The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-14, Page 4,.. ..., tq � ttA. R ,, yJ .. .. p
�Vl, b',,+aa libel ew Jia tier K A > .
t o - _ tQ the ataxN. a, of the ZA�,16r `I(�Y � �',A01 t7 tTi �,; . „ re R ,
C. ,1t11� r:4p 1.,11 It .9 t►t the rl,te Rfl catfntioti tp tq>a/n/ Rpt•..
to g whip price. r A2"F�'S 44 be are.�tt sled', xhe pro4pads 4f tba .
Agporta_ : >tll,,l
hey-aro; ti ., rga
"j. ru -he i% nomanall the -0. t is t e tllax y oo n Af Q tuber t" Aram ,di4trlkuleda 1d pe los oOatt, ed'IIIrfEw's RN _?t. .. he ahitrahgldgrw +f..,e, b t.8g
_. ►!
t r tRrtt•--•IfUotot SL ttlittT. itowxu pt'osaotitpr. tXE tG is attlP o 17 Wd aY@ dentist Ra CAilate f! Rotp p�{t4par .Ant reoldlu to the elate, j
L qpq $ .
31tg Drives —J• C. Detlar & Ca.
Tact tlitxt the Crown should not go$ti intR rbc �tt►te erestaury.
' �:. a aoii Bros.. resources at its,
Ams-rica;n official sources. showing 8t�1^tt►>{•ga°rhe.- ebt►reA-. Qf .ale• ,jolEnt.,,, 1 -
5 , $aneible vpople J ck wake use,,of all the resou .-
. •, Jilckson or. Haat the taxation per stead' in tits atoc� tbri ttearRRe rata; of PR��'r�s TO +��:1"�" •iM i�;' TIMES.
Clearing Sale. --1. + ooMmand. to secure conviction$, taxis R qq poo grty iµ the xabglry stkte,
New GA,oclµ--U r. Worthington. j p .tTMp-Rn is p
r United States for all
-irrespective of tile evidence p#feretl full thru4 tiulea that which I*, 41101hhted as in the casenfbank
t �IIot'teit Sl arntaA, Asstgnoe. p y iia CnnRda. taxes,. It at►ea nottnaluae tna vat us 4f NEW GOODS etin„taittly coming in. The latet t arrival is another big
r r Nothiug Like Leather -••-John and the merits of the caro. Were In view of the Globe fi eros of reel estate and roachiaery,which is tax.- lot of tboso
Tippett, such A the -rule innocent persona ed separately by the towns.
P would be often couvioted, The Saturday last we republish our for- 7. A sum la eallected b the state for
Pounded Stuor-Gee. A. Cooper. y, Cheap. ���'1'harobrtd Boars -Gqo A. Cooper. my l�ttornoy stands between rater statement. Tho fi, uhe given liceaaep to peddier4 cad lagnor dealers,
may be relied upon as substantially and peso fees in different departments. s►The Glpbe Christmas number, the Crown that is the ublie and $ Any balance required is assessed -^ For 13aleurlient-W. W. Connor , p,. e.. -1._.-._ -.�xro ,__._�_-.._..._ _-.-..._ _.__ _ _.
the individual accused. Indeed it on prop 'r
For Federal purposes the United It would do your heart good to sae them, sed clE C ours to liow tliNus
a Conviet•i.ou were brought about by to you. They comtnenee AT FIVF. CEN'T'S,
p States pay $5.28; Canada pays $5,- EDITORIAL NOTES. , f
The Huron Netus-Record a petit jury against ev deuce de- 26 for similar purposea,according to TWEED
f $1.fi0aYeu4-9t26 inAavoyce, veloped on trial it would be mani- the lata financial statements of In the Paruell ex4quiry' Captain THOSE A q�► EED EFFEOTS
Y Y both countries. But there anything O'Shea gave dawaging tostittyony
--• - fest} lite dot of the Crown atter- Y a +
Day to point such out to the Court like equality ends. ARE GRAND -whet► wade up have the appearance of Twenty -Five
' Wednesday. Nov. 14th. 1888 showing Parnoll's cogaizanco of the CENT.
