoofs a days ? Supposing fifteen merchants should mea every afternoon to c;rumbie about dull business, how many days would they need to rneet in order to make business brisk it'they worked five hours at every sitting 2 Supposing{ a woman grumbles ndustriously about her old bon- iet, how many days would it take ler to grumble herself into a now ono if'sho begins at daylighteach lay and grumbles vigorously un - A 11:80 fit night ? Supposing{ a minister has a sal - try of $750 la year, how long, voul.d it take frim to raise his in- •omo to $1,000, provided he whin. A incessantly all wook, and put mo or throo vigorous grumbles. nto his sermon on Sabbath? Supposing a train is running on ilow time, how many passengers vculd be nO oded to increase the ipeed from 15 to 30 miles an hour, )rovided they Ali grumbled vigor- )usly at the rate Of 60 minutes ail lours for Infants and Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I 0"ka a carea.Aollc,lbn5tipation, 'rewommeuditassuperiortoanypreeciipdoa BottsBUomttcL,pinrrhoea, station, mown to me." IL A. Aitcamt, M. D., Hills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di - 312 So. Oxtord Bt, Brooklyn N. Y. Without fDlggestton, uraua modicatioa THE CuNTAUR CU]fBA_`1Y, 77 Murray Str,•t, N 1 J THE QUEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR 1889 FOY ty Ptt;;es of Beautiful Illustrations and Literary ivatter Coated Pttl►er, Colored Lithographs, niagn:ifi.cent Press Work: Handsome3Colored Cover. TWO R,ARGE SUPERB LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, in 15 colors, accompany this number, entitled FRIENDS — THE CANANIAN MILITIA. General Sir Fred, Middleton, in writing -about the latter plate says:—"I (must congratu- late THE GLOBE upon having producedso creditable a picture. It is very well executed, and appears tomo to be quite equal tolany fromhouie. The different. uniforms arecorrect- Iy given, find the grouping not too etifp." The whole number is, without doubt, the BEST HOLIDAY PAPER ever issued in tbis country, and much superior to the great majority of English productions. No Canadian family should mise securing a copy of this magnfficent number. ---PRICE--Bee.—To be had from'-a1fPewsdeu1ers arrclZttthe'nf13'oi"of'—` TnE GLOBE PRINTING Co., TORONTO' Orders from the Old Country must be accompanied by additional fie to cover extra postage • Y-0U'REAFTERMM,6,0NMMEy You have heard the proverb: "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." That is a cold, hard fact. A dollar spent extravagantly, or paid in overcharge, is a dollar knocked out of your day's earnings.A dol- lar saved in economical trading is a dollar added to your day's wage. We're Afte-r You With money irl our hands, in the Way of a practical premium for your trade. We can save you money every time, and wo will do it and demonstrate the fact. We can make a dollar ort as far as a dollar and a dime go elsewhere; that means that you are getting a premium of one dollar on every ton you spend with us. HERE'S MONEY FOR, -YO Do you want it ? Here is 7 A. FACT I\T. FIWA WOE, Worth your considering. .If you put money out at interost, eight rr cent is as big a return as you can •llopo to get; you probably will glaa to take six per cent on it Safe loan. But we ofior you ten per ant interest on every dollar you spend with us, and to spond money el,ewhoro is like loaning money without interest whou you might uivo ten per cont. Our goods are the beat you can buy, ogr•prices rite the lowest and save you,a dime ort every dollar. j r.he abot•o facts apply to out, stock any day, year in and year out— ill the time f)'on) •]:in. lst to Dec. 31st. Just rlimv two thud wo'bavo an over'stoc'k of Mah i7i11c11S Road RIB' adfiliTNATS, tY :'hoso wc;re bought hw and have been otllbrod at pricuS that we hought would hustle tient out, but the weather has beep against us. Vo claim to be able to hold our own against all competition in the bape of dry goods men. but unfavoj;;tble weather will down the best f us. The goods must be sold, the titre for selling them is now— rill extra inducements push them out? we'll try it, here goes. .'very OVERCOAT in stock no\O-marked at i higher price than $5, will he offered at One Dollar Less than the, Marked PHce wou), SUIT OF CLOTHES now marked lit a higher Brice than rix dollars, Will be Offered At ay- One Dollar Less than now marked. Soar in mind th it all out, Suits and Overcoats aro now marked •10 0 20 per cent below regular prRes, so with this gxtra cut of a dollar you salvo snore ihan one clay's wages by dealing; with its, i�ll����pl•�:�"7�C"�Rnnf :-e•�laie'.nsyriiied-rises w U 1 I ?i2•, :,: ` s ! t A&iil VQ.IIQIKI.L'11740. 