The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-06, Page 3e 1` it•rl!il'uiro;:i Menem -.Cooper & °obese goods --!estate Hudgdns + tte,gifte--W. L. Ouimette Ajtet beet-•-P1uxnsteel d„ Gibbiugs 'ea"'greeery—Geo. Swaltow 414413 offering -Jackson Bros Xxtlas exonrsrons-W. Jackson Stray steer -J. Govier Stray steer -Goo. Shipley 'axes -1` Neilane Notice to creditors --J. Wiggiuetou Robes -J. Twitchell Robes &o. -Johnson & Armour Xmas goods -Dr. Worthington Local notices -Chris. Dickson Heys lost -This office Xmas papers -Cooper & Co tee. • tom'' • FRIDAY, 1ll;CEeI131:it 1;, 1889. A Colrtst'rvative Soliloquy. (By assume 1 p. rut'•<sinn of the 'lean ilt t St,,.":,,t. rt If Mowat won't go, why Meredith must, Tho' we've stood at his back and in him put our trust, Till we're tired, and sick, and weary and sore. And have made up our mind to support him HO more Not the half that, %%as said against Mowat i5z Co., - In our efforts to prove that "Mowat must go' Didwe ever believe or even think true, 13ut we hoped at the time it would carry us through. The grim "LIttle Tyrant" has got such a grip On the hearts of the people he's.a hard one to Whip. We've trleci_ everymethod, eltore fodl thiiei the fair, .. And of Questionable tactics even more than our sharp. 1Vo'vil' no love to spare Mowat, though be- tween you and I, He can easily hold power and never half try For hie actions are honest, his purposes pure And for this very reason Lis party's secure So a change in our leader is the only course now, Tnough to change at (las laneturu will kick up a row. William Ralph is a failure, a Jonah is ht , And in office we're certain he never will be Mr Meredith "git"—take a ticket of -leave, No honors you've won—not a wroath will we weave 'Bound the brow of a leader who conics in at the rear, And cannot to olrtee his party boat steer. McCarthy'snogood, and Creighton's uo bet- ter, They either the bands of the party would fetter; Asa matter of fact, and right well do wo know The chances are slim that "Mowat mus: go' Conservative Associations aro donni ng their war paint and feathers and fur- bishing urbishing up their- weapons of warfare for the coming conflict in Ontario politics; so far very few Liberal Con- ventions have been held. The Conservative papers.. cannot speak too highly of the latest acquisi- tion to the Dominion Alinistry. This is well, but it might not be out of place to remind them that he is an American by birth and ecluoation`; that he faller- ing his sons educated in the United States, has invested in Colorado ranch lands, and wits named after one uf the principal singers of the American Doclaration of Independence.. This is the way to keep Canada for Canadians. Seaforth R. T. of 'l'. -At the • usual %veek.ly meetings of Huron Council No. it.; Royal Tempters of Temperance, held on Monday evening; la•,t,'the follow - rug ofacers wvere t•Iecttd for ,t -hp in - 'coming term of rix !nee the •-'1.11, Young, ;,C; 11i -s M. Belt. V.0 Il. J. O'Keefe, Sec ; J, l3. Pepor, Fin, Sec.;.S. Trott, Trees ; a1 rs \V, `acla'er, Chap.; li; Haxby, Past C.; rt,. Wall:ter•, 11.; J. Lowry, 0.; H. Edge, S. t lilt t'he'ist Lrreiseay.-Tne Nu 4 Literary Soot ty, held its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening The bubjeot, "Re - bo ed-eteat-tee lone of sight is a grea e' calamity than the I oast of hear- ing" 'The brill teeti1,e wee, supported eleeer, Lechhart, Penance, Hen- ,lereoe. M11cLei d and Hagg, and the negeove by \l.rs s Mete eger, Mur- die. and eltletu.t:. Dir Thos Lock- hatt oceep ed the chain and after ,utuniieg up rue arguments gave his dectsiou iu laver of tile negative. Brueetield. CNUav ti( Hr,OL EXAMINATION. - .'I public exam inattou of the Sabbath ttchcol children ut Iires' church, under the super uteueleuce of George 13aird.E:q,, will be held ties, friday eveuieg. CLOCK AND I.11 K n i:v -The Chris - ea n Endeavor h, at pee -cut raising teed, for the purpose of placing a el..tk and a libr;.r; in the Union c .urci,. Beth of t :est artichre tvould be of much service; MAI we trust that their atte,npt. iiay ;amt. successful. Four BAIL l'u 1Vtrlhesday even• ing a very iutere'tir;g gams} of foot• ball was p!n)e•l between tee pupils of ,S No 10, Stanley, and these of S. S. No. 3; Tuckerstnith, on the grounds of tele -'laser. During the entire time neither, ream scored, al- though ;,oine gond gal shots were trade by both teams especially by No. 3. The play of the goal -keeper fur No. 1C was e!ieelleet, Or otherwise No. 3 would certainly have scored at least three goats No. 3 is Much the lighter team but play a better team game. In a previous match, at No. 10, the -core Stood 3 to 2 in favor of No. 3. e.PoL1rr(:ae.