The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-24, Page 2'�'. ,,q^•'TTm•:M15":'^nn^rnT.T.mz.�.•tw. , S';` .... r . x, ,::. -k 3',.•Po +.a;•c u.M1•,.,k. W.•..n 1, �;o ,.�+...�� •o.,, �....w:... 0100.... � '.L;,: Ilk F The Huron Now. s-fleeard tltlhNl""—an— edleator, 511.00 It will be found very -Complete, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled by yricc,SlugleBottle (over 50doses) _ EO any one. As employ none bac the best workmen, and use til® best materiel to be . ,� llt.fte R Xear-31.2p in 4(iY@floe. - or Wednesday% October.240it, 1888 tri) let} in some manner and Allen ! I ,. fell on fop of him, causing, an in- -A adw 1)11141, ill R iCllat(IrUll's Akio+rlu mill ltucktauul r of getting satti-sff�a•/actio®n. �/��--/y 0.1 atolru �t., llivatt•eal.' sem~ tVulle S Richardson Oo„ Agusta,�PRICS AWAY DOWN., -- GOT HIS REWARD. c.uloiil o b �� >_� ,y- - e r Tile other horning lel innoceut- W Jhit t+.i �l dJ rL 17r Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. looking ywiug ulau 0411le Out tit' Il,e ' North find south Wales ({ante with ,, T coNysiv;a TfG\ i linin Ills hands full of notes. WI ile k countiu" these tivor his ittlelitivil - wass attracted by somothiu, pns,,ing aeodll, Lavin;�had placed ill leis hands by all Fast India nusstonary the Tormula of`� in the street, and at the R:lute little In use So years. The onlysuoee.sfulxemedrfor - • �leT901fS he dropped n ,x20 note directly if] * front of a highly respectable RitaplC VCgefahlC 1'f'lllell)' for MIC SiIP(Hl)' and porinallellt etlre of Con iturlptiOti. Catarrh, Astl,pla and all philanthropist who teas jtassing. and Prostration, from overwork or other caused. $t per vial. or 5 vials and large vial powder, for $5. /). Clover price: •'wells h Bichardaon Co.,AQonts, 54 Mo- a -Bolls &Fieh orsent oo., Ageald nts, 04 ptef•Choi ce &'Timothy The philauthrobist promptly put his Mothers who have delicate ohil foot on like note, and stood fur a and radical cure for Nervous Debility and . all NervousCunlplaiutR, afterhavnn test- moment plunged in profolln-I r A1140 Atli otllel• s'a1•ielies o11 1Fiefoll, 41,81.414+11 and Fln11vPr Seeds. thought. Perhaps 110 wits cull- aitd gain in flesh and strength by blv fug them that toad �ratnlating himself that ilia youul; ands of cases, Las felt it his duty to make man's treasure had fallen under such Rina! Pure. honest feet,, and pprhapsenjoying du Is prospect that party's-nititude at, bav- 1,wran snfferin;;. T will Rrnd free nl' inghis money teetered to hini. At all w ovents, hu wad so lunch absorbed .says : ,have used Scott's Emillsiou in Oases- of Scrofura and Debility. tililt when lie al'Ol1Ard illlust+I -1 directions for tri ari anti using, Sent l P by Ionil toy addlvssinlg with stamp, naming sufldcioutly to pick up tho,note the; 1-A polAwastef is required to rive autice oY LETTrl. : twuilt a, paper II o �v +. . uut the late) subsertfler.deel 'Special 'Value in New Sekson s Black, Green „ loser had disappeared. "llowevor,to by tit Druggists, SUc: and dlr.G3. said the tbou(,lltful philauthrupist a to hiulsoff, "he twill advellise for it, not Any neglwt to (to so makes tilepoat11tastet C•. In endi"loi s'.ai•lefy'. (41•angeR, Lemons, IF, &c,. lFlonr, responslble.to the.tobblishers for payment, 151 111ea414:141 d Pa•ov111,41 tlttsf. ialspeCt vtock and PrlCea. and -and in that ease one is sure of f'UI'llltll'ly' kept 8101`0 IU Uut., but latt0rly•hus bout) dritiug a the reward." file next 'day the C,rriage n Cote o p - n one ni;ht, tvh.en she saw a tum- `'Lori" item appeared in Il) ) news- :ontinaed, Le )oust 'pay all arrearage, of � , 7 the publisher way continue to send ii CHINA HALL CLINTON_ papers, with the very liberal roecom- Of Lw'uuty-tttu btutllerS, au,j Ltley ponse of ,£10 offered fur tho return' Out h,or hand to warn Cham not to of the balance of the , note. The t lloleaiuount, whether it be taken from -" - fiuder •intnlediatoly enclosed 110 t,o an estate in,.,Now 0Yurl °,said to be "orbit$50,00,000.diser6ltinlianee the Illldl-os:l,lvall,w•h1Ch was a 4l til ple. 'F- 11. 0. ono, and then went round `moi oe"T telling every 0110, how lie had, utade NV(A 114 CAUSE MUCII SICl�- • ..ln by doing an honest action. a r That-is;hodild. until hu 1nocood0d 110 name or allothar, or whether leo has sub- 'l'tlli4tl or not, la rcy l nslblc fur'tlle ti The uudcrsigued has just opened a new Drug Store, In JACKSON'S I4 pay, deposit 11C �2� IUlt. tile f}It) b,:llk pi make the child brigut and healthy. clack throw it out as a counterf,tit•. IJIPIII:rA�rl" ro WORKING MEN. After that hu was observed to rather stopped at a certain time, and the publish • 1lrnrs anal Clienlieals. also Patent Medicines alld avoid the subject,- A'nglish .Yager. -llrs. 8u1•ith a leyidout of ' er continues to scud, it the subscriber i ➢Hina:gists' Sandi-les-all.that the public may aslt for in those • bnun(1 to pay for it it' he tiles It outofflu } lines. "len are liable to sudden accidents and injofies, as well as painful cords, Invjwi,atioil allows tit collect - 5: Muss of tho'rt)ported inaccuracy at r, heel( .. diSclutrgu of a aua under Wooler divieion of Murray, E, i Northumberlaud, chrnging Cha P. s.-OlFiee changed ft from reswon,,r: to stare vote from nhio majority for Will- 9111' Was loaded And lying vu some ou0i,by to `seven for• •{((aIle,.. - ]'lit at the some titDe auothar inCor- ^' 1;eeL rieport ha•4' been disooverod of the tri"""'I. ant the ,nil tvuut froill 1iart's Lolllers, (which bOes -Througl the action of St. e, laic bottcr for 11rf•lloil,hhy tt•ith r,.,_..,__.-_-_._....,_.._.._-..,...._.a••-•1TItTyti•1`I^l•y OP•fl•vO-IM-t#le--IOtil-1---I•e4-" - oil tilt-' shuuld,,r, I,reaHng it -ill pieces. She fell to the floor •Sud uk. ' --At lust meeting of the Mount ' Forest town Council it CoinintilliCa- t: .' tion was road from ex -collector of be0u tv1-on,ly loft ell the list, and taw; Stovel, asking the council to that defendant list] notified formpl pro- .aSSUtlltl pay 111 L'nt of his loss In tele Wright Case, arising out Ofa seizure Reformer. by him of John S. Wright's ongine defendant was bound to pay for the time Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, rillalrs, Springs, for taxes, the amount of dalilages a wonderful healing compound for cuts, wouhds, bruises, borne, Scalds allowed by the court, to,etller with U{ . expenses, amounting ilgy fill to $400.• _-- - best manufacturers. l acture Frames and 14[ouldings bf every description, Thu molter lovas referred to flit' Filr- N. auce'committee. fever, dumb ague anti like troubles. _ -Edward Ward, the norninoe on :�fal R jr , the Re.p".thtieau and Labor union week, the (levelling owned by X. 13, 'ticket fur County Clerk., East Sag- corutnabd of, Cho Salvation array ivaw, 3I'ichi,all;