The Clinton New Era, 1889-04-12, Page 6A PAGAN ENLIGHTENS THE WORLD. New York Exalted and Cal- vary pulled down -Ingersoll replies to Gladstone and Substitues his ideas for Christians' Pope Once on a tidne the enemy leaguered the holy city of Jerusa- lem and blasphemers stood upon the house -tops and blasphemed the God who led their fathers oat of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage. To -day when the cohorts and legionaries of' unbelief and infidel- ity are swarming around the eiti- del of Christ, another, and a loud. er-lunged blasphemer stands upon her walls and high places and blasphemes him who wrote the Ten Commandments, thus giving the blasphemer, Robert G. Inger- soll, to wit, the liberty which he to -day enjoys. This man, who on account of the laws, borrowed direct from the laws of God, can speak and say that which ho thinks or does not think, no man daring to make him afraid, sits under his own vine and fig tree and blasphemes the G-od.who gave him all these liberties. The devil never bad a more eloquent or able hired -man.• People might put up with his blatent infidelity but the brutality with which ho attacks the sacred name of Jehovah must shock the mind and pain the heart of every respectable and respectful man. The r,-.ost rabid political ruffian on the continent does not attack his rival and adversary in such brutal and uumannerly language as Col. Ingersoll uses towards his Maker: Five -tenths of the people on this continent had Christian loathers. At her knee they lisped their first prayers, from hor lips they first learned thateswcet stories of the Bible and grew up to rev- erence the 'name of him who gave them Christian -homes in Christian land. In the ears of such men how can such blas- phemy sound ? It sounds • like the clanging of the jaws of Hell. But what appears most strange is the fact that many of his fellow citizens aro extremely proud o Bob Ingersoll. They are tickled great to think that thereat American nation, fertile in everything, has produced 'a man who can stand up before God Almighty.. They say he has knocked a • corner off the bulwarks of Christianity. Perhaps. And a mule could kick the nose off the Apollo Belvidere. The Rt. lion. W. E. Gladstone, a typical Christian in a Christian type of country, heard the howl- .ing of this dervish infidel from afar. After a long 'and spotless career spent in the service of his own nation in particular and all nations in general, he discovered the great truth that all good.. things' come from God. Here is aman then who is a king among leen, loved and revered even among his enemies, who has swayed the destinies of nations, who 'has • with unerring hand guided the world up the plane of a higher and nobler civilization, a man who broke the chains;which, though unseen and invisible to the naked eye,y etgnlled worse thanthe a cold iron, away from the ankles and limbs of millions -this grey and grand old man far past tht thrc s score years and ton, stand- ing close to his open grave, with his grey hairs covered with all the honors that mankind can shower upon them, lifts his eyes to heaven and says :-From thee, Oh God, these things have come. Th,s grey and grand old man knew of Ingersoll, and felt that ere his last hour should wino he would use his pen, not yet so feeble, to do one.good .work for Him, to whom every morning of his life since he learned to speak he had knelt for help and gui- dance. In the North American Review for this month Robert G. Ingor- .soll published what he calls a re. ply to that sweet and noble effort. With a cunning, which only could be borrowed from the one ho works for, he hides the most murderous attack on the 13iblc that ho has made yet. He claims in refutation of Glad- stone that 'The love of Jesus has done nothing.' Has it done nothing for Scot- land ? It has . moulded the whole Scottish character and made men who have leavened all civilization and boomed the world up to a higher grade. That land blessed with little else but mountain and flood was blessed with the holy Bible, and that one book moulded a people 1vholhavonopeers .on earth -the diviner, the leaders, the i� wd iters and saviors of men. 1 would like to read the "Cotter's Saturday night" to Mr Robert Ingersoll. Has religion dons anything for Ireland 4 That beautiful island would long ago have become de- populated had not tho people clung dessparetely to their faith and saved a nationality which may yet be a glory on earth. I eonld multiply evidence but it will satisfy mo to say that the very world he lives inatpd bo takes caro to' live in the best half of it -and that half was baptised long ago by the mon who came ashore at Plymouth Rock ; filen wbpl3 'laws were the Iwo. of, t Bible. only, and in that lgg3i fI 8olbel" G, Ingersoll. '', Mn Ingersoll ppays he helped put down slavery. Perhaps did. I deny him no honors tb may be his, but does he not kno -surely he must know -that t men who peopled Maryland a Virginia, in contra distinction those who peopled Massachuse brought over more barrelsof ru and slaves than Bibles? Does not know that the people w peopled Louisiana first never h a Bible in their houses? Had t same stock of God-fearing a Bible -reading men who peopl Massachusettspeopled thesouthe states, there would have been slavery. Had there been slavery there would have been civil war, costing one milli precious lives.. Had there be no war Bob Ingersoll would n have had the opportunity of dna ing a groat number of really el quent speeches -in wear of t army. Ingersoll tells Gladstone to h teeth that the Bible has do nothing for civilization. If Mr Ingersoll will point o any country -I don't care whi -where there is a Bible in ovei home, I will point out a county which is prosperous, happy an free, a country where life an property is safe, a country whei the laws -aro obeyed, a • land o peace and plenty, a land wher industry is glad, where the art and sciences rejoice and wher Religion spreads her white wing O'er all. On the other hand if he wil point me out a land whore th Bible is .shut out of every home and there are such countries, will show him a land which i tindertinderthe laws and harrows of gentleman who has a chattel mor gage on 111r Iugersolls massiv intellect. But Mr Ingersoll knows mor of these, latter countries perhap than I do. I am only a youn man yet. • ,- And yet the Bible has don nothing! Any experienced office will tell Mr Ingersoll that th soldier who carries u Bible in hi peek is the bravest and•most trust worthy of all his comrades, Th like to havo soldiers who read th Bible. The cavillers sneered a Cornwall's psalm -singing soldiers But those very psalm•-singinb' boors saved England from fallin as low as Spain is now; th0ii psalm books raised England once more to pre.elninence-and their Bibles gave the nation constitu- tional liberty. HMI. Ingersoll or any of his admirers want • any more ex- amples of this kind I cap furnish them any day before breakfast, ' In his reply to Gladstone calls Jehovah an Incarnate fiend. Is that so? Then Handel, Haydn, Mendels• shoe, Mozart, Beethoven and all the glorious host of immortal singers sang their imperial an- thems to an incarnate fiend," did they ? In cold blood I would like to ask Mr • Ingersoll, in a friendly way, if he really thinks now that an incarnate fiend could inspire men to sing to him as these men sung. But pshaw ! enough of this. I wouldn't trade 'The sweet bye- andebye,' . simple as it is for ^all Ingersolls' works bound in calf. So all the Christmases for nineteen hundred years have. been for nothing! The home comings, the kisses, the laughter•, the car- ols, the berries and mistletoe, the gladdening of the hearts of the poor, the feeding of 'ragged chil- dren -all has .been done in the name of an incarnate fiend. I.don't believe it. Take out nineteen hundred Chrismas days that are past, and what a blank there would be. Take out the hymns and chants and carols and anthems, cantatas, oratories and all the poetry and prose written in the name of God -and what would bo left ? B )b Ingersoll's works would be left. Take out all the prayers and sermons which havo lightened millions •on millions 'of aching hearts in the past -and what would be left? Bob Inbersoll's speeches would be left. Take out the charitable and good deeds done in the name. of Jesus in the past and to -day the Incarnate Fiend and Bob Inger• soll would have more savages on their hands tbun they could handle properly. He would have plenty of degraded. wretches to try his new doctrines on. Ingersoll makes' very merry over the fact that a man of Mr Gladstone's learning and attain- ments should believe in such a palpable and ninth century myth as Heaven. The promise of the blessed savior .that there was another and a bettor. land whither He had gone to prepare a place for those that loved Him, a land where the wicked ceased from troubling and the weary aro at rest, a ]and where all shall meet again, that beautiful promise for ages has taught millions of the tyrannized and wronged to hope; it has • t taught tho suffering, the (lows 1 e 11 olden, tho sore -distressed to en - dine). And out of that hope and ont of that simple and martyr - like endurance the wronged, the down -trodden and the sore -distres- sed struggled up into strength hQ.. Of Iiia who had, heed• their only ores ifriend;nod CgfnfortQr. Oho o laded Qf Egypt un4 ie t.ha--40.U.03 of to bondage. be The solemn promise of a future at state has saved couutleee millions w from despair. It has lightened he the last dark night for centuries ud and bas turned the shadow of to death into morning. tts The monster's hand has struck m at tbo Christian's death bed and be wrestedirit'ith snaky claws from ho the dying his last sweet hope and ad assurance, and from the loved 11e ones standing round that which nd alone makes life worth living. ed And what has this hlasphemee rn to put in its place ? no The going out into a hopeless,tt no Cimerian and an eternal darkness, no -ask the dying mein tvhich he on prefers -the Savior's b. ight pro- eu , mise ofa gloriou3 and useful e'er. of ever or Mr Bob Ingcraol's eternity k of' immovable Night. o- How many mothers have lee; he them down to die, and clasping the hands of those they loved iin�1 wntehing them with their failing in eyes have '.vltisi•ed with their dying breath. '1;•ti1.l;•ee,. the e111 ; meet again,' is ne it ell '3' d � e 8 e 8 • 0 I 8 a t- e e s g 0 e s ey e t g When the baby dies, ti,e ode coesoletion to the nohlied awl ach- ing hearts is this -that the day will dawn when the angel little one will toddle to the gate and cry, 'Jlanima„what I.•ept you �n long ?' • Ingersoll .notches front the blind the wondrous hope that some day they will loo:: on the face of Gad and ,ga`ze on his lofty sky, his cool green fields and the beautiful river. He rends from the crippled and the deformed the hope that sorne day tl'ley wilt walk upright across the meadows of Heaven. . If it were not for the good hope that friends and lovers would meet again in another world this would be a weary ll'ace. I know a moth. er to night who sits with a dead baby in her"•lap. If she believed that there was no Heaven her heart would break. And in lieu of the promise of the Saviour, •thin man Ingersoll promises a lifo of dreariness and pain, followed by a changeless and an eternal night. AYankee law oirde, the shelt- ering place of Star Route robbers and countless other thieves, can- not take the place of that cross which has loomed up through the centuries, a beacon to all true Alen THE KHAN. A POPULAR INSTRUMENT, A new scale Upright Pianoforte re- cently completed by Messrs. Newcombe & Co„ Toronto, is affording great satis- faction. It fills the requirements for a reliable instrument by a first class mak- er within the reach of all. Write them for particulars. —THE— Common Sense Clothes Dryer. Just what everybody wants. I50 feet of litre in a sanall space, Can be easily raised or lowered. Cannot fall when raised. . The handiest clothes drver in use. Endorsed, by' all who have tried it, and warranted to give entices atisfaction. Can be used by a child of 10 years old as easily as by an adult person J. COBER B; SON, Waggon and Carriage Makers, Ethel, Sole Agents for Huron, I3ruce, and Waterloo, and Wallace and Elmo, Town- ' ships. W. E. WALDRON, Patentee. 1889. HARPER'S Magazine ILLUSTRATED. HARKE.R'S MAGAZINE IS the most useful, enter- taining and beautiful periodical in the world. Among the attractions for 1859 will be a new novel -an American story, entitled "Jupiter Lights" -by Constance F.1Vooisan ; illustrations of Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A. Abbey ; a series of articles on Russia, illustrated by T. de Thulstrup ; papers on the Dominion of Canada and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley Warner ; three "Norwegian Studies," by Bjorn• atjerne Bjornson, illustrated ; •• Commodua,” a historical play by; the author of "Ben-Hur," illustrated by J. R.Weguelin, etc. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howells, and Charles Dudley Warner, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR : HIARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.., 2 Postage free to all subscribers in the Unite States, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the MAGA3lNE begin with the numbers for June and December of each year, When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re- ceipt of order. • Bound volumes of HARPER'S MAGAZINE, for three years hack, in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 83,00 per volume, Cloth Cases, fur binding, 50 cents each -by mail, post-paid. Index to HARi'Ett's MAoazrNE, Alphabelirnl Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70 inclusive, from June, 1810, to June,l003, one vol, Svo, cloth, 8.4.00. Remittances should be made by Post-Ottiee Money Order or I)raft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement' without the express order of r1AarER Ze BROTHERS Address : HARPER K BROTHERS, New York 1889. HARPER'S WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED. BAKKER'S wnail,v has a well-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper In America. The fairness of its editorial comments on current politics has earned for It the respect and confi- dence of all impartial readers, and the variety and excellence of its literary 'contents, which include 'serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. Supplemenst are frequently provided, and no expense In spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign his- tory. A new work of fiction, from the pen of William Dean Howells, and one by Capt. Charles King. will bo among the leading features of the WEEKLY for 1880. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR : HARP'1R's WEEKLY 54 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 EARPLit'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the Wastu.v begin the first Number for January of each year, When no Ame Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with he number current at time of receipt 01 order. Bound volumes of 1Ltsrxns' 1VKEKLv, for three Tears heck, to neat cloth binding, will be len y moil, postage paid, or by express, free of ex - (provided the freight does not exceed orae dollar per volume), for 57 per volume. Cloth Cases for 01511 volume, suitable for binding, will he sent by mall, postpaid, an re - Mut of 81 each. Remlttnrces should he matte by Post.n0;ce Toney under or Draft, to avoid chanes of Incs, w.fsupen are not to copy this min•'rt+sen int virhont the express order of H:ut(ER ,e nn .TnF.R- c and within sight of ono another, j N scattered far and wide through new lands (h niches built in honor 1•; n'+:: 1T 1 RPER R RR('TIIERO, NemlY SPRING GOODS Our stock is flow complete in every department. Full lines in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, COT- TONS, °CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR- NISHINGS, in great variety. Ready Made Clothing and Clothing made to order. I.emember we make up SUITS from 82 to $8 less than any other hou:e in town, end tluut forget to .see us when orde.-ing new suits. 00 SOOTS & SHOES 1 We wish to call :pedal attention to our• Boot and Shoe department. We have env of the lar,geet stocks in town and can save you from 10 to 20 per cent. We buy direct from one of the largest Factories in the Province, and are in a position to give you bargains. Como and see us ;t11.1 our prices. .We are determined to take the lead in this town for good toads at the:lowest prices. Searle's Block, Clinton .....,ice PLUMST. EL & GIBBINGS •,P el /\1.°W. striaes. OBei The Greatest Novelty EVER ` ' R +• . r It originated with nein Mat f s entirely head Imving endured thq rigor of our northers ' t• ` winters without protection. Write w Tia 130SE FDP$ Flowers large and fro .%��.. anyd tears how sat c.n hose a plant of grant ; color soft, wt t as old Dowerio anewnaamme'but ad genuind e novth elty. and 81.00 prepaid, and each p,d' i ..� ehasor can have VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE far aeo tb.PL 1, • coi'f of sneer f3ood Coto 'togas of America, now ready • revised and enlarged; now ehepe, naw types elagam X ` , " cover i a fronesplece, and 3 C' olored Plates. C.ad prices an Illustration and de tt'f',Xnpad•r.. ' ecripeon rf every popular plant, Rower and vegetable and pricos of same. No bogs 9A J -taw -e3 often W o do aur advernee two dollars' worth for 50 cents;" but we do give money .� �; , l `y"x""'•7Gr worth, Doth In ga.lriyy and gmotlty, sae or Novel/lath; f ; Flowers and Vegetables. rii "Tpr i ,rt, each copy curious a ea ifiL mod [es tact amooat In 9aede, so W t the book k ptmttptly fres, .tiAH. WlEf[ YE6OBiAttj. Aoohetetet. P. Y. '' �-, �'%�` • 4! '-e"7_ ��.?i .::.btu% - �_4,., s - �i-� 4 seek_ _ si'`' -fir J C.STEVENSON MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD FiJRNITURE, Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, Lounges, &c. Special lot of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt frames, hand painted, cheap. General assortment of Household Furniture sold cheap for cash. The Discount Sale has run off most of my old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING. Frames made to order. J. C. STniaYHIl\TSOl\T RESIDENCE OVER STORE. n FURNITURE STORE. ' ---- -- OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. DEBT AND :CASH Debt is second cousin to Disfhenesty. Cash is first cousin to Happiness and .;creat Bargains, So if you want to be happy and get the most goods for your money, eggs, eta:, you must call at the - NEW GROCERY STORE, HOLMESVILLE. Give me a''call whether you buy or not. Goods gold only for Cash or Trade - No booking done for anybody. W. J. LOBB, - - HOLMESVILLE. BLACKSTONE'S ORGAN IMPROVEMENTS. PATENTED pAY BBD, 1888. Professional Organist Testimonials claim for them the following :-Being Mouse Proof, Easier Motion, Greater"Command in Crescendo's and -Diminnndo's, More Graceful for Ladies, and within the reach of Children. There are two Pedals for Grand Organ and Swell, similar to Loud and Soft Pedals on the Piano Forte, doing away with knee swell altogether. Communications and Orders Solicited for Patept Organ Improvements which can be adjusted to any organ and will not get out of repair.. C. BLACKSTONE, Patentee & Manufacturer, Clinton. X X x X =T HE • Having purebaeed Mr. Jas. Moore's stock of Groeerjes, Crockery and Glassware for .Cash, ASTONISHING - BARGAINS SUGAR -12 lbs. Best Granulated for .$1; 16 lbs Light Coffee for 51. TEAS -Fresh, Now Season's Uncolored Japan at 20c per Ib. Chin- ese Mixture, good quality, 5 lbs. for 51 COFFEE—Fresh Ground, Boat Brands at Lowest pricos. • CANNED GOODS—Newest and Bost Brands, 3 Cans Tomatoes, Corn or Peas for 25 cents. Canned Salmon, new, 15c. 4lbs. Fresh New Prunes, 25e. ' Crockery and Glassware at a small advance on cost. Call and examine goods and get prices. I am confident you will he satisfied. highest price for Butter and Eggs. - m in r��o(ies T. Cooper & Son's Old Stand- J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse, eonper's:Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON E3p.os_, THE -- Red. Rocker Furniture Store Having bought the stoclt of D. B. Calbick, of the late firm of Calbick Bc Reith, at a greatly reduced figure, we are now prepared to give our customers the full t benefit of the reduction, We will run oil our entire stock of Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension and Centre Tables, Book Cases Perfor- ated, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAINS for the next 30 days. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such bargains can- • not last. Call and be convinced. NOTICE -Our stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in every particular, and we are determined to give satisfaction. - R.EI7rII •• 1311,0S. • The leading 'Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers, Red Rocker Furniture Store, Brick Block, and -• • out As we are going west we offer at cost prices our entire stock of CroceriesCro:ctery& Get Bargains while they are going A.. ANGUS 00 BRICK NOCK, e>rs amistm.r gol,_artarr INA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. let, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains,' 1# we are bound to reduce our stock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 60. We cffer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25c FRESH FINAN HABMIE, SISCOS, HERRING. BLOATERS, to Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us alcall.] BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON.- CHINA HALL. ;LiNTON NEW ja The Peopl&s. GROGERY R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. THE NEW 'ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading N'Iatter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising \Tedium. Will be sent to any address for $1.5d a year, in advance, JOB DEPARTMENT. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Sale Bills, and any kind of printing that can•be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. CORNER HUIION AND ONTARIO STREETS, I, the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a tine new stock RAItINS-New Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencias• CURRANTS -New Barrel Currants,tnew Box Currants. PEELS -Lemon, Orant,>'e and Citron Peels NUTS -Soft -Shell Ahnonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peacans,'1'eanuts, English Wal. nuts, best qualities. CONFECTIONERY -Our assortment cannot be surpassed. LEMONS and ORANGES- Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. GRAPES --White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes , CIR,OCKEItY and GLASSWARE -- We are•giving bargains in this line, and a liberal Miscount for cash. FISH, &C. --We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Haddie, Bloaters, Ciscoes, Ric SUNDRIES -Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Onions. TEAS -Special valties in Teas. We have them as low as five pounds for $,'and as high as 70c. per lb., and we can guarantee the quality to be the best Our assortment is too large to enumerate, and we only mention a few leading articles. Come and see far yourself. We will give you good value anda liberal discount for cash. Cuninghame & McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON WALL PAPER Ceiling DECORATIONS,. Latest American Patterns. Cheaper than ever before. Call and iiiipeet the stock. .A.'WO RT 1FTTN.0-�' TO.IST.Ulinton.