The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-28, Page 1• n
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" •fiwa, iu> t—tl•Rp:Per A•nuixmo 41RUG. in Advwpte. lND1s;,REVJIENT IN A14Z TVINGO, N#UTRAL JN NGTNI1rG WHIT�T,X 4 TOWN ]tX41106eRtr
T , II
ak a t�alre raudeuca. goal (2arreoriaude"re �l; nal (�arre�irandace-4tacul 5orreollo �dac�t goal (GiarrJc poodcate' Ween!
� n arre�riauctnl'e.
f.o�lerich. Goderich. Goderich. Goderich Townshi • Goderieh Township•
p st t
.. an eY:
We copy the following front the Mr. Hy. Clueas was in town this Ou Saturday aroruingf as Master I A measly scab in the New Era, Mrs. Middleton, widow of the Mr. W, Graham ex -reeve has,
Empire of Friday : "Al.anfurd, Nov. week. Gaurge Watson wits fixing telephone I under Porter Hill, objects to in; Nee Charles Middleton, died at her bought a neighboring farm for
22. --Rev. C. A. I. Chauuer, M A., The river was frozeu over on Wires on it house in this town, he I remarks about the high old time at late residence near Bayfield last $6,000. 1
has resigned hischarge in this town Sunda slipped and fell. to the ground, Robert's. Ido not write for ,such Thursday. Burial took place in
Y There will be an open Orange
to take the rectorship of Christ brotaking one of his legs. The warty excroseences as he appears to Bayfield cemetery. Di -ceased was P g
The Hon. A. At. Ross wiry in meeting in the hall of L. O. L.' 1035
church, Adrian, Afichigau." The town this week, fracture was set shortly after the ; be. I never did like toads. The a member of one of the pioneer Varna on Thursday evening, Dec.
Rev, gentleman was settle years since I The H'ou, A. V1'. Ogilvie was in accident. Mr. Watson is it present , lazy, lumpish anilllal- with its families of the township. At the 6t•h. The object of the tweeting is °
assistant rector of St. George's b progressing favorably. I hideous head and glazed eyes as it time of her death she was nearly 75 to have Oran slam explained, so
town the past week. squats on its bully has always been Years of age, g
church in this town. The stearuor St. Mar nus with 29 - that it maybe better understood b
Thd steamer St. Ma nus ran on Mr. James McKay has returned , m aversion. The dead glare of BlamFs.—Rov, N. E. Scutt and Y
9 OOO bushels of wheat from I ort Y b Protestants. Mr. A. AI. Todd of
the bar at the•niouth of the harbor to town from Wiarton. its eyes ouly brightens when it Mrs, Scott of Llo dtowu, accorn- '
Arthur fur the Bib Mill arrived be- Y (Jlinton, will be one of the Speakers.
when trying to enter, on Friday, Lov. T. M. Campbell was visiting t , ) br sees settle extra beautiful object pauied by their daughter Airs. Cleraymeu and others have been
Y o r y, tween the riors on Frida • evening
and remained fast 7 hours. Shu his old congregation last week. and after seven horns hard work nut I passing and then it opens its dates- Moutiler, are paying a weeks visit invited, music will be provided
was held almost amidships, and the Miss Donagh was last week visit- across the bill' and tied up nt the table month to impotently anal) at to the Rev. gentlen)an's brother, and it profitable time is explptod.
eaptaig by Shifting some of the aft iug the Misses Gould at Exeter: big Mill. The 1lfcrgnns unloaded' it.. Ile declaims against slander Mr. A.Soott.—Mr. Wilson and wife Doors open at 7 p. m., to continence
cargo forward floated her off, As AIr. Dymoutarrived in town oil vu Saturday, and took on s largo tt'11ile Ile is so besuttodly ignorant of Belleville have been visiting at 7. 30, •Admission free. The
an officer of file bout remarked to Friday from his residence at L'arrie, ryuantity of salt shipped by W. as to not perceive that he is indul- their daughter Mrs. E. Wise, Bay, ladies and all Protestants are in -
the writer, "Goderich with its Dr. Shannon was ill Toronto last Ca°tpbofl to Port Arthur. ging in it so grossly that his spawn field line, They paid a short visit t ited.
sand bier, is u pretty harbor of is tun vile for even thu low•estsphere to Mr -Scott last week.—The recita- _
weak undergoing treatment for his A so-called Canadian named A. I tion of Miss Gould at the tea -meat-
• refuge. ' undergoing of the Lowest pit., I slanderer no '
sight. K. Fraser wri es the Signal from TuClcerstuUth•
At the last regular meeting of tits f ono—lour correspondent of Nov, iug at Zion church was highly al)
-Mr. r Jordan has imp,) tud A Detroit as fullow•a :— majority 21, reeiated. It die I t ed nlarlcetl There are rumors of two -or three
Hipti School Literary Society the P' p •y
very pretty driving horse from of the electors were again led to histrionic abilit weddings to take place in this vicia-
folluwiugprogramme wits presented: TL:-AIFFriNG—Thu anniversary Y
Chorus by the members reading Montreal. vote that itis better to have great Y it•y soon.
' b' �. frusta Lind combinations of )rico tea-u)aetiu« of the Zion Methodist F.clitur News -Record.
Mise L. llickson roadiun Air. H, Iinox church L,aua of Hope hold } Mr. Rubert-Plewes, wflo was bad'--
' b' g �„ raising monopolists, high taxation church S. S. (Tailor's corners), was As rumor has been connecting aauw
I. Straug, B. A,; recitation, Miss E. its regular Illect•illt, last Saturday o' 1' ' B held on Weduesda evetuu^ the with the corruspundeuuc ill your paper ly hurt by bull a week of, two ago,
afternoon. ;utd dein' ;nods, than to boyo ,trade
1 utter; lulu, Ali. Atahatfey ;trading, 2lat lust. Tea w:is served n the about the sul,pur at Dav, Ituberts, I want is about again,
nnatle free by which Britain ti)ight to say that such ossi ices lie—under a Mr. John La going 31 r. Kaiser ; reading, Miss E. It is expected that the waterworks schuul house . The ladies of the g I stun is clog to move
Buelidn a� ; recitation, Miss L machinery will be in working orrl,;r Ituld her own. Canait,r is Wuuttd groat nristuku, though I would feel quite 'to Clinton next Weep. He has rout -
Miss o herr• its it counterbalance to the congregation have lung been noted easy abutit ally slander' in it had I written
l:ruzior ;address, Rev. Mr. Putter ; by Christmas. fur the abuud,wce and dulicac of it l he scribbler ill the Erg seek to be ad his'farin to his son.
southern' vote. Dakota will get y }
glee by the momber.s• The Hollis Cuniedy troupe )e will the provision they makes but the devoured with cavy chat act• one should Al re. Frank Layton had occasion
1 st ti-huod anti help the h,epublican P ' do what hu is iapparuutly uaabre to do— Y'
Thu Iitucnrdine llet;eaa says :— appear in the Grand Upulia lluuse I,l'utcutiuuisLS ereutlp, but Uauarlu Spread on this occasion, it' it were desclibe an occurrence without malice or to go out to the pump for a pail of
The family of AIr, Ell Fisher and this evening, Cu111111b In W011ld IIIRke Ihingi rl0ubly {!ussiblr;, excelled even that of, fur- scurrility. Itut the envious are 'always water nue night last week, when
alMit to make Goderich their future Mrs. Chits. A. \mien has been sure. Lut its annex by all. means," icor y'oil is, About two hunched sat malicious. The Era writer says the she ran amast tau pump handle ;
down to supper, there being a'con• It,.roerts racket is " racy but false," His the result" was a block A e
home. Ails. Fisher's; relatives reside rvisiting at her old hour, , Galt, Lite and luta more such stuff. A. K. F. pl ' oy
in the vicinity of the town, Tile siderable number from the uoiglr• `°t1Oj'inls hath the quality of falsehood
y past two weeks. it wall lcuutvu nouns about Ihere,and without the uaerit ofueiug racy; showing Un 'Chirrs;liry moruil,g last one -of
runny 1't'lelldy U1' the faii)IIy" in Kin Mr. Jamieson hoed bras rho con. his letter in the S;,yual i"s asequel to boring towns Guderiuh, l3r.umiller, that ill' Ilis association with Malleh.tu.;uu tho4e interesting events took place
cardine, as well as the music -loving tract for building tilt) burl for the hiS lust Lraul.p thruurih the county, Holrnesville and Clinton, After he has caught only his detects, Who- at the rasideueo of AIr. Harrison
public, Will very .much regret the electric light engine. Imagine the brains of any individ autltls justice hu<t been douse to the ever the writer of, the supper business was, ��'i]tsie, it being the marriage of
removal of the Uisses Fishor: We nal iIhVlLing LIS t0 bocouto one hu- " D. r t I!,iitysa lie dill Hot 'draw lar,•ul, u ou A'Ir. Ilubert H. !Laine brother in
ood t•hiugs all re )aired to tau 3'•
Tha Marg S. Gordon has been church, w.IterA" a most unJoyflhle his ims;{imrtioll"as I call prove,'an l Upon
3, '
trust they may again become real- hauled ore to the harbor island for nruuious I'auillp ill it country where � lCgs`I at, wrollgly iuformeal. -I carr'da-ro Aaw of Mr. 1=1. It. val'ker•,..Cli'nlo'nr .:
!lents of this place. they bear lopairs during the winter. lin Nips bhe anti I;rtttsIt fueling- was dvunlu8 Was spent. hey. J1l^ l ut- by the wlitcr of tau article ill the .Era, to Amelia, daughter of NIT. A.
svith thein to Goderich the beat w, rked for all it wits worth. It tor, pastor of the church, ufficlated • nutria Lis acquauht;aitod with Munchausen 1'Viltsie,, of tau London nolle. she
Al r. Joseph Kidd .I inr., has as chairman in his usual happy lilts spoilt whatever goo,l may have' been
wishes of everybody ill 1{iueatiliuu tuay be that A. K, F. is willing to pl Y is hila. \5'huu I write you ler ,ublicatwn Ila}'pY coul>lo left by the morning
moved into the residence recently style. The programme consisted of Y 1 train for London, Dorchester,
whose good tvislu>s are worth Coll- Ilea ]rawer of wood :roil drawer of I shall sign my nate, as I now do. , Moss -
occupied by Mr. David Fisher. addresses recitations and readings la and other points of interest.
sidsrilrg or desirable, water to get up Steam for his friends • ' readings,.
µ'. M. KNIGHT. Y
At the annual . meeting of St, Ali-. Jno, Robertson having re- the RLpublican protectionists, 'but interspersed with ruuSic. Rev. N. _-- --- We Wish them a happy and pros-
1Georgo's Churchwoniau's Guild last covered front his recent illness may his willin;;ness for such dirty work E. Scott, of Lloydtown, in the Ter. Londesboro'. porous life, The ]tev. Air, .Edge
week, the following office-bearets now be found tit the old store, is not so highly appreciate,] by true onto Conference, geve,a most excel- • performed the ceremony.
weroelected:—President, Alrs. Ahab Blakes block. Cauadiau • lent address un Sabbath School Dr. Rose and family are about
Our late townsman U work. Ho is a most lensing s peake�• removing to Aurora.----^-`�----
cotnseu ; 1st viae-preoident, Atis. , . r. J. A. Aic- —_— p b I Blyth.
Seager•; grid vice-president. Airs. Bride, is now running the "'Old and his address cannot fail to have Mr. John L'arkwell's father and
Lee; secy.-tress., Miss Z. Williame: Corner" restaurant on Jefferson Erle' impressed officers and teachers with mother-in-law from near Lucknow Mrs. It. lluward was visiting
executive comnrittue,Mesda lues Holt, avenue, Detroit.. Inspector Tum was"at our school "rental, zeal baud perseverance in ate visiting him this week, frionds in Winglialu this week.
Holmes, Williams, Jas: Parsons, Airs. Norman Vroman, of Glovers. on Thursday of last week. their noble work. Rev..Mr. Itucoy, Air. Itadl'urd, who has been it Ant- Regular meeting of our town
Geo. B. Parsons and. Miss Widder. villa; New York, arrived in town on Miss Jennie Graham, of Shep- incumbent of St, Stephens (church foyer for some iuouths died last fathers on Monday evening next.' ' l
The retiring Secretary -treasurer lire- -Saturday on a visit to her sister, pardtou, paid a visit to friends in Of England), who has been suQerin0 week and was buried at Ebeuezon Mr -Albert Flowers left hero on
from a severe illness and W110 at cemetery last Saturday. netted the annual report,, which .Mrs. J. S. Platt. this village Iasi wank. " Y )'• Monday to work in rho {lax mill
showed that considerable w•o'rk. had tended at considerable incouveni , J. A. Cook Esq., gave a good in Shakspearo,
Some four soars ago there 1vRe' Miss Fannie Anderson, of Dun. ,ence, Spoke stron.4y for closor temperance address in this. place Thu revival .meetings which have
been done, that the receipts pati pretty deep ivater Rt rho lake eta of . ganuou, was visiting friends in this unit amongst the various Christian
been large, and usefully employed. the -breakwater. Now there is solid vicinitythe past week, y ' last Sunday night. been hold in the Methodist Church
P churches and remarked that while
Some weeks since the Steamer land 100 feet west. The infaut son of Rev. Air. Ram- here for several weeks were closed
Mr. Robert iVlcIlwaiu shipped a they might differ in m%riur doctrinal
.St. 1 (IgntC8 when loaded. with Air^ Ed, VanEvory has returned car load of a) les from Godericih mnttertt R stroQ^ united otfort of all say has been sick but is recovering. on Friday.
lumber called .at iho American froin the north shore of Lake Su- on Detroit.,l strong,
denoniina=' The folloiviQg-has been handed AIi .C. Hamilton retuuned home
Sault, and reported that she was perior, where he has been doing The !toys l .Irvine and Ra,. W- tions should be inado to' arda the us, for publication •from TIJIiswater, on, Monday, Slie
"Olti•g t0 take 011 35 tons of cua1. business the past few months. , •. ' one 'great Ob ect fol' which all are T'o Nfits, SIMov MCViTTIP AND'FAlimy; lead been attending the funeral of a
After loading 25 tons some lumber T •L,►nlrpbull of Dungannon, .ex. e J
had to be removed tvi�en She cross• Last week through a printers changed pulpits lastSuuday, aiming The rev..gontleruan was, We, the - Quarterly. Official Board deceased relative,
error the flies noted were Staters -to listened. to • with nutrked attention of the Londesboro' Circuit assembled, Anuthe.� dressmaking establish-
ed to the Canadian side fur that The frost the past week nipped wishsto express a deep sense of the o
have taken place on Saturday, and his remarks were highly appro loss we have Sustained in the death meat has been opened out this week
purpose. She then returned,,, tool; some of the apples that were in ,. ,
on the balance of coal, and sailed+ whereas they occurred on the !lay barrels and not in a warm place. elated. R'ev. G. Richardson, pastor of ou•r,dear, departed brother, Simon in Gidley s old stand, the parties
before, Friday. of NOrth street Methodist Church, 1llcVitti�. His presence, christian coming from Walton.
" As the . whole proceeding only lir. John Tiffin has returned home Goderich, and president ' of Confer' counsel and liberality for so many
Rev. W. J. Taylor, of Mitchell is
occupied about two Hours the capt glen. Graham 'Afooruhouse, of from Hamilton,wheel) he has been Y
once followed In a moat impressive Years, have been - a great source of
ain did not report a second Lima. Prncorning, Mich,, left for her engaged in the z) )!e busineFe.the ' P to preach the anniv�?r;ary services
' I I address. IIs dwelt' on shadows and help and encouragement to us. We in the E scop
al was for tliis in.f action .of in• home last Saturday after a ton last two mouths, desire to convoy to you our heart. Cisco )al church here on.
ternational haw thatshewasseizedlast lights of S...S. work, the manly Ob- Sabbath the 9th Dec..weeks visit at the residence 'of her Mr. John Echlin laid ul his felt sympathy -in the loss of an af•• -
week and detained five (lays at the , Mrs. H Cooke. n P stacles the teacher has to contend Rev. IL A. Thow.)s
mother, fectionate and devoted husband and , . of ilio
Y Y Steam thresher for this season on with, the many apparent disappoint- father—and in this hour of your sor•. Episcopal church litre, changes
Sault. At first file authorities Mr. E. Fisher of Kincardine has Saturday last. John has stood the meets which the most earnest meet row commend .you . to the fatherly pulpfts..with the Rev. W. M. Shore
Wanted bonds for five • thousand .'purchased from Mr. Geo. Neibergall test of thirty-one years threshing, with, Thon he p.ortraved the glori- love and tender Sympathy of frim of Ailsa Craig on Sabbath next.
dollars but on the captain produc- the house recently occupied by Air, and looks as though he might be ous results of earnest Sabbath Schuol- who can heal the wounds which sor-
ing two substantial bondsmen, they Joseph Kidd Juur. 'Air. Fisher good for thirty one more. row has made. ' Tax colle&ter Mr. John 'Bell is
g Y teaching, the lasting impressions expected to �a his annual-evisit
imposed a" line of one thousand and fawily have arrived in town. To the sweet land of rest he has 1 pay
dollars, which was ►id under ro Alt. Samuel Alathews and family made un tau minds of the young. been called away, and your loss is sometime this week. Get your
PI P Airs. Morris has returned from have been heavily afflicted during Ile showed that however far in after his infinite and eternal gain. toad skills roady to satisfy his
test. There may have been a tech Wabusli, lie after a long visit to her the past few weeks. Mr. Mathews' life they might wander from the Signed on behalf of the Board— nical infraction of international law, daughti•i. Urs. E. C. Russel], lairs• mother was taken.down with dre s right the lessens taught: in Sunda demands.
but we think a fine of one thousand Y D. ROGERS. ])unit .fail to attend the Presby
Russell v. ell be the guest pf her about twelve weeks, ago, snc� about School and the ta'nths there learned 1V. BRUNSDeN, toriau Sabbath School entertain -
was a very great infraction "daughter, -Ars.. Magnits Rwanson, a week ago Mr. Mathews was taken would always remain. He closed it J. BRAITHWAITF, R. S.
of intoruatiounl courtesy. for a few• r•: eeks, and then proceed down with 'quinsy,- and then the most excellent address li endorsing Nov. 5th, 1888. luent which is to be held in the
Last' week Jliss Couthoui appear- to WiscuII -in. wife of Mr. .*"a fuel Mathews was tiro statements uttered by NIT. Racey, AL', Aoseph Colclough who is basenignt ortht church on Wodnea-
ed in the Royal Opera House under Dr. still :ors. Ure arrived home taken with what site ' thought a cordially grasping that gentleman's giving up fartuing is going to open dray evenin".
tau adsl.rices of Lao High School from a six .itonths visit to the Old heavy cold, but which turned out (land ill token of brotherly loco, a butcher shop in this place. There The new fire uumpuuy met for
Litorary Society before a fair and Country last week. Un Friday to be inflammation of the lungs, and unity and Christian fellowship. is a good opening here for a •Inau thti first time in 11103 firs hall uu
most enthusiastic audience. During 'evening the mombers of the con -re- death put an end to her sufferings Miss Gould pre a most admirable who understands his busiuess, ]Vo' Monday evening. They • iutuud
Mon -
the evening the lady gave five pieces glltion of I{no.;t church gave Dr. on Saturday, 24th inst♦' 'The•funural recitation, ,ran'dered in a pleas- doubt Mr.' Colelough will do well. meeting regularly. Ouahe Inst Mon-
a per, the programme, and ill re- and Mrs, Ure. a reception in the took place from the family residence ing and very, attractive style, in stay everting. ill every mouth.
sponso to eneurea "Alone Mt a1," A large amount of"freight is tobe
"Reading y ire ' lecture room, Which was largely tit- on Aionday afternoon to Dungannon which the young lady displayed moved from this place and shippers Tap f`uunduliui) for the msec
crud I�unrling LeA60nN. Jliss tended, many of other dellom(na- cemetery. Air. Mathews has the marked elocutionary ability. lir. are complaining about the scarcity Methodist Uhurch un Queen's St. is
Cuuthoui has inipruved cunsiderably titins being present. heartfelt sympathy of the commuu- G. Sheppard gave a -reading which of oars. beitig excavated. The members in.
riuci+ her last appearance in Gude- Tile Slur in last iss" said that 'ity in his sad bereavement,' and we was well received. During 'the , tend haviu^ the brick and stone
rich, ill filet No much .has she AL. and Mrs. Lowery of Le! o
the alarm of fire in the old Slar liupo it may be the means of loading evening tilt) choir, ably assisted by more tyre visiting their daughtor rlr'rt°tl this winter so its to have the
FldVriIlCed a9 a 1'CRrlel' that she occu- offico� was caused through a ehirune him closer to Him that says that "I the Misses La Tuuzel, Crabb .Rad building commenced as SOou as
its a ver high position among rib- g Y ) and son=in-law at the parsonage, o
p Y ' P ° P in Air, Campbell's Insurance Office.
will never leave him that putteth A. AicLean, and Matters R. La spring opens.
tic elocutionists. The readings, Such a statement was not near the his trust in Me," and He is one that TOuzel and Ileunin•g 'fire revival meetings which have
"' s♦ of Golurich been in progress here for to We ars sorry 'to hear that our
"'Money husk" and "Reading., Les truth, the pipes and chimney in sticketb closer than a brother, �avaSomechoicesoIections-choruses townsman, Al r. Morgan, and to make
sons" were rendered in a manner Air. Cam boll's office having been — — -- ducts and Solos. On fho following weeks, with marked success, were err anal" 0 '
almost inimitable, as were aISO all p closed on Thursday evening.
onmeut Inst week. Mr.
thoroughly cleaned the previous 1lullett. evening a social was held, when Y b IVaddel of Goderich is at resent in
those presented, but in some of again everything was of the most Your correspondent would seg- o I
then) we think religion was too much, PROGRESS A:iD OPPOSITioN.—L• pleasing description. The young gest that the doors in our churches charge of fhe busIne^.s taking Stock
The S;; nal is now tinted b P g 1 Y b and winding up file affairs for the
parodied. When rho lady again / P', Y U. I,, 5�6 is hound to"'prosper. peopleeujuyed t.hemselvesf,uuuuslY. iu'this place be riioved to the other b(I(Ici of the ctediturN. �1'e hope
cornus before a Guderich, audience steam, the proprietor having recent- The Gast meeting was one of the -After an excellent tea a musical aua and of flu bllllatingH tt0 90nhe people
we hope she will select only those ly added this most useful motive most successful held fora long time. g • would not havoAso constant! to be that \ir, Morgan will bu abl•I r., ,
)ower. 1t'e congratulate the to o literary programme was rendered, Y make satisfactory arratigniouLd with
i pieces that are clear of religiuus 1 gr pro- The membership is on the increase when Mr. D. Purvis, by a tuost on- cranking their necks When people his crodit•urs so as ;o open out again
mimicry, During the evening Prietor on the new order -of things, and a deep interest is
J1I"uses Radcliffe and Cook and thus%astic and uuatninous i+ote Lyse aro entering the hutch.
its it 8110wg al, inclination, not always festecl for the good old cause' of ' soon,
acted upon, to keg) w With the a elected chairman, the duties of AIr, Lawrence has started a sing -
Messrs. Lloyd, I ooto and: Dickson ( f P Orangoism, The election of officers which office he filled in an admin- ingclass in this place. He is a clever
gave choice instrumental Selections, times, and also that•itlurnalism pays for 1889 Will take )lane at the ° ( —An autopsy of the bodies of two
/ 1 able wanuor. :Ydc(rosses were do teacher and always gets a Iarge p Y
Misses G. Johnston rind It. Strap in Goderich. December meeting. Lot ever cattle, which died in Yarmouth re-
" " Y livered by hays N, L Scott, Messrs. class, centl showed that the died from,
gave a piano duet exceedingly well Oil Tuesday of last woAk there member be present, 'Thera are n � Yr y
J: Whitely and A. Scott. !Loci Walt Maines, t.ur new frunun' smut taken into the Stomach b eat•
considering their youth. Jlissltud- was a special meeting of the School number, unfortunately, who would tutiun» b Misses Gould and Me= Y
cliffe's solo "Ma gnetic Waltz" was Board t0 consider matters in con- like t0 see the warrant of 526 called y has already 7 contracted for Lhb r•I'A in6 Corn Stalks infested with -k
Lean. 1�oarlitig by Miss Iia Tonzul Lino of 7 or 8 large barna, As --JIr Peter McNally, a well-known
an able `r nda itIg of a difficult ,rection with the resignation of the in—among them renegade Protest and Mr. G. Shoppard. Dialogues `�ralt is a contpetetit w•uikmau and farmer of South Norwich, died on
piece. . is. Graham Moorhouse Principal, AIr, Allan Fnibury. AIr. ants—but we have plenty of 100d and Recitations by members of tore an obliging fellow lie will give Saturday at the ripe old age of 98
Sall" two songs as sweetjy as Miss Ernb'ury's resignation wits truly ae- material to make it boom,' Within school, Thochoirgavosomoexcoll'ent satisfaction to all emi)luyiug him. years. Ile had been a resident of
Louisa Cooke used to do in the cepted and permission given to leave the last month somo of the windows music. A vote of .thanks to the _ the township for 57 years.
years gone by: Mrs. Moothouse on the 7th conditionally on return• of the hall have boop broken, and ladies, who worked so onorgetically — --Wm. Herron of Goshen, walked
was encored after each number, but ing and completing the annual re- an efror•t should be made to bring to make rte tea meeting eubh a —The flax crop around Belmont to Jas L. Cowan's and commenced
me;rulybawecl heracicnowled�miute, focus to the Government. The the wilt artiesto unties. Ireotle Middlesex co., this Season is the work digging
d " Y P j ( rllal'ked success was orthusiastical- r fill fi Potatoes k A&
' Ged Save the Queen" closed a hoard ordered Advertisements in the who would be guilt of. such work largest s got 61000 there. The Smith ed out 100 bushels, dropped work k.
y ty passed. The proceeds which brothers of 6 000 bushels of seed 4 o'clock in ills afternoon
brilliant entertainment. Miss Globe and Empire for a Prfueipal iihould Steal church coppers, and ars 'amount to a considerable sum will g ' ,and walk.
n , from 380 ac"res, a fraction over 15 ed borne again two miles, How is
Cooke prcaidecl at the piano. for 1889. fit intnhtes only for Castlo Dixon. be devoted to thin funds of. the S. S. bushels per acre. that for nn old man of 61 years.
s h