The Clinton New Era, 1889-01-18, Page 5D.
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'Went co re -the.. om and of old womlal "in 0e ot11e>k " od Of o6vh4t iikW, �¢ngi It ai9 ,`ba dpF . �o � " our fi�ce. Bttt, ah, ga Shortest 41P 0>I n-fe %) �opp,.
,,, a w., b I k 'Gi t o „.." b " b w t o with n�T vi "
q il'-e5s p m "�. A p y beg, Qtva ttti s. trial,• u�t q, tl,
T' L OF wOUNTRY L1Fla, Coo.sey & Son,Q,nd be read it through $i?nham rho., t egme £utshsitt cut igkod, . of ,1 Ii.. ,w tb t --R apd ai._e lady;, e, en. n, a Wood taut this to taia.t�` ¢c4�I1,00 t.► 0
A F twice. t a s," she lagan to o>oy AytrighG, . G>I•nipou.a aflat<h ox his gray eyes, "I OST AICD PL VG � ntuia bnigd ficin hi yo ;= ehra F
W "The old man means business " "I shall be very happy." said Ilei Thio.• was too much (or Edward shall have -you yet. Give you Withtn� end 04 gettrtng1._W I r Nett=11
i .BY 11. RIDER HAGGARD. he said, as he returned it; "that "Very well, then,that is settled; Cossey, who, as any man must, Lad eros h i'o a and you will Ilan our- ►7liIl0l�i�p �O�, -Co
g p y g y E" FLOUR warn FEED 010A m0loedlt
�;. CONTINCED. letter was written by bim,and when said Mr Quest,p"and now I must been much toached by this uuex- self, You love this fellow, I know D - oonetantlyon nand
pop.•right and published by arrange- he had once made up his mind it is ggtt my plans and be off to that peoted outburst. "Look here,Belle," that, and it will go hard if I can't D B, 1i[oLF1AN,'8I I� F'. IN
— ,-n- n .� - .y �-Fr
moat with the Rose Publishing useless to try and stir him. Did vest y meeting. I'm late as it is. he blurted out on the impulse of make h}mt break your heart forgyou. FINER THAN EVERa LINTOE "QUA _10'S 1$40T;TII.
Company.) you say that you were going to see With your permission, )1r Cossey, the moment, "I am sick and tired Baht you .don't known the aart of SEE H�aJliidowq et i R. , uL 9,00e a7�lo
A couple of minutes afterwards a the squire to -day?" I will order the dog -cart as I pass of all this sort of thing. For more stuff men are made of If duly I in the Llbrar q�"d all the 7.eadil k Zit,
tell sha sly young map, of about u » papers and yrlodioalal Q. the _4:r,
, p No, I did not say so, but, as a your rooms. than a year my life has been. noth- did not happen to be in love with table. M6mb.otelitp tic P. si per aqn
twenty-four or five years of age, matter of fact, I am. His man, ''Certainly," said Edward, and in ing but a living lie, and I can't you myself I should not care. lf- in. AVpi�ron io°. slor membdepehip evo;y;
:& 0
came strolling into the office where George -a shrewd fellow, by the another' moment the lawyer was stand it, and that's a fact, I tell Ah! here I am at the church." G ■ oytheLibrarianintheroom• r_•
Mr Quest was,pitting, to all appear way, for one of those bumpkins- gone. . you what it is ; I think we had bet- The human animal is a very coin- ,
antes hard at work at his correspon- came with a letter askiog me to go Mrs Quest watched the door ter just take the train to Paris and plicated machine and can conduct IN BRONZE oN - BENNLLER NURSER
I- • dente. He was dark in complexion, the.Castle,so I shall get round close, and then sat down in a low go off at once, or else give it all up. the working of an extraordinary
and decidedly distinguished looking there to lunch. It is about this arm chair, and, resting her head It is impossible to go on living in number of different interests and EACH AUG AND PACKAGE FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE:
'in feature, witu large dark eyes, ( fresh loan that the old gentleman upon the back, looked up with a this continual atmosphere of false- sets of ideas, almost, if not entirely, — NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH
dark mustache, and a pale, some- I wishes to negotiate. Of course I steady, inquiring gaze, full into Ed- , hood." simultaneously. For instance, Mt AND ASTRACHAN PINE,
what Spanish•looking skin. Young l shall be obliged to tell him that ward Cosse 's face. ' She stopped crying. "Do you E W C O M B E TBa LATTER OF Wa1aa WE MAKE A SPICIALTY.
g y pp y e y Quest -seated at the right hand of n
; as the face was, it had, if observed instead of giving a fresh loan,' we And be, too, looked at ber and really care for me enough for that, the rector in the vestryrooip of the PIAN�IFORTES ! LARGE STOCK ON BAND.
closely,a somewhat worn and worn- shall have to serve a notice on him." thought what a beautiful woman I Edward? she said. beautiful old Bcisingham church,
ed air, such as one would scarcely- "Don't do that just yet," said she was, in her own way. She was "Yes, yea," be said, somewhat and engaged in an animated and ` - Elegant In Design. a The above ornamental trees and shrubbery aft,
a•xpect to see upon the countenance Edward with decision. "Write to very small, rounded in her figure impatiently ; 11you•can see I do, of even warm discusaibn with the be sold of very tow prices,andw those wmane
Solid In Construction. anything is this connection will cava move
of gentleman born to such brilliant the house and say that their' instruc- almost to stoutness, and possessed I should not make the oflbr. Say senior, curate on the details of four- purchasing here.
for tunes and so well fitted b nature , „ Excellent In Tone. —
Y tions shall he attended to. 'there the tiniest and most beautiful hands the word, and I'll do it. feenth,.century church work, in Orders by Mail will be promptly attend
to do them justice, as waR ;lir Ed- t is no hurry about the notice, though and feet. But her greatest charm She thought for a moment, and which he clear) took a live) in- Pronounced by Artists to be the Finest made ed to. dddreee,
txilyd Cossey.For it is not every ' „ , Y y in Canada. and equal to the beat United States . .
Y I don't see bow I am to help in She lay in the face, which was almost then looked up again. "NQ," Rile terest and understood far better instruments, at (when duty and freight is paid) JOHN STEWART B
young man with dark eyes and a matter. Indeed, there is no call infantile in its shape, and delibate said, "no, Edward." than did the curate -would have 7� s enmlllOr.
good figure who is destined to be the upon me." as a moss -rose. She was exquisitely "Why," he asked, "are you Ler et. less Expease
tlltnre Lead of one of the most tt Y been exceedingly difficult to identify N ���� p}y�a�
Very well, Mr Cossey. And fair in coloring ; indeed the darkest afraid?" with the scheming, vindictive crea- Before purchasing communicate c�lllo�) IUIUIU IIlsoraIlce Co.
wealthy private banks in England, now, by the way, are you going to thing about her were her violet "Afraid!" she answered, with, a ture whom we have just followed up with the Manufacturers
and to inherit in due course a gum the castle, this afternoons" ; eves, which in some lights looked gesture of contempt ; "what have I to the church path. But; after all, Oi=TAVIUS NEWCOMBE & CO.
of money in hard cash variously "yes, I believe so, why?" ' almost black in contrast with her to be afraid ofl Do you suppose, that is the way of bumamnature, lw-109 Church Street, Toronto, 1r: NEILANS, HARLOOK
estimated at, from half a million "Well, I want to get up there to white forehead and waving auburn that such a woman as I am has any although it may not be the way of
to a million sterling. Such, how- g y y BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST GENERAL AGENT.
, lunch, and I am in a fix. Belle hart•. care for consequences'' We have those who try to draw it, and who Isolated town and village property, ,sE well
. ever, was tbe.prospect in life that will want the trap to go there this Presently she spoke. got beyond that -that is, for our- love to paint the villain blaok as The Clinton Branch Bible society nave fqr as farm buildings and stock, insured. Insur•
opened out before Mr Edward Cos- afternoon, Can you lend me our "Tisa m husband orae?" she said. selves. L'ut we can Rt 1 feel a little sale at DR WORTHINGTON'S DRUG anoes effected against stock that may be
y y Y g year bat, and the virtuous her�iny STORE, Albert street„a fine assortment of killed by lightning, It you 'want ineargpoa
11 ® bey, who was now supposed by his dog -cart to drive u and them per- I "I suppose so. Why do you ask?” for others. It would ruin 'you to Bibles and Testaments. dropa card to the above ad4ress.
p PP Y' Y y so radiant that you begin to .fence TESTAMENTS FROM 8cte. UPWARDS
std and' eminently business -like hags you would not mind if she ave "Because from what I know of do such a thin social) and in
Y you hear the whispering of her BIBLES FROM 250LE UPWARDS.
father to be ill a process of .acquir- a lift this afternoon " g I his habits I should think it very other ways. You know that you wings. Few eo le are alto ether coMH AtrD SEE. DR WORTHINGTON, De- PAINTING. PAINING.
ing a sound knowledge of „the pro- "Ver well," answered Edward 1 like] that he is listening behind have often Raid that our father b people g pository.
Y , , I Y g y good of altogther bath ; indeed, it is The undersigned desires to Intimate bo e
vincial aHitirs of their house by at- "that is -if it suits Mars Quest. Per-' the door" and she las hed faint) would cut you out of'his will if you, people of Clinton and vicinity that he
Q , g Y Y y probable that the vast majority are J. T. 4VILiiIE, SURGEON, DENTIST returner to town, dna intense to remtar,
tending to the working of their haps she rnp object to carting m. "You seem to have•a cod opinion compromised ourself and him like --
P y J g g 1 p Y neither good nor bad -they, have golds the exclnstva rig -ht for the county for here ever
into do a end g better prep"!
country branches in the eastern about tl;escountry." of him." that. not the Rtren th to be either the the Ilurd process or administering onemi- than aver to do anything whatever in tl1
g painting or paper hanging -line. All ordflrs .
counties. • ' "I have not observed any such "I have exactly the opinion of "Oh, yes, he would do that. I one or the other. Here and there pally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the entrusted to him will receive prompt sad
I' "IIOw do Utl d0 asst?" said + safest and beet system yet discovered for
Y , reluctance on careful attention.
her part," said the him that he deserves," she said hit- am sure of it. He would never however,one does meet with a spirit moderate, satisfactioinguaranteed.�omroe GEORGE POTTS, Kirk st.,Clinton.
I. E'dw�ard Cossev, nodding somewhat lawyer dryly, "but we can easily terly ; "and my opinion of him is, forgive the acaudal ; he has a hatred with sufficient will and originality ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor
aoldy to the lawyer and sitting settle the question. I must go home . that, he is one of the wickedest men of that sort of thing. Bat I could shop, Huron street: nitnton,
down. `PAW business?" q to press the scale down this way or
9 to get some plans before I attend in England." get A few thousands ready money, that though even ther.the opposing EI�tAUSTEO VITALITY
"Well, yes,Mr Cossey," answered the vestry meeting about that pin- "If he is behind the door he will `and change our names and go off to force, beatggood or evil is uolistantg � SHVIMP
rhe lawyer, rising respectfully, nacle. Will you step across with eBjoy that," said Edward Cossey. some colony, or somethin r 1HESCIENCEofLifeT'B ly striving to blains the balance l the gret Meaicat.J _ ••there is some business, some very me and we can ask,her?" "Well if be is Rll this wh did vou "It is ver ood of ou to sa so " work of. the age on Man'•'y Y g Y Y equal, hood Nervosa and Physi- t '
serious business," "Oh; yes," he answered. "T have marry him?" � she said, humbly. "I don't deserve sal BS Uity, Premature
"Indeed," said, I'7davard, indifFer- nothing articular to do." - "Wh did I lnarr him?" she an, it and I will not take advanta;e of TO RE CONTINUED, Decline, Errors of Youth.
"»Wily, "What is it?" - ' p Y y 1, ' and the untold miseries -THE LEADING -
And, accordingly, as soon as Mr swered, with passion; because I you. Yoa will be sorry that• you consequent thereon, sou
"We11, it is this, the 110uso )las Quest had made some small arrange. was forced into it bullied into it made the offer b tomorrow. :fib frotgo0ional and other (EarAol Paget Bvolfor ., 125 presorip- • '
,ordered a foreclosure on the lion Q g ' ' Y ' -.••-. _ cloth, full gilt, a scot. UNDERTAKER
menta, and given particular sires- starved into it. What would you yes I know it is onlybecause I y ®1, by ma ,sealed.. it.
' luatratad sample free to all young and "mid-
l�am Castle estates -at least it comes tions to his clerks as to his where do if you were a defenceles, mother- cried. No, we ,lust go on as we MANNIN(,1 &, SCOTT, al. aged men, send now. The Gold and "
to that--" abouts for the day; tbev set Off' to• less girl of eigbteen with a drunken are until the end comes, and then Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by -AYD-
. At the sound of this intelligence g b ' the National Medicat Association. Address �r�
b gether for the lawyers private father who beat you yes, beat you you can discard me; for all the Barristers, Solicitors P•0.Box 1890, Boston, Mass., or Dr, W. H, F-MBALMER
r Edward Cossey's whole demeanor house. with a stick --apologized " in the blame will follow me and I shall PARSER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col-
, lege; 25 years practice in •Boston, who may
lin the most startling trans most gentlemanlike way next morn- deserve it, too, for I am older than G�oNVEYAxt;ERS, kC. beoonsultedconfidentially. Specialty, Dis- ,
CHAPTER VIII. - . ease of Man. Office, No. 4 Bulfinch St,
formation -his languor vanished, ing, and then went and got drank you, you know, and a woman ; and Commissioners for Ontarlo and Manitoba A FULL LINE OF
. his eye, brightened, and his form MR QUEST'S WIFE. again? And what would you do if my husband will snake some money _ _� pp -
luecame instinct with active life and Dir Quest lived 1n one of those that father were in the hands of a out of you, and then it will all bs �' T. 1', F. HIL.LIARD• The Mnlsans Bank. FD"
beauty. ugly but comfortabl b ' t old red man like m husband bol and forgotten, and I shall have had my Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855.. GOODS KIN 111 STOCK
"What the deuce!" be said, and brick houses which abound 1n al- soul in his hands, and 1f between day and go on my own gray bo ob: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc• CAPITAL, - $2,000,000.
3r o y Y' 9th Y. t. Y I; r
then paused. "I won't have it," most every country town,and which them pressure was brought to bear livion like thousands of other un PaIyATE FUNDS t0 loan at lowest rates tK REST FUND, - $1;000,000
P g , interest.. � The bestEmbalmin Fluid used
Fie went on, jumping up, "I won't give us the clearest'postiible idea of and brought to bear until at last- fortunate women before me, .and it Office, Cooper's New clock, _Groans: door, g
have it. I • am not, particularly the want of taste and love of ma- there, what is the good of going on will all be the same a`hundred years t IA STREET, CLINTON, ONT. BEAD OFFICE, IVT4NTREAL.
fond of old De ]a Molle, perhaps terial comfort that characterized the with it -you can guess the rest," hance,don't yon reel But,Etiward, THOMAS WORKMA •,,,,,,President.
MO EY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES J. H. R. MOLSON............Vice-Pres. ,
because be is not particularly fond I age in which they were built. Thin "Well, and what did. he marry remember one thing' don't play me xa1 Bought, Private Funds. C RIDOUT, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager I Splendid Uelir.s .
of me," he added, rather drolly,' f house looked out on to the market- you for; your pretty facet" any tricks, for I am not of the sort O®oe over J Jackson's Store, canton. .
"but it, would bean infernal shame place, and had a charming old wall- "I don't -know; k -now ; be said so.; it 'to bear it' Have' patience and wait MARRrAGE LICENSES,- APPLY • TO Notes discounded,Colleclions maiie,DraJte
the undersigned at the Library issued; Sterling and American ex- TNTON
' to break up that family and sell the ed garden at the back,' famous for may'have had something -to do with, for the end for these thin s' never g y Rosins, I AL}4�li,T ST.,CLT� ,
B JAMES SCOTT, Clinton. cixnye bought and sold at lotoee-
�rr * . house under, them. Why, they its nectarines, which, together with it. I think it was my.ten thousand, la#t very long, and 1 shall never be. current rates. . - Residence over store.
would be ruined. And then there's the lawn -tennis court was as Mrs t ARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY. THE Interest at 3 per cent allowed on de calfs:
+ , p0IIIId7 ;. for once T had a whole ten a burden on you. Don't desert me MARRIAGE
Wad, at residence or drug atone. P p OPPOSITE TOWN HALL
ida-Miss De la Molle, I mean- Quest would say, aln)ost enough to thousand pounds of my own ; my or make me jealous, for T cannot MRs A. WORTHINGTON. F•AR1;IP3R,1�.r,
what would become of het? And console her for living in a town, mother left it to n)e and tied it a hear it -I cannot.. indeed ---and I do '- ------ Moneyadvanced to farmers on their own notes
the ofd ,lace too: After, tJelUg in' The,front door, however, was Otll p ht []0--m•tke uONEY TO LEND IN• LARGE OR with one or more endorsers, No mortgage re -
1 e y so that my father could not touch not know what. 1 'nig �►1 SmaitaumRongoudmortea�eseflurity, 4utred as security.
the family for all these centuries, I selmrated by a little flight of steps it. Well,c�f equlse,when I married a sc ndal, nr kill ni self Or pit_- moderate rate or in terest. H HALE,eltnton H. C. BREtr,ER, Nahat;er,
S Y January 1&,7. C•liuto„ n �{,T �t
suppose it would lie sold to some from the, pavernent upon which the my husband WOfild rot have any I'm sure I can't. siv what. You rlR APPLETON-OFFWR-AT RF91• ----- -- ---•' --- - - -_ FARI�� 1V T TI►�DALL
confounded counter skipper or some gouge abutter], . settlements and xo. ha tools it ever near) snit use wilt) the 'othc r da Dx:NCF: rill Ont rio street. Clinton, up. .
it,every Y Y pusito English Chit Rai. Entrance b,V side Clinton Post Offi.oe Time Table I
retired thief of a lawyer. It iuust Entering into a' large, cocl•look- farthing." - when vou were carrying on with Mn:te. 11faiH are due for delivery and close for dee itch H. A ti Ii E R S ,
be prevented at any In ice=do you ing hall, MF' Quest p'lused,l and "And what did he do wit it?"_ Aiss De la Molle -al,, yes, [.saw ----- •----• at the Clinton Post OBice,as follows:- I 1aT .-
bear, Quest?" asked a servant who was passing, H B. PROaiandDC, inion andSuv ER -.Ui I CLINTON. ONT
"Spent it upon some other wo it all -I have suspected you for Provincial and Dominion rhr Suroey. -I••, ctoea j aUie
The lawyer• winced a little at his where hNr mistress wan. man in Condon -most of it. I found' long time and sometimes I think or Architect ami Draug hremau. P.ERRIN HamUton, Toronto, Strat- -- ' --
chiefs contemptuous allusion and g BLOCK, Clinton. ford, Sesforth, Grand
p l "In the drawing -room, sir, " said ,-.___ .I
+ it out ; he gave hsr• thonsynda of that you are really in love with her. Trunk, east and informs- i
then remarked, with u sinile,,111 had I the girl; and, . followed by Edward pounds at once." And now, air, I tell you what it i8 J J, WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON diate offices ......... ,. 5.30 a.m., 1;60 p,m ' Advances made to farmers ontheir own
fl0 ]lea 'grit OU were so s.ntimen• „ ' ' Y > Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- Toronto, Stratford, Sea.
} Cossey, be made, his way down a Well, I should not have tbought we have bad enough Of this trlelan- lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at forth, T. and S. east_ ., 1.55 p.m.1 8 a.n notes, at low rates of interest.
tal, Mr Cosbey, or that vou took long panelled passage till he reached that of him," said he, with a laa;h, choly talk to IaRt me fora month. landed to. Office -Londesborough, Ont. G der1chr aolimt svelte and 1 P.M. a a.m I A general Rankin Ilvsinese transacted
such a lively interest in DLiss De la a door oh the left, which be opened She paused a moment and corer- What did you come here for at all S WHITT--TEACHER OF MUSIC Goderich. ................ 8,45 p.m. I $ •
Hamilton, Toronto, . 4.15 p.m. 10.10 a, Ill I Interest allowed nn deposits.
Molle,' and h. glanced up to observe quickly and passed through into a ed bet- face with her hand and then this morning, just when I wanted Al1'1 Member of the Canadian Society of London, L., 11, A' B. south a.m.,la,m, m ! Sale Notes bought •
+ Musicians. Piano ami Organ for the a,o Of and intermediate dieted 7,35 4,15 10,107.00
the effect of his shot, charming, modern -looking room, went on :-'tlf you only knew, Bi- to get you ot+t of my head for an Vupils• Residence, lir 8 Hartt'R, Opposite Blyth, witigham, Kincar.!
Edward Cossey colored. "I did handsomely and even luxuriantly ward if you had the faintest idea hour or two and think about m I r Whitohead's, Albert Street, Cti» ton dino, Lucknow, L ,11.&B.1 I J. 11. TISDALL, Manager.
Y Y J .d...lod,pm,� -..-
anrth •dud intermediate
not mean that I took any narticnlar furnished, and lighted by FC.IICh what my life was till.a year and a gardens I suppose It was all a trick _ R RF.FVE,--OFFTCH. RATTENBURY offices ....... O,trll 6.15 8,'255.04
interest in De la Molle," hP, windows opening on to the walled half a o when I first saw ou ou of Mr Quest's bringing you here. D st, Murray Block, two ricers oast of 6umrnorhili, Tuesday and' Rewarded are those who read
cc 1 O g ' Y + y + o Y Hodkons ontranen. • Itesidenee opposite �. Friday, 6;80 p,m, l 6.30 p.m RICHLY this and then act; they will rind
said; I was referring to the family= garden• would pity me and' understand why He has got some fresh scheme on, I Army Barracks, Huron st, chnton. omee Brttinb mails, Mon&y,tYed- honorable einplovtnent thin will nottpke
"Ob, quite so, thon,;li I am sure' A little lady dressed in some I am had and passionate and jealous am sure of it from his face. Weil, flours, a a rn to a p m• nesday, Thuradav .... i 6.30 a.m.I them from their homes and families. The
P , ,---------- .. -1 Mosey Orders iv+ued and Deposits recuived from profits are large anti sure for every industri-
I dont know wily ,you shouldn't. black material was atanding•at One and everything that Fought not to it can't be helpe:l, and since you JAMES 'HOWSON, LICENSED AUC- 'one dollar upwards, ous person, man )• have rnade and are now
Miss De ]n b?olle 1s one 0f the most of these windows her arms crossed d J TtoNEER for Ella Cnuntyo[Huron. SRles
Office hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m, making several hundreddoUarse, month It
be. I never had any happiness as are here, Mr Edward GOsaey, toll attended anywhere In the enmity, at res- Savings Flank and Money Order Office close is easy for any person to make $$ per
charming women that I ever. met, I behind her back 'and absently a girl -how c8f)ld I in such a home me how you like my. new dro:-s,'I sonable, rR•es. Resideuee.Albort Street I at R. 30 p.m. anaupwards,w oiswillinbtowork. MI.:
" ' Clinton. ` THOMAS FAiR, Postn*ster, sea,younq or old ; capital not needed,WI
think the most charming, if I ex- gaging out of it. At the Round of as ours -and then almost before I and she posed herself avid couitesied Clinton, Aug. 1887. vou. Everything new. .No special' n
Copt my own wife, Belle," and he the opening door she turned swiftly, .was a• woman d ,was handed over to he`.'Or0 him. 'Flack, you Sea, to UR BTANutlftY, UKALUA`PL OF THE I - -- --- _ required; you, reluler.can do itae well Medical Departuteht of Victoria Unl• i y ono. Write tons atonce foil fullpartieagain looked np suddenly at Edward her whole delicate and lovely face that man. Oh, how I hated him match my sins and show off my verRtty, Toronto, formerly of the Hnapitade ROBE l�,•l. DOWNS which we mail free. Address Stinson .
n ' , „ Rnd Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for --- �' Nortland,•Kaitie. _
Cossey, who, for his part, colored lighting up like a ffovner lu a ray of and what I endured? comp exton: Doesn't it fit well? the County of Huroii, Bayfield, Out. CLINTON
for the second time. "It seems to sunshine, the' lips slightly parted, ' Y it can't have been very "Charming:y�- he said, laughing, -w. WILLIAMS, x. A., X. D„ GBADU• _
me, went on the lawyer, that a and a deep and bappy light. shining pleaRAi1.�' in spite of himself, for he felt in no ArE of Toronto University : membUl of Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Saw i t"J
man in your position has a most in her violet eyes. Then, all in an "Plc Ant -but there, we have laughing mood-; "and now I tell the "'er" pt Pnyefcians and surgeons, wrra reg In use. Agent for the sate and �,�
Ont. OFFIClI 11 REs1DENCa the house for- BOIappLNRtlOn gbthe Sa�•AM F PATENTTTING AnY'OS/ATJO I&I
splendid opportunity of ' playing insthnt, it was instructive to ob- done v each other now -we don't you what it is, Bele, r am not o- mercy occupied by Dr Reeve, Albert Street Bomar CLeAsas. applied
on FITTINGS furnished _
g and ppplled on eh�rt notice
. knight-errant to the lovely damsel serve how, instantaneously,- her even speak much except in public, ing to stop here. all the morning, --.-.
Clinton. _ I (k WE
in distress. Here is the lady with glance fell upon. bar husband (for that's my price for ,holding my And lunch,and all that sort of tiling. R WORTHiNGroN, - PHYSICIAN, Ae11PIrs, P"glues. mold au kInda or (A•
her aged father about to be sold u the lady. Mrs D Surgeon,Accoucher, Licentfete of the Machinery repalred e* j,Ndlat..uoedy
g p y Quest), and her tongue about the lady in London, It does not look well to say the College of Physicians, and Surgeons of and In a RiCtYsfactory mannr.r.
and turner) out of the estates which entire expression changed to one of and one or two other llttlelthings- least of it. The probability is that Lower Canada, and Provincial Licentiate ® ® W .
have belonged to her family for. cold aversion, the light fading out so what is the use of talkie about half the old women in Boisi❑ ham and Coroner ace and residence,-ThefthCoty (if rHaron Of Farm implements manufactured and repaired. W
irj gy Steam and Water Pipes furnished and put in � IYII
generations; why don't•, you do the of her face as it does from a Neveim- itt It was a horrible nightmare, have got their eyes fixed on the ball occupied byMrThwattes, Huron�tmot.. position. Dry Kiln, acted up on application.
Clinton, Jan.10, 1811. Charges moderate,
generous and graceful thing, like her sky, and leaving it cold and but it has gone. And then," she door to see how long I stay. I shall ---- -- . _ _ _ _
mho hero in a novel, and takeI the hard. went on, fixing ber beautiful eves go down to the office and comeback DR9. ELLIOT & GUN 1V, FIUIRd►1Pdl AND �SRUOE I Cy
: U
u)ort,t;ag.s? Dir Quest, who Way a man who upon his face, "then I saw you, Ed- at half -past two," I --
1 C3
Edward Cossey did not n ject this saw everything, saw this also, and ward, and, for the first time in m "A very nice excuse t0 et rid of H. R, Elliot, M. D., I W. Guno, M,D„ L, R. I_A lmn & In VCst.11ielli (I11' ® C2
suggestion with the contempt that seliled bitter) Y Y g L.R.C.P., F.dtnburgh, C.P„Erl burgh, L.R. ,V
Y life, I learned what love wits, and T rnP "she said, "but I dare Ray yell L.It,C.s,. Edinburgh, C. S., Edinburgh, LI- I V /
might hada been expected, on the Licentiate ofttie"'I”- centiate of the Mid- This Company is Loaning AforaFy OP, I ~� � = +i
"Don't he alarmed, Belle," be think that no woman ever loved are right, and I warit to Hee about wifery, Edinburgh, wifery,EdlmOfflco,on
,contrary, be appeared to be turning' said,in a low voice ; "I have brought like that before. Other women have the i arson. There, good-hy, and Office Rt Braeofield. corner of Ontario and Farm Security at Lntdrst liafr8 of ; �%�_.• _
the matter over in his mind, for he 'Mr Cossey with me." William ate., canton IntPTPaf, Fire X]Sl�1I,8'GanoG.
had something to care for in theft mind you are not late, for I want to -
drummed a little tnno with his . She flusbed up to the eyes,a great lives,I never had anything till I saw have a nice drive round to the - �`� er r7 + +�� r� NiURTGAG;E1; - , - PUl•1CIIASr L ' ---
knuckles E 1 1�� L i!,, L l Ali kinds of property insurer) at loweNt t'sri
lrnuckltls and stared .out of ilio wave of coirar,and her breast heaved; you. It may be wicked; but it's C+sl le. Not th=at there �is much ; " I , rates. irirst•clas a,mponlrs.
. window, hat before she could answer Edward true." need to warn you to be in tirneVINGS BANK BRANCH. .-..
What lA fh.8ltm?' he said, pt's GORRe1', Who h8cl stopped behind to He turned slightly away, and when you are going to see D4iss De s, b rtitd 6 per Gent. lraterrxt AllOtrPrl I "PICKETSTWINNIPEti,,H ALLOLARF. POINTS,
1t , I , Y At R per cont.Celli,r.c
sently. wipe some mnd ofrbis shoes,entered said nothing, la Molle is there? Good -by, on Deposita,arcordira torxrnorint
cod- T. 1. F, FiILLIAFD, Barrister, F I ALBo by an rail Ilnr•� n,•rr thq GIIAND TRUNK
Molle, Y+ and time left, 'and CANADA PACIFIC' to any point ati tbnt
"Five and twenty thousand, and the room, and politely offered his "And yet, char," she went on, in bp." tsar Clinton. line, Winnipeg, Brandon, kc., Dakota, Kansas,
OFPiCE-Corner of Market Sgnare,and Ninth 8 I or any pnint roeched by rail, local or foreign.
he wants four more, say thirty hand to 1141s Quest, who took it a low voice, "I think" it has bean I - E. KEI;FI`R, FiORACEfrE4RTON,
thousand." - coldly enough, CHAPTER , TX. ;tANAORR. .Otho a•d`Ree me hofnr,v you buy tickets any-
one of the hardest •thins of all- .
.r " iudertch, �u . !th tsar whom.
And where am i going to find I Yon are an Wanly ,visitor, )kir my levo for yotr. For Edward," THE slrAnoW or' RUtN. �-
tbirty thousand pounds to take up Coeso " she sraido 'Ar Quest de parted on his vestry DENTIST, _ -
Yt and she rose and took his )land and Q i Y Irll•ldst)Ill', lliLl I' Iia'tllllfll'l!1'
a bondId of mortgr:ges which will "Yes," said hor husband, "but looked into his face with her soft meeting with 'a smile upon his thin, I NoRFOLa Vrr,ra, 1R7 Cor.i,nlaR SraRF;T (- pralaRR, in,tariIfititsn.nd ihn mil rte T. 7. (((l I�'�tD'liT, (`Z:i1t0t1
probably Dever pay a farthing of ! the fault is mine. I have brought eyes' folllof tears, "I should have gentle m,tnlylodkiDg face, and -itb TORONTO, p'story in the world which does not in.onre __
Y, rage a and bitterness in his bq,irt, the skin, Price 42 per bottlo. F. G, LEM_ tJ'1,r7TT'rVN
interest? Wh I have not got Mr Ceascy over to ask you if vou lit -ed to be a blessing to you and g . AITRE, 2% Quben St. West, Toronto, DO-
•- three thousand I can come at. Be- dun give him A lift tip to the Castle not a curse, and• -And-a Cause of "I caught her that time," lie said G. H. 000KV minion Agent.
sides,' he added, recollecting him- this afternoon, I have to go upr sine, Oh, .Edward; I should have 0 himself; "she can do a good deal I Li,flntiatnofDental Surgery,Hnnr Gradu y����-rr -_
-'•frit �"'r�`� Mill ata of rho Toronto School or Doutlstry ,�, BII)DT,Eh(� i ►H,Planing
self, "why should I interfere, in it I'' there t0 lunch, and have borrowed' made you sack a good wife no rn,rin in the way of deceit, but she taut
"I do not think," answered Mr I hie dog -cart." could, have had a better; and T keep the ;)lood out of her cheeks Nitrnus- Oxide GRRatdmtntatorna for rue DD� (1I
best, ignoring tho latter part of i ,,0h, yes, with pleasure, but why would have helped you too, for I 1rRotljeeROOflr .raO1tR011 R CiOteeth,
tblltg Store, �' o� l aleh (� Uio�ill itl ad�r �nND-
Q when shy hAarR that fel}ow's natue.
I. the question, "that with our pros- ' can't the dog cart come back for . r am not such a fool as I Roam ; and I iia'•,"fit"''
q , Y 1 e 1I flow did t:oliit• into hr sure! to PostOrtico,Ctinupn.
pectsyouwouldnotfind;tdiicultto Cossey." nclw I shall do notitiug.,buti bring But she is a ol'ever worrtani .Belle Aa' Night boltanewer«l. 1y ,/Et ILLER, fife., �,� Y �- • ,
get thirty thousand pounds or twice I "Well, you see," put in Edward,' trouble upon on I kuo,w T shall, is-hnw well she managed that -"-----, - �T�' aproslTrTlrl xtnRRET s vnRF, Cnntnn. '
thirty thousand pounds. I know "there is'a little diffibult m • And A was m fault too at leant little business about the luncheon, We can make a row goodloanefrom private / ilin SU, tSCRiRF11 HAVING JUST COM
Y l 3 y+ ' ' winds Rt law ratPe and moderate expense, Where he ireeps a select i esortmont of 1 rrarn» and furnished hill near Planing u41
several who would consider it an I groom is sick, but there is really no tuost df it; cion t ever think that T and how well she fought lion case 6 f with machinery of thetateRthnproved patten,,
TortnRroartetgenitborromare. Wato�ea lileekat flet eliel- , +in now prepared to attend to all Order* tin his
honor to lead the money to a l'Ossey, (reason why you sbould be bothered. deceivo myself, for f don't ; I lud w lwn once she ,nt the In a cleft MANNING k SCOTT, • CYnton f , line m the.noot prompt Rnd Ratl*fnetory manner
ssiClt about l;dtth and lhr,t mon3v iiverWarA■ and at rean,nAble rat", tit a nuid dao return
if Only for the auks 0f the iiltroduc• Y have no doubt that a man can be you our, 1 know 1 di,l, T meant to-- - - a thanks to all who patrowndthe Md '•m hufore
tion --that is, of course, provided f.und to bring it back," there! 'Think me as shamelOss ins of hers, and made gond terms tOcS. UNION SHAVING PARLOR. , %Yhtcb we will sell. at reasonRUieu.&,M, thea were burned out, dna now hrinytiaa Het
the rreourity was of a legal nature," I "Oh no" she said with a shrug,Ah' that's the worst of k slip has - tar pmmton to evocoto orders axpeduinusl
you like, I m.ailt to from the first, a
` __ ._._.____ _ __. I �-, na�'rNG, rr►tRrunrtxu ASD rrnal•� too]soonadantDeCan gtvRettataetlantaall.
-- - — - -_ • -• - 11001 NG darn very asst and to suet I RepatriT,r; of evevv deReri tion romptty a �
- att•n to, And all work war F RY-Near flee 0 mid Y'AmJ
;, ChIldreo Cry for Pitcher's Csstorla. Children Ckyfor I * ,:-te.her's Oge,tora,-',' evlurypp►nnn, n
. , _ i,iH� EAn>~a, ++nitF, a Rlaok
etitr n, N r. a .-
„'I t .
';, } .
I I, aF + Y
�_. ___ .
�' �. y ' .
,.. u ... :...,. ..:..� a �... ..,,..,...1 .... 1,� '..: