The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-06, Page 4M .. dobbin 1J I , -114 W., . I !!1V.,1q,T- � � , M, . , I . 11 . . _ � I � : . � ; I — — I . m___1__-_ � I � . ­­ I 1111 i, I - .W - . "=t!�� . I w izl -, - , '" — - — __ § 40 _�r = " — I :_ " —0-11., I_Ry�f\` 79_11\�\w I LO VAIX , =_ \ --- 7— I& 4 = 4 gi\\ fid, L _ ,,, - =_ N\ we ....... ZE14 _,_,;I,�, ��\ J= = ZN . ..; _:\ r\\ �1C,1.,, . : Do-oartmentis not sur fferers ,� y ,t h " FROM Stomach and Liver derange- Thhee words as with a burningen, In tracings of eternal light p m 1; ti -Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick- Headache, and Constipation -find asafe U on the hearts of men. p ,W Have Hoe Though clouds environ p g cases where a ca. now, V thartic is needed, da, aa,% \. put thou the ehgdocv from thy brow - a v.,- - , dobbin 1J I , -114 W., . I !!1V.,1q,T- � � , M, . , I . 11 . . _ � I � : . � ; I — — I . m___1__-_ � I � . ­­ I 1111 i, I - .W - . "=t!�� . I w izl -, - , '" — - — __ § 40 _�r = " — I :_ " —0-11., I_Ry�f\` 79_11\�\w I LO VAIX , =_ \ --- 7— I& 4 = 4 gi\\ fid, L _ ,,, - =_ N\ we ....... ZE14 _,_,;I,�, ��\ J= = ZN . ..; _:\ r\\ �1C,1.,, . : Do-oartmentis not sur fferers THREE LESSONS. I__ 1�THE -` There are three lessons I would write- " FROM Stomach and Liver derange- Thhee words as with a burningen, In tracings of eternal light p m 1; ti -Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick- Headache, and Constipation -find asafe U on the hearts of men. p and certain relief illall Ayer's Pills. In all Have Hoe Though clouds environ p g cases where a ca. now, V thartic is needed, And Gladness hides her face in scorn, these Pills arerecom- mended by leading put thou the ehgdocv from thy brow - a physicians. No night but bath its morn, Dr. T. H. Hastings, sty of Baltimore, says: HaveFaith, Wher'erthybarkisdriven, "Ayer's Pills are the •ra best cathartic and The calm's disport, the tempest's ,- aperient within the mirth- re uh of my profes- Know this -God rules -the host of aio Dr. John W. Brown, of Oceana, W. Heaven, , - Va., writes: I I have prescribed Ayer's Pills in my practice, and find them ex- The inhabitants of earth. cellent. I urge their general use in families." Have Love. No love alone for ono, ' For a number of years I was afflicted _ E.But man as man thy brother call, . with biliousness which almost destroyy ed Ancgscatter like one circling sun my health. I tried various remedies, but nothing afforded we any relief until I began to take Ayer's Pills." -G. S, Thy charities on all. Wanderlich, Scranton, Pa. Thus grave these lessons on my soul- '• I have used Ayer's Pills for the past thirtv and am satisfied I should Faith, Hope, and Love -and thou years, not be alive today if it had not been shalt find for them. They cured me of d speppsia when all other remedies failed, anti tkieir Strength1when life's surges rudest roll, • occasional use has kept me in a healthy condition ever P., Brown, I Light when thou else were blind. since." -T. Che..ster, Pa. ' ' i Schiller. '• Ilaving been subject,, for Years, to con-,stipatfob, withatit being able to find JIGR lrcl's..Lini.mentfor. sal eeverywhare much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify. that I have derived great ben-, efit from their use. For over two years HARVEY HANGED. past I have taken one of these Pills -'— everynight before retiring. I would not . The last act in the Harvey willingly be without them." -G. W. 26 -East Main at., Carlisle, Pa:' tragedy was.enacted .aL.Hltel hBowman; . "Ayer's_ Pills have been used in my last Friday morning at 8 o'clock. family upwards of twenty years, and have Harvey slept • well and ate a completely verified all that is claimed for them. ht attacks of piles, het breakfast. About 7.55 ar�' from which I suffered many years, they the hangman entered his cell and afforded me greater relief ti°tanany med. icine I ever tried." -Thomas F. Adams, pinioned his arms and the pro- Holly Springs, Texas. cession, beaded by Archdeacon Ayer's Fallssheriff Aye Dixon, followed by the pl:soner, and hangman, marched to theplace of execution. Harvey PBEPASED BY lOOked dejected and only looked Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass up once as he neared the gallows. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine The prayers for the dead of the English church were said by the Archdeacon, during the perform- ance of which the black cap was A STOLEN QUARTER• fastened over his head, and the The Washington Capital says: rope was cut, and Harvey was swung between heaven and earth. About 85 years ago a little boy It was one,of the worst pieces of Was given a quarter of a dollar bungling that has been witnessed for spending money. As he at an execution. The weight walked down: the street, very which, lifted the body was not . happy, he met with an older boy heavy onoukh-•and the scaffold . and ,,showed him the money, not high enough to give sufficient haying as be did so : "'See what reho'und to break the 'neck and my good papa gave rile to spend." the struggles and contortions were • The older boy knocked it of the frightful as he slowly strangled to Llittle fellow's hand, snatched it up death. Those present could not - and;ran•away with it. The little but express themselves as to the boy way almost heurt•broken, but 'bungling way the executioner did when be went home crying about his part of.the sad act, The knot it his mother gave him another had slipped anti had caught in iluarter. This mollified hint, but front of the ear, .anti the gurgledhe never forgave that alder boy. " sounds frorn Harvoy's throat The war outne oil and the older colild bo, heard even outside the boy was given it commission in jail walls, anis many of those who the arTny, while the little one, too witfiessed the, execution' loft the young to e, list, remained rat pla(•e as Soon- as they possibly home. Moult}. After the tear the younger buy, - became a clerk in the wur Depart- • sxl•t.RIENTIA DOCET. nient. Within the past 15 years kir J IC Itourigan, after using Wilsons R•lld the older boy, who had beCOiliL' a S , Chun•v l4,) his family for eight years, ,vritey us that it hn.; never failed to euro Cougba, •Culda, lawyer and an orator, announeCd whoa)in;CCough or nrunehwA, lie wise, proltt b) theexioorlenitA of others, and u+e R•ttd Churry himself' as' it candidate for the When atiliutedkvithany suchtreublw. 4o;d by United States Senate and lie had all drurKlsts. . a largo following. It looked ad —'�� thou gh -lie might be elected. But one morning the newspapers in TIII; BEGINNING OF THE many portions of the country, . END. and especially those of his own State., -published it statement to .4,l horse and buggy came dash• the effect tbat the candidate had ing down Lilo street at such a been dismissed' from the army I reckless speed that thi; attention inr cowardice and other question• of all observers wad arrested. I able conduct. The lawyer denied "There's the beginning of the the charge, and extracts from the end," muttered nn old nian. "I records of the War Department wonder who'll pay for cigars and a were published, showing that liquors and fart horses for that the Charge was true, tie was Chip w1,on he's ,Apart a" that be- d not olectecl - _Anal .itis defeat wad. -1ony to kiiTn. ".�_-_ of which the following in an oxac! ropy . "I)o yogi ro%vmber the day you oul.raged a little boy'p feelings and almost broke) hi, heart by stealing a quarter frorn him ? That deed cost you a w,at in the Senate. 4•rlx n;enda Glassware, Chinn, Crockery, etc -. ---�» •--- --- Mrs Annio McGee, of 37 Sll)rley street, Toronto, commi(ted sui- cide on Friday by cutting bar throat from ear to ear. ;ll r..lohn Morgan. of Adelll;Ai•, hits been chlllven by tho Go)nxerva- tive convention of WoK01i(Idlest ', ',) 01T.use Hon, G. W. Russ in the coming election. .CATARRH, CATAR?HAL DEArNESS-HAY FCVEs, A NEW MOME TREATMENT. Suffr-rers arc not generally award that the:4o diseases are contagious, or that they P.m due to the presence of living parasiti•d in the lining membrane of the nose and euh'tachian tubes. Microscopic research, t howcw r, has proved this to be a fact, and �tho result of this discovery is that a itnplo remedy has been formulated where- ky catarrh, catarrhal deafness find hay %ver aro permanently cured in from one. I tbrec simple applications made at home* 1 the patient once in two week.:. •b.x-Thi9 treatment is not a snuff or an ointment ; both have been discarded 9pttt0"' p}tysicians ao injurio»$. A /,on hist explaining this now treatment nt on receipt of ten cents by A. }1. 't fieN, 303 Wrst Ring Street to, Canada.- Tn .,it" fdlnhr. q,ifforers from Catarrhal troua,ca Fhou!(1 I • • 1117 ••" s (: ult. 1;•,-og !sse . in t7-1-1 e Count -v . , natives wife were with him,J WHATCHRIST T:1L'GIi"�'. THE CURSE OF GAMBLING ��' '.4 ,, r Ffo,�� Fa.Cj'S dor �aMrs howled and bol ted. Ii w, t • - -- IN $UNGARY. s what was likely to follow, the I W. A. rI. Murray, in "The ,irena'ror ue- 1Mi�ORTANTA Panic-stricken niggers were hard- When he wasborn u u@w man- { imanorkable rustoratifar to #:etdltl�,. oo ' ' 'liven Known Can dime► whose C,#"* Theorists who assert that ' the r ly to be blamed. The good mid- ner of living, not a new manner were Gwen up anlaegpo,'.p evils of turf gambling are much Useful I ofrthe Soili'or rillml•a sionary had taken [t lion'd whelp of thinking, was born. When he to his bosom and the infuriated was born, a new life and not a From the few of the hundre(b 0,lgtk " public betting i❑ countries area whore ' 1 we have received fitom tbo a WlwLb. Vq public betting agencies aro tolerat;- POINTERS � ON AGRICUL- parents made their appearance on new creed, appeared for mens t ed should, says 'a London Times I URL WORTH the scene. The bishop showed guidance; and by imitating the been restored to health asci strength 4y� KNOWING. equal luck and )resenceof' mind. life, and not by believing a creed, the use of that wonderful discovvyj correepond@nt, read a report on 1 p the totalisatours which the Hung- Dr dirt and teal ' of it id not Dropping the eug, lie put up his were men to be saved. He did Paine's CelFry Compound, we' make a , avian Government is going to la Y p Y umbrella, and gallantly charged not take knowledge of men by few extracts. We hope that the tllou- g g y a bad thing for the pig pen or even the lion and lion@ss, dancin and what the believe,'but but b g what sands of Canadian men and women what before Paraliment. Advocates of for the floor of stalls. g Y ' 3 yelling as if he had been one of are suffering from nervous and w8st th•) totulidatours bf' Paris mutuals � they diff. ""By their deeds 3 o g '�' ar.) apt to euy that these institu- Pine boughs feel to sheep once the unconverted pagans celebrat- shall know them," said lie. He diseases, will profit by these true and tic as are as well managed as banks or twice a week are said to create ing some diabolical ri to. Terror did not ask men to believe in any plain statements of facts. They are, indeed, so well mann appetite, prevent disease, and irn- at the hideous sight and sounds form of truth; He said: ItBelievo D. S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered ed that. ns it seems, all the youth prove their condition. got the bettor of paternal in Ale, and you shall be saved.' for years with nervous dyspepsia, pain in , _. of Hungary, including schoolboys, Farmers are becoming more and maternal affection, and ,the I Il.av© faith in and copy 31y per- his back, and sleeplessness. He tried doc- , invest money in them recklessly more of the opinion, says the Rur- great cuts turned tail- and rushed I sonality ; incorporate My spirit tors without relief, was losing flesh rapidly, during the racing season, The al World, that it is the ,,early back to their lair'hi the forest,' ' in your body; let the affectien of and had about given up heart when he tickets, by purchase of which the ploughing and not the early sow- y '-"• -- 'your bosom, and you shall be mine commenced the use of Paine's Celery buyer backs a certain horse at the ing that makes the best wheat. Harper s Magazine. Aly heart make its genial abode in Compound. "Now," he says, "lam anew current odds, are not only sold on Rook Sult in large lumps is the ILLUSTRATED. i The dideiple was to leave father man. I sleep well and my food does Wei and mother and follow Him. hurt me." race -Courses but in any lottery most cconomiehl to use for the A new Shakespare-the Skakeepare I Tile anceatr•al habits, the effects Mr. Jas. Juhnson, 302 St. Charles Bar- •"-, office or tobacco shop. The report feeding box or trough. A supply of EDWIN A. AnnEY-will be presented) of heredity, the perpetuated Chat•- romee Street, Montreal, was weak and speaks so indignantly of all this should always be available where in HAMPER'S MAGAZmE for 18110, with had no appetite, and could not that one is quite; propared for the the animals on a farm can get it as comments by ANDnzw LANG. HARPER'$ acteristics of blood, the family nervous, pl MAGAZINE has also made s ecical at. selfiylitleds, the ride of trace.- rest at night. His nerves were suothed announcement' that the Govern- often as they want it. p p and alien thened b I'uina's Celery Com- (pent into[lds t0 ask parliament rangemanta with ALPHONSE DAUDET,, the these were to be drs lacked 1; Y for power to -abolish the batting At a recent- sale ofPoland'China greatest of living French novelists, for shoved aside, killed in them, that pound, and he sewn became well and! Swine reported in the Breeder's the exclusive publication, in serial form strop ' p they might.be free from the as g• ' agencies altogether. But the ,•Gazetto, 312.50 was aid fora half ol•a hi oroua,_atotyr,to bMtitled "'The he was fie('. ` '� "` "" Government simply proposes to $ p Ann 1i- Gr%urley, "bf • R1ver--Bcaadettr, boloniste of Tarascon ; the Last Ad - interest in a pedigred boar. The ventures of the Famous Tartarin.' It. Q., found the Compound a certain,cur,e restrict the sale of tickets to race -""i ' courses and to las the winnin r,l next highest prices were a boar The story will be translated by HENRY for weakness, and now feels us well as she• sold for $290 and a sow for $275. JAwEa, and illustrated by Rossr and ever did. , of the gamblers. This means that MYRDACIt. The Clinton New Era No farm hand should, be retain- ,A 'customer of Harrison Bros., drug - the Government proposes to abate W. D. HawELI.$ will .contribute q t, @d as a driver who is continually novelette in three arts, and LAFCADI0 published every Friday Morning by gist, °llsluilton, Ont., told them�that he $ great social nuisance by c(UPr- ttsin� thowhi I�urirr th@ warm I3FsAIt�t a novelette In two FEe eritYtled he -proprietor, Ao4T._ HowiE at-_b1s-. ' in t4, vested inte.re6f lit its mala- e p g p wrs" emirrly-Onred-of nervad -weag 1Yonma, handeomel illustrated. printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- tenunco. season horses shDuld not be forced. y on, Ont ►tae use ur two bottles of the Cound, Indllustrated papers, touching sub- The horse that is permitted to 'TEnus.-$I,50 after everything else has failed. leets of current intereet,and• in its short per annum, paid in ad work at a slow steady gait will be stories, poems, and timely articles, the vanea . The little child of Mrs. G. E. Meredith, , SORE DIVORCE STATISTICS, be more serviceable, and. be MAGAMNE will maintain its well-known rT�$ �RIleTTIi1TG 75 D Arcy St., Toronto, was cured of E i, - ready f01' work ever' day, standard_ Vitus' Dance by Puine's Celery Compound; r' Y Y 3 In every style and of every description In the Andover Review for No- For some months the action of' executed with neatness and dispatch, vember appears an interesting re- II:IRPEPe YLRIUDICaLs• and at reasonable rates. PP g frost and sun will try wood and ., Per Year: view of the government report on metal exposed to. their influence. HAIIIER'I MAGAZINR.. . . ..... . .... $4 00 WANTED 11 llni.ra a and Divorce in the Unit- HARPER'$ WEEKLY ...... . ...... •1 OU NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. ,'t; g Have all the implements in use IIARPEIt's BAZAR ................$ 4 00 ed States, 1867 to 1886." The in the fields been. placed in weath- HARPER'S YOUNG PE(PLE...... .. 2 00 1• Any person or persons who take a Alen to take orders for Nursery stock, pE t+ohd number of divorces grahted in er•tight promises 2 Thrift shown. Postage 1"9'ee to rill ,vameramr, i„ the paper regularly from a post office, saiary or Commission. I can n)ake a 'up, the twenty years was 828,716, an in.tho care of farm machinery adds tlrelfe(l b'taGty, Cti)uwttt, ar.1L";rirv. whether directed in his name or an- ce 11 ;i increase from 9,937 in 1867 to 25,- so much to the rofiit of the Crop' . -- other's, is restherponsible f has subscribed bed SALES MAN 536 in 1886. .The causes of divorces p p The Volumes of the lI:tii:ulNE begin or not, is responsible for payment. ` A liberal diet of sliced carrots with the Numbers for June and Decent• 2, If a person orders his paper dis are shown in great variety, amount- anti linseed meal with a mixture her of each year. When no time i$ ' outinned he mnct pay all arrears, or of any one who will work and follow my ill - in in one state to as high • as sev- specified, subscriptions will begin with the publisher may continue to send it• structions. will furnish handsome outRt g g of oats and bran, slightly wetted froe, and a g y the Number current at time of receipt until payment ,4 made, and then col. pay your salary or oommlasion entyfive. The average duration of is rocomended for horses showing n. every week. write for terms atonce, D. 0. I 1, of order. - ect the whole amount whether the pa- (;ggfl:t +r Nnrservman,'roronto, Ont. marriage before divorce is 8-97 signs of heaves. The hay used Hound Volume$Of IlAnprn"S ;l1AO' AZINE e'r is taken or not. s years when the husband is the ap- should be of the best quality, fed for three years back, in neat cloth bind- S. The.Conrts have decided that re- ' plicant, and 9.27 is the cake Of in small quantities and slightly ing, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on fusing to take newspapers or periodicals the wife. The largest number of quantities, g Y receipt of 4,+3.00 per volurge. -Cloth from the post office or removing and g wetted befit a being placed its the Cassa, for binding, .50 cents each -by leaving them uncalled fori prima facie divorces took plach after four years feeding box. mail, post-paid. evidence of intentional frtiud of marriage, but 15,371 couples A prosperous farmer remarks Index to HAnpER's Al.toAzli,n Alpha- �r, ADVERTISING I XIES. _ - after living together twenty years that when ha raises it crop he has, betical, Analytical, and Classified, for LOCAL NOTICES -fit heart of local . legally separated. It is a si nifi- 1 Volumes' 1 to 70,, inclusive, from June, column, 10 cents per line or portion Y p 8 to ship it to market to obtain a 1850, to Jiine;i� a vol., Svc, Cloth, thereof, each insertion. . cant fact that the average is con- sale for it • but when he raises a $4 00. 'Articles lost or found, girls wanted, scantly rising higher. The divorce horse the buyer Games to him and Remittances should be made by Post. &c., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents movement is most rapid in the north- office Money Order or Draft, to avoid ,each inserton. Five lines, 50 cants for i P buys the product, A little sense of ern and western states; then comes this Character will open the eyes Of chance of lose. one insertion, and `l5 eentsforench sub- .. the south, while in the older states p Y Address HARPER,\ BRe'l'J[I:ItH, Newyork Sequent insertion.1. hundreds of farmer in Canada, .and Houses to let or for sale, farnis to ' HE NDA' LU 4 the movement Is slower. This in- not before it is needed, either. Fredericton, N.t B., has decided, , rent or for sale, stray cattle and all �p g�• , crease is a,so noticeable in Canada similar advertisements not exceeding �PAVIM CURE , It is cod news to read. rho by a majority of 68 votes, that the rl and Europe, though at, an immeas , g + eight lines 51 for one month, and 50 �' ,�:{, 1 Farmers Review aI1(1 leaI'n that Scott Act shall not be 'repealed, cents for each subsequent month. , ; •; urable lower rate. The influence the potato crop of 1.889 is in ex- Tno fountain o£perpetual youth .advertisements without specific in- � of conflicting laws upon divorce is a wax ono of the dreams of anti frit ', structions, inserted -till forbid, t. •''t�� 11 1 cess of any previous year in the q ,i subject of grant interest. A uni- United Staten, Wefiwey our et'op It has been well-nigh realized in Special contract arrangements with form lacy for the entire country is AR not going to do quite 4u wvl1, y" pi p business )icon' y tai "x' h1. r1 w d lyarsa trills which untied ' --� stated to bo desirable, in order to se- , General advertising rate fur unulassi- I Patience and a is green at.sisted the blood, gives vitality to all the ttLe Wrist . a twin lnui Irrtrtsar ever nut cute legal status for the married p` b fled advertisements and legal adver- mverea,n;ttracertalnl:,7teairoctsa," does apt b by favourable yu)'tuundint x will bodily functions,and thus restores tisin;, lO cents per line for first instar blister. Rca,)prrn)rbetow. and divorced and their children, and yet get ahead ofthe bug. to age much of the, vigor and fresh• tion, and 3 cents lier line for each soh- , also to prevent fraud. Under the ser uent insertion, Offiz + C. Ci11arle., A. iwdl fieri 1 nld`+of youth, 1 i' �" D'ariu;; rainy spells.it is an ex present laws it is pcy$siblu for a man irL ['riutl. C. Carroll, )erhu fa Changes for contraett,i :u?ccrtt,: ::azsna.::� ` to obtain a divorce in another State salient time tri of erhaul the ce.11nt • 1 f meats most bo hu.nded i1, na early m •le. • ,. ,. , ' All (lt?ca 'in r wood ;And vegrottl le one Of t,lTl? UIl1Cat rlatlyC Inhflbl• t, C flaws .,, and Tr,'.,.r,; S: .,! :arses. Without his wife being aware of the 3 v b the wech a pns9ible ., ,m.ura ,l clr:u,., 4,3 matter should be removed, evCiy tants uf'Ingersoll, died andder).ly thatcveek. uta r,, J,IrevnaLtCot''7''''•: "': „'u,'Ba fact. It has'been supposed that the Wediiedd:ty. 110 nax been t1'04bI&I ,_-____, _._-_. - _ Lear Sirs: I hr,vv utwn-A i,rrcha,�• i Sour Kens t hO1C altli (:Diner thoroughly clean. -- Mall's $.ltviu r11re• n) r.. tour Ir,zon bottles r I part of the divorces of the with discarle of the heart fur dOtnu WoukrltfhA prttnal!)lnr•".'r ,tt.nta I thinkRis ed ails n liberal Coating OI white. nneufthe!u ; 11,ttnnntar,11 oarth_y'Ihave .used It ountTher were secured by migration. wash given to walls and shelves. time past and yesterday morning; r'.",:Ji.,Al) 7'I_dl; T,clsi,la inInyatetbirsrr•rttireAyeats. g l utas U'ul;, csous. ,1, 83TDtnt statistics show,however, that after breakfast and attending to A f'ew hours now and tbeA spd,tt K I•,,iicd fila I,(. I p , s the marriages of 289,546, out of the ao 9ae choreas in the stable, while y' %�, �-� IE,,:F � in cletutirt up cosy eav® Bayo of ������..,�- �,i„'�,�tl sD���aEa °` 3.8,716 couples. divorced in the 1 ee ar'in t0 ro .t0 his bur ines, •I'hed(,TMrtu1'eOf tritinsnt iltt ;+r�'rral v' tom'" labor' and lose from a £uni cellar. �' p fi - 1 Mi Ilk, -,,,v, N. Y,,.No'rersber3. is1s. utatlOns named, i$. pr•entdi),g in i!w -11 -Li. IIuiteri `hates in twenty years, took " down town he felt a pain 1[1 hid Irl;t off?Cial tinie ;:aril: LUi•prS4n:I,?.• 6ateas t,x4,t: o-i;lploP )ny a, Cellars whom riots aro }sept )lace all that country; and that 80.1 side and lay do%vn', In a ft, %v RopdAptntoupPspur[:i•rni•unRpq:•f,r!L.rA•Ihave ?. should be kept as CO01,a:4, loaslble LJJN'.4,x ttuvd it f„r ani"'.1w. ;"•lar' ,a,arnrn mod per Coat were married in the very' � minitLos after lie was Stead. IIt) e,, . 1pa,an(f 11 efnie,;!Itnru:onu,•e,reorQl• without freezing. Shoo d fitly GranU Trark Div,.4t)1, p, .v,mrn,).dli baa: SuvenL.^il 5tato their divorces were granted In. tendert(' ' to rot be Observed (flick- le'.tyed a willow' 1 (wing last f'ro-f \\'(; I Yollra truly,- c. n, (i,(,4,,-T%T'� '; Thy t'+ ,ort shows that of those who S 1 I I ' -•,1 y-� C'ow$,,71' Troy U,ulu:ry $tables. 7.43 a.In. ll),p5 R,tl), >.: naght another Sta,be in which to lime scattered over too pilus has '"� ! 1.'l5 n,. 1,'20 1 �,' gh) h3 t, been found to be of good cervico. i , 1.55V.M.r;.5; ' R�'� ' .a, ,L Ault )„i�.i rz•ta ` pros:.:, a diyorbol Illinois was the P• it•;• meat li txluently visited. Still In- It 1( ce�s the roots dried and shoals !1c,0 p.:n: / , Dn, ri. J.Kr'I.­N,-.-.'I AT'I, r Coir ,Oslo, Det. -!J -yam 4 ialia shows only 171.5 ler cent, of t}1C collar be underneath the dwell- I %ORTIT know'ng i1 that hlon(1 dig„ I•"i"tion, IIurt�u and tiro^e 1)sk'i;arn r;),•ubr, ITe,•I St 1n" uuty •., afv �: hat, have do no .__.._____.......__y !_..,._... ._1_1i,:,—tau.-d-i.k.i,rt&(4,4+sr�-.t-krn _ ;, _•.,-;,7A 4r•-0 ..�,••...t,.:...v+...a.a,..-,., i••: _v,,••,,_..,._G4,.u,.,,,�.r:..,.:,A,...l�lelth_�:uul_Kerrt:,,%,�sLa.•r., ••,_�-.v W .t7[arrTfX CTfg"" MCI ariI 5V-00iearit �- - v-, _ -.- -- ., In matntaTnitr,.*y'm! ffe;ti` l ,r,i` `Cfio l '`d A—r n1n' bra' a1fM.::.l. - _ {t ztr_�,i,sr+�.�i}=I-s�i+ri:�irirr;4;i m viii�r=TW1111'. ...fl t itr-• .4,l. 3 F3tN)t at1iC '1•}1 i•ratTi�dlt, per cant-.of-[illsher 4,l' - - _. - -- -- -- - , )Trrghum:--i-t-etfi--•y:•rfr•-•-n-'tt'z'r'M•,Y-�rrr•== � ,,1,�a�tssarr� r- ) �@' !v ' i'tt� W(71111�taVe ( {U fal)111 �M T1 e�8T1 e,r,l[r7UR. n , I,nr z• ar:d Y IlUtr, 1 i!w (tlfvt'- yolees'were granted for desertion, y• - ,/ "1 tion of 4,l, ::t.. i- llelle t•tlk'u ..10.42 7.d7 7, SJi 411It 1—"cu-n.,,runy kind. 1uw,! have Letiaae tat ti- speaker contomptuouxly, To fill the of}ico ut' jud gu is a )ti, > Blyth:..... tu.z 7.11 7.14 .fair Yuw',cruly. t.:LarivTIIorna, sixteen iter cunt for cruelty, and •) � t,;;\ � .. )' not ol,n,e:: 7,oticsburu ltl,l!1 7,O;t 7.L'!1 1.16 I IlomeDppa. ftntl thought. himself far wiser horse rine )'` ` oIIly four per cont for dninkenness, at the larlrer fairx is 3 h to+t,?i.tl,;, T: . ) S 1 ;"',I I +,t^l: i t Clinton . 10.00 'i.l'r 7.:) i 1. Ir,lf� ti 31 URI lhttn lr-•}) aft Old Gary, IIo could not the easy position Pt was a few firu0efit•i,i.. i.•4, i',';4,, }., F,r)t KENDAL?���A� These fi ares however, rove nosh- !r'" r nM ! ' r Va �aJ A, drnoltu. bossed, h0, smukin g ' p ears ago. A )rominent horke• " andplttwo)1i,,,•i„_ 1' ing R$ 60rn0 Httltes d0 net a110w Cll• y ' ,.