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The Clinton New Era, 1889-11-22, Page 3
. _-..--.. - -, "..,. 1 . ,. ., .. _. 6 r ", — - — V, -- , M , S�r,17151- VZ I I ,.- 2 r 'T;\,\ \�\ - I , N 3, .,.,,,\, , I � - ��, 144;---M!M�I-Ittm - ,,( ,,. \1 \ ., It , I 7 — (41- zu� 1, 3714 '114 \ - 2 . 1, , ...... .",, �-- . Jobbing Department is not surpassed in theCounty __ _ .,_ A STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE NEWS NOTES I -- ULD'1'13INGSANDUEd AR "'The An electric engineer says 200 There is no song like an old song IA Safest wIIAT BECAME OF BENJAMIN BA` mtled )01' 110111' will 1)0 undo b That we have not)heard for years ; AND most ppwerful alterative is TIIURST ?--A MYbTERIOUS CRIMIS 1 y Each simple note appears to throng electric trains. With shapes that swim in tears. dyer's Sarsaparilla. Young and NOT YET SOLVED, It ma have been a chearful strain, The Russian Grand Duke Nic• Y iqld arc alike beucilted by its use. For ' There is a ood deal of Curiotlb Sut 'twas so long ago f bolas, who is suffering from ('an- �- £2to erupth u die- infOrmAtio;, ill the stores of "Itis- That glee, grown old, has turned to pain eases peculiar to cel•, has undergone a SurgiCAl And mirth has turned to woe, -:� •:�-• children nothing torical Oddities and stranbC operation'for the introduction of -> else is so cuective Events" which Ur Baring Gould a cannula into the throat. Thera is no friend like an old friend as this medicine, bAs just brought Uut. Among Whose life -path mates our own, Edward Me1�'bnald, of Port Whose dawn and noon, whose eve and - while its agroea- other mysteries he tries to clear Byron,'V Y Y. was Shot and robbed end, ble flavor stakes N. Have known what we have known, �I . , it easy t,, admin- t1P is the disappearance of Ben- ' oil Wednesday night by tramps 4 i; aurin Bathurst, In the early part It may be when we read his face c•. ; >tu•. J at St. Johnvillo incl is now lying Y ,t _- .. ; '' �. -,.. J "1t little boy of the century, the Ivan who was i4 note a trace of care; _, r�-•,;. ,• y at the Dint of death. ,','. irate )III serofu. supposed to have been secretly , ,p 'Tial'well that friends in life's last grace { , f 1, w ulcetson his mord©r°d by 'grder of the first «bile cl►-ivint -om Rostock ori bliare sighs as smiles they share. ,- rr nevi; and tLruat Tuesday night, t1:r W, D. Farrow' s 'r' froni which he Napoleon. Bathurst was a re- 3 b ' ` There is no love like an old love; '"`r '' y lative of Earl Bathurst and was jr., in the darkness upset hifx bug' siti'ferod terribly. A lost, may he, or dead; r 11'Lvo physicians ' resulting in a fracture of his Whose place since she has one III)Ove attf :,-iris L:..., 1 1.1 l: arrc.w Cuntinnally sent on a Secret mission to the gy+ b wore t:!., :•r t!„;r cure and ever •l,etl O011ar bone. No other fills }:,stead. Y Aubtrian Court at Vienna. After It is not we'll neer love anew, exht t t, .1 1 c %vwilti too. 1 ball heard of the Austrian troops S crossed the Would you know the keen deltght the r,-:,.r,N.ttl h• vurrs eflet-ted by' Ayer's p Of a wholesome appetite, For life were drear if so, Sarr.apaiilla, tend decided to have my frontier in April, 1810, Bathurst But that, first love has roots that grew Unrea he's curse, colic'B dire, Where others cannot grow. Loy rr•: tt, w,�un•t l'• after lin began to learned that Napoleon Suspected Headache's curse, or fever's fire, 6 ' talie iIAA roo,li"ilit', the ulcers fwm- him of having tiled t0 bring About Thoughts morose, or le chills? Ineneed heal:,,„. and, after tuAng several g b g , Y, There are no days like old days, bottles, he was viltirt•l • cured. lro is ', the declaration of war' and on Then use Dr. Pierces pills. y , , When we, not they, were young; now a.i ht•altl:y surd strong wi any boy being ordered to England shortly Dr Pierces Purgativd Pellets— When all life's rays, were golden rays of Lis uxt-."' �-'illitmi I'. Doughcrty, 1110 original a1Sd one genuine And wrong J had never string. I;�tuq,k u, \'a, . afterwards, lie Forted in (lis 3r K i, o In :day in,Al, env youngest child, 'guise, On the 25th Noveniber,,1809, Little Liver Pills; 25 cents a vial. Dear heart ? If now our steps could rntrrerti1:ittitt+Yi-r•i,},�+t•gtuEt�,l,av sous. abeilL-mi,iday,-he.Arlived.atPeriL, '1iG11QI;is�V�Odr. A;©(I GO yeArA, Paas gatl:or nn tts krait and body. We air r Through_ paths of'rhiklhood's morn_ Pliett'tmirus sintplr, rcrt,edies without bel'g, with posthOrmos, on the omployCd in Cumpboll S sawmill, And the clew o)~ycutlilis oil�tiegras's avRil. The sort•y Increased in number route from Berlin to hamburg, Ilartington, was a victim Of a Which 'limes fell cythe has shorn! rnd ctis,-hargol copiously, A physician halted at the post house for ro- terrible accident which may re- . wav •,:.i},•,1, l,•tt Tito soros continued to ' 3 Old song, old friend, old love, old days; nlulri"ly 11,11:1 ill a few Inonths th(+y freshmonts, and , ordered fresh Sult fatally. While the carriage Old things, yet never old ; ilearl,' coverol tl,oehild s)leadand body. 1 horses to be harnessed . to the was running back Mr Wood acci• A stream that's dark till sunshine{plays . ,:rt lu,r. we hey an the use of Ayer's Sar- carriage fez the journey toLenzeh dentally cut his foot on it and was And changes it to gold' _.,asp It+ 1,1. In a LIw days a -marked_y y I I'*laaii fur ilia biftfir w as inauifesi: TIio bleb' wAs the next-, Station. thrown upon -the saw, and before Through all winds memory's riveron, pores assurued a snore Iwalthy condition, Benjamin Bathurst went to the iL could be stopped he was fear- `Mid banks n sore regret, the discharges were gradualh• (limen- I pp But a gleam on the peaks of Long agono ished, and finally ceased altogether. Swan and ordered an earlydinner; fully, wounded. Some of Mr. That softens sadness yet, The child is liveliar, its Mint falreaher, the horses were not to be put in Wood's ribs were sawn through ---..»- - ser its appetite better tha;E t�•e have otr till ho bad dined. TIo wore a air and hiss spine was touched. SPE3IALLY Jill, sorted for mouths."-Fr.aflt DI. Griffin, p p Long Point, Texas,9 Of grey trousers, a grey frogged 'It may not probably be known I wua mighty good•lookin' when I was "The formula of A n's Sarsaparilla Short coat, and over it a handsome that the Ilon. Alex. Mackenzie, young, I presents, for chronic diseases of almost Sable greatcoat lined with violet Al. P. ex -Premier of the Domin. Peart, an' dark eyed an' slim, t\•ery kind, the best t ronotly known to , ' Wtth fellers a•courtin' ine every night, file inellical world.' -U, X. Wilson, velvet.. On his head \vas a fut ion of Canada, was the builder of th felllly Jim. Al. D., Wigan, Arkansas. Ca)) to match. Ili his searf will; the Sandwich Court, House. He a diamond pin of rOmo; Glue. -L4 \ret:, a stonemason' by occupation, The likeliest one of 'em all w•us he, Aw y ;1 E r -aa t soon as ho had finklied his mc.d, raid his brother and himself had Chipp,cr an' hansom' and trim ; " - , . , 0�� � Bathurst inquired who wad in the Contract for the building,— But I tossed up my head au' o' the P TranPAltI:U LY command of the soldiers qunrterod .; ;t,t to the right of the main on- , crowd, . Specially Jtm, Dr. J. C. Ayer & ('o., Lowell, Mass. it) the town, and whero he lodged, trance, on one of the corner Price 1; tis hotth.,.:tr>, worth Ea a boil IQ. lie w•as told that a squadron of stones, is cut "Mackenzics, 1855." I saitl I hadn't no'pinion 'o men, the Brandenburg Cuirassiets was An' I wouldn't take stock in hir,a 1 Don LOilim 13aen, Atpromingnt I;tit they kcp' on n•r,0mminq in spite o' To Our Subscribers. there under Captain Iiiltzint,,, sllc°l).rainer, of Uto Creek, Noty my talk, who was residing ill a hoose bo- Mexico, speaking of the late blit- 'Specially Jim, The SPECIAL wx--'ou.NcE)rr•.YT which ap- hind tho 'lbwn 11,111, Mr. Ba- z,1rd in that region, as}'s Mexican peered in our columns some time since thur�t thea cussed the market I got so tired o' havin"em ronn' announcing&special arrangment with sheep herders pciishetl in hits heciall • Jim!) Lace and Calle( on the officer, ( } Dr. B. J. IiEvn�LL Co., of Enosburgh p ' neighborhood, ilio bodies Of four I mndc•s7p lay min' T'd settle darts Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on who was at the time 'I)(," I)osed having heart found. The snow An' take rip with him, the Horse and his Diseases,” whereby with a swoolon neck. To Cap Complolely Covers the ;round t oursubscribers were enabled to obtain tain Kiltzin g lie said that he was �, So we wnz married one sunday in a eo of that valuable work FREE b " from Clayton to the Canadian PY Y church, sending their address (and enclosing a A traveller On his way , a T3am- River; a distance of 125 milds. . 'Tw•as crowded full t" the brim; . two -cent stamp for mailingsame is re• burg, that he 1rd strung And well ) ' :Many zlloxican familiem aro in a 'TLt•ns the only way to t;nt rid e' 'sin all, Amowed for a Vmited eriod. We trust geounded sus 'ions that his destituto condition. Owing to 'Specially Jim. 1!]witlavail themselves of the oppor• parson wets ondanerod, anti he the' heavy Snow the aro.unable - "" trinity of obtaining this valuable work: requested that he mi ght be given y y "Ani1t►i Cirltfs 1ltllurtnittttiE TO every lover of the horse it is indis- q g b t0 1C,1vC their places Ito get food. Cilias," guard in the inn where ice was pensahle, as it treats in a simple man- a €� Several mon aro Still missing. -- ner all the diseases which afflict this staying. A lady -who was present 1'e musts, that in ancient time, noble animal. Its. phenomenal sale noticed that lie seemed profound The Provincial Convention to p Lent vigor to the poet's rhyme, throughout the Unitcd Statesand Cana- 13, COilsldar tax Csemptiori,� net genor 3 agitated, that he trembled Ai Assist mo strike my idle lyre da, make it standard authority. Alen- g, r al municipal matters, Concluded With Something of the olden- fire. .tion- this paper when. sending; for thou ll abno stricken,, aria, was its sebsiong at Toronto on Friday g "Treatise." unable to raise a cup of tea• that, after appointing a ctimmittoo t A nobler man than !Ir T., Nov. a, 1f189. 13t. was CffCred him to his lips with draft a Scheme for making Organ. Of more gigantic mind Out spilling it. The Captaili Unanimously we agree . NEWS NOTES. laughed a: his feats, but co0en_ ization permanentA proposition Is very hard to find. -- I ted to lot him have a Couple Of was introduced to tax all denomi• And all declare they "like him well" The Dominion surplus for the first Soldiers and gave the requisite national Schools and colleges, but Excepting when lie rings the bell b q A little bit too soon. `four months of the present' fiscal year ' this dial not Carty, On the ground orders for their dispatch; then,Mr 0 do not, do not ring that bell is X4,707,000, an increase over the car• that it would hamper ,some laud - res -responding period last year of $1,100,' Bathurst rose, resumed his sable p Just quite so quick at noon. P gP Y . able institutions for the advance. 000. overcoat, and, to account for Kis t Katie Donovan, of Lawrence, Mass., nervous difficulty in getting into meet of )Canning. Soma Of the His right hand man is 5Ir P. i. members thought that towns A man of sterling ring, the seven-year-old daughter of John his furs again, explained that he Unanimously we agree Donovan, was pushed into a bonfire on -was much shakon up by something should not be encouraged to bonus That he is just "the thing," Tuesday by her playmates and died and exempt factories for a term of Except schen he may chance to see duringthe night, that had alai tied him. Not long P Y 8 After the arrival of Mr Bathurst years, and a resolution was Car- Beneath the desk our hidden key Daisy Stoddard, a Nebraska girl aged ried that a vote Of the rate ayers To Livy's classic mind. 1. 11, won the diamond- modal offered in at the Swan, two Jewish mer O do not, do not chance to see the Dejnorest series of prizes for the chants arrived from Lenzen with Should be taken in every sac case. P That key to Catalina. best orat ' oricalefiort,beforetheNational post -horses and left before night A number of resolutions were a W.C.T.U. convention inChicagd.. fall. On M -r Bathurst's return adopted, urging that cities Should If you're mathematically inclined At Owen Sound on Saturday the trial to rho inn lie eottntermanded the be granted the same .privileges And wish our mind to vex, of the Baltic prisoners on the charge as railroad corporations in the An angio in degrees to find ' of aggravated assanit was finished. horses ; he said he would not start Or else the root of %, • gg matter of theer ie osal of sn Russell and Tripp, who pleaded guilty, till night, He considered that it p p I'd recommend you for to try were sentenced to a year in the Central would be safer for him to spin fluous land bought or expropri- Our teacher at the C. C. I. Prison, and the four others to six ated for municipal purposes. You'll find him No. 1, months each. the dangerous portion Of the route 4 That's if your lessons you prepare,, by the night, when Napoleon s If not a joke you'll have to bear Xittard sLi-Rime?atCuresC�a?•geti72Cows spies would be less' likely to be on s Before the lesson's done. , 'An accident, which will probably thealert. Ileremainedintheinn Ayeli's Nair Vigor prove fatal happened to a young lad on For those in love with chemic lore the farm of David Pallister Last Zorra, writing and burning papers. At Who'd Spend an hour or so on Saturday..A spark from a thrash. Seven o'clock he dismissed the iS the ''Ideal' Flair -dressing. It re- P P 1 stores the color to gray hair; promotes. In making Ile S 04 agzya -jr,} .j, , tr e its • hard rdered the d i us rowthpreventsOr H, or N, or O, the barn. The horses veru u ne orise�A`�r Wino. ' �• + 'g• , , �rsrnQne tin thit�cval}rqy ,M and after a little hard work a serious y the foimatton ct` fire was averted, In returningthe stood oat -side the inn watching The rival of our teacher G, dan(iraff; makttstho IIe's not afraid of toil, horses to the barn, however one of his 'portmanteau, which had boolt Lair soft and silken; Long may he lab)r in our school tkem, no doubt dazed by the fire, be- taken within, beingreplaced on and imparts a deli - p And reason of the molecule, came unmanageable and kicked the the carriage, Stepped round to the Cate but lasting per, And 'laws of Charles and Royle. . young fellow squarely in the head, in - fume. g•ggU Vt Il. heads of the horses -and ions savor 9 Rioting a terrible out, from which it is n g ,; l;' " everal months O mnsen, noble muses nine, , feared he may nevei recover. sae agate. The English Govern- ago my hair com- Y I thank you for the fires, ant offered £1 00 reward and nlenced falling out, Y m , 0 v For how could I have nun so fine r -- and in a Icor• weeks g his family anotlter.$1 040 • 'Prince Except e did inspire? Flava you a CnuKh % 'rnkr, H'ilgon'v Lt'ild Cherry, y t , Vie- my head was almost P Y P Rave you a Cold ?' 'I'iikL• 1V,Isnn'n wild 4herrv. Fraderick Of Prussia, who took a I bald. I tried nlatry And now I lay my lyre away cherry�eu ISrouchitia? Take witµnn's wild lively part .in the matter, Ofloro,l remedies, but they did no good. I final- To rust until another day. T t Ila.i Vigor, 1 111 ht R l,nttle of Ayer's r V Ila silence I shall never break 2lave your lo,t your :oiuL'! TA, N'llnon', ;incl in u1{ti 11111 1�0 1' 1'IClll'1Cltm d'Ol fUl' y h Y 6 r Cherry, an i. atter nshtt; only to part of the con- 'Till ye inspire me bid in wake: liavoyouAAthmai Takewil,nn'+Lt�!,i('It,-ry t,todiscoveryoftile bo•ly of- fUP t.'t.'+. r. r: head \rev cotared with a linvcyou a Cold in theMend? Take tl'tt.00•' information which might lead to l,ea`y grn•,vth t,f hair. I recommend David, VVildChorry. I �+ ;:nnr prr:p,nation as the best in the Mr L. C. 1�AViG, M, P. P. f01' 41The OLD RELIABLE CURE for all dben•::w rf the FOlution of the mystery : but world."—T. 1lutiday,-Sharon Grove, Icy'. Montreal 1;ASt, who has long been ,the Throat, Chentand Lungs. Sold bydrivvgi,+t+. no information to be depended " I have, used Aver's Hair Vigor for a a Supporter of Protection And tjle CONSUMPTION CURED. n11m' •,•r of yens and it has nitvays ggWell pp + upon CVOs tranSpilted. inosativtarti"n.�Itisranexcellentdress_ N. P., In An interview Friday, do- Anold phyaican, retired from Be-piIng. Pretests the hair from turning clared his opinion that -it Ivas no t.ce, having had placed in his hands by Itis reported in Ottawa that Mr gray, insures its vigorous growth, and longer in the interest of the Coun- an East India missionary the forumla Keeps the scalp w Lite anti clean." - Colby, M. P,, will join ell© llomin- of a Simple vegetable remedy for the Mary A. Jackson, Salem, nines. try to Continuo the present" sys- ion Cabinet as President of tho ,r speedy and permanentenre otconsump- . I hate tilled Ayer's Hair Vigor for tem. $0 Says 1110 country 1.0 - tion. Bronchitfs, Catarrh, AsthmaanA Council, Sir John Macdonald be- Promoting the growth of the hair, and quires aCCese to the markets of all throat and Lung Affections, also W coming Minister of Railways. think it,unequaled. For restorin the positive and radical cure for Nervous hair to its original. color, and for a(�ress. the United StateN. Mr David Debility and Nervous Complaints, after It has been arranged that the Ing, it cannot be surpagsod."-Mrs. Geo, represents that division of Mon - having arising out of the St George La Fever, Eaton Rapids, Mich. lsavittg tested its wonderful curative g g "Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel- treAl in w111Ch the majority Of the powere in thousands of cases, has felt -disaster aro to b0 hoard At a apo- lent I1reparation for the hair. I speak factories are situated, and is gon- it hie duty to make it known to his suf. tial Assize to be hold in Toronto of It from my own experience. Its use erally accepted Am a guardian of tering fel owS. Actuated by this mot- the first Monday after the Fob- pramnh s the growth of new hair anti ive and a desire to relieve human suf• makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor Is the Workingmen's interests, so ruary term. also acme,, for dandruff." -J, W. Bowen that him declaration against pro - whoI will Bond free of charge, to all ,K p who desire it, this receipt, in German, The shipment of cattle from Editor "Buquirer," McArthur, Ohio, tection has peculiar significance French or English, with full directions Montreal to England this season rt I have used Ayer's Bair Vigor for the alit two ears, and found it all it is in Toronto. for preparing and uainq. Sint by mail aggregate 80 000 head 20 000 p y Connected with a ::aw mill in by addressing with stamp, naming this ' i ral color t} to be. It restarts Thr. natu- paper, W. A. NoYEs, 149 Power's Block, more than last season. The pro. rt(ai row freely,tat hair, It,ops it so1ft land TOpmbam, which William King*, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. fits aro reported satisfactory, ex. pllflut."