The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-15, Page 7VITE$C,X" iVITR TSE LIVING. 1090 friend, when thea and I are gone Barad earth's weary labor, 1191494 rppgFl} OAR be our freed of grace .1 rkultaogmr4ile or from neighbor ? I►a�iµed all the strife, the toil, the Dare .40 done with all the sighing, khat tender truthehall we pelvo gained, Mint by simply dying ? Than lips too chary of their praise 'TM tell our merits over, 44a eyes too swift our faults to see Shall no defect discover. 'Oen hands that would not lift a atone Where stones were quick to Dumber , Our ;keep hill path, will scatter flowers Above our pillowed slumber. *west friend, perchance both thou and L Ere love is past forgiving, should take the earnest lesson bomo - Be patient with the living. To -day's repressed rebuke may save Our blinding tears to -morrow ; Then patience -e'en when keenest edge Maj whet a nameless sorrow. 'Tis easy to be gentle when .t,UUeath's silence shames our clamor, Aad easy to discern the best Through memory's mystic glamor ; But wise it were for thee and me, Ere love is past forgiving, 14 take the tender lesson home - Be patient with the living. ToI'1y QQQ doge Burlpeeted of being mud have been killed in ouo manly in Virginiaduring the past month. The interior of the coun- ty still seems to bo overrun and there is general alarm. There .has been considerable loss in swine, sheep and cattle, which htavo died from being bitten by it fected dogs, and in two instances horses have succumbed. Several people have also been bitten, but in no ins- tance has any serious results fol- lowed. Farmers consider it dan- gerous to go along the made uu- a'med, and dog -killing squads are out tidily. One man has seven dugs believed to be mad.- 'rheyt' have taken to the woods and are running, wild with dozens of oth- ei 'dogs in a like condition. '1'heso dogs spread the disease by biting other dogs, live stock, etc. The disease tint appeared in Fishing (,'reek last August and has been growing worse steadily. -TUE- Common Sense Clothes Dryer. Just what everybody wants, 150 feet of line in a sin ,11 apace. Cao be easily resod or lowelel. Cannot fall when r.tised. The handiest clothe.; dryer in use. t:ndorsed by all wino have to -t i it, a id warranted to give e.uire altistaec:on. Cau be used by a child of 10 years old as easily as by au adult person J. COBER & SON, Waggon and Carria3e bfakel• Ethel, Sole Agouti for Huron, Bruce, and W acarloo, and Wallace and Elmo Town- ship', W. E. \ACPORON, Patentee. • I• .As we are going west we offer at cot pr ces our entire sto k of i Get Bargains while they are gen A. A1.V G V s 99 BRICK CLINTON.OCIi, 118)1SS LQNDE3�9149 . •is FRESHOL I1 T PRESS TS and Okagbodi gqgqnnatginfily arriving; 'v ltioh will be ;sodofteep during Decefnber.. i ostler 00 give' Perce4 a Oberteti ter a holiday present, I will, during December, give -to every person ma'king s ptifr- chase of goods at one time, for cash or produce, to the amount of $2, and one for each additional 92, a draw ticket which will entitle them to one of the 100 pre. Bents which I will give during Dec. The presents are all useful articles averaging over 10 per cent on goods purchased, and you are sure to draw one of them. A box containing envelopes will be handed you to take your choice, and whatever number the draw contains, the corresponding number on the presents will be yours. Also, for each 910 paid on 1888 account, a draw will be given. I would also call special attention to a few lines which I have, wadi as ROBES, HARNESS, BELLS, BLANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, FILES, HAMMER RULES, AXES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWELLNY BROOCHES, CHAINS, SAWS, NS, CUFF BUTTONS, DANGLES, STUDS, &c G R O0 i i R 1 E S -Currants, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Canned Peaches, Peas, Corn, Salmon, Sardine, Herring, also Codfish and Salt Herring. My stook of TEAs is unsurpassed in the county for quality and price. OYSTERS and FRESH 'SAUSAGE in season. Call and inspect goods and presents before buying your Christmas supply GEM NEWTON, LONDESBORO FOSTER &KILTER WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON. TO THE PUBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently stared by J. Sheppard, and -have removed the same to the Store One Doorwest of C. C. Ranco & Co's Tailoring Establishment We will keep in stock the productiogs of the beat Canadian, Scotoh and Irish Distilleries. We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stock the beat FRENCH; SPANISH and CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR PIR,ICES will be as• low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon- e vered ror Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at all parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASKIFOR C#1EDIT, ASrices. Goods e tocOUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. FOSTER cg BITER. CROSS'CUT THE Red Rocker Furniture Store Slaving bought the stock of D. B. CaIbick, of the late firm of•Calbick Reith, at a greatly reduced figure, we 'are now prepared to give our customers the full benefit of the -eduction-. 1: We will run off our entire stock of Bedt'oont an...Parlor Suites, Sideboards Extension and Centre Tables, Book Cases, Perfbr- ated; Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAINS for the next 30 days. Now is the tinge to bliy Furniture, as such bargains can- 01111`- not.last. Call and- be- convinced. 'NOTICE -Our stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in every particular, and we are determined to give satisfaction. • 171 EIrrH . 131 )S. • The leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers. • Red RooRer Furniture Store, Brick Block, Cliutou HE POPULAR .oma' DRY Qoo H!USE LON DESBORQ NEW GOODS to hand this week. Dress Goods, • Prints;Ging- hams, Seersuckers, Grey and White Cottons, Got- tonades, Shirtings, Trow- .serings and Tweeds,Wor- sted Coatings. --FULL LINES 0F BOOTS & SHOES This season we introduce the American "Oau(iee" tub- ber goods, they are elegant styles -and having double thick ball and taper heel, are guaranteed to wear hatter than any other rubber in the market. See then]. Have you tried out BRIGHT LIGHT ('OAI, 1►ila A brilliant but soft and mellow light. No crest on wick, no smoke on glass, W. L. O U I M F T T E, MONDE SBoRo We have the sole agency for .,the "President Cress .Uut Saw" universally. admitted. to be the BEST IN THE WORLD. AXE SOUND SLEEPEBS- Mr Boyle says it is one of the amusements of West ,Africa to show straugers how a Faatee boy can sleep. A friend of his wish- ing to rouse some servants and send them to close the shutters and lock the doors, said to him, 'I'll show you something which you wouldn't believe on hearsay.' Thereon ho grasped a boy by the heels, dragged him a yard or so, turned him over, and roughly lifted him to a sitting posture; the youth sat up, rubbed his eyes, scratched his bead, and went to sleep again as he lay. To another bo did the same,with a like result. Having thus got the two along- side, fast asleep,. he dragged one on top of the other, and left them a moment;thecf slumbered placidly in that position. He then ran amuck at theta, being in slippers, and upset the pair, and ordered them loudly to close the shutters. They both got up, eyes wide open, and apparently conscious; one walked gravely down stairs, the other retired, with all semblance of reason, to the pantry alongside. • The one who went down came up again in two minutes,still with his eyes wide open, and leisurely lay down to sleep again; the other we found fast snoozing" in the pantry on a stool. Wo took them up - and shook them 'violently ; they rubber themselves and wont to sleep again. Dragging them into the dining room, without a word, they siteiet-' ly set about their work, fastening shutters and doors. '' Do you think they are awake?' asked my friend. ' Telt them to get you something.' I did so. No response. I re- peated the order. They quietly went back, their work completed, and dropped asleep upon their mats. Fast stupefied with sleep all the time! SOME REASONS. -WHY ` YOU SHOULD SIGN THE PLEDGE. -WITV D 4 QQASIORWEST y M1 , i s in CO TGO% Y. atsor Ana :ea. In order bo turn this lot over quickly, we will offer them at eettreme- ly low pries, 00. per pound and 50e. per ponpd. For the next THIRTY DAYS for FIVE POUNDS and over, a RedaetionSamp el which will yonOnothing call, (,fit a We are also Sole Agents for THE REXFORD AXE, the choice of woodsmen and the best in the Market. • Full stock of Coat and \Yood STOVES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LAMPS, OILS, PAINTS, &c.• S. D AVIS, Mammoth Stove Howie, CLINTON. J. C.STEVENSON MANUFACTURER OF ANI) DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Just to hand a lot of New Furniture,OParlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, Bureaus, MO Sy. PALLISER & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. WMTVCT FALL GOODS full assortment of lint: Tnriihi ods For Fall Wear, just opened up A Fine Assortment of FUR-:- GOODS 'Ct Not to be excelled in the counts' �,.. GI -MO CI-L.A.SC r -OW REMEMBER THE STAND -Ane door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. New :Furniture : stock - Opened out i ELLIOTT€I BLOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON, BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, Lite., 1. Moderate drinkip g tends to drunkenness, while total absti- nence tends directly, from it. 2:- While no one means to be- come a drunkard, there is said to bo 600,000 confirmed drunkards in America to -day. 3. Intoxicating drinks can do no gcod as a boverago, and there are always safer and surer reme- dies to -use in case of sieknest. .4. The idea of moderation is full of deceit, aqd our estimate of the power of our 'own will is usu- ally a mistaken one. 5. The drinking habitis the cause of the larger portion of the misery poverty and crime in our land. 6. Both science and experience prove that even moderate drink- ing is injurious to health. 7. Eternal interests are often forfsito1 through 'drink, for the Bible declares that no drunkard shall enter. neal^en. 8. The Bible pronounces no blessing upon .drinking„but many upon total abstinence. 9. It is easier to keep a pledge publicly, and solomnly given, than a simple resolution. 10. The pledge protects us frr+in the solicitations of friends, and removes us front the temptations of the saloon. - 11. Persons miscalculate their ability to drink in moderation, and become slaves to the drinking habit before they are aware of it. 12. Intemperance obstructs civ- ilization, education, religion, and every useful reform. 'In tho face of all these solid reasons why not sign the pledge and 'quit.' Special lot of PICTURES', in oil, Gilt f'l'ames, hand painted, cheap. General asnortnlent of Household Furniture sold cheap for cash. The Disi•olint Sale has run off most (Amy old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING. Frames made to order. J'. O. sTMINTT1WSOT•T RESiDENCE OVER °STORE. FCitNl'I'URk STORE. ---- - OPPOSITE TOWN 1[ALL. MEe03.oiinsar ,FOR THE HEATED TERM - J UST 11ECEIVED Pu`'West India Lime Juice THE FAVORITE SUMMER f)IIIN.K. Eno's FRUIT SLAT! EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. JAi..NZFS ZE3. ,C«3113E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT TAILO�INC-, NEW GO0C)S That aria all right in finality and style and away down in price. P�C...Je.R,SON wanting something nice in this line khonl,l call :Ind examine' my stock PP it is new ant" the latest styles. A.HOLLOWAY, BEAVER , 1LO4/k e)PPOSITE`TAYT,(41'�;, AF,13FE1t1' S'I'EEET, ('I,INTt)N. 9 ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI • TURE AT REASONABLE. PRICES. ,JOS. CI3IDI:.e :'Y The old reliable Tea Store still -leads Having bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper & Son, and being in a position buy my Foods for•cash, I am bound not to be undersold by anyone in tike Horde I have ;oat received a magnificent stook of GROCERIES,'., C '< GLASSWARE, HANGING LAMPS, and alrthe novelties of the eel I am offering Stone Tea Sets 44 pieces, for $2.50 Plriinte Sets, $3.75, worth •$4:50. Decorated Stone Chins, $4.74 worth $5.50. Combination Dinner andTea Sets, 85 pieced $10. Dinner Set 97 pieces, $11. Combination Set, 100+ 18, worth $20. China Tea sets from $5 up. Decor Chamber Sets from $2.75 up. China Cup. and Saucers,1 r. worth 25e. FRESH PEELS, FIGS, DATES, NUTS, CANDIES, CANNED GOOD and everything to be fund in a first-class Grocery. T. Granger Stewart, M. D., F.R. S. E., Ordinary Yhysicisn to II. M. the Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh; in an article on Bright's disease, says "Dyspntra (difficult breathing) is frequently met with in the inflammatory and cirrhotic forms of the disease and may be independent of any local lesion, being probably a result of urlrmic poisoning." And it is well known that urrernic poisoning arises from kidney disease. So much known, it remains to recognize the fact that, to remedy an effect the cause must be renioved, and it is universally acknowledged that War- ner's Safe Cure is the only reliable remedy for kidney disease. .e JA�i/.L�7iS MOORRT (Successor to T. Cooper & Son) CORNER. STORE in. Searle's Bleak, NSW ii r: iss F=R•1 Johnson &Armour PRACTICAL HARNESS and COLLAR MAKERS Having bought the business and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN, we are prepared to fill all orders in oar line at the lowest living prices. We are hotly practical workmen, well known tc the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will aiways be found elf the beet, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing, we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price. cannot he „surpassed. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. An Ohio farmer mortgaged his f'arrn to get his wife some diamond earrings, and she lost one of them in the suds the very first wash day, and attempted tl1 bang her shelf in the barn. Tito tire loss in Canada and 1 he United Staten for the month of February was $12,800,000 - a greater destruction of property in that month than has been venom() i in the corresponding pori .d since 1875. Tho largest lose for the month was in l3uftirlo, oito great fire alone destroying 91,209,400 worth of property. Captain Gilpin,one of the oldest residents of Brockville, is dead. He was on the Sir Robert Peel at the time that vessiel was captured and hurried by the rebels at Wells' Island in the autumn,of l`38, and so far :i,, known with his death the last person of t.horin who Wore e}'t '.t•ilnc,,se.-i of that tnernorable (.Vetit is removed. C.hildreent Cry for Pitcher's Csstoria: ELEGANT NEW STOCK OF GentsFurnishings Having just placed in stock a choice selection of the the above goods, and as my expenses are low, I am in a position to give Jou goods at a slight advance on first cost. It will be to your advantage to inspect my stock in both the TAILORING and FURNISHING Dep't. F- S'f3EP$ERD, • Albert 'St , Clihtan. NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. r-'1 Positive Cure. rta,th„ i A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES DISPAsits O:A' MAN. =,,V7?CiT'$ s ''ECir'=C TO. E THE GREAT 111:441.Tff RF,.m",F;orlon, Marvel of Healing. and es:Manor of Medicines; Chumwdeos'.the terrible eouogneneae of fndi.eretton, t:xlw^nr.+ and overwork. Z"CrabirCN ___ T .'G -AG.t U AN3� OY .T1 M.6"""Z ' ho alta Woken down from the effects of abuse will dud in No. ea radical pure ter nervot dshinty, organic weakness, iuvol eatery vital losses. eto. ;Townies woo Welton ihto. i1 8,,0ttr.3 aG naso. -Want of energy, vertigo, want et pnrpos ilimrwn of eirlht,alrer91011 to society, want of confidence, avoidancepaoxf cone eatia eoi ardfeire me, dtteade p'reealon of apirrite, gls and ddinea'ty , leas of rnomrry, excitabilityattention Of to per .p, telaterrhoea, br lose of the seminal acid -the result of aerf•abuee or tnaritalexoeas-imp tonoy, Laninttion, omaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteria feelings feta atM tlrifebling, melancholy, disturbing dreamt, etc., aro alt 5yrotomeotthletorrib: habit, Oftentimes innocently acquired, In shirt, the spring of vitalform having lost i, tenet" every function wane:, in ooneeftu.mee. scientific •vritersand tbesuporintteenden',. ct insane aeylams unite in ascribing to the eiYreta of ac:,r•al,n,n the great' majority .:. wanted liege whish eotee under the.- notice. It on aro iucosnpetentfor the oration. a ejecta otiear y viceLl'aIf you aretorndranced In eyenta,t ho.j8 trill give you tsR,iQgg000r trot.: atrenUyottars broken down, pl,,. s.11y and morally, front earlyindleeretion, tier roan) off nbrance it, ea tolls, mond your ed aces and 10 coots In stamps tor 11. V. Luaotr's Trsin aniaonnso,eii1Rdloo'od Address an Book tiaoIdY,1N�47Welluxon from A Mae without wisdom tiv::s le a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED, HEAL, THE SICK. iQ1,' .1: � 1r e t d fit. 1 '',s, 1' r,. � Cf 1:A•rt•rkatiiq' C.UVO PerrAtInent ss