The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-08, Page 4. t " " I. y ... - . .. Y' . ', _ , .. , �1 6 , . 11',• P .A -, -. ... . . A Soliloquy. , ateitolr6 MoadaY evgilln- lltit„ �bea thl} rpt- Q cvctuazxau>Kaut.rix „ . 4 -- A W O3lAA's r5UJCIDE.--Qn MondB CQ was lar a Q , tendaq Around The! 0a40t� I MoNTlzl�ale, �lxvl� � v slsecial discount. -Rob. !V. Coate T'uE liiAlvurearvaEus:- y q tiAtl thQ 1R4eKest _ the citizf ne of thin+ lace were. thrown, ood, the chief attraction beiD a de- [We wish �'tdlstinotly 4rlderatoQd tklit • �• MSR lrlret axrivals-Jaolsaan $nos. The Tarilf is trot Zai h lincur It s' we are riot, l direotl �` TAfe In urance com sny-4: W. Bel#ry g g tato a ftutler of excttement on learla- ate on Resolved that the froDChloe y ar indirectly, re. Ur Donald McKagnoo, of Tasker• r Horse or sale -1lT tlraithwatte To snake ua wealthy gttiak, a ing that the wife of Mr Edward Gilh Should be extended to women:' The SPOnsible, for any opintona eapreoadd �tultb O.n Mgnday dellverell a terata q; About 62G Item o! , rOrsonAl-Dr Washington We'll put the screws on tighter-- one of the respectable citizens, had at relative was conducted by Misses 'order thin hettd.l Cana�iao bred mares, which• 'he bad i oalves.20 sheep ancOanetcher aattle,c4Q Lignor ticetlae-iii J Paisley It's a simple, easy trick. eornlnlEted suicide by haDging herself. Murray, Drown and DCel wan, aqd sold a bu er named Turner front S lawb,thil, 77NJj76T TQ BUBINF436 MSN 0 y , $rat o! the season, offare at the E4at Whit t machine -J. Worell It appears that her husband got 6p the negative by Messrs Smillie, Her• - illauitoba, fat $ii00, End abattoir. Some of the cattle were Sala by tender -S. 11lalcolmeon Ad1 five, or eight, or toy per Dent earl)' iu the morning and pariw)k oP old aq $uchagaD. The committee To flee Editor of the Clinton Nern Era, On Thursday MrB Rennet Dobson v iyrfne,reogDal to ordinary )Master (tee# Trunks -James Twitchell To the duty as it stands, breakfast by htmaelf, ss usual, and declared a "tie." DEAN 61St, -In the Londesboro Wawa of Ethel, received a cheque for $2 QOa tion, gM p bion vrere to .god agndl• Going teat -A. 9n;aa Nevex mind "the Dor ooneuu,or,,, then pr6ceeded to hie work. She from the Equitable Life Aesoclation owing to the bnuufkchaers were preeent, but New ods -Geo. I;. Pa p of this weeks Newe•Record, I find this g y afterwards arose and dressed leer NEWS NOTES, item, of New York beta the amount of PBroaah of bent but iVe will limit his demands. young boy and sent him to her eleter a , K not care to buy largely.,. There wag a ° - -- with some milk.telling him to remain "The failure of one of the business Insurance carried by her deceased rather dull trade, wrfih prices lower. Dr. John Hyde, an old resident, men of 'the hub' has been the general hnebtlgd• Bulla are in good tau l , 'nus• Cunsumnas:-- there until his pa was coming home to of Stratford died on Tuesda topic of conversation for some da s 11 good demand fpr bests calves t tr 83 X1,11to l �riv em We work as hard as any men, dinner. The husband took the boy Y• Y • Chav W Jackeon, who has been fn -- home with him and on entering found wheat seeding hag Commenced I am not surprised that a correspond. Kansas for about a year arrived home to $3.50 to each :cheep from $4 to 06, !' To bet °bur daily bread," the house empty. On going to the in s°venal parts of Manitoba. ent should send an item of this kind, an Thursday aP last week, He in- and the spri lgarge b 05. s o! attic ogs. FRIDAY, MAR. tl, 1983. But, slave and toil as best we Dau, barq he was horrified to find the life• but I ata that a newspaper should fn• tends resuming the drug business and wee$ trade wag clow, butahera being leas form of his wife sue ended by s Thp Jesuits have entel°d a libel Bert it. The people in the town may will probably take a poBitien in Dr. rather relnotantabontbnying,and proses Don't get one cent ahead. p suit for $50,000 against the Mail understand the item, but the country Towler a drug store in Wingbam, remained shoat the same ae EDITORIAL NOTES. rope, which'was tied to a ra]1 strung people will not, and it places all the previous With "taxes" here and 'duties" there, across two beams in the barn. He at Mt•, Fralncis Barclav, Registrar business men in their minds more or The ExpoBitor says-1Ve learn that week. There was a good demand for Sir Charles 'Tupper states that his We know not what to do; once secured aid and cut the body of IIaltan, died On Tuesday at less under suspicion. The item should Mr Robert McMoeille, of $ippen,the sheep' hogs and calves, only object in coming to this country 'line burden gate too hard to bear- down, Medical aid was summoned, Guelph, have specified what business man, or well know secretary of the South STATEMENT" but the doctor repotted that death had else been omitted altogether, and in its Huron Farmers' Institute now is to Kiva evidence before the Rai(- No woador we feel blue, taken place over two or three hours 11Zary L. Booth edi'LOt• of Htu•• ,and itis a •,. or wa eammfttee, concernfn the Under---r.o.�---' • -- present shape is positively unjust. sister Mrs Alexander Monteith of W y g I 1'ltrt before. No cause can be assigned for �1ev s Bazar, died at New Fork on Yours, A BusraEas MAly. Tuckeramith, have fallen heir b the dunk attain. We are afraid SirCharlea' a' Govdjrulud ut. the rash act except insanity, as she l uo day death of Borne friends in the old Tic Mat�al Llie IIlsurancs Co, wee. I is abou to it, or six; Bp rs a i ' All the saloons of Plainfield NT, CHURCH Ti20UBLES. country to a legacy Of $50,000, of Wr NEW YORK, reputation as "The Great Stretcher," Ata teceut public gathering in this months about five or six years ago to still adheres to him, vicinity Due of the speakers made the the asylum at LondoD. I J•, have Closed up bQCause they To the Editor o6tlee Ulinton New Era. I which amount Mr MCMordie gets RICHARD A 1 Could not tet licenses. 1$30,000 and Mrs Monteith $20,000. 1l9cCURDY, paeslDt;Nr. -` remark that "the curse of Canada was ' SIR, -I want just a few lines space in i From a letter received of Mr S Ci Por the yelreading Iles• $let, 1888, The government purposes to increase party government," This is a mistake 'Sulunierhill. Tile Kansas State Sedate has your columns for a word of pdvies.- ] c(�,il}, fi)rmerly of Wiogilam,late of Tatar Berrera Two wake a o a ~----- the rate for re istered letters to 10c., OTES-Sir Scott, teacher, Colborne, passed the bill Lo prevent U oats, g ppeared a paragraph Denver, Colorado, we learn that het �1ee'O8a'Yd's z;e g that quite a number of well-meaning paid thiA burgh a flying; visit Friday, combinations and pools and it now the est emed andemuchnresp o ed clerk haB decided to return to Toronto, Dia 7. „ and to do away entirely with the one people snake, and we are surprised at a Messrs T Tamblyfi and S King, Hui• tacrease In Assets - $ , 75,301 a cent postage, substituting therefore n beCOmPs a taw, of the township, who is also a ohurrh health has been Indif%'rent for some burptae at fopr per cont„ $7,040,003 ca good Liberal tike the speatser in ques• lett, were the guests of air Geo Kitty, cial. Being a warm personal friend months he havin had a severe attack lacrease rn Sarplus, two rent rate. These are retrograde 1 on Sunday• Our old friend James b7rs. James Lavv, Of PCrth, and of Mr Braithwaite, I am sure he will not of pgeumonla. The altitude he found P000108 in force, - - 81:46,82. t1 p y g p tion, and one who gives mora tbau the tVatkjna �ie again in our midst; he h©1' five Real -Old dao htN, wore ![ncrenao Burin 1b8,3a4 ste s. A' ver lar a sit of tits poste! • $ charge me with malice when I express too great and the air too strong in ra year• 17 4' usual thoug4t to all questions, falling seems to think there's no place like killed in a railway C011i6ion at the opinion that it would have been Denver, b Policieseritten, - ' :.e revenue is derived from business men into the same error. Party govorument borne. Dame rumor anuounces a Pares on Friday. wiser had the item not appeared fxi tint, Increase darlag year, - 82'000 wha }lays fonr]cl the ore cent rate in couple of weddings next week. Let p The 6riCk school house on the 2nd Risks assumed, 10,301 ii'a necessity, and it can never be other• Eight deaths have occurred in I am not going to discuss points sag- Con, of Iia known as S.S, No,10.was - 810%214,So1 32 particular, very serviceable, but the in- her go, Gallagher, r ,, nested by t'he paragraph, and will stop y Incressoduring year, g33,7bg,702 9A wise, It would be almost impossibleto----..►...,1t _ __„ the village of Fingal frdnl small- by saying that "sleeping dogs should J a troyed by fire one day lately, It Risks in force, _ - o ,rr crease Of this rata will, the fancy, very )ox. Tho epideinic is now eon not be awakened." Yours truly,. wo s Discovered early i,J,t the mornin Increaseduring'year, $482+1_6,184 30 matiteilly affect therevenuH. Ttiatrile GOudllot public affairs tvitltout party.- Leebtll•u. 1 g - f's64,490,251 !la H1d01'Od at all slid. A METHODIST WELL `� ISIllea. fite,and before any assistance Receipts from all sources, $26,216,932 lig that this is the rate in use in tbo Uuit• It ie uudeniaUle that abuses may creep Miss B. Howatt, of 1Vawanosh, is could be rendered the ba}ldtgg was Increase during year, - ed States, but w•e fail to see why "we iuto the system, but even without these tlle�guest of her aunt, Mrs Jas.Taylor, Sault SLC.:Aiaric, Ont., claims t0 (Intended for last week) gutted, leaving the walls standin paid Policy -holders, 53+000,010 09 . should follow them in some respects, it would be "Itarty" either in a limited 'Mrs" John Hillier, of Goderich, is � the best lighted City in Canada, To Che- Ldiior otshe Clinion,Neta Era. Cause of fire is unknown, but so e ° - - 514,7_7,655 s spending a few days with Iter sister- hating 1,0001rtcandoscoltt eloctlie SIs,-Permit us, in the interests of suppose it t° have been the work of THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FQ}.LOyEE: particularly in backward movements+ or broader sense. Partyism has ser• iD-law, Alrs I''. Iiorton. lir "Truth," to occu a ortion of our Benda and Mori skits in the streets, py p y tramps, lie building and Contents gages, - $18,0t7,87d o2 and not in others. If the governme„t taiiily been carried too far in sumo re- Our teacher Mr (,r. Williams who The United States Coligi ss has spa e'to r afy to anJ(item headed "Pre- were insured for $1,200. UnitodStatesgnd other securities, $48,016,704 14 cannot amend the postal rates for the spects, but the principle is an insepar. ,has beep confined to the house fora deClinod to vOtO fU? rho money Recording signed d,)in your lash kine. Real Estate and Loans _on conat. Airs Cather]neS]nglet°n,wifeof the oral, . . - . . 1121,786,1"rt xl better, it should neyer be done to snake able condition of responsible govern• few days, is again able to resume hie for the proposed tour of Canadian iVe had supposed this controversy clos- late Wm, singleton, died on February Cas)' In Banks and Trust Com - them worse, ment, and for our part we would not duties, 18th, 188,) in the tgtynshi of patties at interest, - . a public mon thyOu�;h the States. ed, but when it is re -opened by one side, p Luther, [nterest Liocruad, Premhlma de• $ ,813,2,7 Ills (lave it otherwise if we could, Lxtrem• The service here on Sunday bas the othorhas a right to a hearing, •1 },p at the advanced age of 78 years. She rcrrcd and is trPremi Etc,, again been-•ehanged from afternoon A garroter, styling, himself item says a large number of the mens• with her husband, settled in brat $3,248,172 4t•, Co) Ink itolllul to It tats there ace always, but an honest es- to morning, at 11 o'clock a m,, by re- "Jaek,•the Choker," has Caused a bers of Londesboro ATetiwc7fst church iVnwanmsh in the year 1854, when $12n•o82,16s f)6 tremist may be even better than mu quest of the town congregation, sensation in Denver• by a series of. 1°ere present. It would have been bet- that ktoaljL,v was, it dense forest, and v... Risk, �'Rilk, e, 'Phe adoption by the United States unstable independent, who is here to• The members of Leeburn LO. G.T, y` t ter if it had said a "select few, In b'r hard lab()r,and continued industry 1 A""'"ed, o.ML.naiec, ' surplre. d OMCs - :Issault'� On 0104) ICC104S reference tothe address, we wish to say manic tlleu),yelvea a cUlrifurtable hnroe 1996:;;,. qs 681,420,•,•" Congress, last week, o£ it resolution •fit. at their re alar meetiq on Frida , ,507, a0 I'7�0• ' $4,748: 7t day and uo one knows where to•marrow g g, y women. that it is too fulsome, and was evident• where they lived tnr 1886....• 6fi832,71A.,,,• 388,981,441...,,, 5,012,fd1 voting Commercial t pion with Canada, r , night, were visited bq four members , t, ll, g often up for the lar )ane of ereatin� b,ether and raised a 1857•.... nf."su'd88.... 8198,886,90,:• • • • 6,04 wki the best thing that we can do, ulttil the from the Nile rod e. Aver le»snot Tno prl,uucr,; n:Yntud 1 ,,ticrhrnl t 1 Isrge family, In 1882 iV, 6tngletmi taa8,,. , :o32t4''82t`'9� .d42 §las given`An tfilusu$l im crus to the -die . g ) p a wrong impression on tae' minds of surldelily departed on the I8th day of p millonium.,arri.vea,. is. to accent our eft• evening waft B(lent, dud ColvOr heal(tll LhC lull )and your readers. It •uii' ht thlcc well ' hQBF,FT ,AZe1 cuesiolt that has. for some time been - ' ' wall itt CObolitgr akttl Cset)pCcl Ott amonrfst stran,1 i ebruary, exactly seven ears before. a IhAAC Ir 35v! Presidentae ' .._..-• -.-.--.-_....aunist,altcee,_"send the..bes.i"men_We. Can. Our ,(dell kltown bacbeior._pri•..thp.-., ,. many 1 , I.LOYDN - 2d VbWPreside l Lt cis, but tee think y 1VILLIAAI .1. kAS'1'ON, 't Acstllle tlf_1 vndaabaro_aud,sur.: going; on concerning this question, and hill has-urchased...a 1hle;dily, _--T%ey w.c.ly-r4.UII ittl.1w.d,.4f x)ze.; A curious, law Case will soon trait,- Secreurs•. to parliament, and'fu that way' try to p aashinf> bf1V t roundufit ----•- notwithstanding the fact that sumo Of steed enc' tI1P Gsir•i,ex are ti,ntiiug, Dir. the borne Cvehing;, „ cauutry do not believe it. It ptre. A -Kia- u'lti7issouri lioughtall A. {'t', Ittyl yi •5gtee•itt-(--Agen's ,__,..--„ purify the party atmaaphere of sumo of ward to a Omd stet h ri<lu before the A lead doryr soaks of the success of Mr ltog;ors entire horse form two ereun iri GrN the papers opposed to the retic' !e are g g ` Eefu'c existh 1u t1 Te pastorate here.hf dC. tr0yingligood,com town+hip; which was p ua ' y i t• �'• • Ili -fit• 51errit '' P iP the evils that have attmebtld tllemsplves .aleiryhi-D r rmc� 3lvtt - b b s' tc lnrts of Nott Mat tinsville, 11 . 6regation, and driv:u„ g ranteed &9 t, Still consistent in their oppoaiti¢n, Choy to it, but which aro not a necessity to a An entertainment a ill be held in V•, and 300 of rho animals boyo then t bs corn et tnd ih 1 tris he hag not proven to be, (ion.11lg,>g., 41 1'on e T m will quickly change their tune when the church is success a purcltascr is sutlig; for$IUOU. K ' ( onto party form O£ governmetlt.. the temperance hall here, ou F'ridAp, been de LtrOyed. Cattle, shoe Would the steward or the pastor dare (`he costa will be Puormoua unlegg it they f}nd that Sfi John has expressoci the ]5th, The mBhtbeta will b© aq• p to publish the number of members - . - •• - I Additional Leoal News. sisted by ,the members of the Nile I, and Cv it horros have diad froth when this pastor•came, anti the number Si settled by the u:utiea A commj9 Itis followi at the action Of Conn*rocs. bUinb bitiCn. now, also rho number who attend class. stop will 1fkP1y be is,wed tU collect y�tslt(iCSbUro L'tltter cC (]tet gdi The'follotving aro the words of that ra- , - -; '" . - O. (r, T, and '-others from .a distance. 7 evirlence slung rite rriute dawn in 1VLltullfnCtal•iue'Cu. (Gd.) 7 OWN COUNCIL. An effrrt is being made to make this Since the St. George 'accide,tit How is it that 'some have withdrawn solution: a grand sui:cess, All are Cordiitlly thorn has been it )h°nomCntil in- and gone to Clinton, some attend' at Migiottrt, Neither party, will awn } Blyth, some hold meting;. in the'rem- much Of the value of the hor+ie, by ua nixl Com ,nny, advertised to be above "$e it resolved, that tvheuever io the j 1teas he ineeting'of the Town COun• invited. CreasO in the sa1C oFta}ltva incur• terance Hall Londeb-boro, and quite a ( e Held on ail wag belrl on Alunday evenibg, J 1 the time the ,•uit is over. Wednesday March Nth, has been postponed be duly certified tot it 1 ra ya,-ri t of the a nec tickots at the various boolf- 'number mote do not attend. church a to Wr:Ita;ESDAY, MA»CH 13th, tat 2 o•eloel(, at United S.tntes Haat the GOVernntent of 1''LYANCE CUnlilvrrpl;'S RE1,Otl'f I3rucef el(l. r, +---" HaILs Hot°], Contracts fo! }tauiing ct•c, at the Dominion Of Canada has declare(! rL . `i'a meat of the fnlluwitlg in,(„r ofces. The increase amounts w•ben the pastor is there. If the pastor Jan)eh lien, a �un1r m over the el, C routes to tele Loc y accounts tllr It. Murdoch-, of Vartta has is held til such higth• esteem, how is it y o art ic(i over oto a rral the sensor 10 Loncle boyo desire to establish .Commcreial 1i11iol,' was orderers, -W, Wheatly, work on moved into Air McLeod's nets house, l0 ov(^t 400 pee Cont that so litany of the young ulembors.of pian' of Picston ling heen honterived tet. et thta tueotiuk w.L, ov ; , ' Lt l he . . with the United States, havin+ a inti- f1ILTTP, Seo, ou atrPetg, $1,7 ); 11. A. I'urrestPr, l'1'ChldCtlt llAt'1'i�Ult'h InaUhUl•a• . the Church, when getting,( ,harried, do t() 40 l;tgheB a td d0 d:l 'ti In 'ilii r, '', , form revolle systand ike interna] tax• I and .las, Thom ,.un, ,ituditurs, SIU JIr Hart has now g(,t 11ie grocery tion Loch )ISLCU Un :1londa and not employ himY Haw is it oniric tot attetn )tin•r u r �• ;l . (>1 EC ➢.• ' el3tobecollech:d,andlikcilnportQutiDs; each• K i�'ebb, work at celnet(_ bu9inP., in full runninry j ,,t olttt,1gk ,Ltv,lelto ' ander, AIr %vas remarkable. 0,r the alyeneo ministers are called to VWt-the sick Year Old rir•1• Hit"'"cidtspnsed of mybutche , to be jmposety fr n othL 1il6ol+ht into ) r y W, O \ail tins Bane to CllntoD, and .but ' the react? IIcty is ft thmt h _ gess cc n1r cruor •° Haack(, ! rh.l bus)-_ eit]u r carultry Froin utl (r nntions, and I )1 S.c ; 1i . 1V11P»(ley, san1P, $1 ; Jun. of tin nlenibCC Of' (✓}evClal).(1'h film tvlr .r y r - --- - int ,stn, 6 desire to .thank no dutie. upun trade buTween Calnt,la i Ridnut, in-uranee, . 24 81); ,file, 31i1• lir Alex, 31cTavi h, son•. (if III e ] llr IIOueh WiLtc here±, land for the - tt I,rLtron9 fns Oust Antro tags aud- i Xcl'avigh arrived home from the N, I l,y, of though. heat's had been 1''e- fir3t riCt'Cif tltottth'g .ctf his ,a510ratP , , BORN' �'t s;•(.ith` Y wilt enntinue thu sr oe to my sue- tb Ila• mmi ,d titcrti t IL :;hull al, who , ler, tvurk, 7:io, (l, 'l'cdti)rd, wn,ul fur 1 ' ) 1, u,tl - in C'lintcin ° • As I and atlout tO leave tY, x hurved tf't• thQtn tilcrc ryas s0 much talk of enlar;;ing+ the , on the ,,th in t., rite fir,( of A)»•;l,. it a•fll l,e'a "t about thr1:c ('urrunissiuttera tri nll:ptthn.,n who; ch»rit�• and fit Tnwn Hall, $v-i.SU; SV. 'i,D. 5tgturday Inst. He intends - 1 the wife of AIr IID ('1 (neat eont•uu,- c utrah, gut! that now, bt Read, of a soft ,colt' all il)(10a •d witteatl tlncl setts nt,iV bu likotvi,o,.hslt I Merit for 11 j,. i 10.1N, ? ; returnin to »'bout c) weeks, when he A t:ieotghi (•un ,le l,el' r a trustee says, n.,±., a deer ;Ittcll l4 repr Littre $' eU ; rd 7"ewe- K } 1Cvitt tltev n1i,• liol,.ns.-In Semforth n t th •,n c tort. Lefuret.hht dale. ! h,n•e.i, sf tviil trtke with liiln'an •inn )nrtHd ltAl- ir; the 1r ,'ht 'run a partition across it( I e .._nd iIr 1r9a„kern r„e ) ruccpd t}ie,Guvernmetrt of Ca:rlatht, to prPl)are i IE•y, rneit, L4 :itis (�- i`edtUrd, .Hurl• 1 aj'lrl , t}1:11 a f!'ltit Cal;p mlEl rmtt /art. I''Pl)•, rho tvifP tnpau) uunlu5'onacco • :n phis for tlrea�''3i;a:ilrtWrl of thu i]tt )( trt I Ilrit•v, $2.3 lion aud,a ivurkin mare: t flow IH it tttit %vile, he of Mr f. Iftillnoa, al kia.L'l' t!.lv untB ,� ,U; },. Nnlnu•;, printing, (C d, g intl)rOves tt ith agc+, 1cC1)l.thair wed- (vent to 731cth to (ivi+<nm of his fine ullc7citttker, of,tt sbn.. Elutiels awl internal r:nonno taxes oflthe 1 $6 ,,0 ; Whitely !%t Todd; $1Lt .IU; Re. The b6ys ;A' :�o. 3, 1'uckersrnjlb r sari >tt - + _iwrl C!}t+ntr. e. , dot„ < also tultil iuht tvtrok n hen 1 �id discotn'aPtt, soul!! of t,c morn• 1iA.rRld',) `(() I'IC 1.. r0 O (let(+,ii '" �' ,� .. • •ir,in(( a i,,%Ljlit,xbl'e tlivi;j.an vej}gt:}.fr'(,%..,P!atvn 1_ .11, etti: q.l.' fr�a)>., )]a Pd a• friendly , r . bers 1 I e!(>i.ti _(- l „y ___ _ n.nP of •tacit bLll ' sad C-11:= i , a c nl•mercial UnioD, ILnd -, -` -� y- " 111t�1 L}1L11., illildt:Crl__ tI1C..a '. );at u t An(l left the cbwroh avd '.1'v.Nb.tl,1. ST;t --_ wPigu reales,1 l.ulr. tnttli the boysfruiu oTfi, sully, on r , . __ _ tvtaliltt riz6.4t�tnli i,u .Itliit oLv ' ' �s At the l,esidenee _ Lc , i.t, 1 _lI -. _._.-ars-tt .5� 4tW-,- 6A6H:fst1dm_on.tlelit'h In' ler - /i(: .Ir(t , saint ('Daunt 'arnl,crr h.i11 report to the Ai r rTan;eH tint, , ,nn] tiHkPd fur a re 11''riday last, un tLe brru°ntls r,f the L 1tc ( ake tt as 1O , -cal-s uld, . that, whoa Ili Ian tLn n stt., by , . e.. __ 1-t.t _lk_Lbf--_,, ,4iy, g Y E' terttLlllln "It the ROv J, Edge, 11Tr Loren T. '1'vndalt Ilnl,w l ,l! j' .• it (''Iwpf/ "•"-'•'--•'------•_ frry 1110111, t..;. BI1;Ll1 a!1�' t}iC Pt'hn1't h,t i filed (Ir ,art hf ]his licei)8P, f(,r lHnt i latter, Each team scored -wiC oat 1.11 r,r last wintc-r, tit Loridesbiir,„. tht-re were t0 '1' ti'r'tr'rU, rl,u1 cIP ('1c(r )lN foto (;1,r1g re s. I t g }lis, }girth, a (ilfidhtune Alas Lenora,Stevens,eldPst Q(iugthter l: }, lir,, rrl,�YlrnU ( ) ) ! yEar, i)9 his cnrlsidercd tl']at hH a•us I thus leaving the match a rie. J1 r U, school tv.jell 1 oulnlittud uirid + about ttveuty•tifr present, and when at of Alr des. Stever ,. rs tt rl,rn,r n, LS,f7 ` The ]1ml,ir:' rrpnrt,.r'i„iorvir ts't',I Hit cllargrr'(1 tun much in cnnpariaun with i L)alttts act6d Ag referee• ' Ktnbnrn, about twenty, Ilou is •it Goderich LOicnshis all of tl,e bnEe lino, b)`hatl,'ittg; ,})CI'SC1f un St1nGa)', that, when �eg(ot'upnCnw euflE,;tttreit p' ToLiroi.cheran• v, ,7ahn when it wns nu:x,uucod that Lhr, Lhin year's Ie�y. The matter was re- Alr Gtm. McCartney '.r.M of ltDbt. whilu tbC flim'[ 1 for Mn.nurs-Sxr[ ' 3,r( (u1hn1 tl,aehotnual I l 1vCt'l ,° , Ch,li1•Cl'1, ediiieatioe, not finance," and bnl H, -li,) the Ttev Cos, e+d hobort Al, litwey, of the Tatvu.pf Clin it TPSelntjan ha f prt:•.e1i iri ('nng;r,•.;, null} fetrE•rl to the FinOnce t!unmilteP, i4lcCartney, of the ltljl[ 1Lnad, telt fur ShU w,ls ill ill health :1 • • €, y Richhrdson, at the home of the brjdit.a in thpCouutyof uurpn,t-he To• ton, ' I It WA9 InMn'd by Courlciller Nen- It(emr•PJaw, N, 1V. T,, un Tuesda , nd dLhpon_ char•c:.d 10 cents cant, or three/ for areArerclanut., father, On the '17th Feb., AIr Afre(:i In OvtanlaBsi ilia of Chapter i3'i lt..,,0.,I;W, x is i� whet h! ai;l: l city, ,Pcr,ned by Cunn(:illnr (:uurh, lIe tool: with hire twn h )at Y dCrtC.y is hu11)Ose(l tO LuvC hCan tweuty•tit•P cEsuts, ut tJtct tir(;t, by Atr Duncan AT h ,entofhlsestate of hor-es Cook, there wero about 3', precut, at t orris, of Devil Lake, Dalcata, to David A. 1•orrnBter, of rho ; •andeffeets "1VP ,tr(r ytl'y' ) h111 „f It, it. t',tuunt I �ia the elt-etf10 light SEL Dick4oll H ant] game farri, IttlpletrlerltH, We no- the l'tLl1rU Ol till) t'ahl! :i('t: tIIC SPC rlrl b 1' ' 1 • •+ t0liI1S8lslizabeth Jall• CIli,tuu,forthu ) ald Town ur be rvt,:lr'1e•l itn ,1nytllL;,; n.orP Lhall nVl- CnrnPr,l)C IrepL� Irl Mals by 111Y Cnt7llirtl its der9tAl1 t1 hg, : ', ,� Q r y , rl Livingstone, 44, aqa L Sulitt, of 1 UTpOBCs of the said Act. At ilia Owl], ort ' Lights and 4,41adow•s, '' Goderich, Olit. ' f All ],arsons ]laving plaf?ns apaiust tits sai(i :ICac, of a ff,0n,liL 1iin!,, y tree wPare Isle tatC of e . in11 (,(r neV(I Untjt lute t,`^ Laker) 11(1 latlld attll A fhl'ITt('r ntttTllal �IC(i1L1'y", Uf n tpbart Af, Haep r , nds making that pruvinc0 his fu- W(!Stun rutut'l,inr fr•Ont thu TUtUrI- at tl,e lust attern}tt 1'l, an(1 zit the se- 1 rxttaArEn--i1'xrR-ln Arlccnla,ou the, s&wewith tit s y aro requested to nle tbo f noon r• ; utilil 11 t ::re,•, �i'u arts further DOtice. Carried. `' sand nttemlrt, 1:, ,arsons. l . t 27t1t I'eb., b Iicv It H, dal wit i u aid Assignee or Lis sohcito,R f&v:,rltblc• t', Coininrrri„} ilnfOn as far lute home, Ile w•tta accompanied by CU rIt(tl'I:Ct t\'stn hCt Olt �) ' t}IIC� Ch 1 lot is it y lme. Hl. A. AIC y , ed by alhdatit, and also st 3 T hontas Linklate'r to lfiss lialilla Weil t110 -in tile'nattire and value of sec sting as tlr' jut.'r, t t•; .•i (',tn,t la ,Lin tool- l he followlug; persons were Apl>ulnt- Janes '1'bolnpeon, mf �tanl(y, tVe „ , that at the last sacrament' there were any) hpld b .th unity t,f Pd oil -the l4oard of Ilealtl, : ,I, Chid.- tai+h them every succr's•1• b'.iat°1) badly abutlt the head and onl • '2r1 both of Turnberry Y otn,onorbeforetheTbirt,ett (:0rtl i l•" y oi• rl phere ,when m11 abort' day of Arareh,,A; D. 1880, after ,Bien date t1w - icy, k n lMayo d lir SPai le,wtth the ruhbc'cl; he dt appc:u ed alt Sunday, arts occasions there have been about All-:;r,rtot•r.--llrTCIII;I,I,-:.lD Iiow•ic•lc 0 said Assignee will prncea(I to di" Tho }•l rrnil r talse� t rn:nln nt .i,•: r.,t•-__-_•- -••* • .►-..--._. _.__ ISU? lfow fs it the paster tins to take n Stttbute thO (.;err: Anil A1Aynr. and IL ih hll])1)ph(d that t}iC LCatin t))( 2711 ] eb,, by Rev AIr Ayers, AIr a sct's f s t(l Itthcrt Al. vaeey &Leong s'irty the matt,•r, which iia inure t•hatt - -_ _ i'orlirr's Ilii]• dorant;ed his itit•!a•1' ocl. g utp two quarterly' collections, instead of John A'los"rove, of'BoisHevatle Ala to tltcse of p,hnviug rrg&rd only tl, t0 t5hn9e ('10111'9 the 9tbid Aasi n(,l can be°ra;d of 1 is nri,ln:r, Ilut il, un,,I (7uNntslt.'I' -A g rPat nnt�ical enter_ 11'i{liam Cux, H5n (•f AIr tiarnnel 1Y•11 , . Ona lisee it -ye dins pt 01H' 114 ill the AIinB Annie A.titchell, of lLaniek, 8111LI1 ttiou [laveha,t,noticd• g tainrnent will be given in the Town ('t,e, Cut,line arrived home •from 1)a- tw 1'(iuill, (,f („tlabog ie, have te, sea It yet, ecce},t :;fn *ing in the IlatMNON_.MOom,. •At A111cetingofthe c r' r,pininn hr• reP't a _'rcll Ileal Fnrtnr )IIl'Uhitned hutnO I�iiil lieat' Ca a chOtt. lerhaps he meanH hPl )torr to of the resirfenc;p y rel,torvuf s11id Robert 11a11, Clintu'], on tllH ereninj; of th© knca lhfs week, itis man friends t b 1 the bridp'H father, an the l,(itil l:eb, and fo 6i rur tri° appoh,t)"("it Of ins119etnrs than tlr ,resent uud r( r. y kill the Ladies Aid Society'. Its it not by RPv J.1L,llooihon e . „ to ordering of tl,e (.state general) I n{{uired that 19th incl. Among tb(se who will welcomed hirn back to the home of bng;ia('heap rC(wntl� . S1>iCntli�l dc• a true to coin i • s , Iohn Harrison, 1 irsaant tosaid Aot, w•in h t £ C dcnCa that this •amE of Stratford of said RObertM. Itaeev, in t!�i(Ilown tun+ fit the Hour fulurl: elu: a trade t'elatin„g enntribule numbers Mn tl}e occasion his boyhood. li'e Should judge tram ])nhitr of it<m ot'U huvjrltr been report should be int to Alary A,, eldest Baugh- t ►nun of . he l:xpomtmrof la ter of Mr Thomas Moore, of '(Vin +lrnm. inUw!irn1 �VF;UNI':sDAl;thel:sth(ln.y (,f;nlnro . tvit}, utlrntighb,rs rnus' i,; nLtninel, »re Alis lists Carling, A1jss Bale his appearance that the prairie Pmun. f'nund Uti'it, hc' 'h:t5 bceh otl'CrCd tvicek, headed, • Encouragting the paH• ' R aceoctnekl,,m, (raliaghxr, AIr J. I'. Trainer; and try bas dealt kind]y with hirn. „;•1tfi,000 tin titer l:uicl 1)l, 1i>nericart tor," and be without a si nature. ArP T.tvr.r,r.-S:ir.r(I:Lr, On iie<hte,(I y, Dated this Nth rias pf 1'pLru and hn iB Rails capaulc I,f trinur'jng Alderman ll°nglas9 of Stratford, Sir Wo to infertliat the Werra tverc ins nretl, Dlareh (ith, iEat Blnple Grove, residence DAviu A. t OIt11hft.v oft , ary' iritic' his sails to catch any' breeio that will .Tanner and Mr bY, ShanP, til th 1)rATHe.-On Thursday motning s3 ndle ate. 1 of'AIr ,JOltn Salkeld, sr., b . A. aignee. or jdoesj it show that there is a colored y the Rev. G. MAshr:r•(;,4 S('U7'T,Assig,t°O's 801icttors 9 A1re I." Bateman departetl Ibis ]ifs, 11 i)tOtiun Ot' W",Ill of CuntidenCo follow in the fence? Ilow is jtthat all ))ichar(ienn, Mr frank H. Taylor, mer• Cth,t r keep bin) in the emoo:h «•eters of pow• Miss Tessio Iwidd of Dublin, AtrTt. I1. u �. er. IIP only adapted the ,N1. 1', as ,L), Collins of Exeter, Mrs Judge Doyle, tomk sick last Qctaberuand since 6hr in thu' 1lierc iPr (cove' rnment pro• intelligtent community that patroniz(s `,liant, l lckford, Mich., to ATiss Nellie , - - „•__ Miss Adds Obilton Mills Cooke, and ' a posed by the Opposition in Con- that which is purely intellectual, with_ Salkeld, of Godericb township, o1Q f+o experljent to lift slim into ntif!•e, and he Air G. W. Reynolds, Goderich, Miss time hag been confined to her tied rrection with the budlr out having to be baited with eatables, SPAn1,12n--Iiat'utp,.1,r,.-0n the 6tb of 4_ UNT'RY Tf CKETS. nearly all the time ; Rho is mourned ' was gum would not turn out more than 1:j per- March, at the residence of M S. Rath - has only stood by it because the Nat• Cooke will be the accompanyist, and, maul) I'CjeCLed in the HOU-so on sons' to hear this esteemed pastor•? well, Goderich townshj b ; �'' l ' ionnl I'ctlicyists stood hl, 'him. if' Ito Prof. A. W. I{, Aarinksen, rho rear by a Large circle of friends; Rey J: S. r I p, y I el,. 1I. E. ,'v-. a ,i g Fisher, mf Holmesville, preached her l't Iday b3• a vote of 33 to 12, or a They seem to enjoy. the eatabloe better, Hill, Alt. Geo, Sparling, of Grey, to Miss �� „. �,; finds Commercial i;ni�ti popular with vinhnist will take hie part. 1'litn of faneral sermon last Sunday. Death m:ljortty of21 tot the (a0vernmCtnt. eapeciallyat the anrsanage. iVp might UTary Hwthwell. .rLr - -+_ �� the people hp will do what we hay© Hall at ,Jackson Bros. store' also visited the family of 11Ir John Tho Stogma •City Of NCW Ypr]c lrat any that this letter is called for '----`" -' - �7 BANK . YDUO entirel b t� pro hesied 'ail alenrt-- SHAP.EHOLrtFXg,.-.Amon I�, on Sands mornin takiD y y he pubhgatlon Of that (tom 'ativ �tjvevilsements, - wo rn , ; �"` P adopt it nod be g y g 'from china •itnd,.lapan 1)I ing ad- relating to the presentation of the d'rl: r reieat all the itading BtpatbBilip the official list of bank ShaiA alders their six weeks old baby,, which was hao. crosei 8uppnrted by all'his rank azul rile tvhn its the I)otninion, we find 'the follow• ill but a few days. vieCs that relief is Coming its from dress, iVhy is the item signed by the ttrcrNti nfATtL' FOR SALE, -A h'IRST- g the Atl"antic and we can Kiva all s1dCS f0'r tbC �r!'L'at dlttti'Cdg In ryas full infnr,ri&tion about travel to any part now ('pposc the principle. ing in this neighborbood:-Jmbn A'rd' Recording steward, when there cLAss well broken Driving Alare for sal°. 1 B1ttcrs•-;vitss I:, Campbell, Gode- tNor•th China Caused b last sea• neither a meeting of the Quarterly ).red frog, &Blaek-Hawk, darn byNaterkkiriap V'V- ,,1AC� 1Vhen papers raise ttu cry sheat 'titn. Seaforth, $1800 ; 'RicftArd AldwOrth, rich is vititin at Creon e Cok's 6th Y Board or of the members? Yours, a c., airs. Ia rising throe, dark bA,y, has nowl,itp. `• air Godericb $6,001)• W. N. Anderson, con,, Goderichgtownship Notwith- sO"Is flood, but�novertholosx it is 4 Has splendid action and good voed. Sold A(;I,,NJ, Orimimiting; against Great Britain," ' , Ttm AIrtinntn ur rur; Cuuncir, on reasonabe terms to snit -pure laser. Ap- (Imderich, $1000 ; Christina Chillaa, standing the stormy weather of Feb• feared'many thousands of people rly at N W RHA Odive, Clinton, or front it just shows how little thliy lulow con- (.odericb, $1800; Jmhn Dickson C}Ode• ruary, Wilson Cox hAs decided on will horish in the (:old durtnn the ire hmve a letter from Seaforth re VAus•HALL BRAI1HWAITE, nlyt), it• CL18o1TClgt cernbig this qucstian,• Great Itritain'4 rich, $1000; Christian Glass, (Inde- having a barn erected on the old Winter. � ed in tileejMit (tell Advocate (but as til - LI UOIt i. ` 1' ' b/ trade with the United States is tell rich, $300 ; W. It ay, (Tnde;ich, $i,00; I homestead• A)Arge'numberof friends The annotiuccment that Richard pp ared in last week''s nun, it is 2 Ii LN:�➢a,, v i -,-, { i r letter a e iO �L I. l A L�.IJI �tI S A 1.411' time;+ atr great a:i her trade with•tl a Do• Fede al g,n hasp,. Cr -Du oh, 1101)0: from Holmesville and vicinity visited Pig ott has Committed suicido in not necessary tM pllolish it hare.. Hv. \vcatlee ra ltprel'y git»n to all rarties in the r 1 I+'ederal Bank :-li. C, Dunlop, Voda• Mr .J. AlcCattney, of the ?th con., Alitdrid id c'r ntirme7. Thin is' a Ri ling of nuron, desiring Dither Ifnty] " mtniun ;and w't,ilr the trade bt (ween rich, 812000 ; C. Mont Omer OOrin,- Nrac Ta(t•1 or shop i.icuu9es fur the Salo of litl, ' that } g y, and speDt A ptPaeant time till the , tee►.°.` _-. _. _ atrl,lier1d,)n for the sainn nntst he rnarin to �a����j1p 1'1,ngtlflll(I gild tllP St;Lte:i i•i rapidly in. rich, $•10U. Ontario Bauk-; N. C. early mmrning hourtt, 14Ir Ashley,oa t.ragric Lot nut. surpriaingr Ceding; The annual statement of 'Ph 1r tl"' ,"• I:•raigued not later tiinn thu iA of lulu FAR Ilrowe, Godericb, $5.0: -Standard fur nuc'h a Character. Having con• Life InsUrnriCe Com any of New YOrkl A ,rilpt'.exc. iV. ,jinP.9ISrap;Y, inaperlOr, PROLERTY oreEtsin, ,aur trndr. svit}t l;nglnnd ja do- copied the pulpit of lfethel Church, r� p Glut firs the Township of t.Otleri;ll, d Bank: -W. N, Anderson, Goderich on Sunda evening, in the room of fbsscd himself • a forger, perjure)• shows the remarkable progress made by rl, I11 ♦V ___ _^ tlan 01. 11nrr±over. the }>resc•ut ('�iva. 113,3U0; W. Iiay, Goderich $1000; C, R,ev A1r Jiill, who had engagements and .conspirator, Pig�Ott' probably this institution during twetvo months. ; MITI+, IS I{[N(r, phrs,,;,,,t to tl,e owrr n . than tariIT 11is-riminatcs ag,,aiii,q Ore:Lt Mellardy, Goderich . $1500 • .John The rec6rd made b the Mutualecli a s n t B.aln eontafnelt in :, • elsewhere. Mr John Pickard has can 3idered life not worth livin y p R t have bnnn appointed teg:nt far the Salo b14 tMil lrvl n we '11-111° by John Alursli m i ml Neelands, Win ham r, • ' .been seriously ill for som time Ast anti t•an End to his ext t u has Wino to chs tc»dor, (hero ,(in I3ritai❑ and ir, f+tGt,r of the United g , $ UO , G. Strong, p � g its Own bests efforts, and naturally ex• of the celahratud W)IIEO Sewing Stachtur', h(. ry Sf r far1111 ,J Ito ti) A,en � C3otrl , $1.30, Bank of HAmi}ton.- but we are glad to stat `that he is 1 u st°neC. coeds that of any other financialinstitu- I the Only sowing machinn that was awarded An, by •lAm(+, t fltatPs. T'1.0 aVtsrnge rate of duty jrrl- y tion ill the tnOtld. rho new business' ftrst•prtxo at the Cincinattl Cpntonnlal P,xpn- I[owaon, auetinncor, W. t,. iVieyer, Ntngham, $1000, Mol- t1 peculiar Division Coart suit sttfonln li'm, fot• silnl,licity of cnnstraptton, At the Ratteubur now rapidly improving, TheI.O,G3.T. written amoll ded to $103,214,261,32 durability of g0i1Se,CIintiOn nosc'(i upon 73ritfsh goorl4 jmported'in song Bank. --II. C. Brewer, Clinton, added another name to their list of Wad heard before Jud re Woods un Warta, aclaptabitity for light y to Canada is about twway•ttvo per cont b an increase of p$33,7'6,79'3.9.5 over the and heavy work, light and quiet running. :1t tltc Hour of 11 o'clock A, M1i„ pn Mur 13A s of MohtreAl.-Mrs 8. A', mPmbera, on Friday evening last, in S with 6W 000 white sowit, Machines in nap, Murray, Ashfield, $800, the r Tuesda • at Chatham. A cum• new rislfie assumed in 1RN7, and m gain white the average rate on imports from person of E. falconer ; his reason morcial tt avelor, Nrr Trobilcock, of 046,381,542 over the business of 1886 Manufa ured ui>on pin e p esdof du abjWt .; Saturday, the 16th de of Mar 1 for joining touched the hearts of all had left an expensive rubber Coat g constructed cf the Spat known n1&lariat. Iia y CllI the L',(ifect States id only fourteen nor ,-showln aaontinuousandpbenomena! . tsap'ahe fottow;ng (Ands Ana premlepe KittUrlrrl. present, and all were sur riled t0 advance, The assets of the Mutual life wearing qualities cannot be questioned, win Alf and einqular ihoee certain a , cent. What heave the shnm 'do t>Iista'; A in his room at Rankin Hous° ,Lnd last a, i eti"IC autonlatie bob)n vibrator; of hand and Oren p rrela pr traetx y THAT AND•THtRr-Inspector Alal- hear his neatly flmw of speech aunt '� now aggregate I12G,082,I53.rj(1, intliCat• etitphrngulator, Belf•sottingnoodlo, sinlnle the ToKnahi )ia°seit(intc, hyingg and beinglrr to say tit this? The a(iditiomil pros• loch, of Clinton paid our village an fluent oratary. during; big tom, Ul'aty abgCnCO IC Ing a gain for the year of $7,27',301. shuttlowtnder;perfecttgnsion; beltsbiftll, the To R p of 17odarieh, In the County of Official visit , -.� Wa9'RtOIOn. T O JUdtrO ]tell tjlo The Company has now an Outstanding devise end adjustable parts are eletnents of Huron h d Pr°vineb of Ontario, containing fo petit y th,1 t n uulrl acerae tU ('.anada , on Tuesday tact inspect- • ' perfection, All niaohinps warranted for flue y Admenaurempnt n3 35/100 acres, be tho ing our public schools, On Thursday %iensall landlord responsi hle 6r Ao logia insurance account -amountin to $482,- same more orlosa, And com riefnR (0retly) a nr- froin the nbolitiun' n( all re4trietions g yoare, I stn la a position to offer these ma• p p of tha garment, and ordhred hirn 120,181, Its total income from ail chines aB Chea as the cheapest, 110 snip tion of the west Bide of Not number Twenty h) evening o Isst week the Foresters of I1lticfa.-Our streets almost bare. sources is reported at $20,21',3:12. It and examine tiro rmprovea white berore the Ravn°id Concession Af the BRhI Tow] uprin trade between this country and this place and Lmndesboro had an Rev. A• McKibbou, Of Bluevale was to pay Mr. Ti-obileock the valtio buying. One utay b° oxnmed at to roti• ('odr.Nch, contnlnlrrg aft Ac eB oT land marc of the Ullitcrl States would enable' our oyster supper in our burgh ; the had in the villa a on Tuesda and, Wed- paid to its members during{ the year for donee, Rattenhury st. •roHN woe rLt., > t y g ys r t]let'00f Iesa (And whteh aatd pnrtlon oP said lot to mnrr a most enjoyable tjme,9peeche9son 9, 'nee p death claims. and endowments and Tins,niah, Clinton. fulty described by m'tern and bounds, in Asad thanlP to pnrct)asO more English goods g da . Great reparations for sum- In the Ontario LC riglalurc Un other Obligmtfona $14,727,n'0,'22. lJ - - mortgnge); and (en(ondly)%he northwest pArt)nn than ever before, Anel Canada wr)rilr! g,0= tecitatiaCs, readreg4, etc., formlog the ter building are now being made. b ' to date the Mutual •had 1'8,369 policies SALE, ° I3Y TE'XDI! lg. 1Of ell asori eonta�ninghyadmeasurement tlrtrtean intellectual part of the programme. Revival services are being carried on `V°dnogday, Mr P, reston moved in force, showing; a gam In membership , or leas, saki porEfon of InniiepthB I°tt an Here more cSme Engl7Lnd's b( st rnstomcr, Aa to At a meeting of this branch of the iD the Methodist Church, foi a rottfrn Of the vat ions tCXt for the yemr o£ 17,416, thus forming the T] the high Court of Justice, the Bn)•nal(i Cti qoof In lot acin),ta rrontnae on . the assirtion that reef})rOcit•,y rneaits an- British . and Foreign Bible Society books Used in tint schools thtro'a ;h- biggest army of policy kolders in an thirreen links, nd on rho ninth a rl ltencth anal nexation, it ie too still, to be discussed, held in the Methodist church, Jtey A meetin of rate a ers of S, S. Out the Io6 ince and other infer- g y ('trANCr'IRY DICii1oN. eese,on or 4 I'l n"I., aixtcrn rhdlpy ;arid nfep g y p re alar Ltfe Tnsuranco Coftlnany to the Unas. . The fact that Senator 131air and ail the Mr Manly, of Toronto, delivered a N°' 10, Hay, was held in the school- world• The surpiug fund was increased It tt't RNltuuY vB, rrY,rx,.,snN. ` oration. lIO tll'C l l0 shUw tbat Them are On the,trnmla,le7a Ing hnnar 15 t 'Le; most interesting address ; the Officers house, Hensall, on Wednesday, when $t,64',G22,11 fn iHIiR, and the iVfutunl A ing barn (with rn w hnnh(r hoof d0 x L Other atlnexationjste in the United the Government had el rod in mak• TAn1erB fur the plLrnhnar of t,nt Numhnr a 16ir earth!(, ) a, hnd ;a of the past year were all re-elected. tt was carried by a large majority that now has $7,940,06:3.33 over and above Twentyeight, ht t ,A Sevnnth Om,npsAfou (,t 8tatrs ienatP opnneP the hitt resolu• t! fits broke Out last Thursday morn• the trusteeB be instructed to erech twm car) tin tontraCts, and Wcro Con- every liability. tbn Township of Hallett, to tin addrAaaerl, T)7C tend is in gond eondlllnn an,t is fa1YI trnli tion nn the grnlin;;l that if tho Cane- Ing in the blaC mitb and, c6A new sebool-bouse9, One at the blind sequently to blame for the )resent - )AAtpaid to SUTURRhAND MAI,COMsoN, fenged, y gg°p 1 Pointers to rlorreld 1_1ndellts I �,a(a.,(Ioderiol,,Ontn.rio, wtllbe reaaved up to 'etRIMS,-Ten pct rent of fhA ur•hnse mune diens err gjvpn free a,rese tm F,ha Amor• shop owned by Sutherland ; they line between the first and.eeeond con- high 1)r]CC of tho vnrions reade4's to np pal;( nn n,(d,t n i TURSDAY, Tffbi I2t•,1 DAY m+ MARCIr, 1a9t1, y y f ealo an,1 file hahwee nt Wer9 0ntlrel9 COnBUmed,with tido Con• G°gs On, %UfiCh road, and mne, One and find tbo drawing bookh Used in the 'iVe like to hear from. correspnhdnnts n vttrl( r° can h° n,uln to + thrtlt days thcrpafter withont Intrfl•st. Th,, Dan mnrltets, they will never nslc for a quarter miles north of the Zurich 1 nechase ntther p chae0r wilt he required to sign a enntract (n tante of both Bhops; nothing was say- public NChools. An animated die• as`�Qen ae cmnvenient I Ruhjeetto thedower of Catharino Hopkin• t1)etiny nPaMefor(liecom tetfnnnf . nnexatjon, is a sufficient an.awer to all Mr Sutherland's loss is about road, on the 2nd COgCe9si0n (known r.uSsjon On the gubjcet aftorivarl},t inn, or fren frnm the aa,n 1',LrttrnlarR can Further farms Rnd p fl,e''tatrchas''. °d ' want all rho news items w0 ran I bo hail nn a) dicatlnn to thn Vondm''e Sir y of sa.lp, orrmaylhra Ia,I1nn A mi ze twaddle rho Anti•Cammer;jaltlnion $500 lr* ranee as 1t. Thomson': cmrner. took place, and the rrtMtion ryas ( y l l known on d,1 r , $30'1; W. Jlugil, ) ii gut, from nny part of rho Cortnty• 1kitors, ting t( n, HA,,B, gsq„ or mnn, it mif A appli ,% ("gang can find spAct for. wa'ggon maker, loses $500, nm insnr- Tho Yount; FPmple'e 10nprmvemPnt nett drtlarctl Cart•iCd nnt;l Litt) >!t i rnprOaAnt d t►y0nu1 to rmrreaponlent I '•'Atdr.(!OniRov, Rnncttoif. ance, i34eiety held their reqularmeetin Ott I M.1?'NI\:I �. ,y(•OTT AfaAfera.tonaprie,li' M1IANNINfi tL tfOTr, i'i LLC evening fe59ion, foe tis there. .lAnit;,y IIOWg(tN, i'cndnr's Knfleltnra �' Vendor's Snh,-Rm•a' Atletioneer, tri ^ ria 1A • n <,. r - Y ° .