1W 193i C. f1181rf9llBli ®il $9d Iif�Tf'�-LT91v€f iG�3'T9l1E bull weto e•' ectad from a large flock, atmosphere Bold, holy many "ho. - bull v>rn, s lassoed and taken into the barn -yard, wailing and lamenting'„ breethern SOOTS, oxallptthove made -by N. �'icPhaysen & Cc. C dn`P'.t3^tf•`�)7 i;ilf, $rc:.c . •r, flare he vas thrown,a rope tied around mould be necdod to bring about it Qe.��e Jt .c 'h.,t•w h.,,.,.w,,..13:'t,a',':? his waiiw and an Indian placed Straddle r GDur l'h:LT BOOTS aro marked latter th�'� you will neo efsowhorc. i't7 i a ti '•;. '", of him ){:a p:n; the rope with all his revival, provided they "bowaikyl Wo will five you rnore for your money, gt�ft"lity being equal, than any' might. The lassoes . wcro suddenly and lamented" at overy meeting 2 other hollse in the county. r •• s� T'•.7 ,�, r,„), .loosened; the bull bouudinK uP and for- Many simpler problems will OC- . -•- 1 i,i, !; S'i.{.:-13.,.'•.-,'v,r wlft•d with head down and tail in the ;III, to cve1. sod duet work ti!„•I '•'11 X11?�.'i4 1 1A01 air �,�,% %� air made a number of desperate lunges, y if. !f . W L. O � �Ld3 o �• :' , - !^"t"'„ ,'': ii.0 I'6i,!!: a .,.eltcceedod in making his horns come in thorn out incl Seo if the f{runl}iling ET1 contact with the Indian'.3 .nose and the business ever did pay.— [Kunxnn- 13 ground withtthe Inclian'apr.ostratofrom iail in G,tnada I'rosbytorirtn, 6-:1 hmnll )ircea of Indian were Scattered " 1 F•?!t q;, all over the barn -yard while the largest e 1.. r nr, „,; :, o •,•' piocrp of remains were left biting r a.. • ;r••I,;,•, f ,. + mother earth. The bail was not at all J:N OFFENSIVE BREATH 1'I1 l!UR �.i ,,; s,r ; t Rpt :.Ca• );nrt,rrhtl^ : r zr dfiy the fusion anpnttr,• I Sa,a, ' ►av p ct�o Vie. it Ino, distrcai>ipr,t only t.) ;'i T -i" i ,�0!_ ;i!" ul on tin tw( . lib n f,t^,' ,,,, fixe n �,, •�+r' ,•i :;;•., .,•, , 'the person ntlbetcd lt'ho havo tiny , r - ��_ pride, but to tho.ao with whom b0 Jr: r a ' '-f' i• _r `' �" ()n Saturdny rnorningne;rolled o:J of conies in contact. It i5 a delicate lltf1ict;[,11 P,11 i' 11 efts n orm, worm r:vta 1►url shove three a r c y — ...,_.'.I JL,i!u platter to speak ol',but it has part•="� n a miles to tin Indian rr,lLnl;. 1'hcrO A tS 1tI C l�, b r� , f I F'A f.J V Otl not only friends but los Ors.?<y t., _ wore, no lees than tl,tu tragion of y < t.,rerxrf "Scratch•cm•on•t1leBacics" launched Bad breath and catarrh are in- 1Vhnlera'e I.mp'tra of into the matrimoufal tror!d at rI^.r risme separable, Dr Sap's Catarrh DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES A58ESTG51'Plit8i7i,f'^u time. Thc;bridc:;wcr 'labrr t•iirsbaes a9 lientudy cures the vtot•st cases nw- 1743 N75E DAIL ST., fit ainPark,Int c, of 3c. print trimilieJ with eohwebs find thousands can testify', orange bl„ss )m The grooms wore 'these celebrated 5 )oetacit-s arc fitted in ever instance \cilli 11. Lan- l1ROTmTR6A1_. Fi�ICTtQt'1 I 3• Sandals uprnl thuil' f•.,,t and Crr"v,naof ,.�,..�-------- , ---•-Ate•-.^------- ^�' sauce's te,t, and a certainty „i'hein;• :,oiled is guaranteed. )•ou can . PULLEY BOARD, smiling glory nl uu their {ares. This I t le )end on getting the UI:NT.`1ti.F, I3. LAUIi,4N( hl �l'}';(",TACLI',5 ThrieaP.rReJFiir,t,,,,, complctcdthrcontumc, Thocerernon} ],!;TUR'rIU�I IU�1S111':1). 1 g -----��—•�•-- itself Ras interesting t,i onlookrr,but an T by calling and examining tbo st'oc'k at A I did not tal,o a Omrthand roport of the r�+ ��g���� J 1CXKS'k:�1N k � pnri-9 rhe .. language }cannot give, n drtailed den• 'rhe Lommander-iji-eltief of too R CA I T �? LU k' cr "i n. Our thing t nm certain n. Austrian Army is the ga wealthiest from memory, that the prirst was in• mtLt1 in Atrvtl•ia•Ilan ref• ' The a�ana :rr etrnctin{; them in the nrt of playing nthel •day', while on it tout- of THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE The ccremony waft r'elebrat- 3onnntru. r � i , ��1'�1Mile) q t0�.� . O in tree Indian Style the following inspection in Hungary, ho spentiN day, whentho grooms showed their Skill forty'-cig lit hours in a small pro. e PAPER. in horsemanship nh I all the friend:, vincial town. The bill presented ° �" Dt1J1S OSdS sh;ted in a grand fandango which NN -a- to him an)omited to seven hundred Open®�, ia1zt in I1 rIMTr.