The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-15, Page 2•
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R,. 35. 1;888,. 4 , . of oft: kah - d ii r h,i -
lk[ tiM AA tea . tl + ... il4 , ionld a :e: to he ba , 0 1 a1 u
rglp4T, , s , ► fit. Ira > ,_.- id . o, k I4. ..• . W0 h „g _ bee,. aQk.. jitt t - c4a w..0 d lea 4- ,
B.- t..., 1. .,. pui#.tal,# r
r,- _• ' - Il > t; t 0•, fat )l m , 1 fMet^ woo 11 v,Q Ca i t lI t 1 , 1 e ' p�
.. Seo -. ed fa R iy_d _.a, u e as wet h er o i �:.
P. , p , r3.... • : t h : Bbf, l►? ed b. _. PB:., .9d# „la 1, Q tyg"+��t ; F
t. d reals . e a -:t e o { d o ie 't. w d RR' i a' "t ;
�►p ► .. b, pe t11 4.. >q►., I i♦{ a baa tu►.r e . , p to, �._, fir It ,- Puld .ego11 . I.. ' �ea�ut" combs ligan Q .,e, ome tt a Wife °f
Music and the 1,10 c of t4a.9. pr, have killed, b' pa. Sa a,1,1 4ae. I clid. � 'Urv, . ab,'" p,.;d the >3 '>Aixe,�r a , Edwa
B8 �' q Y rt1 (7taaae�.
aft. R northern; fseld'of idIf
s b !tp' u - whist y artugate womoo he,Y(ioften "I have no dQgbt that It Is. 4eautt- ,
, . ._
- r y Y , 't the grass rather daoipl To z u 01�T A a
sun. 14. b oke outburst
u , andhsoi ' or
nd u e nd o t a larm a roe t o Welluloolz here" and ba Zadld u "Coq C15A o , s BARD." N,P- P - . - t '
H Y H. RIDER HAGGARD. P, fq .,: p B g p , , P g• ?t G . ? b. L ., ea, 5«
y g
vst»>abed into the depths of hlia tai thiltjytot#afand pound, and sad- the shP^t of hieroglyphics, perhaps It �fas on the tta fauowiA the S�arlakin�L�
CONTINUED. torr, •those dread, untgeasured- de, she buret into a flood of tears, you earl add this u ►7 �-���
Copyright and published by arrange- depths that roll and murmur to the and began to sob as though her more than I can. George has bought Ida,upon
Edward Harold
. - '
Wel" with the Rose Publishing vastness of each human heart as the ;heart would break. stock and all sorts of this at the sale to $oiisingbam. His father had so_
Company.) sea rolls beneath its cn .i
loak of ice, Fora moment Harold Quwitob to -day, and here is his account; three far recovered from bia attack as to
The one rushes and roars and that roll and murmur here, and set looked on bewildered, not in the htand-red and seventy-two pounds he be at last prevailed upon to allow SEE W
sweeps away the bridges and de- towards a shore of which we have least understanding what Ida meant, makes it, but I make it four hun- his departure, being chiefly moved1!�,� "A
vastates happy homes, while the no chart or knowledge. The past and then he followed the impulse dred wuu twenty, and hang me if I thereto by the supposition that -,j. '
other bears upon its placid breast was gone, the frozen years had common to mankind in similar cir- can find out which is right. It is Cossey dh Son's branch establish- 1-"
the argosles of peace and pleuty,and melted, and once more the - sweet, cumstances and took her in his most important that these accounts ments were suffering from his son's To & BN "Id ----' ;1
is generally seriviceaLle to the neves- strong air of youth blew across his arms. She did not resent the move- should be kept straight. Most im- absence. IN BRONZE ON KI PPE N M I LLS
sities of mart. But for all that, there heart, and once more there was blue ment, indeed she scercely seemed to portant,and I cannot get this stupid 11 Well," he said, in his bigh,piere- ' Are taking the lead in Gristing and Chop•
is sometbina attractive about tot; sky above,wheyein the angels sailed. notice it, though, to tell the truth, fellow to do it." ins voice. "business is business and ping, which will be done at all times, on the
�rrAts, here is a araudear to that , EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE ehorteatnotice. CHOPPING only 5cents, a
Under the influence of that song fol• a moment or two, which to the Ida took the sheet of paper and roust be attended to, so perhaps you bag. Give us a trial, and yon will be con
£rat rush of passion whish results con-
vinced that this is the right place to et pour
P the barrier of self broke down, and colonel seemed the happiest of his lidded it up, with the result that had better go. They talk about the MONEY 1 MONEY I MONEY I Grieting sone, as everyone gate tie Sour
from the sudden molting of the his being went out to meet her be- life,hel head rested oil his shaulder. 'she disc versa both totals to be fleeting character of thine but We canmakea few good loans from private manufactured from his own wheat. Farm-
enowe of the hearts )uric and faith g things, fondest low rates and moderate expense, ere nen depend on getting their etas homy
purity ing, and al. the possibilities of life Almost instantly, however, Sho ; w•rum,. Harold,watchiug ber,could there is one thing that never changes Terms made to suit borrowers. with them. a
and high unotailied devotion. seemed to breathe afresh. raised it freed herself from his em- ! MANNING & SCOTT, - Clinton FLOUR AND FEED. -Flour and teed kept -ii,
But both to rents and navigable net help wondering at the nerve of and that is money. Money is im constantly on hand.
g He sat and listened, and, as he brace, and ceaned weeping. the woman who,afLer going through, mortal ; men may come and men D. B. McLEAN, Hippen Mills. ;
rivers are liable to one common fate, listened, trembled in his agitation, "As I have told you so much" 1 su2h a scene as that which had just may o but mons goes on forever. UNION SHAVING PARLOR. ,;
. they may fall over precipices, and till the sweet echoes of the music she said, "I suppose that I had belt. I recurred, could deliberately add up Heel bee! money is the honey -pot, HA PTN(3, .HAIR CUTTING .xn sHAM- CLibrary and Reading Rooms, Tow.
when that happens even the latter died upon the quiet air. They died, ter tell you everything. I know ( longi rows of badly written figures POOIN0doneveryneatandtosuit Hall, down stairs. About 2,000 volttmer
cease to be navigable for a space- g and men are the flies ;And some get every person. In the Llbrary and all the Leading Newe -j
g P and were gathered into the empti- that whatever the temptation, and i And this money which her iather their fill and some stick their win s OHN EADES, - smith's Blook papers and Periodicals of the day on the 1
And that wjis -bat was about to ness which receives and records all she laid groat stress upon the words, was expending so cheerfull • was wings, ��- table. Membership ticket Ill per anDnm
happen to our friend the colonel. P o Y but the honey is always there, so �T Open from 2 to 5 p m., and from 7 to 9 p.
pp things, the oath and the prayer, the "under no conceivable circumstances part of the price for which she had never mind the flies. No never S. •' MASON m• Ap I►catione for " beretlI receives
No, oy the ibrarian In the room.
To begin witb,he had dined well, melody and the scream of agony,the -indeed, even if you believed that bound herself.
and whatever ardent twenty-three Y mind , you d. and look after the GENERAL DEALER 1N TINWARE
Y shout of triumph and the wail of you were serving me in so doing- With a sigh he rose and said honey, Edward; Money -honey,
may think of so gross and material woe, and left him broken. I can rel upon you never to reveal good -night, and wet howe with HURON STREET, CLINTON. BENHILLER NURSERY
a fact it is certainlytrue that if a Y P y g g � n honey -money, 'they rhyme, dont
She turned to him, smiling faint- to anybody, and above all to my feelings almost too mixed to admit they? And look1bere, by the way, Repairug of all klnds promptly attended to t
. man is in love before dinner, he is ly, for the song bad moved her also, father, 'xhat I now tell 3 out" and 'of accurate description. He had if you get a chance -and the world --reasonable rates. Aural solicited. FRNORWAY SPRUCE, IT AND TSCOTCH AL E `'
five -and -twenty per cent. more in and he felt that he must speak. shy pauxed and looked up art _ him taken a great stet' in life, sand to a is full of chances to men who have BIBLES cot TE.UAMENTSAT COST AND ASTRACHAN PINE.
love after it. "That is a beantiful song," be with •'V(19 in which the tears still certain extent that step bad suc of monev-mind you don't -- ra\ LArTEa CP WLLICIr WE aArca A 9PEC(ALTT.,
Well, Harold Quaritch had dined, said ; 'lain- it again if you do not swan+.. - ' I;eeded. He had not altogether forget plenty aerie `ati DRBi�VOPTHptNpTON J nDRU(i —
and he had a pleasant ;as well as a �' ,; g forget to pay out that half nay col- . , ,
1 mind. Of course, you can rely on me, built his hopes upon sands toy, frou) , STORE• Al ihlrsand atlas aesortmentof LARGE STOCK ON IIANp
good dinner. The squire, who .of 1 f , ones -what s his name?-Quaritch. Biblra and N( set$. UP _
- q , Sha made ria -answer, but Once he said. ;what Ida pact slat and still n)ore. He played ed our famil a'dirty trick TB[ImE FROM
M 23 sate, UPWARDS.
late ]tali been cheerful as a cticket, more sang. « 1 Y Y , BInSr F D 25nte WORTHINGTON,
be abuse ornamental ices, and shrubbery la
„ Very well. T xm sure that I � from what ahH had tacitly admitted,, and there's Our poor AGnt Julia in CoStE ANDaEE. DR WORTHINGTON, De• be .ala at ver low a
y prices,and those wantie
was in his best form, and told long „ shall never kava to rP iroach ou ''t tv;ts-users+arils clear to him that Y } pusitory. anything in +1118 co,lrlectton will save Mone
0 let the solid ground i y r a lunatic asylum to this moment _ _ __
stories with an infinitesimal point. c with the words. I will tell you. 1 ; site, did more or less regard h ni as a and a constant source of ex pence to - `�-` ` '"_' vurchavmg here y
Not fail beneath .my feet, 1 J. T. RIME, SURGEON, DENTIST r
In anybody else's mouth these Before my heart hes found have virtually promised to marry nlftn would wish to b, rH;atdecl by tis lrclere by illail will be promptly attend
stories would have bren wearisome 'What some have found so sweet." Lir Edward Cossey, should he at ;a woman whotii he clear) loved, Holds theoxottsiverightforthecountyfor e,t to. AddreA, -__
Y ALdso E>?w'ard bade hisestima.ble �p(��i (�
to a degree, but there, Waa a gusto, an time be in a ,OSit10n to Clain+ ' the Hnrd process ri Monoxide,
which Is tui- JVir1j STEWART
- and then saddens broke off. Y t This was a Qret,t deal, fPpore indeed parent farewell and departed. Not' cagy plirn N)trouPn Movnxule, whlon is Tapir- V . enroilier.
an originality, and it kind of Tudor• it Y , fulfilment of the promise on than rte had dated tU }pelices but j f I safest twit best eytit.Am yot�aigeovered for
Why are cu looking at me?' l ' p in truth did he rP uire .an adJlont• - . --- ---- _.. -.---
period tlavor about the Old gentle- Y ai Y g tion of his taking ill) the mortgages q Y the pau,tret extraction of teeth. Chances
man which made his worst and long she asked. I can feel you looking g 1 e _�, then, as is uenRlly the casevin this tion frons Mr Cos8ev senior to make ELLIOTT sartsracrien 8uaranrer.d. Talcs, r a
g' " on Honham which he has done. imperfect perfect world where thing but , Shop, H ro BLOCK, „ver RavcP s Tailor a shop Rod Ios�rdnce Co.
est story secs )Fable in an society. at me and you make me nervous. ' l , g' him anxious to do Colonel Quaritch scop, Huron Street ' llutcr,n.
Y 1 Y H0 bent towards her and looked Harold ,Quaritch tools a step back too often seem to be carefully ar- an 111 turn if the o) or•tunit should - -' -.---
The colonel himself, too, had come and looked at her in horrified as- } 1' Y —
her in the eyes. ranged at sixes soli covens, came serve. Mrs ueston•he'r numerous T; NEILANS� HAIRLOOK
a cut in a most unusual suss. Ile Y toniahment. I ° Q EXHAUSTED - VITALITY, . ,
the Other gide, of the shi,•Id. Of' r tHE SCIENCE oP Lifv '
bad a fund of dr humor in him `I love you,Ida,," he said, "I love' a8ectionatK letters bad more th+n
_ _ Y , "Whitt?" he naked. what use to him was it to have won the groat Medical GENERAL AGENT, j
,' whicL lie i'arely-produoed; bift,when �!ou with all my heart,' and -lie _ " „ once, possibly for reasons of her own, Work or the age ou bran.
Yes, y. a, she anawere7'; hastily, ' 'this 'swei'.t a0man s. l0Y@" Of what hood, Nervous and Physrr _, ,:.-..Isolated town and village: prumxty, as well
stopped suddenly. , -ace him a frill and vivid resume of ^. _
he did produce it, it was of a most pP y' • putting a bei band as though to I tise to h.tve this purr; water Of law- g _ pal Debility, Premature I. ' as farm builiijug,�•al�ddyo,Ck,inauraa.. tusnr _ ,
satiafxctor order. Ou. this par- She turned quite pale, even to .putting P g [ the local go, sip about the colonel- Dechue,'Errors bf-yauth " 'ahces'eHected against stock that may be
Satisfactory C shield heffelt' frotu a blow, "I !fol"hap 'rocs+ put to Mia li sill the and the ugtolli rnisenea.._. -_. killeabyiightssing,. If you waat.inauraaapA,; -
that.. light, ho -could. see. ,lies allot _. �.• , _ ._,. l P ___.. I _-:- .�� .. .;i! ___._ -and Ida., -w=ere rs}re 'said accord- - _.
"' tfciifar night rt was 'all on vre'w; - P ' 'kpow what ou-glean ipn11
t cru not�'deaert land of his lunPl Ilte in oi- ' , 1 consequent. J00" dropacardtotheabove address.
greatly to the satisfaction of Ida and her hands fell heavily on the )' ' Y lno,, to common report, engaged to be Magee evol ., 125 preecrip' - 1
keys. , trolls for all di..... .-
- y , think too hardly of me if you can der to see the cup that held a shat- niarried.' Cloth, full gilt, only (fl, by mail, sealed.. Ii- • PAINTING. PAINTING.
