The Clinton New Era, 1889-04-12, Page 7Frei Fast i1iFarmers IUs..MI Inforlmation for Tillers of the Soil. POINTERS ON AGRICUL- TURE WORTH KNOWING. Early cabbage cannot be had without the hotbeds. It is a tnatter that needs attention at showing bow such the cause of consumption, boort, bran} and nervous disorder's, which can only he successfully treated by rernov. ing the primary disease from the kidneys. At the same time care is taken to remind- the reader that Warner's Safe Cute is the only means whereby the physi- cian or the individual can euccess- -ft'1 •• revent and cure this glass of t�aso. W list I have personal cause to feel ;rateful to Warner's Sato Cure, fur the bullet -it I derived from it when buffering from kid• this season. uey troubles last npring; I cannot Dampness is lis iiljarious to see, since that remedy is already young stock as cold. Dryness so well known in every household and warmth conduce to health ' why the patties interested irl its and save toted. A. good flog t-hows little or no bristles, should have a dished faee, short logs, proutinent hams and broad dies'. It costs something like $40 a year to maintain a cow, and the profit lies in what she yields above cost and maintenance. According to Profeseorllumph- rips it has not yet been discovered whether the disease known as stump -root in cabbage is a plant or an animal. Poultry will eat broken :.''lass with benefit where sharp, grittie rt material is scarce. They need somethipg of the kind, and it shouldtnot be withheld. Cherry trees must be grafted early if success is expected. The later it is deferred the greater the difficulty of the grafts becomin g connected. In the improved agriculture which is in late years renewing the wornout ,•New England farms potash takes an important part, and carloads of ashes are brought over from the timbered regions 'of Canada for use .by New' Eng- land farmers, A Californian writer to Glean- ings in Bee Culture tells of robber bees that so terrorize the worliing • bees that. they, du.. not defend themselves. Some hives are so thoroughly' rooked that thele is -4„ not enough left to carry the worker through the coming winter. • A complete change of the soil in flowerpots is sometimes neces- sary, and will enable a ,plant to secure more foal and grow better. If the same soil is used too long it may become unfit for the health of the plants, as well as harbor worm.; and parasitic insec's. The successful tinier must raise good stock, and he should know the history card merits of the vnl'1r,n= • improved breeds of stock; but how many farmers make the mistake of their lives by blindly 1: i,ing' common Stocl., j rah i a comely miss vying has saying awl believing that i.n- .y prove:l :tool; is nit better ? been blooming and hnddilig on } this (Preenearth fir :!bout 22 sum -- An acre i:! .fruit, ial,ecially't0 mens. She is fair to behold and strawberries, will -( 04.times paj t,l,c,I crofts her and was accreted. better than a Items of grain. 1'. i' fi should peri- the farmer to have a sufficiency -of' fruit for his own use 11000. A large quantity can be canned fir winter use, and it affords an ti rt' 0l(0. glum;Le with - 001 much ('o.L. If you (115-)Ive ie,_,11) IJV boiling thein in strong potash lye, and then use (11y earth or leached ashen as• an absorbent, you get a fertilizer' of colnpnst rich in both phosphoric acid and potash. It 1 will contain also most of the nit- rogen which was la the b,3pes. Some curl,; r,3tj�rrre an early tart in orale1' to got al ead of the weeds; and also to have •niers time 1') grow. ii n(/ (IL such (('0 0:21'1'2as, 011:•nip, 12122.1 h00ts. Oct the seed iii the ground ai early' as 1x,.sihle, 111,d keep the plants free from weeds in ot•der to helve them well under way before sum- mer. It is unwise to grow hay tea be sold off the twin. Stock raising and grass growing are joint occu- pations. A higher price can be obtained for hay by converting it into beef, while the manure re- mains behind to add to the fertil- ity of the soil. When the hay is sold oft' the farm will sooner or later be impoverished, and the -prices obtained will he less than stock is kept to_ consume the hay. manufacture should continuo to expend money in tilling attention to what the public already kilow so well. I ate aware, 3Ir Ec.itor, that the members of the medial profession are seld lin disposed to give due credit to proprietary medicines, but public confidence is likely to be even more shaken in those learned gentlemen since the startling disefosures in the Robinson poisoning cases were made in Somerville. Mass. Here it was discovered,through the efforts of an insurance conn- pany, that eight eases of death from arsenic poisoning bad occur- .red—seven in one family, and within five years, and the other that of a relative—wherein the true cause of death had not been even suspected 'by prominent physicians who were in atten- dance.. but who treated the cases for other causes, and finally,when death occurred, issued certificates for such causes as pneumonia, typhoid fever, meningitis, etc. After such an evidence of the utter incompetency of those phy- sicians who were regarded as ex- perts in their profession, I cannot conceive why it will be longer necessary for further advertising to bo done in behalf of Warner's Safe Cure, since I deem the Som- erville disclosure • to be the best possible endorsement of the good sense manifested by those who take matters of health, in their own hands and use a remedy which experience has shown to be fully adapted for the purposes in- tended, iltstead of trusting them- selves in experimental hands. EXPERIENCE. i INTON WORKS In the Old Presbyterian Church Subscriber wishes to intimate that the business of the above Factory is still being continu- ed in all its branches at the old stand. We have in stock some fine Buggtes,Catts, Phaetons &c And will be pleased to see all our old customers and all the new ones who will favor us with their patronage Everythiag Coad Int Cheap, E E Ha>:tvai:u CI_INTON 41 1 Pullman Vestibuled Tritiu It is universally conceded that, not- withstanding the advent of old and neer lines into the field of competition for passenger traffic between Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway maintains its pre-eminent position as the leading line, aid carries the greater nortion of the business between these points. It is not hard to account for this, when we consider that it was the first in the field, and gained its popular- ity by loirg years of first-class service. It has kept up to the times by adopting all modern improvements in equipment and methods, the latest being complete Pnllman`irestibuledtrains running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and its route being along the banks of the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the GEC). most populous and 11tosperous towns and villages, it offers to its patrons the' FICKLE LOVER'S TRICK. A Little Valley special 'to the Titusville. Herald says :•-=C'ab,e 31 on the caien.ler of the present term of the Circuit Court •was an action 1wou ht or !'reach of Nei IT' In thauking you for past custom and eolicit,ng a co ftiunanee of the same, I beg to intimate to the public that I have a full stock of D.M. FERRY'S and STEELE BROS GARDEN, FLOWER, FIELD and GRASS SE 1lS. Aiso a large chianti:, "'POTATOES. FULL STOCK OF FA F:1 '\ ' GAnDer4 TOOLS • A full case of BIRD CAGES, cheap. Idy stock of GROCERIES, GLASS, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, HARNESS, &o., is full and complete. Large stock of CROCKERY just arrived direct from the old country. A good Tea Set for $1.75, and a better fir $2.50 LARD, HAMS and BACON in stook. All kinds of Produce taken for goods very best service their mcney can buy. Its dining cars are celebrated through - ant tile length and breadth of 'the land as being the finest in the world. Its . sleeping, cars acre the best belonging to the