-airs, M. V. Day, Cohoes, N, Y, the first gover nor ofMainc,owned, - - cept on the last few shipments. "lily father, at about the, age of fifty, was a store, with the business of C.. , The rapid growth of Mormon- lust all the,hair from the. top of his head. , C. IT. Pomeroy, of FnllArtont Atter one month's trial of Ayer's stair which he was not well informed. ism in the North -:vest contjnues to }iAA mold' leis Htel'O and property .to Vigor the hair began corning, and, in Being Alone in clic store one dos -VV,II. Mill. Price �+i00. attrrict• no little attention. The three months, ho.had a.tine I,rowth of a lady entering asked him the Ottawa Ciitizon, discussing the Bair of the natural enlor.;• r.. Callon, tt altos Root Compound. outspoken declaration of OAC Of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. price of needles. One cent Composed of Cotton Root. Tnnsy and Pen• the 11 ormon E'Iders in favor Of � V. apICCC, mt aClAm," I'Op11Cd the jy,OVCI'• n royal- mJrnredhlannld h sirian. 1S o nor. ttlhlt ph,cwhere I can purr. s •CCRst�i:I LLA i SM) MONTHLY by polygAmy, mays if existing atom „ Ihmtnnnds of tt•mnrn, and lois hnnn pr.•• 1 Ayer's li,i1�r� � �d�.!®�. ('11aPt) tlll'CC fJl' icier f()1' a C('llt,Arrihed in A praottee of orer Ann tears, are not sufficient to meet .their r 3 she replied. ` Well " Govorn02' Pries lot, will be trailed to any Pddrm in (lnepdA ; I;LIV; ,:r, .*,; , A.AtJ,fi. T,ortor'ArnnsuttntinnhuttP,Dto II and 1tn Cama it will be the duty of Pallia• 1•espnTided "if that is Ff) tal(0 them r,. I)IPPAPPPofhrnmen treated only. SPAledpArUrn• ment to a,;q kneh n mensuro am Dr. ,1• C. .dyer � Co., Lome.', 1,1as$. ' ' to}A, tKn stamp°• l,AdieP mJr, nddrr,.gt'ON1 LILY p . all. I dol,'t w^nt art 11-licia, ill r•(1yiPANy'. 1:u. I Fkb,,r 111 k,1AI %v oodwardav'•n'.e wll l do f,o, t. i `•v ; , " r• •• rq Detrolt,Xleh. An,rAeA"mp my shr.p th; t" lit+t worth n vent," 4 The Old Schoolhouse. t+JtnA i �1PH]C gE TSEY (10. I q„�, LAST Composition. byy one of the Senior title P 6 The followin items are from .(R' of S. f3. No. 8, Stanley Y About forty years ago when Ontario county exchanges of last week. They show that both young and old are mi- ----- A {wonderful vegetable Dtiseovery T1tr110 ;Y was thinly settled, there was a cer- grating to the States, and all the11 Removes the Terrible Restlits, f tain brick school house built. About a mile and a half from it there argument about "Canada for the of Overwork. .Y was a collection of huts, which was called a village. The country was but thinly settled, so there were not a great Canadians" will not prevent it. In spite of what anti -commercial union A True Invigorator. ; many children to attend school, and papers say, we still keep sending stock __ • Weakness and prostration of the nervouir % many of those who might have attend- ed, could not because their had and Produce to the nearest and con. system surely follow that overwor4and parents not the means to send them, for such a sequently best market. Read as worry which brings sorrow and suffering to thing as free schools had not then been follows;- 00 many Canadian homes, The terrible thought of. So the poor little ,wander- Mr. Wm. Bunt and family, of Sea- results of nervous wish e are seen on ing waifs were deprived of an education. .Another hindrance to the children was forth, have removed to Midland, Mich., where Mr. Hunt has a good p( sition• every hand. Pains in the hack, poor and , l b the state of the roads, if roads you Thea. O'Loughlin, of McKillop, went unrefreshing sleep, lack of appetite• dys- miL•�ht call them. I suppose we would to Tawas City, Mich., where he Las a pepsia, and lost energy and strength, are the looX in astonishment at the tracks position. first symptoms of inwe serious and danger. which they called roads. They had nothing to mark the limits of them as air G. Brats and family, of East . ons trouble. This is clic way that Paralysis, we have now. Wawanosh, left for Lou'siana Tuesda t y Paresis and Insanity begin. Do not delay In the winter these roads would be- afternoon. amoment longer, for some titne it will be come drifted, so it was not safe to let Mr Geo. Phillips left Blyth on Fri- too late to regain your lost health and . the children go to school them, for fear. day morning last for Detroit, where he vitality. Use Paine's Celery Compound they would get lost. So when the