Who was a witty as well as a clever help it. It was not for myself. I tared ata blow! To hire the atOt. luetratedsamplefree toell young and Mia -
woman.' And so it came to ass The echo of the CTaBhiIIg notes TO EE CONTINUEIp, ale aagged men. Bend now, The Gold ane
P rolled found the room and died would rasher work for my living of the money loan -in consideration 17.welled Medal awarded to the author by The undetsigneddeaires to intimate to the
the National Medfcai Association. Addreee people of Clinton and vicinity that he has
that the dinner was a very pleasant,_ with my hands than takes x price,for of which, as it'were, Ida had put -- --- `---"''-'----------- P. O. Box 1895, Boston, Maes., or Dr. W. A, returned to town, and intends to rema(n
slowly away -but still she said there, Is no other word for it. It 6 prepared
one, _ herself in awe, as the Egyptians *09SSWIMI sad other eilydo PARKER, graduate Harvard Medical Col• tern ever
r to duly, and g better
nothing. P 13YP A � than ever to do anything whatever in the
Harold and the Squire was Still Wal+ for my father, and my family used to put the mummies of their -.. ------.--.._- . _ _ _ lege, 25 years practice m Boston, who may I painting or paper hanging line. All orders,
sitting over their wine, and the CHAPTER XIX. ton. I could not bear to think fathers in pawn -was almost MANNING & SCOTT
be consulted oras naaoffi eeNo.l4Bulfinch84' Dia- Fintrueted to rim will receive prompt and
careful attention. y
latter was for the fifth time giving IN PAWN. sf the old place going to the ible. To a person of big simple and I GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton.
to the former a full and particular hammer, and I did it all in a mo- honorable naturs it seemed a pre- Barristers, Solicitors, The Mels ' s Banks j
At last she spoke,apparently with
acecunt of how his deceased aunt, ., went without consiciH,yation ; Lilt," I posterous and utiheard•of thing that Incorporated b� Act of Parliament, tear,.
a great effort, CONVEYANIIERA, &U. - I
Mrs Massey, had been persuaded �, „ and she set her face, eveu as things I any man calling himself a gentleman — . - CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. I SUDAN It 16 stifling ill here; she gain, C,nntatseriouPrs tar Outarioan,l b[+nnlwpbtz" "
by a learned antiquarian to convert, „ „ are, I believe I should dO it again, I ,should find it possi•We to sink so REST FUND, T I
fdt lla g0 Ont• t►n� Sbe x080 took h ' OFr1Ult NEXT DOOR -To NEty EaA- (7LIx. ON. �I � i IJt Cl or rather rostore,Doad'Dlan's 1lourt . ' ' because I think that no woman has low as to takes aitch advantage of a
u a shawl that la beside her On a
into its supposed. primiti:e.condition a rig t, to destroy her family, in; woman a dire necessity and bonor- HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. i
of an ancient British dwelling, 'and chair, and stepped through aFrench order to pie a berself. Tf one Ot . able desire to save her father from T- I. F. HILLIARD. ' -4 ,
window into the.'garden. It was a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, et C, THO$Aa WOAKbtANI,....c.',President.
of the extraordinary expression ofthe two m at go, let it t,e.her. lint J misery and her races from ruin, and J. H. R. MOLSON. ., . ...Vice -Pres. —THE LEADING=
her face when the bill came in,when lovely Autumn night, and the air don't think hardly of we, for it," she to extract from her a promise of PRIVATE FUNDS to Ieau at lowest rates of, F. WOLTFRSTAN THOMAS, Gaaoral Manager
was still as death, with ,just a touch ,_ l interest.
suddenity the, servalit, announced sailed almost pleudin-ly, that is, if ! marriage in consideration of the ott)ce, cooper's Now Black, Ground boot•, Nates discounted Collections mrade Dra to UNAERTA n''R
of -frost its it. l
that (e0rge was wa1t111g,toaP.ellilll, yUtl Can calve received. ' Puttinrg, aside his VICTOItrA STREET, C'LINTON, ONT. I ip8tbed, Sterling'and Anaeriran- ex -
Ida threw the shawl over- her clzn a bore lit ¢nd cold at ldwoe,t
The •old -clan grumbled a great "J ant not thinking of you," :he, 1 overwhelming personal interest in - e y .-.ANL= "
shoulders, gnat followed by Harold, ,a crit frnt rates. deal,but finally bot ill) and departed answered, 'grimly ; by Heaven I I the matter, it trade his blood boil ONEY To LOAN`. MORTGAGES Interest at 3 percent• allowed on deposits. 'I �r� M�;t
walked on' through the garden, till a Bought.' Private Funds.' C RiDOUT, EMBALMER•
to enjoy Liu,self for the ,ilex+ horlr honor yon. for -what you have done, I to think that such a tlping could 1)P. Ortice over J Jitekxun's Sturo, viintoa-
she came to the edge of the moat, FAR,MEn.4.. II
01, so in talking about• things in 4 for however much I may disag:ee And vest it was,and what was more, ---- — --- -- ---- Moneyadvanced W farmers on their own notes I •.
e I'M I with his retainer, leaving w�,ere thele was a seat. HeCe 811e MARRIAGE LICENSES.- APPLY 7`O with one or more endorsers. No mort ve re, ; - '
_....- la _-- _, = _:__. - -.. ,e , with the let, it i. a noble. one. I I he, itAl eyed-, he knew - _Id t -well. M thea --- -
sabxlowtrand--fixed-her-e es• upon, _ -- ---__--___-ndersignodattluLltwrar-Riooria.. .
.- _ his guest to find way to 0110 the hoar' Old battlements } alis- tliinkIng- of the nein -who-could' enough to he COlivinced that She JAMES SCOTT', Clinton, Y quired-'oa'ceeiurityIT. C. BRKWER,d,tartaver,- - - - - A FULL LI\E OF _._ - - - �- - �,
y of the drive such a bar-ain with an wo- would not shirk the bargain. If 'J- - - ---- January 1887. Clinton '1
draTvnlg•roa')' stews clad in their solerim robe Y g' __ __ _ f\1 lV1N•t p STOCK
When the colonel reached the gateway, roan. You say that you have pro- Edward Cossey cantle forward -t0 MARRIAGEL[CENSFSISSU18D_BYTRE ----- - .- GOODS Kh"P A STOCK i
of moonlight. underei tied, at resirleuoo or drug store.
g misses to marry him should he ever claim big bond it would be paid MRS A. wNTHINGTox, ClintonCllntun Post Office Tim® Table
room, be round Ida seated at the Harold looked at her and felt that 1
ldn0 singing. CLe bear(!him shut be in a position to claim it. What down to the last farthing.. It wag -- `—'--------"�-- -- - -• Mails are due for delivery and close for despatch ---- .
P g �" if be had anything to say +118 time ONFY TO LEND IN LARdiE OP, at the Clinton P x G OH1re as follows: -
the door, looked he rid, nodded do you niltan by that? As you have x question of -thirty thousand M smallsnmson -�- -- -
bad come for Kinn to say it, and that teres mnrHALE,Clinty, ___ rt,oea- j ova The beetF.mbalming Fluid used
d me so nnu!h oft rnav is well pounds ' the }:at p )ineas of his life moderate H IiAhE,Clinton tiamilcuu Iroronro
prettily, anis then went on with her she bad brought him here in order tel 3 I ! 1 grand '
singing. HH Garro and sat down on toll the the rest."and, of Ida's depended upon s gu.m torn, seat an4t, Grand
g g that she might h0 Able to listen un- 1HOMAS BROWN, LICENSED AUCTION- He lioke clearly and with a voice of atone If the mons vrerb forth- Trunk eaxt and interne -
a low Chair some two paces from disturbed. So lie began again, and Y y' Y 1 HER for the County of Huron. Sales at- diate otRces ......... ., ti.30 a.m. 1.fiU �
her, placing himself in such a oai g g ' of authority, but his bearing did not coaling, Cossey could not claim his teutied to at reasonable rates. Seaforth P.o, Toronto, Stratford, ata- �+l)lelltil4� tiCilryl .
I g P told her tat he loved her dearly. forth, T. and S. cant.... 1.455 p.m. 8 A.ab
tion that LH could see her face which « seem to j%. n -Non Tda. flesh and blood. But where was it ' • Goderich, Holmesville and
' I am some seventeen years Oldbr " n ' R APPLETON-oFFrCF- AT RES[- Grand Trunk west ..... 1 p.m, 8 atm . , ,
Y than you, he went on, and Isup- is I m"ant she answered, huwiply,.I to come front. He himself was D DRNCP, on ontaru, street, Clinton, Op- Goderich................. 8,u,p.n,. 2.aup.m ALHEMT,ST.,GLYN ION,
indeed he always found a wonder- „ ,
that I believe -of' course I do not .worth perhaps ten thousand ounds Poelta Engltah Church. Eritranee by !Nide
fully pleasant object of contempla• pose that the most active part of my P 1 P , Rate, --. •y London,
Toronto, . out 4.1.5 p,nn.I10.10 atm
know if I am •right -I believed that or with the commutation value of London, L., I[. is B. south a til, p.m. a.m. p.m ILesidetioe over store.
tion. Ida W85 paaying without life lies .in the past; and I don't v g g - -' - --- and in termeniat0 oftices 7.3.5 4.15,10.107.00
music • *theeOnl light ill the roots qtr Cossey is in some way entangled his pension, possibly twelve, and he H B. PROUDFOOT, Crvtl, E�'0[NE'FR' Rlyth, winghatn, Kinear-I OPPOS[Tla TOWN HALL
Y g know if, patting other things aside, Proviveial and Don11nionLand Snrve dine, Lucknow, L.,[I.&13. .
was that of it luw law with a red with a lady, in short with ll ra had not the means of raising Afaith- or, Architect and Drau hte)vaa,, P110i north and iutermedinte a.m. p rn,.,a.n,, 1),m
P you would care to marry so old a B,.ocK,Clinton. rd n "nlcex ............... 9._'0 r,ir,
fringe to it. .'.therefore he could not man, especially as I. am not rich, Quest, And that the (location 'of ing more. hie or,
the position - - y a„d� 8._5 5,u5
Summerhill, Tuesda
See �'Pt'y much, �l0ln� orilV with dl£- whether Or no he cotnea forward Over was tired of thinking, �T I. WALKER, VETERINARY aURd.F,Oti Friday, ... 5.30p.m. 5.30p.n
Indeed, I feel it presumptuous on lignin depends upon her. And then with a heavy heart and ” Graduate of the Ontario veterinary Col- BritiAh mails, 9i nulay;iVed-
ficulty, able to trace the outlines of my )art seeing what you are and ' d I I
Y lege, Tulogra hic: messages ,rm``,tiy atneRda •, Thursday ...... 8,30 a.m. pn) `�her fvatures ' bnt it' theshadow, thus } ' g Y "Upon my word," said the, col- vot with a strange glow of happi- puuded to, urtica -Londesborough, Dat, Shpuey, Orders issued and napusits rocuivud f'oM FALL'. ,k N & TI8" D A L I j'
robbed Ipim it on the eller hand what I am, to ask you to do so. onel-°'upon my word the thing ness shining through his rief, like --_-.- ono dollar t,
>"+ f Office Moore !roar a atm, to 7 ppm,
+ And yet, Ida, I believe that if yon r' g Ra WHITT-TEACHER OF MUa1C- Savings I:ank and Money Order Ottice ctnsc 11 A N K E R S ,
. lent her a boatity of its own, cloth- could care for me that with God's gets worse and worse. I never sunlight through a gray sky, at last �i bleinbor of the Canadian society or at p.m. '
' ' heard anything like - it • and for wo- he went to sleep fold dreamed that Musicians. Piano and Organ for the uxe of at
FAIR, Pnstunwter.
ing her face with an atmosphere o£ blessing, we s)touli be very Happy Y g ' „ pupils. Residence, Mr 8 Hartt's, oppoaite Clinton. Aug. 1887. CLINTON. ClNT
wonderful softness which it did not nay too. the thing is beyond me. Ida had gone, from him and that be Lir whiceneaa e, Albert street, Clinton
togethtpr. I have led a lonely life, «-----__
alwa 's possess in the glare of da At . any rate, she answered, was once more utter) alone in'the - -.�
3 I e T and have had little t0 do with wo- r< Y R REEVE, -OFFICE, RATTENBURY r �
The colonel, i 11
ndeed (we must re- there it ie. And now, Colonel world. St, Murray Block, two doors east of ROBERT DU`VNS,
man—once, many years ago, I was Hodgens• entrance. Residence o Advances mode to farmers on their own
member that he was in love and engaged,and the matter ended sins Quaritch, one word before I go in. But if he had cause for trouble, opposite a, nates, at low rates of interest.
Army Barraoko, Huron st, Chilton. Office CLINTON,
that it was after dinner became P It is difficult for me to speak with- how much more was it so with Idal. hours, 8 a m to g p m.
�, fully, and that iii ' all. BiA ever out saying too much or too little Our woman under her somewhat - - - - - p
Y g I Manutaotanr and Proprietor the bextis,.w A general Banking Rosiness transacted
quite poetical (internally of course Mill Dog in use. Agent for the nate and
q p Y ) since I lira. saw gory face in t"o but I do want you to understand cold -and stater exterior she had A - J TIONEEtilre,rtheCountyo flu on. Sai application of A' STRA aaaTTINTAUTOYATIo Interest allowed on deposits.
about it, and in his heart compared drift five years and more ago, it has Y Y attended anywhere in theeour , at res- ppLRCWANaR: ST6AI[ FITTINTAUT AUTOMATIC
Sale Notes bought .
her first to fit. Cecilia at her organ, how honored and how grateful I de and at times a passionate na- y sad applied on.h,irt notice,
r; � haunted we and been with me, and "� P eeuablA r:• ee. tioaaeuce An,e'rt Street al;plied
and then to the Angel of the Twi• ,feel for what -you have toll me to- ture. For some weeks she bad been Clinton. ' J. V. TISDALL, Manager.
g then I came to live here and I have rii ht -I am so little worth of all rowiD strangely attached to Har- --_---- -__-..-. - _'- ---- a -= Beller". Enstnes, ane, an kind,( of
light. Ile had never seen her look g Y g g g. Y R arANBURY, GRADUATE OF TRF. P 9
o learned t0 love you, Heaven Only 311"b[nery repaired ez edlfloa,11 yr
80 lover At her worst she was a you have given me, and, to be hon- old Quaritch, and now she knew Medical Dopxt•ttnen6 of Victoria Unl- kid In a anti„faetery .Wanner. Itowardod are those woo read
y knows how much, and I should be est I cannot feel as pained about it that she loved him so that there veralty,Torouto, former] otthenospitat�
P R 1 CH a employment
and wen set; they will tied
handsome And Aoble-looking woman, ashamed to 'try to put It lttt0 Words, ' ' and Dispensaries, slew �ork, Cormier for Farm irwplemonts mannfaetured and re Hired, honorable employment that will not take
but now the shadow from without' for they would sound foolish. All as I ought to feel. It is feminine was no one thing that she desired the County of Hnrolt, Bayfield, Out. '- steata and Water Pipes furnished and put in them from their homes and famillee. Tto
and, though LP, knew nothing of my life is wrapped up in you, and vanity, you know, nothing clap. I more in this wide world tbau to ' - - pnnittia. Dry Kinna fitted up on
npplieation, profits are largo and Sure for every inaustri-
lJ N•. WILLIAMS, B. A., M. D,, ORADU• Charges moderate. ons [wrsor many have made and are now
that, the shadow from her heart am sure that you will net press me become his wife. Anil ,yet aLo was R ATR of Toronto University ; inomberof . --- --- - - _ matting several hundred dollars a month I•
I feel as though, Should you see ma the College of Physician, and yurgAonR is easy for any porxou to make til Iger dap
within also aided maybe, b the to say snore. bound, bound by ni sense OF honor phi. OFFICE & RRsu,axclE the house for. HURON AND BRUCE and upwards, who le willing to work. Eitbe
Y Y n0 more,, I sboBld never be a happy "No," he, answered "no. I think and a salsas to) of mon^ r,:ceived ((tarty occupied by Dr Reeve, Albert sex,youu or ofd; capital not uoeticxi,wostrtr
mUS1C'a swell,• had softened and man again," And 110 paused and ' , Y ' Clinton. p , y � you. I•iverythIng now. No special ,�tbolts
purified her face. till it did indeed that I understand the position. Lot to stay at the heck and call of a -- _ .. _ -_.__ __-. _ _ ._ _ . __..-. LUt11l R Lir e�Jtnlent CQ ry rogtrirod: you, reader.can do it as welras ani 1
look almost like an angels. it is looked anxiously at ller,face, (which Ida, there iOlone thing that I must trl,an she detested, and if at any R WORTHINUrON, - PHYSICIAN, ,
apo. WrfWtousntoncefor full aeticulgrs
aur Thvi Com, any is Loaning u+hich we trail free. Address Stinson & Co
r e was get and drawn as though with ask- ou wall forgive me if' I am } jOf 1` Accouehor, Licentiate of inn /' J n 4fonry vi Portland, Maine,
strong, powerful faces that arc Cap- pain. Y g tiul� it pleased him to throw down coge;;o oe Phyetutane, soli surgeons of Farm Security at Lou'eet Natr,r of -
P wrong in doing so but all this is the handkerchief to be there to pick I^pwcr Canada, and Provincial Lloeutiate Interest.
able of the most tondernesa, not the °'I cannot say 'yes,' Colonel. 3 1 and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of. •
soft and Tett ones and even in a „ very sad for me. If in the end cir- I it tip and hold it to her heart. It ti(,e imil residence The building formerly F'irA x7S�11r��SCA.
pretty Quilriteh, she answered, at length, cumstances should alter, as T. pray ucrnpfod bYhlrThwaltee,'HuronytrAet. MORTGAGES - . - PURCHASLI
plain person, w}(en such a face is in in n tone that puzzlrad-him, it was P Y was bad enough to have had this Clinton,Jan.lo.1871.
this wayseen, it gathers a peculiar Heaven that they may, or if Mr I hanging over her head when ahe , - .. .. - — . An kinds of pmporty Insured at lowest tan
' b • P so tender and so unfitted to the Cosser'g tevrou3 entanglements was herself more or less in a Naas}ve - SAVINGS BANK BRANCH• rate,. Firat-c1Av companies•
beauty o£ its own. riot Ida was P g I FLLIOT & GUNN s, 4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed / 1TCKR,TS VIA N. W. T. CO. LiNE BOATS
word's. I) R , .
not a plain person, so on the whole , « rt should prove too much for him,will condition, and therefore to a certain • on Deposite,according toamtoxnt 1 TO WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POINTS, 1.
T suppose,' he stammered -111 you mart file, Ida? ALSO all rail lines aver the GRAND TRUNK
it is scarcely to be wondered at that Y Y extent reckless as to her future; but H. R. Elliot, M. n., I W. Onnn, M.D., L, R. . ¢rid time lift, v
all p oab that you d0 not Care for - and CAlfA•DA PACIFIC to Buy point on the
a certain effect 'was produced upon 1 P Y 96e thought for a moment, Rud now that her heart was alight with L-11-C.P., F,dinbur'gh, 0.P„Edluburgn,L. R. --
g L.Ii.C.S.. F,dlnhnr'h; C. a., Edinburgh, Lt- OFFICE-Cornorof I,arkotagwareandNa•theJ line , wlnnipeR, Brandon, Ac., Dakota, Ranson
P me? Of course; T have no right to p g or any point reached by rail, local or foreign.
Harold Quaritch. „• then Trash- from the Beat, gAVn 11111) the holy flame of a good womRna Licentiateoftho id- ,enefata of the 1NId• HORACE HORTON, '
expect that you 'would. her hand and'xaid simply. love now that her whole nature 1'e- wifory, Fctilwurgh, wdfery,Vdin.Otrioe,on MANAO”. tomo sad see ma before ou buts tickets any ,
Ida, to outward appearance at " _ Office at Brneefleld. earner of Ontario acid (iodorich, Autrust 5tb 188A Y
As %have said ,that T cannot rr where.
any rate, all unconscious of what , Yea, I will marry you, belled and cried out aloud a�;ainvt � r►ii[iou,ae.,,ettnk,n--------
say yes, Colonel Quaritch, do you He glade no answer, by,t, lifting the sacrilege involved it was both •-+- -
was passing in her admirers mind, g- �� (Ii111,h11In s Hair Iiemovl"1'
not think that I had better leave her hand touched it ontl with i ev, sting and terrible• .�L U N E Y TO LEND Ie pa(nlsss, instautarteout aha the only de- (' >t � '
went on singing almost without R that question unanswered?" She re-' ' g Y ptatory in the world which does not injure el I HO:Iri, SON, Clinton'.
break. ,She had a good memory plied in tbo same soft notes, which his hpa. And yet so flu as she could see the Skin. Price Ise per battle. H. G, LEM. --- -- ,_ . -
and a sweet voice, and really liked "titenowhile," she went on, "1 there was no great probAhility of At it per cont. AITRL, les Queen St. west, Toronto, Do -
seemed -to draw the heart out of }lave" our promise, and I Am sore escape, She was a shrewd and ob- "minion Agent, t.) l-.i.rv-rdiN
music for its own sake, so it was ho Y P , -_- -_
him. ,'1'. I. F. H[I�i,[Altl), l�af•ristor,-----------
great effort for.her to do so. that you will not betray it, come servant woman, and could guage btu I
�•I do not understand," he went what may", i1lr Cossey's condition of mind to- Clint""• .T• $IDDLECUM$E.Planingdo'iII
Presently she cailie to It song on, "Wh ?" -- _---- . ------'--..---.--._. _
from Tennyson's "bland " the tender « „y "No," he answered, "I will not wards her with more or less accurac , _
WhyZ site broke in with a bit- " Y E. J-EE'FER �' i
and beautiful words whereof will be it betray it. Also she (lid not think it in tho least Watch & 13 ,( Maker '
tel' laltgh ; alntll I tell you why Z 2I -AND-
familiar to most of the readers of And they went in. likely that, havins; spent thirty DXNTIST,
her story. }t began-- Because I, am in pawn, iBook," she lu rho dlawiu-•recut they found thor.sfln'J pounds to ftd'vdnce. Mia Ob- r I JEW9t,LER, &o,, b �, Y i� Z L N"
y' - towweners
On, p0ltbroa to the stately NntlPnLit Vmi,t, 187 ('rn,i,p:nw F•rl+krT 01'1'O8ITFTHF. t1.%ItKF,T SQUARE, Clinton.
rho squire puzzling over a f`heet of ject, he wrnrld ,be content to lit big
'U let the Solid -found towers and the brottd lands beyond. )a per on which were scrawled some AdvAtltaxe (11'01'... Such a course 'TORONTO. I rJ1UE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST UM
Not fail beneath my feet, "YON SCO this laCO. 18:11 SP.CItCit I 1 ' Where he keAps a R(•IAPt, as4ortnietit of Pwtvm, and forntsbed MIR new PlaningM
Before my heart has found far it,u 0 mhist]£ a my own person. Of GeorgHsaccounts infigtives,which would, he )Plpellent to Lia trading G. H COOK uitha,achlneryof thotatestimprnved pattern
Watches Clucks, JgWellbr' ix new prepared to nttenrl t, all orders In hr
at first. Right b01'0 about d8 mI1Ch P(!- 1nHtitpCGa, 111P knew In hf I' LCai't l �( liuc in E repar d to a p
'nt'hat some have found so sweet,' Had it not Mien for me it would g I,1c 11tiu,.e of Dental Strgnry, Minor OrnAll I tend setlafx•eury muano
The son- is a lovely one, and it Semblance to Flgyptianlhivroglyphics that the hour was not, fill, Q0, whoa at, of tho Toronto Nehool of Dentistry. Silverware. and et rang ,n.wo ratan• tie would BIso retnr
IIRve boon Sol(( over our heads after lie would elainl his own arlt thanks to all whipatronizndthenkl tnwbeferr
having descended in our family for tt8 rtlley dill t0 those ltl 1130 to -day. , 1 tlrftty NftrotA 0%1.1P Gag n,innlnixt(r"d rrw the will(`) we will Re.11 at reasnnitblo lata,. tho) wero bilrne(i oat, and now being in a bit
Id not t;ufTer from her rondoring, Y Hullo! hr, said, "there you at,(!. miless some accident occtiried to pre- pitaul-i, rxt-cf,inn of 1,ePth, -,,,_- ter poRrtion to execuM orders oxpa,ih.
Ind the effect proddeed upon Harold all those cant0rics, ut a on the p foals eonndent ho can i(1v sattafAcuou to )
P P Whore on Perth have you been?' .Put it, it wn l rrAetically Pm r"in oR1nn eyi;r .T i,na,va,rx t'(,tl,tliu �tei,•, n,•rc It�tn,,,tfn+it n1 Terri dnFrrl ptlCn prrtl)ltttq ,PA0t0R 1•-11•rar the Orand True
_ .� to PnxtU)MCe, Chiltron, I attelfted to, And All work warr'aute'l
Children Cry for .1 IPitcher's Castoriia; Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ftp N+1ht hell a„n y;y ren. T. BiDipt.I (IOAIBF. �ainrgf/, clsner'p
' C!tntan, Nnv. 1881. I CFIUHAa Ka!<1rN%IK
, II -
. r '�
I. . , , . w w