The Clinton New Era, 1889-05-03, Page 6W dy Red g, ' TUE`FA.1'O KWS DARE. One of our pleasantesVrecolleo• bops of childhood is that it was a i time when we were confident of being taken care of. We took no t 'thought of raiment but to wear it when it was provided. We went to sleep without anxiety ; no dis- traction eame into our (dreams; R < we did not spend our d ream• hours in carrying impossible burdens up ,:• interminable bills. It was but a tnomedt from "good•night" ,tu •'good -morning," and the now days always blossomed out ill or- iginal freshness and sparkle. The quietude of our young years ' was due, more than vve thought of then, to the fact that w'e had a father and a mother to go to who,, wo wero in trouble. They used always to help us out of our little difficulties. When a child comes fi in from outside the first (111081-i0u he is likely to ask is: "Whore's motherl" lie may not want her for anything particular, but he '< wants to know she is there. Ilav- ing father and mother under the came roof ma key the. child's sleep more quiet at night. And so among large dif eultics that throogand swarm atornd us as we trove along in older yen's, there is nothing we need so much as to feet that there is sorn• )nc that st•lnds to us ill jus"bo same rotation now its fi. I of and motliel used to. eLand ten years seo. That ie the ti list idea of God we want to have formed in us when we are little, and the last idea that we want i,) have of him as we move `out and -up in the pla;o prepared for us in the father's house on high. The first recordcd sentence f.hat .ICSUs SpOkC Called God Ili: tither, and his last recorded sell- it�lnce that Jesus spoke called God his father, and his last recordcd bent^ace on the crosA called Gad his fatter.—[C. H. Parkhul•st. A IIEROINE AT A FiP •;. A mother's concern for her son was heroically displayed at a file in New York on :stir 21. The lire was in a large tenement hot -e ,tad w. (c.0- t by the exl)lo,ion of a lamp un i .10 first floor. An alarm was sent over the v : tics and loud shouts w.`'r• t the tenants on the upper floors to make their escape. All did so except a widow .)ybo-, with son, occupied rooms on the top floor. The son, who is 21 7 -errs of age, wily ()rflty I to his 1 .l, l -;,,.y ill tvit'` consamplion. The molher found it was hopeless a to get Vnl out of bed and -down the s:i, . by herself,and presently the St -7, s t sok fire, cuttingofi hot- by erby t hat way (41 ""LlIal ly. S, e managed) drub the young 7r1• to the lc;tldow, whore he i nuld get air, and she waited with him for bell) to come: Iter poi- t'nn was degerieO flout the street,. and some firemen madetheiv way through thescuttleofneighboring, house to the vpofoftheone on fire Lying down on the roof they low- ered a rope to the window ai which the widow Ivas, and told i' her to tie it around her I )d}• and the;; would draw her up. Misread of doing So, she fieri it. around her invalid son, and whited pa6CI)LI,y white the fivenlen drm\, him up and lowered the rope again for }ler Both were saved, but while the son was being rescued, his mother was in imminent danger. W11.11. love must that have been chat, in the face of death by burnine-,could prefer that another should be sily- rd rather than horselfl Dow io- Enitely greater must have bcon the love of'Christ fora lost wet Id, when he voluntarily laid down his life ibr its salvation. (John x., 18,) --[The ChrinLlaii Ilerald. Abont'1'h::d Pa ries. The 'u11 n toesiu I�1 d D Advorti;,ov, so fully- expresses our own viulwn that, wo'have un, hC"i- tslticm in IransferriD:; it to our r•. colunfns:-- New broom; cluall, and Third 1(., peon - ii.­•l,.r. They putriotic. 1' All the 1(' I ol'thom-orld i, (1111 (d joint, but they were hot'D to set it•' I :ltd they :cru Loin- to -0 it right. tither teen aro nlflucnr- �'' ed. by cons;llor'utions of oflire 111111 its elrloumel,ts, hill their' motto is : Fen 1' ti(111, I!(I:il,l' 1110 i<I il('', :1114i r. take p1nr0 Wali I,'\ver :;:. all ;u•• cidcnt. Thi :u'(, kn(1\v1J of all men, and their nrai,Ps aro ill all The chu"ci,rs. Tho- are goi'I 2.1 Carats tine. tiach aro nll Third ~., Parties 11.4 the world has kno\VJI them in all fv'•rs. But nrnncnn{v —it mn y -ire ak,- or it cony Ito l; human ra(a'••c -they have al\way s in the 1(•11g run 1)'•Oved to he itfible sons of out, common fatl4l r AUI•lo, Wo have seen Mustl•ated in°tri( 1t the old, old st.o"y- of tens• ' i,ttion wid a fill. The tempLil- tion mav•bavo 1lcvji n fel otlic'f`, or 'a or a Oik:net 1,o"IfV)ho, blind f. Ishares in a rullway , or a Scat int t the gloond floor of a (oloni-10on COlnpalIV, of SO1)lethi,ig of that sort, and flown they have gone 'a with n,4 li'do ce •candy as Padlcr Adnm himself. Ic limy not Ill ways be so, wu ,ill 1. The worl(l is growillg het:(--, and the tin10 14 common we doll( when Third Panics w;11 rcmftin t1 He and stc,ulfnst to tfmir i),••)f(. •Aors. v"I; But tete world is moving slowly along t;lo better lino, anti we fear a few met e lenders must rise and If. fall betflre tlro politirnl nlillenium comes, 0PANK$ AT HP.P ARTER4, I VvrlgyA.WWA 1 Vvsslrl.N. ,J � JGOOD'S h0.'. -... R , Caw TT371 IF: 7OF' Our stock is now complete in every department. Full lines in HARDWARS•a�WKOL.�SALEPR C C DRES�! GOODS,. PRINTS, SHIRT, COT- - Having purchased the large and extensive stock of Hardware, &e., of the estate, of ` TONS, -;CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and R. M. Racey, which was sold by auction on March 27th, 1889, this in conueotiga small wares HAWS CAPS, GENTS FUR' with our own large stock, we are now prepared to give you at prices that whit 1 startle yon. Don't fail to come at once and secure bargains. NISHINGS, ,.in great variety. Ready Made Clothing and Clothing made to order. We are marking clown the prices of the combined stocks" . which comprise STOVES, BUILDERS, CAIiRIAGE unci HEAVY,;'- Remember we make up SUITS from $2 to $3 less than lily other .HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS; TINWARE, tic„ all of house in town, and dont' forgot to ,iee us when ordering new suits. which will be fairly slau;;hterecl. This will be One of the,'. � greatest Opportunities for Builders, Aleebanics, Country Merchants, Farmers, (sec., to purchase that has ever been OES offered in this section, so (lc]u't fail to call rind get prices. 0 1BOTS & SHCOAL OIL wholesale and retail. A full stock ofJ L 113.\S1•ISIu and KALse171NE OIt;�' band. 1'1te lroil and Heavy Ifat•dwaro busiucss will be continued in tl•lo old stand' We w'inll to call special attention to our Bo:)c and Shoe drpartnlent. 1Ve bavo'unu of the 1argo.t stooks ill town 11111: c'aii save you from 10 to 20 per cent. Wo buy direct from unc (A'the lktr,L;ct.t Factories in the Province, and are ill a position to give you llal'guinr. Conic and seo us and -our pricos, We are determined to talcs the load in this town for good goods at thcolotvct•t prir(•s. 141 s.rtrl'block, PLUM STE + L &' WRINGS Clintonn ImInVIEN CQ1 J C S T J Ei 0 N 1IANUFACTUi?ER'OF AND DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD FURMNITUOE. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites. ]bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane; and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, &c. Special lob of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt.frames, hand painted, cheap, General assortment of Household Fut-niture sold cheap for cash. The Discount Sale has run Ofl' most of my: old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING. Frames made to order. LT. 0. f-TM-7:M11*-1T0LNT -` RESIDENCE OVER STOVE. FURNITURE STORE. ---- -- OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. 1 OUR RATS Yodifilioll We are showing the finest line of, Spring&S' ummer bats *1 T Ever brought to this town. All New Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low. TRY ITS ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU. ' We have everything thata gentleman requires, at priers, to suit all pockets. Our extensive line of II0S I L It I" comprises goods. of all' weights, in a variety of colors - and qualities, from Ito expensive Sock to the cheapest grades., SQ:SI'ENDEUS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts; Collars, Cutl'y and Neekitivear is larger than ever before, and the finest in the place GLO. GLASGOW, CLINITON W AM ALL PAP.E-R Cei'lif. DEC0R; A.'T'I01N•S .i Latest American Patterns. Clluaper than over before. Call :old illspl,ct the stock. _A.Woprr F-TTNC.-�l- po.Isi,(_'lll-1 tor, THE V� CLINTON .�. �� 1 R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, "I".. Tire: N my F+lf:\- is 1>11111i511i fl r.very Friday ; it 'rives about Thirty -too Colmuus of,Fresh Readirig- Ni hater Every •Neck•; Correct 'Market Reports from Toronto and il_1 this neighborhood ; has u Largo Circulation an(1 is t`tlstlrpassed a,; illi Atl- vertising lledillnl. Will he sent to airy address for $1.50 1, year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT NT We Trove all -tile latest styles of typo for Circulars, Sale Bills, an(1 any kin(1 of printing that can be desired. Prices tho Lowus, Work the Finest and satis- f1a.ction guaranteed. Ono triol is ceratin to brhi' inother. IIS,- HOLMES; ]BOX 74, ' CLINTON. of Mr Racey, initnediately nest our own. Iran and Hardware Merchants, Stoves and, Tinware, Clinton TEASrt7 A._ -AT— C 0 0 PE 0 0NS.OLD STAND Fresh New Season's Uncolored Japan, 15"Cts � per lb.,' 7 lbs for $1. TRY IT. Chinese Mixture, good quality, 5 lbs for $L ' 92R -Highest price for Butter au(1 Eras. J.' W. •IRWIN, The mimes Tei, Warehouse, i, Cooper's Old Si71nd, C'r, Searle', Plook,70JNTON Tu E Red Rocker Furniture �tor Having bought the. 1i •••1- • U. B. Calbick: of the late firm of Calbick & Reithi s a greatly re,,. a are flow prepared to give our customers the fu --- ;)enefit of the reduction. 1j'e n'iIl 1.1111 ofr.' coir entire stock of Bedroom ,ally Parlor Suites SidebPar►ls, l,tt axion and. Centre Tables, Book Cases, Pe aced, Caiw, and ,1eod Seat Chairs, and all kind$of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAIN'S for the next 30 days. 'NOW is the time to buy Furllil,ure, as such bargaills can- not last. Call and be convineed. N OT10E—Oar stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in every r'ar•tici.lar, and we are determined to ghe satisfaction. The loaoin�,r Un(ertakers, F,mbalmers, Cabinet Makers, and Vpholsterers, Red Rocker Furniture Stora, Brick Block, Clinton '4ft"H'INA n.ALL*. To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER CE..NT DISCOUNT FDR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. I)k;('viLA'i'Eli DINNER AND TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock, We offer NEW SEASON P, C o T zti (rAPAN TEA at 40 cents,worth crib CO. We offer NEW SEASON RLAOX TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35, NNW CURRANTS and R41SINS, cheap, .2 BROOMS for 26c FIt dSII FINAIT IIARi.IE, SISCOS, BETtRING, $LOATERS, &c )no(, 1' C d9 l 1 null)try drlivcred to n.ny Dirt of the town. Give tls'a:c7311,•; L'1"ITER AN.0 l•:GGS TAKNN AS CASH. F-wH-mmuN. -CHINA HALL I nu The..-Pe,olsile"8 G"ROCER"Y 11) ('011NF,R1 RUIZfIN TND ON'l'ARTO STREETS, IS the p,RCC h) it ('hrap ('7flilS'I'.IIaS GOOIts, W.6 are rerrl{•ing a tine new steep ItAiSINS--New Valonciaa, Snitantis, Illnek Basket, Layer, Laver Valenciis- CUILItANTS—New Barrel Currants,'now Box Currants. PEELS—Lemon, Oralrge and Citron Peels NUTS—Soft-Shell Almonds, Brazil, rilbertA, PCRCftuS, PC0.111IN, English IVII. nuts, best qualities. i CON FI:CT1ONEIZY—Our assortntc'ht cannot be surpassed. LE310\'S rind OBANGESI--Fresh Siem . Rnflcoll Orangr`s, ('aliforlia I Oranges, Valencia and Mftlagas. (iliAPlt.n--Whitc'Malaga and Rodgers Illar'h GralFr, Cit0CXF,1t,Y and GLASSWAItF, We are giving barganls in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. F11111, lie. --W( also ronstnntly korp in 1-tovh Oysters, ihiddie, l;loaters, (;ISCnr13, c%e , L'Nint Bh,-i•('ranberries, Bermuda Onions,(:nrtlntonOnions. TIUS—�peeial valnos in Teas. Wo hat^ thrrrl as low as five pounds for $,ttnd as high as 70e. per Ib., and we. ran gnarantee ilio (]nality to he the best Mir msortrnent is too large to ennntrratn, andive only inviainn it Tow leading articles. Cntnr and -o flit, ynnrself, We will give yna good valor and a liberal (lisconnt for cash, An old phyaiosi retired from p in handq Thor +4DtaP > IS:1 ! tree, ]twine hath glaopd jlif} lisrao•' ; fO.Ixrolei ag-.40at India nqt0,4opary,tltq whQ. v*jopr of a .pimple vegetable remedy for the n 9 .r4m, crarilmil Vr1)0. wlr i #-low",seedy and pernianeainure. ofaonanlnp• , g these are two women, gam` tion. Bsonohitie, Catarrh, Asthma and any very well dresood, who have made It a all throat and Lung Affections, also a practice for severltl Yom pelt too„promquetdo down in front the building oer- positive and radical cure for Nervous up and of at Debility and Nervous Complaints, after twin, inWvAb or tha. day. They are salla to hav seated its wonderful curative look u at the windows as ii jealooa Ai t e p � powers in thousands o! oases, has felt