The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-28, Page 4V
/� /�J D ,,/ restriet.ignianl., prafe.rriu,�; to reuAain ial gort8iet\a depietal in a cartoQu
'he `` �" a `��f "l CQ�u utadar a°� r%ff pR1y About one-half Free 'Trade vs. Protectiti . John
Si.tio a YouF- 1.2lflp AflY?u e• that pf, QyR ae,lghbArat but tit the ]3011 repragents Cleveland apd the
sam�.tim@ Willing to itsdapepdeutly free trade party paralyed by the reti
�iSdaleiNlat3'. Nov 28110, 1088 make. a•ttado deal *vi111 them on turn of only 163 electoral votes for
--�-- - -- reciprocally advantageous terms, as Cleveland, while brother Jonathan a
R .STlii IG'17411'IS We did before under the old time with star spangled cof►t and vest
The Globe Hays "Restrictionist" reciprocity treaty. If they fie not and striped pantaloons is waving r.
wish Chia, and will remaitt 'carne- his hat at the 233 votes for Ilarrisou
creates Annexatiouism. This may aeon}at the roust =riu and bear and protection. The paper refer- b
be conceded as true. But who 'u•e y 6 red to submits the following": it
the restrictionists i Certainly not the consequences. We have sue
ceasfully hoed ot:r own row without "I do net believe that a Republic
the majority of the people of Cana• can live and prosper whose wage•
their assistance ; even positively earners do not receive enough to p
da as voiced by the Conservative out distanced them in material make life comfortable, who do not w
party. there is no parfy of Res- havo some upward avenues of hope S
trictionism in Canada and sense- progress by reason of the very open before tbem "-Address of
quently there can be no Annexation restriction policy which they fail► General HARRISON to the Piah•Arireril
hoped would bring to us retributive P" Protectionist Club of Chicog•o, g
party in Canada created by a party P e "Judged by the Executive Afessvge p
that does not exist. The Globe's disaster for our tnauilinoss and faith of December last, by the Mills bill, h
position is a ]yell taken one from in ourselves. They have been by the debates in Congress, and by
hoist wit}► their own petard. I,at the St. Lours platforcn, the Domo-
an American stand point. Restric- cratic party will, if supported by the r
" t}o Am does exist in the United them stay there until they become country, place the Tariff laws upon a t
convinced that Canadians can Purely revenue basis This is 1lracti- 1
States. The recent Presidential cal Free Trade -Free Trade in the
neither be coerced, nor cajoled, not, English sense."-Generid BENJAMIN
election turned upon that point, outwitted into allowing them to HARULSON'S l.elter of Acceptance.
and the restrictionists carried the °
be partakers of our lroritage of l
day- We. quite a -roe with the Globe wealth and prosperity, \�'° will What transparent abstll•dity The j
that ltestrictionism creates Annexa -
welcome Americans as brothers Globe will resort to in order to make
tionisnl. But as the former does when they swear, alleginnca to unr a catch point against the COvf lu-
not exist in C AUI_lda, the latter• brand old Empire, 1,ut they ahall anent whose policy is a protective '
cannot. Z1'e must thea look fur never welcome'ourCanRdian nation- one. There has boon for soriie
the latter where the furinor exists- ality as an integral part of their years an export tax on Haw logs, but t
that is in rho United Staten. It is much vaunted and much overrated it has been seen that the amount was
the nrug+vnmps of the United States republic, not sufficient to preveut American
wbo are the Ruuexationists. That _� _ owners of Canada timber limit.' from
'`. country restri •t•s trade from this stripping our forests and taking the
country by a tariff averaging forty logs to the other siflo an.d�.having
per lent. Canada restricts trade The Cleveland Plciiladeule'r says' them manufactured into lumber
from the United States by a tariff ,,;pilo mortgage: on farms in Ohio, there, Therefore an additional•
averRging tw?nay per cent. It is it is said, amount to more than export tax of $1. per 1000 feet has
quite clear who the restrictionists seven hundred million dollars, boon imposed upon logs. To take
are. It is equally clear who the and, are gradually increasing, and logs from this country is a positive
annexationists are and why this too, in an old, well developed injury, the trifling revenue from
Annexation exists to any appreci- rich farming countrp." Aud yet timber limit; not being worth nlent-
' able extent only oil the other side, they b�,Ve full, freo ftDd unrestricted ioning. The only object in the
and because the people there require range through the sixty millions Government selling timber limits is
rvRnatlinn.,prptjtl0ts and cannot get market. This is.a H1m rlo of the to increase. the of
them without paying their own < pro'spe tt y"'' ; anadians are'itir�itez% "phis cmratry: Talo manufacture ®f
self-imposed high tariff over and to partake of. timber here Gives omtll°ymont to
above what they would have to our people, enlarges the trade incid-
pay for them did that high tariff not °' The fanners did it," is said of ant to supplying them with provis-
exist. The' articles they want from us the Republican success at the late ions,hardware etc, It means the con -
are of the classes that they cannot or Presidential elections. �ti'hich shows gumption of additional faun produce
will not produce, but must have, that the farmers are in favor of as well as the product of our factor,
The �eslri6liouist element beiug the the protective policy in the States, ies. But the Globe wantonly deo-
g there auuaxalionism has net as agcy fit
in. Canada. ' This is ]ares the object of this to be
stroll est J
a' been created, and the only alter- the answer that the American "retaliation.•' If that journal has a
native this other class there have, in. farmers give. to the Grit clamor for proper conception of tiro meanie
order to escape the statutory evi- commorcial union or unrestricted of.words and a desire to use ,them it
denoo of theirod'n national folly, is reciprocity, whit], is btit another would.have said "protection."
to endeavor Ito annexCanada, either• name for the 'same thing. For the third time in three years
commercially or politically. Surely -
• is absurd .for Americans to ask A syndicate has offered $'1.60,000 ala election for the Commons has
Canada to become annexed to than]•
for ,a Base Ball club, which. the tnkonplaceiuEastNorthumberlanil.
in order to escape the costly effects of present,proprigtors think too sroalt a Tho last ono was last woolI result=
their own folly. The Americans price. So runs a floating item, ,in. in the return of Mr. Cochrane, 1
have. the reined "iu Choir own hands ' Why, Caunda can furnish '160,900 Cousorvativa, by a majority of •53.
�. ) Bfise'Ball clubs for -that mu' ountand Three years ago it rat.nruetl, Dr..
without asking v 119 to becour•e
annexed to them. They have vot warranted to be as tongli as .' old Mallory, a Crit. lie was irus0atea
the excuse of revenue needs far "Hickory" Jackson, and guar•antoed and went to the polls again, ;1.s a
hutting heavy restrictions on their to,knock the a'stuffin" out of as Commercial Annexationist, Aud
trade. They have for years had an many annexationists with the first was defeated by Mr. Cochrane by a
annual surplus much beyond their blow. .. � ___ very small majority. Ile- in turn.
fiscal m nirements. Ilut during - roes unseated, Last'week 110 was
q The Government has docided to elected' by an increased majority
the whole life of the United States withdraw the priviloge of grinding
restrictionisur has beull tl;nic pulicy. o the issue being a square one on
wheat in bond, •and the system Canada for the Cauadians or Cawida
As far back as 18'10
we find ,hair which enabled millers to import
eminent statcstuarr, John C.Cal11oU11, p for the Americans, the patriotic
Americau hard wheat Erre of duty,, party coming out a.hnad. ' The ]hit=
unsuccessfully opposing it in the is to be put an end to. • Canadian ne88 begs the uostlou' when itsaye
following words ;-"The restrictive millers can now get all the hard b q
system -bas never been a favorite o that Cochraue's prluclhle clauu upo•11
wheat they require, 'of 'Canadian the electors was that he had some -
with me. I object to the restrictive ryrowth. When the bonding rivi
system, because it dues not suit the e o P' thing to do with a "milk pail" This
gonias of the pHople or that of nuc lege was granted than we 'did not is precisely the reverse of the fact.
