The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-28, Page 8.11 SOL _ h'EGIIr,AR meeting of Town Conn- ' ( oil next Mondex evening.in oC1 t T V10— • - THE NEWS•REcaRD has something U In tVYU w n new in bill head". See thein before - tr 1 ► err you,order. We have an elegant Stook of New Window Shades, Pulls, Spring — +— -- Rollers, eto. PTtICES RIGHT. hili• GEO. JOHNBTON is the happy ' a father o" daughter --born on Sun- —OF— father day lgk. mpl etc too a as as s*MR. W. M. CRAIG, Who was Called t o �„to Clinton through the death of Miss . Maggie Jane Sheppard, paid a short AND SUPPLIES - returned t visit to relatives at 1lioncheater, and r returned to his home in Toronto on Monday last. PURSES—A fins New Stock: just In. Only two Baby Carriages left, � CLOTHING � • which twill be sold at about half price. We are giving Bargains in THE DOaGON D Doge.—The + Stratford ?'izraes say Three hut; all kinds of Goods. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. * * * * * -� dred and twenty dog tags have been Clintoll taken out, yet evout saga aro Beau on the atreote.Chris. Dickson, ery day dogs with -should nspect our GREATASSORTMENT, which is People must not complain if they all OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, and which eautllot POWPER are minae their dogs pretty soon, as _ be approached by ordinary Really-.Mddes. We sell the the police have given everyone BERLIN AND BRUSSELS.—A des- TnE naked hills lie want(ul to the breeze; Absolutely Pure• staple time to got brass certificates. y Tilefieldsarenude,thegrovesunfrocked, r N ff l✓M" patch from Berlin says the estima- tes of expenditure in the German Bata are the shivering This powder never varielimbs of shameless" C'iD s. A marvel of purlty, GLOBULAR AND OPAQUE. —'I, 'rile p tree -- strength and wholesoinvuess, store economical find 0t total 949,000,000 marks. What Wonder that the corn is shgeked I than the ordinnr> kinds, and canm�t be sold in Globe enunciates the impossible �' competition with the multitude of low tort, ]when It Bl+ s : "The Tory' is always How Wi11 this Compare with the Reliable short weight O nu or ph•,*pb:+ty iwwders. Sold y 0x enditnl'e in Lhe I3C119&els Bllllgel,THE ItEBEL8 ROUTED.—It will beP � a t ,1 . ROSAI. BARiso Powoee Co., 106, "ll traijor t0 every class but Ills p V� est aS• �,+l�inca s friend Jenkinal including the one wall st., N. v. "o\wu," One cannot be a traitor to o remembered that a few 'cranks ,fin �,'% • _ anything Which he dons not profess dollar dautages you -will have to pay the Simcoo Methodist church re - to uphold. The Grits who uphold the postmaster° belledgaiust the authority of con- The Huron News -Record annexation can he rightly termed MATRIMONY WITH TEACHERS.—It ferenciin making a certain minis- . $1.00 s YwY-51.80 to Adranre• traitors, because they would sacrifice is estimated that 75 per cent. of the torial appointment. As cranks CLOTHING 111 eStel'tl 011tat'lU. Con -le atl(1 see for '! — -- the country they profess to uphold. lady school toacbera got married usually du they violated both law yourself. Wc-dllesd.ty. Nov 8th 1888 MAP OF THE BIGGEST AND BEST after they have taught for three and decency, under the'ofter count _ �.}. COUNTRY ON THIS CONTINENT.— years, 90 pet' cant. at the expiration RIIACkIng the character of the min- Ll�lk:.—Yersoue requiring lime THE NEWS RECORD is in receipt of °f five yearn; 95 per cent.' at the, isle,. Aa will be seen by the fol- r'F g { { Y Lovell'a new nine of the Dominion end of tell years, and 5 per cont, lowing til(ry have coma to abetter i s= for building can be su) +liud b remain free froth matrimonial c3r0s spirit and retracted. There is hope Cooper and Swatheld with St Mary's of Canada and Northwest Territor- -to the eud of the chapter. Pro- for our town contemporary yet, in' white lime. 501•tf ies, which is issued as a specimen bably'no other profession contribu- view of this :—It has been aster. Jacks'on : • Bros,• r of what the eight maps will be, in tes so largoly tuwards•thinuing Out twined that. the difficulty between of- ^ FO U,D—A far earliage robe etl the Lou- size and prl[lttng in Lovell's Gaz- the rank- of the bachelors. the Niagara Methodist conference don lined between Cliutua and Brticefield. ette and History of the Dominion• and the Quarterly Board of the Sim- ' The ow•+ser can have the -awe by proving It is an elegant piece of workman- NODtiNATIONS AT HALF -PAST SEVEN coo church• is likely soon to be auric- • + ' property and paying ('bargee• I'articulare ship• IN THE l�VENING.---Mr. E. J. Wilk- ably settled- Thu difficulty aruae, I I `? et th+s e1bCP. — ;lis hila given notice of his intention not through any complaint of the n �0�� Clothiers THE LIEN. xELO Goob.—Au to introduce,a by la\v at uextsesaionQuarterly Board in regard to ltiev.Q r r C}` ` �T `-,-� r T 7 interesting case calve up in the ut COttlloil, fixing that nominations Mr. Colling's doctrinal views, but r L� v t1 lv ���� S• Division Court, London, one day ut ;�l,tt°r, Beeves and Councillors last ,week, that of Burnese Y. Halle. fur'1S89, ahall'bo held" at half -pass 'merely thtuugh differences of opin- 'fr; Ill .krill Around 01e " illlb. The plaintiffsold an,o'rgan to parties seven o'clock in the evening. -past ion respecting coo church sum- ,- in like cit and took a lion on it vrity. :L'he Sinicoe church mein- �- Clinton', Ontario. f y are pleased to see this action, as we bers who signed the petition to the I A]UIL t'lllh. wdttiout informing Mr. Hallo of the believe the facility given" the rate- iesideut of the Niagara conference _ p• a • payers of atten.dillg without lass of king t'or fill,. Calling's removal '�, r% 1"Se.e gibe'; pages fur additional lien. These parties exchanged the local platter• organ with Valle for another Instru- .tittle or neglect of business, will went.. The suit was brought b hlr. - have unconditionally withdrawn %ht o Y prove useful. --Galt RcI)ort, those statements• ill the petition vr-T•-�r-• .r--:. kr,.-- -.._____1-_,_ -- _: E,iT A13'D-° � 'FTRACTNFr.— - �... W 1'IC A) )p _ W r00uls ill �rietoria block: Judgment for plaintltf. NEWS -RECORD of late has been highl Y Collings character. At a recent The Cheapest C�teOds in the DZarl:et are. our k,tS. J. ANDREws has had a pro 1�ARRtAGE GOOD 11iEDiCINE.—Dr. commented on by practical printors tile Dg of the (,lu;lrterly Board, the n fitable season with his cider mill. Dawson, graduate of the medical anti shrewd businei;B men for its following resolution: was adopted in Great Tweed Overcoats $8 ur; college, Kingstou, practicing at neat and Attractive advertisements. reference to the petition : That Great Tweed Overcoats $10 ,e THE ROADS leading tOC11nt01] were a whatever was contained therein , Cape Vincent, was recently taken �'Vo do not "Lige•" about ►t, but rro '�• in excellent coudit1011 last week. have been assured that our advertis• ,which is understood to or may ap- Fine Worsted Overcoats' �10 suddenly ill, and removed to the IF you require bill heads or house of his affianced. Death fins columns aro the neatest, clear- pear to, reflect on Mr. Gosling's Boy's Overcoats �3 „. character either as a minister a stateui�nts TUE NrWS ILECORn can seemed so probable it was decided est and most attractive ill the. I'ro- + Youths Overcoats $5 R-1 give you a nic(i job tktclos0 figures: that• the twain should be made one, vince; Just .take a look through Christian or gentleman, is with- j and at four o'clock in the morning our advertising -columns -and see drawn. — -- 71IF, bite sharp frosts played sad the clergyman .united Henry G. what a, handsome appearance they •_ ,i havoc +vitt► "tiny choice lots -of tip Dawson and Jennie .iii Duekley. present. We invite acomparison. -... C;d �.. plea Fit this and other sectiuils- Immediately afterwards the young )hy8lCla❑ rallied and 16 now out &nIOuS COJC,.ITFNATION.—i'll's. TnE annual meeting of South 1 Elizabeth Voelker, of Iiulnilt•ou, ` ` �0 ` Huron County L. 0 L. will be again, a stove used tureen - while cleaning o „ � � � �'. G �+•�•, c� tt' hold in Exeter in February next. 1IAi:tNGIIE TAIL WAG. THE tine in the blacicleal, 'Clio turpen• Cb D0c> —Though the t1°wat Govern- tine caught tiro from the heat of the �' MR. «'at. l a(kPH.R has got fairly m(+nt'Ia b its Iolicy of .ceutra'liza- Mottled iii his lit •W hriuk block, ad 1 stove, and the fT;+fines caught kllrs. �JC tion treated Toronto -as though, it F g Q Joining Victuii I. 1 oelker s hair humin most .uf it c0 e ivere the pi-ovince of Ontario,we were o(f eud• also burning ber fa6e badly. •• -- n,� eT y, .4 .+ rr CoAL has, it scull,, heel] some out prepared to find the follow- Shoo was almost blinded, and Soifer- �•C CZ ;y dug Thu Glas +ow Mail, in answer ed much pain, when she staggered a� C What. hard to get, this fall. A ship e• o tuent of several car toads airived in to a correapondent, says:—You are from the room and full down stairs, ” . ►-� )„ter • n Aware, we presume, that'I'oronto is breaking her collar boiie and re- "' "� m j wr town last week:. /� Canada and Now in in the. ceiving other bad bruises. tier in - in G �< S'o:+IF ieo ,le thiole th;tt since LTtl;tetl Status 4 also that both are 1 1 juries' though serious, will Dot �A�� wheat anis Built, ha dropped in, li+rgc districts�'1'oarouto .being a likely prove fatal. �•L� p,.iee that broad shorlld hu lowered pruvince—containing many towns. �' r VALUABLE HINTS.—The following �.■.�1 m HINTS.— to the old figarea. (i c. ��c. �_) Z q,�, � useful hints on the use of coal oil P_ iv S.nORT HARD WOOD has been sold A SwrE'r f�ursTluN.—"Shall oro lamps are deserving the attention of � � Q CD � a � � . freely on the Clinton market, the scholars be kissed 1" Was. the inter= every household a egpeciatly so h1 M r '- est two weeks, at X3,00 per single eating question that Baine tip iri a when it is estimated thata large pro- C� �. ii p C �� r cord, $4,00 for double. Suudi+y school convention held at portion of fires, and the uousequant Brooklyn, N. Y,, recently. One loss of life and property,'are traced 'y' ,.n,� = �ry+�., > � CD f QENTRAi, CIANTON,-'the annual gentleman said he had tried it . ou to coal oil lamps. Ill buying a .� GQ S �• meeting of the County Grand Black all the girl scholars in his school Chapter Black Knights of�Iroland lamp take one with a begat;. base, , , and , had found it• popular. He that will not upset easily: Use I \ p' � y will be held in the Orange hall, wanted to know what the .conven- good oil. Clean burnef's by occa- �.a ,.t 7 18F0 co ' Clinton, early In Janultrv, tion thought about It. Tho con- sionally' boiling in lye-• You .will � M C U TIMELY WARSIVG.—P,-k;ties who ventiun thought that, ploy»gilt in get a bettor light by so doing ; now aO ` 1-� ' have stray stuck on or abunt their some respects ag the+ custow might burners give such a good light beA s tg be it would be well not to establish cause they are clown. Never use a co�i � � C p'� � � premises should bear in wind that + be, ani1 that, other means C � the law makes it compulsory to 'ad. l ' lamp when less•than halt' full of oil, CC vertigo them. ought t0 be found for snaking the have it full if possible. This is tile CJ ` � C � � .. Suuday School attractive. {;olden rule for avoiding cxplusions. Q Q-: co ro `' ��rOOD STr.\t.ING,—'ihtl'0 ila3 51GN8 OF THE Tlalrs.-1'heatlital It coats no more t0 Ilave light from � y �• been ,,any complaints of Wood steal- v (D a C e in Clinton this fall. o is said companies have been as thick here a full lamp• than an empty one, and I in -,b this fall as {lies around a molasses the :former may avoid the loss of �.� fi2 t� Co u)' a trap I has been ret to capture �,•,���'�.1[ � thSZ at I barrel. The two lastthat were here your life earl propPrtJ. �1'heD a r . the guilty parties, had very poor houses. ' As revival 1:11,11)is full there is no space for in t0 5tV �. t HEAP.—If you reqftatnurabl(r vapor and there can be no s. quire a good services wore going on in tike Moth- ? ®car BCl'VICOaI)10 envelope; with your dist churches during their visit it explosion. r••1. � ZZG' C', 0 name and business printed on it, may be that the usual attendants S•rRAY S-rock.—'Thi+ law provides r� o Tits NrwS �tEcoltn can supply you were more profitably engaged in the that a p"ersou tnlciu u + an stray very low figures. latter plaeos. It is a {ilnasing stock:, shall, within .fifteen days, at v NElti thought to indulge in that the thereafter, five notice of such taking yCD THE GF L •tin,ETtNu of I,..O. majority of uur people erefergnvtng til) by publishing a notice three � In � • � �' � � c� L. 710 this (Weduesday) evening their moral and financial support t° times in a weekly newspaper, if one � � cr. c�9-1 will likely.., be well attended. Many the success of a religious movement i, pjil.tlishe+l within t{fesee4ion where =::r " COD o` a U ' iWW mattilra will be discussed that will rather than to burnt cork artists andcb the estray was. taken np.; and if the be of great interest to all Orange- other Wandering showmenproperty is not called for Within I r``►.' �� v mon. A Goon SELECTION.—The Alorth three weeks after the first insertion p Z n �, P (n n ' HULLrTT DtsTnic-r L. 0. L.—The British Agrieulturist, , published in of the notice, the finder shall go I 0-001 1Zf^� next annual mooting of Hallett. Scotland, in a recent issue contains before a justice of the peace and ® `D ?j W District Orange I,orlge will be ]told the followin;(:—"Numerous sales of make otith as to the finding and ad �-- in the Clinton Oruugu hall, Every' Clydosdale Curses and mares have vertisifig. The juaieis Llivu appoints Zn Z. v, , CD lodge in00 the District should be well recently heel) olfeeted, the buyers three appraisers, and upon their ►�� p co C. G represented. hailing from both North still South report, advertises tho property for o p p� America. l\fosars, Churchill and throe \voeke more. The parson A (yG Q o T/� ILrAn the advertising columns of JVallaco purchaser) three superior claiming said property roast pay all r-13 r"c' ► �,jL Tltr, NEws lireollD, Live business colts front 'qr. Will. Montgomery, char es before receiving the same. � g men of Clinton auo represented I;aDl:s, ICircudbrlght• One of If the property is not claimed -with- C3 Cl] = CD shore, and they aro not afraid to these, Xita's Son' (6109), iaa first- in one year, and does not exceed (or.( o , tell the people who they are, where class two year-old, bred by Cdr, fifty dollar's its value, it thenbelonga 111-dP ; tire), may be found, and what they Houstin, Overlaw, and winner of I to the party taking the same tip ; rC) I �A o �,J have for sato. third prize at 7Ziiendbright Show if over fifty dollars it shall be ad ID �— C) . �.r i� TtIE publishet,a of Tin; Nr\wS• this season. IIis d.am w-18 a prize vertirvd by the justice and sold, C� ^ Rrcotm hope to increase. their purse mare by McGrogor,' and he inherits and the exce86 of ,ill Well -"s shill A S Z Z 0 0 can tentalditriugthenext threcweeks. through his Biro' some of the best be paid'over to the county treasiave ' Those of our subscribersrs who are in blood on record. Individually, lie Any person taking up au Betray iE� co i-9, �L res x;ctfull ro uestod is a handsome, stylish colt, full of and neglecting to cause the same to I arrears are { J q to make a note of this fact. ICtakes quality, and having capital action." be advertised and 'uppraiy�d, shall 4 • hard cash, and luta of it, to furnish The buyers here mentioned are I hl] liable to a fine of twenty fiveCn a paper like T3tr `r 1' ws•Ilrcolin. Mr, 11. Cl urchill and Air. 1tVf lace doll us, Tho PstraV la\v applies �•- rj !elD }I Gall Rud see us• personally, .0r send of If whose Whose arrival hero with also to any uthPr prtsunal prop(rty ! Q e0 p us the amount of your account, I)y the animals w•o referre(I to a few whieh may be fuund in like man- registered lottor, at oi)}' risk. weeks since, ver.—Ist. CD 5` � � v i D tP