The Clinton New Era, 1889-01-18, Page 9r.,.,f.T , F; rc
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I tit -*?sir ?Pt�4�1„xiR,( .ralseti' �� 1 1W , .JFA.LIA VLO�6'7;lI ': 11T,t' lupe to;'ri 'p, edea cin tvbe.Ial e. .Ash iu t ,,. , l . r IiLTloi9ltt?US, I Alio T1f 11T(t!i INJURY tiro tits waves n I, :. , t tha0y 1'ca- ,".q llii'�l�tt`tyxitn�, iqn �px+'.jt`111Ie#'A �..,,,,K,.' ', Our, stock it replete wills the very t? at the marketesti 1►roduoeIlkoyer the, iters and ilio li hthott�er ' l B� .11 ebnxbapwisveryiuteln grata �`ISINR, CURRAN S, FIGS, and DATES, S... ALMONUB, ,,,
were deluged. POINTERS ON AIGiRICUL_ � 6nee>tttee takes ae„mueh all CITRON•PEELS. Don't buy guy other. Our rices are the lowest and tk9
' I.I -- Sir John Macdonald celebrated finger,,, quality of goods the best.
Niagara Falls, Jan. -A south• TUIiiE WORTH . i
hls 74th birthday on Frlday last. ' Jtuf,.t the cburn gal” .asks tiro Families called u
_ , . I west wind accompanied by snow The proposal to tender hint, a re- I KNOWING. l�Tew York Tribune. �Pby, of Pon for orders, if desired, and hoods promptly delivered.
commenced to blow About 6 °option in Ottawa fell throuoh. - course it moat if it it after butter. ,Q,. ('� �"�
o'aleck last night. ..It increased (queen Victoria was mai tied The aim in she raisin should ''Jove," is the name of a new S. CX I V 4../!.�
- in velocity until it almost reached fort -nine ears a o Thursda ep
�Tl plant I a cyclone about midni ht. About y y g y be to produce muttgn an lamb, publication emenating from Brat -
g Mr P. J. O'Connell In the , Famil Grocers next to Town l. I Hall.
3 o'clock this morning the upper depending on the wool to assist in telboro, Vt. The motto of the 3
I g PP registry department of theHamil• expenses.
urable 1 foot and -carriage suspension paying pensed. Wool id but publication is Buy Jove.
g P ton post ofdOe, was anyioue to one of the articles to be obtained
Economical!- bridge near the falls gave way.. diefsover how lea it would t:lka a I Jake- Mr Slowpa wants to
g I from sheep, and though give" know if you'll open a running ae- �_W,
'� ` ' The south or falls side of the letter to make a tour of the world.. more consideration than mutton
t_`.. Diar.nond Dyes excel all others bridge gave way first, no doubt He accordingly, on October 11th count with him. Dealer -No, � �•1-
g Yr , b some et if mutton ioduoin L �O/1T�
1}1 Strength, Purity and Fastness, from the continued swaying to addressed n letter to himself at y ' yet, P g tell him I m afraid we'd have too `J� f
t broods ot'sheo are massa s eeial- -.
';1�IQne oilier are j est as good. Be- and fro by the force of the wind. Ualcutt'a India via Brindisi with P P much running to do before we'd
ware of imitations, because the The steel girders, fastenin * the ty tiro wool will be found to be of collect it.
4(e made of chew and inferior boa of the bride to the suspend- Calcutta
to the postmaster at but little importance compared
P y g P Calcutta to forward to Hon I Even kings must die and mil- A full assortment of
give oor, weak err+ hanging from the cables Kon r g"''with the profits from early lambs ,l
to terials, and b P ' g, China. It was received at i and superior carcasses of mutton. co"ecres have thou troubles. The ;
IelrAc colors. To be sure of snapped like pipe stem', Ind 'the man who sits on athrone, or even '� �'
k3 . t} at HO to on November math and .'Our best mutton breeds are not one who is possessed of $10,000,- GlItl
Y south side of the brid b tearing at Hong -gong on December 4th. bred for wool production, yet they ,
success, use only the UtA110ND g '
the sup orters on the north side The ostmaster at the latter lacy
I 11 II yzs for coloring Drdsses,'Stock- p P p ield heav + fleeces also. 000 can't keep his trowsor's from I '
from the cables, fell with its y y ba in at the knees.
1i�'s, Warns, Carpets, leathers, had orders to forward it to this • gg g For Fall Wear, p 1
thousards of tons of steel and iron The 'health of the • animals , just opened u')
! i cit vis San Francisco. The San For the murderer of 'Marie
Ribbons, &c., Fuc. �Vc `warrant into Nia Niagara's angry waters. Y should be careful] looked after. 1
m to color ,norc goods, g y Francisco mark is Januar 6th, y A aslant, was guillotined in Paris
't lite g ,pack- Nothing is loft but tiro tovyors, It left there on the next day and It is not only troublesome to doe- o nFrida mor nn Itis said the
for parkasr,, than any other offices and cables. The load will y g A Fine Assortment of
1, reached Hamilton, on Frida at 9 toy a sick animal but there is a sight of the uillotine appeared to
►es ever ma(.�_, and to give more amount to $200,000. No one a• m., being exactly three entire loss of time, while the animal' it f �cinato him. He corta,nly ��lost
brilliant and durable colors. Ask was known to be on the bridge at iu making a circuit the lobe. self will lose that which it has his head'' about -it.
for -the Uia)trnful and take no other. the time of tiro accident. Peter g t; wined in flesh causin all the FU'RollaGOODS
Chicago slaughtered 1,892.000 g g -
a: Onea� D itis FoR' Broker crossed it about midnight. Heade cattle for dressed and oan- w°rk of restoring it to its former 1llr Fiekleby--Do you know,
y It was swin tint* so heavily then weight to be done ever again. 'hflss Dew]tt,you looked charming.
_�. it Coast G'o/o►+ed 'O b b Y tied meat for 1888. g at the ball the other night. Miss Not to be excelled in the county -
he bad to hang on to the side in Every pound of flesh lost is a loss g ..----'
Gq'f'me'nts Renerltlaed < A deputation of represeniutives Dewitt-1;lonsense;I don't believe CEMO OxX i A 80' -OW
C6NT>s. ordgr to get over. not only of the pound but of the
of the school boards and governing it- Mr Fickleb Oh but oil
A Child can use them! The bridge was � of a mile be; g g time and expense necessary to re. y-' � Y
low the falls and was finished in powers Of the public buildings of store it, hence the matter of keep -did. Actually, I didn't recognize R)H:IYIEMBEII THE STAID -One door north of the Dry
Atlprsagisraardl[turiar,a. DrreDooklr.h Kansas City, Missouri' Kansas On at first. Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton.
? 869 at a cost of $175,40 by Sant- y' inj;' the stock comfortable and Y
WELLS, RICHAIlDSON CQ. , ' . City, Kansas- Sedalia and St. healthy is impurtan#. h Cowboy i by moonlight on the
eel Keefer, C. L., of Brockville,
Montreal. P. Q. now President of the Canadian Joseph, Missouri ; and, Nebraska It dues not a t b rairies)-The preachers say as a
Cit Nebraska invaded. Toronto p y o v tow money
Civil k nnineerd' Society. It was r in order to urchase more land, "ow folks die and go t° }ive in the e
Y, , ; ,p : u itur- e stock
. the. first Symptoms 1190 fent t'row cliff' to Clift' 1265 Wednesday, to i;ain infurmdtiOtt P
r It is tin Old truth that "an acre of stars.' Can you b'liovo that,pard? iN w s
concerning the heating and vend- Partner -It mou rht be, Bill.
fl•oiY tower to tower and 190 :, land has no limit to its reductive �
]ation of'the schools and public P'
(�tall Lung diseases are much the same t above tk o river. Dpring the last. ca tcit " The true former pre. Now there goes a shootin' star; Opened Out in �L'I��IOTTB �LOCM
fgsetiehneae, buildings of Ontario's capital. p` Y I
los. of appetite, sore ten years a great deal of money , , g . P fere a small farm well tilled. The some co�boy must hev got sent ,
.*rest, pains in the chest and back, has been spent on the structure 1• A• 0reanway, brother of tiro that, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE CLINTON.
Iilesdache,etc. In a few days yon may an'd latel tt has heel: thorwl 6l Proinier, and D.J. Wright of manure that is spread on lyse, ,
y g Y ' , acres will give better results ifrap_ Minnie -The idea. Mamie, I BEDROOM SETS PARLOR SETS LOUNG S
be will, or, on the other hand, you may . Crystal City, narrowly escaped P
r. refut .,fished and sill the woodwork lied to one acre While tiro cot never thought you would marry
be down with Pneumonia or galloping depth by , asphyxiation at that P ' B ! ! r
was removed, In place of the a man 'with a red moustache. +��
Conaamptiop." Run no risks, butbegiq wooden braces, wrought iron ])lace lest wee.kt They were 1•es. Of tillage will be less. No farmer , ,SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS &�,'
Immediately to take A era Cheri q can afford to buy more land until Mamie -His moustache iso t,red; t ! •r
y 7 cu(l.,ir,,t ii, tilnu to save their heirs,. you And if it were .
p �r� . OI CN vlCle line ver and e w Was s brought up that already in Y g , ANA A GENERAL AssoRTAfENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURN%T
substituted in ever lace Where it j 1"''� there's tist as much tickle ,to a
Several years ago, James Eirchard, o! ;ecu of wood formerly did dot A'lr Seymour Porter, heat{ hook- his possession to the highest de- j� TURE AT RBAEIONABLE YRicEs,
0ir•ien, Coun.; Was severely ill. The P Y Y • gree'of fertility. red moustache as a black one. I.
dpetors said he was in Consumption, Fu11y,.$200,000 hasbeen expended helper f(fr 11"I(e, Lewis; & sono,
b tiro Bridge , (lou an in Toronto, has been misdinn since tJtle a thermometer in the atitble, 1 Citizen (to Uncle Ras,tus,. who iii � -.
sad that they could do nothing for him, y g ' Compan r , yk>s. C, ]FIIDI.L.�.
lint advised him,asalast resort, to try stren(Ithening aud'im roving tbo '�otv 1'oar'B eves Ile was 41 cellar and wherever you wish to drivin t mule with a heavy load
.arer's. Cherry Pectoral. After taking span, the Substitution �f iron for ' `'"I•''' of age, and a general favor- know the, temperature, and you on) -"Oh, I shy, Uncle Rastas- _ --
Wie medicine, two or three months, he itc will, all who knew hint. 11 is will save many crops that are I want to +;peak with you a mo- T
«c ;arvorl('u>stiog ,n itself, im- Y P ment. Uncle Rastus•-Kant do it he ala reliable Tea store' sur-l� dead
waspronoun(eda1we11 roan. His health Inetise arnonnt o#' nlonu The bool:� have been fi�un(f rut it sus slol'e(1 and also cases of'slck-
rema±nsgeedtothepresent(lay. strueti-e was considered one of and his friends fear that he has ness among the animals, now, boss; deed I kant, I got dis I r;_ - _o
y, yere mule sta'ted, an' Of 1. stop Having bou ,lit the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper .t+ Son, and being in a poli�igrt to
J. Three
Malden, Maes., writes : ill( strongest of its kind in the I'llet with foul play, Avoid as far as possible, in him pow he'll neber go ag}n. buy my g s for cash, I am bound not to be undersold by anyone in lid tj#4,a
'° Three winters ago I took +severe cull, world and was deemed capable i>f 1 ln'. 5 rurt►l A c ri r^rsi vitt;, pleating second crops, a succession I have jest received a magnificent stock of GROCERIES, CROGj{Fa1b7C
which rapidly developed lnto Bronchitis p of'similur )lents on the same land. Yr>ungor sister-Mother.,l think g ,
p withstanding the ynost violent at- 1 hq storm GLASSWARE, HANGING LAM S, and all the novelties of the As'sm.
end Consumption. I was so weak that 1 !'! rSt I'rtr:, Jan. 10,- ' 1 it is Loo bad I am sixteen; et
t souls not situp, was much emaciated; lac k of the elements, whit!, ita�'sed over this city seater- 1n hon pasture, where a mov- ybu make me wear such abort La tria offering Stone Tea Sets, .44 pieces, for l$2.li0 Printed
and coughed incessantly. I consulted A WINISTI!101 CTCLONX. day afternoon and wrought such able fence is used, so as to change dresses that it mortifies me ter- Sets, $33.75 worth $4.50. Decorated Stone China �,
several doctors, but they were power- I fri(yhtful destruction to life and ro- the hogs, and thus revenL waste worth t$5.511- Combination Dinner ancLTea Sets, St "%=
IesA and all 1n the town of Niagara Falls, n P p ribly. Mother—My. dear, you 10. Dinner Bet 07 plecers, $311. Combination Set, 100 ,
agreed that. I was in Con. I petty possessed every feature of, a l>f tlio cloy"er from tramping down, tt��
rdrmptiou. At last, a friend brought me Unt., house roofs wore porn ort', cannot wear longer dresses till •t$18,' worth $20.• China Tea sets from $5 up. Decor4f*d
. bottle of A er's Cherry Pectoral. lire elevators and tramways }cud• tornado.. , in a fair 8048011 an acre of crover your alder sister, is married.- Chember Sets from $62.75 up. China Cups and 8 ucers.1
y y in r down to the river suflored The chief catAstro he in Pittsburgill -furnish forage for ten shoats. Y 1.worth 2810.
Prom the drat (fare, I found relief.. g P g °anger sister -Well, elle is ars •(
!bt►o bottles cured me, and toy hoallb great IONS and the river. rose •Taros the collapse of the building at . Do not insist on vai-lking beet' goof as engaged to Mr Doolittle, FRESH- PEELS, FIGS, DATES, NUTS, CANDIES, CANNED (iOQD
iarsinesbeam perfect," twenty-five feet, Wood and Diamond -streets, involr- cattle all your lifetime when you and I think I am entitled Wan and everything to be found in a -first-class Grocery.
in a loss of. several lives. This w'i$11 to make money by sellin r
h - A largo true fell across the g g extra flounce. '
dyers .Cherry PectorWI Michigan Central express as it was, was a new seven -storey structure (.ream or butter. Holstein or I-T.A�hCC..E7.'�.� - MOOMM
b p Thingtl ops would rather have
P&RIPARAD\VY ^ runain between Niagara Falls partly -•'completed. The workmen Jet•Fey� cows will produce twice ad, ,••'• •
K g left unsaid (a'wintet• health resort] (S'nccassw5r to T. Cooper.itc Son)
#R. 4. C. Ayer k co.,, Lowell, Matic. and Suspension. Bridge, but did were mostly on the first fluor at much as your beef cattle; do with Enthueirastic lady visitor -What I ,
>A'IIb"Drenista• price*; attarert•s"& lunch, when the crash occurred, the same amount offoed'Yind work.' . CORNER STOR$i .�. S®ax'le 8 8100]S.
little damage other than• tearing' a delightfal place this ie, profes
t oft' the stack. of the ent;inc and 'rhe most reliable estimate placga While linseed oil weal is coming' sor. And the badip, how perfectl------------ -- _ - - -
1 - WI ON, slightly da►na(rin;r the (caches. .the Wombat in the building when it more nenert►lly into use among .1 could bathe all ria couldn't N -MW HA�ZW:ffl�� F=R1M&
'' ' r " t' Y cattle arid soli men, itis well to v y'
i L is lo: s around tl,e I alts, includ- went down in the neighborhood of Y you . The professor -Weil 'you
ENERAL DEALER 1% 4lti:YMF, I ins- the, brid-e, will re:ieh nearly I :'5, 10� of these were rescued by f•en)eniber that a too free use of it 1 ee)e, I'm 'u i resident, 'tad � that
Trams\ s'rrVET, cl.IST40N. 1 $;1,000;000. friends or dragged themselves out its a food is dungeroud to cows i makes a difference. 'Lady visitor ���� �� &Armour
RHha;rpc .,r Ku klnrl; i'.r,nlla', :I,,,,•,I,1,d I., I In St. (Iafl),u•utes t.},r wlntl rope immediately attar the accident. The heavy with calf. A valuable � --Ah 1 w be sure. I ,,uppose you
rsaanA,s�,lerutrK. A „•1'•I ar,r,•;trr,• to the fut;y of+.:;alt+anti by nlid• alarm- fol• relief was immediately fund, it must be used witty (lisere-, never -even think o'takinga bath. � . .
night. a minatur•e cyclone was Sent out, and in a short •time thou• tion Or- datuuge will result. I -- ---41BACTICAf.----,•--
y A statement supported. -A cap- .
i �N l aging. Sleep' way almost nut of sands of citizens arrived to take out Pumpkins are good feed tin' tial wine that, sir, quoth Nfr Mean-
'. the quo lien and .many people the dead and dying. '1',hescene watt ltimbs in the fall, especially when I Drays, :ln he passed the port,which HARNESS and COLLAR MAKERS
'✓'� a harrowin one and belt ars des- the ire tt•Oublod with paper -skin, � had beer) iu. a decanter for the .- - • :y;;
.t•rn c t'rnrn their' bells anti nut up x og y t
Havill bought the busineas and stock of 6E0. A.'SHAR, TAN, we are a real
. until morning. .Beds rucked like er}ption. The mill is situated "our cauiell by wa nix in the ultestiney.Ifsel six uun,tlls ; you'll find that S pr.,�'
". •••/ ora(lles owing r Ill the swa Ing of the foot of.:lfount Penn, a high They will cat them tolerably well there's body in it, sir. So 1 per-• W fill all orders in our line at the lowest living•prices. We are both peoAgaal
"'` I ' ) swayin" workmen, well known tr the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guaraAt%,a,
the houses, and the rattle uf'bri(.ks4 mountain overlooking the city, if broken up un a cleari and close ceive, replied the „r100my truest, superior class of work at moderate rates. The niaterial will always be foun-ld �`f
Y 1. i ., . - and crashin;r of w•indp w -lass and I When the people arrived everythinh sward, but it is better to provide . as with a spouu Ile reveutly fished !the best, ane by' strict attention to business and.honeat doalin ,too bo EoW
"fait lues auded It) the general I waa enveloped in darkness. 'T1 en flat -bottom troughs with cumpart, the ear'eav,of the Last Fly of ,Sum- t favored with as liberal patronage tie our predecessor. Wehave & splendid � of
a- - -:darn t. );vidences of the destruc•_ huge bonfires were built which cast mente, each Tieing large enough to mer oUL, of hit nlahs, and laid it 'd1NGLE HARNESS, which'", for material, workmanship and price, can'ifbt We
a dismal glare on the surrounding receive the hull' of a um kin split on his plate. surpaseexl. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended 0.
` •' tit•e nulurC of tiro aloin at•e eyerY- g q P P P -
wFlt:re obecryable to -day. Chico_ scene. The fire companies assisted in such fashion an to, lie Bat, with .Dress t•eform••--Charlie-Blanch JOHNSON &ARMOUR OPPOSITE MARKET CLINTON.
T&e.b.vedsaeat of the (;eo6siu wa,htr the r1� vs and plate allies i'ronts are in tl!e rescue'of the de$d and (lying. the inside uppermost. f s
beat R''aabil,g!,w r,rr mndv. rt -Putti deal', 1 wish you wuuldn't wQar _
wantultosoil the mwl,inuu-('runt•; Rightsian dw,vii ard'h1.ok(.) in ewel'y direv- The entire police force was culled ro stablesfrould be below she that terribly low -CUL arses +sin -�
- --- - - -'
(T1WUtRf w,trl0ut n,lV in.unv,•u louts, nrutl hrr tlUrl. out, the ambulance and relief crops �+ ------•'_... ._,--.-._ _.
P freezing point. If a la oe num- that you ` wore at the ball last
.1, 1., WFIR, and a thougand people were in bee• of animals are together their night. Blancher -Why, Charlie 4 Newhilming Establishment
('hnth:un, Unt•iril,, ('I)e'�t01'rll In 11'ier'I'lltOn V/Rd llTr-
:- '_ - pr'e(•ed('nted in its fury. a'llc Anlong the debris, carrying Out bodies will raise the temperature, You always Haid before we were '
'Arek-.% Rcfiililry I wind tore around the base of the bricks, pulling away timbers and but it ve,ntilati°n its desired it married that I looked lovely in it.
mouittain and swept over the vil- ttasi9ting wherever they could, all should be done in a manner . to I Charlie --Yee dear but it is dif- The undersigned 'has,opened out in the tailoring business in the store
0p1)4)N:tle (he Poo Off ee. lage. About half of the roof of at the same time, but their work prevent cold draughts. It is better ferent, now. It causes remarks. lately occupied by MrX Moody, and will keep a fine stock of
the ller•ritton cotton mills was was slow compared with the de to keep animals in the stabled oil Young Thornton said to rue last ,
The ani,,. (r rowi;rs rr, ribvr4 tpa rnii- y mead for the rescue of the victims (lamp and windy days, and night, ' I see your wife's back English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds French'
pfd of Utinten for their v,'" iibrn.l kation- lOt'n Oft', Barns, lbrices,ehlinnC is g ' '
age in the pnet, and tit ilia �emv rine he I Of the disaaLer, r
.rouldintimate tothemthtit9rt.hnKrt•n, Dori aTl(I tree" are down On a1l,eitleB. velit11:1tIUD should be given ; but from Brookline.' Worsteds and the latest -,patterns -
to the more convenient stnmw In swith•s At Thorold the engine shed of Here a young woinan was taken, haw to ventilate without doinV
Block, directly oppositt, the. Post Oflicl. � y g It toss +dead fa11Ul'e.ln her false ( ;t
where be will be pleased to ,itupidq them the 5t. Catharine,i and Niagara out,brniaed and suffering from cuts. injury should be cousidered by ail -Addie -Wel! Cora do oil
with BreaA, Cakes, ete., of first vbwK quality. , r y of Pantings.,
`(,(,ntral ltallwavwan blown down, Ono body taken out had its head who Leap stock, think marriage is a failure? Coral
WRnd1pre OARFB l 8!'RCt.le. v I ,rho barrel shed of 110wland' cut oil'. Others were in various -Of course I do, Huvon't I been NVhich be will guarantee to make up at,the lowt•st possible prices.
and irrepared in splendid Ktcle. And old teamstor of fill eai•d
J. A. KILN(,, n.Il;l•r. mill wax also Blown down, besides postures, the living all sufPeting , e y married a your- 2 Addie- Wopkmanship of the best quality, and a fit guarui;;teed or no Fale.
it Iarhe wtin4er of fimeos, trees from the most terrible wounds and Ctl'crience stays .ie has "over had DOW not your husband love you i? A call solicited.
°gab $ d,'. a (ave of tl,a gaffe upon his animals �, i��P$�R�' Albert Wit. Clixztotz
t a°��04 ('tP sonic almost scared to death. The Cora lap hin r
_ where the following preventive ( n til -What, after a s
1 0 "g - p�oT o� In WeJlantl the new;,{rr(:'1 a9sociatad rasa ri resentative eu• whole your 2 Addie -But at leant NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DPwUG STORE.
' +°2s$-r� Z ` a` .:tc .-' built across'fhe canal was Cir,rrictl toed what was once the basement .was adopt(xk, which wan diwply W he respects you? Cora--Oh,yee.
''$�f`a rub the collum+ inside, every few _ _ __ __
W :30 ''� ;,m away and also the west also all- .of thr building, and groping his In fact, hehabaO much respect for-PoSltiYe Cure. __.- - Painless ; w� mo,;Z2gs 0« �t c�� prow-11, the water eornin r ,'ithia way ihron(r r the debt olfaed five 'lays with a little neatsfi)ot oil, tree that when he kissed me other
r, y c.0°� P, ,Y° U;12 oa 1 1, 0) ° and the nlontent any dirt was ' �SS Curer
v>i'9ANA ;gams -H0 a tl,ot I& Ilse top of the a(lucduct• . hodiPs of vounf girls Tying close to ninht by chance, ho 'apologised r
fi)und 'Sticking like aux to wns6 it
tiQo �p �^y°gq Q�� l :inner' I;!tnhr.r �ar(lR 810'eroll I -her ITe tried to pull them out, ,)ft with w:u'ru soapsuds au(1 then for his absent-mindedness.
e m,..aa°-� c11 Fr'ucrcly, I'i(crs wore,hlown nt1'I}mt lire wrr(� )finned down and it
�� e �p " y 1 oil. A yoke from oxen or i'ulLu A certain l uite+l States tAeutt
1-9 0'008 851Z 0A 0 Iho Pruni of tile, (;itv Hotel• etas int,) ,ible to et theta outro
rn ,vim 8�.° �.::Z o t 8•U teas 1 1 � 8 ;
,4-9 S8m ® 1N•h:ll(,u•'s( slore and lire f renb ) from a hut'nr, should not ho re- urs who is a ('an(ii(late fur r'e elei'•
pto=� °.°g..>q,a a J I hey u%,re+...'ant ant) 1,Fyo all hunri' ilmvc�i whr•I! bruu-rht into the tion, and is r,olnewhat nervous
•foo�.'�a $^ F E0�4 .a,aat f !«•1.1;111 ( loirch Were IYII'ly Il llt'nOf' Illan aid.
K::!I,lo rrr•ul worli until Ilio stoat over hit(• )run xv't,3, was sittin at
= .`N.ap c °��e�9x 111'4- ,� Leslie's f -+pilin", l I g� r•- a.m .S!4 8 r�A , a 11.11. T :1 1 is l..,I, us tins ronl'nsiuu al't'o"'i i+ oilf irely dry, arfd all ('half( his desk the other (lits, when uuC
bad -" � yak L!rlur)'tvtws ilrirooli'd. nnrnhcr,_thc mill. Tile miwa(rery io-o hiss- of his neinhburs turned to him a F°
w° .m ° y )nen should Fre oiled. �� �14
1;M.0 � oo��+o.F I ill' rltt tris li�hlG weir blown in'. and the corivet nurnber of the 1 PACTS 'FOR a `'LAJ1S .A
.LL o ° anti will : :11-•-. why tire oil so
ir"o- o °� °� I inwl,,v, ,tons the I:u`�r brick <I(aatl i9 mire +u ss -work. It may I I,rltor breed of, dairyuutu i•c r , Y DievAsr's car MAN.
a' AO gluuuty til. 'lay Vou look as r +u,
.9 "_:i 9�3= o�`ec°✓ t hiittneyuf'.ilountl's saw mill, h w)t be -otor 10, and` then again lvantrtl in some nci hbuthuods. though \'uu were frightened about �w �. 2.,ZYB(=)I— �S '�C2.t. _� NO., c -
ilea numcrolls smaller ones, f, Tl1Li' �iR�./T ,R3 h';.tDQAT'Lcy �E[;.R"�S.'f!li'•EXI,
thus i9 a 4ke'hilo-A that it will' • I'aI'locrs' lnectint;.s till( the jolnclifi�ng. My friend, wase the p Marvel ofNeslln; ardKohinoorofitadlelnes,
4 ! l \ I. I'nrt ('oll,nrne it is rja�sc'I reach tip, or even �0. The.-Ailk ujill i 1'ubl,fl1g ill' ideas a,ttlust on('h re})li, the cxpressiun upuu my 4+1����,� thetr•rr0,'sr• cotimequepseea ofrndiscretion,
ilio s,,ven!st storm in•yeru's w:fe Infill ;,bent fo'n stars Shu, surd other will pu h (hltariu 1':u'ther f;uro which you u,istu}:e for fright �•��� i:Hrbo,errr and Irverwork.
Thr f.:,ac blay'n 1Wo hard+os, I1'ing' toncflo l „ith thu illucll;ucry is a slier I thou seri' is senatorial ilium to Three in- WOTTZ1TC3- MZ3==,r _.1A.Gr=_ = -N.11= OT.A= wiEr
Ira ,the old and most pn9) acfttrrttee ant : , ill the ha rl n r, were I i I'lcrl nn Who are broken Gown from the effects of n n:iAe ,will a ud.Arf No. s a radical a for nervot
taleclranI 1paperpabli.hed and has the largest b,1 to!1701 ,f lcck. This weati8 a .IOPV 0i ' .
f1lU'ntial vii.izwl t,f til State are uNo, y;oour,eweak less,-wnhmtalryorgy, losses, ,wa
MrCul,11 r an. HeAt of tie elxaa r„thewrar. ilii, Ila l'b0l' \fall h' 111(' 1'i�ll)n OI' �lllll l' (`('nn Urn Of labor, 111 the y
stmrt9 UlaetratA,d. Best alnse of Wur,d ,tnuneo: } over � 1 I h I,(]l If,, Y lirnrn•roNa !eA tPHrra No. H enUT)r.b Ir,r 1 >,cn•-•wont of sutras, vertigo, want Ot pntpoa
�1g!Rg�et. Published woekll1. ' Bend ft.? .ppeeeman the scut or in the lake anti left un - arran.;ttilent u1'' buildings. 'Phis sittin.',,* ill t lit. gallery opposite,:Ind dimness of sight, aversion to socirty, ,':,,at of cnnti,tence, avoidance of converesiia
., .. Prk,eb7a7a►r: F'onrmonths'trlar,It}. I _. . -.4 r0 �--. �I :illi utl 111 (wOtt behaviour. desireffirrsoatnde,listlesaness anti iunh..,ty to nx tiro attentiouonapeatlanlareublee
A NN diCO.•r'trutrdnaan,90taroaaWAS,N.r. the• k, .;1IC, It iLf expe(q(!d 111(,)• ix too Often neglected, and the • y R Cower tie, dopreeeioo of spirits, Fi(hhnr-,a, lueaof mt.rnor , excitatinitYottempor ape
matorrr we. or low of the senium tluu, , r,o result of aeit•sbttse or matItal esceae—kmpt
RCNITECTS db BUILDER will Int launclied nil' witholtt dam- ` In the nl:ltt('r of sal:n i('; Inc' labor of earing for stock is made • _. --_.,-_-� tones, ii7nutrttton, etnaCiat,aTl, lust „ , 1'10pitatiofa of the heart, hyarartetAelitlgg!
Edltioo otP Scientlfle American. ,e. The west pier anti home 11'rcr Ilvleri:ul rninist(rs arc ihr � double what it ought to be. ! � e: sA• , tousles rsemblln.1 elabohofy, ruKtr�',' I,• nrHnlne rte., aro nttsym toms of thisterrib;
c ribs were barfly damn ed and I host rtld. Ilev 1)..1. Ale•Dunntal ,, �'�as�1�'cg atA°kjj habit,aitent±metribnnoentty iicn,,fra,i, to short, the Hyringofvita �force havin�lost b
Agrreatsnect((s(t. xarhlssuewntnlnea,tnr(d �' I' , 1,, 1'ilcu]al' taln9H}lnnldbelaken 75 0': 'l, �r tonal,a,everyfun6tionwauesln,:o:ra,•gr. t. -e. Scientific,wr•i:ersandthesuperia ndenhi
fitbographfe plMeflof country and 010 res,deu- nim o - than lialf of the pier' was : 1)r Parsotw and Dr Kellog receive i • 1 i mvoe;°0�we: ;s �,'� of tiieoGe asylums unite in sAcrlt:n,:; t.•, t!'.n efrarts of tetf•abuee the great alority ,:, "
eep or pub„e bonding.. rfnmerom angra•Ings In ci 11 Nventher to keel) the lambs wt►etod ilvoe•whia come nndot• th,,r 1 0! rt,, if you at() ,scumpetentfor ttrerudnot:
end otic phtru turd opoe. (-ai101i. nr thotroe cf )t:l-hod away, `';0veral veNnCl,' 8-1,snn etch. Rev G. M. Uilligan i � a� �'tl �tlAig'5 •4 - duties of business, incepEwitato: :.)r '.:� • , ujoym,:It,„t Ido, N�. 8 pf orilan eweperror:
MCh tie mM.em plawAt affairna vri¢osi.wxynar, , Ill a f#wiving.� condition giving . ,:..;”:.A,t°Q 4E t.- g
,,o"y MUNNACO.,r'ua1,1;j idea. I I1 1� r(T1V(,'9 1000. in the l',hllrelr ' �' ^ •�-•° ...6 .2 a� theeffedteofearlyvice. Ifynoac,i ed i" Venn',S,n.8willgi'veyoufallv[oreq;
I11 the canal (•ttl'I.110(1 alta}' ,I' ', them a rood su) I• of nuteit,on9 •a ssx�• o °„A 1� strong�", ityouare brnked dour, 01. .•�,Ilyandn,(nh11y, f)•inn early indiatrk!titon, tlfr,
IIIc �nllhang lx, -its :ind drilled of hingland the income of Canon � I� � Zg Mk�a!Qo' e81i rosin€of noranceandfotty,tr„!��t�rr,til,ncusaurltuce,tsmetampaforEi.v.Lvndu'a
hesaQlrr- 1 fUOd atnl enlnfi)I'tah1C (1U91'1CTB. 9n�'�•��',•e, °iG�gti° a ti'roatise Gr Book Forrn on 1)1•..; �t,, .,t lien. Rc:.ln,t and sr,enre from observema..'
NTSrnayir� to i'Pyx :1titisl ilio canal without much Ilumorilin, St. Janos Cathedral, g�eI ®a n
y y Attention will be 'repaid by the ���et�9��rs�x�2 k A Alanwtihoutwiidamlivice mafiosi:glia.•, ;tfnCURT$ GUARANTE 0.n HEAL'I 6 SICK.
b iu,do; r (Imnage. fart of the roof of the is $6,000. .Rev Mr Ca le re- bettor• t,rowth'of the la►nbs 11 2 w ° «, E mom'
/0��lIa�u�rel a:pOlen,f ane have mnd+t ar»r• 1)ttl,lir;,'nrhool was blown till' and ceivos $3 g0A Itev )tIr Baldwin .,-a �tw e
IOgoAMPHCanons toe Amorimn and 8Cr• ' > , th1'011gll the w'it,tPT'. oc I Ica It,
elgnpatenm send forrlaudbouk- CCrrc.• 11111t1ei'nllfl fences. were. blown $2 500. In Methodist circles the wgai A "
wynQeno ,,ctiyoontldenflnt. J = wps►�s
' � rTRADE MARK. (1-wn. The I:II,,, rront of 1',rie pant.oroftile Metropolitaneburch,� At a i•vcovt (fairy confer(•il(,( . 1*21a as i 3°�
1':11.1: Wns flu:Iv t, -r:, r �.:'.,.
7noaeCynrrrmarttsnntroklet:ere,!Irlit,pr.t-i i hedawayand 1{c� Loftus Hooker, one sni(I that ',t well.. � �ggno °� ,jp r. w
mr octet, nPplf to BonuNv ,4 co,, nun ,,,k.pri)I I he f�nccn (•at ;-Ii i all by the heavy 750 ; I?ov Ilti,tgrh Johnston, $2,509- nclt,W. (I �,cit'rl , tvel!-lrt, :lull n•cll- ...&d N I"+ : w •
mmedtato protectlort: 9arrrl 1„r atanabru,k.
COPY'R'milrr4 for ww1ks, charts, Pme, Toa. Ilarborflw..ler Carter says 1iev. Mr Statl'ord, $2,7011; Rev. I treated, will give five times her JJ.A r''
ate.,quickl,gifteured. Addross , it is the rile. since 'the W. J. Hunter, 2 400, lir•. Wild I,'eight in milk the first ear, six .e Ji �-, fit ”-'r•�.r.�, I��•, '
g �''►! a "t0 '( ,�,+ 7
111Ia V & ('o„ Patent Heli. 1TAT, gale Congregational, ' " r I tirn s hot- R•ei'ght the second year, ��'I w, "a:,;e" • to ' -
UE:YSRdI.OrrTclt, 361 r±)fUA.1,wAT, N'. r, bier blow of IPA 1. Congregational, receive9 ;S.t,000. e
'n �I a A Pertwinent �t. o-.,,, r"< 4 Pff'svr rrit 4r.ur•
.,v ...... .. . ..I ..-_......- -- - ....... I. _-- _-.......... _... .,....... ....-^.-.--,n — .._-w. _
.. _. . I'll, ,
A- 1
-....-.. I4
,� I.,
- . ,. .v .
- Kr Y:,