The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-19, Page 8childARE rjNgr a L'L�siprap,w
SHADE010,two weeks old,
last; week,
fed in _ WIND'OW .
NewWindow $hades Pulls Sri 1
, tPlI1C}i was n IAarYOI We will have an elege'IIt StoC� Q� f ,
• of smallness, weighing -less than '
one pound. Its mother could all ° SPAM(
1 p Rollers, etc., about Sept.15th. P]3I(,E� RIGHT.
a44 Nr her wedding ring over its tiny hand
YALtt up to its elbow and it measured just REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS AT 50c. ON THE DOLLAR TO
three finger lengths, so an exohlmge• MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS.
. 0
0 --
Milk ,JR. Of Stanley *
fell off a butternut 1 tree the other >' * * �
• day and broke one of his arms above Complete Brock of School Books and supplies.
the wrist.' The fall was not from.a ---^-o 0 40 0" -
very great height, he could have 6 Lace Glass Goblets for 25c—our 300 left. Only two Bab Carriages .
-Deme down from a much greater g Y Y Y g The Huron Oentral Exhibition
" height, so far as distance is concern- left, which will be sold at about half price. We are giving Bargains in
ed, without any injury. It was the all kinds of Goods. Egga taken in exchange for Goods.
sudden contact with the unyieldingIs going to have a GREAT FAIR this year and - it will
terra firma that caused the injury: Chris. Dickson' - Clintons
We wish the young gentleman a pay to come and see it. While here it will pay to inspect
speedy recovery of the dee of his SO- Huron Central Exhibition, Clinton, Sept. 19, 20, 21. our
-� arm. __ _-•�- - - r _ =..r _ ^
-0 b -e a u•tiful peaches," said an old IN THE PORTION of Hullett town THE TOWN BESIEGED �� --� .- �-- -
lady, a- she etoache ," s stall in the ship adjoiuing Clinton, on Wednes-
h► Isolu. 2urew market and admired a basket of day night oflast week, there was a ,---aY
This powder never varied. A uutruel of purity, peaches. The were covered WIG}1 slight fall Of snow or, as some . GreatSlk,9
thanstrongth and nary kom,4,itu Moro ebesoldcIn P Y thought, of 1'nin and ashes. It I L 1Y SurailcY W
then the ordinary kinds, and cannot low t h, pink geese and to ked very teu►pt ®� O I
Competition with the phosphate
p of lore Leet, tY'aS Of a greyish CO10r, It is pose- C1012111
short aoight glow or phosphate powders. Sold Ings Th, old lad. bought the peach• ible that the light ashes from
u„l, is C wi. no•.w, n.%Ktse Powuan Co., 10a ea and took thorn home. The next c AGF�NTF3_
wa'i't st., N. Y. distant bush tires may have been —
�r.uP.. J day she appeared at the stall and 9
wafted hither and commingled with T OOK AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A
site wed the stall=kfleperasmall pioco L HOME COMPANY: o^ -' � � - �- - �►
a slight; rainfall. +__ __ — X X _ —� X -{- - -- {
The Huron News -Record of pink net. -" po you keep that PER 81,000—, `
kind of veiling for salol" she asked. A RIFT INA Rumpus.—Tho Meth- Ago 26 Cost for 1886, also 1880.. t;0 00 _
5L50 a fuer--K1.25In Advance. so .. 6 YO
The stall keeper told her That he odist church deadlock in Listowel +o. " ::' o as We are the CHEAPEST CLOTHING HOUSE in the
did out. "Well," she said, when has been got over by a sort of coin- „ 46 a 60 v
H'eaiuesd.Ly, sept. 19t1i, 1888 1 got thele peaches home they were ..promise. Rov. W. E. Treleaven of " 6o a as County of Huron for RELIABLE GOODS, and we are
atoll and sour and groon, and I Stratfdrd relieves Rev. F. E. Nugent I Iso " ;• 14 0' prepared to back up all our statements. This season we
thought if I could et some of that of Listowul Rev. Dir. Nugout goes se Definite Insurance at the above rates. will 110w a
A new Top Buggy fur 'sale herd b $ ' ° See m0 tefaro you insure in guy cdrhpany rS
stuff that made them look so lett to Gorrie and' the Gorr•ie minister
cheaj). For p4rtieuL•a•y apply at , pretty Y and understand our plan. At the ago of
this office. and plump in the basket, I a wear goal to Elnevnlo, tYhere n vacancy 40, the cost for $5,000 was about $35 for �7 ®� °��� m
it myself- If it would improve ate has occurred since the ministers ]885, also for 1886 sine All -Wool ool .L weed ,suit, '99r
as rriueh as it did the poaches folks were statiuued. See Its before you decide.f
Usk, Uok,AN W.kvE BAtusG Pow- would think I'd found the IAijplh itch is 25 pet' CcentleSS than I'egUlar prices, We will
DER the best in the market. Furof lifeNumISMAV.c.—Dir. Wm Barnhart Jas. Thompson Agent.
. Go to Anderson, Clinton, of DooD, near Galt, while digging,, show aline of I
sale by Cautelon_Lros. 511.41 and get beat fruit, without frills. for bait last Saturday unearthed it f
A POPULAR FOREINIAN.—Tho coin bearimi date 1737. And Mr. LAST 1w EEK Mr. D. Cantelou, Of leis ALL WOOL TWEED UNTS AT $2.505
,LIVE.—I'erruur requiring ""'a following from the Woodstock G. Clomeusof Ilrant county picked Clinton, shipped 1040 barrels of
for building can ba supplied by Standard of the 12th inst. explains a on his farm a eoinaabout the size apples to Glasgow •and Liverpool T
P pP o P which would be'good value at �3.5U. lj e will shave
Cooper aud Swaf}i,eld with St Marys itself;—"Avery pleasing event took of a silver dollar bearing date 1790 and over 1000 barrels up the lalio^. b
white lime. 501-tf place in the composing room of The and the legend "His-Pan-]Jl-Ind• a .11110 Of
,Stannard office last evening. Mr. Rax-AL8. it. F. M." The place TIIF 11 from a au was of./plethe
WANTED.—Apples, Pears: Plums RobertTudd, the popular foreman, where this coin was found had �Y to call from a Dumber off the OVERCOATS
$12 and Crab-apples for which the last weer: plunged into matrimonial likely been an Indian camp. Goderich .boys who attonded the
highest price will be paid.—Conte- bliss,,and on his return from the lacrosse match hero last we Yc, r v
len Bros. 511- f %voddiu tri the members of the Horsr, SPErolNG.—Rev, W. Me- which has been sold in this town at $20,00. These Goods
f; p „ MR. \V u, 11uRRAY of _ olasworth
Donagh, who i's always :< posi- ,
---- --- �'— typographical statftook .the oppor- student of the Clint° Collegiate «C1'l .Ill purchased 111 NlUlltl'eal at less than W1101esale
tivist against what he considers e t
FOR SALE OR TO LET,—The coal- tunity Of showing the high esteem , Institute, has , obtai ed 2nd class Cost and consequently we can give these big bargftins.
iaodious ,remisos recentl • known in which fie is held b all b res- evil, is to preach a sermon at \i Wood -
�. i
1 y Y , Y P non-professional eartifieatte on We can interest all buyers of Alen's, Youths BO S . nd
sod ny, l as the I{.oyal or IL(nne.1Y s entiug him with a very banf`��soma stock next Sunday in which Ito will appeal. Jeal.. 'Phis ma es eight students 7 v y ' y
r talk against horse racing, especially 11 g (ltilclrens Clothing b showing thom:. •a wo:uderful selec- 1
hotel. Suitably fur boarding hoaso easy chair, accompanied by in ad of this Institut, hat have obtained y
or large family. Has all tho usual dross expressing their approciati'on uudor such covert names as trials 11011 aI1Cl (110t1t1� )r1C0S that cannot be equalled ill thifi
domostic conveuiencies, Large driv- �, „ of speed at agriculttual fairs. If
second class c tificates as the result 1 ) q
of the good foelina which has exist Iris McDoua"ll will excommunicate Of 1}10 Ju 1588 examiDatirSns. section for reliable goods.
ins house and stable in connection, ed since Mr. '"Odd took charge .of all Methodists who delight in lav• RatXen
J..catty of Varna, also a
Also au of}ico immedintcly adjoiuing the staffnnd expresslDg their best this Institute has obtain- __o___
Tim \T};tes•RrLomu 0[lic;. T]ia wislles�forhi§ fiituie welfare.-rB0--b" 1�I iii -Ile -roes -ho has a big -41-1110 the iasscertifteate ou appeal. Ino itt iy in thecontre of the busi- was coin rotor ta'keD b sur rise ahead of him. Why,. some of the1 ' 1" p y Y p ' most inapirititug and ennobliDgG (ITY-WARD.—Thocouuuosi purtion ut CliutuD. It is a and for a m•iunte or so soomed as ifvory di•.siral ; prope;-W for 'either ho had been once more called upon poetical similes in the Bible con- es the best the city dA- U'
gathersiurch;ty,r ,ir teu'tut A 1 lly to to produce rife marriage rinry but tsin "horse sp6odius" nletaphurs ; proposition will not only Xt?O N.1 , 1 1 1' o o, u g�;r11-,P.tan. 3t quickly recov,ring lie in n fow Tho appearance of them is as rho he non -sentient orowth of
happy remarks thanked the members appearance of horses; and as burse .rural parts. It is well known that THE FAMOUS CLO'�'HIERS
t — ( for the prosent,'aud• more especially men so shall they run," " Like .t e the chuicustr-, the very best of the
j ( )( ,] f N 1-i 7 noise of chariots on .the moun ins products of the farm or garden -
lJ`. i `.-/ 1'L_ `-.t �.V tY �. fort}le kind 140rdapOntRlned In the sball.they leap." There is n hing will command Metter pricesin0a city ANOTHER RIGHTEous DECISION. know of an 'Id timfl liur6_Tory
address, and doped that the' good
In .ilyd A"irtilld the "Aub." rol;itiunswhich had hitherto exist in horse speed ingincompati a.ivith thawin a provincial town; Hence —A case. of. considerable interest who does not agree with YP in
— (s,l t, them would loin' coati- Christian life. Indeed e ugolical the best iv those lines find's its way came up be,�'ore the Division court saying that the present Sherifide-
ti. tliC}l i� itlil, nue. Jf r. Todd wars also the Christianity as ,pains cloistared' to the ~large centres of population. at Galt on fhursd y last. It was serves the honor. He is on ba-
roof ti0ut ui',u 01eg�utbtitter cooler Christianity should ht a affixed to The same migratory t0ndency is ob an action brought by the Homo people. He literally--}}l1etded his
1 rccnvl.—},r is l;tp8u.s calami I 0` its coat of nags a 1 rse rainpanL servable in the learned professions .knowledge Association., of Tor oto, wa out'df the forest to his . resout .
illi item in. un• roinmus said that 'ltrasunti.d io h.iut by the editoria} , d? 7 P
1•^- „ • dNpnrt.nlaut us a token of rega.rd.'.' Ghiistiauity mud ivilizaGiou go ,;a[nfaugn)auufpcturor and corn- against'Mr. David Spiers, for some position. Be Gosh, sir," continued
21 pedagogue: are puttnho In their hand in,hand, an ' civklizt�tiou• anal worcialnlon. Ili all these lines many $9, which it was alleged that gan- our informant,. "I remember the '
novitiate at the -(:liutou (ol- j[n, Ii. II. 51ttr1t, of \Vinnipeg, the levo of hors :dna their speed- whOfromsuinll boginingg"had attain t1ollian owed the plaintiffs. IE Sheriff Over two scorn years. ago,
ligiate ill.�titute. It was an ob-. has been visiting old time friends ingPqualitios •a iiiJcparable. T110 Cd eminence III thfllC 1'0 spectives'lineS seems that an agent Of this a9a0Clat kllOClr n Ihall half as big aaai.n a$
vious errdr as that. Instituto does in, Goderich the past week. On lower it poo a in the scale Of nn- in countr} places are now to be found ion had canvassed the. town • for himself down in George Frazer's
notspeeially prul,aro teachers. T'he 'Sunday he drovo•down to Clinton tions are a regards intelligence and iD the cities on either side of the line, ,,subscribers last winter and succeed- hotel which stood opposite' Post -
students, referred to tn•n attending to see his, Aire. V. T. Whit- morality hemore'nearly they ap- Had they commenced at the bottom 0d iu�getting in the nuighbgrhood master Dickson's present residence."
the'Clinton Aludel school. ely. Mr. Smith's business causes ,proaeh horseless people.. In re- of the ladder in it city they would of one hundred. According to''the O, thou the Sheriff was a bully or
;Ili:. R. S. WILLIAMS,llla]iN,er him to travel over a large section of .pard speeding contests at agricul in Many cases have remained there. 'prospectus, membership in the associ- a rowdy in his young darl
of the Bank Of Coni tnerce,'Goaeriq)n, Manitoba, ,end, he has made trips •aur^ faire, or even at regular turf The country gave them the uppor- ation entitles the holders to a large- Yb looff,my boy, said the.veteran,
was in Toronto last. weal: and in during rho last Gao woeks. He nl otiugs with the object of stimu-. tunity to qualify themselves both atlas and also to purchase books at "Gibbons never was either, but
company with tile "l,nucashiro Lad says that he has seen dozens of farm ting the improvement of horse o'ducationally and financially to wholesale prices for the period of flesh and blood couldn't stand
and Lassies," bended by Alla Iiallam, . crops harvei+ted, and that in no sin- stoek,the animals are put to the full follow their "excelsior" aspirations' four years, the consideration' beiug everything. The. only time I eter
presented an address to the Dover- gl0 ivatanco was any wheat cut fo ' tension of their powers for from in the places where men and' busi- the sum of $12, The agent repre• sate the Sheriff "downed" was in t
nor General, who is a "Lancashire feed only or any Burned o1 acco t two -and -a -half to three minutes at a Doss most do congrog&to, Sponge- seuted to a good many that rho ' the old British near Donald Straeli-
Lad," and a jolly one his nibs asp_ of, injury by frost. He say tho Lit no. It may have been noticed,by like the city abaorbs.the best. The membership fed was payable at the in's present residence. Sandy Me -
frost scare is much ell ,tad. some of our readers that the type- departure fronr'Clluton Of barrister rate of 3 )e• year. The printed I Hardy of Colborne all remember
pears to bo. lir. Williams' on his eo Yp Pt $ 1 Y I ' 3 , Y
return Stopped at Clinton long Many .farmers were really of the setters of that excellent moral paper, F. Il, Powell suggests the precodiIIg agreement, however, calls for pay- Sandy, would wrestle with Gibbons.,
t'uough to hnt'o a 1001: at the Lacrosse belief that the frust had c upletely the Montreal 1Vilnes,+, i1 few weeks observations. Not that .Ile is by ntent of the ti 12 ,on delivery of the Sandy was than it young- uraki'l 1- -_
nratcla between his fellow I•ovns_ dostioyed their crops an reported ago, with the backing and consont • any stretch of imagination to 11e atlas. The majority of the subserib• a powerful follow. The Sheriff put
nine and Cdintuu in which the for accordiDgly. In a -re, number of of the proprietor, hada lost of speed compared in vardency to rho largest +ers after considerable "kicking" lief on the broad of his back.
mer ;vein a,fuale t lin 4 to 1, It instances they have f and out that with the typos of a French -Cann- growth of the farm ; nor can it be paid the $12 down, as they had This riled AleHardy and he went
were bufri'itir to +uc8nhuo that A'ir, their fears wore �rounddess and dine ofrico. Tha contort lasted for said versed in the occult ways of nothing to, combat the printed across the street to where Win.
\1'illinnr.l enjoyed his intarviflty thdir yield will o more than an one hour. As one of the allogod manufacturers or nfordlialits. It is agreement to which their signatures Rattenbiuy had his blacksmi&k,-8'lhop.
with the Governer Geuoal better av,rage. Mi•. , uith gives ,s an objectiuus to holo speeding' is tike in his own particular line as a dis• were attached. Mr. Spiors, how- He told Rattenbury that Gibbons
that the Lacrosse sp(.ctacle, for he instanco that f Mr. Secord, the cruelty involved in tho hort;p being ciplo of Blackstono that he has given over, had taken the precaution to was blowing bot., lie could throw
takes a conimendablu Order pride in lumber were ant of Goderich, who put to.tho straining of every nerve proof of ability. Two and it half riot tha canvasser to endorse upon any man in the county. That , a
-, o
the succus3 of the athletes of his +livid In oro in Ain tiitoba abort 7U0. for no practical purpose. Cut if y0nrs ago lir. Powell came tO Olin• the back of his certificate of mem- a lie for I was present. But
or 900 a 1014 of wheat. His fore- there is any cruelty in such con- ton. Ile was -immediately recog- bership or guarantee that the $12 Rattenbury's Devonshire %vas arous-
totru• man, .ju i nits aha frost of the 17th tests, tvhicll is rife uhort cruel : 1'o nizad by rho bunch and bar of rho was to bo. paid at the rate of $3 per ed as he was some on the wrestle.
0 'INP Is .G1,LIEvrxa.—That no- Augo. , %vroty that til, frust 1>ad put a horse to his bust endeavor and county as a gentleman of no clean annum, and when the ,gout deliver 'IID went over and tackled the
turionsoldcloalerinflesh,Shyluak,in- I kills the entire crop and asked the utmost use of his muscles for logal acquironielts and professional, ed the atlas ho refused to pay inure SherifF. 'file ,Sheriff of course,
silted oa having his p6und of cat- I fur instructions as to wltetler b„ dii•eo minutes ; or to put a mall to skill. Possessed of a sound itnowlege than $3. The plaintiffs contended duuied the suft irnl eachment whieh
Downy tissue'and having it from tlYe s ould cut iCur burn it, his thou similar exertion for one hour. Tho of law he has also sufficient judicial that the •agent had exceodod his McTfa•dy -hart made up, but, said
portivu Of Antouiu'x anatomy uoa•- tllpl'OsslOn' was that -it would nut cruelty in the case of the Illall whose a6uman to detect, and tie'honesty of powers in making guy such 'l;run• ho was willing to try with any tmnD,
cist the ]heart.. Mcinory -does no pay the cost of cutting. ;flora contestAs approved by -the illilne,,ss, purpos3 to properly adviso clients wont' with the defondafit, grid that I ,Ind Itattonbury do%Yneid kiln twic3
.01WO ay to whether ills fnsti.lio rcconnt dCvelopnionts show that filo if a ;cruelty' at all it is twenty in oven the most- difficult cases. they could not -be held by it:' Tho oiit of tln•en. Tho Sheriff' owned
oltl slew insisted of sutug It we' h- whole crop will be worth cutting times more than in the case of the Du -ring his rosidonco in Clinton he judge docided, otherwise, however, + Ill.; and set 'ant up. And that teas
ed, Modern law says that rho pnr with probably it good avei•ago yield bo•so contest, placing the endurance gave amply witlonc, of this un<1 ,iia aismiysed ilio caro. It came I Ibis only titlfe I i:li w the Sheriff
chaser of flesh I wholes 0 Call and 75 per ceut of it No. 1. Mr. of each on ale sane plane, Where• of diligence- in the cause of his out in the evidence that the home to be worste,l, No, the Sheriff
insist on sero" it I.,•eigli0 before Sinith is of the opinion that there as, if we allow for the greater physi- clients. And without being pre- Knowledge Association was. Dot never was a bully, quite the reverse.
payment cart bo lgallpy enforced. will be a y iofd of betiween 17,000,- cal powers of the hors° the cruelty sumptuous Mr. Powell has the ha p I chopping, p , y { happy incorporated in Ontario and that And ns for oho yin that's %viiat I
A Division court case fit Guelph 000 • and 20,000,000 bushels of in the case of the man .would be faculty of obtaining tho oar of the the real plaintiffs were Belden Bros., novel' saw him boat qt, and Fie
last Thursday resulted in that way. wheat in Manitoba and the North- twenty tinids twenty greater. Just Court oven when sentence is almost who published Picturesque Ctanada_ beennt many a bee with him.
It aroso In this way. Mr. E. Snell, � ,•est. And to probability of 65 to hero mention might be made of the pronounced and of sometimes dis- some years ago. The judge seemed Why, sir, Ella scarf too would be as
11Irover, of C.alt, pusuhased last ru par cera of that being No. 1, the quaint saying of that palmar ,b t4ing it of pteconcoivad vio%vs. inclined to dismiss tho action upon stiioot.h as though dtessed with a
winter three hu, of e,,ule from balauce in!' i ,,, i)ut tory little if Methodist 1I0r3Jntl h of God -rich, As a icitizen lir. Powell has been this technicality, when Air. Spiers joiner's place. I'm glad, old 'Cory
1Ir..Joseph Da , Guelph township, tiny worthless. And even the in. A. AL Polley. Said Polley, when all that coald be desired and the but waived his objections and asked to 'add all as I arn, that the old Radi•
3 1a .Baia $1 down. Air. Day furfur will be worth more this year he beard of Mr. Doherty, of Cliu echo the sentiments of those who have theease tried upon its merits. cal is wearing his age so •well as I.• ^
brought the cattle to Guelph and than No. 1 last year, the market ton, owning a Ilaciug mare which have come in contact with him learned in your last paper he is.
%vei;hea t em on the city market price of which started at about 47c showod it 2:18 gait at• Imir;alo : "Ily socially and otherwise when' we say Aur,D. LANG, SYNE.—A veteran I'm an older man than the Sheriff,
seales. o turned the cattlo into and rauged up to60c. This yoar it gol, we Methodists can beatnll crew- this; Ile has formed a partn(rslrip '.Cory Palled in the office the other so I snpposo that holes to melee me
the en 08111.0 in the fair ground • ranges now from 80c to 90e. Bar- tion in llos,ios, in cliurchos, in con- in Toronto under the firm. name of day after reading our inentioii of feel so kindly to Duo of the fete
and tl in waited on Mr. Snell forley and oats are magnificent crops: grogations, in every line of busi Cavell and Towel,]:, barristers, 39 last weal: which linked Auld Lang old timers that are loft,"
payi out. Air. Snell would Dot I from personal observation and in- ness. Thar's the Mckenzics, the Adelaide St. E.,ist, Toronto, and is Sy no with the present in the person
set a until lie had Air. Day's cattle formation roreived from others well MOLoans, the Whitelys, the now in that city whither he will re- of Sheriff Gibbons. "Aye," said A 'YoUNG MAN in town, when
% eir,hod ander his own eyes, This posted Air. Smith feels assured that Smiths, the Rutedgos, the Col- novo his family in a fav days. our visitor, "Mr, Gibbons was a handling a barrel of beer the other
Tr. Day refused to do and took ` the Alanitoba surplus this yoar will bornes, the Millers and mysolf—all As intimated Mr. Powell is nit than auong man fifty years ago. day carne near fitting himself, for his
ale cattle ]ionic. Mr. Suell then oxceed that of last year by at least good Mothodists Of Goderich, and leaving here because of lack of ap- Though I've always been opposed bier. As it was he let the package
brought action agaiuyt hini to 1'25 per cent. This, with the present we just throw boss (lust In the eyes preciatiou or oven business, but to him there's not a loan in the fall on his big toe and smashed that
recover the $15 paid and also $t a I indications !that prices for wheat of tl)oso Of ally other d0uonlina• solely from a laudable ambition to county. who I'd rather see Sheriff. useful locomotive nfipondage,
hand which he calculated•, ho could Iwill be from 75 to 100 per cent. tion ; and now conies Bro. I)ol'ierty follow his profession in afield where Of course the Tories did not appoint
have made out of tho.cattle, .Judge highe► than last year, gives the of Cliutol with his high flyer and greater eminence is possible than in him, and I don't know, but it is TiIE J1k,MnERs OF ST. PAUL'S
Chadwick ruled that the buyer had n4surauce of undoubted present knocks the spots off us all. I tell even so flourishing and progressive just about as well they didn't have Church Womnu's Missionary Aixxil-
the right to sea the cattle weighed, prosperity to oui 'LZortliwest ant a you a nian what loves a ']loss away a town as Clinton. The NEws- the appointing, for we might have iary will hold an At Home' in tiro
,and gave ,judgment in favor of Mr. guarantee that it is bound to be the down below the twenties wood not RFconli wighe's .him as profitable a got a much -worse roan though a school house on Tuesday, October
8noll for $27, the amount claimed, granary of the world in ,the very be below zero in his religion. No career as we wall kn.o%v it will be better Tory. He was as fearless in 2nd, at 8 p. nr. Admission and
40 costs, near future. sirree." I honorable. politics as in, prowoss, and I don't refreshments, 10 cents.