have -it. Thanks to. our own 15•orth- The Commercial Annexationists, Dot
Government, or tiro goograplr+cal toast all this is changed. content with slandering our country
character of our country, To make as a whole, tried to influence the
the restrictive system effective, The Surplus revenue of the
voters by circulating the slander
requires the most arbitrary haws. Unitw' States for the year ending that Mr. Cochrane had something
In time of war it would be different. .June 30th bast w;ta $111,341,273• to do with some alleood crooked
`tirar and 'restriction may leave the This seems a largo stun, but it
count'' u call exhausted : but the. milk transactions with a creamery.
y q J wouldn't buy the little end of the lie positively denied that he had
latter not only leaves you poor, but, reinitost back. Wwnship it, Canada
Avar whoa oiforcod, dispirited, anything to do with the "milk pail"
fpr aunPxaatio❑ - purposes. And
divided, discolrtented, with dimin- don't 'yoti forgot it, you sordid souls bels?Hass crooked, or straight. His
lased patriotism, and the morals of got, ilomever runs a' farm nutl dirt
p who would sell yourselve9 for a have a lawsuit with a croamary.
a . considiarablu portion of your Iness-of putta"o, and oven then the
People corrupted. This is a ver Jy g t• the worst of tlio The result is rho upholdiu0 of lIr:
Y tri or would o
good picture of what restrictioniHnl bargain. the assertion
po the character a'nd
,110 R9ger't10n of the right and ability
has produced at this very time in of Canadians to manage their own
the. United StataAs, But why in Tile G. 11. iC, Cunr.pany ie about affairs without Yankee dictation.
the name of all that is reasonable to build a $250,000 steamer at Owen _
should they wish to visit the effects Souud, 'riiis'is One of the incidon- CURRENT TOPICS.
of thoir own Sins np.ou„ innocent cog of protection, and we find a
Canada 7 We are no party to their haudHU111H aCknUWieflgetrr°llt of it Ill SIR• SIO til ES autl lel iGof
policy. We could not prevent it if the columns of the Globe, though Solt+O of the gOo'd people of P^r-
lin have Tallon foul of Mr. P. E. W.
we would. And yet they wish to wfiy we shonld protect our industries 1loyf-r, of the. Newv, for that )iP ate.
" annex its in the hope of IesseDing against I?nolish-nnroaehment upon votes more of the space in Ilial valu-
the effectsof their own 9hortsighhul' them and not protect them against able columns to nigger iahows and
tress or selfishness, But the+ r•e.ult naughty dramas than he doe+. -i to
American conipfrtition k not clear.
would be merely the hringiug of us Tho following is from the Globe; p1ous gatherings, tea., ghts and
down to their own level„'"die frit- things of that Sort. ed howlMoyer ex.
P The benefit which the building of pinrns that the wicked shows pay
ed, divided, discontented, with Snell a boat hives to Owen Sourrd hire for his splice, while the pious
diminished patriotism, aur] Ir con• directly and to the whole of Canada show inatiagers are all deartheads
indirectly can be imagined when the who n nothing into the editor's
eidorable portion of the people tact that her contract price is $250• pay 4
corrupted," as Calhoun remarked, 000 is remembered. Every dollar of pocket -book. rhe argument would
And yet we haven few people in that large sum will be spent in he good were ,tier. Mover an ordinary
Canada who continue to 'rate .in Canada instead of being sent to Rome newspaper edits, possessed of the
1 Clyde Shipbuilding company, and ordinary vicea of mankind. Blit
favor of annexation to reduce its to the enterprise of the Messrs. Polson, he is truly good. He inmrueO the
this level. titi'ho aro willing to of'roronto, in tackling such a piece people from the pulpit,. And lie
of work is worthv of all praise. should not abuse his virtuous col
sacrifice Canada so that the Ameri- - __� _._ _. _ _.._
cans can or may perpetuate their We havo been favored with a urnnH by inserting in them puffs for
naughty shows, oven if tho show•
restrictiunism. But the great mass copy of the Irish World and In• mon do pay. The 'y�iewH sllnul(1 tie
of Canadians du not want to place dustrial Liberator, published in devoted entirely to the regeneration
themselves under the bane of New York.. The recent president- of mankind. -Spectator.
„,•1.s Xi+ztun � .. , ,.......
JAi11,1%S 1100RE s C11au�0 of adver. ee � -. .... ..
semen, will appear Irext week.
B1.161NE88 MEN should plant their
avartigetnente ►law. Robertson's
JAb%Eis ANDERSON has removed lik M
estanrant to the beaver $1f,Ck. � •
Alt, JOHN CURRY +bill open it
illiatfi room in Roval hotel build- a
TVANN, the tonsorial artist, has
ut up a handsome new sign. The
ork was executed by Chits. T.
pooner. (.Commences on SATURDAY, DECIENIBER 1st, find
MR. WALTON, of Godorich, the continues until Monday, December 31st.
oui'd fruit Lt•a+P ngtint, k fur the
resa•nl nuthill" Clinton the base of t • • InquGeiReAts!is opc►aCsoos. 0�� l�� ■,^■
11 R. AND HIRE:. TUFT were called to
Vowbridgb the other d;iy to attend > P�i1i1'iVIEI (1
woods funeral of an old friend, who ° {�r1N EVER DEPARTMENT. . (hoods must be sold.
r buried +'illi Ormige •hunois. CAS11 must, be had to Wind up this, the most successful
l(us. Uurtts.UA ot.,uf llullett,d ed year of out' cai-eer. Close Blti ei's should i'lslt
l alto, •�:)c let nll,t on
;liutou ai+tllbtea'\' uu Tuesday.
leceased w;14 77 years of are,
fur the old cuunti•y as he calculated.
fila brat Qu which his Apples wkire ROBERTSON'S GREAT GASH STORE,.
shipped wits frozen in and he had
U 1'Uiililin ,,U iloteL to 1, Will. a 1:1
expected honlo• to -day.
.lis. NLLSON CAItSON is hor<ta on
1 visit frorn the Northwest. He
went out thoro about four years ago
and settled on. 320 acres af• govern
Dent land near Birtle, He likes
the country, is doing well, and will
return in a few weeks with' several
hundred head of stock.
Tim N EW8-RIWORD Was j/leased
with a call on Saturday from Mr.
HAN of the Goderich High School
2ndour good fcioud county clerk
Adamson. They, . with Inspector
Tom, were in town it lending a inset
im; of the county hoard of ex-.
sutiuors. '
-I3•Iti-scr•hs -'P•rl-Fac-Ta•=4-t�rF.-'L'ho_
city clerk of London, as well as
municipal clorks elsewhere, has
experienced nrnc•h difficulty„ in get-
ting local clergymen to regi ter the
marriages solemnized by thQui is the
law directs. oil Satnrdity, nude:•
the threat of being fined $20, a
clarymat�, registered 28 marriages,
extending over the period from the
beginning of the year until the
present time.
WON'T I3F ELEO•rniriED.-At the:'
instance of Mr. John Whyte, of
Mitchell, an injunction was served
upon'Mayor Macloy, of that town,
resttainiug the council from enter•
ing into an 'electric light contract.
The mayor sought Toronto legal
advice, the .result being that u»
Saturday the al"noil threw 'np the
sponge, paid the costs, and with-
di•ew their defence. Business and
nluriicipal jealousy seeing to pro-
vail 'in Mitchell its well,aa. in other
CHANGE or TARIFF. -A recent
change in the' tariff will be of con-
siderAlo benefit to one of our Galt
industries. An Order -in -Council
has been passed placing, upon tho
froe list hickory felloes, sawn to
shapn, not further manufitctured
As it has been difficult to got this
class of wood in Canaria of late years,
manufacturers of carriage woodwork
have pressed this change upon
government. The Victoria Works
have six car loads of hickory now
on the way from N. Carolina, and in
consequence of the change will
ordor niore,-Galt Rej,orter.
-The "Irish q'hestion" hasbeen con -
at -ably discussed in Canada. But
our people as a rule do not take
much stock in whether or not Russin
gobbles tip Turkey. On Saturday,
however, a lively dispute occurred
in Clinton over the question of
proprietary rights in Turkey. , A
Russian looking individual of the
genus tramp boldly annexed it tur-
key that was hanging in frout of
Moore's groeery(late Cuuper's) Mr,
\I -core massed himsalf in full furcc
on the enomy au,d ` e'tptilrod 11,1111
with the, turkey in his pu-;sossiva,
The Rassian looking •fullow showed
Itsper•tilracio119 fight aH 0.0 Colltlty
Attorney would pvor his Christina;
turkey. A neutral )lower in tar(
form of constable Tedford prei;ervecl
tho'balauce of power by rostorinl
the turkey to its rightful owner.
REVIVALS.-l-0Vivalist Crossley ant
the local Methodist clergy durip.,
the past two or three weeks have
boon very sncenssf ll in stirring ul
the dry bonos of buried religiow
feeling. Few can believe in in
stautaneuns cunvorsions, nor it
goodness of heart under the eoorciva
pressure of sulphuric fumes.%(r
Crossley appears to not appeal tc
the emotional Faculties °f thl
uninstructed. Ile asks for thi
recognition of what is duo the Crea
tor; and what is due to man hinleelt
by appealing. to the reason' and in
tellort of individuals who have boot
taught the living truth, and ask
them in their heart to obey wha
their reason in the first plao,
pronounces good. Conversions un
der such circumstances are likely It,
be lasting, while those produce(
solely f'ronl eniolioual terror are no
likely to be. ,i sanctified , hear
must be a free will offoring to GO.(]
charge preforred against Chief Ran-
dall of Guelph for wrongfully arrest-
ing Albert Barber for blowing a whis-
tle uu the stroot, was veutilatod by
tiie police Commissioners on Fri-
day, It was held that the chief ivas
justified in Askin'" thearrest, as the
blowing of a whistle constituted
disorderly conduct, and the practice
Might lead to serious results.
Ir ONF 13UY nUTTL'rt 9111LL nE RE•
OFIVE A STONE 7-=Tlte Mitchell
Recorder says: -"A curiosity in the
shape of a limestone weighing 31,
pounds, was brought in and laid on
our tahlu this week. Thera is noth-
1 t
Our Weekly Round Up
-Hon \I r. Pardee is dying.
-HOA M, Chapleau is seriously ill.
-The Quebec Legislature is called
for the 9th of January.
-A farmer named Daly }las been
murdered at 'Tralee, County Kerry,
by moonlighters.
-The Dominion Parliament is
likely to meet either on the 17th or
24th of January.
--E. G• Holt, an Irishman who re-
cently settled at Oak Lake, Man.,
died suddenly on Friday. He was
worth $1'0,000.
-The 0borne•Killey eManufaotur-
ing Co.'s machine shop, at Hamilton,
was destroyed by fire Friday morn-
ing very curious about t Is s ono it-
ing Loss, about $50,(10); insurance,
girl f, ns a�s hUn_it iq...o1:e.1
ed as a Sample of bullar taken from
JAi11,1%S 1100RE s C11au�0 of adver. ee � -. .... ..
semen, will appear Irext week.
B1.161NE88 MEN should plant their
avartigetnente ►law. Robertson's
JAb%Eis ANDERSON has removed lik M
estanrant to the beaver $1f,Ck. � •
Alt, JOHN CURRY +bill open it
illiatfi room in Roval hotel build- a
TVANN, the tonsorial artist, has
ut up a handsome new sign. The
ork was executed by Chits. T.
pooner. (.Commences on SATURDAY, DECIENIBER 1st, find
MR. WALTON, of Godorich, the continues until Monday, December 31st.
oui'd fruit Lt•a+P ngtint, k fur the
resa•nl nuthill" Clinton the base of t • • InquGeiReAts!is opc►aCsoos. 0�� l�� ■,^■
11 R. AND HIRE:. TUFT were called to
Vowbridgb the other d;iy to attend > P�i1i1'iVIEI (1
woods funeral of an old friend, who ° {�r1N EVER DEPARTMENT. . (hoods must be sold.
r buried +'illi Ormige •hunois. CAS11 must, be had to Wind up this, the most successful
l(us. Uurtts.UA ot.,uf llullett,d ed year of out' cai-eer. Close Blti ei's should i'lslt
l alto, •�:)c let nll,t on
;liutou ai+tllbtea'\' uu Tuesday.
leceased w;14 77 years of are,
fur the old cuunti•y as he calculated.
fila brat Qu which his Apples wkire ROBERTSON'S GREAT GASH STORE,.
shipped wits frozen in and he had
U 1'Uiililin ,,U iloteL to 1, Will. a 1:1
expected honlo• to -day.
.lis. NLLSON CAItSON is hor<ta on
1 visit frorn the Northwest. He
went out thoro about four years ago
and settled on. 320 acres af• govern
Dent land near Birtle, He likes
the country, is doing well, and will
return in a few weeks with' several
hundred head of stock.
Tim N EW8-RIWORD Was j/leased
with a call on Saturday from Mr.
HAN of the Goderich High School
2ndour good fcioud county clerk
Adamson. They, . with Inspector
Tom, were in town it lending a inset
im; of the county hoard of ex-.
sutiuors. '
-I3•Iti-scr•hs -'P•rl-Fac-Ta•=4-t�rF.-'L'ho_
city clerk of London, as well as
municipal clorks elsewhere, has
experienced nrnc•h difficulty„ in get-
ting local clergymen to regi ter the
marriages solemnized by thQui is the
law directs. oil Satnrdity, nude:•
the threat of being fined $20, a
clarymat�, registered 28 marriages,
extending over the period from the
beginning of the year until the
present time.
WON'T I3F ELEO•rniriED.-At the:'
instance of Mr. John Whyte, of
Mitchell, an injunction was served
upon'Mayor Macloy, of that town,
resttainiug the council from enter•
ing into an 'electric light contract.
The mayor sought Toronto legal
advice, the .result being that u»
Saturday the al"noil threw 'np the
sponge, paid the costs, and with-
di•ew their defence. Business and
nluriicipal jealousy seeing to pro-
vail 'in Mitchell its well,aa. in other
CHANGE or TARIFF. -A recent
change in the' tariff will be of con-
siderAlo benefit to one of our Galt
industries. An Order -in -Council
has been passed placing, upon tho
froe list hickory felloes, sawn to
shapn, not further manufitctured
As it has been difficult to got this
class of wood in Canaria of late years,
manufacturers of carriage woodwork
have pressed this change upon
government. The Victoria Works
have six car loads of hickory now
on the way from N. Carolina, and in
consequence of the change will
ordor niore,-Galt Rej,orter.
-The "Irish q'hestion" hasbeen con -
at -ably discussed in Canada. But
our people as a rule do not take
much stock in whether or not Russin
gobbles tip Turkey. On Saturday,
however, a lively dispute occurred
in Clinton over the question of
proprietary rights in Turkey. , A
Russian looking individual of the
genus tramp boldly annexed it tur-
key that was hanging in frout of
Moore's groeery(late Cuuper's) Mr,
\I -core massed himsalf in full furcc
on the enomy au,d ` e'tptilrod 11,1111
with the, turkey in his pu-;sossiva,
The Rassian looking •fullow showed
Itsper•tilracio119 fight aH 0.0 Colltlty
Attorney would pvor his Christina;
turkey. A neutral )lower in tar(
form of constable Tedford prei;ervecl
tho'balauce of power by rostorinl
the turkey to its rightful owner.
REVIVALS.-l-0Vivalist Crossley ant
the local Methodist clergy durip.,
the past two or three weeks have
boon very sncenssf ll in stirring ul
the dry bonos of buried religiow
feeling. Few can believe in in
stautaneuns cunvorsions, nor it
goodness of heart under the eoorciva
pressure of sulphuric fumes.%(r
Crossley appears to not appeal tc
the emotional Faculties °f thl
uninstructed. Ile asks for thi
recognition of what is duo the Crea
tor; and what is due to man hinleelt
by appealing. to the reason' and in
tellort of individuals who have boot
taught the living truth, and ask
them in their heart to obey wha
their reason in the first plao,
pronounces good. Conversions un
der such circumstances are likely It,
be lasting, while those produce(
solely f'ronl eniolioual terror are no
likely to be. ,i sanctified , hear
must be a free will offoring to GO.(]
charge preforred against Chief Ran-
dall of Guelph for wrongfully arrest-
ing Albert Barber for blowing a whis-
tle uu the stroot, was veutilatod by
tiie police Commissioners on Fri-
day, It was held that the chief ivas
justified in Askin'" thearrest, as the
blowing of a whistle constituted
disorderly conduct, and the practice
Might lead to serious results.
Ir ONF 13UY nUTTL'rt 9111LL nE RE•
OFIVE A STONE 7-=Tlte Mitchell
Recorder says: -"A curiosity in the
shape of a limestone weighing 31,
pounds, was brought in and laid on
our tahlu this week. Thera is noth-
1 t
Our Weekly Round Up
-Hon \I r. Pardee is dying.
-HOA M, Chapleau is seriously ill.
-The Quebec Legislature is called
for the 9th of January.
-A farmer named Daly }las been
murdered at 'Tralee, County Kerry,
by moonlighters.
-The Dominion Parliament is
likely to meet either on the 17th or
24th of January.
--E. G• Holt, an Irishman who re-
cently settled at Oak Lake, Man.,
died suddenly on Friday. He was
worth $1'0,000.
-The 0borne•Killey eManufaotur-
ing Co.'s machine shop, at Hamilton,
was destroyed by fire Friday morn-
ing very curious about t Is s ono it-
ing Loss, about $50,(10); insurance,
girl f, ns a�s hUn_it iq...o1:e.1
ed as a Sample of bullar taken from
-Robert Hellesley,ofT.o+ld county,
the middle of a crock, it is It decid-
Kentucky, 'N% ho • bet• his farm. and
ed curiusity, biting 'much solider
stock on Cleveland's reelection, let
than most butter at this soason.
the matter prey upon his mind -un -til
1'110 stone was brungllt to 0111. uffice
he killed himself by hanging.
by Mr. Tiros. St.nttoo, of Logan, and
-'rhe British Cabinet on Saturday
hied been paclied in It crock of but-
revoked the appointment of Sir II. A.
ter b • a woman who was .;vorkimy
Blake as Governor of Queensland, „
thus yielding to the protests of the
for a3 sister of his, and who had
been supplying herigalf with butter
-A 300"year-old spinning mill be.
and keeping up the weight to her
longing to the Fratella Piacenza at
employer by adding stones. It
BiOla, Italy, was burned .last Tues -
was by it more aeciduut that- the
day. The loss is ;$200,000. Three
stone was di..>eovered before. the but-
children were burned to death.
for came to market."
-The' York County Council re-
-ft. ----
commends a judicial separation of a
In And About The County
the city and the county on account
of the dilatoriness of the city in
A 'Tiverton recently hilted a
erecting the proposed new Cour/-
666 pound porker.
-A chicken social was the sub-
hou,e, �'
-'rhe quarries at Owen Sound are
gtituto for a prayer .meeting at the.
likely, to ,boom this winter and next
Barrie Methodist chuach. .
summer. Itis understood that the
.-The Western .Pickling Works,
massive blocks of stone required for
St. Marys, have received an order
the Canadian canal ria Sault Ste. Marie
from Winnipeg, Man., for a car load
will'be'taken from the Owen Sound:..
of bulk and butter pickles.,
-An ugly boar attacked a valu•
' -Vicar General Rooney presided
able mare in a field near Port'•Bruce,
one night last week in 'Toronto at
Elgin co., one day recently and killed
a Parnell fund meeting which was
her. The mare was worth $20),
well attended and enthusiastic.
--The Jiethodists of Glencoe, i1f id=
Senator O'Donaghue and Assistant
d.lesex county,appear to have'a-slight
ProvinicindTreasurer Di E,
unpleasantness amongst themselves.
were amongst the speakers.
on account of permitting a young
_ In consequence of the recent in:
man namr:d Lane to preach In their
crease of the duty on the export. of
church without consulting the proper
Canadlau pine logs from.$2.00 to $3 '
church authorities.
per NJ., 100,000,000 feet, whieWwoald ,
• -A charge of indecent assault was
have been -sawn -at -the 14,Iielrigan .-- -- -
preferred at Wiarton the other day
mills, will now be manufactured in.
against one Walter -Walker, of Park
to lumber in Canada:
IIead, by a Miss Christina 11bLean,
-Samuel II. Phippen. owner of
of the same place, who claims she
the Ox Point stone quarry, near
was criminally assaulted by Walker.
Belleville, has contracted to furnish
Walker, however, hearing that a
two million cubic feet of stone for the
warrant had issued for his arrest,
St. Lawrence River improvements.
skipped -the country and has not
Six or eight large barges will be built
been beard from since.
to carry the stones. Work has com-
-Annie Grant vs. John Cornoch-
menced in -the quarry,
Breach of promise of marriage.-
This action was tried at the last
-Belle Bridwell, a teacher am.
Spring Assized at Guelph, and a verd
to ed in an Illinois school, died
P y
suddenly of bemerrhage of the lungs.
i t of $1,100 damages rendered in
favor of the plaintiff. 'The defendant
It is stated that she was endeavoring
moved against the verdict before
to punish a boy for insubordination,
when he knocker] her 'down and
the Judge of the Queen's Beach
Division, at osgoode .Hall, on legal
kicked her in the breast, -causing
Rrounds last term, but on Monday
tier death.
the court ordered jq dgment to be
-The ecclesiastical authorities
entered for the plaintfff'for the dam.
(lave issued air appeal asking all
ages found by the fury, with costs.
Catholics to give one cent a month
-John Sailing, the mail arrested
in order t0 complete St. Petrr's
at Berlin by Detective Klippert, has
Cathedral, Montreal. It is calculat-
pleaded guilty to not only tile charae
ed that this will produce a sum of
of entering Win, Foster's barn, near
$100,000 from the 400,000 Catholics
Linwood, and stealing 75 bushels of
of that province.
grain, but of stealing a new brass-
-line hundred more writs of
mounted seat of harness of Rev. Mfr.
ejectment were served on settler.
Andre, 17 bushels of oats from Jonas
on the Des, Moines River lands, Iowa,
Snider, 15 bushels of,peas from Joel
one day last week. The settlers
Good and a quantity of grain from
were driven out of their homes,
Mr. Clemmer, all of Waterloo coun-
their effects.,were piled up in the '
ty. 1(e was sentenced to three'years
roads and their doors and windows
in Penitentiary by Judge Lacourse.
were barred against them.
lie was"only convicted on . the first
three charges, as the law only per-
-Amongthe numerous letters
mits a prisoner to be committed on
answered by President elect, Isar-
three charges. He is a young man
and alas been teaming about Berlin
rico» , wore 41 replies to parents it
for the last summer.
ro se had informed Gen. Haaa.ison i
that they had name(] their babies
Life is. too short to try all the
13e11janain Ilarrisou. With one two
remedies now in the market, but
exceptions the namesakes were all
when a reliable and trustworthy
born since .Gen. IIar , selection.
medicine is wanted use Powells-
+ Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock.
two ants of
The exceptions woree t
Those who have used it say it is the
triplets born Shortly before the --.-
best and most powerful blood puri
election, the parents in each case
ifrer in the market., and, have
naming one for Gen, Harrison, one
' reccomended it to their friends..
for President Cleveland and the
For biliousness, dyspepsia, liver com
otheg forthe father, acknowledge -
plaint and as a blood purifier it has
ment to paa•onts of a third set of ;
' no equal. A bottle or two taken At,
triplets•aimilarly named was -made a • 1
t this seasotl of the,year will prevent
r many aseriouu Sickness Price, 900.
a couple of weeks prior to the elec-
a bottle. Ask for Powell's Extract
tion. D11.s, Ilarrisou is also in 1.0-
1 of Sarsaparilla and Burdock, man"]
by P°wel 31Davis,Chat•
ceipt of nutucroua Ictters, stating
Carrie ilarrisons have
1. factored only
ham, and Sold in Dresden by all
that several
been christened silrco election day,
druggists and by all druggists and
slid to all Snob commuuira.tious she
t medicine dealers everywhere. 437
has promptly replied.
j eow.