-John McMillan ad- dressed a large audience in Dixon's hall,_.cw 'io.nday evening. At the appoiu,. d hour Mr D: Walker was ap- pointed chairman. After a few re- marks, Mr Mcelillan was called upon and spoke fur nearly two hours. He dealt principally wtth the two great questions, • Commercial Uniod and the -Jestnitar.--41e•is•-•s-strong.adpocate of Commercial Union and showed by a number of figures and practical il- lustrations that it would be a great benefit to Caaada, as a whole, and more particularly to Ontario, especi- ally to the farming and laboring class- es of the population. He next gave his reason for voting as hedlid on the Jesuit 13i11. He considered it purely a provincial matter and for that reason the Dominion Government had no right to iuterfere. His ex- planation of this matter from beginn• ing to end, Should, we think,be satis- factory to a number, who previously were dissatisfied as to Mr 111cMillau'e action in this !natter. Blyth. WLIA'r OUR BusINaSS MEN ARE DODO.—Anderson & Elder quietly at work getting things in shape forChrist. mas. The Mammoth House issuing circulars by the hundred --a bummer on the advertise. The Right House wondering what to offer in their next gift enterprise. F. Mercalf opening up and aesorting new goods, and sell- ing ChristmaslGlobes. T. F. Huck - step, Next ! C. Hamilton, selling light rifles and stoves. W. H. Mc- Bride fixing up his oyster parlor, J. Drummond, putting a patch on our boots. Slater & Sims, settling down to work in their new shop. A, Tay-. Ion selling fresh groceries and speed'- ing his horse. 'Mr Watson, the farm. ere' house. T. F. Gidley, chopping ,up the cloth. C. Chamberlain is kneading.. J. 1I. Hamilton, pills or fancy goods by express or telegraph,• Scott Bros., selling parlor suites and. framing pictures Jerome, the tailor, at work on our new suit. T. F. Johnson, the leading legal light. Hodgins is baking, Bell selling steak. 4Ioser making patent beaters Ja- cob Taylor, fexing'boots and minding the baby. McKinnon & buying produce tee paying geed prices. 2'lcalilien is sorting up crock- ery and groceries, stud T. ,Jones is killing to keep alive, and then melt- ing sausage out of 'ein. NOTE. -'rhe Presbyterian Sunday school entertainment, in Industry ilai!, tonight (F'riday) should be well attended, as it is the first of the season, and is held by the largest 'uncle ether,! in the village. The r. O. 0 T. Lave decided to meet on Wtuc relay for the coming two weeks; they met on Wednesday tnis week; ve understand the object in makiug he change was to make way for the abhath School entertainments; it is rumored that they are getting things n Shape for a Concert, and they can Jere • NoT;:s,-11r W. G. Duff's soil, whom we referred to last week a.• theneseuuwdy. it died -&n• -Thur: .max rr Ham mott, died on Monday morning last. Miss Mary Howell, of Berlin, who. has been visiting friends here, returned to. her home this week. Mr W. M. Gray, superintendent of Hee Methodist Sabbath school here, and Rev T.W. Cosene.took part in special -Sabbath school services at Blyth, lest Sunday. Rev Mungo Fraser, D.D., of Hamiltor, will preach enniversary sermons at the Presbyterian clitirch • R. Mitchell has a big auction sale of Manitoba cattle, at Milne's hotel, on a1eturday next.. Master John Hama - ton has embarked in the rubber etamp business, and is making a thorough canves of the town; go it John, there ie nothing like work, Rumor. says there is to be another wedding not far from Blyth, shortly. 