The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-08, Page 2• - w 7, =w - . r-T—'- ,-.r�.- . —. TF— • - _ - • --grr.-T- - -... -�.••..�..-a.-n.__-, e...-......... .� •-.. mar.,- u t .. .,1. ,� - - ., k -, ; . F ,:' i at. t e' a r °h ,'tri l wh., o►h It was im .ossiktle for. bias to lar.pg, .....illi ..las' ,. Q a�A.t-v my T• !4f YE' 'R'.' , 1 r " �I.0 N 1 IJ,)AY, MAIL e, 1880.. dd. alto•;• #;i int n)y •vKgitk state yalt Z swear by ills Qk1tR><�i#>+y tvo W-111- p. 'e ���+ � ' , ... � . �; .,. <.t Flt. t baxq to kill eplalla oxce,t by, the yduitssxQl of IsndeavP><rng, to }n.ke. llQad Q.lr reel of Are teklipit the, lead is Cirlattn PR(} Flo got a gest hold over my TnTnd, and murder, you. rosy l ( h - P. myself afterwards --T don't Dees ><f I gyJlt which wgnl(1 be bis tains what r the mesllarga wtitteR to I>i sp>u .QA ° ' ping, >yhio wtll:be done et'a�t tuielr;.gn ilea r I became attached to you, and you y shortest Rotl9e. 0HQrP1$P Col 6 Death, e H be do pro I kill you Ifirst. Do was he to urge to convin4o her of the , ht before hiske flquttott b Q'p ONEL QUARITC _. f Vt C. were handsome to those days. Than , l $ y bila, G1vQ se i' trial, an$ yon of I ba Don ---- o a we to marry you, and you understand mel --yon tiger, as this, even bad she beer, open to con- $Ir 44knies do la l!•Iolle in the reign vinoadthaAt>aitliAtharlgb4 10,00 to get our Y" u d. red y . GrLEting done, as everyone gate .II?s flour TALE OF COUNTRY LIFE. r ► ut pf bl avado aril ktom yoli call yourself. If I have to built victiont But it was bitter to hi -10, of Charles I., and,, cpgf detatly be• QUIT AMD iPL in 44 I. , . red from his own wheat, rnrin- A. 2 A partly y p , p y axe coq depend on getting Wnair staff home -- affecttoa, Ia'took out tt license, to do you down as they do tigers, I will bitter beyond all conception, to have laevod b Ida to soutain a key co with thantt. liY Il. 1t1DElt HAl1GARll. which 1 made ,'false declaration conic up with'you at fait, and kill this, theme joy of his life, 'snatched the whereabouts of the treasure bo�lUktl TQ�l.• BLOUR ♦xn FBED.-Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. CONVINCED, Ghat I was Ovel')agei, and Wave a you. You have driven we to it,aad from him. He threw himself with was supposed to have secreted. — - D. B. MCLEAN, Kippen Mills. i.ht and public d b arrange- false name of the parishes is which by Heaven, I will ! Come, spook ardor into the pursuit after wealth Uf course the tale of this worthy. FINER THAN AVER. LINTOE MECI3ANI0'8 I sN TITUTE. , Copy- .; Y , 6 we resided. Next da half tipsy u and tell me that you understand, and dignity of position, partly be- sonl,Mrs Dobson, did not lose in the uiunt with the Rosa Publishing yr p Y Pt , Library and Treading Rooms, Tawx Company.) and not knowing what 1 did,T went or I may change my mind and do cause he had a legitimate desire telling, and when it reached Ida s SEE Hall. down stairs. About 2,eo0 voluaoea to the Library and all the Leading Newr "Why, .where the dickens has through the forth of marriage' avid]er anzium, it now," and once more he touched forgthese things, and partly to as ears, which it did at lest through papers and � Membership o2 the day on the ; got to G" she said aloud; "I wonder your and a few days afterwards my her with the knife. sus a tbb idd-stint Irritation of itis the medium of Gnorr;$, for, to addi open'froom 2 to t pipmt,, and'from 7 to a p. if he has given me the slipl" I mother 'returned, observed that we She rolled off the sofa on to the mind, but to no purpose. These tion to his numberless other func- m. Appllcattona tar membership received "licca I am, Edith," said D'I r j w@re unduly intimate, and dismissed floor and lay there, writhing in two spectres of his ekistence, his tions,George was the sole authorized Tm & Bw o- the Librarian 1tt the room. Quest, quietly, as he stepped front you. You went without a word as abject terror, looking in the shadow tiger wife and the fair woman who purveyor ea the village and country BENNULER NURSERY ° the balcony into the room. to our marriage, which we both of the table, where her long, lithe was his wife in mune, constantly news, it read that Colonel Quaritch 1N uaoNZE UN "Oh, there you are, are your" site looked on as a farce, and for years form was twisting about in its robe marched side by side before him, had gone raving mad. EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE said, "hiding away in the dark- - lost sight of you. Fifteen years of yellow barred with black, more blotting out the beauty from ever Ten minutes afterwards that rav- _ FRU1T ANu OItNA>yIENTAL TItEEI V NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH just like your nasty, mean ways. afterwards, when I had almost for- like one of the great cats from which steno and souring the sweetness a ing lunatic arrived at the Castle in MONEY! ! MONEY I MONEY ! AND ASTRACHAN PINE, Well, my luno lost one,', so you have gotten this adventure of my youth, Ehe took her name than a humeri every joy. But if in his Main he his dress clothes and his right mind, H — We can make a few good loans £row private TLI,t LAT'1'RR Or \t'1110E1 trC al Alre A tll'LOIALTP. owe home at last, and brought the L became -acquainted with a young going. `•Spare me," she gasped, thirsted for revenge upon Belle,who whereon Ida promptly repeated her funds at low rates and moderate expense. Germs made to suit borruword. tin with you. Well, give ug -a kiss," lady with whom I fell in love, and "spare me ---I dont want to die. I would have none of him, how much thrilling history, somewhat to the MANNING &SCOTT, - Clinton LARGE STOCK ON I'IAND. and she advanced on him with her whose fortune, though not large,was swear that I will never meddle with snore did he desire to be avenged subsequent discomfort of 11'Irs Job- The above ornamental tress a1„4 shrubbery wt long arils outspread. enough to 4elp me considerably in. you again." upon Edward Cossey, who, as it son and Jane. UNION SHAVING PARLOR. be sold at very low prices,aud those t,anin Air Quest shivered visibly, and, ! my profossiisfx as a country lawyer, "I don't want yours• o,tths,woulall," I here, had in sheet wanton nFas rob- No one, as somebody once laid anything in this connection will nava awn di VIN(4, rikIR CUTTING AND SHAM. purchasing here. 1.stretching out his hand,,atopE,ed bur. : in which I was doing well. 1 answered the stern form bending bed Linn of the one good thin; he with equal truth and profundity, POOING done very neat mud to suit — from coming neat• him. I th)ught that you were dead,or that, uboI le'r with t.lie knife. 11A liar ht.d. It urade him mad to 'think knows what a minute titay bring evi+ry psreou. UrtlPre by Mail twill br. promptly attend OHN RA DR',', hutithN Block ed 1U. Addresa, "No, thank you," he said ; ` I if you lived, the fast of my 6aviog you 11a,e Peen from yunr youth up, I th it this wan, to whom he knew forth, much less,tLerefore, does any- - don't like mint." wade the false declaration of she . anti a liar you aI ( 'll be to the end. 6iuisclf to be in even y' fay superior, body know what an avenin; of say ( JOAN $TEWART, Denmlller. ! and locality would be enough to ,1 Do u nderstt rl what 1 have should have litid the power thus to two hundred And forty minutes may S. W. I��S0�9 _ __ _ _ . _- The taunt stopped he and for Y g l j g pay I I GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. . moment an evil light shone in her invalidate the marriage, as woul.I 7 said.' in injure hire and he longed 10 )a . ,roducr.. For instance, Har be McKillop NOW Insurance Co. cold eyes. certainly have been the case if I had 1 `•Yes, yes, 1. understand. Ah ! him Lack measure for measure, and Quaritch-tbough by this ti he HUILON STREET, CLINTON. — s "No wonder I have to paint'" she also made a falso declaration of Imt away that knife, I can't boar it. throuolt ltis heal t', affections to had cone so f'er as to freely admit Repairng of all lchldtl promptly attrinded to said, "when I and so worn out with names; and my itupulses and in- It makes me sick," strike him as mortal a blow as he to himself that he was utterly and ream„na+dn rate,. A trial solicited. poverty and hard work -not like tercets scour )tin me to take the, -Very, well then et a ).” had himself received. ' hopelessly in love with Ida in love — Y; NEILANS, HARLQCK prompt gr t, g 1 BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST the lovely Mrs Q., who has nothing risk, I married that lady. Then it Site tried to rise, but her knees Mr Quest was no doubt a bad witb het• with that settled and de- _ GENERAL AGENT. t 'end the mo- was that yon. hunted ale down, and would not support her, so she sat man, his whole life was a fraud, he I termined passion which sgmetimes e e Clio on Branch Bi fa society nava for Isolated town mud village property, as wen - • to d0 111 clay excep Sp as faro buildings and stock, insured, dnsur. Jr ne , that I ought to have. I'll tell then for the first time I did what I upon the floor. was Eelfish and ii,scrupulala in ills strikes a inan or woman In middle S'CURE. Al iblestndTo tine assortmout of t y g « Bibles andTestamonts. llod by lightniu against ou°want insurance you what it is, my fine fellow, you ought to have done before, and took NNW, said Mr Quest, repldcinb I,(h'etnes and relentless iR their ex age -certainly did not know that TESTAMENTS FROM sets. UPWARDS � b y ad better Le careful, or I'll have the best legal opinions ai, to the the knife .upon (the mantelpiece, ecution ; but whatever may haye before the evening was out he would• BIBLES Flio.r 25ets UPWARUM. leap auar'd to the egos° address. b ooArRAcn$l:w. DR WORTHINGTON, De - that pretty cuckoo out o£ her -soft validity of the former marriage, "hero is your money, arid he Bung been the n.leastiie of his iniquities, haus declared his devotion with ro- poeltory, _ - !'HINTING_ PAINTING. neat suet cluck her borrowed feath_ which, to my horror, I found was a bag of notes and gold into her ]ap, lie w•Hs riot doomod to wait for an- cults that shall be made clear in 1 like her borrowed did to undoubtedly a binding one. You at which she clutched eagerly and other world to have thele rooted out their decent ordo.r. When he put J. T. W11, CIE, SURGb]ON, DENTIST The nndersigneddesires to intimate to tilt ars OfT' Iter, -__ people of Clinton and vicielity that 1}e ban the parrot." j also took opinions and came to the almost automatically, "The two to hint again. Ilia life, i❑deed,►vaa on his dress clothes to come tip to Holds UtoexclusicOri{ htfm'thecuunty for returned to town, and intends to remanl (t h r stn t same conciusioti. Since their tiro hundred, and fifty pounds will be full of miseries,tbe more keenly felt dinner, be had no more intention of the Hard Nitros of administering which is tale ,ere evlieer r to do y;, t, is ,otter prepared Perhaps y'utt had Otte f tally puao Nitrogen Mcuoxidc, which is the than over to do anything whatever in the ule to business. I history has been a simple one. Out paid on the first of January in each because of the high pitch and capac- proposing to Ida than he had of not safest and hest systonr yet discovered for painting or paper hanging line. All order that talk I,ud (U entrusted to flint will receive prompt anal ort of thin of m Wife's fortune of ten thousand yenr;and not otre;T rthing more will ity of his nature, and perhaps the I takiu; them off when he went to the painless exitetio g Of teetlb Chmroe, careful atbeition, AM ill tt0 IiuOtl fur this 6 g, Y , mednOTT Mat;ehtbtinn Ater Ra ce' Office, (;EOROE POTTS, Birk St.,(' . �" Edith," and he turned round, shut pounds I paid you no less than seven you get from me. hemembr:r what sharpest of thein all was the sicken• I bed. I-fis love was deep enough and EJ" , -f T'o Rr,c)cx, over Rance's 1Jltor the window, aur} drew the blind. thousand as bush -money, on your I tell you; try to molest me b•v word ing knowledge that hart it riot been j steady enough, }nit perhaps it did sit braes. street'llintcn. A-.... -- -- -. __ . _ . - •"Oh, all right; I'm agreeable,lm undertaking to leave the country.. or act, and you are a dead wom,ln ; for that one fatal error of his bov- not possess that wild impetuosity EXHAUSTED - VITALITY. A�.ITY. sure, f;tcp a bit, tbough-I tilnst for America, and never return hero I forbid you even to write to me. hood, that one false step down the which curries people sn far i❑ their r 7HE sc1FNCE of Liro SfEVENAN have a 1?randy-an(4soda first. I Jui ' again. I should have done better Now go to the devil in your own steep of Avernus, lie might have youth, sometimes indeed a great 1 the great ntedioat Tss dry a:` a huit-kiln, and so would to face it out, but I feared to lose way, and without another word he been a good rind even a great elan. deal further than their reason ap• work of tno age ora h n- JtCt hood, Nervous andYh•si- you bu if vuu had to sink; rowic my.p�gition and practice. You left took up his flat and unibrella,walked - Just now,bowevetr, his load was a I proves. Tt was essfintially a tliiddle- cal Debility, Premature ) I ••1. rnilsic-hallfor a Ilvint*. and wroto to rue, that. you too .had .to the door, unlocked it and went, little lightened, anti. he was able to aged devotion, and bore the same Decline, Errors of Y cries ,011(a9 cit a „ and the untold miseries. `There, that's better," and sh(; put married in Chicago, but in eighteen leaving the Tiger huddled together devote himself to his money making, resemblance to the picturesque pas- coueequont thereon, son --TliE LEADING - pages s vol„ 125 proserip- docvn rho ow tt glass and tbreW months you retutnod;having_sgnand upon the floor. *,Ind to the weaving of the web that cion of five -and -twenty twenCy that a snout- trona for all diseases. T 6etself on to tae sofa. "Now then, Brod every farthing of th® money For half at9 hour or more the wo was to destroy h}s rival, .L+'d.tvard fed torrent does. to a navigable rivet. Cloth, fun gut, Only efr rt, by ,oat , sealed. u- ° w when I found that the stor of your man remained thus, the bag of nio• Cossey,with a mind a little less pre; _ TO er CONTIN1; t.D. . ,._. 1 sane ded y the ut gnu d . .. - . .tune, ill) 115_M lCh as..y,aLl, like,. .Ifo.., . . - . _. ... ........,y, .. , . 0 .. .. . . tewgti a �d"a Modal -awarded t° t e aaA or by . tr marriage was an im ttd' " Ile. le in hor hand, .l'hen she strtig- occupied •with other cares: I - -_ . _ she National use cal Association. drlresa —ANP— much tin have you brought1"- e p n y RIr Quoat sut dowel by the table, I "Yoe, she put in, with a laugh, Bled to her feet, her face livid and Meanwhile, things the Uastle. P.O. Bost lash, a Boston, Mase., or di l II. EMBALMER. ' g' QC01#r.55tJtt111 tzltd sifter (;ltr'dli PARHER,grttduateof Harvard Medical Col- LLL irI and then, as though suddenly,struck "and a tare time I had with that her body shaking. -, .were going very pleasantly for every. lasebe , 25 years practioe in Botiton, who may A by a thought, rust? again, and, going I seven thousand, too." "Ugh!" she said, "I'm as weak as body, The squire mss its happy in MANN iNG & SCOTT, easo of plan. naulted cmc a No to suletnch sty' Drs ,t to the door, opened it and looked "You returned and demanded a cat. I thought he meant to do it attending to the various details eon - out into the passage. There was more blackmail,and I had no choice that time, and he will too, for six- netted with the transfer of the Barristers, Solicitors, The Holsons -Bank. A,1 hty LINE of nobody there, so lie shut the, door but to give and give and give. In ponce. He's got me there, I am ,mortgages as though he hurl been T�{T j� again, locked it, aril then under cloven years yeti had sometbing afraid to die. I can't bear to die. lending thirty thousand pounds in- CONYEtdx(pFRs, ices Incorporated by Act of P,uliamaut,.lEi>L. GOODS KEP, iH STOCK usand )ounds IC is better to lose the none thea stead of borrowing it. Tho great (•„n,retq,4lonerM rnr onntri07un1 Ar,inita,7b CAPITAL, - X2,000,000. cover of drawing the curtain which I over twenty-three tho l y apses xntar Dour ro YEw ERA, CL1ai•Ox. REST FUN U, ' • �1,000,00(r� _ •--_ hung over it, slipped ,the key into from me, and you continually de- to die. ,3esides, if T blow on him George was happy in the unaccus- — r his T'ocket. I nand more, I believe that you will he'll be put in choke and I s ut'li't toniei flow of borrowed cash, that ' Y [ Y T•'1• F. HILLIARD. IIEAA' OFFICE, MONTREAL. lheheatJaubalminn Fl,uidused "What are you at there?” said the I admit thzt that is a truthful state- be able to get anything. out of him, enabled him to treat Jar ter with a . I meat of the case " and he paused. and when be comes out he'll do for lofty sc)rn not unnlingled with pity. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &cO TEIO11IA3 WORKMAN, .......1'reident. woulall "4uspiclously, r p 3. If, R. INOLSON. ... Vice- r'rex. "T was just looki❑g to see that "Ob, yes," she said, "I am not tile." And then; losing'her tempor, which was a balm to his harassed l,,, tr;t 11UNnH to 1011,11 at lowest Patos,of F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Ga7+eralManuger �IJld�ltil.l{� l�eill'�e. Ellen ,:,,as not at the key-hole,that's i going to dispute that, blit shat she shook her fist in •the nir and voul, and, alae to trans,,�ot an ()nor- interest.. . Orrice, C'ooper's Now Block, Ground ttonr. Noiradiacotcrrted,Collectiar,4Tn¢de,Droft{r . all, It would not be the firs>p time I then ? I am. your wife, and you broke out into t► 9ood•of language uwu9 )ttnolint o('bn ineai iu his own Vl(•TO1itA STREET,"CLINTON, qsT, , dxxtred, Sterling and Autm-ican ex - that I have catlgbt her there." . I crave committed bigamy ; and if you such as would neither be pretty tu, peculiar wav,with men ill) trees and __�..__-- _- -- ri'tage boughl and sold at IO,CP,)t r1h.1.1:I:'I' S'P:,UI:1N'I'GN, our Hast' low wa s don't go on paying me I'll have you hear nor'good to repeat. otlierwise; for had lie not to stock �{ oNEY TO LOAN.. aIORTCAG current rates. Just like y y ) 1A Interest at ;J per cent allowed ev deposits. Residence over store, arrsin " the said: "You've got some ! in jail; and that's all about it, old :1Ir Quest was a man of judgment. t:he J1'o7tt'R lrm, and was not 11iic11- eou;;ht. Prh on $I ire, l Ron. ,' VAEZMTED1iPt- tpi'1 OBLTi': µ'L'O11'N H.11,1, o Office ocorJ Jauksnn's Stare, (ttlutou. game on.: Ffl be bound that you 1 P. You can't got out of it any At last l+e "had realized thatIn alta Jtelmas at hanrl4" - • = ,roan „'advanced to, farmers on their own notes . name On." way, yell hasty mean brute, slid ' way,'and one only, can 'a wild 6mst. -Ida, too, was happy',. ha ppiet• thap ITV/ ARRIAGE r,r(;F.NNE:S._ APPLY TO with ane or more ei)drirson. No mortgage're. flava got 3ultiv , lr--� the under,4tgned at the Llbrar - ROOIIIS, aired nM tle writ Ir C,luest seated himself a,aili, went on,' raising. her voice and �}re tamed, and that is by terror. ,the had been since; heir brothers JAlstEs SCOTT, Clinton. .c� n y' • If. C. IMEtl'Ek,, Pranager, - aud without taking -any al of drawing ill) her thin lips so xa to 1, (11 HA \.,'Il L (loath, for caseous that have already - Jauuary 1887. Clinton -; ' "' been hintetl'at, Besides M.r Ed- A1A1(RIAGl:T,ICP,NSR8F,KU4;DBVTHE 1 ?�T �' trro�t this last. recheck began lire censer- allow the white teeth boneath. o I 'i orsignod, at•roK;d�'nrc or drat., atore. Winton Post Office Time Table .F � ILA L� .11\7D•ALL; Htion, I you thought that you were going t0 i WAAT SO-"" IIA1'F. FOC,ND a0 AWEE - ward Cossey `wins out of th0 'way, .\r R5 A, 7VURTHLYGTOY. [ hili e brow t,t you two hundred p1aY it down low on me in that I 'Time went on. ' N1 r Quest had and that to Ida was a very great - • - - .. Nailw aro dos for'dclivery and close fordo,hatch - d , ] - ^ at the Clinton post Office as follows:- R A I{ L ]i S and fifty pounds," he Said. I f•45hio% did youl Nell, you ve just been back at Boisingham for- ten thing,, for his presence to ref was 31 stuall TO ]:FNI! IN 7.ARGL•' OR __._____--.______ " 'made a little mistake for once in days or more and was in better what a )olicerna❑ ' is to a ticket -of lel Bman ening bu Fnnd wort;ra7ro security, -. I I Losn y - , (1 rwohundred and fifty pounds! y t `b' 1 ninderatorate ofinfero,4t. ItIIALE,Clinton I CT I.N., TU13. til NT she said jumping up .vith a savage your life,and I'll tell you what it is, apirita tjrsn Belle we can no longer leave man -a most unpleasant and Ilford, n; Toronto, Sirndl I - t I ford, 9eToront Gra11di laugh. "No m boy, elon't you shall smart for it. I'll teach call her Isis wife) had sean,hrm in suggestive sight. She tally realized CirHe}IaS BROWN,. LICENSED AUCTION- Trunk eaatand interme.j .. ° ' , Y Y Yo what it is to laevo our lawful for ears. indeed he felt as..t,liou0 the meaninn and extent of the bar. 11 1'.ER for the conn ty r,r apron. said} at• diatn otticas ....,,... u.;tU a.{n.; t.sup.m ^ het 011' for that if I know it. Why Y Y ! Y , o o tended t0 atremonable rata,. Seafortla I'.(), Toronto, Stratford, Sea - owe 71)1 that this momout.'' Wife to starvo wills you go and hve tent oars had b()()n lifted 'Olt' 1119 "aln'into which she had entered to forth, T. and tl. anal.. ,. 1.35 p.tu,1 H n, ill A(lvanres trade to rates in tr, bt4u 1 f g Goderich, ifolmesvillo and ROtON, at 101v rate~ OI intel'e St. -You down d 1)e 1VIt1 another woman in luxury. back. fie )lad taken a great and save her father and h,er house and DR AI'PLi1TON-OF$'TCM-AT Ir,Es1' GrandTrunk'west ..... 111.711.!. ba.ut , ou lead better sit d0 ' PENC13 on Ontal90 et COrtt, (;i hltbrl, op. GlXlerleh, ...... ... 8.45 p,m.i 12.•44) p. ni r`, i,'0i(•ral Banking Business transacted flirt " ! . ai,'; 'br volt will not et You can't help yourself ; f-Ican ruin terrible decisio>ti,and had acted upon thore lay upon her the deep shadow Po Rite 1111911,411 Church. Elltl'allCl+ h,y side lla7»Ilton,Toronkr, ,. ...I 4.15 1,):1n: ,m.,,l010a,tu lute+cost allowed on de wsitH. you 1f I like. Su) Dain I go a it wad it had been successful for he of evil that was to come. ,:very London, L., t[, It. sli,iw n. u,. h,m,'a,m. p.in 1 Ilwo Inuuli-ol awl fifty ponce. In Y 1 p o __ ..`-_ and intermediate ottieeg' 7.:;,-, 4.1:, 10.107.00 , Saln.Noles bonght nr oiv'11 Intel (a;it I nx0litlilen,l. Von ilaglstrate and ask for a warrant ? I' knew that his evil, genius was s0 tune she Kew IICC father bllStlilg 7_T B. rl-,o iwoo-r, ('ever, F,,'r,rNE ,R Blyth, ti'nglru», Kincar•I 7 yU • I ll t' n dwa Lucknoe• L. H Cit., `Vhat can you do to keep me i!uict? thorougl]ly tcrri/ied that for a Torg about with his b.usinoas letters and 0r, Arehtit �ettlall t nr7111i_`%1JIN111MY ;t VKRR • "to sit i}t)wn," north and intermediate a.ut,.p m, u.m. 11 Ill •I, P. 'I'15.D:1LL, 11Uuta�Cr. 1 every tinio the 1181- oftic •, (.11i 0' '11wre 'cn; 1S,A11.thi11g about, the �udde'nly the airayo Stopped ay while at least he maul,. hn frcofi'om his. parclunents, e e y BLnt9,Clinton, t . ... > t,.rr, s.':,.,. - r r• Summerhill, '1'uesdxy and, " though she; Wert shot, rand het• fiorce her )orsecnlions. versa: George arrived with an• air o. 1 g r. WAI,KFR, l•F'1•L Ill\.\IiY SUHGEIpY Friday', ,,:;0 p,nt,. J.:tdp,7u [� �J y'Rewe+i*-',',` b•ll aro those who read t11,t,1� ,,)I,.. ,...t} 1L.{L.U.i LhJt, 5(.,tred n n L•rlti,hntuil,,Mnndny,lVcd• RICHLI tbitiuudth'ouact;theywillfind • �,, ,, i , rr '1 Il 11eCCe countenance froze Into ali appear- Now thaln tale reader i, 111 the ti1C]a T1 C11O1y 871 tISftiCt10 J1 slid ft long le (; rad unto of rho Ontario Veterinary (fol- Ocsdnc Thur,llnv .. G.30 3.117.1 ItOnorabl0 omjpinymont tltnt will 1)Ot take• ;ill,' 1171717,1(' I,':{� ,r ITC 1, I , (1 ,til wc!II It (nlryht. .lir secret of 11Ir(� heat's life it will et- list of the farininn stock aid im )le• '>'P• Tulegrapluc 7111:H91t,,119 prOT11pt1V At 6lnntly' 1)�der' issue(l aril i)ep I Its r,'uei,'ell•fr,,ni Client from thou• hunmM and families. Thv IS �llf ',C i.y , "TI -1 N11(' Fait down. ante of. tea . r, . D `'V 1 p Or funded to. Olh t'u=T1,)nt,l (+,5boCQll t,h, C)11 L, unc duller upwca rd p10t3 tH aY(' 1RMt' arld'H llYu r01' ('1'L'ry lll(lnetrl- " , w, oil, olt are I t.(1Oe;t who had ht cn sitting listri�• :haps help tum to nndel:gtand t.hC meaty lie had bought at sown neigh. _ . - I 0f}iry hour; foul ES o, ;,r to ; I,.m, nus tHare largo y have ufor a aryl are now l.ls,,, , ).. 1. ) `) 1 n n RS,1V11IT'r- 'rf;At'irmi ole 1.l ,jic_ >;ran� h I;ank and Jlnnry' 0rdtr lr,iia , ,,5tr tTlaltiiigse\,crml htiii(trerl(tOlhtrHarOOiltti I- } l'OI,l1Ra��1• 'i'Ut;t 7!,utlill'r Ot' p05'C1'ty ; IOg to her with Ili., hand ovor' ]Is ' apparent stratiaeness of his conduct borilio Michaelmas sale, the Shadow �'� n1etnbor of the Crt,nndiaa, BOuiuty of : at -Nlw P. n,, i9 easy for any person t+, un,ku'8- per day { • 1 " 1 e res had risen, and his face was as with rc£eLenco to his wife and Ed- deepcued,and she heard the clanking Mueicimns. Piano and Organ for til° use nr 1 rrO3tAs F,nlr, r,,am.l,rcr, anti upwards,who 1s willing t° wont. E1the i CUhh. .c) ):.ul' }%t'. n---yOUr belief, ) pupilq. 'Rcsldonco, bfr F Hnrws, opposite clint,m,Au4, Iws7, r+cx,youngoro1d;cap;tal"otnoelpd,westar mind y..m,n(_t yt,,,r 7'ouuls,and I find the face of a fiend, alight with an wa?d Cossey. It is ,lune true that of her chains. Therefore sh t was Mr NVhitethcad'rs, Albot-t str(xit, (`lint0n ' . r lying intens() and quiet fury which seemed Belle did not know the full extent the more thankful for her resp te. ---------,- _ __ -_ _ _ - - -- sun. Everything now. No special ab;uty LL t' (. ,1.ri:; u. ,, cu Il•party ya e , R RF.EVF,-OFp'1— __ __F - RY n re(luirorl; you, rcndeecan rlo line well ae any about. 1 ,ce cilrim rnrrne bottles to be burning inwardly. On the of her husbands guilt. She did Harold Quariteb w•as happy too, D 9t, Murray Block, tun doors nkat of ' R0113E �,T "' OW S"f hitt' write 10419 stouts £,mutt neonparticular.",oJ �A J DOWNS" W111 C}I w° lttall £Pel,. A•ldrl{Ms Stinson &. Co ft'rHhly o1wiled tilero lirl the corner. mantelpiece. lily' a sharp -pointed not know .that he was not her bus= though in a soinewbat restless'and I1o,19ens'Ontranee. Residenneopposltc's, I Portland. M%Ino. __ Goorka knife, which one of Mrs band but she did know that nearly eculiar way. Mrs Jobson the old Artily Barracks, Hltron St, Canton. Olne, i CLINTON, 1 sena dreE'sint; Sown on t}to sofa Y p Y ( hearii, s a In to d p m. that mnEa havo r'ost twct.ty or thirty D'Aubigne's admirers, who had all of her little fortune had bean lady who attdndod to his wants at . Man,,faoturer and Proprietor fur the bt•,t are., . AMF9 HOWSON, LICF,NSEll A[iC- MITI Dog in utla. Agent for the sate and 0 ]sound i hoar soino bruto associate . travelled, had presented to her. It paid over to another woman, and Isiolebill, with the help of his gard- J TIONst{R for the Countyef Huron. sales application of the 94rFlenee PATLtYT AtTTONAIIC I BotLtra CtsArrnR. 9TEdbt FITTINGS furnisl„•d , 0 . Of yours ,)no. in tits stretet asking you was an awful -looking weapon, and that woman a common, vulgar wo ener and a simple village. maid, her attended anywhero in the country, at rea. and applied on short notice, a) - we 1 nbuntile ri: iea, Residence Albr,rt Street i to lend biro JLnothnr'`tiver,+ YptL keen -edged as a razor. L'hiz W — s he bad man, as one of Edith's letters which niece, who smashen all -tile crockery Clinton. to L= roto plain o£ ,ovort • and you have taken up and.hold in his right hand, had fallen into her hands Dy chance. and nearly drove the colonel ]had by -----.------- _ _.... _-_ I Ss'tlerir, rngfnem. and al Iclnde of 1 l y Y R. TANBURY, GRADUATE OF THF y q 1Hner.➢e9nP.,ry repalrMl- �,spe+lftlunsl had over £uric hundred pounds from and with it he was advancing to- .very clearly showed her. Therefore, banging the doors, shifting his pa D ,Medical Department of Victoria Uni• and In a s atlufnetory manner. 1”' wards her lying on the sofa. had he attemlited to expose ber pro• pers, and even dusting his trays of ferefty, Toronto, formeri,p of the Hospitals M I 11 me thin M LAJ . .. your aluue ;tad I knew that Y g and Dlepensanes; Now York, Coroner for Perm im lomt:nts mannfafAured and repaired. ' you can JtarR t VV (I founds a week "If you make a sound I will kill ceedings or even to control her ac- Roman coins actually confided to the County of HLrou, Bayseld, ont. Stearn aml Water mjpos furnished and Jput hi 02' S t l ou at once " ho said s )eakin in a .tions she had i or hand an eft©C Some friends In the village that she --'•— ---- pr.nition. Dry Kih,n flttod up o„ application. 'it the rp11;:,ic' Iml,, aril not five, as Y > ) g I W. WTLLtASiR; B. A.,'M. D.,'GRADU- a } o Ati cf Toronto ULirersit Charges mrxlentte. I It • you Any, NO, du not trouble to lie low and husky voice. tiro weapon o do pee wherewith thoea . the )Dor (leas t•entleman y; meml)Orof I to ntr• fele [ liavr mado inquiries, Sho lead been paralyzed with tc,r- she could an , Won have �1VC11 was �Olig Tiled. 1YhC11 questioned tb0 College of Phyelcinu■ anti Burgeons, HP,dRO�ti AI��i B�IUCE �" v'tid the• i}'omen rnr, for like must bullies, male and blow for b}o , This state of affairs on what she based this belief she Ot'r, occapiOFFICdt R,zernRNow the house f3et ";ipyhl" a�3i7t , , merlyocoxpiodbyDrRnoyr,Albert9truot i 01 with a xn,'cr. f()male, she was a great coward, but of Recessity forced each party to replied that he would walk up and Clinton. _ _ _ - - ��tZ;i.%l cR �iiS'CtitlllCiit colt' ; 4 0W 1'es, E )} ing,, il' nu like ; Lot th'e sornd of bill voice roused her, preserve an armed noutrality to- down the oak -panelled dining room R WORTHiNGroN, - PHYSICIAN, _ a M LLA y' t D Bar Thr.; Company 'ie Loaning Monet there. it i:.1 Aad now to the point and the first nota of a harsh screech wards the other, while they wai-ed by the hour togatha;; and then,when gobs, Acooucher, Licentiate of rho I I 9 / °1' _ College of Physicians, and surgeonii of !amt Socuritp at Lniewxt /,atrx of Y I— --I it In riot ooing rnl sulrplying yOfL had already issued from her lips, for a suitable opportunity to assert lie got tired of that exorcige, where- Lower d er Canada, a, and en County Provilicittl $Licentiate --" -trite?-eat. ' With Itionev ,tt this rate. T canurat ;when he sprang upon her, and, plat- themselves. Not that their objects by, said �Irs Jobsou,ho had already flee and roetdenee,-The bolding formerly, ? I Fire IY15Lix ante. to it a,id 1 will not do it. T am ing the sflarp point of the knife were quite the same. .Belle merely worn a groove in the now Turkey occupied byMrThwa,tes, Hurousl,ieet. �ZO1tT(} C, 1;5 - : - I &RCHASEI, ' a r tinct her threat pricked leer with wished to be free of her husband, carpet, he would take out a "rokey," l'1n,ton, Jan.io, ren• Al; t,,A' „f proi,crty Insured fit roae,lt tars going to bice yon two ltundlcd and 6` r t - SAVIN( S' DANK BRANCH. fifty poun,l, nuw,and as much (very I i(. "L'e (.alai," Ito said; "or you aro whom she had always disliked, and (foggy) looking bit of a picture, and r.+til,. Fest-alaeR eornpanie9, 11 ., .yarn and not one farthing mora." a dead woman." Whom she hots positively hated with set it upon a"chair and stare at itDl,,,. ELLIOT & (xUN.L . 3, k anti b per'Cecil. Interest AllrrTx,.d r vcxETs vI� N• N T. CO. KE BOAT, She stopped screaming and la that curious hatred which women through his fingers, " sbakinry Lis on Deposite,a+reordi'ng toamount TO WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POINTS, "'Once T11o7'0 ';hr sat trp. "YOU pP a Y ° g ' '� H. 1S, Blliet ![. D„ I W. peon, ➢Q.D., L. R. and time left, ALSO by all rail Imes over the GRAND TRUNK cunei br. macl " Thr' geld in a tORO °there, her feta twitching, and her occasionally conceive towards those hoed and muttering 'all t110 wllils. L,R.C.F., Bdtnbargh, C.P„Edinburgh,L.R, and CANADA PACIFIC loony point on the L.R. C. 3., lldlnha h,. 0. 8„ Edinburgh, U. OFFICK-Cornerof Alnrket9gnareAnd North 9 'Dino, Winnipeg, Brandon, hc„ Dakota, Kanga+ that suuwle,l tuore, like a snarl'than eyes brigbt with terror. to whom they are legally bound, 1 h(+n-£nrthor and conelitsive proof HORACE IfOR7.ON, nr any point reached b7 rail, Intal or Poreegn Lioentlote of id- eentiate of tbo ktid• a human voice. "Aro you such�a ,,Now, listen,” he said, in the when they haye been bad enough or of a yielding intellect -be would got wifery, Ndinburgh, wifery,Baln.O®ce,on MAFA(rtta, CninQ in.) q,' one before you b,iy ti9ket4 ,any fool as to believe that T will be put game busky voice. "You incarnate unfortunate enough to fall in love a half -sheet of paper with some aceto at Bruoeae d. corner of Ontario aha Onderlah, An9u.t 5tr tAss where, I P p Willinmsts.,Ciinlon - off with two ]hundred and fifty fiend, you asked rete just no). how I with somebody.else. Ile, on the writing on it and put it on the man- -- --'-- could keep you uint° I will tell contrar had that desire for revenge telpiece and stare at that. Next he Girahilm s'llalr Remover pounda a ,year• -I, your legal wife? p Y /I contrary,had p MONEY E•Y TO I TEND Is patnlees, ingtentanbotre and the only de- i'll have you in the, dock firwt, in you : I can keep yod quiet by run- upon her which even the gentler would turn it upside down and stare ptatoryintheworld which does not, to7n�ra J THOMPSON, Llb11f,On- Ihe dock for bigamy." ning this knife up to the hilt in stamp of man is apt to conceive to at it so then sidewa s then all ways AI RH,skin'Pete° en per West, E, c, , Do. � Y , Y + a, t At G per cent. ° mtnBlon ♦g�ontQ,uoan Bt, Rost, Toronto, Do. "Yoe," he answered, "Ido believe your throat," and once more h© wards one who, herself the object of then he would hold it before a look- 1. _ _ - c sI Iv',t'c�ly it for a mason that I shall give you .pricked her with its point. It his strong affection,daily and hourly I ing-glass, and so on. When asked T. L F LIILLdAItD, I;arrister, —'—" ' --`- presently. Taut first I want to go would be murder," he won't on, "but repels and repays it with scorn and I how she knew all this,sbe confessed Bm _Clinton. I J. BIDDLEtCOMBE. Pla�r].ing Mill through our joint history, very I do not care for that. You and infidelity. He did love her truly, I that Jane had seen it through the p� p� briefly, just to justify myself, if you others between yet, have not made eshe was the one living thing in all, keyhole, not once, but often. g E. KEEFER, Watch (11 J1XA Maker like. Ffve-and twenty years ago,or MY life so pleasant for me that I am his iter, lonely life to whom his Of course, as the practised and —AND— V was it six-and-twmity, I was a boy e9peci•Illly anxious to preserve it, in had gone out. True, he put discerning reader will clean under- '' DENTIST p g Y f .1EwOr,LEtz, et9., D R, Y 8 I L N_. ' of eighteen and you were a woman Now, listen. I will give yon the pressure on her tQ marry him, or, stand, this meant only that when Noarorat Vrr,r,A, 1117 Coramir STnt14E7T I OPPOSITE THF MARKET SQUARE, Clinton. of twenty, rt housemaid in my mo• two hundred and fifty pounds that I what comes to the same thing, al- walking and wearing out the carpet - TORONTO. _ T PB $UBaORiBBR E(Ais no JUST CON Where he keeps a relent assortment of PLR11fn and fumiRttod his now Plnnlrtq M ther's house, lend yon made love to havo brought, and you shall have ,owed and encouraged her drunken the colonel was thinking of Ida; - with machinery of the latest Improved pattern me. Then my mother was called the two hundred and fifty a year. old father to do so. But he had when contemplating 'the painting G. H. COOK, , Watahos Clocks, Jeweller t to now prepared to premttend to all ardor. In n1 away to nurse my brother who died But if you ever again attempt to }Dyed hoe and still lovod her and that sho had given him he was ad LiconcintootDnntai sarq°ry Elo+rnr cEraiu �° ono Inlhe.oustpPampt6nAsslie/aat�rym.nnn r o oto of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Stilrerware. and at rens mebld reloe. He would 41ea trttur at school at Z'ortgnrouth, and i foil I £tort more, or if you molest me, yet she mocked at hien, and in the miring her work and trying to re- thanks to au who patronimdthe old m before 1016roaa Oxide Gan admEr,iatcrod for the Whtoh we will soil at rc¢eb»a1Ho titres they were burned out, and now being in n flet sick with scarlet fever, and you either by spreading stories against face of that fact about the money- cone[le his admiration with his own painless extraction of tooth, 0 % -,_� for pnat;on b executoorder. expodit m character or means of legal her mono which he had aid conscience and his somewhat Ctrl• leo►n oontMeathe can qlv m%ttsfectioa to nursed mq the"ough it -it would Y Y Y` p P ofBbo oa+r Jmnkacns OlothiuxHtoro, next Ropair�+»a� of over all WO tion promptly FACTORY—Near to grand Trt�n have heP:u hinder ii you had poison proaccutioon, or in any other way, away to the other woman, a fact, liar views of art, and that when to l'-tOmce,Clinton. atrrtiifted a), antis ail .sock aarrant"ll. . t it Nig;1t boll mnAwnrod ly J, BiDDiRwomRF.. Raiiway, Clinton. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. t)tlnton,Nnv. Inez. rlloMAs ➢fsRaNZI� Children C?y for __� piteher's Castoria; ,11 f, r.. , 0 . ... . .._,, . . _...: