The Clinton New Era, 1889-04-12, Page 1i 4 Mt � u ,, , .' v, d %fir Wbole N unbar I -OW OL 2 CLINTON, ONT., APRIL 12,5''k..4889. J ROVERT HOLMES, Publisher. l $1,60 a year in advarlcu Mcliillo >• � - -­- . 1 nolmesville. Blyth. Porter's Mill: 1. To Correspondents. ' up of the college. Those who wit- Goderich Township. 1 • SUDDEN DEATH — The, villagers I Miss Amelia PickArd has gone to uessed the northern lights Sunday CHANGES.—Mr John Oakes has • NOTES --Mr John Kerr, of Toronto NEaR- x GONE WEST•—A report were bhucked, early Tbursday morn- Clinton to learn the tartoring. �` Some of our correspondents would evening caw the heavens extra beau- rented his father's farm, on the Malt, University, is home on a short visit. was circulated here a few days ago ing,to bear the report of the death of I Rev JIr Jamiesntt, of Bayfield, has oblige us if they would write oftener tiul, land con. He baa also sold his farm Mr Arch. McGregor, who bad his that•Mr John Joruen had sold out Mr Robert Browrilee,as it was known taken Rev Mr T�orreat's place for '' WALLOWING IN THE MIRE —The of 320 acres ip Pembina county, Da- house binned during the winter, is his house, lot, etc.; to T. 0.to Pickard,ihe had been in his wonted health the �*S,.erlie some Sundays. than they do. We would like to hear Rev Mr Scott gave us during his ear- kola, to a J1r C. Baker, of that States busily erecting a new rine, which he and was going to IFlaoitoba. This da before,and be was noted fur being 11 #torn all sections once a week, if pas- e2 expects soon to oceu lIr Hart- g lir Sterling and Miss lxeocgie Mc- 7. mon on Sunday night, that plain bac for the sum of •4 100. p OCCUPY: we have reason to believe is an un- Y g Bible, and if this cannot be done, as + a atron,, bealthv man. It seems be Phai! gave SeafOrLh a visit last week. g' true tale of Martin Luther's, viz —A COUNCIL.—CODUCil met un✓ the list mann Cook, an early re>ident of this founded fact—'people will talk you complained of being slightly ladle• is going back, �r often as convenient. There is nearly lion made a feast to ail the beasts of inst. pursuant to adjournment. Mem- township, died on Sunday last, and know, posed on Wednesday evening when hin or other trans .ring field and forest, and spread before bers were all preterit. Minutes of last the remains were inferred in Maitland On Monday ereaing list the Im scillas ready to go to church, D. W. Roberts, furmerty of thin. ' ' always something P them every dainty that could be pro- meeting were read and passed. Ezekiel cemetery, on Tuesday ; he had been rovement Society held its first meet- place, now of BL thug , gave us a fiy- iterested in know minted athmaster af]]icted with a cancer in the throat. P Y Through tire' night medical skill was I .n visit a short times •u• %rid the public are a cured. A sow that was among the DlcCann was appointed P lug ipCe the re -organization bits tak• called in and the patient slept on,after 8 61. ing what it is. _ guests ,what did elle do but simply for road divi:iun NO. 47 in room of • en pace. Seeing it advisable to add Lakin a aleeuin powder at three I JIr Samuel Cox hxs nwV�d to Uode- - grunt and ask for bran. Martin (leor a Green. James Rowden, at Leeburn. g g p 1Vingham g a little more temperance principle to o'clock. At five o'clock another was, rich to reside. blxuy of the fair 11 Luther proceeds to state that minis- his own request, was placed on R. D•. RETURNED.—l1Ir Jas. Horton, re- the society, the name was changed given him, and ahuut six o'clock it ones, however, rejoice to know that The funeral of little Elith :Flay rets of the everlasting Gospel set be. No. 45 north. lira McKae, ( widow) 'turned home here, on Friday last, ae- two weeks ago to `The Holmesvidle way discovered he bad ceased to: not all the family leave with him. Duller1. , aged two years and four fore the people everything that is fair way granted $15, she being in desti- companied by his second sun, Areby. Mutual Improvement and Temper- breathe. Heart disease is supposed Wood bees and taffy pulls are months, took puce Suuday afternoon and beautiful, even ail the glories of tute circumstances, Mr Foster was He expecte the rest of the family as ante 5oclety," and all who join must to have been the cause of death, Mr. keeping Our Young men employed A . to the Wingliam cemetery, heaven, but many also turn tip their , heard respecting repairs to Holmes- soon as the boats run. There is the first eight the pledge, Readings,ying- Brownlee, tf to a few ears ago, was +?,.. villi bride road. He was told to appearance of being lots of work at in , speeches and.recitationa formed p Y g just'now, Mr J.Gar,lner has purchas- e: GOING WEST. — Mr Gilchriet, of snouts and grub for snails g g P keeper of the Mansion House, and I re air the art complained of but to the Soo this summer, he says, but the rinci al a t of the ro ramme, ed Ona of the handsome Doherty or- whom we spoke last week, has made PAUSE AND CONSIDER.—The other P P g P P P g disposed of it to JIr Bennett, and gens• up his mind to go to British Columbia, evening we were thinlring of haw have regard to economy. DIr Hal- there ate lots there to do it. and were well rendered. In a few thereafter lived retired. The death Mr W. Cox's little daughter,Daiay, wh:1 Iere he says he can make touch stead resented a bill of $lot far MOVED,—This week another neigh- weeks it intends holding a 'public of her husband, occurring suddenly who has been very low for sometime t', Y much it had cost us for tobacco for P i more than in Ontario. the last ten Years, counting on the Parties passing through )iia clearings ; bot has removed from our midst to meeting, after the demise of her aged father, is past. In fact at one time all hope fa' he declined to accept the council's reside in town. Mrs Henderson will THE LATEST.— Last Week Mr aver severe shock tis Mrs Brownlee, 1. DEAR LITTLE FRI*,.— Will our very lowest figures. Supposing per offer and the matter twae left over. be much missed at our sewing bees Y of saving her life were despaired of, little Erin get Home Rule ? We week it should cost us for tobacco to B Several other matters were attended Chester Yerex, rtf Belleville, was and great sympathy is shown to her but she has somewhat recovered and think it will eventually, and why cents and cigars ten cents,in ten yea and sodal'gatherings. Dame rumor making a visit with friends in this in the• present distressing circum• hopes are still entertained. ' to' The following accounts were say, a she is shortly to change her name vicinity, and in connection therewith stance should not those of the Emerald Isle it -would amount up to the sum of aid, viz: •-Wm. Collins, indigent, after arriving in town. y' The first Open meeting of the I. O, i' enjoy the same liberty as those of 5]25,' countipg interest and all, pix monilia allowance, $37.50; Allred g was selling bullesy oats at ten dollars G. or. was held a week ago last Fri - Canada. Should we live. to be seventy yearn Gnodwio, for gravel on the John BRIEFS.— Diisa Jennie Caruthers is a bushel to the farmers We under- Tai•nberr)'' dap. The Programme consisted of Go AHEAD, Iou.s —Mr J. Ander- old and'still smoke the same amount, Evans estate, $1.02 ; township tress- the guest of her •sister,} firs Relton, stand the case to be as follows. He Jir James Thompson led the f'srm- readings, recitations ani music, and t' son is talking of erecting a grist ro)ler it would cost us the Bum of $502 with- urer, ostage and stationery one year, this week. ProfE�sot• Cook, organist will sell the oats now at $10 a bushel era of Turnberry in early ploughlug a debate on the; subject, Resolved mills t about one hundred and fifty out counting interest whatever, but of Knox church, Godericb, was out to -the farmers and take thbir notes in this spring, commencing on the 4th, that intemperance has caused more $4 ; ames Fitzgerald, indigent, for but others soon followed suit. misery than weir. The supporters of barrel capacity if the town w.11 grant l supposing we added interest and clotbes, $5. Council adjourned to this week to finish Tieing the church pay, and next fall he will crime back 11,1�1,him a bonus of $1000, We think rt compound interest, it would amount organ ; It 1B aAld that 110 with 1119 class and buy as many of at 57 1a bushel A great run of sap the last few days the affirmative, led by the veteran de• u anyway meet again on Mondayy May 27th, aN g , would be a good investment for all P Y y to the sum of $700, Court of Revision.- J.P -c sheat r small boys, will give a . as will pap for the notes. Four g P hater, `Doc'McDougall, were too fliArTON,CIerk. farmers around have gone into it to and sugar makers are correspondingly '; concerned. sir, there are many bard working concert here, ip the near future. W. ha There was also a great run much for their opponents, and Alex. ' DioNEX.—The literary at the town mechanics in Canada, who spend Stanley. Gordon, of Shesent, in tis staying in the extent of sir 1ws a people are of pbo a and ours men from Mr now wears a complacent smile. three times the amount quoted, and aur burg at present, in theemploy of expressing their views and think it Andrew Mitchell`s woods, on Sunday l --- ' hall was well "pationized, on Friday who if the lived to be old men,would GRANGE MEETING.—The regular A. H. Clutton. Mrs J. Andrews, of all a fraud but the farmers think afternnou just a few minutes before :'- last, it being the winding up of the Y meeting of the Stanley ,Sun Grange n have snag little fortunes if they would g Godericb, visited her mother, Mrs that they are secure and it will be al- the tall was made, Additional Local mews. 4 season. The play known as "1 8 eyy' put their tobacco money in the Post was held on Life 9th fust. A lengthy Cassidy, this week. right. We are only helping it may y was very credits ly E Y Office Savtnga Bank. We are deter- and animated discussion on "Statute BIRTH. — Another little stranger be so. The people of this vicinity were The town butchers are preparing members of the society, mined, God helping us, to practice labor versus commutation took came amongst us last week, at the `"If these turn out well at the end surprise to gee the advertisement of for their display of Easter meat, and PASSi�G AWAY.—Jit R. Cornyn, what we have been reachin , and to place, and was taken part in by a the sale under wort a e `of the farm it will be fully equal, if not au fir' r, P g large number of members. The ma• home of Jir Arthur Williams. This of the year r who has been sick fur some time, Is have done burning our money to B makes the third in, the new school They will fill both their pockets belonging to. Mr WmgHastinga, but to anything of the same kind before. l1. much worse, having both jaundice ashes, - jority of the members• regarded the section since the school comm'bneed . with' guineas, 'tis clear`. " much more so when on Thursday M -- and dropsy. Within the past week prPsNnt system of maintaining roads to o u list My Hastingsmad'e an assignment. g V rs F i.ADa' strisFNG.� a, ,r <Ierable, while others maintained g p� _ • ,Though. My, Hastings' liabilities re, ,Z,( H, to orsell haft .a 'striking i] - L ' or two. he has gained twenty --two KiPpeu, 1 r. J.. , ounds..nf-surperfluous ;flesh. which . LEG BRosEN.—A yours man -nam* aq st*ongly, the commutation .plan, pretty g b P P strati n• f the advantages of ad , g Tuekersmith. - Sullett. managed,would no doubt. over them, vertis.ng the°other day, for two farm- --, ,J I$ looked -'upon as a veru bad indica- ed Robert Fisher, who has been em- ranging at from fifty cents to eighty tion. '•- ploped as a. blacksmith by Mr Thos. cents per day as more likely to keep' PERSONALS —Mies Annie Carnoch• ILi„—Dues Martha Cnrtwright,er., but if they come under the sheriff's era in Huilet, motto noticed the adver UP good roads. This is also the RD,. who has been visiting friends, in who resides , with her ,brother, Dir hammer there will be considerable tisement of .the White Sewing - GAVE IT WaisxEY,—A party of Mellis, had his leg broken above the op.nion of the Minister of Agricul 'this vicinity for some time, returned James Cartwright, is at present very lose to the creditors. Much sympathy Machine in the NEW ERA, came in hunters the other da while hunting knee, one day last week. He was P low with ceceular erysipilos. No is felt for Dir 1ia.tin s and family as Y nein a horde belonging to H wasul- lure, Mr Drury, who had been tom- 'to her home near Seaforth, last week. g Y and purchased from Dir Worsell two on the prairie started to dig out a passing municated with on the subject.' At , Mr Wm. Walters, of.Exeter, and Mr hopes are entertained of her recovery. they are highly rt,spected and have of.theae macliineS• musk rat, in so doing they dug up a bolland when the brute suddenly the next meeting, on April 23rd, Dir Jose h Plewes, of Goderich township,A BAD _ sr. always been small white snake. One of the party kicked him, with the above result. Ketches will read a paper on "Root spent Sunday with friends in this met with bad' loss last rweekaby the The mmediatenc use ofd the failure MODEL SCHOOI. L. S.—fihe meet - having a flask of whiskey they put He was removed to his fathers resi- crops." neighborhood. death of a valuable three year old was inability to I�ieec the interest on ing of the Literary Society of room the snake therein, and up to the pre- dente and we are pleased to be ableLPLEASANT TialE.—One of the p�oit OLD AGE.- GE.—Mr Francis Wallets entire boree., It bad four crossQa in a mortgage. A large number. of the No. 1 met on Friday last,. and the 'i � sent time it is still alive, to erste that he is doing as well as pleasant and select parties of thel sea- hag a horse that has attained the ripe it, stood lit: hdnds, ,3 inches high, and business men of Wingliam and a programme, was as 'follows :.Singing ExPERiENCE TEACaES ' KNOW_ could be expected, son was held at .the residence of Mr old a e of 33 ears. it was former! - F.—Mr Will DlcCutcheb.'n nest WEDDING BELLE.—On Wednesday' Robert Pearson, on the avenin of g Y Y was very heavily built. Death is number of the farmers will be losers bq the achool, , readings .by Alice LEDG . g owned by Mr Isaac Ratteabury, but supposed to have been caused by over- to a greater or less extent. Whitehead, Eddie Dln.r, She Men, time you bathe Your feet in warm salt the 3rd in, another of those pleas- Thursday last, when, it is needless to at his death Mr Walters purchased feeding, as they were getting the --•+•— ziee, Lucq Stevens, Lucy Shepherd, water lift chilblains, be sure to put ant events, which always cause a say, every one present enjoyed them- the animal and has it in constant use horse ready for Ithe spring Show. It , Hensall Annie CrVekaliank., Alex.' Angus, w` on socks as well as shoes before solus ripple of excitement in any burgh. selves to their heart s content: Thoff ever since. We think it is ore of the was worth about $600. The contracts for the new schools Marshall Dlorrish, Harvey Jackson, into `the Snow, or pour doctor's bill took place, when. one of our fairest evenin¢'s amusement consisted oldest horses in this part were let on Tuesday. evening, . Mr Mabel Kerr,'Gertie Young, Hannah will 't atil?-ow, o heavier than that of Last .and most ,of young ladies, in dancing interspersed with vocal and S, S,ENTEto be IENr.—Ao enter- W. Welsh received the contract for Mcge Dan, .Ernie Cooper; quartette, (;. g p count if not the oldest: week. the person of Miss Maggie Blair, was instrumental music, the latter b ing Y' tainment is to be given Wednesday united in holy bonds of matrimony NESv SCHOOL -The board have at . evening, April 17th in the school the village school, at $1,600 and Mr Amp Canteloin D.; ephe Minnie $ BIG Ir LUAIIxATtoN.—Our streets entirely furnished by local talent, DIr length decided'tO build a new school house of S. S. No 4, Hullett. An ex- Reynolds, the county school, at $1,000, Couch and Winnio Cheplon acnga f beautifully illumi- With a Dir yIcAllister, of Michigan, McLeod presiding at the organ, the by the choir, Amy Cantelon and W. are not nearly so .ben Y U, The ceremony was performed former moss principally rendered by in section Flo. 4, The site of the new cellent programme consisting of The, meeting of the' Biblical and Shepherd, Clara Wiseman, flies H01 Hated as prior to the early closing. by the Rev S. Acheson in his usual transatlantic celebpall w endered byse. building will, in all probabilitp,.'be music, dialogues, . recitations sad Literary 'Society was held, in. the vat's papila. �'iaitors .nsited every 1 Although we must not complain, for genial manner, in Lha presence of a hail from. the Hub. At 12 p. m. the on Mr Geo. Crich's lot, By cbanginq readings has been prepared. The Methodist 'church, on on aveday even- Friday afternoon.• having •three restaurants in town 'xe number of 'the friends of the =bride. -com any* rt aired . the 12 p. rotheom, the site they secure a position. nearer best local talent of Clinton and_Bi.Ytb irg. Mr D. L. Thomson gays a very . get gr -three re the light from their In the evening a large number of the where fon liaises of tables presented the centre of the section, and also the, are to take part. A good time is t'x- interesting paper on ,The best way to THE TIDE To AnVERTfi,E.--It is a windows, until the evening is well ad• young people assembled and bad a themselves to view, fairly hes ed,not new building will be better situated' petted. Doors Open at 7.30 P. ria., read the Bible.' .. Rev. J. S. Cook common ekpreaaiou it merchants that vanced. merry. time. chiefly. " tripping the only with healthful and nourishing with regard to a play ground, being entertainment to commence at 8• gave a blackboard exercise on the '"business is so dull it will not pay to MANY MOURNERS.—As a rule .f a light fantastic, which was continued food but also all the new•fugled more remote from the public roads, BRIEFs.—Mr C. Floody paid a book of Genesis. •advertise." Wbat would we think of tradesman stops payment there is a with little interruption until near notion of all kinds shapes and di- The board may make mistakes but visit to. Coiling this week. Mr •H. SPRIll SHOw.=Fienaall Spring the working man who, when work is `� dividend,oeither large or small. But daylight, when all separated to their menaioas were there pile upon pile this is not one of them. Livermore, of the Hogs Back lime Show, held hereon the 9th last„ was, scarce, would not try all the harder to a farmer in our near vicinity, whose respective homes; wishing Mr and like cords of wood. After tea Mr NARRow ESCAPE•—Ae Mr Edward kiln, has now on band between three as usual, a grand success. The wea find it? The duty of the merchant or liabilities are very great, has, we un- I Mrs McAllister long life in their new Geo. 0. Cook, by special request, en- Plewes was hauling posts one day and four hundred bushels of lime, ther was all that could be desired, manufacturer at such times. 'is to derstand,no dividend whatever•where- home under the stars and stripes. tertained those present for an hour, list week, he met with an accident• just burnt, :not' parties wanting it the attendance large, and the show of create business by offering new and with to satisfy his many creditors,who -• with his fast becomingpopular lec- that might have resulted seriously. altould come t once; he expecte to be entire stock would be hard to beat, attractive stylr.+ lis seeking customers are mostly people of Wingliam. Bayfield. lure, entitled "Salmaudi." And In assin a a the hind wheel got q p and pushing hcynu" p g g P making cider next week, Ed. J. The following is the prize lid 1 usual neighbor- s while he delighted his audience, he caught in a rail, This sudden cop Bri'kendon has returned from the HO tsEs.—Heavy draught, aged-- ing limits. :Hr, shr.�uld not sit down BACs AGAIN.—G. Marshall, who a Lenten services are bein held in , . p- and wait for trade to come to him,but short time since was sent to Godericb the English church. ably sustained his world-wide repute- frightened the horses, so off they- Michigan lumber woods. ' Ed. Liddi- Berry&Duller ns, C ing ; 3rd 1Vic a lunatic fa home again. «'e are Air Hewson, our druggist, took a tion for mirth, mimicry and music. started at a tateratheruncomfortable. cott, of London, spent a few days Kellar &_Hankins, Columbia. seek it on every vide and through the i. as p last week visiting the scenes -of his Three years old—C. E. Mason, Gal, use of every. fae,ful irstrurnentality, sorry to say that some party or par- run down to London, last Wednesday. After which dancing was resumed The ran about. 20 rode when they When .trade is dull more exertion ' t.es,• who would be better in Goderich There should be a large crowd at and kept up until a late hour. The were brought to a standstill, Ned all boyhood, on the 2nd tun. 'Jas. Copp lent Prince; Geo. Kay, Sc Lord Ere- usual'wote of thanks waspassed to the this tune havin hung on to the reech lies taken possession of his farm and kine; Hewitt &Kay, Scottish IIero, must be made to secure ,. than when jail than at large, during his absence the Literary Society's entertainment p bueineas is brisk, '1lJh ,n times are broke into his shanty, and although tO-night. host and hostess for their illimitable of the waggon. He was none the ,commenced farming in earnest, hay- Two years old=Donald Burne, Sir flush and money ,,,ten it requires hie worldly possessions were yerp Dr Coleman, of Seaforth, was in hospitality, " when each took of their worse for his ride,only s little scared. ing engaged A. Aikens to sealer him. Clifton ;Thos. Woodley; Beeches but 'little effort to ell goods. There small, they made them considerably town last Friday, looking after some separate way, resolved to meet some BRIEFS.—The farmers are com- Mr Copp hay an A. 1 farm and a Carriage, aged- J. Beacom Ton- Smsller. business. other dap," which to the e e of an g g. g g good man. .a not i much r.ePd of ad c' Nils Rev DIr Howie, of Brussels, intends Y ment•in seeding. Good sleigh' hin tine; James Berry, Fgarnaught Chief inr, at An entertainment Rill be given in s + Such times. PASSING TxRGUGS THE FIAE.11 —Mr ordinary observer will be pretty soon. last Saturday but on Sunday Iota of McDonald & Wan h Blsckhaw lecturing in the Front Road church, —Coal• mud, Rev DIr Edge intends to try the school in section No 7 on the Morgan. DON'T BELirr', IT T11E:,er;Et.vEs. Robertson, of Belgrave, has a terrible on the 18th fust. and organize some sort of a society Two pears old—W. B. JScLean; —The Clinton nrangvmnn have form - lot of trouble. In the first place his Rev 8t Jamieson is having his Colborne. evening of Thursday, the 18th inat. Raven. ally denounced tht) vote oa the wife, mother of ninechildren, pl , .s in among the young people of Turner's A good programme ofidialogues,read- Roadster, a ed—Thos. Murdock, house repaired, and intends moving BRIEFS•—Mr H. Cullis, of Man- appointment. Mi Wm: Townsend ins recitations vocal and instru- ' s Jesuits Act, n'i coarlCmned all rife the very last stage of consumption. into it shortly. cheater, made s flying visit to this had the miefortupe to have a colt g Joe Galea; A. Boysenberry, Fulton; members who votrd aga.n•;t dlsalow- r His daughter, who has been teaching Last Tuesday Misses Lizzie Walwin meatal music, has been prepared and ante. They c"n11 l not rl" ninth leas school,is also home very seriously ill, and liar Whiddon took their de, vicinity this week. Y Mr Wm. Olds,V, severely injured last,week by its gets- we feel Sure that all who attend will W. G. Bissett, Volo. and maintain e vrn t1w al•pr,arsnce of and l,i mother-in-law, claw, who came to Y S., intends leaving this week for the ing into amanger. Mr E.Turner sent., o home satisfied. In additton to a Canadian Draught, aged—C..11. & the sick is herself ]a.d Parture for Detroit. State. of Indiana, where he intends a team of young horses to 1lianitoba,a local' 'quartette club, Messrs G, F. J. Brown, Canada s Glory. consistency, Uut ,chr•.ti thNy nay Svc help nurse DTlss Lizzie Huston has taken up carryng on his profession. Mrs Pol• few weeks ago, and has received word q SHORT HORN xUr.rs—Aged—Thos• led a ourselvS s t"• tet ind+ l+endently low by sickness. Mr, Robertson has her residence .n London, with her Oakes of Clinton and Tanner and Russell Clear The Way; Jae. Stran Fr s . tbesym athy of the entire communis in-law Dir London, McIntyre,who lock, of Goderich, is this week visit- back that they both died a day or two, Shane of Blyth, all of whom are sof- in politics" that is i,,u much. Dues P ing under the parental roof. The after arriving there; the loss is con fieiently well known to need no re-. Landlord ; James rraquair, Kin any one in tbi�, to %,n,nn matter what ,� C:O�rE Homm— Mrs Taylor died brother-in-law, recently. Rev Mr Maley, of Manchester, will siderable as the team was valued at commendation, will take part in the George. ears old—Thomas Russell their politica, br•i. Jr they tok du very suddenly on Saturday. It UP- DIr Cbas. Logan, who has recently preach in the Benmiller church, next about $350. Some of the farmers are musical part of the programme. Gre y, , Mariner. that'? 1To,inde,, t. r {tnow tl e know, pears that Mra Little, -her~daughter, been attending the Collegiate Instil Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. The in a fair way to make a small fortune Don't miss the new dialogue "From Y the Oranges r Y, . went away on a visit, getting her tote at Clinton,has gone to lFiilwauke , maps friends of Mrs Gledhill will be in maple syrup this year ; it is sn Pumpkin Ridge." Performance to One year old—H. & W. D. Smith, not given to in't" nrlrnoc in putltlCs mother to keep house during her ab- Mich•, to accept a situation in a drug sorry. to hear that she is at present unusually good year for sap. commence at 8 o'clock, admission 20 Grand Trunk ; Win,, Reith, Iced Star ; —at least thry t. , ': ant been rn the acute. NV the milk boy went on store there. very low with inflammation. Dir • cents, children 100. Proceeds for Andrew Dougall, Robbie Barna. past, and thrir r+a� ,l+itinn t"' tlr(+Cori Saturday morning, he could make no At a barn raising the other day, we John Fowler has rented the farm � � +•--- tears notwith "t:u„i;•i st. th+)y Sian t in.-{ one }leer, consequently walked in,and understand there were a few ugiliatic from Mrs Jas. Million, for a .term of Londesboro. school supplies or decorations. stein Jlrc ns for early .n her chair pp Dungannon. tend to be i❑ t_ ;. taint' wile -is to seeing y g encounters. What peculiar character Years, rrcm n special correspondent. OBITUARY,—John W, Ashley, late- "rode enders” '' ' }'..; Tic to ;) vola aa' thou h Sleeping, he poured the istic there is about barn raisings to (Intended for last week) Rev Mr Ramsay preached in the 1p a resident of Pittsburg, and former 1FIr J. Willie g f wee, of Goderich, P into a 'u and departed. Soon engender strife; we do not know, ur, BRIEFS.—Mr R. Moore left for Methodist church, at the evening ser iq of Kingston township, died on has been visiting friendd in ibis ail• We can belie,;,,,- )f att,i ,ythiaig, but -titer a ne"g bbor went in and saw she less it be '" hot stufr." Brandon, Manitoba, last week. Mr vice,two weeks ago. Sunday, March 31st, at his residence lage,during the past week. we cannot b" li' v, th': ! i ui"semen was indeed sleeping, but it was the On Monday DIr Andrew Stalker Thee. Nlorrish leases nest Tuesday, We are sorry to bear of the death in the city, whither he moved two ;yr S. Roach, baker o'f TeOswater, are sincere + : ,%%-1 )and in sleep of 'death The deceased lady set out for Chicago, accompanied by for the Northwest, on a prospecting of the infant son of Mr R. Adams, years since, to enjoy rest and invigor• line gone into partnership with P. F. dependence— hao i;r` ,N'+• !"" not was pretty well advanced in lifo,being Miss Hilda Dloorehouye, who intends tour, Mr Isaac Fisher moved last which occurred on Monday. ate his health. He has been ailing Hamlin, of this village. the slightest i,iw, %;).1t thny `.relieve in her 59th year. It is but a few years going as far as Pinconning, Mich., week to Mr Geo. Neibergal's farm, at Mr Harry Kelly left for Manitou, for several weeks, partly from organic J. X. Roberts has been improving it themselves. 1,' k I.") scI'+r 4 it tax since her husband died wlib cancer where she will visit with her Blister, Sheppardton. We understand . Mr on Monday, taking his return ticket trouble, and partly from being thrown the appearance of his store by Riving Qn any one's fai tt, . on the lip. Mra Caldwell, Pframmer is canvassing the people to Winnipeg from R, B. Jeffrey. by a runaway horse. He was related it anew coatof Paint- Mr S:Winters ---- _ •. .. • . _• "MOTES.—Butter is almost a thing sir Joseph Elliott, B. A., who is around here to raise funds to put rol Mrs Jos. fait left WednOeday for to Mr and Mrs Sol. Millin, of Hullett, .y doing the painting. of the past in Wingliam just now. studying for the Presbyterian minis- lers'in his mill at-Benmiller; Mike is Superior bity, Wis., to rejoin her who, hearing of his illness, and hay- J H. Gay, our carpenter, has com• 81►rin ; F;l:utitw ', Dir e Pelton lies 'dla8 feud of his try, at Knox College, is home at pre- a hustler, The contract has been let husband who has taken up land lag no hope of his recovery, went to menced his season's work again. We r business to Mt Bullard. Maple Sent for his holidays. We must con- to Messrs Heddle and Fisher to raise there. see him, and were there but two nderstand he has a large yammer's South Huroi, :1cri"+,ti,)r^l `) ;'+ty, nt dray to l 17. s ru :1,25 per gal. Several sleigh gratulate him on the high standard the ceiling and foundationland ofd the. W, L. Ouin,ette made a sb.pment was as membewhen r of an old is death oandrre respected work ahead f him. and a jollyhn is augood Stephen and stler Brucefleld ltfsl'�ry' aptil:',cter, on I,: Y P loads of wood arrived in town, last be attained at the recent, examine- paint both inside a Frontenac family, upright and in- g Wednesday, April 10 Saturday. The Salvation Army are tions. Methodist church, at Benmiller; of about 120U dozen eggs, on We= fellow et throng when finished it will be one of the day, , gen fruit seems very plentiful dustrious. neighborly and kind, noth- fellow besides. Colborne—Ai ,1 . (,) , ,ter. A t til 16th going to have a big time on the 4th, Iiinburn• ing but good can be said of him, and Mr Jose h Hackett,who was learn- ,East Wawann;<h, at 1;'•l,trn�,,, Wed. 5th g t 6th of May. Lieut. Green- beat churches in this art of he at this early°sea�on. g Heyday, April 17. p g, P his name will be carried down in ing nis tra a in thio village, with Mr Caesday. ing, of the .,S. A., left for Blyth on' Mr J. R. Murray is expected back county, R. Elliott, of the Wiugb� Last Sabbath mornin after an a going Morris, at ltly)h, Saturda after s five months sojourn shortly to take the management of the Times, and H. C. R. of 0. 0. F.,paid propriate service, ten or twelve new memory, fragrant with esteem. The P. F: Hamlin, . We believe he has Saturday, , funeral took place the following Tues- to Brandon, Man. Apristea in Wingbam. The roller skating cheese factory. Court Benmiller s visit their last members were received P rid in the do to Gananoque cemetery. secured a good situation in that town. Instead of hilvin" 0, ' 71";111 Spring rink commenced the season on the The Good Templars, of this place, meeting night, and expressed himself evening a sermon fuss reached b y 9th int. with a grand carnival and hold an open lodge entertainment, well pleased with the workings and Rev Mr Rogers, to a large congrega• We wish hits Success. Fair for the exhibition ir. ocivtetbave 9 The members of the Y.1?. S. intend of Entire Stock, the direr tonx of the race. A ]ergs part of Salvationists this (Friday) evening. 'All are tor- standing of the order; there being only tion, on "Eternal Punishment." r""' Tuckeramith Agricnli nY ti i nc;rty Gave ; y Exeter. holding a maple syrup social, on the this year decided tr hold a @tnrlt fair on from town took In the big ,jubilees at dially invited. three courts financially stronger in P 6 their groundN fn Sr,af ,riff.''++ Taesday, ", g Y SPRING SHow.—The Exeter spring 16th of April. A good ro ramme is Palmerston and Blyth last week. bir S. S. Cole has begun operations the society; there were a good man Crediton, g P p thr l(tli April. 5 The wife of Lir Burchell, of Zetland, in the way of raising and removia visiting brethren prevent, who were Building operations have com• show took place on Wednesday, in being re seed consisting of magic, presented her husband with a fine buildings. Sig is a hustler, and will given complimentary tickets to an menced again. Mrs Hemans has the Agricultural Society's grounds. instrumental and vocal, recitations,go) Y commenced to build --a house for her The attendance was not Marge as readings, Etc. We hope to see a good young son,. on Thursday night of ]sat do a big season's work, oyster supper,after which the all week. The fine weather of the past Dir Robinson, the new landlord of went home feeling it was good for son. on former years. The show ofhorses turn out as the Y,P.S. has been doing two i+trat';'" i 't+ -'i • r• 1Crb1• few daps iq br.nging new dry•goods the Kinburn hotel, is`making repairs them to be there. Some of the eiti- Mrs Wolf is in declining health. was fully, larger than any previous s good work for the church since lot, ut Sham"I:;n,,, !'n , ' 1wwJa;, v upon the sidewalks in great variety. and fitting up his house for the so- zena;of Benmiller have been trying She has passed the three score and shows. The show in bulls bay fallen organized. The Win ham boom seems to be commodation of the travelling public. tc get up shares to get a branch of the ten allotted to man, and; has always off. The show this year is fully the _ and sifter prf+l+") ti ; t •+ p,Cr r,. ha;e 1.1. quieting down, as there are quite a DIr Clas.McGregor has successfully Bell telephone run out from Godericb; been s very healthy woman. She best ever held,. some of the principal Sale Register. his farm, enga ,od !11, t :ri rnan to number of empty bounce at the pre- passed his examination at the Toronto when they get the telephone rollers was one of the early pioneers of this exhibitors being Messrs Dow and _" a gamo of car'1,. K elle) hnc.iune sent time. D�Tr T. Dioon, of wham Veterinary College, and ialniomw every In tf omilGueldh branch willnatand a Place, having settled,QQn a form ahqut Willis, J. Berry and A. Boysenberry. Farm stock andimplements, on Lots interer+ted, awl pill sit) � 1,;11(1 aH we spoke last week, .a getting along fledged V. S. We wish y R. ? Y a mite north of this v111age. The affair was s financial success. Huron road, on ;laturday, April .13th, <stakes. Clic funis+ } N;)� tired fully as well ss could be eapeetAd. success in his practice, good show o taking the township •• at 1. o'clock,P. m. A. ltay, I'rgprieeor lis t.lu strap ;' i , :'int iC+'liar mos; At the close of the service ontSu were last Mondayo have to state that MrStewart was t ink thell y will be ntitled to from Smith's it any- firms is n fiRumor nancial difficulty, involy- Fitirfich% Jas. IIocvson, Auct• coyered with r' ,tds" i•, it Hilo ,3 evening four more Converts has Coming 1%velity• they moved ('ti f)11(1 „f them re gathered into the fold, The Rev Mr suddenly taken down by an attack of way, Messrs G. Fisher and W. Olds ing a heavy loss to the partners. AsJames kiartie Of Bluevale, occupied the inflammation of the lungs. He is can now pla*ettV S•afbomooatter euoir � we factsandmighe riot In cconvey a wrong imossession of Fill e not1for sometEmeobeen tenj yhi� gbe 9 I)a;rymaid's Social Town Ifatl. Ap �r resented hiinyr' (,r s m of nn old Y, just returned i tend of Koller '+•. pulp{t of the Presbyterian church, on under the care of s doctor of 9es having j ril 16th, • Sunday last', the Rev Fl. Mcquarrie ,forth, and w0 hope for his Speedy re cesefully passing their final examina• Plrticalar.4,e will not attempt to give good friends His Ildert7n, being away in Toronto at the closing covery, tion in that school at Toronto. P< . M r