The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-28, Page 2ION
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Our estoexuad
. i9awilton sripcialg,
tarjff.ia a,gaod tbit
but At the tlanm tit
of lkfauitahs is be
farmetr of Dakota.
.but proves too in
Thg Spectator-
, while it protective
thing for the wO1
ton is twice as
The binuitoba fa
than his neighbl
several reasons.
is batter. 'rile to
much less oil the
lite line last Stitt
and Minn
_,1'` r
La is in the !;
Manitoba is less I
, • « a 1., . , Ip ., .. .
C 'p 1'
n. I - 1G • .. 0A
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_ OF �5,�
kited . od it squ9gless. Tho fQ. PU ZZ» TfJ ANN S>i1ItD 1`>X'AN T 11AC?'+ .>15'l~iI4I A��UT"P.i '
D 1t,�aa that 4gttled: h.Qre some y,aars blgvr ,._• ...kGETi,IT. i. IiiAGr .
-44Q1' e : di . odor rc.a.Ca.fl!da. a: d ingieap, pot another . _ '*'� F.a t'.lit avh9se bpd qQ .are
' .. ago, if 1toxtng, $4 th, y id . 9 y Il'gwed hes to Xcibo4y' known what:An tnatlrauce � semi •T ge. �"'"'"I
tea ce, v±t,nta ee have, now ape qutuk movement, a. ,
n ►s ..n , oijell tsatd .}s c Q . B until ire has been pretty It .04..0 to far_leae easily „Gun- Wedt}esdn soil' � 13ttreda�' f!rt
Qaltte and are ao atrtke the base pf tltd Iraq whore pelt. y matt
-~ - ferias houses, ;, + burned Out. The prppxitltox of A , terfttted than a gotatltty whose especially luclty iu,.�3ulgaxtar '
,cutnjlla6in' pre erty .rapidly. On the preacher bad ha sou for bad es oto gloves atQo in a pair, Rice 1e still thro,Wu•aftertbQ'no)x-
2Stir..188.8 5
,u wa to Dsikota I knot an Amort• He gave it one ggo+i blgly qu the Builalo repair op s b i?
- II . y Y, -- '1 d and as he fell..-tbe years ,tarrying a policy, not only says a certain writer, and it caungt ly-wanted oquple to many cQugtries,
can grain, bW7 er at O►atnt► who told nide, zut 5lippa , u o 's ods but ales upon actio- be denied that a pair of The last day of the year is a very
t:i�''MER& me`tbat he had 'not travelled over cat buried,, her teeth and claws to . P hl gQ P g popular time for espousals lin Scot-
• Northern Dakota, Aad that he his lags. l t ryas note a rolling l terfwe to specifically' sjmentio ed is " defecta, but while a rpretttylt hand is land.
tegr porary the found rho tv.11eat Deady all destroyed tumbling ftgbt for a very brief par- latter r
>lds t►.fat a high He was Chep is Manitoba iod, but .the donttuie s good luck the polio,}, which ryas a very broad "an excellent thing in woman, its The bees are infprtiued of a
for the farmer, by frost. pding in Darbyshire, England, and °e.
f r er prepared to buy 2,Op0,000 bushels Of. did not desert him, As he was foVtuu ten ed to be 'horse high, bull strong of the owner's oentil tyitself, on proof
their hives decorated, '
that the a m re aced ate soon h to hit the animal on the P
r off than the I
barley, for'whic}i he, wasp p g A rainy day is as ui,lucky for s to pay 60 cents per bushel and he back, breaking its spine. As soon `e d he tinea, who paidvfor it. pro-
selfishrandtindolent nature, gQ Many' ,
hie shows zeal,
London A.rl pay the duty. He told m@ Mani; as he could pall httn cIf f+om hawedding in. ladle, as it is in n►oet
Lobs barley +vas rice best barley embrace he ran to the male, which ( called for larger amount thaw he. a yoUgg wOknan, prgnd of her dainty to have them Euco @an cauntxtes•
sa holds that. known, and was nine)) sought after tune just gutting on its feet. and I opertyould t alone, and hced e owas in the brought in contact n his own hands and with boom and Whoever rises first after the bene -
►riff is a good by the brewers of St. Paul and dealt it two or throe teiribI blows, habit of telling people N))o left rolling -pia, has become a shop girl diction will, it is said, be the master
tgnuiu, Hamil_ Minneapolis. I drove through which killed it.
as London..many thousands of acres of whom Both data were now dead, but their property with him it was in preference to being hthe home; An Italian er mother's of the household.
" frozen " and uncut in Dakota. the preacher was so badly to and oupthepothertcity, oded. He tvwheuas ruho and ad assistant in, of
the a ke of and'TueSday,pueither tnroverb urry, otrdeb
tr is better ori
in Dakota for Very little business doing at the exhausted that he had groat di arse
elevators in fetor the frost was su catty in getting to his horse, restme to settle with the insurance keeping this "badge of gentility" out On a journey."
ret, his climate people the deolined .to recognize unmarred, idles away the day in It would be considered extremely *A
front frost was severe that not only the wheat, but When he remounted he rode as P I Y P P P unlucky in England for the bride
uaslialt Sidu of barley and oats, were much injured, rapidly as lie could to the nearest his claim furbe alfrs f u° to a he had the k tehen. l+sF orhthetosam etreason to wear green during the caremony.
r than oil the and roots in many sections were house, where he remained about a P 4+
ruined, and in some counties thorn fortnight before h@ was able to go in each instance specifically agreed many a woman brea•)ts up the horns• In modern Greece neither bride•
ta side. Dako Y r fam- nor groom will enter the house un -
Shopper bolt ; is now a great deal of suffering on about again. The dominie still has should be madethood9land charged ity to tile oeold comfort of herself and a board_ til promised presents by the groom'*
bled with that account of the almost fatal failure the kittens, but he says he is not a consideration therefor. They ing-house. father.
,. •r•t.- ll.,l...,n {'�nmara raMrt- nnslhttR to tackle another ,jab like _ • • •, - _--_-, , t _ 1 _—,-. „„„ti,•,,,, ,.,, . ,,. - - - ..
lower treignts auu auti-1 -y r-- - - ---- -
_. better prices for his wheat than the railway rates, scarcity' of mousy an it understood cos n - °
high intoe of rotorest, and the large sort has confidentially informed his albite for property left in his shop. doing housework ; in fact, I think through the ring and thrown amoon.
Dakota farmer, But it is only the g The assert that a watchmaker, for I should rather enjoy it,” said a the crowd. °
- super-settai.tive eritfcal fitculty of .quantities of land held by specula- doctor that this little experience of instance, is not res tonal al for bright -faced, energetic girl, as she
the London Advertiser that can see fora. I found also that rho price of hie taus almost as bad na running watches [eft with hiinl for ►repairs, planned her hallo into the broad- In Russia, the bride muse avoid
how these matters are influenced by wheat was two to seven cents per for otiTee on the Republican ticket ° eat the wedding cake on the eve
bushel less than in Manitoba, at in a heavy Democratic comniunityl" unless he makes n special ,agree- bowl; and she is not the first woman g
the tariff. l� of the ceremony, or she will lose
points the sumo diatnnce west, I —Washington Gaxette. meat Lu this effect with their own that has Sighed for a pair to keep her husbgnd's love.
What tI►a Spectator h,as RAid is found that esti-binders were no -- -- - • ers• and charges them for it. If for beat;' far it is a difficult matter
F, that commercial union is not likely THE 'S I'\ 1 ONCE OF JESUS.this be true, it fa a good thing for to do any sort of manual labor with- A currant bun 19 broken over the
to benefit the Canadian farmer, and cheaper in Dakota than in Mani- ,, T' �—
' thea, and that " thae clothing" people generally to know. In the out injuring to some extent the bride's head in'Scottand, and a can
the evidence is tBat farmers in teas 25. for cent. higher in Dakota ease referred to, Lite owner of file shape and' to of the hands. of beer is poured over the bride -
Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota, and l •° A cora ar THE ORIGINAL DCCREB As But bands we're made for use,., for groom's horse in L'ethonia.
than in Manitoba, and the farlaOrs repair shop wonders what years.
has °
iS�UFDBY PONT1U,a t'I�A'rE. been paying for till til►ese yours. Lha faithful performance of What- Many people wed -on trio moon's
abhor parts of 11Ir, Blake's paradise there know it wolf, and they oCLeu
are burdened.w'.th debt and unable ---.- ever work ceruse in the way of duty fttcreasa and seafaring poop choose
cross the boundary to buy .store �.--London Tablet.
l to pay off the mortgages on their clothes." Of our North-West I newt A coiro8pu►�dent of Notes and SCIENTIFIC STUDY OFTHE and it isacowardlysoulthatshrinks .a flowing tide, Athenians selected
firma; and it is jnet possible that BIBLE, from puttiugthelntotheir prescribed the tints of now mous.
the Advertiser triad uusuccesatully not speak, as she has "spoken" (�lueirias exLl_hetg from tile the ____ , tasks. Work was the "angel in The German maiden floats little
this year through her fine whont Zeitung what is called "a correct
to ask how those farmers were bene- gthat-keptsilver plates on which favored
t b a high tsuar. To which we crop, her herds and flocks. transcript of the sentence of death: Dr. T. T. �'Itihtger thinks that fro raise" g.insane
Adem and Eve
fitted y ° . regularly g ° uanies are inscribed, in a pail of
Yours, eta., rououncei aryaiust Jesus Christ, the Bible should be re �ularl frons going insane whoa the nates of •
reply : 1V;ti[, A. WERSTELi. Thq folluwinn°°is n copy of tiro most taught in our universities. In all -Eden closed against them, and the water. The one that approaches
The main benefits- to the fartnor Winnip-eg, Nov. 3. memorable judicial Sentence which article in The Century for Septem- wisest and happiestof their descend -her own a the doff i ca groom
of a protective tariff are - ___. _ — _.. ._ hers ever beau pronounced in the ber he says : There is now no nuts are those who have recognized' The sneezing of a cat on the eve
I. I1, Direct protection. For e?r \1r3I1PP);D, ITIS WEIGHT IK annals of the world --namely, .that public sentiment that needs to be through the disguise the face of .a o.f a marriage was considered a good
ample, the Canndiau fluty on Indian W1L1') CATS. of death against the Savior, with regarded which complains of the frielid. It ryas a practical pont �yho omen in the middle ages, but the
• corn, pork, oats and many other the remarks that the journal Le scientific study of any subject. If wrote :— howling of a dog then, as note, was
articles keeps out competing articles The man who has cunt@ out ou Droit ties collected; the knowledge in 801110 rPg'ous and from some 'Get leave to stork ; especially ominous..
_. ares and Ives of which:•must be interesting in the sources there should be complaint In this world'tisthe-bLst ustbe tall ; In Brittauy, peasant girls visit
:_ ._, ...., ..-•.. ... , traQt the Untted St g, the losing side to a closely contested
. the Canadian farmer better prices• gaiilo of American politics is doubt- highest degree to Query Christian at treating sacred themes to a RC1- T'`ritn pian cinssbenediction. God rut's, certain shrines and pray to be mar -
2. The farmer living neat in loss ready to shear that he would D'ntil now we are not aware that it entific way, it is a compinfnc that Snider tied during the year, Some stick
facturiue towns can sell buhty and rather tackle his otvu weirywt in has over bean 'made public. The the university must • be ready to Fur`foreheada ; men say `csawns;' anti so hies into Lite knees of the saintly
11 I perishable articles at l atter profits ° sentence is word for word as fol- meet slid to endure. It will lessen we are c.rotitned,— image,to be treasured as charms.
wild cats then go through tlhe poli- Iowa . as the Conception, now rapidly Ay, gashed by settle tormelit[ng circle of
than he .can realise on articles fur tical ordeal over ag in immediately, , •,rowing urns ,round that all edu• steel In the Vosges mountains, the
export. If t11
he Ontario farmer were At any rate there is something Sentence pronounced by Pontius ° °+ ° 6 which snaps Willi a secret sprint;. Got young women who,droas the bride
compelled to metro whom his chief remarkably similar between the all• Pilots, intendant of the province cation is conducted in the scientific work,, get work ; Y g .
Be suro'tss better than what you wet.k to atl'1V0 A9 t0 'who shall stick, the filet
dependence h@ would now be but in of Lower Galilee, that Jesus of or iuduetive method. The; to, pin in the bridal rube, as the suoo 11
p orirnnce of a discomfited politician .
Cor case rho hundreds of wagons P Nazareth shall sufl'or death by the who now wages a warfare in his get." cessful one will be "°married the
p , ° and a follow who has .been clawing cross. In the Seventeenth year of class -room in behalf of free trade, Not only the leave but the com
on the Hamilton market show that with wild cats, As a great many p , mand to work is given, and in this Smile Catholic
something, better .can . be Bono, ver likely realized the feelin a. of the reign of the-Empurar Tiberius o'r rotect�hn, or evolution is be a In atholic countries, shrines -of
— The Dakota and Manitoba fslrmere a very
politician on the and on the 25th of the nluuth of hind his age. The true teacher is--busysge no-one- has- a- right -to- sit tiro Virgin or particular Saints are
g March, in rite must holy city of one who gives the,fucta, the princi• with folded hands, watching "life's ° P`
are yet top far tl'onl nlauufactil morning after oleetiou .and there• lea and the laws of his sub'eat. dill early visited and 'certain rites
centore to Uenefit iu thin mauntir' after fur soiisa drays or waokl; the Jerusalem, the pontificates p , ' 1 mf°hty pa6eant pass" and covertly g
hf Annus and Caiaphas, Pontius If it be said that such a theory of sneering at those who have borne performed to insure the cousumma-
No doubt in a short time Wiunipo° followiu a jitonio of a conflict be- . the burden and heat of the d,ty. A tion of hopes and wishes as to nlar-
aud other Western, cities will be tween a Cantpbr.11ito preacher and a Pilate, intendont of the province of education reduces it to a cold and ri toe
- ° I come Boats of stern, cities ,alae- rove Tower Galilee,sitting in judguient in colorless thing, it' may be replied popular writer, in a recent novel, The liomana deemed it au ill omen Ow
pair of wiW dais, will. liken P the presidential seat of the praetore, that the true te,ac.her puts the holds,up to ridicule the toil worn. i.
tri and will provide' a largo .bolt interesting reading : to inset certain animals on the way
Market for wrsteru fnruujrs,--linlnil- ,son Jesus Christ of Nazareth ws►rsttth-anti• color pinto the facts and hake of his hero's mother, and to the ceremony. A priest, hare,
11ev. Shaniriek Henderson, of to death oil a cross butweeu two laws. He
rainy I.iide' as much cote- i makes the boy himself shrink `ftosn
lou +Spectator' \IcDuttoll Cauuty, tilrest Virginia, their touch, though they case been dog, eat, lizard or serpent was un-
. robbers, ns the nuttterous and rotor vicyou as hti sees fit within such luck in the twiddle ages ; a wolf,
___ .� -- -- -- a day or,two since picked up s' ions tcstftttopials of the people toachiiig, but he must not contradict for years the mainstay of the family. Y
._..�, , stir of a.,tamouut kittens -which ) the very law of, education—namely,, It.would be.,well. for the "apostles toad orepider lucky.
PUBhIC OP.I- IO,N. 1 proved 1. Jesus is % misleader. ° of the beautiful" to consider' what In Brittany, if the wife, seeks to .
o wuau gleu!'ully playlne on the bank He has nkcited the people to, sedi teaching the student to .think acid rule, she must take care that the • '
of a crrelc in the loneliest part of tion. 3. lie is; all onenly . to the 'giving him inaLter for thunght. . the auteonte of this sort of preach-
lsANtTOBA V. DAKOTA As A hioxE Fote ring, wllou laced on her finger,
ONT:�R10 EIt11GRANT@. that lonely county. It nine rather law. 4. lie citlis himself the Son., This method can be carried. into ing is likely to, be. " shall slip at once to its place on her -
•' late in the aftaruoou, t•he nearest of God. 5. lIe calls himself false- a study of .the Bible. Objection The world's "garments of beauty finger, instead of allowing it to
Having just retia nod here from house ,was six miles off, so he pock- ly the Kine of Israel. 6. He went ++tight canto from three`' sources— and strength" are woven by hands atop at the first joint. .
- an extended trip of two months' eted the kittens and pub spurs to into the temple followed by a strict sectarians, who regard the that as a rule, are not fair to look Friday is considered nu unlucky 11
duration over Manitoba laud much his horse. Before he""'hail ridden multitude car+•ying alms in their bible as a fetich too snored to be upon, whito hands for a pastime, Y
do to wed in most countries, but i
of Northern Dakota, at the request half tha distance the sun had di -'at'- hands.. Orders : The first centur_ touched except in their own way; may etnbroidet the boiler with Y
+eared behind Lilo mountain' The Quintus Cornelius, to bring atheists and infidels who nourish a fu Scotland it is thsi lucky day of
of many I give gains facts concern- [ lou, (, a lilies and roses, but it is to the the weok, by far the majority of ` u
' ing the wheat crop, " frost," dairy reverend gelitiom,ui tests titling hien to•the place of e;ocittiou,forbids contempt for the Bible , ' an anti- hands of toil that they aro indebted •
slowly along j the deepening aloont uated piece of rubbialt ;" and the weddings being ceTbrated on that
'products, and some other matters, Y 6 1 0 ° all persons, rich or poor, to prevent q E for the fabrics, which to display dav—sacred to Venue and Freya.
L. Iand coming from a practical [armor of rho forest fu A thoughtful, half• the execut•f)u of .Jesus. The wit- do•votoes of culture, who vary the those Itotiers of leisure. In the north of England the
of thirty years' experience, they sleeping"' when it shrill scream assess who have sindnod rho erect, Monotony of their agnosticism by bride room lyes a ribbou to each
Inlay not be without interest to illy behind him and up on the mountain tion against Jesus are:'1,U+niel Iiab temporary zeal for Classicism, Bud- The trend of the times is in the g. g
aide reminded him that it wasgrow dhisin and, of late, • Mohammedan_ direction of aesthetic luxury ; and of the young men as he comes out
brother farmers in Ontario. You ani, Pharisee; 2, Jot) Forobabel ; 3, the growing distaste in both city from the church. These run a race
all have heard of. the "frost fn iDg dark and there were rapidly Kaphael RobaDi T 4, Capet. Jesus ism• To the first it may be said, and conntrb for all that is comet
++ r a sroachiu the parents of the kid Y y to the hotiae, and the one arriving
tfanitobn, Well biled down" PE - c' P to beLtkenout of Jerusalem through We do not propose to undermine and commonplace in occupatiODS as there first may claim .a kiss from �,
it is dist this: Last spring was un- napptd conteuLs of the saddlo•eags.` the gate' of Tournea. your sect, but to send your students
back to you with a hotter know- tvo11 as in surroundings, is not an t}ie bl•ide:
usually late, by six least two weeks: Dr. Henderson call make a long The sentence is engraved on n Y encouragiu Sign. In France during the Middle
f 1►te of brass itt the Hebrew inn°u- ledge of the book you revere. To ° g °
in the last weak of July there were brayer and is not averse to a good plateAges it of
a few days very hot, with a scorch- square fight when lie cannot get out ;IgA, and on its sides are the follow- the second it may be said, This is "Life is real l Life is earnest !" fro m n rhos shoes nail, was one made
ing hot wind, and thea early iu of it. 1-fe realized that this teas in" words : "A similar, plate has still a Christian nation, and the and while a shapely white hind is
on the bride's finger, and some had
August a cgld wave came lutea one of rho occasions when prayer been Sent to each tribe." It was Christisnl religion is still a real always ``a thing of beauty, it will as man as five such ,rings. Tho
from the north, holding in its had to take a back seat and muscle discovered in the year 1280 in the power and factor i❑ the lila of the be a^disastrous day' for our homes Y during
eo )le. Wo do not require ourrecognizedsou le also stood on n ring
breath streaks of frost here and and grit must hustle for supremacy. city of Aquil (Agillal ), in the people. q Y when it comes to be the P
thero, but despite all these Mani- Dismounting, he procured a heavy kingdonle of Naples, by a search students to become believers, but 0lbadge of gentility." It is a adge the Ceremony.
rob► has grown a grand crop of hickory clnh before the eafsarriv ed, made fur the discovery of I'omsui roquire of them to become familiar to which coulLeeau and ballet denser In Greece the groom is lightly
Willi a fact and a fordo which they s Tinkled with water on leaving.
wheat, I walked over hundreds .of but -not a Iponrout too soon. L)th antiquities, and remained there will mesal at ever turn in their Call lay claim, while many a daugh- the home for'the coremony.. The _.
forms, saw the farmers- evttrng, the old cats nppeared at the satire until it was fouud by thecurnmis Y ter of Ilia king cheerfully forfeits it, bridq must visit the oven in eom-
staclting, threshing, and baulillg to tittle in the toad ahead of 'the series of art in the 1�'rench artily of future '"careers. To the third it working with her hands for those al with her father or a near rola- '
the elevate+s, sow tlge price paid. preacher. They had undoubtedly Italy. I'p to the tittle of tile catu- nlny bo said, It is not improb ble she loves. _ live, to, and obtain leave •
ID a few cases I found the crop scented their leittens and made for paign in Sou-hern Italy it was pre- that, in your varying enthusiasms' „lieatitiftil liands are those that do work to set out.
• spoilotl; in other cases a loss of ton, their captor. One of tho catarltounts, served in the sacristy of the Carthu_ you will Soon come to take an inter- that is earnest, brave and true." - Care Should be taken lest a clog.
twenty, thirty, or .forty per cant:,' an unusually large and ferocious , sians, near Naples,whore it was kept eat in the Babylonian myths,. or in and the marlrs of Honest. toil aha +18 run between the bride and groom
bot the bulk of Manitoba's crop is male, made a spring for the do in a box of obony. Since then the the psychic element in the Hebrew honorable as scars won on the battle dtirfnty the ceremony in the Scotch
coming to the elovators in good minie's throat, but reenived a relic has beau kept ill the chapel of prophet, or in a comparative study °
S' Caserta. The Caethusia -4 obtained of Orieuiial and Western s mbol- field. Lot the patient toilers take Il.ighlauds, laud rho groom's left
shape, rating No, 1, and selling whack with the hickory which leis[ Y shoe must be loft without buekle'or
fr'ouh une dollar to a dollar and fif- him on his back. Before }Ieuder- itby their petitions that the plate lam, a which caro a thorough courage; ftt the " will
b ttwarded, latehot, to, prevent witches from
the "high places" will be awarded,
teen cents per bughol. I saw many eon eonlil recover his -guard the fe- alight be kept by thein, which was knowledgsj of the hook most inti g P whose ' [laving ally influence over him.
farmers taking three, four, i.nd six male caught him by the shoulder ns an acknowledgeittent of tltesacrifices mately robrted to this subject would not he eye and Softasst to Ahee touch, The Swedish bride tries to see ;r
thousand d0113rR for their whom it laapc+d and raked him, tearing which they made for the FI.00Ch not be amiss. but to those who have done th'e the room before . be saes her, to
crop alone. Tho farmers have on a section of hie coat and about six army. Tito French translation wits "In order not to leave the subject most faithfull the tasks assigned fl 3
made literally by roelnitera of the in a vague condition I will indicate, Y ° gain the mastery. She places her
limited faith in Manitoba Its a wheat- inches of his skin and flesh into them. foot before his during the ceremony
producing country. Many of the ribbons. commission of arts. Denou had a or rather blot, the dir8ction ,such 'in the
farms I,�travelled over (which pro- Fortunately the ant ^misii ra her fac simile of the plat.o engraved, Scientific study of the bible might "Ah langaid hand, safe'in some scented Sh $Must stand neardthe cgrooln,reo
duced this year throo or four thou- calculation as the preacher swung which was buu;ht l,v l.urd Elowarr[ take• glove,
about wins th s w•si jht 0r l►i'a blow on the Sale of his cabinet fur 2 892 "Genesis : the nature source's, Drop that bright prayer -book, catch at that no one can come between thorn. -i
send dollars' worth of Wheat besides ° , rock and thorn; . _._ - _.
b.trle ,oats and cattle) were Loma ort her artuor ur it would have francs. There seams to be no his. and composition of the book. Give. ain s .of. broad—give truer *as of ,
ateaded a few years ago b men who P ' "Tho Pentateuch : its auth'orshi
Y gone worse with Lim. As it tt•as torfoal dhubt as to Lha authenticity p love— —"My friends, I want to tell
held little or no capital to beg,❑ the wound was terribly painful, laud of this. The 'reasons of the aunt- and eOlpposition. To other chole whose stains scars you You a story I once heard. It was
with. Brother farmers, just think ,Nadu rho dominie come as near. once correspond exactly with those , "The Hebrowcomnionwealth : its scorn. —Selected. about an Irishman, who one day
of the possibilitio, of this virgin saying unorthodox things as ever of the Gospels, nature and growth. --------M--took hie gun and went out bunting.
prairie l I found also the reason he did i1t his life. By thin tiiuo N . - --x.11 - "An out liue of Jewish history.He didn't know much about it.,
that wheat is not coming a re to tie rid lied fiat oil his feet again, --Rev. V.T. Bill, rector o! the "'The nature and meaningof such —The amount of strength exec though. 110 Saw a handponte btu • '�
rile Innl'ket a9 freely as at 11119 tillld and 1)r+'h cats pre tared t0 Spring ill Church of the Messiah, Kincardine, books as the songs of Solomon and eiso,l in ate ordinary handshake is bird on the branch of a alaruh, and,
ins: year ; it is this: Many have Once. Che preacher seeing that having resigned that parish in order Jounh. eleven pounds, but if you owe the taking aim, he Shut both eyes and
las, ed Choir grain laud will not n . to accept the position of rector of "'loco theisut. in Paallfls. other chap borrowed money and ..fired. Then he ran up to obtain
the nffair was vetting serious, backed Vie Church of fit, ,John the Evange- "The argument in' the book of 11
thresh till the grounil I1`00zes ; others Ilp against a tree abd awaited their list in London, was the recipient, at hope to stead flim off, the estimate rho corpse, but it happened that ho
tubo hnvo threshed and live sumo onalnught. He dila t hnvo to 'the hands of his congregation, of an Job, and its literary features. runs all; high as sixty-six pounds hadn't hit the bird, and instead of -
miles from the elevators, will not wait long, as the male,, snarling address, accompanied by a presenia- Au outline, o.f the life of Jesus the Gory carcase be expected to
soil till after the•grouud freezes, as with rage, made a leap at his throat tion ,to himself and Mrs. Hill, of a Christ. .—,rl saw the Shallowest grave in find oil the ground he saw A big
all are anxious to keep their ploughs while the female crept to one Side handsome silver service and marble "The sources of the, Christian the world on Thirt nine 6treet green frog complacently blinking .
going, as if toflankhim. This filet saved the clock In token of the high esteem in Church as found in The Acte. y` n
which both Mr. and Mrs, Hill are ,`Christian iu�stitutions ; their yesterday." "Thirty-niue Street 4 his eyes in the sunlight. Pat didn't 'i
All heto agroo that stock -growing proachert ns itgnve him time Lo re held Uy their parishioners. Mr, Hill origin, "Yea ; I met Bawnson there and know .it WAR a frog, though, for, �
is both s.ifo laud profitable. I nr,ver chive the biggest one, which.` lie and family leave for his new scene of 'gChu forces in Christianity Accused him of cutting roe the day gazing easily at it he exclaimed ; y,
travelled over it country in which skilfully did by jumping to the labor on the 12th lost. lie will be which lett to its recopbion and con- before. Iie Raid he was buried in "Sura Att' ye wuz a fofne bard lift T.
the farineis have such unlimited right and striking it as it struck the succeeded by Rev. Mfr. Turnbull, of thol ht." Shot ail rho feathers off ye," '
• frith in its future ; even the Mention- tree whore lie had just stood. The Listowel. y tinuanco g
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