The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-06, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH VOL.
the Whole Numberl240
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she could at that time. 1 left on Mon. sickness, and was purging all the time.
day. At different times Mrs Edwards Was in the room when he died. He
�1 wrote me, one letter in particular she was conscious the day before he died;
, Allcgd Cv,, I sent me being destroyed. I expect it was not %ble to use all parts of his body;
was burned in the stove as I am not in ' all his joints seemed paralyzed, his
the habit of keel-ing my letters; haveno arms especially. I was not there at
Snnunitr of, the Evidence copy of the letter, received after the time trouble arose about the soup;
Y 23rd of April. Tile contents were to knew nothing about the burning of a
the effect that if the doctors didn't chicken by Mi•s Edwards. I referred
taken at the Prelfininary know what was wrong with him before to the death of Mr Whitely, asking Mrs
he died he didn't want them to know Edwards if she did not think she had
>vsanlintttioii. after. I asked my brother if he told done wrong, who Siad "she din not think
. _—_ Mrs Edwards he did not want to have she had.'' She made threats tome since
- a post mortem after death, and be an- Whitely's death, during the time I
Mrs lal%var(lq (Whitely) Coni. swered •'no." I then wentand told her stayed with her, frequently; she also
that he said that he didn't object to an did before she went away, down at Mr
itiittetl for Triol. examination. She went and talked George Johnston's; told me that if ever
71 with deceased, and next time I went to I dared to tell this, she would do away
--- hili) he said, "I did not understand with me; she also threatened me at 'Air
Un Friday last the chief topic of con- what you said, and I don't want that I Gordon's, my own home, some two or
Y P done. I went again the morning of three weeks before she went away, site
1. versation in this town was the alleged the 23rd of May; brother died shortly said that "if this ever came out she'd
poisoning -of the late Hugh J. Whitely after I got there; froth was coming out make it the coldest day for me she ever
and the possible evidence hat would be of his mouth and Ise was unconscious; knew; she very often made these
thought Mrs Edwards, in the latter threats.
offered' in support of the charge. At part of his illness, seemed carl0lis about I Cross examination—First told this
1.0 o'clock a. m, the case was called be- deco ed; did not know what was the s�tory about'a year ago (bore all g,lave
"--- _fbre'-li6i H "1QoZ'r'tir`via` 1,ril �r&%Ma with my brother. I had a con. I is names of persons to whom she had
versation with accused since my brother told it,) told it before Mr Whitely died
J. P s., the public being exclnaed, re• died, Wo talked about Uis sioltneae, � to one young lady. I felt I should tell
porters and intimate friends of the and the reports that were going. some one, It was after the talk about
parties concerned alone being allowed ' Crpss examination—Mr Whitely said the soup that Mrs Edwards told me
he had spoken to Dr. Reeve, who told where she kept the poison. She after-
• w • ,.. .... -11Ir °1j, ,.t1- 1yQQrls}QCk1-APp�are. .hon his brat#aer Uad sdmetlring :wrong- ds put it in the ttedroorrs iFErs d
for the prisoner, and Mr Scott, for the with his liver, and was troubled with wards asked me once to make some
complainant. The information was jaundice. Had suspicion, from the gruel for her husband, and put some
read over, which charged that on or soup, that my brother - was poisoned; 1 arsenic in it, but I refused to. In the
afterwards had mV suspicions strength- presence of Mrs Gordon, my mother,
about the 23rd of May, 1888, at the ened by the apparent carlessness of Mrs Mrs Edwards threatened me, and also
township of Goderich, in the county of Edwards. About three weeks before in the presence of my aunt, Mrs George
a he died, or perhaps more, believe my Johnston, In reply to questions by lir
Huron, Charlotte Edwards, Wood- brother died from other than natural Farran the witness stated that Tier rea-
stock, did feloniously, wilfully an of causes. Made no enquiries because I soil for not telling the whole story be -
her malice aforethought, kill and raur- thonghtthere was nothinggstrongenough fore was that she was afraid to, she
der one Hugh Jame a 1Vhitely.', To to work on. Mrs Qiade might have. was frightened that Mrs Edwards would
made the soup, but Airs Edwards put it do something to her, and she kept it
this charge the defendant pleads d "not in the clip. The spoon used was a plat- quiet until she felt she couldn't keep it
guilty." The first witness called was ed one, with a little of the silver off the any longer. There was no ill feeling or
the brother of the deceased, William centre; spoke to peeve about the'scup trouble between her and Mrs Edwards,
iT, Whitely, who testified as fellows :— and he thought it was duo to the and she had not given her evidence on
apocn; this spoon was the third oar• account of any spite. She left Mr.
'Witt. WhitelJ''S Evidence. used; the others seemed to be till right. , i'lwarrls because she thought she had
My brother seemed to be well pl.uscdlivr!l long enoughwith a roman of that
I live atLondesboro; am brother of do. with the general treatment of Mrs Ed. I kir..;.
t, ceased; know the prisoner; wife of broth. wa_•ds. I was suspicious that my bro• Otlier Evi(lenec'..
er, who died May 23, 1888;•ill 7 weeks ther got poisoned at thetimo of taking
before; first knew of his illness by him the soup. On the day my brother died Dr Whitely sworn said—was
coming to my. place and trading horses; Mrs Edwards cried the same as the rest acquianted with cleccased,- II. J,
was lying in bed. with his clothes on of its. (Witness declined to say in what Whitely; saw him three times before
wheii I went to see if Ile was satisfied way she actecl't.hat wan unnatural.DIy his death, as a physician ; lot visit
a complained f a) 'n reasons for not acting on m suspicions about 1st of May; examined him., and
r. with the trade; e 1 i• ed o pain at g , yfrom the symptoms of the case it wa=
his heart when he lyse at my house on at the tiuro of'my brother's death, was
the l Ali of March. It was about a that I thought I had not sufficient evr- rather cl0nitecl what was the matter
week after the trade tlia I went to -see dente to work upon; heard nothing till Witt' him ; great irritability of the
him;, said• he had taker sick coming' about two weeke ago. Consulted tiro atomacls, tenderness over the liver and
from Clinton; hf., sickness was vomit- doctor since my talk with Misg John• intestines, ; pressure causer! pain ; no•
.ng, eyes were inflamed .and swollen, Ston, but the doctor did not tell me at tired condition o- his eyes, there wa;
. had severe cough and spit'sing; next saw ivlt what had been the matter with my conjestion 0f the inner coat of tlf eye
him sonlewhe�e about a week after brother; lie seemed beat to kno•.v. It 'lid, and he could not bear light of lamb
that; met him at the corner of Ilodgen's was about a week or inoro after tray very well; his mouth• gave eymptoule
store; he .'thiel George Dyke,had'been's death .that I•. advised her td of salivation, temperature was about
Dr. Reeve, Felten I islet them corning shcw propel•, respect for his memory, hiilt a degree below normal, poise
• away; said I>e had been sick ever since I I had during deceased's sickness a sus- feeble and rapid;. noticed nothing re•
saw him, and was worse, saw him again •Picion about the soup, but I threw the gardin� his skin on first visit; tvo:
- same evenitlg; I felt uneasy about him doctor off his guard. Dir 1Vhitely said eery nervous, complained of not haying
and walked acioss the fields to see him; that Mrs Edwards talked lightly about complete power of one leg; had pain
the symptomF of his sicknesa were, the the death in his presence and acted dif= in respiration;' considerable sighing;
same as boforc. Ile lyes si' int on E, ferently from any other woman he ever there was no enlargement of the liver,
lounge coughing, and hie eyed were still sale under the same cireuu).stancosi it was an exeeetlingly iiritaple and
inflamed; then went to Fee D'r. Reeve tc whichled hiir 0 think she was th,ouglit tenderness of the stomach. My
know what his trouble xvas; ho:couldn',t less about it. second visif was either the 3rd or 5th
eat anything; said he bac} a burning of May; made an exanimation, found
file s ) v 'on
an e symptoms, 7t01 S t' til the CCI! tl
feeling at itis stomach clivi a swept lii5�; Jultn:son':a lL'6-lclr+lice. 1 n U' P
; taste in his mouth; saw him again about MINNIr: JUENST,S, sworn, said, I knew of the skin, on the left "leg; he was in
the 1st of April, at, his house; said he air Whitely; lived there; first went an' advanced state of prostration ; and
. was no better; was thcro on the 14th there about e:ix months before hin death; I was more than ever puzzled at his
a `and 15th of April;' he e.eenictl sosne'Uet- was not engaged there, but girt; Ed. condition, thinking the end would;W
ter on the 20th, Sunday; saw him lion. wards and I were friends, and she ask. fatal. 'My 3rd visit was abcnt the 7th,
clay night; want to sit up with him; was ed me to go there; think it was between I was accompanied by Dr. McDonagh;
late when I got there; found him much the 15th and 20th of March lie was talc. made an examination,, symptoms were
� better. The persons in the ].louse were et) sick; I tkon made purchases at Mrs similar to before, but he was weaker.
LeonardHowson, Mrs Edwasda and Mrs Edwards' request; bought arsenic, as Did not examine either the mattex
Quade,mysieter; i sat tip with him, and near as I can remember, some time in vomited or discharged. There was
was to give him medicine and some soup, February; 20 cents worth; parcel Ivan very much doubt in my mind as tc
which I saw. Mrs Edwards prepares labelled, noticed the word arsenic on it; what was the real cause of his trouble,
the soup; Saw her do it; she set it in a took parcel home. Mrs Edwards said certainly could not tell what was killing
I cup between the storm door and the in- the arsenic wag for rat poison; gave it him. The symptoms . in reference to
side door to cool. This was not in the to her ; did not see where she put it; I Poisoning by arsenic would be similar
room deceased was lying in. No one saw the parcel again in March, between to what 1. found there. In cross -ex-
jelse so far as I saw had anything to do the 15th and 20th; Mrs Edwards had it, amination, he said that -congestion of
with the sorp besides Mrs Edwarda; she was putting it on Mr Whitely's the liver might produce similar symp•
gave some of it to my brother about plate. This was in the morning; Dir torte to arsenical poisoning but to a
midni ht; be asked'for it; placed cup Whitely was out; she took it from the much less extent than deceased had.