'Tie said teat the man of oak is going into the • business. 'Rev. Mr. Oosens ave a very interesting address to the Methodist Sabbath school children, on Sunday morninglaet; in the even- ing he preached a practical, common sense sennon to the young people, which has been extensively criticised since; we think it is like a boy who threw a serene into ft pack of dogs, and wheu one dropped his tail and went away growling, the boy said "Thrt is the one I hit." The new' seats for the basement have arrived, and will be placed rn position before Sunday. The publie school board held their last regular meeting last 1Vednest night; before the next regu- lar meeting a new board will bave been elected ; oe understand that some two or three of the present members intend dropping out. Mr Geo. King has bills out for nn rum - tion sale of some villege lots, also some chattels. alr T. Dunn Ms the guest of Wm. Campbell this week. f Gular speakers of the day to entertain by lecture on some of the most Lnter- eetiug nuta..res, Holutesville. Miss .Elsie Pickard has been ap- poiuted urgaai. t ut the Methodist church here in place of E. G. Cour- tics., who bas removed to Dakota. The first lecture of the course which was to have been given on Thursday of last week by Rev. E. Sellerv, of Brussels, hes been pestpoued owing the absence of the lecturer. Tule was,ive learu, owing to the uon•con• nectlou ( f the train at Wlugham The disappointment uf the congrega- tion was pleasingly met ho.vever, when the Rev. W. F. ,Qtlmphell an nour e d that he would deliver a Ite- m' "The Wedding itiug." Thi hP did in a manntr which reflected cred- it on both the head and heart of the lecturer. The 1et.tire abuuuded iu racy illestratinus and good advice People ut all gra,-'ts and classes, from the aged spinster to the modern dude :..i Li draw u-efui lessons t it refro u Dungannon. We understand that Miss Kate `ltruthere Las obtained a situation as t•ather in Cliutou school. iyev. Mr haat, of Aubu.ru, exchanged pulpits with Rev. A. Potter last Sabbath, Mr W. Varcoe lost a valuable horse dur- ing the week, which he valued at the WW1 of $200. Quite a pleasant time was spent on 11touday evening when some of the friends of Mr J, Strotheria tenderd to hitu and his bride a recep- tion tea. 1\'e understand that the Rev D.G. Cameron has accepted a call to Strabine, The Presbyterian church is losing in Mr Cameron an excell- ent man and we believe a genuine Christian. We hope that his future labors will be crowned with God's richest- ..blessings., Another bale of clothiog is'in preparation by the W. M.S., to be sent to the poor. Mr W. Stewart, of this village, has sold his farm consisting of some 46 acres for the sum of 84,000, to Messrs. Berry, Cranford, Garrow and Proudfoot. Mr Stewart intends moving to Luck now, where he has secured a position in taking charge of a planing mill. We lose in Mr Stewart a good citizen. Me J. McQuoid hhs left the life of single blessedness and formed in the ranks of the benedicts, taking as his partner Miss S. Finnigan. The happy couple left for Stratford where Mr McQuoid has obtained a situation' in runningan engine. Many wishes for their future happiness. Hayfield. On Friday evening a large surprise party drove down to Mr W. Stinson's, Sauble Line,where they enjoyed them- stives until au early hour in the thorn- ing when they returned home full of praises of the kindness Mr and Mrs Stinson showed them. NorES.—Mr Thos. Jewett has bad a furnace put ip his residence and Dr Stanbury is also having one put in. Both were obtained Irom Davis & Roland,Clinton. One day last week. while a son of el r Jas. McLeod was riding a horse it slipped, throwing him under the wheels of a waggon, which passed over his body; the wound - is not thought to be serious. We notice by Toronto papers that Rev. J. G. Stewart, of Balder=on, brother of Mrs Dr. Stanbury, has accepted a• call to St. Marks Church, Toronta. Mr Jno. Esson is in town this `week. We are glad to notice that our town council have been repairing the weigh scales by putting in new timbers and fixing them up generally. Kinburn. Dlre Geo, Stanley; of Sault ?'to Marie,is- visiting at her mother's, Mrs McMicheal's, Mr Jtio, R. Murray left for his home in Oxford county 00 Thursday of last week, taking with hire two fine geld- ing-•, oue purchased iron elr J. Medd, tend the other in the viciuiny of Luck - 110W, Dir Munroe, ut Portage La Prairie, 'Manitoba, is visiting at Mr Jno. M.1', Mr Munroe has been 18 years in the prairie province, and speaks highly of the section. in and abous the Portage, His wheat aver- aged 23 bushels per acre this year and No. 1 hard. The pros' and o en's of the respte- tivo policies of the Referral and Con- servative parties received quite an air- ing within the walls ot'a private room not 100 miles from Kinburn,. The set-to was lively and interesting par- taking slightly of the declamatory, which a. ed nut a little to its impres- sions. rotection, Free Trade, Jes- uit Estate Act, and Provincial Eights a week from next Sunday, and on the g following Monday evening will deliv- er a lecture. Mr Imlay, who has been filling the position .of teller in the Beek of Cummerce here, left this week for the sunny south, where he will spend Mire thile, fer the befall: of his health. NOTEs.--Mr John Stewart', f: rm- erly of this place, returned home last week from Dakota, after en absence of about rieven yeare ; he is accom- panied by his bride and will spend the winter with his parents here. Mr "Wm. Carter, who has been working near Hamilton, is home on a visit to his friends here, accompanied by his coustn, G. Dennis, of Hamilton, Mist; M. J. Kinfield has been engaged to teach at No, 9 echool, Dunlop, few 1890. Mr J110. Chriaholm, who has his new hete'e now finished, had his friends and neighbore invited last Frioree evening ter a gem! house- warming ; although the weather tva stormy, quite a fano crowil gathered and ell Enjoy( „I the nisei vie keeping e time to the lively sefains reran John Thurloti. Mrs Jute Coe.k is suffering , at prestnt. with an lacerated threst. i Mrs Spericar, of Geea rich townrhip, 1, is the guest ef her daughter, Mrs A, William. The tall ;Aire of Hope i IA he, been busy petting tip a neat a t fence around and in front ell „ idence, which will Addeo its I t East IVItevairosli. ive repairs to his end Alpo making arsine improvements. 7,f'ss fury Henry is on the sick lie. flits Vf els° Miss 'Margaret Week, The )ccl.td, tor reorganization en Friley •try FucceaFful during the last two ertsoes and weeeexpeet it to be up to ts usual old Lae standard this sear lso, es there is a good surplus inneyon hand to start with. It he hetentien of the sack ty to secu he service fo.nie of the Litod p 1 of the parties participating in the dis- cussion was a lady, which says not a little for the intelligence and ability of the fair sex of this vicinity. NOTES.—Mr Thos. James and Mr. Jemes Cowden are the happy fathers of bouncing baby boys. Miss .Tane ' Black has been engaged to teach the junior department of the' Bluevale school, at the salary of (S225, Pt - traded meetings are being held iu the Salem Congregational church'. There is a good deal of sickne s in eifferent parts of the towuship. seourge of measles, while in other parts there are several cases of ty- phoid fever. Mr Henry Allen and Miases"Rose and Eliza Elliott, who attended the wedding of Mr A Elloitt and Miss Ostrom, at the residence. of the bride's parents, near Clintoeefand have since been visitirg fnenus in the northern part ot the county, have returned home. Many of our readers will be painfully sur- prised to hear of the death of Mrs 1Villiam Cornyn, which took place at her residence Monday morning. She had been ill for some weeks me not considered to be in much clanger till a cc ualq of dap before her death. She leaves a, husband and 'amity of five sons' and. two deughtere, who have tee syinpathy ef the entire com- munity in their f•ad l•ereatement. pludd lover. Mr Win. Ilailoon, 1,1aelt-milli of Rehm re, died of 1±• had beep sick for some time hut wee t., ppo,ed to IT cpt of anneer when he t,,, prored fatal. Mr and rs Albert 1, E,1' 't, who were marritll Tuesda) -ed' home the beginning ot I have commenced hr.n.e- e New Eire extend., its 's end hot wi.thes for Hata'. C Juhustou, non of M,r John John• ston, died quite unexpectedly ou the '27th of Nov. His death is eupposed to be the indirect result of a kick which be received from a horse more than a year ago. Hie remains, which were interred iu the Fanville ceme- tery, ou Friday, were followed by a Merge concourse of friends. MrsJohu- ston, who was unwell at the time of her eon's death, received a severe shock. She has since been smitten with paralysis, and is now in a very critical condition. Nu'rES—Mr Chas C Smith, who for some time past has been living on Mr James Prayer's place, has removed to Mr Northeet'e, where he proposes working the ensuing year. Albert Clark and T. Maxwell have taken the contract of cutting the timber on three acres of land into ccrd wood tor Mr A. Tuker. A meeting was heed in the FauvilleChurch on Tues- day , veuiug at which it was decided to hoer no tea•meeting tbii yearae %ca•, f. r i't!y, thea custom. NRS Net Arend TIlO Comity. 'r'ite Choicest Steaiinris• front oar Cotanty Exelleange's ids Iiobt. King has sold his farm; lot 1.3, Con. 1, Morris, for the sum of :8,- ;100. Lorne Hunter, of Brussels,hassecur. ed a position in the otlice of tho Globe newspaper, Toronto. Mr Jno. Evans' has sold his farm, lot 25, con., 6, Howick, to Mr Hallman, of Dumfries, for $5,550. Mr J. Greer, teacher of S. S. No. 18, has been advised to give up teaching on •ac_cbunt of ill health. Maitland Presbytery will meet in the Presbyterian church in Wingham, on Tuesday, Dec. 1Q, 1889. Mr P. Adamson, county clerk, has recovered sufficiently from his recentin- dispositipn to attend to his duties. The Cranbroh flax mill and other property was sold on Wednesday. W. Cameron, of Cranbrook, was the high- est bider, at $1,6.30. Mrs Geo. Ithynas, of Goderich, has received the 68,000 payable from the RoyaleArcanum on the demise of her late husband. Mr J. R. Balfour, who is teaching in Lakelet school at present, has accepted the position of teacher in the Varna public school,for 1800. it is said that a Morris young .man, who has'been sojourning for some time in the West, was held up by two high- waymen while passing through Chicago and relieved of upwards of one hundred dollars. Mr Iiarry Beattie, son of Mr James Beattie, Seaforth, who is now attend- ing the training Institute at Strathroy, has received an appointment for next year as assistant master in the Port Elgin High School. Three Brussels young ladies had a competition one evening recently iii eat- ing pancakes. The victor demolished 13 and is yet alive and in good health. The two others weakened at 10 and 11, respectively, so it is said. Last Monday Dr Francis died at his home in Chapman, Kan., after a brief illness. He was an old resident of Middlesex county but went West about two years a,o. Miss Fr.tnci•, of Brus. sell, is a daughtier• of the deceased. Mr James Dickson,who has held the position of mathematical master in the Seaforth Collegiate Inatitute,has resign. od his position there to take a similar position in the•BrockvilleCollegiate In- stitute,'tt a salary of $1,000 per year.— Mrs Donald McIntosh, of I?arpurheyil died on Thnrsday, after a long and painful illness of cancer of the breast. She wt as in her seveuty.etgitth year.— She Was 01:(• of tl:e oldest c+sideuts of this part and %vas a most trtlty wo• man: She had no family and her hue. band died a few years ago. Dh s Robert Lindsay,of Kinburn, died on Monday night last after a very brief illness. She had been suffering from a severe cold, but it was thought she was - getting better, but infiamation set in and carried her off 10 a few hours, She was 40 ytars oLage and was much and deservedly esteemed by all wl o knew her. Mr Wm Watson arrived in Goderich 00 Thursday of last week, accompanied by les wife and family, from Dakota.— Ile doesn't give a glowing account of the land of blizzards and prairies, and and after a residence in that section of about two years has come to the con- clusion that Gouerich, Ontario,Canada, is good enough for him. As a certain young .man was going home from tho Methodist church last Sunday evening two men stopped him at the entrance to the stairway leading .tiils.t4lirteia e,1 13 izi s ,_i,lock.. " septi-':IlirlteeskIr'i lentistire? `Stant ala.ibsnteuetb-lxi asaud- •eek --e' gold watch out of his vest pocket. In the meantime the youth had punched one of the thieves on the nose drawing the claret. After tho fellow had decam- ped a few matches were struck by per - tions who heard of the rumpus and to their surprise the watch was ?discovered lying on the grass, near the sidewalk, as if it had been dropped in their haste' getting away and as the night was so wery dark it could not bo found. tr( lM ff —Iii', tx> • NEWS NOTES. Evangelists Hunter and Crossley, have made over 409 converts at Hamil- ton in two weeks. Rev. Dr. Cochrane, who has been ill of typhoid fever in Japan, is reported to be slowly recovering. It is semi -officially announced a,t Hamilton that Mr Adam I3rown, M. le., Ins been appointed Postmaster there. At I3arnum's circus in London, on bIonday, the largest elegpant became enraged, and gored his keeper in the neck and bead, wounding him fatally. Last Sundriy night the hippopotamus in Central Park New York gave birth to ,young rub. This is the first hippopo. tatinis,,,evon thorn in the 'United States, It is rctserted that the position of lead adviser t ) 'a rl jam t of Canada, rendered VE,Le a. 11 tby the death Dr.Wilson heel boon tendered to Hon. NVilliem Ed win 1). KI rho died me Sattirdn y t brother's resijenco fit Marthaville. ?dr Kerb!, W,14 pentnlitInIO fer the Doni• ears bet v ,Infent, ati',1eh• •,1 1,-41 tin opprniion ▪ 6)91 iseielle▪ ieeeearal e 4.1e; „4 este 4,0, 11.1 ,•ine, III( 11 Ilna 14,1. 110,11 lieerit from COOPER �. STEEL RUNNER P JR 13.A.15 -3E- CARR,IA C -MIS Made from b inch Ste 1, X. L. Plated. Will fit all baby carriage axles.' Cut shows gear attached Simple and Strong. Price $2. 0 w•yryC:./a%P��"' eLse On Saturday a young man named Roberts, an employe of the Canadian Express Cumpany,was sent to the Union Bank at Moutroal to draw out the weekly pay for the employes, amount- ing to $4,800. As he was counting it a stranger pushed in and grabbed a hand- ful of bills, amounting to $500,and tled. Milton D. Kean, merchant, of Lindsay has been committed to the county jail of Victoria county for six months for contempt of Court, in refusing to satis- factorily answer the questions on hie examination as a judgment debtor. Kean was the sole member of the late firth of-F-3ftt Yt & Son, of Oriiliar which failed some time ago with a shortage of „(84,000. John Larseen,•a Swede, wlto lives on Woodhull street, Brooklyn, refuses to give his child medicine who. has dip- theria. The physicians of the Society for thepreventionof Cruelty to Children and the Health Department have de- I i 1\T" lE aided to treat the case as one of couta- gious nisease and get possession of the child. "If God wishes to give my child diphtheria" says Larseen, "Let hint do so. He knows what. is best, and I won't interfere. I wont give any medicine. I have another child, 2 years old, and if God wishes to give it diphtheria, too, it is his will." J.00 DETLOR & Co HAV!: SECT REIT A LOT OF oals 1 SALE REGISTER. Farm of one hundred acres, being lot 44, 2tui con., of Tuckersmith, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, on Dec. 10 Manning Scott, Solicitors for vendor. D. Dickinson, auct. auTeth,orolarcd and gr de cattle, property Mortgage sale of lot No. 7 Oth Con., E. D. Ashfield, 100 acres, at Martin's Hotel, Dungannon, on Jan. Sth, at 11 Scott, Vendrs' Solicitors, Clinton. • JOHNSTON-In Clinton, on the 2nd of Dec., the wife of Mr John JohnSton, McBatex.,—In Goderich township.. on Monday. Nov. lath, 1889; the wife of Mr David Mc Brien, of a daughter. HomiEs.