school was first built it would be closed purposes to,reside. The IInron Star base ball club, of now, and the (lull eyes will regain their during the winter months. There it Blyth, waited upon Mr James Lmigb, brilliancy, the cheeks will grow rosy, the would stand deserted -looking, shrouded on Wednesday evening of last week, ere train become clear, the nerves strong and in a mantle of snow, till the trees would his depsrynre for Cleveland, Ohio. steady, your sleep restful and refreshing, begin to bud and the birds to sing. Then 1tirpolphin, a resident of Seaforth appetite good, and health and happiness the children would return and purshe their studies. This was a great disad- for 20 years, leaves with the view of taking up his residence in Chicago. will take the place of misery and suffering. A. Sabikon, the well known lithographer vantage; ter the of ildren-would often forget a great deal of what they did Mr Baumtltark, who has been resid• of Montreal, writes : " In the summer of 1b I had to wort. very laard, and was know, ed }tt Seaforth for many years leaves troubled considerably with insomnia (sleep - As for a schoolground they had a ' with his family in a few days for. Iessness), I resolved to try your Maine's stretch of land as far as they could see. Ypsilanti, Michigan. Celery Compound, and after taking the i It was not a small lot fenced in as we Messrs J Willis and H Willert, of contents of two bottles, felt like a. new ' have now. As the country became more Exeter, shipped two oarloads of lambs man. A good night's rest gave me strength , thickly nettled, it was necessary tomark to .,Buffalo last week. -Mr John Wood for the duties of the day, and instead of, •' the limits of the schoolground. This shipped a carload of lambs to Buffalo .starting out to business in the morning; . was done by a rade fence at first, bnt on Monday. -Mr Joseph Case shipped feeling as if I had completed a day's 'worlc: this was afterwards replaced by a much a carload of lambs to Buffalo on Satur• instead of heing about to commence one" nicer one. day. I started out in good spirits, feeling fresh.I At first they never thought of trying ,Messrs O'Connor and Papst, of and strong, :fly wife anti various friends.,, to ornament it, by planting trees along the front, or by a garden to make it Seaforth, shipped acarload of poultry to whom I recommended the medicine,' have been benefited greatly, and in fact] look more like a .home. When they to Buffalo on Tuesday last. , Paige's Celery Comptnmd is a household-, put the fence up, they then thought of The Bristol Iron Mines in Ponsiao word in our'family." trying to ornament it. This they did CO-, Quo., are shipping by C. P. It. to by putting a few trees around it and by Pennsylvania 160 tons of ore daily. A having a small garden. Of course it contract has been made for supplying s did not amount to much at first, but as 60,000 tons yearly. time went on it became more beautiful, alt. Win Clegg, of wiligham, shipned r and the school became apleasant-look• .�r five car loads of peas to 1 Oithin<l, Ing place. About ten years after the Maine, per G, T. It, last week. 11,•11 :n talc nnlen• f..r ,, or•vr;; Stool:, nn school was built, the government decid. —�•.-- Sa•Inry u1•C,a.uitis.iw!. I.:it ul`Lin to sn , ed fn favor of free schools. Oh what an advantage this was to some. :Vote the little waifs had as � S'DU ",'u: Vol ti . ' ul ��t `.." , 3 poet' wandering Hai er s eekl J fnl' � , �, ..1 � a "tb .'a good an education, at the rieLcst bo} ill the realm, ILLUSTRATED. ,,f uw, ,,,, ,t•.;,, t, ill w.".1: ay.r r i;.. , i\' i!. As time went on the village in the distance grew into a town and then in- -- IIAllrr:R'SWEEI" haSlawell-establish. Irtit•ti.'u;, \• :'! Pur::'.: fid ��.1_,,,, . " �!',', : e- aria ; A; .•111• F,Oo'rc , r "•�i .!:•i.. , "..; i,"'.,: '•i,',';',;'.;;`",'. i' 'I. to a city. so this schoolhouse was bet• ed place as the leading illustrated News- - ,, j-'. ;,j^' :;, rer attended, It was it pleasure now Paper in America. Thefairness of its for tltn children to go to school, for editorial comments on current politics roads had been hailt anis they were able has earned for it the respect and coat} - to -at'tentl rill the year round. The donee of all impartial readers, and the first teacher' in that school taught for variety and excellence of its literary fifteen years, but now he sleeps in a coutetlts, which include scrialand short stories by the best and most popular graveyard near by and ono. that was once his pupil took his place, and so on writers, fit it for the perusal of the poo• till the present time. pie of the widest -range of tastes and R . Oh how mach of Ontario's greatness