� BLOOM f held nl,On .i p<Iished floor unurr the and sixty-seven dollars. It tvaq {Arapping, WID��EF spreading brunches of the m ,wluilo y dtltal118, Q"' CCN ai �OREA7 tree. The incitation to the hall was by paid without a tuurmtu, but the NEX'C DOOR TO TFII'' CITY BOOK Ei'1'Ult.l., C!.' VT01V, a� — r lGiFl EA.7 printed carol, a collection bein r taken ,next day the officers of tho garr'i— EIAS, ,Art tip to (ItIrtty ctpensr s. The ar• Sr,n received strict orders not to BEDROOK SETS PARLOR SETS hO NGES Qe g1zEB �MHFED1 FOOD rived in the Intcst nt}'Ir Of s. 1 D g �o� TM cf� Home had cn their news, sf't font in the hotel in slue»t.ion, SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS &e `� Wa loo e< ••-••—• hep ago t011 Clotlics tSith tin pa '.nr1 f2)t• the next t\t'Clt'U mrntth, 9 1 `1 te, vJ rIGMTs �iUIRIT1e1JS E(PAGC O milit, ry hand will llo .Mowed 'rc ORDER�1 ^�"a"�"" circular saw and aftErr 4r 21DeD1asrhs Dn r'OtNEHFUi t York St}'l,', Ut}lrrs Fig ,0,;y in the torch. Iha " ANP' A r; l;\IsRAL Assrilrrafr:T OR T'}rl'b C1'RY ll1•.t'I DfAnR FlJli:dl Sl. ir=' �vl to +.Tera ), Roger de C ,, TURP; AT RRASPNAIUAP, PRICr•.s. punts rt , tbl nlakc the inn,.c Id111S; Fo{tis i, J the knrrs, but manus y ting shim bonnklrs in the dCatC,t t1'a'' irrrn firma Urnrhrs lttern1)tcd. `1 � � „ �V111It >I.a 14TV • D'A M S' EMPO DIU M Zj0�'•: 0: M6-F30R0 Now is the time to make money by calling on R. Adams and Vetting some of those "FINE OVERCOATS They are' great value. Handsome and cheap MANTLE CLOTHS. BEAUTIFUL DRRESS GOODS at prices to suit everybody. Best U_VDERCLOTHING to be found, from 40c up. Lovely FASCINATORS. Latest styles of.HILL- INERY. Large range (A PLUSHES• Every thing marked rlowrl to suit the times R. ADAMS. Oct. •l5, 1689„ — r-1'IIL L ING -- Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, ndert�•��.rs _..-_..._ _.. —....I' And Upho' lsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPF;C'IALTY, _ RedRockerFurnitureEmporium j i Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. 99- GIR1 OCEIRY-99 Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will, be Dept and sold at the closest margin. %Ve have a large stock of F�..i.`'•D +...moi . A.� -' .�«P wX A ,..GE . A- 8 Which the guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We xvill not N! undersold l►y any horlse ill the trade James Angus 99 Albert St. Glinlo'n. , r HALL* To make room for Now Importations, vo will, anti; Dec. 1st, GIZEl IN'PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASK on our lame stock of CROCKERY, CLIINA AND (I,ASSWARF. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA. SEMS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything•in this line should not miss the opportunity e•f r+c curing cheap bargains, tie we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offor NEW SEASON. JUPAN 72A at 4� osmis, Wr,Ah 60. We GEW. 2W I• td,LW27 -BLACE of 7Z cash, rmi th 40, ' We MW NIT A ' N W�YJ*X TEA at 20 cents' worth 35. XRW MuSA TE an -'I RA%3193, cheap, 2 BR is g for 25c. FRESE FINAN ROME, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c, Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. ,Give as a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. ia ROBS01'alm,CHI HALL® - _ _ ., _..._.�..�.. ._..f � �., _� � � -.,...rte ,..••..�—•'''�+ -- .�, tt tl O ULINT_N fid•. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, ()NT. 1"I ,A i5 1)u1,1jAicd every Fri(lay , it gives abont Thirty-two Colurat's elf Fresh. lZeading A,Iatter Ever' Weck ; Correct Market Eeports from Toronto awl ill this neighborhofltl ; has a Large Cirelllatiou 111(1,is UIlslllpisse(1 as an Ad- vertising Afe(lillnl, Will b(' sent to any wl(lress for $1.50 a year, in ally ince. D E PA R rI' M E 1\T T We leave°all the latest styles of typo for Circulars, Ale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction gimrantee(l. One trial is certain ,o 1)rilltg aiiother. E. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. I >!{rrr o LM IN MEXICO, 11� f Fun on a grand scale -a farm i L of no sivall dinieusions- 1 other notes, Written by u Canadian.) � / There are farms and then again there aj are farms. I have travelled from Maine to Texas and from the Missouri jy Riser to Beachville, but never in all these wanderings have I seen such P parr,"' farms as there are in Mexico, and with - f your permission 1 shall, through the columns of your valuable paper give " •e WHAT INIEDI6INES AUE IiIOST the reading public throughout the world CALLED FOIL? is my experience of a week spent at a asked the reporter of an old druggist. Mexican hacioula, A few dayB ago hav- "Dr. Pierce's preparations," he replied. ing received an in'vitatiou to visit one They are sold under a positive guar. of these green garden enclosures and, antee that they will, in every caseglue thinking it a good scheme for getting a eatiafao'too, or the money is promptly re- week's board, I started out III company' funded. His'Favorite Prescription,' for all those chronic weakneases, nervous and other with some fri n , prepared for new ex- derangemeute peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear- disem res. Arriving at the station for ing-down sensations, irregularities and wools disembarkation the were met by a coach nerves common to the sex, and beinq th and five cream horses t,) take as the re- nost perfect of tonic medicines bullda up mainder of the way. They landed us r,nd strengthens the entire system. The de- at the haciertJrc on the deed run, having utand for it is constant, and I urn conversant I with scores of cases cured by it." accomplished tau miles is considerable Returning after a few moments' absence,less that an hour. To us who were not the venerable wielder of the pestle remarked, brought u in the lap of luxury and in the number of sarsaparillas and other, so- g P Iled, • blood medicines' is legion; but Dr, the midst of splendor everything seemed ••rce's Golden hredieat Discovery outsells includingthe in all and it is the onlyblood-purpler out palatial. Everything, mahogany and rosewood furniture, ' the many which I nm obliged to keep upon e y n shelves, that is gsdfaranteed to honest orrlhone with kaleidosc epic brilliancy. re in all cases for which it is recommended, The queen of all thio magufficeuce is •. money paid for it is refunded." In the line of Pills," remarked the old gen- waited upon by no less than eleven ser• u r:eman, • the little Sugar- coated 'Pellets' vants wlio, according to-Cwsar's ideal, I ut up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in come at the beck and nod. The pro. ,mount of sales and the general satisfaction illiouar. Bays, "sour they give my customers." P,later, tubo is a mour servant." Im- COpyrlglit, IBM, by WORLD'S Dis. WED. AWN. mind me, I am y agine me with a servant worth a util• ,• 1i lion or more gild all I }rave ie two dol- 00OFFERED l irs and s xseen cents -b inside pocket I However, 1 threw -back my ears and swelled out my chest with the t,it4 for an' incurable case of ea. appearance of one built that way. I ^ tarrh to the Hoad by thewould recommend tbat kind Of servant proprietors ,.t' Dr. i nge's Catarrh Remedy, by to all visiting Mexico, they are so kind, its mild, sonthfutr and healing properties, it cures the wnr61 c•uses, n0 matter of how long so convenient and make one feel so o 4tanding. 1.3. dru,:gists, w cents. "juke" like, you know, We were show..n • _ _ _- _,_„ to our room,especially prepared for'us, and found on a tabT— - box bf fine cigars, a supply l a bottled lemon- ade and a bottottlee of of ice -water labelled SAL ESMEN champagne. The box of cigars I hit WANTED. for three bases the first time and con - Having done business in Canada for over Coned making 1a3e hits and home runs 90 years, our reputation and responsiblity during our sojourn. As for the ice-wat- is well known, `i'e pay salary and expenses d �d �ilwAtlkee_• lemonade I don't - ----- - t -i -e i' thin i - tisfaeto or - from thea art ! tiny g s as ry. No previs experience is re,lnired. write think it is anybody's business wha4 we us for termous, which are very liberal, before did with them. engaging with any other f1rui. REFERENCE6.—Bradstreet's or Dun Wimarl The "garden" owned by this sbrvant Co'a Commercial Agencies, well known to business men; or Standard Bank, Colborne, of mine conaiete of 47,000 acres and a Ont. stock of 640 horses, 200 mules, 850 bur. CHASE BROTHERS' C0\111A.IIY ros, 1,500 oxen, 2,160 cows, 600 sheep, Nunkirmyxr:N, 800 ; s 10,000 chickens—composed of Colborne, Ont+trio. pigs, -- — hens and roosters—cud 1,500 Indiana who receive daily the munificent Bum of While Bronze Monument coy, 12A cents each in cash r and 3 conte ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, worth of corn. Thy had lots of bulls on the farm too, bu I rues bashful and We have the only factory in the Do• didn't like to ask bow many. Twenty. minion. Our material is pure and fine, one hundred and sixty cows 1 Thinkof and is endorsed by leading scientists as it, Canadians, and no butter. Butter being practically imperishable. It can- apparently iS almost unknown in Mex - not absorb moisture and consequently ico. When it is brought on it is in is not affected by the frost. J. Baker very small quantities, and the quality Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L,, F. C. S., of is too rich for our blood. Hens are a Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ra. good crop in tbis country. They lay bility under all exposure to weathere'ga all the year round, Sundays iaclud- and storm is fully assured by its high ad, and never get their feet frozen. The quality. It is more durable than stone mules are of a tip -up varit tyt The pigs and will not loose its handsome appea• make hogs of themselves, the same as ante from' goneration to generation. in otherwuntrieS. The sheep are ran- finow of no other material which I ed principally for their wool and mut- equally capable of combining elegant ton they•furnish. The burros are small of form, beauty of surface and indefini) and cute. You gat on one atidyho places durability. his face between his front legs and tries Please call on or write to our a„ent f to kick the star.s out of the sky with his Clinton and see designs and prices b bind feet. They are really nice but as fore placing your order. a usual thing you are willing to cutthei-r W. M. GIFFIN, AGENT CLINTON acquaintance after the first interview. The oxen are used for ploughing, In Tar, ST. 1'Tt0]rAS WHITE BRONZE MOND. one field of about 30 acres 11 Sawn o less MENI COMPANY, ST. THOMAS, ONT. than 60 yoke of oxen, 60, men and 60 boys at work at one time. The first afternoon we sat around smoking our servant's cigars, telling what a. great country CSIlada i3 ancr what great poo- p ple.corne from there. .The next morn - for it �� t,; '• th;twi atll htVe( xinttdiati contingent and a I( ,Y." f' r V. @t ' t,-: their s.•rvants, The AlexiCalls are ideal I {' �, �,{� M .n i,'•'"' to horsemen. TIfO tutus we aped up till] aged 15 down dale, over Stone tvalle and irri a- ..� ''' tion d1tChes al ) 7�� I • i ices and rough 1.•t t" "` "' : roads, would make one di: to sae. I ` Vtl,`,�:e°sl;i�`d:r'.;�iF,1 stuck to it ; deter ulnad to Nhow. them T,=ithat a Canadian call sit on a horse's ,(( _171 1':t FYut : c`9 .t ta? • back, but they laughed at me because AKAi l -i :I ti l.7i g a{: rye r c + myself wand saddle. Ias somuch d tried to ht between that this was Canadian style, but they objected on the ground that I was i pounding the horBes• back'ofl. The bun iA' � Fh or'n., xe,' horse continued running and I pounding Clio , �� : �;� ' 7rnap.w ' ) 114.", until I pounded myself all out of shape. Ithe t� a, L'"•+�rtiw•,'t, r;y, l We ri:tnrnod about noon to feed Ithe I ° r•;t xt S, horses. 1 was a total wrec.. I pressed P7aC`'.ctt"wrr"r:'zo ��"d4rrvaarst--1 r.., myself together as bast I scald and dia• MUM EET�IIIu t'i.f;.:L•. , mounted. I tried to walk Bract like the G,_,?1'r s3h L , otbore,but found myself all ont of plumb 1,1; r Y ;7gfw Vin; xA My Pauls wire warped out of agape •nd •t% ve ta.� ,, a3aitr I had an impediment in my Pit- I r F ''ry►, a „r .;>r,�;rs %r tried to Bit down bat even the sofa -bot- tom chair g refused to afford me comfort. 1 Assisted by one of re servants I balm t - i1 ed to m rranf where I applied balm An r sea atw 1,} mv i I \^ h:•r"fi•' ,+�• I A ]arKr'�,I ' vurird prC„rar•1m,- of , tiTr� H.:tr• a 1 arnuvements had been prepared for our ground, while the gentlemen betweenl each dance went to the neighboring pulque shop for another load. One of the Binger, with a eAw-mill voice was repeatedly enoored. The music for the dancing was furnished b� the harpers from London. About 200 couples, oom- ppoBad of both sexes, took part in the dancing. The whcL:busindss fromlfirst to last had the appearance of a railroad smash-up. INVENTIONS OFRTHE 10TH The steamboat, the reaper, the sewing machine, Cars running by night and by day, Houses lighted by gas and heated by steam, Any bright electricity's ray. The telegraph's click speeds like ligbtn- ing released, Theis the telephone comes to excel it, Aud, to put on the finish, the last but least, Is the famed little Purgative Pellet, Last but not least is Dr.Pierce's pleasant Purgative Pellet,bocause it relieves human suffering, adds to Lite sum of human comfort, and enables the relieved sufferer to enjoy all thebles„ings and luxuries Of tl>,e age we lite ill. 10', 1tETRACTED. A Texas editor, having char;'W that tho father of a rival editor had been in the penitentiary, was notified that tie must retract or die. 1I0 retrac ted as follows : "`tie find that we wore mistaken in our statement last w"k that the Bugle oditor's sire had boon in the penitentiary. The efforts of his friends to have hit' sentence commuted tO - i{rrprisonment ...fol• life failed, and he was hanged.”— Texas Siftings. , Jfintvrd's Liniment reUeves•T7eur0,l9ez C. C RICIIARDB & CO. GENT91=l e'- tons -►der MINARD'S LINIMENT the best in the market and cheerfully recommend its use. J. H. HAanis, M. D., Bellevue Hospital. F. U. ANDERSON, M.D., L. R. C. S„ Edinburgh. M. R. C. S., England. II. D. WILSON, M. D., Uni. of Penn DOES GRUMBLING, l'AY. What is this business in which so many work industriously, and in which all the workers fail to make money, Or honor, or fame ? It fe grumbling. The grumblers;' line never did pay in this country. It never brought it man money, it never' gave him influence, it never made him 'usoful, and most assuredly it never made him popular( Or plous- ant. It nover pays In any Shape Or form. Suppoeing,ten able bodied farm - 0118 should meet and grumble in. I dustriously for seven days each i week, bow many weeks would it take to raise the price of wheat to $1 a bushol, working eighteen hoofs a days ? Supposing fifteen merchants should mea every afternoon to c;rumbie about dull business, how many days would they need to rneet in order to make business brisk it'they worked five hours at every sitting 2 Supposing{ a woman grumbles ndustriously about her old bon- iet, how many days would it take ler to grumble herself into a now ono if'sho begins at daylighteach lay and grumbles vigorously un - A 11:80 fit night ? Supposing{ a minister has a sal - try of $750 la year, how long, voul.d it take frim to raise his in- •omo to $1,000, provided he whin. A incessantly all wook, and put mo or throo vigorous grumbles. nto his sermon on Sabbath? Supposing a train is running on ilow time, how many passengers vculd be nO oded to increase the ipeed from 15 to 30 miles an hour, )rovided they Ali grumbled vigor- )usly at the rate Of 60 minutes ail lours for Infants and Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I 0"ka a carea.Aollc,lbn5tipation, 'rewommeuditassuperiortoanypreeciipdoa BottsBUomttcL,pinrrhoea, station, mown to me." IL A. Aitcamt, M. D., Hills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di - 312 So. Oxtord Bt, Brooklyn N. Y. Without fDlggestton, uraua modicatioa THE CuNTAUR CU]fBA_`1Y, 77 Murray Str,•t, N 1 J THE QUEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR 1889 FOY ty Ptt;;es of Beautiful Illustrations and Literary ivatter Coated Pttl►er, Colored Lithographs, niagn:ifi.cent Press Work: Handsome3Colored Cover. TWO R,ARGE SUPERB LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, in 15 colors, accompany this number, entitled FRIENDS — THE CANANIAN MILITIA. General Sir Fred, Middleton, in writing -about the latter plate says:—"I (must congratu- late THE GLOBE upon having producedso creditable a picture. It is very well executed, and appears tomo to be quite equal tolany fromhouie. The different. uniforms arecorrect- Iy given, find the grouping not too etifp." The whole number is, without doubt, the BEST HOLIDAY PAPER ever issued in tbis country, and much superior to the great majority of English productions. No Canadian family should mise securing a copy of this magnfficent number. ---PRICE--Bee.—To be had from'-a1fPewsdeu1ers arrclZttthe'nf13'oi"of'—` TnE GLOBE PRINTING Co., TORONTO' Orders from the Old Country must be accompanied by additional fie to cover extra postage • Y-0U'REAFTERMM,6,0NMMEy You have heard the proverb: "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." That is a cold, hard fact. A dollar spent extravagantly, or paid in overcharge, is a dollar knocked out of your day's earnings.A dol- lar saved in economical trading is a dollar added to your day's wage. We're Afte-r You With money irl our hands, in the Way of a practical premium for your trade. We can save you money every time, and wo will do it and demonstrate the fact. We can make a dollar ort as far as a dollar and a dime go elsewhere; that means that you are getting a premium of one dollar on every ton you spend with us. HERE'S MONEY FOR, -YO Do you want it ? Here is 7 A. FACT I\T. FIWA WOE, Worth your considering. .If you put money out at interost, eight rr cent is as big a return as you can •llopo to get; you probably will glaa to take six per cent on it Safe loan. But we ofior you ten per ant interest on every dollar you spend with us, and to spond money el,ewhoro is like loaning money without interest whou you might uivo ten per cont. Our goods are the beat you can buy, ogr•prices rite the lowest and save you,a dime ort every dollar. j r.he abot•o facts apply to out, stock any day, year in and year out— ill the time f)'on) •]:in. lst to Dec. 31st. Just rlimv two thud wo'bavo an over'stoc'k of Mah i7i11c11S Road RIB' adfiliTNATS, tY :'hoso wc;re