The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-19, Page 8r - r ' ... You can never judge, of••a m•an'e ° sorrow by the s.i ha of his hatband. 014AU I ��l L D1$P4A�Y OF I , REV, MR. EDpn of Clinton and o ; 1 Iiev. Mr. Fisher of Holmesville ° exchaugedl, pulpits last Sabbath. o1iday to0 Q S METQHz" B-aand of Trado wmta- Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth to NEW NOVELTIES, IMMENSE QUANTITIES, and all at the d co-operate with that town in trying LOWEST PRICES. • to get the Guelph Junctioa extens- _o— You will find in our Stock some very. Choice Goods for ion of the C. P. R. to run through you Will flake A MISTAKE if You do not Buy Your your Christmas Offerings to friends. all these points. T' l Honsn TALK.—The annual meet-ing of the Clydesdale breeders of XMAS. PRESENTSSilk Handkerchiefs; 0 Huron was held in Clinton last Neckwear Wednesday. There were a large From us, as we have the NICEST AND BEST GOODS The World's , �`• number of persona present. Among Markets Call Produce, and Gloves and Mitts those present we noticed Mesure. L. lib Fisher and J. O. Stewart of Col- SW- OUR :- PRICES -: ARE -: 7WE •:- LOWEST -W& � borne. — -°-- Fine Braces, r,ODNGILLQ'R cAETELUN bag return- Oflfl/S, DICKSON, OLIN TON. Hosiery, PO'WDER ed from Dlontreal where he had — •�%� •p• been last week looking after a con - Men's Jewelry, sigument of apples which bad been PUBLw SOHOOL examinations WHO Is Boss 4—The Kincardine f ■ Absolutely Puler frozen. The steamship company + •' Parents, guardians Review and Walkerton Herald or - next T1ttlAv. 1 P y P P Y - „ Linen Collars This powder never vurien. nn,arvelorpuritl', sold them, about 500 barrels, at and all interested in•school worts tineutly ask the question, "Who is etreriirthand wholesomeness. 51ore economical rices ranging -from 40 to 50 cents And Cuffs .a than the ordinaryktrlds, and cannot beeold In Pa Aro InwltOd, boss—the employer Or the em- prices with the maltitnde of tow test, abarrel. Someone will be consider- ' ploye." The desire for information. • short weight ulnen or phosphate powders. Sold Di rs. Goo, Cautelon has reinoved ,nig i„ Cana. ROYAL BAKING Powuaa Co., 100 ably out on apples. arnomg the Bruce county paper's ^ Wall St., Y. from the township and is now liv- arose out of a matter of printing. THE GALS' TURN Now.—There is Ing at the west end of Diary street —� The County Council ordered that " ' - saidto be nu extraordinary yield of in this town. the printing be done at a Curtain IN C UR G The Huron News -Record ears of red corn this -year, and some office in accordance with kanders r 1 h to insinuate THE CHRisTmis number of the- ! $1.50 a Year -111.25 In Advancer wen Are mean enough London Free Press is a daisy. The before them. The treasurer gave a that the girls take adv-iutage of portion of the rioting to a personal their leap year privileges Anil color litho and press work is•ereditablo to P P P —§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§-§-§-§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§— friend in violation of the order of ' -------- Wednesday. Def.. • 19911 1888 Canadian artists and workmen. - - ----- them. The rule at h-usking bees the Council. The Treasurer is a :-- is that every fellow who finds a red THE AIONTBrAL Christmas num- Grit, but the majority of the Coun , LIafE.-1'eraons re airing$ lime oar frust hiss all the girls in the 1Ve 11aVe a rilOSt complete aSS01'ttllP,llt 111 the bust quality x>s; q o her is a splendid affair, superbly cil that elected hien were and are g , 'for building can be supplied by crowd. Iced eared corn is now � that mono call buy. •► illustrated and otherwis@iudicitive Conservatives. The position is very . y y n Cooporaud Swlllield with St A[ary's worth ten touts per ear. of the industrial and artistic pro- properly taken that the Council0. white little. 501•tf gess of this Canada of cure. has the power to hire and discharge Si'. PAUL's BazaAR.—The bazaar, g the treasurer, he is their servant and Men's Persian Lamb Gauntlets. tea, and concert under the auspices DR GUNK who has been attending f FOUND —A fill, carriage rohe oil the Lon• of the ]adios of St. Paul's church, ' ' as such is bound to obey all Chair Men's Astrachan Gauntlets don Itua,l between Cliotou and Brileefield, at the New York.hospitals for some logal behests. The Council iuvesti- Thc owner cue have rin+saupo by proving was a success .in every particular. time hst will return to Clinton g P , gated the matter at its recent sitting 1-7 no ort sD:l t:aliu clizir�u . Ptictilara 1'hO sato of articles was well itr'o- land reported that "' Men s Fur Coats, x`" its offal•+•. sized ou�l" a'rtlZ2ns tuYn d ovt is •ho treasurer -u PniF }hoc ice. of �Nok and' ye - at . erred is assuming, as he dii, to -' S.S.large numbers to the tea, and the -Men's Seal Caps' create A prerogative for himself, ' concert the musical 'art of Zvhich A NICE 11—As ti 111 be tion 1 e BU OIiT RUBBERS and ivas under the direction of Mr. Y g y and override the directions of this � � P� b advertisement Judo Doyle Y Council. }hit Contented itself with Mens Persian Lamb Caps r OVERSHOES at JACgSONS, Shearer, was brought toa'successful offers for aisle a ver desirable res " r issue. The total receipts will be in idenca aud' eight acres of land, just directing the treasurer in future to and have patent Heelx Plates p pl with the wishes of the --o-- the neighborhood of $300. The outside the corporation on the Huron com 1 v . Council." This is' no now matter . attached FREE of CHARGE. Indies and others interested are to Road. 1 —_-- _ be congl'atlllated on their success. ILLEGAL OTER9' L19T6.�JUd ,.e to TETE NEWS,RECORD. Previous to Ladies Fine S'r �f Seal_ Caps and Muffs t� ....last-two r �! ix_ ` - - the last tivo years the town stork of i v� ) r , `Xr� A Go ;�iA?v ALL RtGIIT.—The Dartnell has decided that the voters'Clinton arrogated to himself the f ' t L FPS V' S. I{incardin.e Review refers to the al,- licit of East Whitby, Bruck, llama rrplorogative'�of controlling certain Ladles Persian Lamb Caps and Muffs rival there of Itev. John Gray and and Mara are illegal because of fail- printing, contrary to- the plainest A �jI �j1 COLLARS lu and Around tare "slut►." family. The members of the Bap- aro to advertise the publication of distales of equity and municipal IJ!]DI1J''Si FUR UOLJJII S. _ the lists in a newspaper of the ncar- t tilt church met him at the stationresponsibility. We affirmed and tt, CII'OlU1t (�! lt��t. and escorted him to the •,residence, est adjoining municipality• reaffirmed that the duty of elected COME. g , . " r which had beets' made comfortable "THE WEEK" Canada's literal, re resentatives of an and evoi' AND 'SEE OUP, GRAND STOCK. �* Sow Croup WORDS nvn THOU y' P Y Y SHALT REAP GLAD NEsh.—'Che Strat. and the larder well stocked with paper par excellence, has entered on municipality have thu right and the coo-- ford Herald characterises the Diayor good things, and A really pleasant its sixth year in an enlarged and power to appoint their officers, and `r`• of that city, who is a rival news- hour or so was spent in social inter- improved form. 17te 1Yee]c is with the right to Appoint went the paper pnblishd•r, as a ".tillking course aud in becorniog acquainEed. now otic of the largest as will as right to instruct. The present clerk reprobate." The Rev..11r. Gray was formerly a one of the ablest literary journals has at least tacitly assented to this. t . rep(lent of Clinton, published on the continent. We It would .be monstrous to. assumeJAC-,KS0Nr.0S t S. S. SCHOOL I EF'OR-NI —Vuv. commend it to the aLtentiUn of that those who pay should not, Irk, Robert Ker, assistant pastor of St. A MOST RIGHTEOUS JUDGE,—The thoughtful. readers. thrpngh their"' representatives, .say '? James' church. Stratford, it, axi ail•. Imperial Hotel Co., of Galt, leased how.und where the money should The riam011S Hatters �`Lrid Ful'l'lel'S, �ihnttln: t dress before thn-Synud of Hti -on on a portion of Choir premises to a STATUTORY MEETING of the town grocer. -The grocer failed before council Saturday -evening. The be spout.. 11 u have for some years — Sabbath clival work expressed u g b y a' been endeavoring to have the Sere - hope that theru wuuld soon he, 1t, the term of his lease expired. The principal. business was a very' in- tary of the Public School Board of HURRAH! HURRAH !. radieai chnuge in Chu l+resent Sun- Hotel Co. exacted payment for nor• telligeut statement of the finance Clinton practically acknowledge this • „ 44 day school mothu+ls. The leafletstiun of lease unexpired. Linton; and position of the town by finance prineiplu. It is, we are told by t1m •_• ts rr"�were a prPmin,n un L•dziuess. Tho lssit;n,'r'. for the grocer, ohjeeted And minister Dtatrning. A surplus of members 'of .'the Board, their wish hrls Ulli�s. ��es *,n �,. scholars were in !11'+11}• caaes bettor snwd the Hotel Co. Judge Muir over nine thousand dollars in cash, g is required �" • educated than the teachers; and the d+•°idled the ca;o in such a waythat property and rdal.estato and behind that what little printinb q P 1 Y shall riot be confined 'to one office'. examples the spmakd'r IfkV6 'If,.sunle 'both j+laint.i0' and defendant have all fttrhler assets as per assessment During the last five or six years,, Just Arrived This Week !' l{ teaching were pitiful. appealed. This would seem to be roll of over half a.million dollars. ' with the exception of about 81 for • l conclusive that the . judge was WrIIITFIF.It W'ILr, T'r DRIFT.—At some cards he has not give❑ tl� an ONE OF THE OLD FAMII.rF.S.—The right. a Y Silverware, PRICES Jewelry, ,. subject (if the following mention in g Cho last meeting of the town council of the Printing required for the G' a recent number of the London INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCE OF THE of GOdcrich the atter of bonusiug School Board. School trustee etas- TO + Free Pre was a sou of m Edward.l. NosL.—Aprosexie is the name Dr. 'the Doherty Organ Co. to the extent tions come and school trust tt wasee ells - Clocks) SUIT AIJL Watches. Goodingtvho,al'ung.with \'V,F.aud1J. Gu;ye, of Amsterdam, chooses for in- of $40,000 contingent on 100 hands tions go, and we are persistently V 11JJ• l{. Gooding, was :+mono the very attentiveness, and he quite -singular. being, employed, another proposi- ignored. Also, so far as any official—o=o—o—u—o___ earliest residents of Goderich : "The ly finds that the nose is one cause tion from Dir. C. Blackstone, of kuowlrsdge of such elections aro funeral of the late harry .Gooding of it. A dull boy became quick to Clinton, l'or'an $8,000 bonus, twenty. concerned, our readers arta left in iddl ' took place from tha residence, York learn after certain tumors had been men to be employed in a similar . perfect ig }orance. 'Tie train that , Becombe,opp's ar�f�J• strdet, yesterday aftPruoon, and was taken from the nose ; and a man business, were referred to s ecial last Moeda for the first time'the p inn who had been troubled with vertigo committee to report upon. Secretary asked us -to give notice of ,pig,, ,. - • attended by A very taiga number of . citizens and brother commercial and buzzing in the ears for twelve FINED FOR PEDDLING.—At the trustee elections. We were furnish- Ky. „ Y Y Guelph Police Court on ti\�ednes• ed with no cop nor given in an h'. travellers of decCASOd. A large ears found mental labor easy after 1 Y o. Y ` ILLEGAL LIQUOR SELLING.—Tho turned home from Clinton oil Tues - P , < day,. Geo. Hunter, of Galt, was other way auythno by which we proprietor of the Kelly hotoi was day for their holidays. number of ficial oI1PrIDgs testified a like operation. In a third cavo a to the respect in which Ir Good- medical student was similarly re- could do so. The petty partisan u before the Mayor and Justice �,. p 'charged with the,ofi'e°ce of peddling p y The Union church on the 3rd , i in was held b his numerous lieved, Dr. Guye supposes that. tea contras t° Cho cit b 1 tit in action of the . Secretary is most DIcGArva last week forselling li nor g y y y y" o q concession intend holding a tea - friends. Rev. Evans Davis offici- these nasal troubles affect the brain that caro rnade' And provided: He reprehensible, not on account of the on Sunday. This is the third vie 2 { 3 meeting oil Friday, 2.,nd. Rev. " preventing the cerebral lymph 2 00 few dollars involved, but on account lation of the --license law b this sled at the locate and at Wood ~by' 1 t, Y 1 waa found guilty•and fined $2, Y DIr.Irpiiu of the Nile and other lands. from circulating freely. anal Costs. It's A pity the ten of the principle. house since the repeal of the Scott prominent speakers will be present; p — --- , y also arrangements have been made CORPORATION LIABILITY.—At the peddlers who at times infest Clin Act but only a fine of $40 was in- To'1'HE FORE.—Else ton with their swindling Ivo awe , flicted. If -a liquor business oran County Court in Kingston an im- o 9 y DIODEL TEACHERS EYADIIN- q Y with a first-class occasion. Choir to furnish Y C will bo found a mention of the other business, cannot live. on the "portant legal point was raised in the demise in Loudon of Harr Good- trashy prizes could not be brought r1'1'IONS, I1ECI:D1BEit, 15SS. mt.sic for the occasion. (some one, case of Flood v. The Corpora Y within Cho meshes of the ]atv, trade of six days every weak it is tomo all, only 25cts. Aceommoda� Y 1 Ing, sun of Edward Gooding. it time it should o. We would like of Port Hope. Fluody was fined $2 rn;p interest some of the old roti_ TROTTING STOCIC.—lir. Thomas N umbos of marks obtainable, 900. g tiou for yhorsos at Mr. Wilson's and and costs for abtlslVP language. g Y to see the Crooks Act enforced, be. other stables. , ll, g ger Tho dents to know that Mr,. Edward Tiplin.g, it is reported., sold a four- Number required to pass, 540, fine was not collected while he was Gooding ie still alive And living in year o.d Tontine cult the other day CLINTON. cause we have all aloe honestly ` o „ believed it the best prohibitory or r: �•-�•�_�-,�� _.:=I`�o�gti''Fi""' ;�r�"E"H`e"ci%tirrarr>;-•,�v �,. .:. , _ . _ �A.:•� -:! .,.:,�1�•h:i.s.=1i9aakst•fr14T.Cryeo;.^•l�enr3+.�,.,.>,.•..•G�S- •-• Aa ..->•.n�trodvrcecd�k__.��--.�T!���:.e•'.BrAi1tL�-�--..:: ,..,.�-_��,.,-,.m..-„,,_,--- I,H executed in Kingston: � Floody that three brothers Goodin W. F, sale, POtipled with that of others of Brown fa n6s A...................621 � •” claimed that t1To arrest was illegal g' ' } ' this country. Licensees moat Also FARM.—Purchased,—lir. D, D. J. K:, and E. S. settled in Goder- good prices, though none that we Fowler, Fred ........................669 live up to it if they would have the Nilson of Seaforth has purchased as he had gouda which might have ich about 1t33f) the two forager en have hoard of equal to the above; is ; *' Graham, Win. Ed..................639 moral support of the people. the farm formerly owned by Mr. been distrained. „ The judge entered gaged in' trade, the latter lived} in causing quite a flutter among owners Gregor Mar o ), Y 616 Itnndell. This farm contains 250 ' I a nonsuit, on the ground that a the township. ,. The married three of Tontine stocl.. Afr. DlcPhoi Tlanclt Samuel 11............:.....Go8 acres and was purchased for municipal Corporation is not liable sisters whose fam 1 name was of 1Vinnipog who baught a Tontine y Kaine Rubina V. 11 .............636 Gode.rich Tfiwtrsitip: $12,200. for, the acts of the police magistrate Good. Dirs. Dr. Nicholson of from ,lir. John Cluff of Goderich Murray, William ..................635 George Connell, of this township, t•: and constables, over whom the car• Goderich is Cho dao bier of J. I{. township writes that h6 has been DIc1V'air, Dl ary....:....,.....,..... 609 SOLD BY AUCTroN.—'Che farm g died last Sunday aged 56 years. owned b J. McConnell as well as poration had .no jurisdiction. The and the only one of the family now offered A big advance on what his DTorrisou, .Jennie W ...............637 Burial in Clinton cemeteryInst Y fact of the fine having been paid to living i❑ the county, cost. DicTavish, John ...................616 y the farm stock and implements, was R the Corporation dill not maize it HITHERTO we hafefteen ascus. Plummer, Gortie.......... :....... 666 Tuesda sold by suction o Wednesday t lest. r.; liable 'fur the trespass claimed. CITE MULBERRY CONUNDRUM.— Municipal elections. The grit 1'ho farm was kiioched down to Mr, j An annexationist paper gives as a toured to expect children a, papers Robinson,eah,BElizabeth ...............674 sheet of see, has been Hart of Egmondville for $5,340. FAT CATTLE AND POULTRY Strow. reason for Canada uniting with the .to ,come from the United States. heath, Bella:......:................674 Clinton,, The exhibition in this lino on United Stains that amongst other We have now to welcome one, Riebardson, Florence .............634 ole ised to nominate _ Dir. Thos. STALLION COLT GOLD.—bar. S. Churchill one of the resent eoun• Jones sold a Canadian bred stallion e" however, printed] in our °nvn country Shortrecd, Geo. D ..................71 l P Saturday ]est was not so large or things we r„wuut do' in Canada •591 cit. But what's the matter with to John Routleege of the 2nd con, and if it keeps up kp the standard Scutt, A, 1) ....................... Sam Sturdy or J. 11. Elliutt or for Tuckersnlitli for varied as Could h,vP, been desired. which the Lni:ed States can do— lob. In the cattle line Mr. AlthnrCouch grow mulberries. That as mulbe,ny of the sample- before us, the int• bpottou, Anson.....................674 Y , , $ that matter with reeve Cox or de A ti swept the board; in poultry Mr. trees aro either. "monoce,,ious, or Ported article will have to devise Watson, Belle......................653 ut Beacom. Does Mr. Churchill FOOT BALt,.-The foot ball team some , measure of- retaliation, or Weir Jennie........................770 ..P. Y of No. 6. Tuckersmith played a Thos. Fear did the same. For fat dioetoua the climate of Canada is . monopolize all the goodness of the match with NO. 3 on Fridayafter- ,, heifers there S oro four entries, A. not suited place their develo went. �e�ott�ll ItsPrice 75ctsis rlor� n lcluba Andrews, Hattork ie.. 746 advisetr of that paper seemstothin) scoring Each team succeeded' in Couch taken Ist and 2nd. And In the tit'et lace we do notthinkA cal. ''. • first for fat steer, also 1st and 2nd that a very tangs export trade could 50cts a year. Published semi month ]taker, Laura .......................707 when it reserves all its tally for g g r ip by the Grip Publishers Co.,13rotherstone, Jano ...............547 It is said that Mr. W . Broadfoot ;. for fat calves and for fat cows. In in Any event be done in either the him• will again be in the field for muni hogs there were nine entries,* A. monoecioua or diocioua a eoies of Toronto. Calder Coilie ......................602 0 t: ” P '- -- -- _ - Couch taking let and 2nd. In fat this kind of fruit. And, again, CHRISTMAS SONG SEnvicE_0n Collins, .Jessie............ .639 Bast Wawanoslit. sinal honors. t+heep and fat lambs lir. Couch tool: Canadians are not worms that such Sauday evouing next, in •place of Hudson, Henry J......:..,........676 -----�---- 1st and 2nd, four entries in the lat- fruit is necessary as part of their the regular service in. the Ontario Johnston, Lottie E ................633 Mr. J. Armour And I. Rosa re —A sensation has been caused b - turned home from Goderich last Y for class. In dressed turkeys thorn diet. But if it were required for Street Church, A song service Appro hnechtol, Thomas . ...............699 the Pop refusal to bless medals ` were three entries, six, in goose, four either ex it or home consuuiption priate to this season of the year will ](city' Bessio .:................:....642 week after Attending the fury. I d 0 e in ducks, and two ifi chickens, Mr. we oat of have far to go to bo ]field. The piecos selected will I,bwry, liebocca .....................705 Westfield intend holding their and toliguni-ics sent to home by an Fear- taking 1st and 2nd in ' each prov66 it mulberries can be grown have a spoeial reference to Chiisfmas Motrisou, J. 13oy'd..................639 annual tee -meeting on Tuesday even- Irish priest, who intended them for distribution in Ireland,• • Ae Pope class. In dressed rabbits there in Canada, citizen John $teop hav- time, and the pastor will give an N[alono, Dennis J ..................704 In P g• g y g p address also in the sumo line. The N[cKay, Thomas...................615 sternly said, I canDot bless them. 2 Mr.. Dave Magill, ,jr,; is suffering ,.. ing lstoandndas�allso first but- in trees in Clinton ninuthel open principal topics all througll will be UcEwen, Addie...................696 ' The people of Ireland aro disobedi- . entries, from a severe cold. It is hoped he ter. The ,fudges were lir. R. NJ c• air.. The annexationists must vivo the birth of the SAviour, and a very Noble, John........................684 may soon be Around again. ont. They soeni to prefer the gos- Lean, Goderich; Mr. Jas. Patty,us a harder one than the mulberryprofitable and en o •.pble evdnin Ross INgh A .................... .640 Y g pot of Dillon and O'Brien to the 11onsall; Mr. 1V. Fowler, Seaforth. Conundrum. will be spent. i y g Smith, Win, ll.....................608 ,lir. J. Roes And Angio Ross re- gospP,l of Jesus Christ.,, M i(: .- ":.. .'."., ..':... .i•.'�,�"„ 1 "'�'.. ^:.e�!_ t,.W �. W. n. i� .. . 1f,.C.111., .... •'tea'".:. ..... ....,,..�L�„1 ti