Rlld It would be the -duty of the In Canada we pay no direct tux for CNet C}ooda. Yuu will 'save TEN TO FIFTEEN PER GT;NT. by
provincial purposes. Our pi- plots of assassinators. making,yor„• purchaBoa from us -this is t►o blow, nut the hvue�t t'er.:ict
PROOF -NOT PROBABILITY latter to refusd- to record it, and tial expenditure is met by subsidies - Of the people, which justly holdsus Furth as
OR BELIEF. this in the fere of the fact that the out of the $5.26 per head which we Fuurtean tenders for the cunstruc-
`,, -- jury, Crown and Court believed the contribute to the Dominion Govern- tion of the Sault Ste, Marie Canal "The ,Poor Man's Friend."
There is no self-imposed task that aocusod guilty. It is one thing to meet and by rrcoipts tram the salsa have been received at Ottawa and
abused or the carrying ° of Provincial Crown laude timber the contract will probably be award- A
is so much
° believe the accused guilty, bat Brit etc, etc,
out of which is so apt to degenerate ish criminal juricprudeuce„ the In t{te Uuiturl State::, each l ed next weak. Work will likely be
Ani '
into license as that of Criticism, In interests of justice, the liberty of every State has not only to day commenced early in the spring and rt
thpso days of many newspapers ()very th%e subject and the safety of the a Federal tux averaging par ]load $5.- pushed on.
Opportunity is afforded malicious public detiland that evidence of 28,butanaveragsof'prubably$10per=
° milt be forthcoming. °This on the head for state and municipal ur- Me. W. R. Meredith, the talented
persons who disguise themselves as 1 ; P
friends of the people, to ai`t+--their °rinci to of the legend that the }loses. Some time ago we i•ofcrrred to loader of the Opposition in the -
knowledge or the lank of it as the P P ° this matter, which we again say Ontario Assembly, will leave Lou• pressed himself as profoundly considerations have settee joined
° , accused shall he aansi•lared inert should not be lost eight of, Iu Mass don and reside in Toronto, having amazed at the magnitude of the them. Since the Canadian Pacific
case may be, to the detriment of cent until proved guilty. Far achusetts, the customs or Federal titx
41` , society or the indtvudual, It must aid b the State is 'alleged to be been aliii inted solicitor for the undertaking and its apparent sue- Railway has been built the tide has
batter that ninety-niue guilty ones P Y O
be conceded that publicity is the should escape than that gnu Trane• about. $25,000,000, tlto population liquidators of the Central Bank, and cess. 'In looking around Vancouver, turned and the majority of settlers
greatosts,ifegunrd ugrtinst dereliction of the state boing about one and accepted a partnership i•n a leading the western terminus, he said ho going from Canada go to our own
cent parson should suffer. Chris- three quarter millions. But in "never before had -witnessed such Northwest and many have mound
of.duty or injustice. in the perform law firm there.
tiau charity as well as the whole addition to this, as we have said, a substantial -evidence of progress, from Dakota to live under the old
anceof it;andalso that the ne+vs(taper thesis of British criminal law sauct- large direct tax is collected for run-
'` ' is the most efftcent medium of pub- , g trio state machine in the last - In our Goderich column refer- alike marvelloitis to the onlooker flag again, whore they can da better.
ions this, And for good reason. For nines ,
}icily and the most important known official year which we have data for ence is made to the necessity of and creditable to those who brought According to American papers desti-
as a groat master of Crown Law amounting to 24,655,927 or over tution-actual starvation, prevails
.` factor in lettiug light in on official $ improving Goder}ch barber. This about the change in the short apace'
has affirmed.: No rant: or elevation $13 per head, for-* State purposes
' misconduct. in life, no uprightness of heart, no Alone. ie of national as wolf aslocal import- of°t+vo and a half years." There is' largely in Dakota, as the settlers
But tjto ¢realest care should be t ante and should be attended to by hape for the hon. geutleinau yet cannot well live on bib mortgAl
taken that the
1. (V critic prudence or circumspection of con- In Ontario our average tax- for exorbitant interest, grass{top.pora
trovinpial,' that is municipal Pur the Government: The extension Open confession, like this, of mis
duct is a guarautee that one may not 1 p y and frust.
thori,uglily inform himself of the poses strictly epeakin°, will not of the North pier seems to be the takes is admirable. It issim 1 all _ -� -
at some time or other become the amount to more than 53,50 per ]load only +nay of perinauently soeuri'ng a aalcnowledgement that he knows - --
accuracy of tillegations or to die- victitr of circumstan es and though
- or an uiiicur of the crotrn into die• c � ° of pol)ulation, taking city, and rural sato harbor... _ ,__ more to -day than he did yesterday. Fulford & Cu., of: Brockville, In a'.
of a' vority perfectly,innocent yet be section's to othal'. In -the mann- At least his expressed- views have ufacturen of.Nasal, Balm, and other
" public sorvice into public disfavor bel%evcd guilty of .some criminal facturiug stela of AZassachudt;tts, as. Well pronounced. ,rotectiauiat proprietary rewedies. have entered
kers at
Fiona ho makes that may bring the t we have given official figures above, P 1 changer} teem the times when he an settee against Lawson .� Jonas, a
offence. Harrison hese been elected 1'roaidontfirm of
repttto. An evil -disposed newspaper to show, $13 per bead is paid for r •said there was no use.building
a Loudon, Out.,rfor analleged infrin e-
Relative to arbitrltry use by the of the United elates, 7'ha riots++tof , mbnt of their Nasal Balm package.
critic, delights in the pain be causes, siiuilar purposes, road from nowhere to nowhere
Crown to secure conviction. Lord In tire Agricultural state of Ohio Cleveland is hlrgely owing to the through a sea of inhospitable moun- The damages are placed at $10,000.•
in proportion to the iutengity of ,
whish is his owe }assure onhancod. Campbell in his life of Chief a similar allowing to that of Massac- rural votors,who objected to the Mills tains e a road that all, the A simiidr action has been entered
P Justice Pemberton," says: "While husetts in given. The United bill, taking it as an exposition resources of the British Em ire against a imitated pr arugnnt for
r He is a very siren to himself and States tax amounted last rear to P selling the imitated preparation.
plays with his pee as R cat does her the king (James II) was indifferent 22 of Democratic doctrine. The could not build in the time agreed Those who have had a peep be -
plays the state nod municipal
`F tail, and is transported with the about Plu•nket, he was most eager tax to $31,000,000, or a total taxa- slight To in the tariff upun- and yet it was completed in hiud the scenes bay" the corning
to bring Shaftesbury to the scaffold; 'tiou "•of $53,000,000 for a population being almost entirely on .raw 'two ears loss than that. time -a Cbri tmaa.,Numbhi g .('lee .honoree}
!; satanic delight he gives himself of Y star is ,sorx►ething marvellously
hili awn making ' and this he knew would be accom of 3,000,000, at the rate •of about . products. For the same reason we toad that tubera built would not get beautiful, complefeiy eclipsing every
° �liahod as soon as he could got a $18 per Lend per Annum for all would like to have seen Cleveiand traffic enough to pay. 1'or, oil to illustrated number issued from the
We have beton lad to these observe } " purposes. In Masachnsetts owing grease the axles of the rolling stock. Star office, and 'putting the London
tiaras by noticing ,startliva charges, 'bill of indictment found. against elected. The frlrmeraas well as the ° °
grand jury for the to large .cities and higher" rates Graphic and News completely in the
him b the therein tbe'per capita' tax in that manufacturers of the United States THE: NEtvs-PEConu last week shade. The publisher have already
in the public press. of incompetence, ° 1 Y' sent near} twenty thousand dollars
even if nothing more serious, against doomed patriot would then have state is is nearly tpny be S23. have given .no uncertain sound in spent Y . y `r
perished li A partial selection of In Canada the sumo taxis represent- favor of protection, mentioned that a couple of Abe .in its production.