of has arisen from the old Vhool- Pursuits. The WEEKLY supplements are of remarkable variety, interest, and ,ti,•dity house ? For if there 'had been no value, No expense is spared to•brin{ schools,Alipre would havo been no one the highest order of. artistic aboity to r, , , able to take the important positions; bear upon the illustration. of the change - fol phases of home and foreign history. ^r- ---- which some of the scholars now oc. cupy : even if there had been no free A Mexican romance, from the pen of '1017?l i.1 3pJ school, for soma of lite greatest rneri Tuoat.ts A. JA�tri>x, will appear ni lite «IE.,Lryil,.c8J0. g�pg i 'SPAVIN liR'E of today were once poor then fn the- ,� C villages and towns. At first there were few who received - II•:kRPER'S PERIODICAL;3. L;. - -• - . i• t a (;ood education, but, when the schools, 'IV I ell we call high schools and colleges, Per Venr ; - IIAtnrr:It's W1:I:KLX.... , ....... . `c$ bel � ; \ were built,. the children had a better TIARPP:n'8 MAGAZINI..............I -1 00 advantage. Some of the scholars of H:\nrElt's BAZAR. • .............. 4 OO - • -- = 'its,:^'- '_ -_' _ ' ��" that old schoolhouse erste become great IIAnPrIt's YOUNG 1't:nrfa:........ ? OO =,r- -- =�- men and women, and fill res opsible P Poxk<l/e Fri e In tell xul,st t i h, n, i,a tl,• The Most Successful ItemedY ever dWt- positions of today. United .)'acres, Canada, or.flf,xro. covered, w It re cortalit In Ito effects and noes not; hasten. head below. Some became toachers and went back __ proof to teach in the school where they them- TheVolome3 (Lh01WEEr,LY brg'n with Office ©f' Charlet; A. Snyder, selves were taught. Some have become the first Number for January of each L>nEEDER OF ministers and have gone to foreign lands to preach the everlasting gospel to the year. When no time is mentioned,sub. lcriptitxls will begin with the 1Vauhber I Cleveland nay and Trotting fired noiffei,: V� heathen. {Some have taken business current at time of receipt of order. I LutvooD, ILL, Nov. 20, Isle. x,.. ' Da. B educations and now fill important of. Bound Volumes of IIARPER'a Wr•.I-:r.I•v Sirs: I linvoLL . Dear Sirs: I bare always parcha-od urIien- -bottles, fices as lawyers, etc. Some became music teachers and are teaching music for three years back, in neat cloth bind- Ing, will be sent by mail, postage pail:, di'll's spavin Cure by the hale dozen I. would like prices In larger quantity. I think It Is on" of the beat tinlments oil erth, I have used it; to day. Some became farmers and set• tied down near by ant: theft children go orb express, free of expense (provided P (1 the bydoes not exceed 'otic dorsi inni,)•aablesfor three years. Yours truly, CEIAS. A. s:rYD$R. to the same place for instruction as per volume), for V 00 per volume. p g 1, C ®tR�6,a� � �Y�G they themselves did. Some are mem- - Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable s bers of parliament, and some were called to that Home on high. On the � for binding, will be sent by mail, post• on receipt of S1 00 each. BRgn9tvii, N.Y., Novembers, Isee. Do.. B. J. rs:IXcNLt, Co. n,•ar4irs:ittesrretnRtroppmt trgflrr.�nlalo[ other hand some have gone down and paid, Remittances should be made by Post• (l my aovdoptaloho(yourlivndalls9,,rincore. Iha,o used a for Lnineneset, SE411l' Joints degraded themselves. That terrible office Money Order or Draft, to staid and 1 ammnnri tunlLhordsonun tleurL,Icordl'I mo ster'drink, has ruined some. As a rule it was those who wasted their time chance Of 109a. itIQr, It XVor$ truly, A. R. Ctrusimr, • at school, who wasted it afterwards and Address,: ILtnrEn6,I3110TIIEVS,NewYork. 1890. DlftDae^rrTroyLauuaryswbles. :;�"°" ftkg4 shortened their days. Some became but �. tt9•LN11 'Dauuu RURCya 11���9� robbers and went about. plundering, t _ . that is not the ivay to prosier. Ilon• (� 1 t�N�f M Harper's -. Ma ' azin 9A.vT, WINTnN GOVBTY, caro, Dec, 28, 1s&4. Pit. B, J, ha.nALL Baty is the motto that leads upward, and the man that goes by this rule will �' ILLU' jTR;1,TL•'U, Co, 0ants:Ifeelitmyydnfytasarwhat Ihave done With yowl KemallIs spavin inre. I have cured OapOr. ' I.dare say. that•.•x to �A1rlr„se,1�1.-.. ._ A-ncw,Sh'altespa-�.^'a tr,t•tri-five hornei flat lad kiptavine, ten or ItIIla irons, stun aflmt ted meth Ill Road and Aerr,.of 131ac JAew fiMu•LhAvertnt oneof ad an(t ( house hada ton ue it couldtellusman g Y �aligr 4f Entvlx A. Anru,Y-will be ,resent d •l,00lV,A.ari:�[ollowut �µt lliaxaaaever ,, - lr''t a e.i, by kind; a thrilling story. 1VY,en some of the scholars, after having been absent for iu II:\tn i;R's 1\Lui,\ztsta for 1;x!10, with ve'il's truly, ANDREW TURNErt. ten years or so, would coma back to vis. it the old scb000houee, they would find comments by ANnlmw L.%xCl. lI.%RPI:R';t MAnAzisL has also made specical or. ,�� t1g�y1 p� �a .mT3�Eltaiogt � � '� ��� few of their companions there to gleet them. For in ten years the scholars rangementa with Ar,rlloxsE U:hCUF.T, the greatest of living french novelists, for rrleoel perbottle,nrrrx bottles for QS. All Drs ' so t,4 Ilare It or canis -t it for you, or It will be se. that were, would be grown into young men and women. Or the exclusive publication, in serial form of a humorous story,to beentitlerl "The to any address on r1v.•Ipt of trice by the proprl tors. DR, D. J. KENDALL Ce., P:noabtugh FatIs. Vt perhapshe would find one of fids companions teaching. Colonists of Tarasclont the LtLat rid- r n SOLD I3Y 1t r1, DRUGGIST,( Often those who have been companion§ at school when they parted,there ventures of the Famous Tartarin,' The story i 1 be translated by Ilf:rnv f •would never meet each other again. That sohoolhouse is J'Amlls, d i'llnstrated by Uossr itntl bh'nr..tcn. WANT1101., .n"• Vur•,.•ry , t ,: ti"i,, All old note replaced P W.� j), Iloivrr,Ln w,61'' be a much nicer rine, and lhero }a EL beautiful row of large maple trees in w'lll C011tilblltC a�l 1hOVO1CttC illi referee parts, anh Laer%mo ritttttA i' IRST•, . yore ..1" Fit, plea';. t, •t•nht.,lde -••�' flit ,nuc. front. So if our forefathers had not IIEARN a novelette in two parte, entitled 1''••� ..�.N ri_t.t. ilno< satarir•s nml c,<pens••,t I.ai,l weekly. thoughtof planting those trees, they would not be so large and beautiful "Youma," handsome! illustrated, Y In ilrustratod papers, torching Htlb• Liberal indueenm.Illq to bn,;ittnorq, No prey Ln,g espvrll,nn,` norl.;�ery% Oiiiflt free, write for now. The bity.has also grown and encircled jects o. current interest,and in its short tormq, 10011'; n;1e. ('11 WIA'm 11. CIIA8B, .NargerJ in,"t, Roehegter, W. Y. it and the rough track that once was, stories, poems, and timely articlen, the -Nivi1;i ei 11::s 1•r.11, r. is replaced by a pavement sidewalk. MAGA7,11E will maintain its well-known • Now, what will it be when the next ton standard. years have passed? rdightwe notreas- suppose, that the teacher that IIARPER'S PERIODICALS.onably now is, may be sleeping, and the schol- Per Year: I •. ar tbat now is, may be teaching. IIARPr•,lt's MAOAZISE......... .....<l 00 M. M. B., Brucefleld. 11ARPL••R'a WYMULY............ 10O • - 3i' • _. It is simply sickening to read tiro HARPER'a BAZAR.. .'............A of OO IiATIPER'S YOCie PEorf,r•,........ 2 00 C .6 Z= a a -,. ^1" sentimental drivel that is being Postage Frer In all svberr;hrr•q in ter, United Walex, Canada, or Jft.riro. r s �'a &4.r'N, 0 F a `r u T, I , T- o- written concerning Harvey, the mur• --- , , Z �. i; ` m� a Fg 5 � :ne.oa (lager. It was pride, not insanity, that led him to cbnll>iit triple murder, and The Volumes of the al,%oAyt.re begin with the Numbers for June and ))seem• � 0 a s -'•e' d:' a '. F= C " d ° 0 a g �"a'" •• �w W .4 °db� ber of each year. When no time is acs °'p� � s no man over deserved hanging more. If specified, subscriptions will begin with ,J -. m d S-«0 `as_ VFN 1 his sentence is' commuted, it will be the Number current at tinea vt receipt !� i ps n A . ; a „a,.1 e a�°•s�!Y�: 11 against the protest of the best senti• of order. Bound Volumes of IIAItrFn's MAr,.ixlNiS Q .0 w e. -G a ^`-ZF % va cw ,, + 4 11 men£of the county. Y• for three years back, in neatclgtll bind• 0) li) e , ' n a a °-g-af-1,4"I" --•••— Two of the men who tvetc concerned Ing, will be sent by mail, post•pekl, on receipt of $3.00 per volume. ;;loth p a a's ozv �� ";-^,:,rti • in the Baltic outrage, (whereby a boy Cases, for binding, b0 cents catch -by mail, a� a _a,t„;>, .p , F�f t , `'" ' -�•' � .,i� ; `%' a, - ' ': - '' was tarred and feathered on a boat and post-paid. Index to HAnrEn's Mkotzrvr„ Alpha i tp4 i L , ? t :. • x .eo 1,T ' - • ` "-; then jumped overboard and was betical, Analytical, and Classified, for , - - Vt-.,-r'1%4 .: drowned) have been sontenecd to one Volumes 1 to 70, inchisive,'from Ttine, year in the Central Prison, anti font 1t.601 t0 June, lmm'), One Vol., NVO, (;loth, , . others to six months in the same place "tt 00' Remittances nhade by Pnst ( A C®9K �t� Such punishment is simply a faroo. nffice Money Orr:er or Draft, to avoid FREE The (nen merited nhn. h more scours chance of Inns. l f3 traatmenf and it iq flat to the Eralit oft Ad,IYr9s I1%nrI'J'A'littrrI-IMP4, Newl'ork I ess.malany.a.ysA"C5cgc;ho"Mo offit) address. Weis, R r�•a�dsca Ri Co., Montreal. justice that they diti not got it, I .. N ,,, .,<.i►,-.. ,,tilt.. --6, — &.__4 A ' ..._ ..... ... ,�, ,.., � _ ,,.._.,v_