----In Brussels, on Nov. 22ml, the wife of Dr Ilolmcs of a daughter. Egtnond, of a son, consin, on Nov. 21st 1.,y the Rev. Mr Bancroft, Mr Rat. Urquhart. of Ashland, to Miss Annie Smith former) ly, of Clinton. McCANN St. James' Church, Seaforth, on the 26th Nov. by the Revs. Fathers Shea and McCabe, Mr Peter McCann, of Hilbert, to Miss Sarah Neigh, of-Tnekersmith. church, Soaforth, on the 26th, Nov. by the Revs. Fathers Shea and McCabe, Mr Thomas Downey, of McKillop. to Mies Ellen McConnellrof TUckersmith COOK-GLAZIE11.-At the parsonage, Clinton, on the iith inst., by the Rev J. Livingstone, Mr T. II. Cook to Mise Lizzie Glazier. both of Goderich town, ship. DIED dav, Nov. 81st, 18Ha, Mary relict of the late Donald MoIntosh, aged 77 years and 10 months. nateshelovettewafteeefelefr- The Christmas Number of the Mon. treat Seen ie out and a shining beauty et is. There are three art plates and forty-four pages, Every purchaser is entitled to a copy of the groat picture, which oost the publishersfhree thousand five.hundred dollars. The price is only fifty cents, and is a lovely thing for a Christmas present. 1 001) HOUSE To BENT—ON BATTEN. kir BURY Street ; only one miuute's walk from Albert Sit„ _lately otteu pied by the We deraigned. R. HOLMES, SIM Nan '01110C QTRAY STE 11 R.—STRAYED FROM. '1 t4E sometime In October, a white year old Steer, wi;.11 the point of the right ear cut 011. Any will be suitably rewarded. J. GOV,Ir.11, '14 Q1 mete wet:mi.-Write Yen FROM 1...3 subscriber's premises, Huron Rom!, RA - lett, aUout a week since, a Red Yearling Steer. Anyouo giving infnmuttion leading to 1,4 reo0Very ho eititably rewarded The tax collector for the Townshin of Hui - lett will be at Ninburn on Due, 13t11, and at Londesboro On Dec, 1 1th, for the purpose of reeeiving taxes. An taxes not paid by the 1 1th inst. will be charged 0 emits on the tar addttiottal. THOS. NEEDINS, Collector FOlt 011 TO BENT. --141T- 1 er•ATI:9 on west soy of N ictoria. ht., con- talning seven rooms and Kitchen, with all apptirtenanees thereto belonging. P0g0(0- N1011 lot October. JNO, Mt (1 ARVA. 011t 11101r11,4111 per,on giving ewers. mu ho seinose nesere•.i. o. NOT 1. I NOTICE TI) CIIEI/ITI)/18,1 At slaughter Prices x Don't forget FRIDAY is SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY DETIOR 86 CO., CLINTON. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. VOR SALE on TO RENT,—HOUSE AND lOt. for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. The house, which is new, containS fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There Is also a good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains 1 of an acre. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises Or to MRS. C. CARTER, Lir OUSE TO*11.ENT—liesideuee 1.‘tely of William rued Prineess Streels. Apply to 111A1-NINCi a: SCOTT DWELL- 00000h:a Ily Mrs S. If. Rance. Tbe house and soft water, small et,tble and good gar- den. „Immediate ,possession.- Appl) tO It. 1. otter for sale the farm of 1 fril acres, being to the estate of the late Richard Cole. On the:place there is a frame house, good barn, stables, young bearing orchard of one acre: urst-dahs wells. -Situate about one mile west of Lontlesboro. About 90 aa.ris cleared_aml in good state of cultivation,— Possession 1st A.pril, Apply on the premises or to either of the Excenters 'JOHN COLE, Belgrave LOTS FOR SALE. 1.4,y en,. ,14.sirOOS of securing a c1,020, lot fot en! ling purnoscs, or lend within the. corporation well suited for pasture, should apply•to the undersigned, These low, will be Soil cheap, and terms made to snit the pur- chaser. Any reasonable time given for pay- ment Box N., Clinton . 104 House to Rest 1. lar, hard and soft water, is otlered.to reut 011 reasonable terms. Poane4Sion at once, Al- so the house formerly occuptol by the late iner. Apply to .1 11 WORSELL, at Harland Property for sale or to rent. Hogs and Poultry Wanted. An unlimited number of DresSed Hogs and Poultry of all kinds for a foreign market, for which tho highest market price will be paid. WM. KEYS, next to NEW ERA OSICO. miss Conolly, dressmaker, Victoria St., a fcw'doors south of Qiicen's Rotel. Dresses made or cut a,nd fitted. A trial solicited. All orders will receive prompt attention. XS Dress Making.. Miss Powell, dress maker, has started 011 St James Street, below Hayward's Carriage Factory. Dresses made or eut and fitted. All ordure will receive prompt attention. Having had several years experienee Afeet117isaelesibiallbeliebedof. giving entire Satisfaction. Londesboro Mills, Eidt has rented the LondeSboro MUM and ia prepared to do all kinds of usi11 work.' Custom work a specialty. 'Through honestWork anti fair dealing he ex- pects a good shere of the patronage of the surt•ouuding country. Flour and feed al- ways on hand. Will deliver on Short notice. Notice to Debtors. All persons indebted to Mr Albert May are requested to pay the same at once, OX they will be placed in court for collection. also parties having claiins against him are- re- quested to present the same, for payment. MRS. W: MAY, Clinton. BUSINESS CHANOE. Enka Mary ad blatant: Sub. criber desires to intimate tO the people of •Clinton aud vicinity that he has bought out the 13aking and Restaurant business of Mr Ring, aud svill continue the same at the old stand, OPPOSITE THE PCST OFFICE, Being practical man his customers may rely on getting a good article. A cottage on Albert St lately occupied by parlor, dining room, kitchen, summer kitch- en and pantry. Hard and soft water. Stab- le, carria,ge house and fruit trees. There are three lots on Maple Street besides the 0110 011 which tile cottage stands, making an acre 01 ground in all. 'file cottage and one lot will be sole separately if desired and on reason• able terms, Possession given at once. Ap- ply to MRS THOMAS COOPER, Clinton. . •. offers for sale the property I be him at Gotvrie, itt the comity of I emit. t consists 01 41, blaekS111101 shop do- ble end half•aere of land attached, Is in a epletelei biro( lig section, with no opposition ‘t ill be soli WP11 or Rit1.1011t LOON, Sethi- faetor‘ r0rit,011 for selling. For particulars epplv to T1108, LOBS, ifohnesville, or JOS larupertIcei for Sale situated almost, adjoiuing Clinton, on the Gravel road. There is a timall barn, This' property is very suitable for rt retireq fann- er or market gardener, there beit.5 two dis• Duct kinds of soil thereon. Tr.rnlrl and balance at 7 per rent inter( st. Vivre is no incumbrance on this propert3. Aiso. SPLENDID itoVtgE AND L01'. SITCATE on the ettst Earlia of Albert St., North, Clinton, The house n0110313» Parb,r, lour Bed. rooms, Pan try. ClothesCloset, (01, Sinn' 1.11er Kitchen, Bath and Lath !-S.00rn, cclinr, Soft and Ilarti Water Inside and olusitie. Lawn, Slitide Trees Barn. ete„ n!: in ?xeel- ',telt state of repair, 'reties, ens!. end Lbw, 11.1 enetimbratice on DJ pr:peil v. Adire.s Tile At inns 1/1.11114'11.1", V1'- 111111111 lig affilispos4 41 (11 lit iong, ill;; ‘110 etitiltl. Of the late order to (dose up the estate these properties must be sold. partierilnes anal terra,: will he made known tin appli- ration to the undereignerl. Socials 'supplied on shortest notice. WED- ' DINO CANES a specialty, MORTGAGE SALE. FARM : PROPERTY r be • lrt Ile of the power of sale CO1,• taii.ed 414 tr. certain biortio„,,,,. %illicit will be rrod..teed et the time of sale, ther0 will la, sold 16 Pithlie Auction, at the nt the hour of 1 1 o'cloek in the forenoon, on Thursday, lace. 19tb, 1889, liy David Dieltinson, Auctioneer, all and singuler Lot Number 11, in the Second Con- cessiou, London Road Survey, in the Town. ship of Tuckeremith, in the County of Hur- on, containing by admeasurement one hen - tired acres of btrul, be the sante nmreor less. This is a first-class farm in good locality, situate less than four miles from the town of Clinton end is 111 every way a desirable pro- perty. There is a good frame house and barn on the bretnises. Thirty acres of fell plowing is (10110 nnd aCren are in fall tv11011 1, There is upon the place rt.;never TT:1MS —Ten per cent down on day of sake teepee, in thirty /toys thereafter, A nt 11 per 00111. Furtlier ter1114 and conditions CHRISTMAS. EXCURSIONS Tiehet,, will be is •I•ietl at Si titzle Fare Faro and (hir•Third 210,1,1 1., onrIce, returning lino) Jan, 5, Sto if :its tea Ana's ( an 1)0 tiilicted For Pielees apply to W. JACKSON