bought hw and have been otllbrod at pricuS that we hought would hustle tient out, but the weather has beep against us. Vo claim to be able to hold our own against all competition in the bape of dry goods men. but unfavoj;;tble weather will down the best f us. The goods must be sold, the titre for selling them is now— rill extra inducements push them out? we'll try it, here goes. .'very OVERCOAT in stock no\O-marked at i higher price than $5, will he offered at One Dollar Less than the, Marked PHce wou), SUIT OF CLOTHES now marked lit a higher Brice than rix dollars, Will be Offered At ay- One Dollar Less than now marked. Soar in mind th it all out, Suits and Overcoats aro now marked •10 0 20 per cent below regular prRes, so with this gxtra cut of a dollar you salvo snore ihan one clay's wages by dealing; with its, i�ll����pl•�:�"7�C"�Rnnf :-e•�laie'.nsyriiied-rises w U 1 I ?i2•, :,: ` s ! t A&iil VQ.IIQIKI.L'11740. 1W 193i C. f1181rf9llBli ®il $9d Iif�Tf'�-LT91v€f iG�3'T9l1E bull weto e•' ectad from a large flock, atmosphere Bold, holy many "ho. - bull v>rn, s lassoed and taken into the barn -yard, wailing and lamenting'„ breethern SOOTS, oxallptthove made -by N. �'icPhaysen & Cc. C dn`P'.t3^tf•`�)7 i;ilf, $rc:.c . •r, flare he vas thrown,a rope tied around mould be necdod to bring about it Qe.��e Jt .c 'h.,t•w h.,,.,.w,,..13:'t,a',':? his waiiw and an Indian placed Straddle r GDur l'h:LT BOOTS aro marked latter th�'� you will neo efsowhorc. i't7 i a ti '•;. '", of him ){:a p:n; the rope with all his revival, provided they "bowaikyl Wo will five you rnore for your money, gt�ft"lity being equal, than any' might. The lassoes . wcro suddenly and lamented" at overy meeting 2 other hollse in the county. r •• s� T'•.7 ,�, r,„), .loosened; the bull bouudinK uP and for- Many simpler problems will OC- . -•- 1 i,i, !; S'i.{.:-13.,.'•.-,'v,r wlft•d with head down and tail in the ;III, to cve1. sod duet work ti!„•I '•'11 X11?�.'i4 1 1A01 air �,�,% %� air made a number of desperate lunges, y if. !f . W L. O � �Ld3 o �• :' , - !^"t"'„ ,'': ii.0 I'6i,!!: a .,.eltcceedod in making his horns come in thorn out incl Seo if the f{runl}iling ET1 contact with the Indian'.3 .nose and the business ever did pay.— [Kunxnn- 13 ground withtthe Inclian'apr.ostratofrom iail in G,tnada I'rosbytorirtn, 6-:1 hmnll )ircea of Indian were Scattered " 1 F•?!t q;, all over the barn -yard while the largest e 1.. r nr, „,; :, o •,•' piocrp of remains were left biting r a.. • ;r••I,;,•, f ,. + mother earth. The bail was not at all J:N OFFENSIVE BREATH 1'I1 l!UR �.i ,,; s,r ; t Rpt :.Ca• );nrt,rrhtl^ : r zr dfiy the fusion anpnttr,• I Sa,a, ' ►av p ct�o Vie. it Ino, distrcai>ipr,t only t.) ;'i T -i" i ,�0!_ ;i!" ul on tin tw( . lib n f,t^,' ,,,, fixe n �,, •�+r' ,•i :;;•., .,•, , 'the person ntlbetcd lt'ho havo tiny , r - ��_ pride, but to tho.ao with whom b0 Jr: r a ' '-f' i• _r `' �" ()n Saturdny rnorningne;rolled o:J of conies in contact. It i5 a delicate lltf1ict;[,11 P,11 i' 11 efts n orm, worm r:vta 1►url shove three a r c y — ...,_.'.I JL,i!u platter to speak ol',but it has part•="� n a miles to tin Indian rr,lLnl;. 1'hcrO A tS 1tI C l�, b r� , f I F'A f.J V Otl not only friends but los Ors.?<y t., _ wore, no lees than tl,tu tragion of y < t.,rerxrf "Scratch•cm•on•t1leBacics" launched Bad breath and catarrh are in- 1Vhnlera'e I.mp'tra of into the matrimoufal tror!d at rI^.r risme separable, Dr Sap's Catarrh DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES A58ESTG51'Plit8i7i,f'^u time. Thc;bridc:;wcr 'labrr t•iirsbaes a9 lientudy cures the vtot•st cases nw- 1743 N75E DAIL ST., fit ainPark,Int c, of 3c. print trimilieJ with eohwebs find thousands can testify', orange bl„ss )m The grooms wore 'these celebrated 5 )oetacit-s arc fitted in ever instance \cilli 11. Lan- l1ROTmTR6A1_. Fi�ICTtQt'1 I 3• Sandals uprnl thuil' f•.,,t and Crr"v,naof ,.�,..�-------- , ---•-Ate•-.^------- ^�' sauce's te,t, and a certainty „i'hein;• :,oiled is guaranteed. )•ou can . PULLEY BOARD, smiling glory nl uu their {ares. This I t le )end on getting the UI:NT.`1ti.F, I3. LAUIi,4N( hl �l'}';(",TACLI',5 ThrieaP.rReJFiir,t,,,,, complctcdthrcontumc, Thocerernon} ],!;TUR'rIU�I IU�1S111':1). 1 g -----��—•�•-- itself Ras interesting t,i onlookrr,but an T by calling and examining tbo st'oc'k at A I did not tal,o a Omrthand roport of the r�+ ��g���� J 1CXKS'k:�1N k � pnri-9 rhe .. language }cannot give, n drtailed den• 'rhe Lommander-iji-eltief of too R CA I T �? LU k' cr "i n. Our thing t nm certain n. Austrian Army is the ga wealthiest from memory, that the prirst was in• mtLt1 in Atrvtl•ia•Ilan ref• ' The a�ana :rr etrnctin{; them in the nrt of playing nthel •day', while on it tout- of THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE The ccremony waft r'elebrat- 3onnntru. r � i , ��1'�1Mile) q t0�.� . O in tree Indian Style the following inspection in Hungary, ho spentiN day, whentho grooms showed their Skill forty'-cig lit hours in a small pro. e PAPER. in horsemanship nh I all the friend:, vincial town. The bill presented ° �" Dt1J1S OSdS sh;ted in a grand fandango which NN -a- to him an)omited to seven hundred Open®�, ia1zt in I1 rIMTr.� BLOOM f held nl,On .i p<Iished floor unurr the and sixty-seven dollars. It tvaq {Arapping, WID��EF spreading brunches of the m ,wluilo y dtltal118, Q"' CCN ai �OREA7 tree. The incitation to the hall was by paid without a tuurmtu, but the NEX'C DOOR TO TFII'' CITY BOOK Ei'1'Ult.l., C!.' VT01V, a� — r lGiFl EA.7 printed carol, a collection bein r taken ,next day the officers of tho garr'i— EIAS, ,Art tip to (ItIrtty ctpensr s. The ar• Sr,n received strict orders not to BEDROOK SETS PARLOR SETS hO NGES Qe g1zEB �MHFED1 FOOD rived in the Intcst nt}'Ir Of s. 1 D g �o� TM cf� Home had cn their news, sf't font in the hotel in slue»t.ion, SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS &e `� Wa loo e< ••-••—• hep ago t011 Clotlics tSith tin pa '.nr1 f2)t• the next t\t'Clt'U mrntth, 9 1 `1 te, vJ rIGMTs �iUIRIT1e1JS E(PAGC O milit, ry hand will llo .Mowed 'rc ORDER�1 ^�"a"�"" circular saw and aftErr 4r 21DeD1asrhs Dn r'OtNEHFUi t York St}'l,', Ut}lrrs Fig ,0,;y in the torch. Iha " ANP' A r; l;\IsRAL Assrilrrafr:T OR T'}rl'b C1'RY ll1•.t'I DfAnR FlJli:dl Sl. ir=' �vl to +.Tera ), Roger de C ,, TURP; AT RRASPNAIUAP, PRICr•.s. punts rt , tbl nlakc the inn,.c Id111S; Fo{tis i, J the knrrs, but manus y ting shim bonnklrs in the dCatC,t t1'a'' irrrn firma Urnrhrs lttern1)tcd. `1 � � „ �V111It >I.a 14TV • D'A M S' EMPO DIU M Zj0�'•: 0: M6-F30R0 Now is the time to make money by calling on R. Adams and Vetting some of those "FINE OVERCOATS They are' great value. Handsome and cheap MANTLE CLOTHS. BEAUTIFUL DRRESS GOODS at prices to suit everybody. Best U_VDERCLOTHING to be found, from 40c up. Lovely FASCINATORS. Latest styles of.HILL- INERY. Large range (A PLUSHES• Every thing marked rlowrl to suit the times R. ADAMS. Oct. •l5, 1689„ — r-1'IIL L ING -- Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, ndert�•��.rs _..-_..._ _.. —....I' And Upho' lsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPF;C'IALTY, _ RedRockerFurnitureEmporium j i Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. 99- GIR1 OCEIRY-99 Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will, be Dept and sold at the closest margin. %Ve have a large stock of F�..i.`'•D +...moi . A.� -' .�«P wX A ,..GE . A- 8 Which the guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We xvill not N! undersold l►y any horlse ill the trade James Angus 99 Albert St. Glinlo'n. , r HALL* To make room for Now Importations, vo will, anti; Dec. 1st, GIZEl IN'PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASK on our lame stock of CROCKERY, CLIINA AND (I,ASSWARF. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA. SEMS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything•in this line should not miss the opportunity e•f r+c curing cheap bargains, tie we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offor NEW SEASON. JUPAN 72A at 4� osmis, Wr,Ah 60. We GEW. 2W I• td,LW27 -BLACE of 7Z cash, rmi th 40, ' We MW NIT A ' N W�YJ*X TEA at 20 cents' worth 35. XRW MuSA TE an -'I RA%3193, cheap, 2 BR is g for 25c. FRESE FINAN ROME, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c, Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. ,Give as a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. ia ROBS01'alm,CHI HALL® - _ _ ., _..._.�..�.. ._..f � �., _� � � -.,...rte ,..••..�—•'''�+ -- .�, tt tl O ULINT_N fid•. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, ()NT. 1"I ,A i5 1)u1,1jAicd every Fri(lay , it gives abont Thirty-two Colurat's elf Fresh. lZeading A,Iatter Ever' Weck ; Correct Market Eeports from Toronto awl ill this neighborhofltl ; has a Large Cirelllatiou 111(1,is UIlslllpisse(1 as an Ad- vertising Afe(lillnl, Will b(' sent to any wl(lress for $1.50 a year, in ally ince. D E PA R rI' M E 1\T T We leave°all the latest styles of typo for Circulars, Ale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction gimrantee(l. One trial is certain ,o 1)rilltg aiiother. E. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON.