The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-08, Page 7•.._ _ _ .. .° a ,� , .� ..�... -_ _ -� � .. -
I Y »AR. a, i1� 9, SIN GUIaAR PRMU.,
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' • `4 S 1118 LIFE BY
for Sunday Reading, A BEY 1 VIDE NAS E y �xrlxin , whfolt
OBEYING uYSTElt10U3 IIdPULsas. In order to turn this lot over quickly, we will offer them at extreme-
RF.SiI HOLIDAY PRF�rFcNTl3 and obilec goods .loonstautl g yr
uo fa LOVE will trio sold cheap during Pecombei, In olcder to Qiv'e, gtre><y'perepn ec aayoe. for ly law prices, 25e. per pound and 50c. per pound.
The bitterest tears shed over A few minutes after the fall of a holiday present, I will, sarin December, give to ever ;Y_ °
' the Weldilt bui'Ldin while a crowd & Perebon rnal�tng a pdtr. r
aritYes are for words left unsaid g; chase of goods at one time, for cash or produce, to the amount of $2, and one for For the next THIRTY DAYS for FIVE FOUNDS and over,
b was gathering t0 view the ruins as additional U, a draw ticket will entitle them to one of the 100 pre •'` a Reauetion which - will astonish you. ve % ii Call,, GI t fb
1144 deeds left undone. "She seats which I will the d in Dec. The resents are all useful articles avers Ao7s! AT THg' $Ai' TIME Old y ��
z.acor knew hour 1 loved her," in which so many mangled and over 10 er cent odg goods ohased, andyouare sure to draw one of them A Sample which will cost you uo*hing.
dead people ley, tt stranger who box oont fining envelopes will be handed you to take your choice, and whatever THA. t11ERT/E,.
itRe never knew what he was to was gazing at the fvreoked strue- x corresponding �, THE LIVER, t
1M0." "1 never knew what he number the draw contains, the coerce ndin number on the passers will be
was to Ins till he was fat b tures Froin the Opposite side of yours. Also, for each 010 paid on 1888 account, a draw will be given. THE DOWELS,
_ wonci trl�4dutolt+ intoconver andthiRltlD $ ire ► '' - L y
-LI SE 1 �O.
8_vLoh _*o"rds Are' the poisoned ,• r h'would also call speeial-ettentionito-a-few lines which I have, such as ROBE% - � � )
�' Ration with tt I Itta-burg reporter. HARNESS, BE, BLANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, FILES, $AMDIER6c', This combined action -gives it tvon-
arrows whfoh death shoots back He said: RULES, HINGES, SAWS, ARES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWEL14RY derful.powertocurealldiseases. Family Graeers, next to Town Hall.
at us. How much more wo might i, For about fivo years on every, -BROOCHES, CHAINS, PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, DANGLES, STUDS, dfoSick?
make of our family life, of our week day, I have passed along I Why Are We Sick
y P Currants, Raisins, I iris, Prunes, Dates, Canned Peaches, Because we allow the nerves to-
fiiendshi is if ever secret thought I GROCER l on,
' thin bide Of tiY00sl, street at about Peas, Corn, Salmon, Sardine, Herring, also Codfish and Salt Herring. My stock remain weakened and irritated, and
of lave bl tssmed into adeed I We the hoot' this terrible accident oC- of TEAS is unsurpassed in the county for quality and price. OYSTERS and these great organs to become clogged
are not now speaking of personalCurved. Today I was on tn3 way FRESH SAUSAGE in season. or torpid, and poisonous humors We a J
titl'esSBS. 'These may or may not should b forced into to blood tl,ot FALL GOODS �
LO Fifth S1A'C[lue, and steer reriched Cali and in3poct goods and presents before buying your Christmas supply should be ex felled naturally.
les the best language of afi'ectiou. the Chamber of Co ill In01•CC build- t y' SJ
But there aro words and scales ill(, when a sudden impulse came , _ _ (( CELERY
and little observances, thoughtful- alien Inc to take tllo,othol' lido of GE- 01. UEWTB, N, LONDESSORO PAINE'S 1 C0j99P0UN0 A full assortment 0f
rises, watchful little attentions, the street. I croe.ed over, and - - --- - ---- — -- —11111,10'U1 r
which speak of love, which make WILL CURE 8NF.B- r /�
before I reached the ,Newall{ isle «-ry CONSTIPATION, URINARY KIDNEY oo>r• Gents runihill
it manifest, and there is seal'e'lyclash citnte. Had I kept along itsivo ����� F MAL WZAXARYDIeEABBB,
a family that might not be 1 ichor I was going I would have boon in F=ZiALSWaAR1vESs,RHSIIMA-
ir heart wealth for ma o of them, TIYY, AEIIRALOIA, AND ALL
front of the Weldin building just' A33RvOU5 DISORDERS, For Fall Wear, just opened up
-,-[Harriet Beecher Stowe. in time to be crushed bvbrick and DINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON, By quieting and strengthening the
LIFE'S BURDENS. falling timber. I call no ore nerves, and causing free action of the (`
A large part of life's burdens account for the action which pro- r -� liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor-
are self=imposed and wholly neCd- P TO .r11Ei P-U13LIC. ing their power to throw off disease. AFine Assortment of
bably saved my life than you can; Why aularBitionsPaineandAchul
lens. rears of Calamines which. I simply felt that I lnt1st do it we announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recent! started b ' g FUR
. IAMB - � 00 D�
a doleful habit of �' q y y whytormantedwitkPnaa,CoaatipaUoal
never happen, and I do not know that I felt even J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the wh fru htonedoverDisordaadRidneyol _ )
looking at the worst, a suspicious a premonition of danger. 1 Why endurenrvousoraiekheadashaat
C C. l�ancc & Co's T�ilo!•in Establishlac� Whybp sloopt�um`kCoarovtta and
disposition,a casette turn of mind R Use PAI -ars Cat.att.
I "i'eaa•e ago I escaped being rob- st�l'C Ono'Door il�cst o '
—these are the tyrants that load votce to health. It is an entirely vegeta.- Not to be excelled in the county
bed and possibly murdered in a NNre will keepin stock the. productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irish Wa remedy; harmless in all cues,
'with burdens heavy to belie wa • that was equally remarkable 1 G�� G' T i A SG'-Q-j%�%�
and needless to Ctlt•1'j'. It we 3 Distilleriie. We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian and Sold Gy all Dr,ralrfr. Prig �
At the time I wag a collector in English Breweries. We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH and Six for JV. CO.
should honestly examine the the Province of Ontario. One CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. WELLS, RICHARDSON 4C0.,PropHdot9, REMEMBER THE STAND -One door north of the Dry
various burdens of otic !ices, w0 bitter cold wintei• evening I found OUR PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon. MONTREAL, P, Q.
Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton; surprised to find many myself in a small tOWri about don or 'Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goods delivered --
Of them aro of this CharacLCr• fifty miles from Toronto with a to
Not only may lee drop theni if we large suns of money in my posses- la �]
will, but justice to its demands ,3ion Ilavin(r determined to go FOSTER � R=TEn. It is Absurd New F urns tore : stock
that we should. A man or wo- t0 'To -onto tli