-+.• f 11,1» t, 1.4 11” I.. Kippett .... I,;i•1 6. 1'i H.1•t !i,lE rrico0 rbottie, rrnlx;)uttie,for g5.AnDn :as lie drove past, fano int himself ' magi remarked at ono of the ](tie i - 1`' Henault.... !),2.4 c.oa 5 , R+ecshar,• torCan14-itrrn yut,,.rfawulbose p y voices for these causes at all. �= a .,;r t•1'i;f 4,'1. latrtt: I,,. r i.1,' j to any addressor, r+r,•1pt ,rl M(.c i)y rho pro ip�r the hero of thoday. Asforliquor, shows that it required a thorougil _` p� � 9�71”, Exeter .... • 1.Ir, ,.:17 s.5n r.a;( tOra. DtL1I, J hag, \ n,. 11u.l,utghFalle.V 110 drank cider, -' 1 s, _ r' .`t,r 1:•,1,!, .4,,t I Iran London.. „ 13,05 4,25 10.15 I r n . r beef- and ale with knowledge of all Pointy . in tho " ",!MIK_• ',,�7ilk,., r,:'.• tlln"Il',,f,_ , tial , SOZD s" ✓ i(,..I d "„? IIC DIST,-' the dash of an Old `sopor, and oc- Wm. 4,t' Rncl(erville, tato of horse to determine tho host atiinial ii•:'�'1'•.: ;"iV "In- wOt"I ht Neces my information eon alway9 be - casi Hall n Woodstoclr, ban rod himself in hid F,a., t; .,i[ir•+o-, ,d:bi sOcurerl r o y indulged In strongor bb now, xo muchhas hroodins, im )rov- ,Er....� , "- from the comptuly's agelits._ - potations. IIo -boasted of shill born at Mount Ploasttnt. Cd. This is a4 it xhrnlld hci Itn(1' ,-,.,.•',�` 4''4,; +, .1"'' I L,',.' 1'hc curly morning tram south, rnt 4,h,• 4 = ED ' . ' =ii "" London, }Iurrnrand Bruce, and the Oil(. ) .1 ,1' x lytics in the matingtoment of horr,efl, and The Bronc election has resulted titno will gh,)w t tlat cart tal(C11 ISo I , v ,1 ,-.,' •" •'. fl-vi'o ; rWAN , 1•i, i' Nursery ~ " ' 11.11," ltn \'vr,tr east on the Grand 1'runk,coru)ect Rt ytuck. All talked loudly of"'trots and races." in the return of England (Censer- soleiltin r afros of the hast l,lo nl ��' ;,: „• s da also the mornin trafnk q� r,• -.,d a Witt. 1J,;ii1 .'rr,•t, 11✓ Clinton,, f; rooto,l F(ltyT•-Cl:1:i.!. ,rrmaw,lit, pluae- Yet 1+r. was or:ly a boy, 1.1 years vativo) by 154 majority, itgaittRt iq the most protitablu fat' the I , ) 4,ZP - • . •rr1:. , r rnli,s : - nest soil earth, the 1.45 p.m. trains p❑t• t'rnrttn'•!r• i,.,.!.; n f r 4,h,• r, b,t men. g)- a',,e, an Ul 1'ahall, tt'Ith a few T•V J •t.'^'" 1n-rl ,;,, 4 ;1,:;,, 1.It•'4 t;w`(,i i^^, east and sons , and thr! GA5 .m, train (toed sidari- iw.i e•. F r z27 fvr 1, nch in 1i�8:i. This is brooder notwithstanding :1) ),:. I h p r"na" 1 1, woo)ay, 7 l i r ru•:.rly 4,.t^n ;r •,r. .: ,'u ,,ht;ir�r;t.•' nct;b, 111vi 13,7'3 p in. train ctekt. LibuzalLrdnri;^u, •,;Ai ,hnrinu+•rv. Noprev- t.}iqusarids of df)llars Awaiting his for aha (Zuebcc Local Il usu itntl cont extra ex Dose. nn roue cxrpri, nr";•,.,n,) burnt free., (, p ;:' t; bnitiv a.;1.' io Iva 1, a alt t h.h 1 1r ,It ,ljt)osaf. '!.'hero ,night be an in• leavers the fartic's ilt.& iw rt;4rv111,tnK;, un"1 I,;tvnl,r iris d vagi„n:i --_ . __.-.... write for t•9n1• Cr, N. Y. zr. I J the} An authority puts it 311 this rnmodh'4, hw)!J11.1.1- n:::!nt•,11 aatr'r4, i Cfl.ty4,., vnr-;-,n.,n.::.m:•,•:..Cr, N.Y. terpogi tion of Providence, scarcely were beforo. way : All the leaks in the wilhow 1.•i;vJ, i i;:cv: ,,,y an u,It•ertfac- 1 18949 i ..,'As 11.1per less bion rnir'aculous,to prevbnttho Writ. F. Surtellu, 4,)f 1VOrcoste,•, titablo are not in the roof, those mr+nt ul a t111ione•n hnt11 r 4,l""L It elan 11,14, I y, r�, +0 ,[t 4,r �j(y y91 natural develop Ment of Ghar'aoter; tvBN i1 • r , Often In floor al0 UItC as Ol) CCtIOn 1•, rtl rl•ltt!. S• I of this dc.nr+s4in, torn- I B�a pe s Tly ee14.A`�%• f ' p , trfOtnting, t 1,1lgil th a ria"c q I l"An', •tiler hong- safferin!t, by taking; ILLUSTRATED. ! but there) teas no reason t0 emp.-,et i'► a dime museum last r'cok in able, and arc the cau40 of a groat, Avcr't; Snrsapa.rilla, I thou decided to _ thix. Vicious and oxpnvleiv!) ha, 'vhich tho per'for'mer apparol'Aly Boal of wastage. Make the stable waliv a trial of thi„ modielne, and took IIAIIrEa'SWEErrr,thas uwell•establish• bites, Carly acquired, aro seldom l,pads the weapon with a leaden floor tight with a gutter at the 4,r Wit ni:trly for eight nun); ha. I ant ed lace as the 1padin illustratedNewe- p Pt+;r;o•i r, vas that it efTc•ctr/d a r(an- p !; abandoned in mature years, A bul,nt surf then requests yUn10 One 11o01s of the stock to carry it oil' to l'i1•"n coir!•, :u,•1 ri,at 11,avc,411Ice l:s.l ,,o paper in America, The fairness of its d moderate fortune would soon be to skirl ;tat him a )eai'in_r t0 catch an adjacent tank, or intrp a hes rtturn of the dijcaso.'° editorial comments on current polities 0 4 a? t pl f, r 1) Alm L. A. Stark,. lraslutawas, N. H, has earned for it the respect and cone. CEJ I r • . squanllcrod, wbile the demands of iho I,rfliot in his mouth. rTl is ('' much or Ot11er [tb,orbont. (e ,11 %. "9. r The Y: it,1 rLr n)tZt i.�m,l bein ennftnmhttolmlj } n' c of all impartial readers, and the „ (a s , c. ­g,ti 95 ep „ f appetite Hurl t.1,Q fevoritsli longing time tartelle failed to substitute*a Tho liriuitl voi(iin, aro worth, g y vat ety and excellence of itsyliterary 0 0 , wv s; y�,s for cxr'itement would remain,- pa:tteboar'rl bullet ,all(] Wni.Flann_ more (xomo taay one-sixth more) 1'o`"`e :ix 1',onow. I canto oltt of the contorts, whi(11 mclndeserinlandshort � it m .' i:g o° swh11n :,s vvr,v unuh debtlitate(i, cvlth no �� a a 1. � ..%04 o 4s Wat( it not easy 10 predict the stn who fared the Alli Shf)t-hit, pound fon• pound, than the solid a;,l' tits•, and rily t,)'I'tent lkordered iii stories by the bent and most popular" e R a; , r •._.'° g g, ® ot� s,., ond? A life of sin and woe, a dead. oxcrements, and aro saved with "`'''' )' t":1 I r 111II cncod t4,) use Ayer's writers, fit it for the perusal of the poo- . a a o a; ra 07 of«� ' Sar.inparillit and W "*,nn to Improve at ple of the widest range of tastes and "4 w'"' ° a T,. daaLb of des )air.--lntolli rancor, the greltt0A ears b. the bcs,t. l o�'C o91 .,.>- - ,. 1 A ITt,)dt amtlNiui{• tltlllf; w:t:i Y man, tlnfnin„ in ,,1-(•ngrth nnd,9U,)n re- pur,mits. The Wi-mimy supplements W y.ti. �' e a ,TOG• - --------.-0 a- � -_ OIICitOd in tl1C CaBH i,' 1%Slrrtlreat) fafnlers Lind raidnery, e(tv(.r,ni u),V nvuai hcrllth. I•cnnnot9a ore of rcmnrkahlovarlet Qw `)v 1 4i:44i$ f 1�a11T4,Cr 4,K, f y y, interest, and toll 111111.11 i» p):dse of, tlik, feel! -known value. No expenso is spared to bring (Z I e o "� n o'gh,E+a a E -E Gostir;an at the Wi ndur Uivit,iun ----.. _ r rne4icinw" the highest artier of artistic ability to " � m"mom Q�o C C I r,N o i1lrx bicttiiyh, vri(c of t})o Dred- Court oft liriday. The 1)laintifl' is , I, t -"I haYn taken a great aval of )nodi- bear npatttileillumration of the change- j�' s:� Qx 0 aw_.-y -law bytOl'itl.)t minister at, Col nwall,was a Detroit doctor and the defend LUCKY LI,i11Up, cine, but nothing has dune me ao Tu1 phases of home and foreign rn histo, �1��++v++ n'• r o - :3 K� r-:, as mnc}t gaud a4 t\ver'a Sarvararillti. I h Y l 4"�i 'i' 4) ":nA k,Cq , before tho Magistrato cIlarg'ecl with ant has been nearly blind for years r , -- felt its benoticial' effects beforo I had A Mexican romanre," frnm the pest )of v, i ti ,M F.M. '` a." • t;;: .o•Y' brutally ussalilting an immigrant When the Ilrown-Sequnrd elixir of L Ito u110110 • Of 'Reminiscenee,i r pito 'finished one bottle, and 1 can 'frrnitnR A. JnNvtr•.R, will appear i» the ,. C; 0 p, y .,i%? , llrecly fe$tif that it is the bt!,kt blood- �VEERLY in 181)0. 3�• 4, G i d "r,-, 's dG I girl, 12 soars of age, obtained life was in its zenith tho:Jafenclant Of a Literary and Clerical life Y 3b t�11 , ') co3,; e'M inedfeine I knnw of." -L, 1V, Ward, Sr., a e • . a 4,y r From the Barnardo IIOme, with thought a little info( i,ed in!o him tolls a FG(A story of Bishop Ilan- Woodland, Texa9. Iir\1tP1'I}l'81:1'LRIUD7('Ar„�. 1 i a 0 I P"� the log of r chair, and inflietin wonld brio back )fig n (x; r}it ningtoti, Ono day, whon taking . t►�r vt•ar I xevore wounds. Airy McNish al- 'Tho plaintiff injected rho rnixturtt, his walk shroud in the jnnglex, ho Ayers � ILtnrrn'ri 1�•r.,,;i(,,t•,,,,•,•,,,,•dal (10 - - ulit.ter1 hnvin chastise(1 rhoif1, but nO'gorui rexult4 fullOtvetl snit xaty a pretty lullO, animal which ��� ���� IInnrr•:n's ,t.to,tzts):,•,,,,,,,,,,,, q OO 1i,1Rrr• r:' RMI, . . ..... . ... . .... 4 00 . V9r hot denied in her, [mil was he refusod to )n unrna fawning u1) to him like it 4 p[LLrr— P.. 11mi •vat's Yors11 1'1:1uT,r...•.... a 00 �t � � 0'ft It -, , 1 y. .ftldtitnent toad itrriuitted, r,i"et, fn )tippy. lie picked it u aril be un tit. J, C. A er & C FR r lhr.pinirtif;'. p Y T',,."rmr )',„ to nU., J,.rr:?,,r, ;•, rh• I�' to f(n(11'l it. Who• xntn(•• I1lcepl;Sixr„rnt.),*), Qymsilto.nwlrr'y^endingus!rer' . ul;i-rl ,I'r 4,t,., 4,'n).,., , , r1,11, „ aJJdross. W,. ,'ti adson & co . I ..., NOWNIOL- , .. ­ I I Ak ohm - �� .. t t L. — ii __ - ,.�.._ I )1L