on tab a and looked at it; I thought it parcel with a spoon, and put it on the Ile was doubtful whether natural
looked too rich to give to grim; oil was bottom of the plate, and then put por- causes would produce the prostration
• on the top; skimmed it off with a spoon ridge on the plate. I asked her what doceased lihd.
and put it in a saucer. I then tasted she was doing; she said "she was going Mrs Gordon sworn, said, I am the
it, and said there was aomothfn wrong to give DIr Whitely some of the poison;,. mother of Miss Minnie Johnston,
with it; it didn't taste right. Either I asked her if she wasn't frightened, know firs Edwards; she was at my
Mrs Edwards or Mrs Quads sai to put and she said she ',didn't think it was grouse about the last of August ; came
_so It ' it hi h.' did ) a ted any harm to put a ilia ike that out of in and seemed to be very angry with
t > lie > w __ l... -i ,�, -�01
it 'again.*- the house lyse s roti e o re w0r �' us II fi b&W; t}ifi' siitno 'Mftmie about the talk there was around
me and was' afraid I migbt not get parcel I bought, it was in the game pa- town concerning herself and Mr.
salt, and tasted it, then tasted soup and per, and the -label was on it. Mr White. Whitely's death ; I heard her threaten.
said the salt had not improved it much. ly got this plate of porridge, I saw him ing, she said, ,,if ever this thing cotnes
Some one said to put pepper in; got got it and 'eat it. Thin was between 7 but, Minnie, it will be the coldest day
pepper and showed it to Mrs Edwards and 8 o'clock' in the morning, , Mr for you that you ever saw." Mrs
and asked if it was right and then put Whitely did not remain in the house Whitely told Minnie she had better
it in; then I tasted it again with a spoon any longer than usual ; do not know keep quiet. Minnie spoke to me about
left for the medicine. I got a strong, how long, IIe took sick shortly after the poisoning, about the last of May of
wild taste, something like verdigris; no eating his breakfast; perhaps a couple. this year; heard reports at the -time of
other sensation; gave ;t then to my of hours; came in and complained of Whitely'sdeath. I was back and forth
brother who tasted it and said it was L,oing thele at the stomach; vomit&h in the room at the time they were
not very good. My brother had the outside the house; seemed to be for a talking, do not know how long I was in
cull in his hand and afterwards drank few minutes; never knew him to be the room ; she was scolding Minnie for
the coup down. I then lay dA -n, and troubled this -way before. Saw Mrs spreading it. .
soon after my throat began to smart, Edwards once more give him some from lire Geo. Johnston, sworn, said,
and the thought struck me that the the same paper, this was just a few know Mrs. EdIVards; about 3 months
soup hadn't been good and my brother days after, about noon. She put it in since I spoke to bar, at my own gate,
would begin vomiting again, which he his tea; min positive it was from the Minnie, Mrs Edwards and myself were
did in a short time, My brother said game parry]. She put it in his cup, the only ones present; all I cagr�Wemom.
afterwards that he thought he would with stiff r, using a small quantity, bar was the threat she made to'Minnie
have been all right if he had not taken about v,l,i.t would go on the point of a which was "if this thing comes out on
the soup, as he had been so well all day. knife; site threatened me if I ever told me 1'11 do to you -1 won't tell what;"
He vomited several times between that it; said it would be just as bad on me and she called me out to ask ore if it
and morning; was up once or twice to tis it would on bar, if I told it, and she was Minnie who told me this thing
wait on. him. The soup I had taken would do away with me, Saw Mr that was out, and I answered no; my
sickened me and caused vomiting sev- Whitely get the tea; saw him drink it; reason for saying "no" was to the gen.
-oral times; did not see any one else he didn't usually take sugar, and the eral rumors that were about concerning
take the soup, but saw Mrs Quade and only remark deceased made was "that Mr Whitely's death. Minnie did not
Mrs Edwards with the dish in which there was sugar in it." Mr Whitely confide any great secret to me. I
it was cooked, and to the best of my drove to town that afternoon; Mrs Ed. asked Minnie about the stories and
knowledge took some, bion said they wP•r+l:• ,,, alcor to me of what she had she told me ; she did not tell me volun.
were sick; mas so sick myself I could dr 1 said, "likely he'd be brought tarily. •
not .pay much attention to them. [ he • A." I did not know whore Richard Johpaton, sworn, said, was
stayed till about 9 next morning,+, and the I' , was the ]louse. Mrs pfesent when tbore was a conversation
MY brother was sick when 3 left. My 11dwarde onco told me she kept it down between Mrs Edwards relative to her
own slhknega continued from 2 lir 3 cellar, iii a box of salt, in a tin box. I late husband, and Minnie; was out to
o'clock until morning, about 8, when I did not see her give any more of this to Whitely's on a visit, about Jan. 1888 ;
began •to feel better. I noticed that Dir Whitely. Mrs Edwards told• me I was looking out of a window and saw
Mrs Edwards that night was unwilling she gave it to him regular. We had no Miss Dodsworth and boy sleighriding.
to go to bed with my brother, an we conversation as to the cause of bar has. Mrs Edwards said io her husband ,'you
had planned,ad she wished to lie on the band's death. When he cam, home had better go and give that boy a sleigh
loun e; brother said', "Charlotte, come after drinkin this ton it was near dark,
� ride down the hill. "he took it as a kind
and lie down with me," or words to and he was sick, vomiting all the time; of a dig. Whitely turned to me and
that effect;"noticed also that when my did not notice anything; else. Mr Whito said, "Dsok,do yonknow what she flied
brother took nick site got out of bed in ley complained of being sick, auddid not to do on me bore a while ago," I replied
a very excited manner, and commenced know whet was the rpattor. Seemed no; be said "she tried to poison me
to blame my sister for making the actup to be in his -usual health that morning; with au apple; he said "I ate away at
in a dish that had the tin all off the his vomiting continued nearly all that the apple until I came to the core,
bottom; knew nothing of the dish be. do lit. Decoamd came to doctor next pretty roar the core, and by jovc,"
ing used before. The next time I saw Y. was alightly sick, complain* pretty he said, " that was the bitterest thing;
my brother was on the 18tb, at hie oboist his stomach; his eyes looped I ever got hold of in my life." That
house; received word that ice was dying; dreary and su kqn ; hoard nothinr was all the remarks that were made.
found that he had recovered from a fit about his threat •he drank a lot; was
or spasm or something of that nature. purging; be was •ging down that night; Notes.
L stayed there from Wednesday even- went to bel} about t o usnal time; hia
ing to the following Monday morning, color'was yellowish. I was not there Miss Johnston wag on the witness
MThepprincipal trouble at that time was all the tiro, he was sick; was away from stand for near four hours, and gave
that he could not eat much; brother did the 4th of April to the 19th; was there her ovrclgnce in a remarkably clear
not have pain, but complained of hot• from that time until the time of his manlier, not the slightest trace of
feeling in his liver or stomach and a death. IIe wan sings and eonflnod to the nervougnean being porceptibin, nor did
sweet taste in his mouth. Mrs Ed• the house all that time; he complained the crosg•exam ivation move her.
yards and I waitecim on him, myself Iris stomach; had no appetite; vomiting Dir. Edwarda (husband of the pr•i.
principally, inup
t she seemed to ria all Rept , off nnclon, al the time of Nig snort) was present during tile. examine.
ff ROBERT 1101-,NiPIS. Pubils
w l 41.60 a year in advan
tion, and ex resses his determination of Wilt rham. Belgrave,
seem the matter through to the end. I` b Subscriber bas a couple of hundred lush -
g g he third amateur eonteat for the els of that -class line, which hewlll soil cheal) Big sale of Dry Goode at the Royal Ho -
Mr W. MoBrien, father of the pri- It is suitable either for laud or building; pur. tel, Belgrave, beginning Thursday, Dec. 5.
silver cup came nffThursdaq evening, ,ossa, 1.1, LIVEICNIORE, Ho
Sonet, who is a respected farmer of gsback Line This stock was bought at a sacrifice and will
Hullett, but who isan invalid through 6th Inst., it ivakiug three successive Yard, nth con., Hullett. be sold at slaughter hrletpa. 4he entire
contests at ,the roller rink ere the I In our advertising columns the tax stook to lie cleared out at once as lhave
the effects of rheumatism, knew no- g only a short time to raisin and intend
thing whatever of the rumors floating cup could be won. collector has something of importauce leaving Belgrave a�s con as the stock is dis-
nor of the steps that had been taken (o�l[NO.-1Vinghacn, for some time so say to the ratepayers, nosed of. J. Tovell' ,
until informed thereof, at the time of past, has beet) agitating for another RM SALE.—Ji.r Johu G. Medd, who An elocutionary and musical con-_ ^�`
the arrest., bank, and it is very likely that such has moved toathu township of Elma, eery under the ir.uspices of the -Tem- :
Mr. Henry Steep, who is also a ma- a firm will soon be established and will hove a sale of.his thorough -bred Perance Lodge, N6..170, I. O. G. T., ._
gistrate, was present during the exam. conducted tinder the name of Scott & I st^ek, on his premises, lot 25, con, will be given ii- the Forrester's Hall
!nation and afterwards remarked that Halstead, ' 17, Hullett, on Wednesday Dec. 18. on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 10.
he never saw an examination that was RIGHT ABOUT FAcE.—A few weeks I The stook consists of tbrorough•bred The services of Mita Bell Smith, of ,'
more carefully conducted. ago a car load of horses was brought bulls• calves, cows, &c , and are'. all Stratford, and Mi T,' -W. Crawford, of
The presiding magistrates were into 1Vingham, to be disposed of, really andel animHlg, Ay he has rent- London, have been secured to sus -
about twenty minutes in consultation On the 6th !lista gentleman will be d this Tartu the stock will positively tain the elocutionary -c1
Fit the close of the evidence, and were g e P Y y part. The
tmattimous in their decision for com- here to buy a car load, if opportunity be sold, so that parties wanting stock Wingham Harmonica band and Or. ::"',
mittment, Offers, of this kind, should attend his sale. chestra will contribute to the musical ,,�
At the conclusion of the evidence the DEBUT.—Mies Jennie Duffield cele- Council met at Londesboro Nov. 30th Part. Besides this good vocal. talent .,
rieoner lyse informed that she could grated the eighteenth anniversary of 1869. Members all
p present. Minutes is being secured.
say ;any thing she wished, but was her birthday, on Monday last, by en- of the lastymeeting read and confirmed,---...--�
cautioned that the same could be used tertainigg her friends to a grand ball, The report of Mr John Britton, Chair. Iiippen.
against her at her trial, and she simply the young lady making ht�r entrance man of the Local Board of Health As the Methodist church is this' �'
replied I am not guilty. into society front this time trance made in accordance with the I?ubliu )
The coroner has not received instruc• forth., IIealth act Prov.1of Ontario, was soft-, week undergoing repairs, the Presby- i
_ - .,
tions to bold an inquest, but exl;ests to 10o,NIPETITION, -- !Milkman No. 3 matted to the Council, read and accep- 'their church kindly given the t ices.
• ' —— '{carted in Wingham on Monday lank. ted; the report shows that there was a their church for the regular ser. ices, �•
Stanley. There was a good run for two, who= f0ty cases of Typhoid Fever during the Sunday school at 1.30 p.m., service at
+ — th r ,year and one death from the same, al- 2.30 by Mr James Young,
HO�tt , Mrs Gregor A1r(rregor has a for three remains to be proven, so three cases of DiptheI and 0110 NOTES.—Mrs Peter Cameron, of .
returned'from her visit to friends in but Air Castles says he means to give .l
death this disease Navin + been eon• Stanley, who wn@,- b11ed_aw _ ,,.y0 Rt:_.—
thaconvty of I3raco; __ .- _. ,.- •__., 't a fxtrtrtrti; winning •th- . lmv__p}e's- .tia0-1 y th0'-fami131 li a vi�it+eg rii teirfl l;erbrtr6lterzs nn `tr�etroiC; •-
FOOT BALL.—On Thursday last confidence by supplying thew ivltfi a another Township, and as the Medical returned home last week. Our little , ;,
week the boys_9t S. S. N o I played a No. 1 article. IIealth officer of the local board attend• village was livelyiSaturday on account
game of foot Vhll witts'the'.boys of S.S. GET TO WORK.—By the '_�4' Ew ERA ed these cases he used every means neo• of the sleighing, but it is beginning
No , 0, the game resulted in favor of we notice that many of ,:ur neighbor- essary to prevent their spreading.
NO 1. ing towns have got their literary so- The report further shows that the •to look black again. Our enteo F,hi
I3IPROVEII"kNT.=—AIr Peter Cam cfeties, in full awing, but 1Vingham, township is at present free frosii all tog grain buyer still continues to ship
P' — infectious diseases. The following two or three cars every week. -Mr '
bill, has gravelled the road from the at the Pxesbnt remains sleeping, g John, A. Troyer, who started for
highway to his house,which is a great Wake up,:wake up, ye literary people, accounts were passed by the Council Y , ,
and bring our talent to the front viz Rowsell and Hutchison for Jurors Michigan, bad to return on account% •s.
improvement in muddy weather, g Y , ^'t
that ,;t rs may sin therefrom. lists 01 eta • members ' of the local of the snow blocking the roads. Mr r
Mrs D. McEwen, has also made some � y g . Board of, Health for services in 1.889, John Butchart, of the town line, still
im rovements b rearranging and A Cp. •E4. WORLD,—Three weeks
P Y g g from 'last Wednesday and behold p17.50; Medical Health officer a6.0U; keeps very low, but we hope to soon it;
plastering the rooms upstairs. Y G„rge Snell, repairing scrapers, ,.3.•15; see him around again. Mrs Willie
Christmas is upon us with its Christ- • g
I)rATH.—It is our painful duty to P , 1`homas Cole opening ravel it $3,00•
chronicle tile death of Anna Reid mets cheer. We ore funny mortals, P g g P ' ' Kyle, of n S who has been visiting
1 ITnghill, damages teaming gravel; friends in Seaforth has returned
daughter of J ohn Reid, of the Bay- are we not'? Before our temporal $125; Isaac Lawrence Do., 613.00 ; horns looking well after her visit.
field road, Stanley. The sad event wants can be satisfied, life by the Benjamin Morrett, Do.' 1888 and 1889, ^
tr,ok place at her father's' residence; million has to be daily sacrificed.— '1.4.00; John Daer Do. $1,00; James , ,
or, Thursday, Nov, 28. The deceased How would it do, sir, to edit a paper Walkingshaw gravel fol• contract and Gutlerich .Lo`vnship. ”-�.
had been ill for several months, and advocating vegetation? damages, ' 7.00; Henry Hansford, (_ousc:rr..—Council met on the 2nd, .