the County Attorney of, Huron. P Y P ed b 5,26 Federal and say$3.50 Elliott boys formerly of Goderich When The Globe Printing Company
We infer that that entleman has goers in tl►e court of the Lord High y $ announces, -as it does in another
-Stewart. To induce the grand jury municipal of $8.76 in all. The present Postmaster General, township had done well in Dakota, column, that it will'issue a Christ -
0 .
incurred the displeasure of itis critics t thisbill Peitiberton al It . iq as clear is figures. and Hon. Air. Haggart, made A cihange W6 were and are, more than pleased, utas number which. • will be bettbir
` to find ,
on acceitut of the failure to convictofficial statistics can in•ake it• that tliat•will ba favorable received by highly delighted, to ba in a -posit- than anything hitherto attempted in
" in cases th"at camp tilt during th'e last though as a lawyer; he ' was •the Citizen of 'the United States' this country, the Canadian public f
the public be caused postage ion to, say so. But the New Era seems
well aware that they ought pays three dollars taxes for every P Y will look for sometltinK remarkably
fete menthe before the Sessions•, of singlo dollar aid b the Canadian stamps to be receivable for re to begrudge them their,prospority, fine. It is'ovident that The Globe is
to be bavo•-1)rovetl+ a prima facie n P Y sparing neither pal ns nor mono to
the Yeace or the County Judge's taxpayer. gisttiatiou of letters. It has been and asks how "these same persons make good its promise, and that if
Interim Court, case of guilt, thus addressed them: -
"`Look yo aentlemenr I must tell This is the 'dollars and cents suggested •that instead of sending and anumber of other persons who Canadian artists, literary men and
Some of his critics have gone so uavarnis]led condition and argu letters on which there is insuffici- alwa s voted, Conservative here mechanics, by 'uniting their boat
far Re to suggest if not demand his - you:that which-is.xaferred to you to ment -'But there are equally Bub- - - + ':: Y fares, aided by unlimited Pr capital,
°O consider it, whether there be any stantial reasons arising out of con ent postage, to the dead letter office went to' the States, and took the can l,ring.fort}i atvorthy production,
removal by the Attorney General. that the be delivered to the 'party oath of allegiance, instead of going this Christmas number will be one
This, too', without formulating any reason or ground for the Ding to ditions of nationality, morality and Y g „ , g ° of the .events of the year. The fact
call to account those 'who are our better form of Government addressed on payment of double to our Northwest. VL e.would be that the principal prosentation plats;
apeeific wrong (loin; or, failure of .which will ever and always forbid postage, and that if refused they justified in anawering this, by aBk- will ,be a reproduction of one of Mr.
accused, if there be probable ground, p g , then be sent to tl►e dead letter
duty on his part. Canada ecce tin the kind offer of ing another : Ifo+v was it that the L. R. p'Brieu'x nr guit}ueut scenery
As he occupies an important is as much as you can inquire into. our American neighbors to be an stamps this work a, a great one.
Where there is no kind of suspic- 'nexed to them. office as now, but not, until after, }Ater Senator Plumb and a number The other portions -literacy, artistic
position in the administration of just- the refusal. Sometimes under the of other persons came to Canada and mochanical-will be in keeping
ion of a crime, nor reason to believe We will supplement the preced- with the leading feature. The )ubli-
iee, and as 1>3E NEws•REcoan has resents stem an important loiter„ from the States and forswore their 1
very pronounced opinions in favor that the thing can be proved, it is ing with a tablated statement of the P Y P cotton will ha looltud Fut+vard to with
Cana -
not for the King's honor to call men expense of running the Siete mach- is so long delayed by being sent to allogranae to their native country the greatest interest by the Cana -
of preserving that branch of the o Ottawa, where it is kept until the and became British subjects instead than reading public. Bearing ' this
public service above even the taint to account, but a probable case is ine of Massachusets for one year : art it is for is notified that its in mind, those who desire copies
enough. As it is a crinis to' cod- Interest .................... 55,000,000 P Y. , of migrating to some portiom of the should order early. Orders may be
'Of suspicion, the venture to question ° usefullness is gone and pecuniary United States? We have many sent direct to The Globe or placed
deme innocent ,persons, so it is 'a Education ................... 5,000)OU0 with eat neradealer.