ocoupant, alf the while mumbling to there- it his dutyy to make it known to his suf- selvea Any attempt to get information fering fellowe. Actuated by this mot - from them they strongly resent, and the ive and a desire to relieve human suf. mystery as to who they are or where they fering, I will send free of charge, to all hail from is as impenetrable as any cavern of who desire it, this receipt, in German, Cimmerian darkness Even on wet days French or English, with full directions these women present themselves, and there for preparing and using.. Sent by snail are those around headquarters who pay the by addressing with stamp, naming this women even did their promenade acct on paper, W. A. NorEs, 149 Power's Block, blizzard day. Rochester, N. Y. 13012•y.e.o.w. An old man, whose hair was whitened by about seventy summers, entered the building About fourairearn Ted Ward, y some nights ago. He inquired of good "Deacon” Moore where he could find the in- ,U of Dresden, then about fifteen specter. When he met that oSfcial,he told years old, fan's sliver in his Cal' a tale as mournful w it was, perhaps, full of which resulted ill his doith til(! the essence of common sense. He said be hadr , other day. lhu al(ullt ,uured bowed at the shrine ofMozart, bad enjoyed to be aBected anti a short time the strains of Mpudelssolltl's popular , waltzes, had become enraptured at bol'Ore (tenth the town (loctOrS Col. Simm's orchestra, but he could shade an operation, takinJ out a not stand the hand organ. Could not the in- portion of the belle, which %Va, do. spector in some way suppress the uuisanceV Tho genial police of tial promised to do what ca C11. Deceased novel, fe(r,titled y he could, and the old gentleman joyfully 0111seiousness. The remains %vcro hurried uwaY. He had hardly got outside intorred oil Tuesday, his nix stat. the shadow of the building when an elderly wart brolhors being hall-b,,im-o •s, woman entered. She was as toquactoue as a mocking bird and as emphatic as a campaign SPECIAL ,�\NOUNCI:IIENT. " Teaker, The old lady said tie laved nest door but one to a eburch, and the ringing of We have made arratll',onlent, with the bells in the early morning hours had Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A much annoyed her. She claimed it robbed 'Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," her of In any hours' sleep, and she had be- which will enable all our subscribers to conic so annoyed' by the continual ringing obtain a copy of 'that valuable work that site had crossed over the channel separ-• free by sending their address'(enclosing acing Christianity from Iufidelism and was a two -cent stamp for mailing same) to now a cohort of Ingersoll. . All this change DIi. B. J. KENTI)ALL Co., ENOsl3rilto F.%LLS, she attributed to the effect of the bell, and VT. This,' �golt is low recognized as she had called on the inspector in the hope standard authority upon all diseases of that his interference alight save other Chris- the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, tian women from adopting the alternative over four' million copies having been she bad. sold in the past, ten years, a: sale never' Perhaps the most curious of all the eccentric before- reached by any publication in individuals is the middlo aged man who has the same period of time. We feel con - an idea that be owns the City Hall building fident that our patrons will appreciate and park, and who parades this Intelligence the worts and be glad to avail themselves to any and all who will listen to him. He of this opportunity of obtaining a yalu- says the property was willed to him many able book. years ago by a dlxeased relative, and that be It is necessary that you mention this Intends soon to send in a'bill for rent to the paper in sending for the '• Treatise." city, whom he cousideni his tenant. This This offer will remain open for only a. crank lounges about the steps of the building, short time. and his fuco is a familiar one to those whq April 26. fi ins. have business there. Ile dresses well, and seems always supplied with abundant lucre. — It is said he has been preaching in this wise (3abriel Duulont indignantly de - for many years past, and that his relatives are persons powerfully high up in the politi- nies thaEt he is connected with a Wild 'West affairs show, but is going to cal of the city.—New York world Montana to buy horses for it French . Electric Motors in Europe. syndical s, which will be exhibited Though it is well :,aiow•n that the trvinsinty- at the Paris w position, where Gab- sion of power by electricity in England has riel evidently is to have a show of made little progress as compared with the his own. lTe said be intended rf? enormous extent to which it has been do-, turning t0 Batoche to live. Tt was veloped in this country, we are hardly pre- ro- pared pared to learn from so good an authority as untrue that lie wily there inciting b Professor Ayrtoil, that in the whole of Great the people to rebellion, but he in- Britafn there are hardly 100 electric motors at timate d that he Goold rais(? one if be work at the present time, as compared with liked. 0,000 at work in this country. ..It won]& be difficult to prove, we think, that the much abused English electric lighting act is entirely POPULAR IIVS7'IiUDIEN'l'. responsible for this state of backwardness, A new scale -Uptight Pianoforte re• and we are confirmed in this opinion by the Gently completed by siessrs. Newcombe very neat definition which Professor Ayrton & Co„ Toronto, is affording great satis- has given of the difference of the term "ill- faction.. It fills the requirements far a ertin," as looked at from the English and_ reliable instrument by a first class mak- American standpoints. As Professor Ayrton puts it, inertia, from the foreign standpoint !er within the reach of all. Write them l for particulars. is a "iwis-tance to motion," whereas, looked at from the American stt?ndpoint, it means. "resistance to stan(liug stilL" Thus, whilo our English cousfae boast that Common SBIIs� Clothes Dr they are ahead of us so far as science is con- er corned, and gvon assert that their machines'. • ' j are better than ars the fact remains that Inst what everybody wtints. 160 feet of line in a samll •sliaco. (!an be, easily raised or while they aro wafting for developments and lowered. Cannot fall when raised. The improvements we go ahead and attain our handiest clothes dryer ill use. Budorsed by ends by actual experience; and thus, so par all who have tried it, and warranted to Rrvo uutires atisfaction. Can be used by a child as actual results are concerned, ascertain the of 10 yon rs old as easily as by an adult person best practice, not by speculation, but by J.COrR&SON,wagall(] l(]ai work. And in such results, indeed, is em- rshole Agents Huron, Bruce, and NVatorloo, and t1'allaco and Ehna •row'n- the final test of everything. However shipA. \V. E. WALDRON, PateutuL. ' _bodied well theory may Indicate results, it is only by — netual experience that•the true value of any 'm ldevice.ascertained; and system trial and f can though tr[al and Pniltrro may be in the first HARPER'S Magazine place a more expensive, way of obtaining this ILLUSTRATED. true value, it certainly lens the advantage of — getting at results quickly, and In a shape HA)n'afl's 31AaA%INrt 1, the mast useful, enter. which aero speculation could never roach.— tniaim, nod Wroadful Periudicul in Ilic world. 'Antoog Ilie attraetiuns for 185(1 will he a new Electrical World. , novul-.ao Anlur,can story, entitled "Jupiter _ _�__- _ ___ - ' Li�ht�'--hy Constance P. Woolson; illustrations Lucrlstf Eaten in Alglery. • of Rha]cespeare's Comedies by E. A. Abbey; a series of articles ml Russia, illustrated by T. de It is an ancient and sacred custom of the Tl:ulstrup ; papers (In the Duelliniuu of Canada natives to eat these insects. Tradition hast it and a characteristie serial by Charles Dudley war lot • three " Nurwegiau studies," by Ilion). that at the tin; appewan:o of the locusts ;Herne Nornsoo, illustrated ; "commedns," a 1lloharnmed instructed his disciples not to historical Ihiy by •the author of 'Ben-1lur," �y destroy therm. But one (lay,the great prophe « illustrated J. 1t.wentel:n, etc. Tho Editorial' noticad on'Lhe wings of one of these insects Drpartnieuf, are conducted b}• George w'illiluu Curtis, w•iliinul ])can Howells, cold 'Charles an inse-ription in Hebrew characters saying: Dudley warner, "We are the soldiers of Clod; we lay ninety- l7ille eggs. Whenever we shall lay one hun- HARPER'S PERIODICALS. dred the universe will have been devoured Pea YEAR: byus•"Ilorrifleiatthis sacrilege the prophet IIARPE:R'S)TAOAZINE............. ...:^4 straightway Interviewed the Lord and ro- HARPER'S WEEKLY .............. . .I ceived the order that cls a punishment of the HARPMR'S BAZAR ......... ............ 4 locusts the faithful should kill fin(] cat them. IIAItPER'S YOUNII PECPIAf .. That the nntivm highly rtdish the dish up- Postafta free to all soliscrilArs. in t.hu Cnitc states, Gu,ndn or 11exleo. pears from the saying: "Next to the date The volomc, of the NIAJAZINJ, he"io with ole Lho 10 ISL L9 tl IO Aw" , i n r e CI tete 9L nl 1•x1" �h. hertlll , , „ t, •1 ,VIII (.7 111' JOIIP ullll 1Jeei!lubur r'f cavii 1, 1 }-our. prohibit, the flesh of animals lint pont, but Will•n n" tinge rs spreldrd, sob,clgdiun, will the Slohattttnal(art doctor, of law as haonn7e, . hruio ,%till the Nnrohor currant at tour of re. rl:ipt "f order. lwlse null dlltiflll (11111-diall8 of their flocks, 17'1U lid ,•ellllllab. Of irAl NIK', liTAIIAZINE fill' dcufed that. locusts w•rrn fish, that as such the U ,rve }rur, pork, to oeat (,loth wochna will hr runtnnit poip[e might cat Lbem'whilo the vaut 6v mail, post-paid,on receipt!if 53.00 per turn in holy or.;cr Should deny thonls,hIvus `""huu'I!, clnul cu,ca, 6n tliodio} , r0.r1•n1,r;11•b by'nlail, 4 •,yla•t t n •sr o r' I •r,. t.le9 n u I l In 11.. r t I ny _nlt ho tl`m t- 1 pn,t•paid, Inca x tAI I Kli .11.1/•1. 1• tati,m to gorgo thomsvlves. Certainly u very AL,ikklival, anll Clas,ilied, for V,dunic,' 1 }.1:70 vrtso Mull lihoral iwerprotntion to prevent a inchl,toe, fr'nn Junr, I,dll, to 'lour, 1`•,:1, -t - 1.11 1`1011i funtimt`IliIll111 thrpuur.--•PhilmlelphiaTimes, ,ol,,�yo,cloth,Fl.nu, mpc•rsnrrnot .t11o11lathi.rulerrh.rmol.it p .:Ic• (;1i Craze Conlbl};. witlwot t6r.v�prl ,, ,rile I* l'I IIAIu•ma S lhtnrnt:,ts h(1'lllll l7171rPY ,irnlhl hl' Il l'lill' 111' 11n,t-1 In','I' Ruct'i1' 1) Q11C."Jl Vii-toritt 1111.9 colltraCted JI' ne), I m'd('r ur Draft, tU :,,'.nd ('lues'.... rd 111.,, the Itabit of cin•I'cille• Itrt' houa,'huld C•tits ,%,Illy`,•..: If,%IWEIR A- BIOITIIVI:�'. Nro Y,,rk fdong with i;or 1•, ht`ll SaC Itttri•C, i'voln (III( - '.3,410 to (LIIoLIJor Tho trall4portlltioil cf rat, plat, therer,a'r, become quito a fn:+hiou- 1881). I , ` h I' c " ` i• 1 , '" '1 1 I 1 71'1 I 1 l(. ' l I •Ls., 11 . 111, 1) family, y f lit, tint • �•,. .'„ , r , ,,;• -(u;l (, • (, id li il, i Ii. I I1.. l I.. I(1 `7'111"" ]t Ill 1 for t �Jr DIY � x WEEKLY HARPER'S tlY E1J��LY nllllr;n• fit,m railw•ny stnLinn w'iLhouC 1111 am- IhI,I'STR A TI•fi Illy hasket remaining the douu!stiv (clines. Thr ilpiil;" of royalty eroll ill the I1losit ab- IIALITICS tt•Y.P:I,r.l111M n+ thr haul(ilq illn+tnilcil nrtvspu per in Aowrivii: sured null slay C ustuntS is otic of thns0 things flIef,d,ov„ or It, e,lit,o al ruo%nu ut4 un currout that k not desthlod to die out soon. Of pulhire has vtu•nrd for it the ou-i,ert and waft- cuuru' the' ('at t I'tl'/.H 19 tlnhlr tit any moln(:nt s•I `, nldthr ,-;rivie ' r,' nP all im 'tail int r,t hr 1 1 t 'till I and vxrcllrnry of it'alitrrur}' 1"nurnt,, „torp to inwnJlc tho rant:9 (If our Auuv'icafl ineludr scrmltn,d ,hart storir{ hl flu' hest and nubility.—lialtintoru llerahl. nvlst Popehtr writm•s, lit it. for the 11'rrtl,lal mf runup of ta(stc,aull pnnoit., rided, and no snpplruu0lst are fregncntly pov A nosnewhat Caricas Distinction. ,-xpois., L,paired to brio,; file highrst ,rilor of I,41jhih P,ry, If Turld,ll of slid, was rcrenl- nrtistn';,hflity to bear upon the ilhisu•atl'm cif Ihr rhau_cful phn,rs of home nod f"rvivn hi,• I y tirnistod b1 Constmitinoplo for nrcepting tire. 1 new w"rl, of nation, trolly 014, urn of brihrs. Ito has now been released and is ell- w'llltnul Ie;o, Howell,, and ono by Capt. Churl(, gag(•d hl investigating the Charge, +tf;ainst Rio., %,,it bo ammo the Irndim;( frnture, "f the " Osman Fry, first' chanllwrlain of tho sultan's l5'i<Yf LI Por 1SNt1 IIMWER'S PERIODICALS. palace, who is necusrd of sterilfng civil ser- vice fiend:;. The explanation is given that Pru YEAR: Ra,ihib Idry rubbed none but unbelievers, Ii{RIIER'n WEI'lil'' ,.. .. ...... 3i Oil ci• (s n stole fruen the faithful. Th bile ala o • IN � .. t an I(AI1Pt?Et'S NADA/• , L .... distinction sevens to l,e it eurfou4 on^, }alt I[,\RPI?IVS HAZAR... .• . ....... 4 nn Dlabometans always have bocrl rolrnh9c•.— IIARPEICS Vol'NO PEOPLE: . .. — z 00 New Y ot•k world. . ,, Postage free to all subserlbrr•: in filo United atilte,;, 001,111a or llexirn• ( Miter, 41 ...... i.('ly",i,s u,ii 1 21 9'11•,—ion1es of the Avw,i LI' hritirl thr first IlI(at `rel 11 'llM`liYti(ul ev Nnmh(-r for Jur'nnn if vaeli }vnr. t\•hro an flow iamrnCrlaell, sil6,crilf.idllswill beitio 1i 1 t` till v, ill (fir , I 1"! 11;11 l( ''( •t' 0711 , the nun,brr currvotat titre of•reovipt ,if orvlrr. N(.w )i•o', k, (1' e" -i d ;1, 111' ;:,1' -Ilam- ILnn,.Iyollllllp Vf lUxrYtts' w'Muu1n,(++rthtcr """ hurl., In tient ninth Lilldinu, will he -11 1111'1' C'O:ti,, wh:I(' Lie 1111(i (hhet'll '' h� mail. p•,onle pntd, nr h''( x1in—,freeI,(r,- r , ,.,. Ilinloltn of Irlll ill',"n. ix.lflt'1; .ha perm (provided t.ho frrl¢ht der, not r,� el �I "Ile dollnrper colnlnr),Pnr'i per,olmnre, drowned hiluy0.vll' h(` fixed the d;!y cirri, ('a,ns for moll ,nhnn", �nitnbh' hn. :tad ]lot lt. f f Ills fit'1("`;11, .1'111 Soni Will ho .rill h. mail, p: nt paid, nn re. vol 1'I f tl earh. (tilt not iee.A t ) f' lell(1R, :1,1.', llie I he'll li'ollitanrr, ahoold hr loads by 1'n,l•Ofl1F.o to altend it, 'hhC 1101 P`r 1wl 1•(; On )tan's ('•,' r or Draft., to v"id chance of los,. hc;tty h''ticlt ho.'d'.rrd 1,:111•'1 "1n e :•1„^Ij`I„r.arrantinrlq,)n,,coherti,elvwrit ,,mC1b•',in•r„ nrdrr of iL,Jti'va"hit 1'1. Y.II+ r,lt'I lope, I') ill:tlt'il. :\ 1•i', • II111i'I•:11 R 1120TllM1:tt?. N.•1, I' ,J � JGOOD'S h0.'. -... R , Caw TT371 IF: 7OF' Our stock is now complete in every department. Full lines in HARDWARS•a�WKOL.�SALEPR C C DRES�! GOODS,. PRINTS, SHIRT, COT- - Having purchased the large and extensive stock of Hardware, &e., of the estate, of ` TONS, -;CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and R. M. Racey, which was sold by auction on March 27th, 1889, this in conueotiga small wares HAWS CAPS, GENTS FUR' with our own large stock, we are now prepared to give you at prices that whit 1 startle yon. Don't fail to come at once and secure bargains. NISHINGS, ,.in great variety. Ready Made Clothing and Clothing made to order. We are marking clown the prices of the combined stocks" . which comprise STOVES, BUILDERS, CAIiRIAGE unci HEAVY,;'- Remember we make up SUITS from $2 to $3 less than lily other .HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS; TINWARE, tic„ all of house in town, and dont' forgot to ,iee us when ordering new suits. which will be fairly slau;;hterecl. This will be One of the,'. � greatest Opportunities for Builders, Aleebanics, Country Merchants, Farmers, (sec., to purchase that has ever been OES offered in this section, so (lc]u't fail to call rind get prices. 0 1BOTS & SHCOAL OIL wholesale and retail. A full stock ofJ L 113.\S1•ISIu and KALse171NE OIt;�' band. 1'1te lroil and Heavy Ifat•dwaro busiucss will be continued in tl•lo old stand' We w'inll to call special attention to our Bo:)c and Shoe drpartnlent. 1Ve bavo'unu of the 1argo.t stooks ill town 11111: c'aii save you from 10 to 20 per cent. Wo buy direct from unc (A'the lktr,L;ct.t Factories in the Province, and are ill a position to give you llal'guinr. Conic and seo us and -our pricos, We are determined to talcs the load in this town for good goods at thcolotvct•t prir(•s. 141 s.rtrl'block, PLUM STE + L &' WRINGS Clintonn ImInVIEN CQ1 J C S T J Ei 0 N 1IANUFACTUi?ER'OF AND DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD FURMNITUOE. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites. ]bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane; and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, &c. Special lob of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt.frames, hand painted, cheap, General assortment of Household Fut-niture sold cheap for cash. The Discount Sale has run Ofl' most of my: old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING. Frames made to order. LT. 0. f-TM-7:M11*-1T0LNT -` RESIDENCE OVER STOVE. FURNITURE STORE. ---- -- OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. 1 OUR RATS Yodifilioll We are showing the finest line of, Spring&S' ummer bats *1 T Ever brought to this town. All New Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low. TRY ITS ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU. ' We have everything thata gentleman requires, at priers, to suit all pockets. Our extensive line of II0S I L It I" comprises goods. of all' weights, in a variety of colors - and qualities, from Ito expensive Sock to the cheapest grades., SQ:SI'ENDEUS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts; Collars, Cutl'y and Neekitivear is larger than ever before, and the finest in the place GLO. GLASGOW, CLINITON W AM ALL PAP.E-R Cei'lif. DEC0R; A.'T'I01N•S .i Latest American Patterns. Clluaper than over before. Call :old illspl,ct the stock. _A.Woprr F-TTNC.-�l- po.Isi,(_'lll-1 tor, THE V� CLINTON .�. �� 1 R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, "I".. Tire: N my F+lf:\- is 1>11111i511i fl r.very Friday ; it 'rives about Thirty -too Colmuus of,Fresh Readirig- Ni hater Every •Neck•; Correct 'Market Reports from Toronto and il_1 this neighborhood ; has u Largo Circulation an(1 is t`tlstlrpassed a,; illi Atl- vertising lledillnl. Will he sent to airy address for $1.50 1, year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT NT We Trove all -tile latest styles of typo for Circulars, Sale Bills, an(1 any kin(1 of printing that can be desired. Prices tho Lowus, Work the Finest and satis- f1a.ction guaranteed. Ono triol is ceratin to brhi' inother. IIS,- HOLMES; ]BOX 74, ' CLINTON. of Mr Racey, initnediately nest our own. Iran and Hardware Merchants, Stoves and, Tinware, Clinton TEASrt7 A._ -AT— C 0 0 PE 0 0NS.OLD STAND Fresh New Season's Uncolored Japan, 15"Cts � per lb.,' 7 lbs for $1. TRY IT. Chinese Mixture, good quality, 5 lbs for $L ' 92R -Highest price for Butter au(1 Eras. J.' W. •IRWIN, The mimes Tei, Warehouse, i, Cooper's Old Si71nd, C'r, Searle', Plook,70JNTON Tu E Red Rocker Furniture �tor Having bought the. 1i •••1- • U. B. Calbick: of the late firm of Calbick & Reithi s a greatly re,,. a are flow prepared to give our customers the fu --- ;)enefit of the reduction. 1j'e n'iIl 1.1111 ofr.' coir entire stock of Bedroom ,ally Parlor Suites SidebPar►ls, l,tt axion and. Centre Tables, Book Cases, Pe aced, Caiw, and ,1eod Seat Chairs, and all kind$of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAIN'S for the next 30 days. 'NOW is the time to buy Furllil,ure, as such bargaills can- not last. Call and be convineed. N OT10E—Oar stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in every r'ar•tici.lar, and we are determined to ghe satisfaction. The loaoin�,r Un(ertakers, F,mbalmers, Cabinet Makers, and Vpholsterers, Red Rocker Furniture Stora, Brick Block, Clinton '4ft"H'INA n.ALL*. To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER CE..NT DISCOUNT FDR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. I)k;('viLA'i'Eli DINNER AND TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock, We offer NEW SEASON P, C o T zti (rAPAN TEA at 40 cents,worth crib CO. We offer NEW SEASON RLAOX TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35, NNW CURRANTS and R41SINS, cheap, .2 BROOMS for 26c FIt dSII FINAIT IIARi.IE, SISCOS, BETtRING, $LOATERS, &c )no(, 1' C d9 l 1 null)try drlivcred to n.ny Dirt of the town. Give tls'a:c7311,•; L'1"ITER AN.0 l•:GGS TAKNN AS CASH. F-wH-mmuN. -CHINA HALL I nu The..-Pe,olsile"8 G"ROCER"Y 11) ('011NF,R1 RUIZfIN TND ON'l'ARTO STREETS, IS the p,RCC h) it ('hrap ('7flilS'I'.IIaS GOOIts, W.6 are rerrl{•ing a tine new steep ItAiSINS--New Valonciaa, Snitantis, Illnek Basket, Layer, Laver Valenciis- CUILItANTS—New Barrel Currants,'now Box Currants. PEELS—Lemon, Oralrge and Citron Peels NUTS—Soft-Shell Almonds, Brazil, rilbertA, PCRCftuS, PC0.111IN, English IVII. nuts, best qualities. i CON FI:CT1ONEIZY—Our assortntc'ht cannot be surpassed. LE310\'S rind OBANGESI--Fresh Siem . Rnflcoll Orangr`s, ('aliforlia I Oranges, Valencia and Mftlagas. (iliAPlt.n--Whitc'Malaga and Rodgers Illar'h GralFr, Cit0CXF,1t,Y and GLASSWAItF, We are giving barganls in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. F11111, lie. --W( also ronstnntly korp in 1-tovh Oysters, ihiddie, l;loaters, (;ISCnr13, c%e , L'Nint Bh,-i•('ranberries, Bermuda Onions,(:nrtlntonOnions. TIUS—�peeial valnos in Teas. Wo hat^ thrrrl as low as five pounds for $,ttnd as high as 70e. per Ib., and we. ran gnarantee ilio (]nality to he the best Mir msortrnent is too large to ennntrratn, andive only inviainn it Tow leading articles. Cntnr and -o flit, ynnrself, We will give yna good valor and a liberal (lisconnt for cash, Qunn hame, & MaMurrAy, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON 6 k^ ` m 4h. / n a Qunn hame, & MaMurrAy, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON 6 k^ `