bore her sufferings with great a- BUSINESS CHANCIE.—d+ we go to hemlock for road, $1.00; John Thonip• pursuant to adjournment, members all
g g P "press" son, McKillop, f )r gravel, $2.•23; Win. resent; minutes of last meeting read' -
tierce. All that medical skill could tw0 understand from good au• 1 ' • g
do was done, but all to no purpose, o y that air Gracey has bought When Do. $ F. Fowler Do ;Q2;513; and passed. Bylaws Nos. 6 and 7 ,
the end carne. The deceased was li the furniture business of Mr D. B. Alex. Reid, Do .a0 cts; Robert Robert- were read and passed. The 'days prI.o.
ears and 1 rnrltlt?ly old. rl ver Calbiek. We are sorry that if, after son, opening new gravel pit and dam- cesdings were principally devoted to - j
y Y all, Dan a]IOuld make u) iii mind to ages $5.00; IV,., clnclerson, for gravel, settling lip all unpaid accounts of the
large circle of friends and acquain- 1 opening pit a•;; Damages in teaming year, the fallowing Nero paid, viz: John
tancea were present at the funeral, on leave us, •an I can but think that there gravel $.13.00; 'iVillfam Stewart . waa Battler, stationery, $ 5.88; Clerk, ore
Friday afternoon. )':ler remains were is good Scope fur two cabinet t•hnps was refunded „1.00 clot; tax, wrongly year's postage, . $t1.10; S. 1Zathwell, '.
interred in the Bayfield cemetery. in WinRhum• assessed ; Goo. Rliddel secy-treas. gravel, $10; Jas. Llliott, con. 5; grayel; ,'a
SnocKiz,o Accn)rN'T.—lir Rob: NIr Walter 'Sloans un,lerwent the school section No. 4 was ordered to be •,13.80; Hiiglf Johnston, gravel, $28.02; `, . t
Scott was ru;l oyer by au engine at painful operation Wednesday last, of paid, $1.515 being the difference in the' T. M Johnston, gravel, *2,;,'2; Thomas
the Wellington St. crussin London having his foot an)putatecl, the opera- school rates between school sections unroll, gravel, 06c.; Hefty Hastings,
the other day, having; both legs cut tion being perfiirmerl by Drs, Gunn,, Nos. 4 and 5, on pt. lot tart con, 10, gravel, ' 20.04; II, Hibbs,gravel, $12.18 ; .
off and died shortly after, T'!te dq- of Clinton, and DScDonald, of town, Hallett, sail lot bing,iwro.t„fully as- Jas, Gonolly, gravel, plank and sleep -
ceased bac! only been a resident of Jir Slbam has had erysipelas of tlto sessed in school section No. .5. Council- ors; ss,7; Wnr. Gould, roadlvdy�to gravel
London for a few ears past. He was feet for a lcng while, and the bone adjournecl to meet again w) :Monday pit, w4, S. Watters, 'gravel, „1.., Wm.
y l had be un to deco which receggita- Dec. 10th. 1�s t'J.' J.t�rr, C.urrrrr.r,, Crooks, gravel, $14.82; L. Dunning,
a native of Scotland, and was about g Y, Tp. Clerk. ,,ravel, $11.16,; Iiy. Murphy, gravel, $9;
eighty ears ofage. e. He came to thio 'ted'the operation.
8 Y Y . g Jas, McDonald,gravel,$10.02; W.Murah,
country abouthirtyyears a o,having PitESENTATION.--A large number S't. Iielelts. „ravel,$>f70; Wm -.Wise, gravel, te4 60;
realized several thousand pounds by of the friends of Mr Scott met at his NorL ,—Mr And lire Peter Clark A. Drysdale, gravel, $30.60; 13. Elfori,
the sale of his draping business, with residence ,ora Friday evening, and spent it couple of clays this week visit= outlet for drain from Hohmesville par . l•
which be purchased 2041. acres of laud presented him with a silver tea set, ing friends in the vicinity of Kintail. sonage, 52; JohnTrewartha,gravel,00c.; !,
near Springfield; Elgin county. previous to his leaving for Toronto. Miss Souler, of Eait' Wawanosh is Wm. McCaliit, one year's board of Wm •
Everything went along ver smooth] Mr Scott hag long been a resident in ' Donn, indigent, ,A52; annual suit o£
Y g g Y • y at.preaent drea�makin; in our town ; ''
with him and his famil a wife two Wingham, anal it is he who has help- clothes, 013; arrears of suit of clothes :
wonder if Cupid is going to conciliate for. 1665 II
dao liters and a bo fo several ears ed to make our town n bat itis to day. $10; I.. Acheson error in as. Y Y 1Vin ham will miss him, but at tha with Hymen. 11Tr 1V, J. Humphrey sessment llf cents; Clerk, salary, $x105; . "
and when the latter became of age his g is again recovering from an attack of
rr g airs Ross, ravel 1.80• F. McCartney, . `3
i t
g Y.,
same time I la h wishe! a e a to as a best wts a of
. father started him in general business Inflammation of the lung -.i. MrHugh gravel, $f,.; rr; Ihu•on Signal, printing,
in Springfield. The nun man was its citizens. 1Io left for his destina-
young McPherson is at present dangerously $1.76, Will. Lobb, n,c of scraper four
.not possessed of much busi, ess ability, tion -on Tuesday morning.. gravel, ,
P 4 Y, ill from a severe attack of congestion clays, $1; ",1. J. Court;r;c, gsarol, '$,,.70;
however, and he failed. His father BrTTra TO IgE BORN LUC1JY THAN . •..
Iliad Rlrfr.—ft is well to be situated as of the lung;. In the event of Rev. John llcCletlan, bnhe,':ce in fall o£ aa -
tad in the meantime sold his Elgin T. Dr. TTre, of (.;oderich, not coming to count of 11ohne3ville bridge'';63. Coun• ,
farm and purchased A house and ten A1r Ed. 1, Holmes is, in the pleasant ,
[ deliver a lecture, 'His Trip to Fur- cfl adjourned to meet again on the 10th
acres on the 3rd conce.+pion of London months of summer to work out in the o e " on Friday evening last, lieu. ii)sf. .1A.M11.,4 R%TTON, C:lrrk. 1.
Township, near Reeves' Hotel, and beauties of nature, inhaling the A '11
had a snug, little bank account. A healthful breeze of Lake Erie, thus delivering
oa v this place, ctureterl, --«• Varna.
second time he started '.his son in a , delivering a very agile Lecture nn",Lrn;1.
recruiting the health but when the "Railroad Travelling in Scotland,"
4 blasts of winter come to find there is We tyre much le'aaed to see the .."
business, and the latter started out to ' being very .edifying, also depicting; to P e
make his fortune b speculating in no place like "home," consequently smiling face of Mr Thos. Johnston,
grain. He was no more successful coming back tothe "flub," and there his hearers the more humorous And teacher, amongst ua once more; pe is ...
in the NEty ERA office finiis It little comical incident; in connec•IOn, as home fr)tn lianitobA visf;iu his ',
in this than in his previous business, to bring forth repeated reels of g
but continued it until he ;had one sanctum awaiting hira. relatives and friends, and he looks
lr laughter.,
through the last cent his !tither had, APrREC1ATrD.•-- Rev _Vit D1o0re- . hale and hearty. He hag bought a
g ADDRESS ANI) PREirN'1 vrio:T.
The old man was compelled fossil his house exchanged pulpits with Rev About fifty of the �embere and ad- farm near • I3ossevain, anr�, is going
place in London Township (and has Mr Graham, of Teeswater, on Sun herents of Calvin's church, marched �liacl[ is the spring. ,.
since lived on Waterloo street south. day tact. In many congregations en !Hasse to tiie manse On Monday ConCEhMJ`T-1I110 Royal Tem tars- '
The deceased was a consistent mem • changes are appreciated, but it is not •rt 311 the �em_
the ca¢¢e with the congre atloa of Rov evening last; to surprise Lheir pastor lnfend holding a r ciira.
ger of the congregation worshipping Mr I4loorehouse'a church f(and no with the following address and pros- perance !gall, on Friclaq evr "'na,(l�he
in the Gospel Half. (The person reflection on Mr Graham'is intendid entation:—To Rev. R, S. G. Ander- 13th inet. A more than usual ehlrt• - �*
whose sad death is here referred to Graham,:is U. A,, B. D. Dear pastor, it is is being put forth to make rho eon -
was abrother of Mrs John Butchart, The Sunday school and choir of this with 'feelings 'of pleasure that we, cert a success: Some .of the beat t
of this townehi , who att nded the congregation are getting up.a very
p as members and adherents of this talent from Seaforth baa been ascot- .
funeral on Wednesday. nicely arranged program;cansieting of congregation,over which you •have ed, and we predict.a frond tiros,11
_, efnging and acting,to take place In the
Ashfield. town hall, the first Monday after prede' for the ,last seven months, PRESENTATION.—On Monday even- C\
are desirous of acknowled in in some 1•
Christmas, g g ing last a number of tl.e members •^
lIrhomae Ford basjust completed way our high Appreciation of your and friends of St. John's church,
a very convenient stable under hisabors amongst us, and the faithful Varna
Al,Alas, how rarely it is we write to the , assembled at the residence of
large barn. NEw ERA without having to ch,ron- and punctual manner !n which you Mr Chas. Logan, and, after getting
The tax collector is on the war isle the death of some brother or sig• have p'erformed your arduous duties. through with the preliminaries usual
path main and many wish be would In bringing; before our minds, aO on such occasions, Mise Kate Mc -
ter, This week the pale horse and ,
go his way and never return. its rider" stopped at the bomb of lir vividly, and in such a marked waY, Naughton and Alias Addie Aimstrong
There is a good opening bere for Win. Cornyn, taking from thence a the gospel message of peace and corn- on behalf of the congregation, pre•
some one to' buy poultry here. One fort, as to call forth unspeakable Tented Mlag Fanny Logan, organist wife and mother. A,few weeks ago g g
woman alone has forty turkeys to sell gratitude from us, We are met here of the church,tvith a handeorne chum•
one of the boys came home sick with
;and good ones too. ,a o gangy pro
tolnight tivetiblof of bet set butter cooler,
Mrs Joseph Griffin has been con- f
typhoid -fever, and his mother, who pickle cruet,
P has not bean. very strong of late, 'our feelings of love and esteem for lamp and toilet set. After coogratu-
`fined to her room for some time with nursed him. The son recovered but You, both as a minister of the gospel lations, the ladies turned out the r
a very bad leg, but bar many friends ' of peace, and a gentleman of sterling contents of their baskets and asum
the mother took the disease and died p -
will be pleased fo bear that she is worth and integrity. We bel; you tuous repast was provided in short
on Monday last, at the age of fifty P P
getting all right again. years. The bereaved ones have the therefore to accept a cutter and robe, order. The tables being cleared of, • N•
, M` Gauclly has a calf that is four heartfelt sympathy of Wingham's which, -though an inadequate expres• an interesting program, consisting of
months old, which was born without slob of,our feelings towards you, may violin and mouth or 1``'
citizens, who would remind them gun selections, -
a tail. His father had a cow that remind you of the many pleasant and so10, du
what good old Longfellow saps con- , , eta and quartettes, everybody ' ;q.
had eight pairs of twins and two cerning this "King of Terrors :" social intercourses in our midst.' We went home highly pleased with the
single ones, or eighteen calves in leas sincerely hope you may be long spar, evening s enjoyment. The following `.�
than ten years. There ie life
death, what enema is trans!• ed to enjoy these and many guch is the addreas :—To Miss Fanny Lo- �
I noticed one farmer ]antis map-
This life of mortal breath [tion, comforts and blessings as
planting P Is oil the suburbs to the life elision physical g' gan—The members and adherents of
le trees in the front of his farm. Thia Whose portals we call death. will aid and encourage you in the St. John's church, Varna, have met
should be a good time to plant maples noble, Christ'ad work in which you to-ni ht to express to . `5
She is not dead, the child of our affec- g you Ottr high
Take an axe and cut the ground and But gone unto that school, [tion, are engaged, and whenyour labors appreciation of your labors, as organ -
roots, say a foot and a half or two feet Where she no longer needs our poor in this world are ended may we all ist of our church, and leader of the 71
from the tree before frost gets more protection, be received into that Better land choir. We need not b- . •ninded
than two or three inches deep, then But Christ himself doth rule, where the wicked cease from t raubl- how delightful a part c • •church 1
lift what frozen earth you can and CHURCH NOTES —On Monday, the log and the weary are at rest. To services is filled by tl3L 'e of 'J
draw the trees on a stone boat to y' which Rev. Mr Anderson replied in son and we feel that we a, 'only`'
9th !list., the Salvationists will hold g,
where you want to plant them. Then, a few well chosen and a ropriate loin es resgion to the sentimens ;f
e grand banquet in their barracks ; giving P
dig a hole a little larger and 2 inches remarks, thanking them l ndly for of all the meniberg and adherents of '
the chair will be taken by Mr Brock•
deeper than the tree stood in the enshire a great supporter of the such a present, also extending a eor- qt. John's church, when we say that ''•
woods. Now place your tree and fill Army "althea h not a member" in dial welcome, and hoping that all much of the pleasure and profit of j;
up with fine earth: TGe tree will g make themselveq at home. The lad- these services is due to our uncess-
the evening the ,n,w organ will be y g'y:.
grow next spring:. iea' kindly brought a store of lusci• in interest and willing efforts as or•
formal] introduced to the people, g 1?
" and A. B. Cousins will. explain what nus eatables and sweet meats, which ganist and leader of t e choir. As ' e'
Kingsbridge were partaken of during the evening. an evidence of our heart n retia -
the Army is, and the work' it is doing; Y Ppr
The Catholic church people have he will also conduct the meetings all After spending a few hours very soel- tion of your labors, though by no
made a great improvement to their day Sunday.' SpeeIal revival mebt- ably together, all repaired to their means an adequate remuneration for
cemetery. The walks have all been Ings were again held in the Metho- homes, very much pleased that they your disinterested services, we beg to
by nice pebble stones from diet church on Tuesday,Wednesday had spent the evening very pleasant- present you with • this chamber set,
Ee lake beach and many of the lots and Thursday of this wk; we think ly and profitably. pickle cruet, butter cooler, toilet set
have been raised and levelled. We if they were to have some special and lamp, which we trust you will Is.
believe it is the intention of others to evangelist to conduct these meetings, Colborne. accept as a token of our esteem; we
raise their lots and keep the grass and and while they lasted have them the NOTE, Mr William Walter has trust, too, that they will over remind
weeds cut so that the.lots will appear week through, the beneficial results boon the house for the past you of the warm fee ill
that exists 4
as though somebody owned them. A would be far greater. we a attack of eryeipe between yourself an le people of
large addition bas been made to the ���— 1, ed him much out- St. John's. Signed
stables at the church here. There Ia f� d Moore returned TtA ; ON,
accommodation now for thirty-i
Court farm, being the south Friday', after an +I i
4, con, 10, fact Wn,wanosh R.
teams in the stable and yet thetha; bo likes thenot Accommodation for more action at the Ilrnnswi he will never
half the teams that come aday l st, 28th inat ; he intends to Ad'
Nearly one handred families ws, anetioneor, t trine and take, frpu
ship here, r Maurice S