the accuracy of the statements, Charitable institutions, loss sus•tdined by the individual. y
publicly made, that miscarriage of crime as great to acquit the guilty. , pensions and the poor. 3,000,000 former American citizens in Canada � need
That God who requires the one, This change would be in the public occur ying legislative and other
justice has resulted owing to the Highways .................. 5,000,000 interest, Our Weekly R Up
San -
requires uires both; and I tell -'you, if Adminstrative, Legiala- big) official positions. Had Sen-
incornpontency of . the County q - - -
Attorney or of inattention to his any of you ahall be refractory, and tive and Judicial. ..:... 3,0001000 ator Plumb lived he might have v Something over in Mon treaid to
All other expenses The•Tem Drente League Journal have been wa ered in Montreal on
will not'find a bill; where there is P P " been Laiut Governor of his ado ted g ,
duties. ing a meet on debt.. 4,000,000 Y --" g P ' the result of the election,rho odd'e
says-_" Sir A. B. Wallcor, lila bi°
a probable round for'an accusation ° P Y Province. VanHorn of the C. P.' R being largely in favor of Cleveland.
We have known '.Mr Lewis as a P g ' --- brewer of Liverpool,. who it was is another, and many Amorieans are -Hannah Sharkey, who has just
barrister in the county town fur 'Yon do thereby interrupt justice and $25,000,000 recently .announced' intended to
make' yourselves criminals died at Youn stown Ohio claimed'
Y This makes for population of doing well in various parts of Can- , ,
thirtS-five'yoars. For ties major per- P P present -that town with a cathedral, to have beett,,,born in Corkin 1777.
According to Lord Campbell, th is bought an estate in Derbyshire in ada, some in our own town. There ®_ It is estimated that 10,000 per.
tion of Ghat time he has hold his pros somewhat over one and a half }nil- era also many in free -trade' Eo 1 -
was a most reprehensible charge to lions a per ca Cita tax on the )eo )lo g sons are employed in the leather
ant position. And instead of being P 1 1 „ 1 the neighborhood of Ashbourne. and bettering their fortunes instead industry in Quebec City, There
a grand jui'y,And he further remarks of Massachusots of about $13 cath One sub,iect which is a matter of " are 23 boot and shoe factoriee,and 28
lax in the ditties of his office we have that it is singular in this nineteenth of iu their own country. In Ont tanneries. The trade has doubled
iiften heard him anitiia+lverted upon, for State purposes only. cnrions comment in A.shbourno is ar}o we. have 45,454 persons of in the last three years.
century that some have boldly The national expenditure has to the Custom of Lady -Walker proacb- -The most phenomenal ,anon►
for his over -zeal in endeavoring to asserted that the proper charge to a .American birth ' in Quebec 19,415 ;
procure indictments against alloged grand ;jury iu this respect is that of b° added to this. And As the state ing temperance in the neighbor- ' storm that ever occurred in Kansastied
criminals, for as was said to put Chief Justice is respect
in the is a wealthy manufacturing one the hood, and some of the inhabitants' 4,173 in Manitoba,British Columbia began Friday morning,and continued
eo tle •coustime touch more of find in this am to scope for the ex- and •the N. W. Territories—alto- all delayed,
all day. the trains were
extra fees in Ilia pocket. In one P 1 P P "ether in Canada 77 744 persons all delayed, and the telegraph wire -
corrupt times of Jaynes II; but Lord o P prostrated in all directions. It ex -
notable case when we happened to imports than the average one so that stress of their powers of satire.
Campbell signally reprobates it. who were born in the United tended all over the state.
be on the grand jury A Caae camp PruLuLr'hl� of guilt will not jus with their quota of customs (less, The public ]lenges of her husband Stator. How is this thus I They -Dr McCully, an advertising phy-
( under our )cranes} cognizance to internal revenue tax, taxes on eat- stud every : street in Liverpool." sieian of Toronto who fired a charge
1 g life an indictment !et along convic• came bore •to better their fortunes of buck shot from a gun into a crowd
in whish Mr. Lewis felt very tion, Bili ct of built will not convi c- ionat banks, taxes on banks and There is nothing inconsistent in and have remained here because they of medical students who were crest. „
much annoyed, when sent for to an indictment let alone conviction, bankerd,•not n�x'idual, has been es- Lady Walker preaching t7ttnperauao, fn a nuisance in front of his ren -
much done so. But we will give a g
explain concorniva an indictment, timed by a cominittoo of the State because her husband is a brower, deuce shouting "quackn eta has
A prima�aaie 'rasa must be made more direct answer as to tube many been committed for trial and released
that we world not take -his view o' out bem6ro a grand jury, abe •podia Legislature appointed to inquire into Ilor husband's business makos it all Canadians are new settled in Dak- on his own bail for $1000.
the matter and bring in a "true bill" the matter, to be equal to from $10 the more incumbent on her to preach eta instead of our Northwest, It is -At Prescott, Ont„ a stallion
tive evidence of guilt prglduced be- valuedat $15,000, belonging to Dr.
But we did not, believing that thorn fore judge and jury. $12 per head. The same report enu- temperance. But the alloged satire owing to the impolicy and short• McMonagle, recently broke a leg.
was not -efficient evidence before merates the sources from which the flies in the confusing of words. If sightness of the Grits. The North- Instead of shooting the animal the
us to warrant a conviction by the.
State taxes amounting to $25,000,- the Lady were to preach total ab- doctor badtheleg amputated and
It is rumored in Toronto that the ern Pacific and other railways were has ordered a wooden leg to be made.
petit jury. Under such circum 000 are derived, as follows : stinesice white her husband made under construction when Canadians The horse is doing wbll, and Dr. Me-
ataneos we would not be justified in Mail managore are quietly docuring ' 1. A direst tax which varies in amount boor the satire night Come in. There Monagle expects to be able to Con.
,� ++ control of the Globe stock with a from year to year. This is assessed bu commenced to Bottle there. Thera linos using him for stock purposes.
„bringing in A true bili and expoe y would be no inconfre Ary r the wag no railway in the Canadian -Marie L, Hi ine aged 19 an
polls up to $2 per head Y Higgins, g '
ing the accused to the obloquy of view of merging both papers in one, wife of a makes of fire arms preach
2. A tax of three natters of ono rr Northwest, A Coneorvativo Govern- orphan, who was adopted by a family.
" appearing in a felon's dock only to an4 that one the Mail, Hent on all deposits qn seven s banks. P ing against murder. — in Montreal, tell in love with a young
P g went was working to have one built, elork and although she used every
be acquitted, for though declared 3. A tax on all insurance premiu,+�sondoavor to
innocent in open court the stigma df The Winnipeg Frec Press, which (except those of life companies) varpinlg The Hon. Dominick Edward The Grits with the aid of Northern was unsuccessful. hShe became d se
}envie" a oared there would necosa- has hitherto been the recognized in amount from one to four nee; cent, Blake, we give hie title in full, is Pacific money defogted it fora pondent, and one day she purchased
o pp discriminating against foreign com-, now in 11ritish Columbia as the time, It was during this period of some rat poison, and going to her
arily attach to him. organ of the Liberal party in Mani- peinles. When her
It is probable that the fault find- toba, has been formally ostracized on 4, A t4i of one half ofone per on solicitor of the Canada Pacific Rail- uncertainty that Dakota robbed us room
safoutid her of
aid was
the net l resent value of all policies held Way Co, In passing over the road, of somo of our beat citizens, and summoned, but it was no use, as she
ing with Mr. Lewis lies in the fact account of itsbowing up the corrupt by residents in life assurance companies, J 1 g
that thorn is a wide spread miscon- dodges of pronlior Greenway, assessed on the companies. it is his first trip over it, he ox- t soma of their relatives from flimiry died in a short time.