The Clinton New Era, 1889-08-16, Page 67.1"•1LA_%tWa �zt nese tr'astant rcu:a w:a- a:an -, .'- ....4-4.ri-%sri0EA nMDEA.- APP= awalazSn.T.7rmcD. • LONGFELLOW'S 11IAIIDEN, Ir ho is-. "Standing with reluctant feet, Lw Where the brook and river meet. , Womanhood and childhood fleet!" is a type of thousands of young girls who are emerging from the chrysalis stage of their existence, as they enter upon their "teens." Nervous, excitable. irritable,' stirred by Strange, unknowable forces within them, • each a mystery unto herself, our girls need .the tenderest care, the most loving patient oversight, and the aid of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, to safely carry them through • this critical period, during which, in too many lives, alas, are sown the seeds of dis- 1',, t�eening forms of diseases peculiar to the female sex. But this boon to womankind will prevent all such diseases, or cure them if they have already seized a victim. Woman 'owes it to herself, to her family, and to her social station, to be well and strong. Let her then not neglect the sure Paeans of euro. "Favorite Prescription " is a legitimate medi- cine. carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful phI'eician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless ' in its effects in any condition of the system. is ,Sold by druggists; $1.00, or six bottles for tiopyright,1888, by WORLD'S 1)IS. MED. Ass'N.' Dr.PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and . bowels. They aro purely vegetable and per. fectly .harmless. Otto a Doge. Sold by druggists. 25 cent a vial. Fur 'Ninthly I{tiitdli)g c;LIVjCI)V C'HI1i(II Lit,ht Iult) ST. PAUL'S (1i.17is::opctl) -Services 041 Suuday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. hlatnnty 3cikool at 2.3U p.m, Rev. W. Lrai,.. hector. RATTENEt:11? 3TIiEET (MethOdiSi). - Sunday services at 11 a.nl. and 7 1'.r_1. Sunday School at 2.30 pan. Rev. Jas. Livingstone, Pastor. WILLIE (Presbyterian) -Sunday ser. vic.us at 11 a.. in. and 7 p. in. Sunda' School at 2.30 p. Lt. Rev. A. Stewart, pastor. . ONT..Iuo STREET (:Methodist) -Sunday services at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun. day School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Joseph Edge, Pastor. BAPTIST -Sunday services at 10.30a in, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at2.30 p.n. Rev. J. Smith, pastor. -1 •1'I;vEI.B TEST. 111:11111t:.eL 11. 1 �'..�, „1 „10-vrvilt lull, �ticie:l ,I,tl�ticti I,itu eat •It'the ani-.�i+ ICl:,t't'O 1 .liven by Lilo pro - duets, that i'e IS.itily wai•r•an,ted iu -tiling thein wider certificate ,of L'u61:ultee, it is very natural 84.) l,t'lie•Vo that 1-ut•h a producer bas i nit e•ieit 0 rn ti len(•e IIS th3 merits y 14• Loods, anti that, tau, not tviti,altl goo,' Ie,^. -art. Such con - tt'1e:lce is possessed by the World's Dispensary Medical Aisooiation,ol Buffalo, N.Y., in Dr Pierce's f•'anl• - tly Medieincs, and hence his Fav - ,r orite Prescription is s.uld b%' drug- 14'til'' ,4::ea ,`�����s�'4V,v`Aa:v��@�Gb.� �`a'��.Oc �`�yS",�"';";,.�L''p�?a'�o`>'.`�'v� � �,�i��,����v. �.v.�.• v. o 1( tit for, Infants and Children. 'CastorlaisroweladeptedtochIldrenthat I Cantona cures Colic, Constipation, ei:ommend it tut superior to any prescription sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, 6a own dome." 13. s,. Aacaxa, 11L D., ICilla Worms, glvee steep, and promotes di - t iris, as tau other ntedt.clne for 1U 80. Oxford at., 81•ooklyn,K.Y. similar l,urposes ever was under :•l:Iwc t,.'•1Rmraritee,tllat it will in eve!,-.• cine give satisfaction, or THINE AS WELL A� READ. Illi I t w jIiIill tut' 1t will be i'tiluntj- After reading a buck 01. an :u • ed, !•t runt 011 rho. v , of information e try ills. title or an item �.,,:il�" and delicate , a' r rl ,., 1, C l to . it Vette .dill 1' 3' 1"II'ihl •-Illl''l',' hCiil'e trona an;t't':l1�nesses peculiar to w'ullten. tl11111116,'' ,your U.LIt•IIl1Ul1 to other I. I r t necessary to enumeratetI l! ,: