The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-15, Page 4�.; fir. ,1 ,,
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.... .. -. • . ,.. 77-, ,-- .. -.-. ......,, .-.•.. . gar . +r
., , sQ 1;uIWerotip, in 1,8.87 as its 188.6, as only Brae -when the e
' �C1V d't1�CxXx1�.sllx�>�#o• ggtestion in being that• got a good horse anal we ho e � .
'11031, pairs were registered in the former p. QEIPPING HORSE$. i� R
I Carriage brriage works -E• E. 13gywoq(1 year, while in the latter year 370 ,pairs haavvel morettthan ordinary eiated in guifloa�e withbin).
the best Of' good luck TO the Edil4r qj glia Qlinton jVetn gra, T1liC ����-lA �� Q�,� �� '"E�n�Rt nOpp �j s R
were recorded. I•Io case of tjCi lelEp a E + Echoes from the Ota �! +� 1u VIl JI p,
Spring goads -W Z. Quinaetta P P gen. John Macdonald, the wall -known John Gardner, Bluevale, had Ste," " nolosed I hand you a. letter ' g a I''ackoty
$soul in Groeeriea-J. W. Irwin on the subject of oli ping horses, i few weeks a owe gtjn>t out
. pear have been returned. In 1;886 I show fixer W. 1?o sacg bL Co f4te g
Hub grocery -Goo. Swallow wholesale merchant, of Toronto, in his several ribs broken a few days ala from the Seafarth : ositor. As giving ougstaat employment to !ll a lot Of accounts for bq/at[ dub-
g Y there were three oases. ,,A ser lar e b a kick frons a horse and has it a ears to be the experiencepof a p beeldee three travellers with scription. Quite a number
Wall paper --A. Worthington y g place in the Senate, has placed himself y PPI eraons,
y y il been confined to the house ever P r came and paid up like peen,
New livery --T. C. Daher' decrease, viz., 276 has taken lJtoe is on r000rd in favor of extendingour tactical horseman, and interesting to a he>111Lhy increase all round over leaf but a large W4011110 to due"bT
. New Hats --Jackson Bros. the number of illegitimate children re since. a great many of our people, I will thank gg
Ticket a_enoy-W. Jackscn g trade, and the lettere that appear in yon to give it a lace n year. dpredxic merit always fella, and IxBol)le wli0 seem t0 think IjyO
stored in 1887, chiefly in the counties of FP P # your columns, as was predicted, The unequalled o1R1y didlit for fun. We do not
Property for sale -R, Welsh Carlton, Middlesex, Wentworth and the daily press indicate the trend of On Saturday last week, a lum- as it strengthens and confirms our con. Doherty Organ
has become exceed- belleveiAConstantl� d>unnin
Dress irlaking-Symonds & Taylor ber pile in Miles saw mill, .Ethel, victidus and experience. Yours, ingl popular with the profession. 1A the a ��
Card of thanks -Airs 1-I. Porter York.: the total decreased in these, four Public sentiment, to some extent at tum led Over fn some way catch. A RzAnsa, y Paper," but when w'
y "Q y Their steady, onward, successful look over our subsreri tion
Harness -J. Twitchell counties number 207. Evidently these least. The Fishery Question is likely alta a lively dieouesionhaQ rooentl. p
Bo3� wa,n-ted -Nsw Ens . * Y ing a young fellow named Nichol, been going on in the Clinton Naw 41u march to first place in Canada has books and see the . large
- P 6 6 Y r y g P g pretty fig j clipping- horses one been proverbial, in fact unprecedent• amount due --and no one i>t-
`" births weKe not full registered as in to Dome u for final .settlement. A4w in its fel bruising him teff. an .b a subject of cli
B tin � goods -Dry Goods Palace 1,
Sootohsooial-Ladies Willis chute 1 former years as the average for tl a ten that Mr Harrison is fairly in harness badly. The lumber had to all be writer advooabing the ad sabiliby and ed, and is the beat possible proof that dfvidgal account is n>iOre than - ,
Tea Peddlers killed -J: W'Irwin ears preceding 1887 was 643 per year. handled over before ho could be humanity of the practice, and the other the beat talent has been not only at the small sum of $3 (most of
Y P g P and the Hitt commercial union resolu- condemning it as unuabaraI and cruel. the head of this concern, but employ. them much less, -we feet like
tusaniAOEs, tions having received the endorsation taken Ottt, It was surprising the The lattersays: "Clipping iseoutrarp ed throughout all the departments trying almost any scheme to
q, Themarrisgesregistered in 1887 num- of both Houses of Congress, it is not young fellow escaped beim in to the laws of nature. If the hair were gather these small sums into
<- -, bared 14,4U0 or 6.8 oc 1,000 of the o scantly killed. , a useless appendage, do you suppose one heap into a pocket -book
I P P P• at all unlikely that a settlement will be that nature would have sensed it to Huron Presbyterial Soci8lr� that needs this mono so bad-
' I� �< ulation, an increase of 615 couples mar, Mr Samuel Murray, the 2ud y
,,x r .. .. , P proposed aloe the line suggested b y', cover the surface of the body? Deeid• W. b M. 1
a'„E +, ried. The Methodists, as usual, head concession, of Rullett, who sold. edly -no. I have seen cli
i % '',r i:fi.4�,�',c Sir Charles Tupper at the previous clipped
"'-' R. HOLMES, Clinton.
. 1? V;s,,fc _i-,.,.�+., the list, notwithstanding that there his farm a short time ago to Mr horeeswith two blankets on, standshiv. The fourth annual meeting of the
' '' : •-27 1 was a small decrease in comparison conference. In the meantime, as the john Dale returned home from a Bring in the cold, while waiting fora Huron Presbyterial Society, W,F.M,, , • • 0
P ' funeral to start.” These are not ver was held in Willis Church, Clinton, Toronto's Mammoth See(1
t with 1886; they numbered 10,242 or 35.4 question is discussed, the public are I visit to the Northwest last week. weighty arguments against the practice on March 12th, There w,as a large Establishment.
91*11t Coit fiv T)TA per cent. of all the persons married; I becoming more and more convinced I He said he was very well pleased In the first place, it might with equal number of delegates present, with one `-'
that the best way with the County and took force be said that it is contraryto the exception all the auxiliaries be. We hove just received the most hand•
the Presbyterians returned 5,810 or 20 y to make Canada 1 y laws of 8 some Canadian seed cataloguewe have
per cent.; the Episcopalians 5,052 or prosperous is to trade as freely as poo. up land near Qu' Appelle. He is pature for a man to have his represented. yet seen; Eb is issued b
FRIDAY, MARCH lei 18139, hair out and his face shaved, and still y the teele Bros
lT.0 per cent., and the Roman Catholics Bible with our brethern just across the going to sell his stock and effects these things are done with ver beuefi• The meeting was opened by days- Co., limited, Toronto,and contains dea-
here b auction on the 1a5th inst., ioal results, and often with great relief tional exercises conducted by the cription and prices of everything in
French in the Public Schools 4,160 or 14.4 per cent. There was an borders, y President. Mrs Thos. Fair, satiated seeds; roses, climbing increase in the number of persons mar- and will remove with his family to the individual. In the aeoond place, g vines, flowering
For souls time past seistions of the ried in each denomination except Meth- Coneering the Arotd'rs List. to the Northwest in about two it is not an uncommon thing on a cold by 'Mrs R. Irwin. The Secretary bulbs and grapes; a book of 112 pages,
weeks. day to see a horse that has never been read the minutes of the former meet• profusely illustrated,has also a ebromo.
Conservative press have been repeating odists and Mennonites. October and clipped shiver, and we have frequently Ing, which were approved and were lithograph plate showing four varieties
The following circular is being pri• Constable Dunlo of e Y followed b of their "new art collection of flower
• the statement that French was taught December still retain their prestige of Dunlop, Seaforth, seen horses that had stood in the stable 9 an address of welcome
vately circulated among the leaders of arrived home on Friday last from all night, having h seeds." New and rare novelties in in the public schools of Russell and being the favorite mouths for entering . g g bean placed there ibe y Mrs S, Costa, Clinton,'and replied f '
Prescott, to the exclusion of the Eng- the married state. Of the 14,460 mar. the Conservative party in the different Scott City, Kansas, bringing with evening previous with a wet coat, shiv- to by Mrs Curtis, Blyth. Mise E. flower, vegetable and field seeds occupy . d
sections; him John Wilton, formerly a eying, and the hair still wet, clammy Coats, then sai_g a solo, followed by a large portion of the work. This fire
lislt language, and this culminated in riages, 3,132 were solemnized "in these yr and cold. In the matter of clipping occupy the Mammoth Seed House,
"(OONFIDENTAL.) farmer from Logan township, who PP g THE PREsIDENT'B ADDRESS. corner Front and Jarvis streets, next
the must t'Ig;eI"Jlly debate of the session two months, whereas in May only 876 i'' p, horaee, as in everything else, common
"House of Commons,l is charged with discounting fUrg- sense has to be used, and no hard and DEAR FinaND9,--lt gives me great City Hall, where they do an immense
in flit Louzl llcuse„ which occttpiod marriages werecelebrnted. Fern num "Ottawa, March 4, 1889• ori nates On Shtitfi's Dank hole, faAt rale can be followed. The writer Pleaspre once more to meet with the wholesale and retail seed trade, 'doing
Part y'part of ber of years previous to 1867 August 11Dear Sir, -At a meeting of the about two 11lUnths a o. Alt• Wil- P business from the Atlantic to the Pacific
ar•t „f last wars and the earl of this has had some experience of the . members and friends of this eociet
this. Alr Craip;, the Cunservtitive'nem• always returned the lowest number of Liberal Conservative Union held on the b practice, and has carefully noted the which our Gad is blessingso richly. 1 We bespeak for this house the patronage . /r
28th of February in the tower room, tort tya3 at t'ig I1Ccl befOrC John results, and this experience has proven To be President of such Society yI of all who are desirous of baying first-
ber of Last Durbam, introduced the marriages. `in only two periods of life, Beattie, Esq., J. B,, who after that many horses used for driving pur. consider a ver high honor indeed, d class seeds and encouraging Canadia■ i
Parliament buildings, Ottawa, it was q
' ma4tur, anu in ti yittUrOtta s eech alle g. viz„ (under twenty years. and- from decided that strenuons,eftbrts should be heating the evidenee sent'him for Poses, if clipped at the proper tints of Y g e , enterprise, Send your address for a
P b the ear and properly P P and might well call forth in any 'r" catalogue, the
ed that the Government was recreant twenty to twenty five years) did the is- put forth in every riding in Ontario to trial rift the l9th. inst,; boforp Y P P ly cared for, will fleeting womanly mind much serious g Y are mailed free.
mates exceed the males; but the excess have the assessment rolls thoroughly Jud "t `litirna, thrive better after being clipped, and q,uestioviug -as to her fitness for the MONTREAL � LIVE STOCIf
to its fluty, iu allowing French to be j looked after, c will keep in condition on less feed. A
taught its any school sustained by pub- { was very great, '1,664 persons were mar- "It is an assured fact that if our llug Sledges have become un Cs- good deal, however, depends upon cir• offlPne' and cause her to shrink from MARKET
I ried under twenty' years of age.. of friends will look after this matter the tablished mods Of cont'c encs cumstances;-Th"triployntent of the the rogponsibility involved, and I
lir funds, to the exclusion of English. defeat of the Mowat Government at the y horse, the nature of the animal and the truly thank you for the way in which, There were. about 600 head of cattlo,
those 2,533 were females and only t31 amongst the tuths of Goderich
Ili his attempt to nvtke out a strong nextelectionwillbeaforegoneconclusion. b habits of the driver must k or one
the. , during these four years, you have so 0 calves and sheep and a dozen spring
males; in the period between twenty this eistWinter, lit$ o thoemeri tit•- A horse used for slow work, or one that i kindly overlooked, or t" .least borne lambs offered at the East End Abattoir
rasa ,igaiust the g;uvernment, be was ) Aseeasores who are friendly tansehouldwith, m� man shortcomings, and twenty -Svc years 1L,074 persons be PRIVATELY instructed to see that alts exists its to Lho merits Of is> baited to standoatsideniachehould y shortcomin s while ell Monday. There a good many but.
, 60lrle'tVl]aE uugunnled iu many of hie were married, of whom 7,035 were fe. the name of eyery of our friends appear Hoino of the Crinins. Last Friday o e clipped, and a sensitive, thin• the great happiness I have exp-erienc• e present, but they seemed to want
reotarks, nail l,ft himself open to severe ntalos and 5,03'J were males, In the on this roll, ;and those assessors who aftetnuon a c0u )Ic Of lacca wet e skinned, fine -haired horse does not, as a e•1 in the work, and the delightful but few, while the large number; offered
handling, which he recuivud from the are •not with us should 'bewatched 1 mile, require clipping, because the hair Uhri;tiao itatercourse atteudin it helped to depress the prices. There
P proportion carefully. .._ Square, g were large numbers of good cattle offer.
6. other twelve periods the ro onion was held On the S nal e tbo course be- is so short and thin that the animal has been such as no words of mine ed, and some very choice ones, among
Hon. G. W. Ross, 'Miniaer of Educa• in favor of the males. There were nine "Manhood suffrage brings in i large ing once around, a third Of a mile, does not sweat easily, and the coat soon elin convey to ou.
tion, who, in all exhaustive speech, bridegrooms who were seventy years number of new voters, and I would with (11•iyers. An immons° tttinl• dries o13', But a thiclt skinned, heavy i y Y them; yet it is probable that none of
ahowcrf that French was not taught to of age when married and fifteen between impress upon you the importance of bet' of spectators tvittiedsud the coated, long•haired animal will be im• ! $ure'y we ought to rejoice, whin we the sales exceeded 4fe per lb., though
e y a b seeing that the name of every one of p Proved by clipping;. It is more com•) remember the way in which the Lord f more was aaked in home cases. Cattle
the e�Clusicn of English, the rule of that age and ninety years. The oldest our friends in your polling subdivision race,, which cau,-;etl uu end of At fortablo for rho horse, alai vastly more i bath led a;. Those of you who were I almost good enough for any market
the department, in the exceptional of them had reached the patriarcbial`age be placed on the assessment roll. thrOttgh the tendency' of the (logs pleasant for the driver. Such a horse I ['resent when we organized our anxil- ware sold at about 4c per Ib. and pretty
> of ei ht nine a "REMEMBER the Ontario elections to 11aye an OCCUSiOnal WSsel With ;sweats easily and with little exercise,' i•sry toil remember what a small good animals at from 31c to 3tc do.,and
_-_„•._- era when he took for will shortly be sprung upon us, and the, exalt' other ut LIILervalti till)-ing r and it is very difficult to Get his coat band of inexperienced women we common stock at rather mote than 3c t hicti I rescan, Russell and g y• Y
_' Essex. ttre situated, berm. thut.EnglisIt partner an•old-lady-of-the age of eighty voters•.list now-bsin6 prepared zvill,,be:.; .__ - •_-, b dried when put into the stable. A horata wero, 'snd with what fear and tremh Per lb. A considerable number of the
tlttt ta4t( %: mush -mors lip,,• col&b.y.1 lin cattle offered on Monde were on the
ears', theirunitec7i+ esboln 169 oars the ono need; and if -you. het .tame.. X7. K she.•, offices..were.-accepted, and' Y
�. _
must bu tau +at, and I'renoh may, and y g g y _:. ;,, _. ___, _.__ ._� •lib $llrrwed.=•to-`ahead-,Nitli- a -h4fvv=bno%r~ We-_•slrrauk-- &Am.du ies-•anti: market before- and, not a few head will- . _-111
exceedin the total. a e of the oldest once on the'rollitis averer to geCULT •t; NEWS TOTES coat of wet hair, than it is after beim s onsibilitietithat devolved upon us. fiave�o u°me }rack agaixr omievr trtvice=--• - ____ -:-
11Ir hose speech, was such a complete g g � and ESPENSIVE uta -tier to get it off, 1 ' p
refutation of the charges that his op- couple registered in 1886 by,nine years, "All instruction, affidavits, etc., will -- clipped. If clipped, horses should have. But the Lord Was with us, and he, more before they are sold. Two large
which ranks then' as the oldest couple be furnished you on application to the A petition rias been filed again4t the hair removed early in the season, fat bulls weighing 3,9'20 lbs. were sold
ponettte had not a lug loft to stand upon, P Y PP 1 about the last of October or`tha first of gave courage to trmebling hearts, and here on Monday at 3A,o per lb.
married in Ontario up to this time. secretary of the Liberal Conservative t.Ito return Uf 1111' C. �V. C alter, '1I, strengthened feeble knees, and the _r In order to understand properly the Union, Toronto. Be sure and havethie November. In tbia way the horse grows work progressed steadily and surely• Spring Shows
This old couple were married ut the P. for Haldimatid• accustomed to his lin
truo position of affairs, one must be matter attended to in youx polling ht coat as tileweli- + There have been times of discourage-
familiaP with the circumstances, which county of Essex. Three brides of rev, subdivision without fail.” The Salvation Army has beeu ther grows colder, and before the very meat and sad.nesg'when the work }las South Huron Agricultural Society, at
enty years and over were older than the prohibited b • the author itiCs ft om severe weather comes, the skin is main
Reforrnere everywhere, should a1scP i y thickly been done in painful weariness Brucefield, Wednesday, April 17. }
are theae;vIn the counties panted there bridegrooms. Tile greatest disparity cart •ing on its work ill .Berlin. Y covorh with o growth of gait•, I by a faithful few • when at times r
act on the suggestions o1 the circular. y although the hair is not loner enough to , r Stephen and Lsborne, at E.Voter, on
is a considerable Frcucll, population, between the ages of the bride and bride- The CxciLemont in Southern hold the moisture to the skin and canoe 1 there seemed no one willing to to fill Wednesday, A ril 10.
It is the duty of assessors to put everyp
• the. seniors. Dain;; only the .French groom was in the,case of a man aged California has Luken ()it another the animal to become chilled or to be , vacant places and responsible poli-
man entitled to vote, whether Conserv East Wawauosh, at Tielcravo, Wed.
tor'igue. Some years tigo French was seventy. -four years who married a girl farm, and L6t°ate Uf vonrreanco on unpleasant to the driver. If a borne is" tions, and you delegates from other nesday, April 17.
vativo or Reformers, upon the list -arid r, clipped at such a time, and treated with 1 auxiliaries have struggled through __-__,_. _____-, _
tau. -ht ozclusivcly in the schools o£ of twenty years. Several instances of we hope that this will be; done. the alleged b(i0tnstel's areplentifttl• common sense afterwards, kept in a the game experiences, and these- trial, T BORN.
these Cuunt:ic+s, but as soon its Mi' Ross girls marrying at very tender years The Grand Trunk fast ex rest; moderately warm stabile, well blanketed of faith bind ns more closet together,
were returned, viz., one marriage was The Tupper family, and,its eognoc p YIinnrr.-In Clinton, on ie fith fust.,
r, and net allowed to stand uncovered out•
took t,liarge of the Edncntionml Depart o PP b from ,hie. to Iliontl'eul met We are one in the work, The arra tlTe wife of Mr ll. L. Hart, of a (laugh.
side, lie will do more work on lees feed q on which we hu k
reported from Al+*oma in; which the 1 tions, cost the country list year over with an accident near Lucan Mon- - p ye leaned has been ter. '�r
meat, uui learned how tnattcrs stood, P and do it with greater ease and comfort strong t° uphold, and has never failed Cuurr.:a.-In Tuckeramith, on the arc!
lie gave instructions that.English must child bride was stated tohavo been only $40,000. No wonder they regard the day mornin`r, otle Coach falling to himself, and with loss danger from styus strength and help have come
thirteen years of age and the husband' country as prosperous. down an etnbankwcn.t. Four as. cold by being clipped, than if kept with g 1 ins',, the wife of My Win Cooper of a
els b taught. Any nue can easily Seo _. p a 'heavy coatis of hair. But to clip a from sources where we least expected daughter. •
was given as twenty-two years., Four sengrers,tvere injured..' Y K P t0 receive assistance.
rho difficulty ruttier which teachers The rumor started by the Toronto horse in the middle of winter; and to HALLTUA\---In Clinton, on the 2nd
girls wore married at fourteen years, With lhU c'1Cath Of �Tt:9 (stuotD - Now, as we look back over these
tvouhl labor', pith a tot of children try' World, that several chau+res were to have Trim tied to a post in the ripen air, inst., the wife of Mr H.'Halliday, of a
The boys were not in such a hurry to �Ta anoe a remarkable won atn for hours at a time, is certainly not Yeats of experience, can we not all son.
ng to learn in a tongue foreign t° them, place in t'he Cntario Cabinet. aro with- P • + beneficial. It is in this wa that horses say -that the disc vointments and
marry, as the roturnsodo not rhow that asses away. ,She was JO ears Y Y P "'. '4i•AFRIEll
Ilottierer, {v+l. I I stay .... im ala- out a particle of foundation. This is P, - y' are rnlured, if.injured stall, by clipping. worries have been as nsthing com•
—. „'Q ., .,._ 1? .. . anY _.... __ _w,ersinaxriod .under. eiglt�..aafficial.... - _- Of aTre and ttas th° feral white +*It'I Althea h 5roo�Fa:-SwA1tTs-At.theresidonceof
ra_:, a _._ g •-.we are not sure,_ but a_ horse aced with the 'o this work has
trve, frith an option for I conch! and -. _ E?.- - d.. 9 _ he. bride'i1a,ther,. Clin.ton.._ou t a _-I R1
1 toeu osis of a e, and onl' twent note �.�- - -
Y g Y Y Orli In Ilio Connfy bf I.Cunol: after'being hard driven and eilloae 16' given ua? Have we crit often ren• ins' • " e "' W'" h
instead of only French being taught, as married at that age. The united ages Is it not about time for Mr Robert She was ,11:41-t-io(I at 14 and had stand to the cold with a heavy coating by the ltev. .Graig, B. A.,` 11Ci
was`tho case in a irunrber of 'schools, of the sun est con rle married tear Porter, M.P.for West Huron; via Sim- of web hair,will catch cold more quickly dered - thin work with thanksgiving, John Spooner, to Elect&, second daugh-
Y g 1 long outlived her husbaud. and receive greater injury thanla cli Y knowing that the wars hag not been ter of Mr George Swarts, all"of Clinton
I,ng;lish i, being taught to some extent thirty-three years, the bridegroom was ,Coe, to redeem sone of his pledges. It g ) Y P' done for self, but.for Him who gage C2icrr-MCDolveLo-On the 13th ins'„
The cheering news Comes from ped borsewouldwithsimilartreatment.
in all the schools, with the prospect eighteen and the: r= +v►asfifteen scare. war promised that, if elected, ice would Sarnia that Hou. T. 13. Pardee has The objections to clipping are lamely His life for us, and how it has It the residence of the bride's father,
unit i rcut.h will ;con be eauluded alto take up his residence in either ..Clinton the result of prejudice, and any irijuri- strengthened and enr,iebed our Chris- by Rev A. Mackay, Mr Whitfield Crich,
Mr. Porter an'd Protection. taken a Changs for the better, and one results that follow the tian character, actin with a reflex of Tackersmith to Margaret Gertrude, ••
ether. or Goderich. Perhaps lie thinks it is there is now a possibility of his practice are + g
1 y caused mostly by injndicioua or careless influence upon our carte and the eldest daughter of Mr A. D. McDonald,
Mussrs Mvvedit}i mud Clark also join- In a speech in --tire TIouse the other II not worth while, as he may not get the rceovery, tbough h0 can never be treatment of the animal. With care lives of others? Is there one woman of Lucknow. .
do Mr Porter is reported to have said ! Conservative nomination again. et ectod to he the robust inan fie and COmman sense the practice may b here to -da a'
ori in'the ddasu,;:>i,,a a;;aina the Minis- Y! P a ��•�,�_ n y a y who has worked in this Dtxrr�tAs-hScDo3Aun.--AC the Front
that " It was fol] to contend that eith• ; t 6nCo was, followed with the most beneficial. results. cause who would be willing to part Street Methodist Church parsonage,
to of L'clncatic,n. Y Around The County We think this will be the verdict of with the eweet,hope that has often Stratbrov, by the father of the bride,
Ifon. AIt Prnst;r tonlributcd it good .or Free Trade or Protection would have j -1- Mrs Thomas Mitchell, while at- three-fourths of those who have given Come to her that her eflilrts, directed on the 13th inst., Maggie E,, only
speech to the d'Jxae. Dud pointed out influenced the prices of agricultural ' It is said that ,about 156 ]ler- tending a Presbyterian tea meet, it a fair trial." • by the Holy Spirit, have blessed daughter of Rev. W. McDonagh, to W. }
that su gon;+ ,t:' Prc-t.cott, Russell and Produce under the circumstances," I
son.,; are lc,Cvirlg Turriberry this ing at Ratliway, Ont., Monday �` others and saved immortal souls. S. Dingman, of the Stratford Herald.
This was not the star that 1•fr Por Kurinc, evening, appeared in hor usual Hay. Who the worth of souls can measure PAaeP.-ST1sivA2T.-In Stanley, on the .
unc or two uthrr t:.,:;nt. ,;here there 12th ins'., at the residence of the bride's
••� + health, SuddeDl • ::hu fc�.l"clown UHITGARY.-One of our oldest and Savo, save one.
-ter beguiled the farmers with during I Mr John Gingoriclt has Sold his y most respected citizens,, Mr ,Jacob Who ran count the nicelese.treaertre? father, by Rev A.Stewart, AliceLouisa,
way; a French- I _Ipulatiol:. N;Cre repro- 6. g as if in a faint, and. expired its a P 1 '
nuntcd by Cont*n,ii Ives, no une on that his Campaign. Then, it was protection f rm on the town line, Hay, con- p Then, passed from time to eternity,on save, says orae, fonrtb daughter of Mr John Stewart, to
I gtV rnOnlCnts after. 9 Like the stars shall. shine forever, John L. Parke, all of Stanley, that influenced rices; it was protection Slstin� of 45 after:, to Alt' HenryIlCnrSunday morning. The deceased came
>i,lt' Jt.;,i .r r, ,iir,try t',u:,i to ,t:ty against P P' Iiolta, for $2,725, On April 4th,fifteen Cleeiiol),,,; to to this country from Germany about 'These, who faithfully endeavor MIIJ.s.-WATT. On the Pith ittst., at
that was to make prices higher for all dCtillc whether the Scott Act shall forty years ago, and settlers on the Dying sinners to deliver, the residence of the bride's mother East
flip Us, of 1'r(^1C:i I!I iln: uCilUt$lq, Wh1C]t ,lames Thompson, tvho has been
kinds of farm produce, regardless of the 1 or shall not be rePealed will be thirteenth concession of Hay, which Save, save one, Oxford,bv the Rev A L Sm{th,brother-
tva; t :',ro l--!%-:111 a;'t then tluui naw, but tinCi )al of BluevalU school fol' p in-law of the bride, Mr W. A. Mills, of
markets of the world, If the farmers P 1 wsa then a howling wilderneAs,peopl- We feel thankful that so many have
sinco r'.:.."t: ,' ':nit., s had changed their would only support the policy that hit the last three years, has resi-ned heli in its many counties in Can- ed only by the "Red men" and wild gathered here with us to -day to take Stanley, to Miss Jessie DI.Watt, of East
ruprt';en1.,0ive, for supporters of Mr , his )osition. Ile loaves on April aria -chiefly in Ontario. The beasts. The funeral took lace on aretroa ectiveviewoftheworkdone Oxford.
I ortersupported, (that is, support him) 1 1 latest additions to the lists' are 'Tuesday, P P llIEll
Aloin!, ti,' "'k"l of t:1e:uL•:rs on ilio they would be sure of everlasting good 1st for Henfr;•n 'whero lie enters ,and the remains were inter- and to encourage and strengthen
g Lincoln, Ontario and Carleton. red in the R, C. cemeter each other, and todevise ways and ,Jo -,r!& --In Colborne on 4tbinst.,Jam,
other >.Ir i,nd aL1" ul;,rngelL tinies. That was the burden o£ Mr metcantil0 lith: y. Zurich. Jones, wife of James Junes, aged 40
Floods prevail in the 'vest of means for future and more successful
t1'c base always oppo seri tlic use of Porter's sou How has it been carried ilihe hat'dwat'C business of l�. W. 1, + .ears and 4 days.
work. There will likely be much y
England. Railway traffic has been NEWS NOTES. y
1. French in the utticial d'ebatos feud re- out•? Were rices of farm roducoever MCI{onziC (xOdet•iCh has changed g y finer;,--InTnrnberry,obtho 2nd hist.,
P P ' g stopped and passengers on some said upon this subject daring the Mary Ann Ellis, wife of- Bir Ricbard
ports of the lluuse of Copnnionq, be' lowor in the last ten ears than hands, that gentleman rettvng' to r meetinf,, so I will only touch u on ,- I
I y. of the trains t'ne1•o com gilled to 1. t Mato letters from ' anzibar p Hogg, aged :.o years,.H months and 23
cause thrru it r• coivur. snort' recognition Lhey are, now? Were farmers ever Ongago in ag+'riculturo. The now ); one point. We have all been work- days. e
tbatt tcc think it nito.tbl, and. are just harder a )? Was there ever more fore- firm will be known its R. P. Wil• sleep in the coaches hist Tuesday stir that natives roport St ,y to ing for this cause, but have we done Anots.---Iu Lower Win ham, on the
L nio'bt. The floods are the +neatest bo ' n131-chilirr towards the east all we could or should have (lone? (ith fust., Minnie Adams, aged 30 year,
as roach opposed as over to any legal closures of wort +a +os than during tUe kinsOn & Go, o o
recognition , f this language, but we g , A g that have occurred dnrinF the Coast Some cannot give se much time, ;� months and 8days.
fail to rice •huts thu Ontario Educational Pest year ? It won't do to ray that Iaast Friday afternoon as Fletch- resent generation. ttren th or money as others, but have MAC Qx2Ko•rT,-At•hia resider,ce,Gode- •
P g (al. DOMIld Cawpboll of Aielison
UL -part' ran punmu any other,. priers are lower the world over.,.- What et S parlin r wart chopping in the � 5 T ' these been importunate in prayer? rich, on Friday, 8th March, Henry •
1 b PI Several Chinese luuhdrymCt) of Utvnship,• has been appointed Prayer is a mighty"weapon, and we' MacDermott,Esq., Master in Chancery.
course than it is, ,n h,li•mity. li rarely iF they are, have we not the police o£ bush on lot 29, con. lfi, Groy, the I lgilwankee etre charged with en- registrar of Iialton County, in all can give this. Lek as, my dear
P;ug}ish p,•nkin ,'omminrit'y' protection to make them better, but axe caught in a brands which ' p _.___�_
._.__.-. ._- o tiring girls into their premises for placeofl lauds Barclay, deceased. friends, consecrate, ourselves suety �'7m ,1.1«
Mr Porter now has the gall to- state throw it on his left foot, nearly` immo?'al purposes. An angry rnoh this day to his service, a few yearn c a.wSl'� ft11611X$.
i'ital rct;ttistirs. , P p Alex. Glendinning of
_ • . that -Neither free trade or protection severing the first two toes and collected Munday and threatened IMS been missing from home for more will no doubt close the life C IU) OI', ' THANKS. - °
nun :' o rt,t, ,,,,I (.ft,.tal ruports :tro ran influence the prices of rugricnitnral cutting the third o11 to the hOnC' 'Cil cattCe bnL the officers of the b work for many °t its. Shall tt'e not
1 g , luny months, and his friend,; ('ail labor more earnestly to gather in the i d13,11.0•tu tewler my sincere thanksto Mr
,. prrodure," lie tell[ bo laid tip for exomC time. law eluded then), and th® ri;3011• r., of h18 wheroahouts. goltdon grain while time is ours. R. Afanning. of Lxotcr, agent for the Con
no; V •'.:,:.;y �, r; : i, r, . iu„ to tlrc e en• p leaf'❑ nothing , r
oral r• nJ •r. �' ;:ilc U'•'rc „r. others tbat Ill- Wm F00101'rrlll 111111 a rtar- , ere wero lodged in ,jail. The mob , , federation Life Insurance couipaiiy, for th,t
Fort '-two petsOnH R'et'CtltOwn. I know m hand may never tea) its PromPtand satisfactory Payment or the ill,
tits l4hed the laltTldl'le.;'. j 1 Y 1 s tirlmeo-eiaini of .9l0000n my late hnsband'>
['ants i;; , hR';;�• ,i uti �'b'it �f inECrnsting (it(If1111� (rl•01111/l. i'0W CHCaTpe One day last, wCCI•:, �
ntttttr,'. t )n,: , tliv latter rlasq is the Opponents orients of Commercial Union, whil° drawinn cordwood to Blyth, 1 A Rengat 10n has beon Catly0C1 ill ed and 1..7 saved from the Spanieh Andsye%I®o po other may, life. ffAIiRIET 1'OItTER. Clinton, Mar,ll �
11 keamor Remus which was wrevk-
rernrt of Blrth-. N,,rrin:;c't: ,uui Dcat}'q ilnrostricted Reciprocity, or whatever 'Che road iH full of pitch -holey and Ottawa by an a•fl'ait which celips- ed aptl'thC Piiili iuC And I may never even see it !„rowing;, T1Pi9RH A14D MANTLE•• MAKING, --THY.
in the 11roviiw P pp Islands while So short m little stay,
uurlotsi6+snd desdre to iutimato to flit
of (r),tnrtr) for the year in r+•Ding thronrfh one of those hC es an thinrf of the kind over heard Y Y, .p�
y else the lilts to call the proposed ox• h y. c'om'e •ing a military ox edition. Still must I sbw, thou tt i , ople of Clint,ou that' tbgy have opened
14•'7, awl tvo ;aillg,ivosontufigures from y I P was thrown from his load with a of in Canada in the tvay ofehuroh y b y p g o forth in DressMe,khrg roomsiu Smith's Block, up-
tension'of trade, cannot fail to see, if t Ti o village e df Smithvillod has weeping, stairs, whore they will be prepared Yo All (till
, it, to .dint; 1,, ,t tl.c 1'rr,vn,,(;e stands in quantity of the wood, as be fell robberies. - On Priday night 1 cannot, dare not stay; orders in this line. Haviripg• had experience
the give an attention to.the press e I;eclt Much agitated over it, taCl'• in Kingston, Detroit and other Cities, wo fool
Eft',u' ha"tir:il','i' , T!!(- raurns ghees y g Y 1 nOprl' the ('CntlC, the 81Clgh passed, thieve,; entc-red Ste. Anne sGatho- ^ , (god „rant a harvest, though i stay be eolnpotc:mto give satisfaction. 'Orders ro-
Lhnt during till- yc,,r tin• number of enerally, that the riuci a is growing, y 1 7 mar) preached by }rev. Mr (fee, sleeping speetfully solioitnd. Misses stMONDS ,t
g P P� g g, Duel• without. r:criousl In, urin lie Church and stole a statute of l'nder the shadowe'rgI 'L,AYLOIt.
St. Joseph. The priests are in Methodist ministel•, in which he gray,
Birth,' ro;;istcrc,i w the Provinco was and daily adding,' followers to its list. hint. + p 1 _ . -_
15,901„r,[ ilfarris;;.,s 11,360, and Ueaths They may talk till they are black in A ricl named Efiza Pear, wits dignant over the sacri1bgou,a act sa'd there were people on earth After the addreae, 13igses 11cr�iur VOU SE, . 4 -
b before Adam and lave. � ebie and McGarva sang a duet. the I have secured the services of
1:1,113, ,hening n ,le :r ase in births of the faro in opposition to it, bnE this found dbad in bed at therCHIdCDCO reports from the difrerent auxiliaries Thaa, desirable property lately glut o.
651 ; so incrt'asc iu ,ltnar•ia roe of 1115,, "tcetives. t by David Isaac
Welsh, d Diolld, and betug lot lin.
g, will not prevent people forming spin. of Mr J. I3ruxor, tleKillop, tvhoro A fearful tragedy r i One of ° he larl;est parties of were read, and were vary encouraq- 4, corner Isaac and Dunlop arrests, cttntorr.
° 1, ovetirred lust erni rants for iVIanitoba that hoe ing, showing that we note have 121 On the premises there are, first-class Recon,•
nnrl nu in• rr•nar• in dmtths of 1x0. 'Che ions as to the benefits to be derived by sh.0 lived, on Wednesday Dtorning {~ Y g g
rebus r., ,,, ,uletic,,, w1u o as follows; last. She was ofa weals mind and �,tlnrlay* ovrning after the sdr.vic: loft Toronto for man 'earn left auxiliaries and Gve mission bands, And a ga�don wdil chanted out 'The cottage
l l broader trade rclntiona. It is n.nito y 3 g 1
Iiirlht, '!1.7 et I,UUII ; 'Marriages, l.,H , it is thou rht had oaten too lteav- 09 ill the Methodist Church on the the Union station last '1 uesda >-. This Society bag raised during the Is new, span for inspection atany tine upon
P natural,
that the Ur rang that have au r� y application to tho undarsignocl.
per',non; la(,11t}Tt+,•il,r, per isma, ', P ily of appleH and other articles. Second lino of Warwick North. The party COnsistod of 512 persons pear the sum of llfpl. Mra Duff, of
The [rromtees roust be diel,oeed of in order
Smith's VIII, then dedlCete<I thta ta;wincl np the estato of the I,itt4 Davidwelsl,
ported the combines and tiro N.Il ., in An ometic it is reported had been bliss Salah Marshall had jest route from all parts l- Ontario. The money to Clod, in Grayer. Then fol- Term ,nado known an application, ,uarrts the most servile manner, should fool out from thCChlltch 9CCorn anied maOriL are farmers and their lowed aoiscussi0n on snarly] buai- 3
given, but did not act. No blame , ` p j y , ALRX. wr1LSH, Exrreu t of nr
The trg,str,ituup of births chew a de., g + (; Roln'. wHiiI > tcitt of
disposed to reaaou.along the tomo line, is to be attached to any ]person, 1 1iy' a friend, talion Albert. «ikon ft4milies, These emigrants for tho nese pertaining to the working of the A-11. MANNING, David wolsh
crease of "-14 iu I,utriber. Of this fall- (•acne u) and "ked it'. she would most art tale their livo stock and Society, alter which addresses on
ing off r,no ronnt.}' (Carlton) show'A'aa de- but they will soon shift their grounr?, l p misaionar work were delivered b�
Alt ,]ohs 11c\lilli11), of 1111110 t, r nI 0 it ith hint aria she answered, householdeffocts with them requir- Y
crease of 145, Othon-li twenty othor as we intimaters last work. When it is last week sold another of his im- 11NUt t0 night.” IIs lh(ru (grew a ing 12t) cars in all and makin Rev. D. M. Ramsay, Londeaboro' and aft v '^•
remembered that at the Iate meetin orted stallion9r 41r dear o llar- ,. +counties have retnrnect I1:ge hirthg, but t; g revolvot, saying, Talo that, and nine trains. Al parts of the Yrs James Scott, barrister, 'Clinton.C1lint,,
not. to sn great ap extent. Moet people of the Fisheries Commission in Nash- p The gathering was a most sucoegs' JACKSON ...
tin, of Ililhert,was the parchaaor. (11•(1,{, the halter sttiltinn her in vines oto represented The N,kN, fug one as ro p TOWN AGENT
supposo that more fem,Ue children are ington, Sir Charles Tupper made an The horse is rising; fc)ul' yeat•laO id the head and killing her inaftutt- �V,fiunish � cats, London, Hltron& repreeentationgardthe interest teneand Fi lie p � y RAILWAY born than mulles, but flits is not a fart, unrestricted offer of reciprorit,y to the anti waH impol tl by Ail A IC, I11 11},.1 IIe irnmediaLely ina(1C o0' in rt•tlCo, and Wellington, (Trey & of the topics discrined, and the bar • GRAND 1 RUhK i AILWA 1
as the rotur6,s ;;how. Thr malo births Americans, it•will be seen that at least Ian when a ,y`o�`4t 0 Igo gray- the excitement, and set firC fo a 831-110 43 Cats, W.division -south 7 mony of the results arrived at. CL.INT01V
numbered 23,H .9, and the females 2'2,• one Ivory influential member of the eled him hist 80ae4n and mlde a straw xtac k rid•joining a barn nCar c11ta, (T, R. r ,i
T, it, Cat+'' of Conon lo, } •o.-- Lnrr+t 'I'ir• rtv is rued to LONDO\, 'i'OROY
g b 4o its to draw off rho attention Cars, CI.P.R. 'vest of Torontt>, 131 AL the Wallco►ton AsSizer tlto TO, hIONTRR.Alinnd poh,ts on the G.T.R.
045, an a to q of 1,81 1 mn1Cq. An ox• Conservative party, and the most pre 'OOd HCason tvtlh hlln. iC t; 11 i y, sysfom. n')irotrgh Coupon 4'tekote to AiANI
Cess of finale hirtba in the Province ap• table successor to Sir John, is in sync- I'titthf bay and ie ono Of the N'St from his f racks. Nnmbere of cars, and Oast 2 oars, ]'ach ,gars awal'sled �}i1,i10(1 /lilmai F A in 10)64, 17.4RC'rA,1r0NTANA,('.1LiFORNI,t c
. , peared ill every month of file year but of the many horses that Ml ale. p00ple have been out ill all dilve. train of frei-;ht i9 itf ('harl;C of a the ht'0^Ch of ptomise,tvt.dc Of Nie. 4 ntog. Iii nFgsgartchecl(o(t throughand all Clio jtot101
pathy with the movement, and tltc'fact
more pnrtirulnrly in th�rrrrrnihsofJttnc llilllat) l)itg Im1pM't.ea. 'rho 111.1('0 Ilot) 1111E 1lii� 0 fallCtl tr) ia:U'1� tnafl (\)erlCn('C'1 111 t)1(It'lll'r y tCretrr11 po}nts. I pat infornrntion In refer
And llecrmber. Twin births were nut that Hit ('harlcq iy here again j r ,t at n • 1paid tray �1 C00. A[r 1latlin 11as hint. rl:)tis'nf (}riirlil, .1 t.i,i 4 mei0r v. Karn. Tiio CtYrl t ltrpnd-
rrry t+, frnerl to all �sa•ta of the world, vr.
t ene',/ wa; aN entertainiag a4u8n,11, caro vrrurt.Jr•,lu,tstill t:nwu,
I .
. I
�, %
.o0 .
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