The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-08, Page 6. a
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W Dobbin De artm.ent is not sur assed in the Count - .
_. _ _ - _ _ a._- _
An InldenC Connected vrltWa One ohnEggle- Observances Which Are Begnlred to in- Death, ttw Aleaander hold, _ _ _ _ _� _ _ _ _
.ton's Characters -A Hearty Greeting. sure Personal Safety -Old BeLeL With bis ,,word he cleaves asunder 1350 WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND
:ORP:.cS 60fiNE IN ARh7S AND ON l Tangled cord andmystiefold, Lot owned b
ITEMS OF IiJTEREST GLEANED FROM It -seems to me fitting to the story of '•The Countless are the superstitions which gov- , Life's vexation and its wonder. ' and oceu led b Mr Lawren e, on Hurong 6 .
Gra sons" to ubl'ish a little incident con- BIERu AND LITTE(LS. ern the Baily life of the Roumanian, and the -Ida A. Ahlborn in America. Clinton. -Hard and soft water and ood sta
neeted with "Aunt Martha" that camo under -.- -- -- observances which are required to insure his -- — tile. Terms of payment easy. Applyto JNO
m sonal observation. The incident oP safety in the midst oY the mysterious dan- CALLANDER, M Stanly St., London south
Y Pel The lie»tae a lloderu AtlyIr-3letltods of Choppdd Off Cl„ar Enda. - - ---- --- — - - _.. -
The Great Difference Between English which I speak occurred when Lincoln and gets which surround him. Neither on Wed-
thc Ancic•ut k.• - tlatrs-I` °' ublie L ar"o ci N •'
IIotels and Those of the United States. Douglas were making their famous tour c.f �- °Ire s P uesday wn• Friday should he take bread or a gar stores the cid tr chippers, the O L ACRE LOT FOR SALE. -W' ry SIT -
and Private Fuuerals-(;otlts, Iluils, little knives which chop off the ends of tta. UATpm fur building lots ill a vary dosir-
Special Fotttures of rho il.uudou TTotdl, I,lljngis, tlliSi were to .peal: at Iiavanna, 91a ;on use na:;tlle ur scissors, nor should a bargain nblu paxt oP Clinton wtth at,euc 7G cltoics
L'tidoplans-A ('creat Chauge. be eonelu.1od on those da s On Tueada no vans§; rnuku quite un income fur the pro- frale troes, some bearin ala les, ears, lulus
county, Ills. e ' e Iietors of the lues in which the n 1 P - P
cherries 'r ) via ud btaclt and red seri
do a e es a
-r ., dot .
P ' P Y f. t
're vi •tar. In ver • surly t' s ' \ • ' v e Y
A Tyl'°--"z'h° I ► c About (i o'clock ern rho da )reviuus they° y - toe .ho .�.arl \oro c•arrlr. 1 spinn:u„ �huuld be done, and them is ev n teats. Furfurtnur articulare a , ,I ut the
Y I A ptomiuent Broadway cigar dealer said to p 1 l Y
came to the boos° of the friend with w•hoI„ i to burial without the aid uY heursO or. bier. danger S t washing the hands or combing the NEW ERA uFl+'ICE, t, f.
kiipg your bell in ail American hutCl utauy \ten took the co »c u bodily and carried hair. ••: fay the spirit df Tuesday evening a'TCY(on r re o ideet how ra 1QI ]hese ci s7 1LUAl3J,L i'.11t51 FOlt SALT.- T1L�'P
time and up comes a pitcher of iced water • was stopping au old lady, who had walked I 1 t P
do not ];,low how man miles to see "dear old it upon thCir :4wulders or ill their beads. curry you otP!" is equivalttnt W sayrng "]day I P Y s V ? •
ria our bell of a morning in nu English y „ , ends accumulate. What du wC du \vltil valuahlC farm pr„pe:ty _cetupose(l of lot
g Y AhC," ShC wore a calico sun banned uud a fitter n ]chat they employed t -til bier in the ttre dC\'it duke you! neither should any , Numtier n, ill the 7117 E'onc sw❑ of the
hotel and up comes a pitcher of boiling funeral woo-s;on. Thu nativoi "f India I one nutf;e tho mistake oP su iag that on them. �1 ell, we dispusd oY thele cu many 'Towual,i , of lltillett. Well sittl,ttcd, exc.4-
water it bein resumed that ou desire to clear? dtu ]; culicu dress oP rather scrtrlt pro- a' [ PP°S wa ys. 5omo firms pack them u', is t
g P y' thous, ar d \ccs Wilwornand vvitheted but used tu.0>i�.r.•i t!w deed 1,:,,(!;; teticcen taco I the co u;• -natively lucky dugs oP hlOnday, y i hound lent laud, goad Lara. �l,ply w
tmd s 1 .11\\f , 5(, t
,' •her of e 1 them W nmol; ,r
•r a rt< ¢C \ � fur i V
uY ic•ed watt \ - P'�
shave. Inste¢d I „+'6w P
a c� • laps;
bot s •• t r 1' o _.. t. I io, • fel do as
h •ta Iurl'an� o S ','r (. 1 . urda • ho eta • sa Y
1 7 bur 1 i i Sat
n ith •il had . u h n Liu(ll f •e that c no fur of y • •'st • • • "�i , o
c y at g � � + Baiit. cls, C, i t rl.
hot water is also brought W y our route ir.1 her hurn,�ly attire and backwoods manners. bora tl.ri,' ,1 , ul illi +:: lit;,'::, o,,t, c:ld (if l !ie plea: , One may attend to tile'h°use- , !cut it iy� against the levy to sell thrn7 without
mediately un your, arrival at au En lisp whi,.'!t v\as iasLer.C,l t., a Ire •c, (vltilu the ! internal r9 venuo stamps• UUSE S LUT FOIL "ALE.-r:ITUATE
ti m t:,lknl incessant] of Mr. Lincoln, al hold wac i on 'Thursday and spin on Satur_
hotel; and this is very grateful if yvu flava I ° y o`hor oncl dre,c•-c l ;;p,ut 1bo;;r,;WI(I. lu bv- I dtty I,ttt t'rriblo copse llencvs w1Dii 4l ensue I :'4?ulu recentl�3.tho cigarette mauufacttu- l l oil Osburuu st. The bean'- ew,ca is six
t c•, : w �
\.( .filar'• pita '•Old Atx3" and as su . , q o ud+•nod steer cullru• there cru oil
Y On18 a
•' wa i ors boyo ln�eu ) •'
•, ;l r',.11 (X el lmdntlll • +m'' +•:
1'rut. 1.17 Lh Ii
• i••( ,i .lust Y stet ds
' ••t teen t i(l au b
Y, •uuC a• Cs elry .. \,'" • •'n .. 's trite 1...
.a l 1;nS.•ht .. „tt Iti tt •r„ e, It r , ,f ', t .
, � ° i revers 1. 1 • , • uibCs ]turd al d s( t \+ u(r: u un.0 u r
(neer curl a uutbiiu; i:i iter desire to eco hire ') ]real t t...., rder )e tt t 1 ru
Journey. „ s- rs that I cu;l!Il not lies) \evuderind whrtpossiblo o! t(.t attic,] r"O.1 t!�c s scat i c: their living that Thu: sday is a lucky day for marl-Laaes, and,uuw Lhuy cru quite extensively tls@ct u1 of fruit trcCs`and eoud `table. The tut co„-
T1ierO are no such f7 eQ and ca, y maned, I I u7t1:'adCs, lu i7 a 11ti\ e re;;,(.1i; Cough carts but it i.y mo,t ittaus league for tiel'1 labor. ; ! 1i 3 gam' knutvn ns all tub¢cco ciguraLtes. ruins oP au acre, +ut ti +i11 brr vat+l cheep,
}} ,'
Sobs seen ca English Loin as obi h 'g the Intern L she hat havo ill him, or hr+ ill tier, %”"%r t,sc+d, a'i,ilare sill us,d tc.'la\ to cull• i The exact hour of noon is always a dan• Phero is ono muuufucturer who seeds -out 11Y, ItOBP!tt'TSl1N, 1'Op \Sot9(s, C.,: ani.
States. You rnaY look en vain fur the gaudy I I ]pnrnrd thou Lincoln, }'ears be forC, bed i tuou to collect the cho p re,d off duds and in - -
itter oP less and brass saved t11C 1cGj oP Ler son, tvho v:aa accllted cf vvy ttto d�e t',l to the it final I•, ,ti!l,, l', tv, geiuns tnot»ent and so is midnight; it is [ I ' 1� OUSE b'Oit S 1LE-SU}sSUIfIBElt rtl'-
barroo nI, with its gl 6 1•'roru tl:e road]] cart at nth.: tim(s Ch1- I safer to bO Su the house at then° tinlcs. The ' return a1101vs I a disc-ouut ou the cSgarettes CL Pmis for sale that new and conveniently
and its questionable if not objectionable murder, turd no scrap of evidence seemed (" I we tray buy of him." situated house on Wellington street, cml-
lov •, f„ do -
1 . ,ill hes and
maunet• oP 'r .u:•rs , a rnto t' ti , su ell ro Ins, stone cullet• \root sh •
wort -s oP art. Nor eau . strangers.enter the Po�siblu to save him from th'p gallutry. Iicre, 1 - Pt- 1 i tc t hC night bofut•u Easter• bund, y "Ileo much do oil sect ,esu oil realize a tt u 1 g v o + 1 ui,
um k' g nd readin rooms to lours a and' t,bc y alIg 111:111 I bc8i'�', havS:ig but (uU ,in;ale, IntAmeho!y mons are about, and flames betray the sits oP y (i y hard and soft water, t acro lot, Within two
thea teas u
the ]other of
o m„ a g g n I mS:•Isiurl, Ica: an vary tvall'+ tlml, c'onipara- hidden treasures. None but the most reek Year from the cigar ends? u,iuutes walk of post ollicu. Will bu sold on
loaf at will. Ther° aro usually two writing vvhaso s ory I had suoYten heard, • I Well, about $1300 I•think would cover it, reaseuablu terms. ANGUS COL.!'., Clinton,
rooms, in whiel 5i-abr and uiet rel and The nest morning the old lar] wets trip ivC,y sp oikkin' - less peasant, however, would dare appropri- Also for snail It Boudoir Doherty Organ, Ilety
anti that. is a x t ala r _
,� Y et u n for ill ogee .
Sn 1 Y gO P - - - — ---- --
q luny befa•u rho test Of us y .'.n,l i!i n!1 i�csechau;;ca is i:. t:, L,� obc;:rve'•1 ate the treasures thus revealed for p} LLat y ---
in one the sterner sex is not aalinitted. The nt n ,nervous] ralming that it:e t:iure intelligent, the ,'arra (alight ni ht the raunoQ i)o taken Cvlt!out sin. A it's just 1ekO finding it. Oh, I tell you noth--_JROl'GR'1'Y FOIL SALE - ?11!,0 will buy
abo an 1 scarcel • ab g
rooms are richly appoentul, each desk having y le to control her again- �• ing rs w,1sLc;cl nowadays. -;\ew York Evgn- .I a valuable ]ut on the south side Of Iturat
it small electric lamp, and the finest station- going to be the first to greet enoyl a pvoplu become, the Mz1n j,l•.r are their w•hirlwin i shows that the devil is dancing ing Stttt•
ilea. ` 1 stn Street, Clinton.tbree doors below the Cour
er is furnished free to the rivile ed oceu- `Old Abu' when be leaves the boat," she said burial rites, The most ostentation. 1'uneruls oaths witch, and whoever comes near the _._ Inertial Hotel, on which is eructed five
Y P g of today even in our ulvtt cities `era thosO circle trta be ewe toff to bell. Ono should houses, with hard and soft water, small ata
pants. This remark applies only to hotels of over and dveragain, and I want to tell him Y P Yore I)iscriwivatioa !n Ari. bre, and other conveniences. fret purticul•
the very first class�tbe Langbam, for ea- how glad I ant that he has become so rhat occur• among the poorer mud supersti- neither point at the rainbow nor at an ap- Is the long established love Por painting are apply to ?VAL'TON DODSWOK11d, or at
ample. You never hear the cry of "front," great." tiousclasses. Ill England the lower middle preaching storm, and "if a house struck by and statuary doomed t° extinction? If not, the NEW ERA Otttcu .
nor do von see half a scorn of "bell boys" She did not wait for the steam whistdo to classes and the grades below thea} still ad• lightning begins to burn, it is not allowed h why are pictures n° longer bringing the high ( OR SALE -THAT DESIRALE 6UBUR-
ere to all the flu 1P has I t t e
playing pranks en halls and entrances. the herald his coming. Bratty trembling IIngers h mn .ly of'blac•lr plumes tu1c1 •put out tlw fumes, bocaus@ God prices that they did? And why are the houses � BAN property, 'situate oil the Baso Lino
• "ofce" is a place fitted up for thQ clerks and she tic} tho strings df her sun bonnet under long crape streamels, and nates, (!raped fire, and it-werq presumptuous for man to of the better sort so chary of such decora. lust outside the corporation of Clinton, con-
bookkee ere and is not used b outsiders her chin, lighted Ger pipe -I'm sure I'm not hor,:;es and other depressing accompaniments dare meddle with Lis work, W boover turns tions? It is ettin • to be the etrstom to con- orchard ton acres of land with fle, had and
P Y of a ceremon that is alwa s solemn enou b g 6 orchard, line brick house, stable, hard and
and the public rn general for a noisy rendez- mistaken ill this�nd lief r asci nervously y Y' g , throe scmersaults the first time h° hears the
vous. y, s tying as she left, "I must be the first but should not be made paiufnlly melauoholy, thunder will be free from ins tit the back lino pictures a the hallo ands ictur g and soft odder. Everything cs 171 the best posei-
awn � libr•nr Those who can afford lcturo alley- bio condition, maL'iug It a most desirable
HOME LIKE AND COMFORTABLE. to Lako hint by the hand." And sal'° enough ANCIENT Y(:YPTIANS' BLIAEP. for the-following.year. It is lucky to meet a ces are a small proportion of the population, ober particulars applytto J. B,UTIT, Clinton.
The ancient )t' ns he' rni❑ and rt _ _ __
To ops accustomed to the immense parlors sir° was. 'Phe whistle blew, the crowd LdYI ra born t u (lead in a gypsy the first thing in the mo g, and ' extravngaat outlnya by the woa,lttiy iu
and ublic rooms of an American hotel the sur ed (town to the landin but the old lad targe across a lake, as they hold it a vital is also lucky to meet a wooufan with a jugful that direction are less than fift HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. -SUB -
11 P „ g g' Y art of their reli rows belief Ghat the de pty' f g 1 y years ago' ScaIBUR offers for sale the property
drawing room end outer apartments Of an was ah eady there' aro sooner was the plank P 8 parted of w abet while au em u or 1rra1 is tin- Old line engravings ]rave had a rage, followed
English hotel seem small, but there is a home thrown out than "Aunt Martha" stepped soul passed front this to the unseen ,world lucky; '•therefore tile. Roumanian maiden by the greatest popularity of etchings. The ko thengraiu oto eLo Ise of �Lr R Ilrwinnwhicl,
over the stream which they believed to sopa- meeti ou on the para }.lack from the well
like and comfortable air about the English upon'it, and was indelesl itis first to meet and 4g' Y Y taste'of the educated public still leans'in this es nitcensed houeoand doig(; o good baseness.
crouse which American hotels seldom or greet `•Old Abe." - rate trite two existences. Transporting the will display her brimming' pitcher as aho direction. The change in fashion has fol- This is a good stand and will be Bold on easy
never pmess. Even the public rooms of tire' Slto Came back to the ]tease sbnrtly after, body across a lake, was merely symbolical of passes, with a pleased consciousness of bring- lowQd doubtless an increased lesthetie edu- terms of payment. A (;roto y store in Con-
uection c n be bo h wi h• tit h t
_ a �
t t e oca or
this . T11e sutler] w• itcher is
t Gleel:s carried tiro c -while the rl lta9e
d 1ttcL
' in P
several millions her fees r gyps. g
etre le ahotrse which cost adient with 'o g b'� ca n.OP p F
tlyd tear's still 0 the o e ]sada e - se state] all attic lays on 11'ca i -
11i tomer drserim u a t toil
Po , 3 Y, 1j P I
Pe , P
a. .
- - doth- fuuelrnl w•ithouL .Paced]
P1 .ng
e an su rtwltatever w'i slid est sham a5
t 1 k , 11I$ Al KELLY tint
Y em Y S � n
re of gaud ` co'ursr dna PPo > P
vpt dollars, which covers ell aC gr rtg n liPa`witheired'cheeks, and cried PLY .. ination in art At all events it is no lam dr A
anderitertains 800 people atone time under its out between in •vale ofltysterical sobs: "I've except that of the hands and arms of the men though sbe haaI a'crime to'conceal." th'e thaltion to swing ala"over the walls of a • --- -. — -- """ `-` - It -
who ].tare it, The beliefs Of the Romans in It was an old Roumanian belie3 that itt the OUSE' AND Lode of SALEnd Str to .
roo1� seems small compared with those of our scan him- was not ashamed of me --ho Louse pictures oP only moderate merit or .110 H. on itis south side of Townsend Street. •'
leadin hotels. The comfort of sts lather took m old hand and wru respect to death, and Por the most part their buildin of a las a edifice it was absolutely
g due , y rig it with a will, g g merit at all.-Globe-De-mncrat, The housed, whic2t ie naw, contains parlor,
than imposing size oP public rooms, is their saying, 'Howdy, Auht Martha? How are'all funeral rites, were similar to those of the essential that a living -human being should - dining room, kitchen, a number of bed
main consideration. Another special feature the f91ks? I'm right gltul to see you."' -Mrs, Greeks. If a dead body could not be found, be built into the walls to give them stability. rooms, and a stone cellar, the mace part
also of a first class house over hero is the H. L. Tobien in The Centur the sacred rites were performed empty There can be no doubt that this barbarous Don't Banning. Sore Eyes being heated Lala a furnace) Hard and soft
o Y' tomb, and if an one ha ed to see a dead custom was often observed and the remnant The custom, prevalent among phywcians water ill ubu acre, a . The lot pertains one
wine cellars. The days oY four two bottle Y PPS quarter of an ecru, and the prgperty will ue
men" ]nay have departed, not so the lave body and did not throw earth upon it, be' of it is seen in the practice which still pre- tm well as the laity, of tightly bandaging or sold o I reasonable terms. Apply to MRS.C.
that Englishmen bear for good wine. The Federal Ilnspttalt In ISti4. was obliged to expiate the crime by sacrific- wails of walling into any large building the tying up the eye as soon as it becomes iv- CARTER, Clinton.
Metro ole is owned b atom an which has I ant back again in 'Washington, on my ing a hog to Ceres. For these reasons, and shadow' of a livi man. The shadow of flamed or sore is a bad one. The effect upon
p y p y >� ALUABLEaI''ARaf b'OIL SALE. -SUB
its own vineyards in the champccgno districts regular daily and nightly rounds, Of course thg belief that, the spirit of the departed some person, who must be unconscious of the the eyei9 bad. It preclu(les the free access VscRIBFft offers for sale his farm of 76
t and beneficeitl effects of the cool air acres bein tot 25 11tH Con, H lle
and a of u e tt rad•
there �• n t
,. > • aro tune s as ties. D s
gids❑ a w c wander n with s ,
•of France, and the . MetrapolO extra dry la Y Pa ari ed humdtrd years alone the banks oP spell to ba cast upon him, LS measured the none lima revemts or treat] retards rho joining the'ltallage of Londaeboro. All clear-'
a wine that will' ran6" with the choicest bore aarl there are always cases of poor the Styx before being allowed to dross if, the cord or strips of reed, and the measure is in- P g Y ed. Good frame house and outbuildings,
wines in the market. Ono can readily im- fellows, long suSerin„ udder 'obstinate body tied not been interred, •shipwrock was terred within the wall Tbo victim is sure to free egress of the hot tears and morbid secre• Will be sold on reasonable ter -ms. Plenty of
wounds, or weak and disheartened from the mast dreaded of deaths tions of the inflamed eon unctiva or cornea water. Excellent,Dne for sturin If not
agitre that wine is a feature in London hotels ping and die within forty_ days. A raraless j , P¢ g•
when it is umberstood that itis sWek of wines typhoid fever, or the Ilke: marked cases, Rome had its public and its private fuser- passer near soruebuildin rn relcee9s of erect or both. In those cases too, where a foreign sola will be renteid, Applyy to JOHN DARK-
S P WELL, on the place or RICIJA1tl) 13ARH- .
in the Metropole cellars is v:ilued at £:5,000 needing special and sympathetic nourish- ,als, to the former of which the people were tion may even nolo hear a warning cry from substance has got Into the eye, the bandage WELL, Clinton, Ont. .
sterling, Or $125,000 menti These I sit down and either talk to invited by a herald, Infantsand young Wren the bystanders: "Bowers lest they take tby (.which ib usually clapped obi the first thing) _- _. _._ .._ _ ._
'While mast of the hotels ill London are or silently cheer them up. They always tike were 'buried sooner than grown persons, shadow!' It is not 1Qng since there were pro- Presses the lids more closely against the ball FARM TO RENT --BEING PART Ob' LOT
it hugely (and so do I),;kt case has its and with less oyer Tho bodies of the do- fmsional shadow traders whose birsi>aess it and thus increases the pain and discomfort and 23 Enst W:awnnoeh, each roc be lug
kept on the European plan, making a 'sep-' Pe P P• 100 acres, C cod house, bank barn and out-
culiarities, and needs some new ads tation ed were carried to the funeral ile on a was to su architects with the necessar by augmenting the lacerations caused by the buildin g
son ono farm. and n buildin
urate charge for each rrn'tt.l, there is a notable P P� P• -ply Y g o sou
az tion in the Windsor, a new hotel' in ' I have learnt to thus conform=learnt a couch covered with rich cloth, and commonly victfms.-"The Land Beyond the Forest." foreign body. This cannot fail to be Harm- the other. Plenty of water, goad orchards,
ceP god deal of Itps wisdom. Boos of the au ful. In those cases where the li ht is nful �• Just ons mile from post office and
Victoria street, Westminster, which is g 1 pported on the shouldersof heirs or nearest --- g P school, and 9 churches close by. Fall plow-
kept'after the American method. You play r y ale chs awn tl oai home for the relatives, th adjust gest the o rm a neat] fittin shade,
] oo 8 Ps Y ough sometimes on those of treed- 31ormon 3iii,idens from Euro e � Y g tag all done, and l3 scree en •fall wheat. The
here from t3 to $4•pei, day, according tR size first time lit their lives, hunger and thirst for' men.. Julius Ceesar was borne by magis-' o ' which, cabals ai excludes .the tight, allows the' above farms arc p splendid c togeteon, and
and location of room. T Lis sum entitles yon°' affection; this is eOmetitnea the only thing trades, Augustus by senators, GeJ nlauicus b Curiously affianced brides are those wino fres ace s. of ser. -New Orleans Times-lleuto- a ill be rented eeperatoly or .together, on
Y clime to town from across the ocean without reasonal)le-ternts. For yar,t,culars apply to
that will reach their condition. The teen tribunes and centurions. Poor citizens or .rat; NIRS B, hicCABE, at An ustine aft
n lledlotab light, e. breakfast, and din- - ------ g
]eke to havo a. a knowing olio their kn•idegnwms are going to ---_ __ _.
nes at table d'bote, The • tiVilidsor has a Pence n,I somethrng to wrote slaves were carried to the funeral pilo ills � ISn taad's Fleet of Ironelads. — � ` -' -
.._.,-,_,... gn4.egfgr�or.;..itis„,wg fit d u in I bane liven them cheap pocket diaries, plain bier eft coffin, and children who. die)<i b
a Moreover, the are uot'cartain whether 6 SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. - THE
itend.. 1...._ ., -_, .,.tea_.,_ ,_. .__,.__ ._,____ _ . _ _-_. _..__ _,___ _-. __.-, r�ox,-•-•.:=_.-__�___- P
_.-�'.:�; - - - _ _ _-.m r- wiil••hr Ilalia-lausbnll4 ra._.titi c] Tlw_.most., werPul wal:,shi ...nQoaL-,__..__tile -- aubaciilrer.nli_ors_SorHii-re,_thatexcnllau4
- lids eiedtt•-ic lie t, eG - ev for-6.sides ewtm- anti alriiufiars-3'6F , -,Tp et]'eaveTwlrtil bunk_ _'be?oY-Iff ,.were'weaff- �vsr c,'ci` ia` if tFt� ' arm0i TUi1ae`res, ohilii"I3uro7- ' i load liuIIuit,'
n. cr a quar'ter,4r what fractional part away up Benho+v. hag just—been complets�i and joined
bein • lot 13. There are t10 acro cl
ming, douche, needle' and other baths. The P P • mother. Anciently all Roman Pnnerals wetro s eared, and
hotel is conveniently situatvl, being within For reading I generally have some old pic- celebrated by night•, in older that the maths- tq a thirtieth or a fott:ieth. For these maid- the Britistl Mediterranean fleet. Sha c tr rtell nearly all Ot for cultivation, balance good
a few utfnuG s' walk Of the ti'icta in Station, iotas] fIt tgazirtes or story I.)apoi s -they aro trntes might not ntret the pr ocesslon and bo- ens are Moreton c onverts. Several batches two 111 -Wu guns, besides other smaller guns hardwood bush ; the place is ail good shape.
alwa s acxe table. Also the rs-the of them have bee:] pothered over by our Ashot frcarl one of,them weighsI,8(X)pou nds, 'Stone douse, Lax:l6, with fraine woodshod,
or 2 good Bank Barns and outbuildin •s 3 act
the underground railway, thO houses of par- y P g tomo defiled Later in Roman history pulp 6 i, , es
liament, government offl'ces, Ilorse Guards, eventing papers of tire, day. The best books I lie ftlnerais wer6 celebrated at an early hour emigration cmuniismfroF, who 'were de- and when p wrier it by a fall chard° of gh of ly thr g Orchard. Plenty n. spring water.
3 do not ive, but lend to read thr oil h the in the forenoon while private or oriinar sil'Otls of saving them from Utah and polyat pounds of rd of r ct can Lear ets way through Only ny a utiles Pl•e t Clinton• z ce. down,
c a g eQ
clubs, t ofrw ., etc. It ivate d a well g + 1 Y amy, and half a dozen. ar•e today detain at ` a whole yard of iron armor. The gun is er 'and esi, real WAR tense for balance at 0e,
planned coffee r(wm and r ivaW dining sa- wards, sad then lotto them to others, sari so f .rale were alwa -s ¢t ni,-ht. T(�•oLes wet•. cnturest. EtiWA1LD S113BFN, oil the lace,
1 P' y e Castle Garden But there seems to be no feet 8Incites long, and the projectile is over' or Cliut„n P. O. `.
]°ons which occrluol( the. trdcus Christ on ; thef are very punctual aton t returning used at fu rat to well as at mar tinges. 41 inches long and near] 1 5"
gt ” of law under vvhich their antebridsl tears can y foot a Inches in --'- --- • • - - -- - - -
thO books lu th w
c . , ese ands a• nn the fie]
harct . , d, as . The ftneral rites crf the • GOChs anti Iiuus , � stA d. 'The comml3sloners ma I• y 'diameter. h:ngland's eight best ironclaclscost PItOPF,RTY FOR tiAT;E - SUBSCRI73Eli •
A TYPICAL Flnill' CLASS HOTEL. I thus continue tO go round, I have rnme to were often conducted on a' scale of eztrava- PPC Y � y offers for sale that excellent property at
evla t m if to each .emer return to the Old World .only such immi- nearly $,:x,000,000,' thi 'Banbow costing
There are many ]urger hoteLS ill London P Ysr gouty, after its gauce, both in re and to money and cruelty, present occupied by himself, on the corner
600 000. Two more shi s near] fi is .
titan. Long �, in New }lend sL7eet, but sono kind Or call, however trivial, however sol- that seldom has been equaled. Att9la, for grants a mo crltrTheir a paupers, .These th P t n tied, of a of l e uud Magian Streets.
girls aro tx7eLbet•. Their passages are paid by the Nile and Trnfalfier, of 12,000 tons each, acro of land all sec out with choice •fruit
with such an old established reputation, none emn, every one justified and madareal'under example; -who died in 453, was buried in a the Mormon elders accompanying them, and• will cost nearly $5,000,000 apiece+. At thin Foes find drupe vines, plenty of hard and
which attract a better class of custom, nor its, c}rcumstanc's: not only visits and cheer. cofi}n which was inclosed in one of gold, in rice each will be worth !t9 wee ht in co soft ws ter. The house contains three rooms
any one which is, as a -whole, more richly ap- ing tall! and little gifts, not only washing another of silver and these In a third of iron. homes are rowdy for item in Latah. Banda P 13 PPm • down stairs, and four above, with _good col-
, ❑d dressi w u
' ate filed, guamutee[ng that they will not be. Tho simultaneous discharge of the guns of lar, closets, Ac. This prolperty is very con-
T a n o lids I have some cases w
pointed. en finishe structure is new, ham- !; ( here With the apody was interzzd sl] itis spoils the entire fleet would develo f p vencent to schools, and A In one of the best
g y rLP pest i >� Y of the enemy -harnesses, embroidered and (�me a public (barge, and that settles the to li P t rc a enough •
in on] Leen finishes} duri rho sum- thO Iattent i, tmwilh as (Ind should do the loons to town. tis bo sold entire, N
mer but the former I lm ,y hotel stood on this but ins}, but from the Bible ez- question, sip far as rho law es concerned g the ships, guns and ill., two feet out the lots ctividrd. Terms ronsonuble. JOHN
g ]��1� studded with jewels, rich silks and precious oP t}ie"vvatcr.-:dew Fork Stm. ' 6TEE!', uliut°n.
the same site for two hundred years. Its pa- Pounding them, prayer at the bedside; ex- booty from 'the kingly palaces they had Some charitable ladies dei girl n to try
tronago is drawn from the English Mobility, plantations of doctrine, etc. (I, think I see pillaged; and then, that the place of inter- marnl suasion to deter the girls now here — - +LUABLE 11R.OPERTY FOO SA.LE.-
from m to their• unknown husbands, I "This Is a, Cow.^
and from Amt -titans of good tests who pre- ' my fronds smiling at this cOtr)eseon, but I meat might forevcm retnaiu concealed, the g° g That most debatable property just oat-
fer a coo vel small home like mansion was neva• more in earnest in m life.) In aarompanied them to Castle Garden, where A cow i% an animal with four legs un the side tete corporation of Clinton, on the Lm -
Pm rte Y Y Huns butchered all that assisted at the don Road, lntcly oceu ,iod b Rev. John
ton caravansat Lon s accommodates rAll p and evurywbe res I was in the habit of burial, they talked with the six indefinite brides, under side. 'rhe tail is longer than the logs, I Y
t y` g'. They were English ' girls from Lancashire, but la ]tut used Lo etind on. The cow kill. Gray' nand consisting of 1a acres, with good
only 100 guests. The walls Of the' dining reading or giving recitations to the men. DRYING DEAD BOW139. frame House, Barn and Stable@, splendid
room are wholly covered with,Gobelin tapes- They were very fond of it; and liked declam- Tho Ethiopians are said to dry the bodies rangine in age front 16 to 24, They were flies with its tail. A cove has big years th¢t Orebard, and plenty of water, is offered for
try, each .panel containing a skillfully exe- atony poetical pieces. W e would gather in a of their dead, salting them to prevent putr•o- daughters of small farmers, and their lusty wiggles on binges; so does their tail. The sale. Being is Strutley township, the taxes
euted icture-a s ,Ortin scene, duck shoot- large rou , b ourselves after su per and faction, and then lacin them `in a cavo forms and bright complexions had resulted cow is bigger than the calf, but not so big as are low, t ery detsirabie property for a
P l g o E I Y p} P g gr fanner who wishes to live retired, Will be
in fishin and .the like a etizingl sur- els- spend rhe time in F;wb readings, or In talk- coveted with ] throe bwhich the bod front plenty of outdoor exercise. They were au elephant. ]She is made so small that she sold nn reasonable terms• A ply for full
g, g PI Y • eg g g y im recti educated but mane a ood a can to the barn when nobu,}•y is lookin partioilars to 'THOS, EAST, Parkbill.
live. fiat as Yor pict»res, rho walls of every ink, and nemsionally by an amusing fame is visible. Mmes their c0$lna are thrown Pm Y fi P bra g• _ _ __
room in the house, even the belt r(x,nts on the called the game of twenty qunstions.-'Walt into rivers, and sometimes they are kept in penance by reason of youth, health, neat Some cows are bltck, and som. • hook• A dog - All )[ ),'OR SA l,E.-THAT SPLENDID •
Whitten^:1 in 7'he Ceuta. the houses of the dee>en»ed'sfrionds. Tho an- clothing and de^-idedly high spirits. In the was booked once. Sho tossed the• do, ttutt �/�
top story, aro hung with choice engravings •'y faun of 110 steres, on thy, Maitland con -
o •p of converts were entir fami- wor•ri t e c,
aril paintings in oil by modern• artists Of ac- tient 13actsians syltYereei• rho bcxiieti o. their sum° -ern., any a ed lr •tt that L-illeel t.i.•r rat Brack cession, being but 77 (toderiuh township,
know! eel merit. dead friends nnai relaticaG to t)Ep devoured by lies from their county. They said that they cow`s give white iuilk; su d', other colds sitnaUA 1J1 mi]Cs iron) 11olmeyvitle, and four
edg Tlr(• w(,alth of the (,Jusca. had listened to the Mormon revivnlfsts' Milkmen sell milk to bu th(r little rls miles from the Tnwn of Clinton. The soil is
Y• g
You rarely see the prupricta i i u leading cines, and even kept large endsavugo animrils a goal clay tonr,t, with ,t,u•verPsiling spring
T p r` was a rumor A oa i n
tee fl t n Londrr,
i to LL+ � util carvirlcd Of its til htew 9- dresses wheciit ,•• .•
-rctachi u u he nt uI ,t. , and eh ik • ,
a n ht throe h th lune• 1
c o , Y creek rn n ( so rood
h 'n surc}i as lived to an Oxtretne e
P nb A g d t s
otel t any ]urge l:arotpean city -the pro- to dovotrr• ,ag , or
praetor and matingcr n:rn both �ar d to find. erect tbnt an increaaerl alloscanco wc+ul<1 be became enfeebled and' useless through illn'esa. ,'leas, and t17aL th(y were firmly determine] C owe r chew cads, unci tact] „idx its owe wells. ?'here is at,OUL r acres of bosh, which
it,lied fe)r on behalf of thePrincacof'Waleaand n iita.h, The had chew. That is all tben. k :.beat cc ws, - is one of the best sugill, buNbes in thy. conn-
iu London a!1 the leading hotels arc+ owned The ancient Christians testifled their abhor- u* see);ing happiness i. Y -. ty; also two frame i ern-+, crtn •, hunk barn,
ii d• rin L • •
Lis fan 1 a , h° itutumil session
If it i • pr iced that the .Lou a ,.?esti 'oris (: •c 'o
Y g r } 1Mn ren ld t 5 om•pO,tt a c.
bulb 90 0 1 • horst+ oloo ,• , ith , n. -b ar
y one front(. i , ! ten
r •idle^• .11@ bed
31 a i' i
b tom )arlie;uml u.rnar•od h me - ce of u•ematiexl b de s t O.
n tips sec rou
Y I Y lw .� 3
n Y
tr 10 Itis ►'O 1 w' � .-_, _ ._-. due p( b•+ ' ,e. t, Y'
rOVC'S l Sa Ill nt1d0 b _ helee8 t-si 0l I Orlin, c r a o es.
Ond raft+ IIotels l.av„ women fur rnnnagcre• P P }w n to�Y the dexrasod in Itis ground, husbaudst1them. u ,
receive sa>varal black eyes• F,conomivta "Bat ❑0 611 undarutand that yellr inls- Tho S anish "ITutte.Nittowl (' t•': i:t'rr'." Ab ut 45 avro C'rso di -d1 owtl. Ur:d ill lie Bold
saidelerLs,a:ndthes:•an-usuallycrOs's,maiden In Brazil there is today appnrer,tly little S r' About a,, aCrr•s st,Ccl,'d+fawn, Win bCsoTd
a t a that thcrO 1s 11 1 Il f
r u ca Or this additi
Oral a' w'v • n
have numerou i e>,2'
g 1pnlld3 Alretld. [ c •• r e"• n n n unblu ti•rnlP .1I 1.,' 13A1 l
shcirt tiinC a r .uuw h u uu n av- a re su >D JR
Y r ) '1
L'udi t' an rn c •r • e A
e9 0 c c t,ti n n The r th bears., � As soon as a 3
still kee use fo o drsOtt dies _
g Y P
a The n has nr ,, • P rp
.xpeztsa, ghee t annuity drawn lyre ht Laneaahitro Inns was asked. ' ria es ]veru ,coc•cd a xut the � +ancsh reel- Aolmesvi.11r
up the Old and iol-d habit of chnr•geug for 5 rho dome and win, It is dd, wh a the fused g 8 I I ;'
, • from the• rnnsolidated fond of FI,f12,t,000, "Xcs,11shereplied Q,ujelily,:"and if a than was Enrh coal un•tmeut ,•;r.:amed curt
"attendance' in Eiiglis'1, and the price (tits only oruaaiau, it is said, wbav file front Y• • l Y �...+��:••
width is especially allotted In mcet those ea- is ill eno h that six wives will stn with
i:3 us-cually nnO .nal si1penc•o ea(:h nersur>r Its !. entrance of a Brazilian d\ve;l[irtg es shut), tmd � �`' Y two seats, very class tomer h, f, an,i every- tp ,,yt1q7p�r1 �( pp pp��ppppt pp 1
Pensew mmected with her High position, the him tin in't going to be bed to one mora'' thing was donC to jrrut' „IC f'n trio oomto►t ��lli8 B�U1�aU 111�ll�lllUlll lfo
arrunging i or rooms at, the Adelphi Hotel ht rho uudertall;er cs sent for and told to prrpare
Liverpool, the writer vias tc+ld that the price pat tial weight of which Los been tralnsfelral a funeral vtWob shall cod so many milreis. lltvey argument was met by some reply of the honeymoonor,;. li::t c;., 1+'r,r,hing 1
for two rooms was `•eight and sixpence." t.o the beir'apparent. P,at that is only a per• Everything is then left to him The corpse ns (r1•tclusive as that. The girls seemed couple:: appeared, and not c.i •.f t;,' •se `•um- ST'. TI OMAN, ONTMI O.
. hog ettin for the nonce about Lho c tion of the enormous lncomte"which good for- enuwely'pious, in a Mormon wa and t,h° rtments has Et teen ovcu i ''I u. ad -
g g Largo isal+vayslaid rntt in the best room in the R y' tx► 3" I�' ' �Ve havo the onlc f:u•tory in the Lo -
for attendan be tenderer] this n tune and frugal habits have placed at the dis- house and rare] kv t over third six hourx elders were t° them holy man indeed, ministration' forget i ni ln:u:,!,• it -- 'l r try so
e' ag� upo posal of the head of the royal family, The Y P re + 11, o,v, v:hy should I stop here in New hard to look like aid rI trnn'ulial b:u0s, ay minion. Uur material es purr and tone,
Amount in settling } is bill, but was at once twenty -font being the Humber requh eel by and is endorsed by leadin • scientists as
naw Domesday book discloses the fact that York," said cue girl, "when I've the promise Ort the day upon which ' ht, I:uc-: , :; - heel! t
reminded that for ditch night four and six- r the law: If tate diwased was married, a fes- being practically imperishable. It can•
th assn s rivets estates
ce marc; (Et1.12) must be rd there bei e q p .steed over ,i7, of rnarrea;� tv a rdiil elder out thetics ill tied. --Poll Mall Gazc±f+^.
thr por , ng o loon of bhtalc nasi gold cloth is hung over dile not aipsOrb mAistt3rc and couauluently
three persons. -"M. Y.'' in Horde Joul+lal. 3' acrcia the annual rental, r yen at rho street door; if unmarried, one of lilac and Utah'," There wxP something relestial, to •---- ---•'- - is not affected by tht• frost. -J: Baker
Iatdty depreciated prices, beteg E130,E55, her mind, in becoming a bride of a Marmon it Wasn•t the Colon( 1. ,
- — Some ye3rS ago Ler majesty, anti undue black; +pilo if a child is dead the colors are Edwards, 1. h. D., 1). C. L., F. C. S., of
tlow Aliacaroni was Nawed• white, or bhic and gold. Thecotllns for mar- elder, no, matter how minutely his rrtatri- , ••«•hat did You find en t tit, poc:.etr:F' ii o- Montreal, I'. (.�., sups ata f;rent d ra-
t e advide of I d S n i'
h .or d e re
u ba5dd tb \Y
t Y e r'• r t be subdivided. a ave u
Mncaron iy n favorite dish with' Iron y' P ms.ty , g P uLtid Mrs. 11rutL-thuuder an: -kers, '. "'Phare
y ried 1K•c:;on+ ai\1 allvafs blank, which is never q y bAility under all i'�puetn•r to, weatb(tr
e and its manufacture an im Clarpmont estate for the sum of V11110,000, ea WrP e ter fat young, unmarried }tcraorta, theirs oirr :'ttoni, t V) rescue the six sweetheart's ym ,++ and 9torzni is Trilty ;L':sured- by its high
iP} , portant was u h n ]wok sttiel thO cu7.Oncr, "6o-
industry in many Italian and Frene-h cities. timated at. the time as bein, a little over halt a11., ! n,i nut 1 et:n their wooers• -New i ork
its market valueL It is said to be, worth' being ro}, Pcn.rlet or blue, The chief use of grlthet vvith a huidl:erchief, suriis postage quality. Itis mor° durable than atone
It is a kh(ratcn paste, nr-epared in the form rho cot}in i,; Lo Convey Ilya body to the come- fill) _ -_ _, stampq, u` few tracts on tofal abstinelnce"- and will not ]ages Sts 11und.Omc appear•
oP hollow tubes of different duunetsrs and is today at ]enst Et7poss1. "It wasn't the colonel " exclaimed the Ken- ante from generntion to generation. I
! , tett', and f•;w persons are actually buried in R h Nut Free IlgTso C'ar.,:' ,
served at dinners ill variouastyles for entrees The q°sen also posse4sdF propert.,y n Cor coli}a; y lucky Italy, greatly relieved; "he's probably know - of no other material which is
rs Benef¢
bur and the Villa a sem ,Pres cv .tors to-
or dean to Itis said to havo had y berth g H, thereho nt the be As WiLl:in aho past Portvyears a gt•eat r•uange (Ic ue d P coming on the aeztlwat."-Chia e;o'Tribune. egna.11y capable of Cnn,biliing elegance
tO teens] ro rt ,there 'utas the !pt's uostt yid:: flee helspii:als, asylums, soup dispenF•
and e a time in Sicily in ble9 way: theca Ix P Ica Y, l ha:; uc•c'urrel in the exi•errral matter's re to of form, beauty of surface and indeffbite
vpoa a time a wealthy noble of Palermo of a gtrarter of a million left to far matjdsty to },;vial is this county While most Allie _ I arieaand what itot; whp draw the lin ad of wet Cure for iia Fever. durability.
e fmniliru• with the fad n-
b Bir Jam (` W'e ar of o
,aradOn Ne{]ai T l
tits will w cars
.o co - t
Y t:4 av
vete] a o6 t of mcticlo of hishpl fessio , roved in 1£++i2 and the t uast must now lentis of half a century ago had a Itelllef in dowing certA.n institutions or wards or "Biggins makes me tired. 1 uevsr saw Please call On Or writ° to our ragout at
butgift in 'rho prnetic'o of his profession, have reached fluent pro or?igns. 'Ph w Got, immortality and a life itereater, yet achularQhi ps, We sa "That is cone of Mrs, such a crank on homoeopathy in my life." Clifiton and see desikms and prices be -
but gifted by antero with an inventive m P P they g!emed to hold their opinio•,ts on theme l y' "Ia that so9" fore placing your order.
genius. One day, in a rapture of culinA there was the property left by the prince Blank's charitio.." Nnw lot a row Mrs.
ry suliject;not as real beliefs that shaped acid "Yes. You know bei •has tbo bay fever Ly, 1V1. GIFFIN. AGF,N'r Ci INTON.
tom osition Lhis (rent artist devised the coriaorty estimated to have reached nearly them r, erllOw a koro ear apiece. Iain! ,
p t b $;3,000 1100 but as t Is will was Hover raved faQhiancd tL•eir daily life, but 6-a matters to them 'tl •,nr to or whatever tent best m- every susnnter, and now he s going to marry _.�
tarina,oeoars tubes which all love so well, and and aO rebut this wil duty, t r p roved which, i:i a half slumbrous way, they gave 1)odizcs4he "1'r Elis Name" s[tirtt, rm<! li its a grass widow on accrnmt of it."- Terre Tlrs f3'r. Tuoir .s Wlit•ra: BauazF lloNu-
the succulent accessories of rich sauce and assent. The grave, the tomb and death. were Haute Express. alt*NI COMPANY, ST. THOMAS, ON'r.
amo►ntt is not ]mown,: These items aro over, see no mon• hol}tnv ei7ceked, threadbare wo-
gratsrl parmrlean, familiar to those vrbo have rill looked upon all matters of terror, from _ _- .-. __._J -
ken of "macaroni al9 ei in South and abovei the qurxa's annual savings. The the t!tou ;ht of which all old and o mer! draw from their pitiful thin pocketbooks q y d ..ry p o 0 o 9A 0
°g a e is mon etrrit at Let ma sat 's die- ' Y ' the nlckol that is itorel needed to (.l:e out the on Such Occasions. , �?.a;.o • n_ o •
'r 5 y Y Mrs. Westend.(at a rt ileo Ini111nitl '�a9 -a '.- ��a
Italy. Having filled a mighty china bowl wcso uud sim la seerrled to draw back in rt_ 00 .44
with this deliciow; tiro und. be set it bo- P°sal for family purpo9as would hence ap P ' bans living, Or pOrtlred Pncecl children tap - Pg Y)`- I .is.2 t ; d v .. a
/ore Lia ]Ofd --a gourmand of the first water pear to bo, at tiro lor,rest computation, sucb was aryl ttprhofstett sO]omnroittnmid elabor, 'Ing long, deNlit•.ating trudge.; laden n-ith Mrs• Ttptop,is to -night l �•F pF o��`,a e"M
as renders umlec�sary national solicitude on, r' Y bnnclles OI work ur whatever the burdens Mr. Tiptop (dryly)�Yes, 9he'a an awfully .d",, I i S sa y, C v
-and stood bf, to duf°r•entcal pttittide, to ata propa.ratlorl. ?'herr o was a time when tine ( I oil woman when awn from home.-Phila- I � -• • D. o I to 3 a.
the subject. The Prince of Wales' will that weigh thorn down, We must havt 'tboso J Y Y p - 9d, k br^
Hatch the affect of his exporimerilt. hearse did nokoixfst in this country, or, iP it de! hin Record. Ise ISM "• o e,
Tho flrFt ruouthYtil elicited the ejiuu',ation hrtrdly get the ndvv ullovance under those did ezist was not In .neral ass. This waq free h°ren cars, a9 Lha free tictrat Ffstortt ting P _ s • 1° 3a�� o'ug`cb H
"Carib" idi0mnticnlly equivalent Lo "excel- circnmstanrea. Inndar C+pr. A' '\r 1'Ork ' g hope]„ssly ];one bq.-Ilest°n (ommona•ealtb. - nig 0 , A ��., 9ya
” 3 I,t-res, rho (ileo in rho latter part of the ESghteonth �__.. -� �vlty, of Conroe Not- nim• t7� 9o8y.p4; f;�,�
lent in Eng„sir, from the illustrious optcure. ---- -_..__ - century, and thlo first part of the Nine- British Army's Poor tau(» n,. Theodore R,00selveltasveristhetthe western 'O YY� yt
After swat lowing n second modicum he ex- teem; when the bodies of the dead werr borne I - i:{ti zl � m
elntim(xl "'tta sari ” or "EzoollenG int sec " r'tc fihrrtgun at io»p( ]laude. 1t a) ro t.hnt t,hd British nnnY i.: not eowbOy hag nothing Of the mii):sop about e o
i ern tilers to the cemetery. Necessity was, t P('a • a e N
of tits n
dm's nob(xi
ever 5 n
e htm. In ate � o
; I L m w .
Y .. A
et r unrest in Euro w tl ors! FP ,+
Presemtic•, a„a tLe flavor oP the te,OthFome Ur 11fu1 stet..; of missiO•tary fife Su f ,In Only rho d Ix', ,ts � �„q
doubtless, baro m elsewhere, tbo moU>nr of thokkg•bt h° bad. a .3
mtias yew n em him, Lia ontbusiasm rose to and Africa by a Dr. Cast, who Lao vmt•ittcn a feet, FO far all the rank and flh• err r•unra tett]. a m•,1 ti o
g P ipvtirrtlon. Sanitary principles, from time Mm e,+ •$ �
oven hi her Jii tits and be °tic] Dirt in a hook about the way they quarrel. e -i Indira Tare btend ration is the Imrpi4t in Europe, - g e
g g , . , to time, Forced the rmvotory farther enc] g + a
voice tremulous with o ul Emotion " about their houses and obligo magistrates to being (me pound per day. The &Ilowanc, of A swimmin dress to enable a swimmer t4
w f m and some means ,.
j 9f thrtltcr a a ro th0 cit
Y Y, has t)eou
b stl boats
„ lov v minds and o le E,
ar n i l
'S eerier. )f a u d ndurdl t P
caaonil-Imdeed most su Iromol sublime] intcrfol • tO troop the ileacs, Dear, good meat t. thrro-q po g � p
Y, „ of oonveyanex,, Other than ¢beer, not l tri +i g
superlatively excellent P' in Ypaying this m3sSionary in Africa, to keep order amohg only desirable, but almost indi>;penaable;- bone, when -as continental soldier,! are given , rel in the G}ermaa navy__ .- ��1 a2
verba] tribute to tri° meritvOf hes cook's des• Ills Hacks, fires at them a charge of No. 2 a frill pound of solid meat, The bread and .
aovery ha unwittingly bestowed a nrtrne intoe shot at 100 ,yard.*, as he says, "with magit'sal Boston Herctld. --- - _- meat are both apt to be of poor quality, "Persistency's a jewel" is tho way a travel • 14„b
that admirable.prAparation which has Pturl, affect • 1rentico Mulford in New Vork The Austrian empress is boltered "lo'hnvo while thefnai Pnppliedis insufficient, -Chi- ing manpervertivtheoldproverb.-Merchant er
to it ever• Pince.--Golden Argrky, IStar. the Nuallest waist in Europe. oa:go Herald. 'Traveler.
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