Pullman company,. being marvels of elegance, 'comfort and luxury; its day coaches are the best made, and its ent- ployecs, by long -continued service in their vesliective capacities, are. experts, courteous and accominodatiimg to all, It is not at all strange, therefore, that an intelligent and discriminating tra- velling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway, with its separate through lines running between Chicago, Milwaukee, St'. Paul and Min- neapolis; Chicago, Council Bluffs and and St. t'd EWTON, - - �.;„� --N DESF3Ufii© Omaha; Chicago, Kansas C toy Joseph, Mo. A• V. H. CARPENTER, G. P. kV T. A.,'MiI'waukee, Vis. A. J. TAYLOR, T.P.A„ No, •1,1 almer Fouse 1 Block, Toront0.�... THE'-WHI'i'1: t2- K1Nt 1 have I,c,ou nppniutc.l sprit fen (he Bali rhe ou1y se,0311g nrach1:IV that 0vita ,nvar,101 1' Y f stnmphomt\ <t com.t ecu f 1 3 1rated \,Nice aru:.1, ,f,ultUt, C • tounial Expo- first-1•rlw at the Cinainattl un til S. loll 211 • , ea .' . iurab3lity of inti', alapetch3Jity int 12)1,2 ( the plaintiff 1 fond hent .• work' l�ht•'and ll bunts, iet run in. nOr a deli+lltlaltt 1'I'e+l, 5W11Ile1dUn. :t' Viconstrucd:d ofthe.btatkuownmaterial. is wearing qualities cannot bo utoa-220 2 1, 2011! 2 at a 1120(00(; hutotn.i110 hohiu lvt( i, �r: vi- hrator; stitch regIllntor, self -setting tier' int•, simple shuttle; pt'rfeet tension; belt s.,i r•. ing devise es 2 ad,ittstallYhar2, arc•elt•:urut;'!f 'perfcetiutl.. -111 uilac:,iues 21 11aut.'11 1'..,:'100 years, L km in a pc'si:iia to oder this lila- 011111e:2 1i: tlte(1 e1 ilii• e1:,•al"'.••. lie sure `I2.11e11 Its grew Iflt.;tl�(`l'C(11 and ll- nnl rx::'u ie 1:.c I ,10:'m•e.l \\:-.1a,• Lef1re int,; 1•vc:i.:1•,0111•t:'t 211,rc„- ally AC'nIdetl 111'1'. She sought it • ,true„ lh,t.,•!1`,:r•'; .'., lotting. Thee I!aeko i Irl' Tiusaa...1. 2^21,10.1 1•al f•elllcss. 1.1o':lir zEr3 lc)1'111111a1)IL'!C'Oiiti('il(i!11y :11111 ("r. gilt,_-' - ',Trai"�y`y� b. /,- 1'd also the re(TChl.1t I"1ci1 pre121250 er 1)):ll'1'l;1 e, With Oua,1Y 1\white sett . + : 1 "Ion !Isl. being `rlid9 Sara Easton 'and the its 111t(Isic merits arc \0idely 1 Manufactured a"0021 prfnc2(1 0 of lav'( 111ty; as 1.1 1l 0 1 1(• ` Tito latter, wh'r i; usually a slick' ,� n111tc11rin•, and faultlessly :1111''1'' Ai.� eHed citizen,, crnle to court 20',11 lou' unkempt Il!,e,lml,rd hair, 1 1]t%; „neat surprise of rno,ha•u finita as n rind ill a'Lea) y 1':'1`111 1 slog+, a 1;0)) i, Prui(2 2: and LIC1:1, r2:L1 1Ii,XF1 wantptt, ao'.1 a p.ei1 off 4 sh1)12 !_; Tzvn:or.','r„1•,. Ili.;,•nm't�.j whic'l:l' ve been t tt:1t• t0.,lrnl surely ant quickly enrol by its 11611 overalls, wearing 1 l�hemuatiam, tlrot!sc,:;crt�.ut.e, a,s'ptl S lair of tiolc le'liher• hoot, and ;tl• t•, .l ;i, 1. ;,,,.t;'tlit', .aft THE POPULAR LONDESBORO ---THE NEW SPP, ING TWE .:DS Are very attractive. Be sure and see them before plac- ing your order for your spring suit. We are showing full lines of Ready Made Suits. �,ONIDMS:3o ,O FINE SPRING GOODS In TWEED and WORSTED.'_- We show very nobby things in ChlldsSUitS from $2. HANDSOME PRINTS, NICE DRESS GOODS, NORIA' TWEEDS, BOOT & SHOES, FINE SLIPPERS, &C sTVLISH PARASOLS, FINE MILLIN ERY, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, IODDEi- COI N HUNGARIAN SEED, FINE GROUND OIL CAKE, &c., &c. DAMS �-.A A grit :ltlr, LSStI ill®:d TB.A. . A STEM {.' ITE • c (211, ul l0l1ttpa ,, . , together ati llllitallt'a('li\'C' 111 pet' .rheum, sir.'/.ine9o, ('1' l 2 1'' „l tet 2-;1ci11 smut] appettrinice a.• his inglnnit\• sail (12a,12' C,tl:r•!'*'i,,! ',C]:;' it 1 '1j1 inre- n l 1rint.l sus: "st, 1 l. toll that par:-tl to iul ut',l1 t1 `t it ,it f1,1,2! i! t( when the fair 5.11,111 :•tIW him to ;able 11t.; - ,• whom site hal pliHitt"l her Milli in this 'condition site dc0!1U2"l the world shims never knew tronm her lestl21>n). the t site 112,21 even SO 111llt'12 11s Ii llt,rnil! :I('nlltalll- 1011(•e with the schemer, Nego. t.ia1i01:o Were :tt (,1:0e Opened for a settlement, which wird speedily arrived nt, and the 1001ndcd af- fections were belled '0111 a $100 plaster. 11 is fuether said that Fred's sharp (0(11(sel had advise his appearance ttt court in the manner and dress in which lie Caine. A SHARP TIIRL`$. Some Wren who pass for very respectable citizens, and who really are not without good qual- ities, have a habit of not only CONSUMPTION CURED. finding fault with their wives at every least provocation, but in An old,physiean, retired from prac- ' tice, having had placed in his hands by doing it in terms such as no an East India missionary the forumla gentleman would ever think of of a simple vegetable remedy for the applying )lying to any lady except his speedy. and permanent cure of consump- tion. ` 1 I ' tion. liroachitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ) own wile, 01' possibly his own all throat and Lung Affections, also a I histet•. • positive and radical cnre for Nervous I There is 11 story that such a Debility and Nervous Complaints, after 1 n1)21I came home from the shop having tested its wonderful curative 1` one night, and found his wife, powers in thousands of cases, has felt +� it his duty to make it known to his suf- match cxeitcd over the behavior fering fellows. Actuated by this mot• of a trturip. IIo had begged for ive and a desire to relieve human suf- solnLthing to cat, and ;not liking fering, I will send free of charge, to all what oho woman gave him abused who desire in fish,wireceipt, in German, her in the roundest terms. French or English, with full directions � for preparing and using. Sunt by i4ttil 'Johnny, said the man, thor- by addressing with stamp, naming this ou;hly indignant, 'when you • paper, W. A. NoYFB, 149 Power's Block, 1' 1: lfi, r fort. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON, Just received a large shipment ,of HARD and SOFT HATS NEW SHAPES and STYLES. Our Prints &. Dress Goods Are Choice Patt)rns and Colorings. We show • good value in Cottonades, Sheetings, Tickingsgowelings, Hollands, Grey and White Cottons. W. L. OU I METT om'. LONDESBORO TO THE PITBLIC. thil we have l.ou ,ht out the Li(luor Business recently, .started by 3. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the `'i1":' (2 ,i2 ii nr les( of ('1, G, Rance• Co's Tab! ing 'Establishment • \v,• in stock the production -Se of the beat Canamnu, seemtla1nttia • F urnit1ure ; stock New Opened eat in ELLIOTTE3 ELOCZ,. .NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, - CHAIRS, &c., - \v to d t i::,i';,' •„' ., - 1,' 1 2,',,lilica;('r. \\'e will keep int stock(thle hest FRENCH, SPANISTI and rn1• ,: .. ''1c, ,1'. .1:.2 (.0., l:lt,,li •`t 1;'rr`t.rries. «e 1 ❑,lila. .,,.' 1, • ,- ,••': For -'d • • i02'1,.;2-:, l a'.tci:n•.:, la,:_aas \:air la.;', ,i.:, ;:',•t1.t •211,1 .11,1'.0.1 ( i1;11::\ NV' r:,r.•,: rli • Rochester, N. Y. laolz-y.e.o•w, heard thirt eowardl3 rascal abus- l1. COMl1tON-SENSR L1;'1'Tl�,II. -r1'o TOE Ernrott.—) see that newspaper articles are again mak- their appearance calling attention to matters pertaining to health as well rix to tho moans whereby dis- ease may be removed and good heaith preserved, i 111 thereby reminded that I baro received from tints to time`, p:tmphlct pith• lienlinns issued by the weft -known firm of 11. Il. Warner & Co. which dwells :pin thr history and growth of kidney diseases : l'�ildre'n Cry for - H ,Iesvillo Saw & �rl?;l lg Ell The above twill is iu first-class running or der and under floes(!of11Cgantent of William Dod 1 ion prepared to furnish all 211 211s -of Lumber, Lath anti Shiug'ICS On short notice. Rill 1n11iber n S1lecialty, Custom sawing (Ione to orth\r, Highest price paid fcr Bass and Hemlock. - l1'. Ti, F'ORSTER, iiohnesville. !ng your mother, why didn't yon run at of e,e to the store and let mo know I would have, art e short work of him.., Didn't yuru hear ?' 'Ye , 011, 1 heard. 1 was out in 'time barn and heard what he said about the vie' gals ; sitz I3ut what ?' .'Why, pc, I thor gill it was you scolding mother. IIe tistd Ole very same words as you do when the dinner doesn't suit yor. 1 didn't think anybody else would dare talk to mother in that way,' --Selected. P itcher's Castoria: i)i:1_; \V INES, for medicinal purposes, ()d; l'. 1"Ii [CES will be as low for first-class ,goods as Montreal, Lon - Lr.: or Toronto. HOTELS., surrldIID at wholesale prices. Goods delivered 1, ,211 p2rt9 of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUR TERMS ',''.11E STRICTLY CASA. � r TEP.. .& :Str%'EEt t'se 11 trku'ell'B 9(1 'x• ('::,: t ?',, 1 r' (•ire CROSS -CUT S A W� ANI4 A CEN1.I:AL AmSORTDIENT OF THE VERY BEST. MADE FURNI TU,RE AT REASONABLE PRICES. • J1)S. C .IfL41 o. 1\T3it %- �� �i►� i FIRM Johnson. &Arinour PRACTICAL . HARNESS ane/ COLLAR MAKERS Having bought the business and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN, t' ar prepared to fill all orders in our line at the lowest living prices. We arc h;,:11 •pt•actical workmen, well known tr the people of Clinton and vicinity, null ec11, ,:la'antee a r class of work at Moderate rates. The material will alwn� • :. (cunei of (0iobs the best, and 'by strict attention to business and ion�e ldia�lt't``'.y' \ .:,tipe to i line of favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and l+rtt , cannot be surpassed. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly atter ed to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLIFTON oma• _ _.�. l _._- FOR THE HEATED TERM - JUST RECEIVED We have the sole agency for the "President Cross (Jut Saw" universally adtnitted to be the BET IN THE WORLD. ' A ES We are als•) Sole Agents for THE REXtiO1iD AXE, the choice of woodsmen and the best in the market. Full stock of Coal and \ood STOVES, IIAItDWARE, PureWest Ids ]Lim& Uice THE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. Eno's FRUIT :SLAT! EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. JA fvi S H. a00i' WTt:, • CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST; CLINTON, ONT CUTLERY, LA.li1I'S, OILS, PAINTS, &c. S. Jf_-./ AV I S J\[nIumoth Stove Itollse, CLINTON. Positive Cure. 4 A Painless Cure..:' • ti'. i FACTS FOR MEN ” O ALL AGES' . DISEASES Or MAN. • •M. V.. ZM.7130N' . S7PMCI2'IC O. E THE MEAT I IL * HTting, and K h 7' 1 Medicines. irEl, the terrible conaeryrte1Iee5 or 1nd �ZZ,rQJ� tseretion, Expo.ore and overwork. 5t'O0-71•70+ .�T .'C! -AG = .E1.N'I) OLS;) Z4= Who aro broken downeebiliittthe y. organic weakness, involuntary vita9l losses radical (sure Or nerve* lvan,TOSfe Pea ttit,ott No. 8 BiouLn Be Ussn.—Want. of energy, vertigo, want Of ptirp0s desn ire for solitude, lietleesanees society, n li inability tofconfidence , tho attention on a partiof dniavireeubtia cowardice, depresston of spirits, giddiness, lose of memory, excitability Of temper, so, ea matorrbo, or foss of the semina, thrid—tire result of seif•abuee or marital ezcese-••linPg tonoy, innutrd,tion, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of 'the heart, hysteric, feelings 1 hagt,ofteenttimessinnocentlyoacqio disturbing shQort.srlt'Lc.,,ring of vita{ force hexiing lost n tension, every function *once in 20119 ,1ni,,nce. `',11ru,i(,0 ':r,tera nod the superintenden++, CUM majority :.. o •• , : , t'.iln P,ifnrtit .n Ft4f-:,.i4ia.' thQ wasted to liveVlurne unite w nec'i l n„ to wanted livea"toblcb tomo under r.n,^t:• n•ti••.`. 12 voa ay- 'ua,uiipotoa for tboeplrdaoc. theiedoote of early vice, incapacitate 00 211',m(,rwa' , , ic1'^b0, ,1' ), 1 2 ill give you fursan ll vigor n, strength. If you aro bro'tor. (ic^n •'r.s..,' '• 9,1,1211n:011y, 1,'10 early indisCrOLoofu,oth` result of ignorance and 11(11 ^, 1nnd o -2: ,., n t .a l 1: cu .1 •. In at amnpa for Ill. V.e ne i 1; ,;r,+ • •1,1 st cure from ober .. Treatise n Book Norm on '>S a: , . �, " 11 ' ; rliinuton $t. E.,'1 SICK• Address 511 communications to 1''.. ' . 'IP o tie, ,r ;,:r , e HEAL Ca ronto A Mattwithoutwitdom lives in a icci'i p:rsJi:r. ��\�.,.,: '• d.3 �-fl• II ' -2r •." •. t 1' e,lQurA•